1. We now return to Top Chef:
Looney Tunes Edition.
Copy !req
2. Okay, Chef Fudd, I was a little
disappointed in you this week.
Copy !req
3. Your dish was
just a live rabbit
Copy !req
4. who thought
he was taking a bath.
Copy !req
5. But I used
carrots and celery.
Copy !req
6. Yes. I saw he was scrubbing his
back with a long celery stalk.
Copy !req
7. Chef Sylvester,
on the other hand,
Copy !req
8. I'm happy to say
your sufferin' succotash
Copy !req
9. was absolutely delicious.
Copy !req
10. Thanks.
Copy !req
11. Hello?
Copy !req
12. Oh, hi, Bonnie.
Copy !req
13. No, I'm not doing anything.
Copy !req
14. Just sitting here
with the baby.
Copy !req
15. Yeah, screw you, too.
Copy !req
16. Oh, hey, Bri.
Hey, you want to go out
Copy !req
17. and get some
gluten-free pizza?
Copy !req
18. I'm gluten-free now.
But, you know,
Copy !req
19. I'm not gonna be
annoying about it.
Copy !req
20. Too late.
Oh, we should be
gluten-free together!
Copy !req
21. Let's go to Whole Foods
and buy a bunch of stuff
Copy !req
22. from that weird aisle
nobody else goes down.
Copy !req
23. I can't. I got plans.
I'll see you later.
Copy !req
24. Oh, sure.
Maybe another time.
Copy !req
25. Ugh. I didn't seem
too desperate, right?
Copy !req
26. Don't answer. It's just that
Brian's been so distant lately,
Copy !req
27. and we used to be inseparable—
like Jack and Jill.
Copy !req
28. Oh, so then Jack takes
these two pails of water
Copy !req
29. and trips and totally
falls down the hill.
Copy !req
30. Ha, ha, ha.
Copy !req
31. Yeah. Hey,
I got a funny story.
Copy !req
32. Jill had a tooth fall out,
and she swallowed it,
Copy !req
33. and then we had to root
through her feces to find it.
Copy !req
34. And we did. And then
we took it to the dentist,
Copy !req
35. and he put it back
in her mouth.
Copy !req
36. So I guess
we're both klutzes, huh?
Copy !req
37. Why don't you spin
another tale, crap-tooth?
Copy !req
38. No? My turn again?
Copy !req
39. Okay. Jill's barren.
Copy !req
40. Good afternoon.
I'm Tom Tucker.
Copy !req
41. Some sad news this morning
as 38 schoolchildren drowned
Copy !req
42. when their—
Copy !req
43. excuse me— when their
school bus hit a patch of ice
Copy !req
44. and drove off a loc—
Copy !req
45. what is wrong with me today?--
Copy !req
46. and drove off a local bridge.
Copy !req
47. And now the viral video
of the week,
Copy !req
48. with over seven million views.
Copy !req
49. For those of you
who loved "Screaming Sheep,"
Copy !req
50. we've got "Opera Penguin."
Copy !req
51. Is... is that it?
Copy !req
52. Is he gonna do it again? No?
Copy !req
53. Okay, so just
normal penguin stuff now.
Copy !req
54. Okay, cut back to me.
Copy !req
55. Uh, y-you can't?
The button broke off?
Copy !req
56. All right, well, a U.S. convoy
Copy !req
57. was ambushed in Kabul
this morning, so now
Copy !req
58. we're going to have a moment
of silence in remembrance...
Copy !req
59. Oh, he does do it again.
Copy !req
60. That could be my favorite
thing I ever seen.
Copy !req
61. What is a penguin?
Is it some kind of bug?
Copy !req
62. What? You serious?
So it is a bug?
Copy !req
63. Hey, you know, that's
what we ought to do.
Copy !req
64. We ought to make
a viral video.
Copy !req
65. All right!
Let's do it!
Copy !req
66. Oh, wait, I don't know if
you're gonna be in it, Joe.
Copy !req
67. I thought, while we filmed,
Copy !req
68. we'd just keep all of
our stuff on your lap.
Copy !req
69. What the hell
are you doing?
Copy !req
70. I saw a scary boy doing this,
and I thought I'd try it.
Copy !req
71. All right, have fun.
Copy !req
72. I'm late.
Copy !req
73. But I thought you and I
could hang out
Copy !req
74. and maybe watch Lois
shush Peter
Copy !req
75. while they watch Nashville.
Copy !req
76. Maybe another
time, Stewie.
Copy !req
77. There he goes again.
Copy !req
78. He's being so standoffish.
Copy !req
79. I don't understand.
Copy !req
80. Oh, we used to be that happy.
Copy !req
81. Wait a minute—
Joe and Bonnie
Copy !req
82. never used
to spend time together
Copy !req
83. until they had Susie.
Copy !req
84. Having a baby seems
to have made them closer.
Copy !req
85. Babies save relationships!
Copy !req
86. Oh, look at you—
you're flyin'!
Copy !req
87. Okay, thanks, Bonnie.
Copy !req
88. Next I want
to ride a bike.
Copy !req
89. That's it, Rupert!
That's how Brian and I
Copy !req
90. are going to improve
our relationship.
Copy !req
91. We're going to have a baby!
Copy !req
92. I say, this is my best idea
Copy !req
93. since I robbed
a Joseph A. Bank.
Copy !req
94. Three suits for 99 bucks?
Copy !req
95. Take me to jail!
Copy !req
96. All right,
I want tonight to be perfect.
Copy !req
97. I'm gonna lay it all out
for Brian
Copy !req
98. why we should have
a baby together.
Copy !req
99. I don't know, I haven't
even thought about that.
Copy !req
100. Why are you so obsessed
with circumcision?
Copy !req
101. Oh, hey, look, you made
a little dinner party.
Copy !req
102. Hi, Rupert.
He won't be
joining us.
Copy !req
103. Get up!
Copy !req
104. Please, sit.
Copy !req
105. You, uh... you okay?
Copy !req
106. I'm terrific. And that is
so sweet of you to ask.
Copy !req
107. You really are a natural
caregiver, aren't you?
Copy !req
108. Mm. Mm.
Copy !req
109. Do you mind not texting?
Copy !req
110. Sorry, sorry.
Just finishing right now.
Copy !req
111. Almost done.
Copy !req
112. There, all finished
Copy !req
113. riiiight...
Copy !req
114. now.
Copy !req
115. Thhhhere.
Copy !req
116. Thanks. So, I wanted
to talk to you about...
Copy !req
117. A-Are you just gonna
leave it on the table?
I-I won't look at it.
Copy !req
118. Great. So, I wanted to...
You're looking at it.
Copy !req
119. Sorry. Work.
It's not work.
Copy !req
120. It'll just take a second.
I-I normally wouldn't do this,
Copy !req
121. but I was already kind of
in the middle of something,
Copy !req
122. and I just need
to quickly respond,
Copy !req
123. and there I am
Copy !req
124. finiiished.
Copy !req
125. Ah, yeah.
Copy !req
126. Okay, just
a few more worrrds...
Copy !req
127. annnd...
Copy !req
128. done.
Copy !req
129. Sorry.
Okay, so...
Copy !req
130. Nah, nah, I'm
not gonna get it.
Copy !req
131. Then maybe we can
take it off the table.
Copy !req
132. No, no, just keep going.
Copy !req
133. I was thinking,
we should talk
Copy !req
134. about having a...
Copy !req
135. This isn't fun for me,
watching you text.
Copy !req
136. No, no, this is great.
Mm, mm, mm. Yum.
Copy !req
137. But I-I got to go.
I have a date.
Copy !req
138. This is serious, Rupert.
I'm losing him.
Copy !req
139. If we're going to fix
this relationship,
Copy !req
140. we need a baby
and we need it now.
Copy !req
141. I'm just going to take
a little bit of his DNA,
Copy !req
142. and soon we'll be proud parents,
like Ron Livingston's parents.
Copy !req
143. You know,
our son's a famous actor.
Copy !req
144. Really?
What's his name?
Copy !req
145. Oh, um...
Copy !req
146. he's, uh...
Copy !req
147. he was, like, the main guy
in Office Space.
Copy !req
148. Yeah. What else?
Copy !req
149. Uh... he has dark hair...
Copy !req
150. I don't know,
was he in Black Hawk Down?
Copy !req
151. Uh, he was in, like, at least
five Sex "in" the Citys.
Copy !req
152. What is his name?
What is his name?
Copy !req
153. Is your son
Ron Livingston?
Copy !req
154. Yes!
Oh, God!
Thank God!
Copy !req
155. Ron Livingston!
Thank you!
Copy !req
156. That has been bugging me
all day.
Copy !req
157. Okay, let's see.
Now, what are the ingredients
Copy !req
158. to a viral Internet video?
Copy !req
159. Cats.
Yes, cats. Good.
Copy !req
160. Uh, uh, people reacting
to watching gross stuff.
Copy !req
161. Oh, yeah, 'cause they're like,
"Rah! That's gross!"
Copy !req
162. Can I get a soda?
What? No.
Copy !req
163. Th-This is, like, the worst time
to ask for a soda.
Copy !req
164. Unbelievable.
You know what, we should
just go out and start filming.
Copy !req
165. 'Cause I think we're
really gonna surprise everyone.
Copy !req
166. Like Buster Keaton did
in his first talking picture.
Copy !req
167. I'm moving through the scene
and I slam the door.
Copy !req
168. Oh, no!
I slammed it too hard,
Copy !req
169. and the house
is gonna squash me!
Copy !req
170. Oh, it turned out
that window was there.
Copy !req
171. Pause for laugh and amazement.
Copy !req
172. All right, Rupert,
Copy !req
173. the fertilization device
is complete.
Copy !req
174. This will impregnate me
with the child
Copy !req
175. that will bring Brian and me
back together!
Copy !req
176. First, I add
Brian's hair and saliva,
Copy !req
177. and some preschool applications,
Copy !req
178. because we are
already way behind.
Copy !req
179. There. Now I just have
to get into the machine,
Copy !req
180. and then the machine does
whatever it has to do to me
Copy !req
181. in order to successfully
impregnate me.
Copy !req
182. We do not judge the machine.
We do not judge Stewie.
Copy !req
183. Good-bye, body.
Copy !req
184. You're gonna watch me
get pregnant.
Copy !req
185. I want to look at you
when it happens.
Copy !req
186. Yeah, you watch me,
Copy !req
187. Good morning, Brian.
Copy !req
188. What is that?
Copy !req
189. I smell pee.
Yes, you do, Brian.
Copy !req
190. Oh, my God, that
thing's positive!
Copy !req
191. Is Lois pregnant again?
Copy !req
192. Meg is pregnant?
Copy !req
193. You're getting warmer.
Copy !req
194. Wha... What have you done?
Copy !req
195. I think you mean,
what have we done?
Copy !req
196. What?
Copy !req
197. Brian... we're pregnant!
Copy !req
198. Oh, my God!
And in 18 years,
Copy !req
199. he's going
to move away!
Copy !req
200. You're pregnant
with our baby?
Copy !req
201. How could this
even happen?
Copy !req
202. Simple. I took your DNA
and inserted it
Copy !req
203. into my temporary uterus
through my fertilization device.
Copy !req
204. Oh, my God,
you're serious!
Copy !req
205. People are gonna think I
had sex with a male baby
Copy !req
206. and then got him pregnant!
Copy !req
207. Oh, thank you for finding a way
to make it sound horrible.
Copy !req
208. We can't have
a baby, Stewie!
Copy !req
209. Is this about money?
Because I have a bit saved.
Copy !req
210. We could even use
my old crib.
Copy !req
211. You use your old crib!
Oh, right.
Copy !req
212. Stewie, you have
to get rid of it.
Copy !req
213. "Get rid of it"?
You know, why don't
you just say it?
Copy !req
214. Say the word, Brian.
Copy !req
215. I want to hear you say it.
Copy !req
216. You need to get a big fat
abortion right this second!
Copy !req
217. You can't even say it.
Copy !req
218. I think I'm
gonna throw up.
Copy !req
219. Oh, save the cheap theatrics.
Copy !req
220. This isn't one of your
crappy short stories.
Copy !req
221. This is real life,
mister, so man up!
Copy !req
222. You are getting an
abortion, Stewie.
Copy !req
223. I will not! Our child
is growing inside me!
Copy !req
224. Stop talking like that!
Copy !req
225. A-And how do you
even know it's mine?
Copy !req
226. How dare you!
Copy !req
227. So I'm just some slut?
Copy !req
228. Well, this slut
is having your baby!
Copy !req
229. Why would you
even do this?
Copy !req
230. I thought
you'd be happy.
Copy !req
231. I mean, you have
all these amazing qualities,
Copy !req
232. and I'm kind of
Copy !req
233. I mean,
I'm no model, but...
Copy !req
234. Well, certainly
not a runway model.
Copy !req
235. I'd-I'd be more
catalogue, probably.
Copy !req
236. You know what?
Why not a runway model?
Copy !req
237. Why not? Why am I
always apologizing
Copy !req
238. for how good-looking I am?
I'm sick of it.
Copy !req
239. I can model in Paris.
We could take the baby with us.
Copy !req
240. We could be
that kind of family.
What do you think?
Copy !req
241. Is it dead?
Copy !req
242. You hit me!
Copy !req
243. What kind of monster
hits a pregnant toddler!
Copy !req
244. If you ever lay
a finger on me again,
I'll burn you in your bed.
Copy !req
245. Could... could you
do that now, please?
Copy !req
246. All right, Peter,
get the camera ready.
Copy !req
247. I got a viral
Internet video
Copy !req
248. that's gonna go straight
to the top of the charts.
Copy !req
249. Hi, I'm Joe Swanson,
Copy !req
250. and this is 30 impressions
in 30 seconds.
Copy !req
251. "Show me the money."
Copy !req
252. "Oh, behave."
Copy !req
253. "Good morning, Vietnam."
Copy !req
254. "Wait until they get a load
of me," said the Joker.
Copy !req
255. Some of these I'm paraphrasing.
Copy !req
256. Hey, I need you to
take me to the doctor
Copy !req
257. for my prenatal
Copy !req
258. I'm not taking you anywhere.
Copy !req
259. Geez, how far along are you?
Copy !req
260. I'm not really sure.
Two days, six months...
Copy !req
261. there's a certain amount of
guesswork involved in this.
Copy !req
262. Oh, and while I'm pregnant,
I'm going to need you
Copy !req
263. to change the cat litter.
We don't have a cat.
Copy !req
264. Ugh. Please don't
fight me on this.
Copy !req
265. Oh, my back is killing me.
Copy !req
266. And I've also been
experiencing a little...
Copy !req
267. morning sickness.
Copy !req
268. It's for the baby,
it's for the baby.
Copy !req
269. You look ridiculous
like that.
Copy !req
270. Not too ridiculous for you
to put a baby in me.
Copy !req
271. Okay, Raylene,
I'm Dr. Hartman.
Copy !req
272. Now, before we begin,
I want you to know
Copy !req
273. the record is just
past my watch.
Copy !req
274. (high-
Well, it takes two people
to break a record.
Copy !req
275. You look a little young.
How old are you?
Copy !req
276. Uh, 13? 14?
Copy !req
277. 15. B-But he didn't force
himself on me.
Copy !req
278. I wanted it, too.
Copy !req
279. Well, that's
the important thing.
Copy !req
280. That's odd.
Copy !req
281. Your vagina seems to have
a penis and two testicles.
Copy !req
282. Oh, right. I, uh...
Copy !req
283. sneezed real hard
and all that came out.
Copy !req
284. Ah, that explains it.
Copy !req
285. Could you do that thing
where you take some fluid
Copy !req
286. and tell me if it's going
to be an imbecile or a cretin?
Copy !req
287. Oh, not to worry,
there are places
Copy !req
288. where those people
can be warehoused.
Copy !req
289. But from strictly
eyeballing you,
Copy !req
290. I'd say everything
looks fine.
Copy !req
291. Oh, that's wonderful.
Copy !req
292. Now, Brian, did you have
any questions for the doctor?
Copy !req
293. Yeah. Are there a lot of
stairs in this building?
Copy !req
294. God, we need so much stuff.
Copy !req
295. Look at how tiny all these
clothes are. It's so adorable.
Copy !req
296. I mean, what kind of feet
can fit into these shoes?
Copy !req
297. Your feet!
Copy !req
298. That's getting old, you know.
Copy !req
299. You better get on
board with this.
Copy !req
300. Aw, how far along are you?
Copy !req
301. Eight months.
You look amazing.
Copy !req
302. Let me ask you, are you leaking?
Because I've been leaking.
Copy !req
303. How old are you?
Copy !req
304. How old are you?
You look like you're 40,
Copy !req
305. which means whatever you've got
in there is 100% brain-damaged.
Copy !req
306. All right,
you have a good day.
Copy !req
307. I hated that lady.
Copy !req
308. I like these.
These are good. Very classy.
Copy !req
309. This feels
incredibly wrong.
Copy !req
310. Oh, we're going to want these,
Brian, believe me.
Copy !req
311. You can't see
my nipples, can you?
Copy !req
312. They're getting really large,
Copy !req
313. and I'm not sure
if I'm completely covering them.
Copy !req
314. Eh, you know what?
We'll see what we see.
Copy !req
315. Let's get a few candids.
Copy !req
316. Dad, can I get one of your head
on the belly?
Copy !req
317. Oh, "Dad."
I just got emotional.
Copy !req
318. Okay, now people really love
that viral video
Copy !req
319. of a monkey forcin' that sex act
on a frog at the zoo.
Copy !req
320. So maybe we can find another
frog for somethin' like that.
Copy !req
321. You mean like that frog?
Copy !req
322. That frog in
the miniskirt
Copy !req
323. putting a quarter
in the jukebox.
Copy !req
324. I'm concerned that frog's in
more trouble than she realizes.
Copy !req
325. I'm having such a craving
for burgers.
Copy !req
326. It's like my body is
just craving red meat.
Copy !req
327. And mint chip ice cream.
But only mint chip.
Copy !req
328. Any other ice cream
makes me want to puke.
Copy !req
329. Isn't that weird?
Yes, Stewie,
Copy !req
330. that's the one weird thing
in all this.
Copy !req
331. What are you looking at?
Go push your buttons.
Copy !req
332. My husband'll kick your ass.
Copy !req
333. Stop saying
I'm your husband.
Copy !req
334. Brian, I need you to
take me to the hospital.
Copy !req
335. Why?
Copy !req
336. My water just broke.
Oh, my God!
Copy !req
337. It's okay. Don't panic.
Call the doula.
Copy !req
338. Brian, you've got
to call the doula!
Copy !req
339. Doula? I-I don't
even know what that is!
Copy !req
340. It's a divorced woman who
knows about lady parts
Copy !req
341. and cheers you on.
Let's go!
Copy !req
342. You're gonna have
to drive a little faster!
Copy !req
343. I'm already going
over the speed limit.
Copy !req
344. Too late! Pull over!
It's starting to come out!
Copy !req
345. Of where?
I'm not sure exactly.
Copy !req
346. Brian, I'm going to need you
to deliver the baby.
Copy !req
347. Uh, uh, o-okay, c-can you wait a
second while I put a towel down?
Copy !req
348. I don't want anything
to get on the seats.
Oh, no, of course.
Copy !req
349. Our first priority should be
to keep the vinyl clean.
Copy !req
350. Oh, God. Oh, God,
it's coming! Oh...
Copy !req
351. Can you see the head?
Copy !req
352. I don't know
where to look!
Copy !req
353. Well, maybe you should look
at the part of me
Copy !req
354. where there's
a baby coming out!
Copy !req
355. How did Murphy Brown
make this look so easy?
Copy !req
356. Careful, don't get
anything on the...
Copy !req
357. seats.
Copy !req
358. Oh, God,
I think another one's coming!
Copy !req
359. I don't see it!
I think
it's coming out of my mouth!
Copy !req
360. There's more!
Copy !req
361. And they're coming out
of everywhere!
Copy !req
362. Ah! Kill me!
This hurts too much!
Copy !req
363. Holy!
What is happening?
Copy !req
364. I don't know!
Brian, save the placenta.
Copy !req
365. Do you even have a placenta?
Copy !req
366. Well, whatever comes
out, save it. I want to eat it.
Copy !req
367. Oh, God,
they're crawling all over me!
Copy !req
368. How many are there now?
Copy !req
369. Four, five, six, seven.
Copy !req
370. Mazel tov!
Copy !req
371. I just put Jack and
Rose down for their nap.
Copy !req
372. And I'm trying to keep the more
attractive ones in this area.
Copy !req
373. This is a nightmare.
Copy !req
374. Oh, I caught two of them
trying to eat each other,
Copy !req
375. so that's something we
need to watch out for.
Copy !req
376. Look, Bri, that one
looks just like you.
Copy !req
377. Huh. Well, you know what?
I guess he does.
Copy !req
378. You know, I was
actually thinking,
Copy !req
379. this could be a chance for you
to finally make things right.
Copy !req
380. What? What do you mean?
Copy !req
381. Well, you do have a son
that you were never there for.
Copy !req
382. This is your opportunity
to do things differently.
Copy !req
383. Wow. Maybe you're right.
Copy !req
384. I suppose I could give it a try.
Copy !req
385. There you go.
Copy !req
386. Aw, Dick really
likes you.
Copy !req
387. I like Dick.
Copy !req
388. You like Dick!
Copy !req
389. His name's not Dick,
you idiot. It's Finn.
Copy !req
390. All right, let's check
our YouTube channel
Copy !req
391. and see how we're doing.
Copy !req
392. Boy, they just went right
after Cleveland, didn't they?
Copy !req
393. Geez, that word looks even
harsher when it's in all caps.
Copy !req
394. Wow, people really seem to hate
everything we put on here.
Copy !req
395. That sucks.
And I worked really hard
Copy !req
396. on taking a picture of myself
every day for a year
Copy !req
397. and then setting the photos
to an emotional song.
Copy !req
398. Look.
Copy !req
399. Yeah, so we're, uh, thinking
about selling the house.
Copy !req
400. Hey, stop squirming in there.
Copy !req
401. This one's bones all feel loose.
Copy !req
402. And I think that one is blind.
Copy !req
403. We'll have
to get him little sunglasses.
Copy !req
404. Great, because
dog-head/human-ears over here
Copy !req
405. doesn't react to
anything I say.
Copy !req
406. Hey! Hey, you!
Copy !req
407. Okay, this one is deaf.
Copy !req
408. We are going to be spending
a fortune on schools.
Copy !req
409. How are we gonna
pay for that?
Well, you tell me.
Copy !req
410. You're the one who insisted
I be a stay-at-home mom.
Copy !req
411. I don't even have a job.
Copy !req
412. Well, you better
get one.
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413. And not "writing."
A real job.
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414. Why are you being
such a jerk?
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415. I don't know.
I'm sorry. I just...
Copy !req
416. I just feel like
once I get them on a schedule,
Copy !req
417. everything will be fine.
Copy !req
418. I can't believe we couldn't
come up with a viral video.
Copy !req
419. We should've just gotten Jimmy
Fallon to do any lame thing.
Copy !req
420. Coming up, a white waiter
at a Chinese restaurant?
Copy !req
421. We'll get you the facts
on this bizarre story.
Copy !req
422. But first,
this week's viral video,
Copy !req
423. "Fat Kid Hustles
Through Crosswalk."
Copy !req
424. Here it is. Here's little
Chubbo pulling up the rear.
Copy !req
425. Oh, he's got to get moving now.
Copy !req
426. That's right. Don't let your
chocolate levels get too low.
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427. I can't believe
Chris gets four million hits
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428. just crossing the street.
Copy !req
429. I guess we were
trying too hard.
Copy !req
430. Hey, I went by your house
the other day.
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431. Is your baby pregnant?
Copy !req
432. I don't know. Lois is
in charge of the kids.
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433. Stewie, this is awful.
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434. I don't know why anyone
would want to be a parent,
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435. especially
to four children.
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436. Four? I thought
we were down to five.
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437. Yeah, the deaf one
didn't hear Joe's lawnmower.
Copy !req
438. Oh. That's really upsetting.
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439. I-I can't take this
anymore, Stewie.
Copy !req
440. I-I'm sorry. I got
to get out of here.
Copy !req
441. What? Where are you going?
Copy !req
442. Stop doing that!
Copy !req
443. I need a break,
all right?
Copy !req
444. I-I j... I just got
to get away for a couple weeks.
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445. A couple weeks?
Copy !req
446. Y-You're not leaving me
alone with these things.
Copy !req
447. The whole point of this was for
us to spend more time together.
Copy !req
448. Wait, what are you talking
about? The whole point of what?
Copy !req
449. Well, you've been so distant
Copy !req
450. I thought if we had a baby it
would bring us closer together.
Copy !req
451. What? I was only distant
Copy !req
452. because you've been so moody
Copy !req
453. I thought you needed more space.
Copy !req
454. I always want
to hang out with you.
Copy !req
455. Well, I was only moody
because you were so distant!
Copy !req
456. I always want
to hang out with you, too!
Copy !req
457. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
458. So we didn't have
to do any of this.
Copy !req
459. I-I guess not.
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460. How attached to them are you?
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461. Not at all.
Yeah, me either.
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462. This is for the best.
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463. Yeah, I mean, I'm sure
they'll be adopted.
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464. Oh, God, yeah.
Copy !req
465. I'm still keeping all the gifts
from the baby shower.
Copy !req
466. You had a baby shower?
Copy !req
467. Oh!
Copy !req
468. Now this makes it real!
Copy !req
469. Oh, my goodness. That's enough
cake for you, Mary Beth.
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