1. Growing up in Brooklyn,
I always thought that traveling
Copy !req
2. to faraway places was something
that only rich people did.
Copy !req
3. At 13, I'd never been
out of New York,
Copy !req
4. but all that
was about to change.
Copy !req
5. Class,
I have an announcement.
Copy !req
6. We're all going on a field trip
to Washington, D.C.
Copy !req
7. You just need to have
your parents
Copy !req
8. sign your permission slips
and sell
Copy !req
9. 30 boxes of cookies
to cover the cost of the trip.
Copy !req
10. Chris.
Copy !req
11. If your people
can't afford to pay cash,
Copy !req
12. I'll see if we'll accept
food stamps.
Copy !req
13. She acts like it's caviar.
Copy !req
14. It's just cookies, damn.
Copy !req
15. How are we going to get there?
Copy !req
16. We're chartering a bus.
Copy !req
17. Prepare to sit in the back,
Copy !req
18. I'd like to sit you
under a bus.
Copy !req
19. Happy anniversary.
Copy !req
20. What's this?
Copy !req
21. Oh, baby, you didn't
have to get me anything!
Copy !req
22. Oh, yes, he did.
Copy !req
23. My father learned that
the hard way.
Copy !req
24. You're the one that told me
not to get you nothing!
Copy !req
25. What you stab me for?
Copy !req
26. And it was just Arbor Day.
Copy !req
27. Rochelle!
Copy !req
28. Go ahead, open it.
Copy !req
29. Let's see what you got me.
Copy !req
30. This is so sweet, baby.
Copy !req
31. Dreamgirls!
Copy !req
32. Oh, baby! Mwah!
Copy !req
33. How did you get tickets
Copy !req
34. These are expensive.
Copy !req
35. It's okay,
I got them from Risky.
Copy !req
36. Risky?
Copy !req
37. My father has gotten tickets
from Risky before,
Copy !req
38. for the Ali-Frazier fight
at Madison Square Garden.
Copy !req
39. Ooh!
What happened?
Copy !req
40. Who's down? What happened?
Copy !req
41. Man!
Copy !req
42. What's she wearing?
Copy !req
43. Did she throw her shoe yet?
Copy !req
44. Smell it! Smell it!
Copy !req
45. Yes, I love you, girl!
Copy !req
46. Don't worry, we're gonna
have a good time, okay?
Copy !req
47. We are! We're gonna
have a good time!
Copy !req
48. Thank you, baby. You are
the sweetest man in the world.
Copy !req
49. Tonya, breakfast!
Copy !req
50. Mama, I think something bit me.
Copy !req
51. No, baby, I don't think
these are bites.
Copy !req
52. You've got chicken pox.
Copy !req
53. Huh?
Copy !req
54. Who gave her chicken pox?
Copy !req
55. Wasn't me.
Copy !req
56. Want me to get
the Robitussin?
Copy !req
57. No, I don't think Robitussin's
gonna help this.
Copy !req
58. Look, Chris and Drew,
Copy !req
59. I don't need y'all
getting sick,
Copy !req
60. so I need y'all to
stay away from Tonya.
Copy !req
61. That's like saying
stay away from a serial killer.
Copy !req
62. Okay.
Copy !req
63. Mom. Did you sign
my permission slip?
Copy !req
64. It's in your book, baby.
Copy !req
65. Permission for what?
Copy !req
66. A field trip
to Washington, D.C.
Copy !req
67. I need to sell
cookies so I can go.
Copy !req
68. Can you take
a few boxes to work?
Copy !req
69. Oh, I'm sorry, Chris,
Copy !req
70. but I can't ask these people
to buy nothing else.
Copy !req
71. I've sold Yvonne
for your mother,
Copy !req
72. wrapping paper for Tonya,
Copy !req
73. chocolate bars for Drew...
Copy !req
74. Okay.
Copy !req
75. No, no, no.
Copy !req
76. I'll tell you what.
Copy !req
77. I'll buy two boxes for myself
to get you started.
Copy !req
78. The rest, you're gonna
have to handle yourself.
Copy !req
79. Thanks, Dad.
Copy !req
80. With at least 100,000 people
living in Bed-Stuy,
Copy !req
81. selling 28 boxes of cookies
couldn't be that hard.
Copy !req
82. Hello?
Copy !req
83. She said she was 18!
Copy !req
84. Hey!
Copy !req
85. Would you like to buy...
Copy !req
86. Oh.
Never mind.
Copy !req
87. Would you like to buy
some cookies?
Copy !req
88. I'll take four.
Copy !req
89. What are you doing?
Copy !req
90. He has diabetes.
Copy !req
91. You trying to kill him?
Copy !req
92. I can't believe it's harder
selling cookies than crack.
Copy !req
93. My mother told us
to stay away from Tonya,
Copy !req
94. but it was too late for Drew.
Copy !req
95. You're gonna make it worse, boy.
Stop scratching.
Copy !req
96. Why don't she just tell him
to stop growing hair?
Copy !req
97. But it itches.
Copy !req
98. Sit over here.
Copy !req
99. Mama, my booty itches.
Copy !req
100. Oh, come here.
Let me see.
Copy !req
101. See, baby, you can't scratch,
you got to pat.
Copy !req
102. See? Does that
feel better?
Copy !req
103. Yes.
All right, go back to bed, okay?
Copy !req
104. Let me see.
Copy !req
105. Ooh, 100 degrees,
that's not so bad.
Copy !req
106. Here, lay down,
get some rest.
Copy !req
107. I'll come check on you later.
And stop scratching.
Copy !req
108. You're making me itch.
Copy !req
109. You find anyone?
Copy !req
110. Nobody wants to baby-sit
kids with chicken pox.
Copy !req
111. Well, there goes
Copy !req
112. Thanks anyway, baby.
You know what?
Copy !req
113. This would have been the best
present you ever gave me.
Copy !req
114. It wouldn't be the first time
my parents missed something
Copy !req
115. because one of us was sick.
Copy !req
116. I got a coupon
for a free dinner!
Copy !req
117. Oh, I'm gonna get dressed.
Copy !req
118. Mama, I have rabies!
Copy !req
119. Damn!
Copy !req
120. I got Michael Jackson tickets!
Copy !req
121. Oh, I'll call the sitter.
Copy !req
122. Mama, my eye fell out.
Copy !req
123. Damn!
Copy !req
124. We just won a trip to Miami!
Copy !req
125. Ooh, I'm gonna go get packed!
Copy !req
126. Ma, I think I broke my neck.
Copy !req
127. Damn.
Copy !req
128. I'm sorry.
Oh, no, Julius, it's okay.
Copy !req
129. We'll just spend
another anniversary at home.
Copy !req
130. At least we'll be together.
You know what?
Copy !req
131. These tickets
are expensive.
Copy !req
132. There's no reason why both
of us should sit at home.
Copy !req
133. I'll watch the kids.
Copy !req
134. You go.
Copy !req
135. If she had a ball,
she could have
Copy !req
136. played for the Jets.
Copy !req
137. We're going to seeDreamgirls!
That's right.
Copy !req
138. Women never catch you in a lie
when you want them to.
Copy !req
139. Daddy, can you
scratch my booty?
Copy !req
140. Please?
Copy !req
141. Dude, you got to
pull it together.
Copy !req
142. This is the best
field trip all year.
Copy !req
143. I might get to
see Tip O'Neill.
Copy !req
144. Who?
Copy !req
145. You've never heard
of Thomas "Tip" O'Neill?
Copy !req
146. Not unless he's related
to Shaquille.
Copy !req
147. He's only like the most famous
Copy !req
148. Speaker of the House
of Representatives ever.
Copy !req
149. I don't know
what else I can do.
Copy !req
150. I knocked on, like,
100 doors.
Copy !req
151. Well, you better knock
on 100 more, Jermaine,
Copy !req
152. 'cause if I'm not
on that bus to D.C.,
Copy !req
153. I'm gonna freedom march
all over your face.
Copy !req
154. Counting the two boxes of
cookies I had sold to my dad,
Copy !req
155. I had sold two boxes of cookies
and had one stolen.
Copy !req
156. I needed a new strategy.
Copy !req
157. Excuse me, would you like
to buy a box of cookies?
Copy !req
158. Can I get drunk
on those cookies?
Copy !req
159. Hey, Risky, you want to buy
a box of cookies?
Copy !req
160. Hey, youngblood,
I don't buy, I sell.
Copy !req
161. You want to buy a VCR?
No, thanks.
Copy !req
162. Hey. You need a VCR?
Copy !req
163. I got one already.
Copy !req
164. Fell off the truck
this morning.
Copy !req
165. Really?
I'll take two.
Copy !req
166. I never realized the only stuff
that sold on the street
Copy !req
167. in my neighborhood
was stolen stuff.
Copy !req
168. Cookies!
Cookies for sale!
Copy !req
169. Chocolate chip, peanut butter,
Do-Si-Do, chocolate mint!
Copy !req
170. I got cookies.
Copy !req
171. They just fell off
the truck this morning.
Copy !req
172. Why didn't you say so?
Copy !req
173. Give me two boxes.
Copy !req
174. Thank you.
Copy !req
175. I couldn't wait
to get back to school.
Copy !req
176. You the kid selling
the cookies?
Copy !req
177. Right off the truck.
Copy !req
178. How many you want?
Copy !req
179. None. You're under arrest.
Copy !req
180. All I knew about getting
arrested was what I saw on TV.
Copy !req
181. They read you your rights...
Copy !req
182. You have the right
to remain silent.
Copy !req
183. You get a phone call.
You get one call.
Copy !req
184. The food is horrible.
Copy !req
185. What I found out was that the
worst part of getting arrested
Copy !req
186. is being treated
like a criminal.
Copy !req
187. Excuse me, can I
use the bathroom?
Copy !req
188. Should have thought
about using the bathroom
Copy !req
189. before you started
selling stolen goods.
Copy !req
190. I wasn't selling
stolen goods.
Copy !req
191. Then we must have got
the wrong guy.
Copy !req
192. Don't I get,
like, a phone call?
Copy !req
193. Should have thought about
making a phone call
Copy !req
194. before you started
selling stolen goods.
Copy !req
195. I know I looked cool
on the outside,
Copy !req
196. but on the inside,
I was doing this...
Copy !req
197. I won't do it anymore,
I promise!
Copy !req
198. I'm not a thief!
Copy !req
199. I want my mama!
Copy !req
200. All I was thinking was
one way or another,
Copy !req
201. I wish they'd let me go.
Copy !req
202. Back at home, my father
was thinking the same thing.
Copy !req
203. How do I look?
Copy !req
204. Huh? Huh?
Copy !req
205. Well, you changed
five times already.
Copy !req
206. You looked fine
the first time.
Copy !req
207. Oh, thank you, baby.
I'm just so excited.
Copy !req
208. I mean,
this isDreamgirls.
Copy !req
209. Dreamgirls!
Copy !req
210. This is like
a once-in-a-lifetime thing.
Copy !req
211. It's a once-in-a-lifetime
Copy !req
212. Yeah.
So, uh, you better get going.
Copy !req
213. You're right, baby.
Copy !req
214. Oh, you are
so good to me. Mm...
Copy !req
215. Come on, I need to put you
in a lineup.
Copy !req
216. A lineup?
Copy !req
217. Yeah, apparently a delivery
truck carrying cookies
Copy !req
218. was hijacked in East Bergen
the other day.
Copy !req
219. I know you're probably thinking
Copy !req
220. who would hold up
a cookie truck?
Copy !req
221. Don't move! Don't move!
Copy !req
222. All we want are
your cookies!
Copy !req
223. Think I'm playing?
Now, go!
Copy !req
224. I'm not doing time
for this— Go!
Copy !req
225. I didn't hijack a truck.
Copy !req
226. I don't even know
where East Bergen is.
Copy !req
227. Should have
thought of that
Copy !req
228. before you started
selling stolen cookies.
Copy !req
229. I ain't taking
a bath in that.
Copy !req
230. That looks nasty.
Copy !req
231. It'll help your itching.
But I don't like oatmeal.
Copy !req
232. You don't have to eat it, girl,
you got to take a bath in it.
Copy !req
233. Then she's got to eat it.
Copy !req
234. My father didn't waste food.
Copy !req
235. It wasn't me.
Copy !req
236. I go to Corleone
Junior High.
Copy !req
237. I got the cookies from school.
I'm selling them
Copy !req
238. so I can go on some trip
to Washington, D.C.
Copy !req
239. And I did not steal them.
Copy !req
240. I was saying that so people
would wanna buy them.
Copy !req
241. You go to Corleone?
Copy !req
242. What, are you the only
black kid there?
Copy !req
243. Nice try.
Copy !req
244. There was an eyewitness,
Copy !req
245. and you fit the profile,
cookie boy.
Copy !req
246. I may have only been 13,
Copy !req
247. but I already knew how
racial profiling worked.
Copy !req
248. This is what
the witness said...
Copy !req
249. He was a black male,
medium complexion,
Copy !req
250. about 6'4", 230 pounds.
Copy !req
251. He had brown eyes.
Copy !req
252. Um, he was wearing
a Scout uniform
Copy !req
253. with a yellow beanie,
Copy !req
254. and he had on dark pants,
and size 14 dark shoes.
Copy !req
255. And, uh, a birthmark on
the back of his left wrist.
Copy !req
256. Oh, and-and he walked
with a limp.
Copy !req
257. But this is what
the cop heard...
Copy !req
258. Um, he was black, and, uh,
black, black, and black.
Copy !req
259. Um, black, black,
and he black, black, black,
Copy !req
260. black, black, black.
Copy !req
261. And, uh, he had, uh,
black, black, black, black.
Copy !req
262. And, oh, a black.
Copy !req
263. And, uh, he walked
with a black.
Copy !req
264. Face forward.
Copy !req
265. Number two, stand still!
Copy !req
266. That looks like the cover of
the last Commodores album.
Copy !req
267. Usually, my father wanted
my mother to be happy.
Copy !req
268. But this was the one time
he was secretly hoping
Copy !req
269. that the tickets
that Risky gave him
Copy !req
270. were horrible as usual.
Copy !req
271. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
272. These seats are great!
I know!
Copy !req
273. Oh, girl,
I hate to say it,
Copy !req
274. but I'm glad your kids
got the chicken pox. Oh!
Copy !req
275. Happy anniversary.
Oh, thank you, Sheila!
Copy !req
276. We love you!
Copy !req
277. Don't go!
Copy !req
278. You stay!
Copy !req
279. You better go, girl!
Copy !req
280. I'm staying!
Copy !req
281. Hey. Is Chris here yet?
Copy !req
282. No, I guess he's still
out selling cookies.
Copy !req
283. Okay.
Hey, Dad?
Copy !req
284. Can you get my armpit?
Copy !req
285. I got it.
Copy !req
286. So, uh, when's
Mom coming home?
Copy !req
287. It'll be a while.
Copy !req
288. She's using my coupon
to take Sheila to dinner too.
Copy !req
289. How come she's going out
with somebody else
Copy !req
290. on your anniversary?
Copy !req
291. Well...
Copy !req
292. I told her to go.
Copy !req
293. Why'd you do that?
Copy !req
294. Because I want
your mother to be happy.
Copy !req
295. Oh. Well, if I had to stay at
home and be with sick people
Copy !req
296. while somebody else was out
having fun, I'd be mad.
Copy !req
297. Well, I'm not mad.
Copy !req
298. I would be.
Copy !req
299. I'd be sad too.
Copy !req
300. Be kind of depressed
because she left me.
Copy !req
301. Yeah...
I'd be crying and everything.
Copy !req
302. Man, I'd be so upset.
Copy !req
303. You know, let's get...
I don't see how you hold it in.
Copy !req
304. Here you go.
Copy !req
305. Sit tight, don't move.
Copy !req
306. Huh?
I'll be back.
Copy !req
307. Hey, Russo,
Copy !req
308. the kid's story
checks out.
Copy !req
309. Looks like you were
telling the truth.
Copy !req
310. Your teacher confirmed
your story.
Copy !req
311. Thank you.
Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
312. She also said to tell you
you're a credit to your race.
Copy !req
313. Can I leave now?
Copy !req
314. Sure, soon as your parents
come get you.
Copy !req
315. My parents?
Copy !req
316. Can't you just let me go?
Copy !req
317. I can't tell my mom
I got arrested.
Copy !req
318. Should have thought
of that before you started
Copy !req
319. telling people
you were selling stolen goods.
Copy !req
320. Hello?
Hi, Dad.
Copy !req
321. Chris, you're supposed to be
home at 3:00. Where are you?
Copy !req
322. I need you to pick me up
at the police station.
Copy !req
323. You're in jail?
Copy !req
324. No matter what you did,
don't say nothing.
Copy !req
325. But, Dad, I didn't—
Copy !req
326. Didn't I tell you
don't say nothing?
Copy !req
327. Anything you say can
and will be used against you.
Copy !req
328. That was as close as my father
came to being a lawyer.
Copy !req
329. Keep your mouth shut,
I'll be there in a minute.
Copy !req
330. Okay.
Copy !req
331. So, what are you selling
these things for, anyway?
Copy !req
332. A class trip
to Washington, D.C.
Copy !req
333. You got any
peanut butter Do-Si-Do?
Copy !req
334. Just these.
Copy !req
335. Chocolate chip, huh?
Copy !req
336. How much are they?
Copy !req
337. Say what you want about cops,
Copy !req
338. they sure got
a mean sweet tooth.
Copy !req
339. Sign right there
and you're all set.
Copy !req
340. It's okay, they
just got chicken pox.
Copy !req
341. Uh... hi, Dad.
Copy !req
342. Come on, let's go.
Copy !req
343. Are you mad at me?
Copy !req
344. Yeah, I'm mad.
Copy !req
345. I wasn't doing anything wrong.
Copy !req
346. Tell him.
Copy !req
347. Hey, I never said you
didn't do anything wrong.
Copy !req
348. You were standing
outside a store
Copy !req
349. claiming you had
stolen goods.
Copy !req
350. It's not illegal,
but it ain't right, either.
Copy !req
351. You listen to your father.
Copy !req
352. He's a smart man.
Copy !req
353. Before NWA, you could actually
leave a police station
Copy !req
354. with the same amount of teeth
you came in with.
Copy !req
355. Dad?
Copy !req
356. Can I still go on the trip?
Copy !req
357. Yeah. Come on.
Copy !req
358. While I was dreaming
about getting out of jail,
Copy !req
359. my mother was dreaming
she was a Dreamgirl.
Copy !req
360. Look who's back.
How was the play?
Copy !req
361. Oh, baby,
it was incredible!
Copy !req
362. You would have loved it.
Copy !req
363. How are the kids?
Copy !req
364. Well, Tonya's asleep,
Drew's fever is down,
Copy !req
365. and Chris got arrested.
Copy !req
366. But the only thing
that matters is that
Copy !req
367. you had a good time.
Copy !req
368. What? What do you mean
Chris got arrested?
Copy !req
369. It's over.
It was a misunderstanding.
Copy !req
370. I went down
and took care of it.
Copy !req
371. Are you sure?
Copy !req
372. Yeah. Did you have a good time?
Copy !req
373. I had a great time!
Copy !req
374. Oh, baby,
it was incredible.
Copy !req
375. Thank you so much...
Copy !req
376. Well, as long as
you had a good time.
Copy !req
377. What's wrong with you?
Copy !req
378. Nothing.
Copy !req
379. Something.
Copy !req
380. What?
Copy !req
381. What's wrong is you spent
our anniversary with Sheila.
Copy !req
382. How could you
go without me?
Copy !req
383. Baby, you told me to go.
Copy !req
384. I didn't mean it.
It's just like when you tell me
Copy !req
385. not to get you a gift. I was
just saying that to be nice.
Copy !req
386. I didn't want the tickets
to go to waste.
Copy !req
387. And I wanted you to go
and have a good time.
Copy !req
388. I'm just mad that you did.
Copy !req
389. You know you're not making
a bit of sense, right?
Copy !req
390. I know.
Copy !req
391. Forget it.
Copy !req
392. How were the seats?
Copy !req
393. You don't want to know.
Copy !req
394. That good?
Copy !req
395. Yup.
Copy !req
396. Damn, Risky.
Copy !req
397. What's this?
Copy !req
398. I made a little stop
on the way home.
Copy !req
399. Happy anniversary.
Copy !req
400. Oh, you got me a card.
Copy !req
401. Julius, just open the card.
Copy !req
402. Knicks playoff tickets?
Copy !req
403. Risky said they're
the best seats in the house.
Copy !req
404. Oh! Yes! Yes!
What happened?
Copy !req
405. That's right, Clyde!
That's right, Clyde!
Copy !req
406. Thank you, baby!
Copy !req
407. Uh-uh. No.
Copy !req
408. Uh-uh...
Copy !req
409. Our anniversary
ain't over yet.
Copy !req
410. Ooh...
Ooh, did I say that?
Copy !req
411. Mm...
Copy !req
412. I said it.
Copy !req
413. Oh, man, I can't wait!
Copy !req
414. We're actually gonna visit
the senate floor!
Copy !req
415. Did you know,
for security reasons
Copy !req
416. there's no direct route
to or from the White House?
Copy !req
417. Just in case somebody
tries to kill the president?
Copy !req
418. They need to do that
in Bed-Stuy.
Copy !req
419. Hey, cell nerd.
Copy !req
420. What's that on your cheek?
Copy !req
421. Huh?
It looks like chicken pox.
Copy !req
422. Stay tuned for scenes
from our next episode.
Copy !req