1. Even though I was the oldest,
Copy !req
2. I never felt
like Drew's big brother.
Copy !req
3. I'll take him.
Copy !req
4. People expect a big brother
Copy !req
5. to be better at everything.
Copy !req
6. Dominique Wilkins
was the Human Highlight Film.
Copy !req
7. And Gerald Wilkins
watched a lot of film.
Copy !req
8. Bill Clinton was the President
of the United States.
Copy !req
9. But Roger Clinton
needed a presidential pardon.
Copy !req
10. But with me and Drew,
it seemed like no matter
Copy !req
11. what we did,
he always came out on top.
Copy !req
12. I'll take Drew.
Copy !req
13. He was better at sports.
Copy !req
14. He was better with girls.
Copy !req
15. Hi, Drew.
Copy !req
16. Hi, Drew.
Copy !req
17. Hi, Chris.
Copy !req
18. She's kind of cute.
Copy !req
19. He looked older.
Copy !req
20. Two forScarface.
Copy !req
21. You can go.
Copy !req
22. Your little brother's gonna
have to see something else.
Copy !req
23. But I'm older
than him.
Copy !req
24. You want to see a movie,
or don't you?
Copy !req
25. I actually went
to seeMr. Momthat day.
Copy !req
26. It was pretty good.
Copy !req
27. But worst of all,
Copy !req
28. he was a better big brother
than me.
Copy !req
29. I'm gonna get
my big brother on you.
Copy !req
30. Chris!
Copy !req
31. Go get Drew!
Copy !req
32. Uh-oh, no,
I wouldn't mess with...
Copy !req
33. It was embarrassing.
Copy !req
34. When they heard
Drew's name, they ran.
Copy !req
35. And you were standing
right there?
Copy !req
36. Just like I'm standing
right here.
Copy !req
37. I've got to do something.
Copy !req
38. I get the crap kicked
out of me here.
Copy !req
39. Even my little sister
knows I can't fight.
Copy !req
40. I'm gonna ask my mom
if I can take karate.
Copy !req
41. Why don't you take
boxing lessons?
Copy !req
42. Nah. If you tell people
you can box,
Copy !req
43. then everyone wants
to fight.
Copy !req
44. How come nobody messes
with your brother?
Copy !req
45. Because he knows karate,
and if they mess with him,
Copy !req
46. they think he might kill them.
That's perfect.
Copy !req
47. If you learn karate,
you'll never have to fight.
Copy !req
48. All right, Tonya,
hold your ear.
Copy !req
49. I imagine this is how it must
be before they hit the switch.
Copy !req
50. Ow. You burned my finger!
Copy !req
51. Well, if you'd be still,
that wouldn't happen.
Copy !req
52. Why can't I just go
to the beauty shop like you?
Copy !req
53. You got beauty shop money?
Copy !req
54. No.
All right then. Be still.
Copy !req
55. Your daddy barely wants to pay
to get my hair done.
Copy !req
56. I know he's not gonna spend
the extra 10 dollars
Copy !req
57. to get yours done, especially
when I can do it here at home.
Copy !req
58. Hey, what's burning?
Copy !req
59. My hair.
Copy !req
60. Ow!
Copy !req
61. Tonya, stop
fidgeting so much.
Copy !req
62. You're moving
like a squirrel.
Copy !req
63. Sit still!
Copy !req
64. Mom, can I sign up
for karate lessons?
Copy !req
65. Why don't you just learn
from Drew?
Copy !req
66. Why don't you just mind
your own business?
Copy !req
67. Hey, enough, okay?
Copy !req
68. Chris,
go ask your daddy.
Copy !req
69. I can't be bothered
with this right now.
Copy !req
70. Tonya, bend down,
so I can get the kitchen.
Copy !req
71. Ow!
Copy !req
72. Girl, I didn't
even touch you.
Copy !req
73. Hey, man.
Copy !req
74. What's going on?
Copy !req
75. Dad, can I sign up
for karate class?
Copy !req
76. Karate class?
Copy !req
77. Why don't you just
learn from Drew?
Copy !req
78. I want to learn
from a real teacher.
Copy !req
79. Drew just does stuff
he sees in movies.
Copy !req
80. Everything Drew knew
about karate,
Copy !req
81. he got from the Masters
of Channel 9 Asian Invasion.
Copy !req
82. Grand Master Lung Ti
and the immortal David Chung.
Copy !req
83. What are you gonna do
with karate, anyway?
Copy !req
84. Just in case someone messes
with Drew or Tonya,
Copy !req
85. I'm gonna be able
to do something.
Copy !req
86. My father knew
I couldn't fight,
Copy !req
87. but he never said anything
about it.
Copy !req
88. How much is it gonna cost?
Copy !req
89. It's free.
Oh. All right, go ahead.
Copy !req
90. For free, my father would
let me learn almost anything.
Copy !req
91. What are you doing?
Copy !req
92. Taking How to Knock Off
a Liquor Store lessons.
Copy !req
93. How much does it cost?
It's free.
Copy !req
94. Go ahead.
Copy !req
95. Get on the floor, now!
Copy !req
96. Don't hurt anybody.
Copy !req
97. If I didn't want
to hurt anybody,
Copy !req
98. I wouldn't be taking karate.
Copy !req
99. Baby, you should have
listened to me.
Copy !req
100. I told you to keep still.
Copy !req
101. Hey, I'm headed to work.
Copy !req
102. All right, baby.
Copy !req
103. Baby, what happened?
Copy !req
104. Mama burned me with
the hot comb again.
Copy !req
105. Oh, let Daddy see.
Copy !req
106. Ooh! Rochelle, that looks bad.
Copy !req
107. Ah, she'll live.
Copy !req
108. I don't think
it'll make a scar.
Copy !req
109. Yeah, but that's 18 cent worth
of butter
Copy !req
110. she's holding on her forehead.
Copy !req
111. You can't do her hair
without burning her?
Copy !req
112. I told you before
that I wanted to take her
Copy !req
113. to the beauty shop,
and you told me no.
Copy !req
114. My father thought that going
to the beauty shop meant
Copy !req
115. that Tonya was growing up
too fast,
Copy !req
116. and she would end up like this.
Copy !req
117. She's 10 years old.
Copy !req
118. Why I got to spend money
getting her hair done?
Copy !req
119. She's tender-headed,
she moves around too much,
Copy !req
120. and she keeps
getting burned.
Copy !req
121. And I'm sick of this.
Copy !req
122. You pay to get it done,
or you do it.
Copy !req
123. If my father didn't want
to do something,
Copy !req
124. my mother got to decide
how it would get done.
Copy !req
125. Why you cooking biscuits
and ribs for breakfast?
Copy !req
126. You gonna do it?
Copy !req
127. Go ahead.
Copy !req
128. Why are you cleaning the tub
with a broom?
Copy !req
129. Are you gonna do it?
Copy !req
130. Go ahead.
Copy !req
131. How much is it gonna cost?
Copy !req
132. Ten dollars.
Mm-mm. No.
Copy !req
133. Daddy... please.
Copy !req
134. That never worked for me.
Copy !req
135. Okay.
Copy !req
136. I am Mr. Jackson,
your sensei.
Copy !req
137. Shotokan Karate is a very
ancient art of combat.
Copy !req
138. "Karate" literally means
"empty hands."
Copy !req
139. Now what we're gonna do
here today
Copy !req
140. is learning how to whip
somebody's ass
Copy !req
141. with your empty hands.
Copy !req
142. Matei!
Copy !req
143. Matei!
Copy !req
144. Uh, so,
Copy !req
145. are we going to be learning
how to break boards?
Copy !req
146. You got something
against boards?
Copy !req
147. Huh? What has a board
ever done to you?
Copy !req
148. Has a board ever embarrassed you
in front of your woman?
Copy !req
149. Asked Yolanda
for her phone number
Copy !req
150. and dared you
to do something about it?
Copy !req
151. Did you just stand there
and watch her get
Copy !req
152. into the boy's car
and just drive off?
Copy !req
153. Uh... no.
Copy !req
154. That's why we ain't learning
how to break no damn boards.
Copy !req
155. Now, I want each and every one
of you to listen to me.
Copy !req
156. And watch.
Copy !req
157. It's called
the Shaolin handbreaker.
Copy !req
158. Now this move is guaranteed
to break anybody's hand.
Copy !req
159. But I don't want y'all
to try this.
Copy !req
160. It's very dangerous.
Copy !req
161. Come here, boy.
Copy !req
162. Me?
Copy !req
163. If you don't want us to do this,
Copy !req
164. then, why are you showing us?
Copy !req
165. 'Cause that's what martial arts
is all about.
Copy !req
166. Learning ways to kill people.
Copy !req
167. And then not doing it.
Copy !req
168. Now grab my shoulder.
Copy !req
169. At that moment,
Copy !req
170. I learned two things.
Copy !req
171. One— I learned a great
karate move.
Copy !req
172. And two,
this fool was crazy.
Copy !req
173. Man, karate—
It sounds complicated.
Copy !req
174. I tried wrestling once,
but I got knocked out.
Copy !req
175. Wait. You got knocked out
in a wrestling match?
Copy !req
176. I'm as surprised
as you are.
Copy !req
177. Well, I'm doing good.
Copy !req
178. My sensei says
I have a lot of potential.
Copy !req
179. I think I might even be better
at this than Drew.
Copy !req
180. Wouldn't you have to kill him
to find that out?
Copy !req
181. I never thought of that.
Copy !req
182. Mama, how long do
we have to wait?
Copy !req
183. Hush, girl. My appointment was
at 3:30. It's only 5:00.
Copy !req
184. The only thing you wait for
longer than a washer
Copy !req
185. at the Laundromat is a chair
at the beauty shop.
Copy !req
186. I'm ready for you, Rochelle.
About time.
Copy !req
187. Watch your mouth, girl.
Copy !req
188. Hey, Vanessa.
Copy !req
189. Hey, Rochelle.
Copy !req
190. Whew. Okay. Pam?
Copy !req
191. Can I make an appointment
for Tonya?
Copy !req
192. Uh, yeah, I can squeeze her in
this week.
Copy !req
193. Girl, don't tell me,
that's your daughter?
Copy !req
194. Mm, sure is.
Isn't she beautiful?
Copy !req
195. She's big, huh?
Copy !req
196. Oh, she sure is.
Copy !req
197. Pretty soon she'll be old enough
to date Richard.
Copy !req
198. Mm-mm!
Oh, do not tell me
Copy !req
199. his old ass is still
chasing after young girls.
Copy !req
200. Girl, I thought
you knew.
Copy !req
201. They're the only ones
dumb enough not to run
Copy !req
202. when they see him coming. He
old, he broke. He need a fool.
Copy !req
203. There's one thing
that you get at the beauty shop
Copy !req
204. that you don't have
to pay for— good gossip.
Copy !req
205. I heard Peggy said that
Copy !req
206. she caught them
in her house.
Copy !req
207. Wait... In her...
In her house?
Copy !req
208. Yes.
Well, did she stab him?
Copy !req
209. Girl.
You know I
would have stabbed him.
Copy !req
210. Mm-hmm. Now he's
staying with Lisa.
Copy !req
211. Light-skinned Lisa?
Copy !req
212. Bow-legged Lisa.
Copy !req
213. Wait a minute.
I thought Lisa was with Darius.
Copy !req
214. She was, until Darius
caught her with his brother.
Copy !req
215. The one with no job?
Copy !req
216. Yeah, yeah, him, yeah,
and he married too.
Copy !req
217. A wife, a girlfriend,
and no job.
Copy !req
218. You know these men—
They just ain't no good.
Copy !req
219. They ain't no good.
Copy !req
220. Get out of here. Mm.
Copy !req
221. Oh, I'd throw
the hot grits.
Copy !req
222. Tonya never listened
to my mother
Copy !req
223. until she heard something
she wasn't supposed to.
Copy !req
224. What are you doing?
Copy !req
225. Working on my form.
Copy !req
226. Why do you take lessons, anyway?
Copy !req
227. I saw some stuff inThe Return
of the Five Deadly Venoms.
Copy !req
228. It was way cooler than that.
Yeah, right.
Copy !req
229. I bet you can't hit me.
No, I think I can.
Copy !req
230. Then try to hit me.
But I don't want to hurt you.
Copy !req
231. No. I dare you.
Copy !req
232. Try to hit me.
Copy !req
233. All right, then. Fine.
Copy !req
234. Aah!
Copy !req
235. They got some moves,
though, huh?
Copy !req
236. I was just getting warmed up.
Copy !req
237. Y'all need to stop.
Copy !req
238. Wah... Whh...
Copy !req
239. Ow! What you do that for?
Copy !req
240. What?
Copy !req
241. Whoops!
Copy !req
242. Even though it was an accident,
Copy !req
243. after breaking Drew's hand,
I felt horrible.
Copy !req
244. I'm gone for 10 minutes,
and y'all are breaking bones.
Copy !req
245. I knew that karate class
wasn't a good idea.
Copy !req
246. Rochelle, it was an accident,
just boys being boys.
Copy !req
247. Do you even know what they're
teaching Chris down there?
Copy !req
248. Where were you
when this happened?
Copy !req
249. Asleep.
Copy !req
250. Mm.
Copy !req
251. What's that supposed to mean?
Copy !req
252. "Mm" means
she's gonna blame him
Copy !req
253. for the rest of his life.
Copy !req
254. Asleep again, huh?
Copy !req
255. That's how Chris
broke Drew's hand.
Copy !req
256. Rochelle,
that was 45 years ago.
Copy !req
257. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
258. Don't worry about it.
Copy !req
259. I'll deal with it.
Copy !req
260. I'll go down there tomorrow.
Copy !req
261. Ouch!
It still hurts?
Copy !req
262. Of course it hurts,
it's broke.
Copy !req
263. Chris, help your brother
with his Kool-Aid.
Copy !req
264. Daddy,
Copy !req
265. do you have
a girlfriend?
Copy !req
266. What?
Copy !req
267. Well?
Copy !req
268. No!
Copy !req
269. Why would you ask me a question
like that, baby?
Copy !req
270. 'Cause men
ain't no good.
Copy !req
271. Where did you hear that?
Copy !req
272. At the beauty shop.
Copy !req
273. And where were you
Copy !req
274. when they were talking
like this?
Copy !req
275. It's just girls being girls.
Copy !req
276. I am not paying good money
so my baby can get her hair done
Copy !req
277. and come back hating men!
She does not hate men.
Copy !req
278. What am I supposed to think
Copy !req
279. when she comes home
talking like this?
Copy !req
280. Fine, I promise I'll talk
to the girls at the shop
Copy !req
281. and make sure that they
don't gossip around her.
Copy !req
282. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
283. Even with a broken hand,
Copy !req
284. Drew still managed
to come out on top.
Copy !req
285. Does it hurt
a lot?
Copy !req
286. If I had known you could get
this much attention
Copy !req
287. with a cast, I would have
let him break my hand.
Copy !req
288. Mr. Jackson was an ex-Marine
Copy !req
289. who taught karate
when he was on his medication.
Copy !req
290. When he was off his medication,
he did this.
Copy !req
291. Yolanda!
Copy !req
292. Yolanda!
Copy !req
293. Jackson!
Copy !req
294. Okay?
Copy !req
295. Yolanda!
Copy !req
296. Whah!
Copy !req
297. Can I help you?
Copy !req
298. Yeah, uh, my son Chris
Copy !req
299. was taking your class here.
Chris? No, I don't...
Copy !req
300. I don't know any Chris.
Copy !req
301. What, is there...
is there a problem?
Copy !req
302. It's just that the boys
were fighting,
Copy !req
303. and Chris accidentally
broke his brother's hand.
Copy !req
304. He says you
taught him.
Copy !req
305. Hmm. Who was fighting?
Copy !req
306. Chris and my other son, Drew.
Copy !req
307. No, I don't know any Drew.
Copy !req
308. Either way...
Copy !req
309. I ain't had
nothing to do with that.
Copy !req
310. No, man, I didn't say you had
nothing to do with it.
Copy !req
311. Come on, baby, let's go.
Copy !req
312. Hey, baby.
¿Que tu quieres?
Copy !req
313. Let me get
with that phone number.
Copy !req
314. Ooh!
Copy !req
315. Whah!
Copy !req
316. Oh, God, help me!
Copy !req
317. I can't believe she repeated
all that to Julius.
Copy !req
318. I didn't even know
she was listening.
Copy !req
319. She barely listens
to a word I say.
Copy !req
320. Rochelle,
I am so sorry.
Copy !req
321. Me too.
Copy !req
322. From now on, we watch
what we say in front of her.
Copy !req
323. Let me go pay half down on our
light bill before they close.
Copy !req
324. She'll be okay, though, right?
Copy !req
325. Oh, yeah, go ahead,
she'll be fine.
Copy !req
326. We'll watch Lil' Miss Nosy
for you.
Copy !req
327. Okay, Tonya, I'm gonna leave
for a little while.
Copy !req
328. I'll be right back. Okay?
Copy !req
329. All right, be good.
Copy !req
330. Y'all make her beautiful.
Copy !req
331. So is Richard still cheating?
Copy !req
332. Is the Pope still Catholic?
Copy !req
333. Oh, I'm sorry, it's a reflex.
Copy !req
334. Tonya, I don't think
we should be talking
Copy !req
335. about Richard.
Why not?
Copy !req
336. That's
grown folks' business.
Copy !req
337. Oh, is that why my mom
and dad got in an argument?
Copy !req
338. An argument?
Copy !req
339. About what?
Copy !req
340. Well, I asked my daddy
if he had a girlfriend,
Copy !req
341. and he said, "Why?"
Then mama said, "Well, do you?"
Copy !req
342. Then he asked me why I asked
him that, and then...
Copy !req
343. Although my mother told the
girls not to gossip to Tonya,
Copy !req
344. she didn't say anything about
Tonya gossiping to them.
Copy !req
345. At that moment,
I was having more trouble
Copy !req
346. coping with Drew's broken hand
than he was.
Copy !req
347. Drew, if you
need a nurse,
Copy !req
348. I'll be happy to come over
and get...
Copy !req
349. You'd better not
let mama see that.
Copy !req
350. Drew still has that cast,
Copy !req
351. and he hasn't finished calling
all those girls yet.
Copy !req
352. Hey, you need any help
with anything?
Copy !req
353. I could tie your shoe.
Copy !req
354. Nah, I got it.
Copy !req
355. I can tie it with one hand.
Copy !req
356. Okay, um... I could write out
your homework.
Copy !req
357. No, I'm fine.
Copy !req
358. I never wrote
with my left hand before,
Copy !req
359. but it turns out,
I'm really good at it.
Copy !req
360. Want to see
something else I could do?
Copy !req
361. I always thought
I needed two hands to do this.
Copy !req
362. I had to face facts.
Copy !req
363. Drew could do more with one arm
Copy !req
364. than I could do with five.
Copy !req
365. Want to sit on my back?
Copy !req
366. Your hair looks nice, baby.
Copy !req
367. Thank you.
Copy !req
368. So, what you and the girls
talk about?
Copy !req
369. You and daddy.
Copy !req
370. What? What about me and daddy?
Copy !req
371. I told everybody
about the argument.
Copy !req
372. Tonya, you just can't go
around telling our business!
Copy !req
373. Why not?
Everybody else does it.
Copy !req
374. Well, that's different.
Copy !req
375. Well...
Copy !req
376. My father was worried
Copy !req
377. about Tonya learning
the wrong things,
Copy !req
378. so my mother taught her
a few things herself.
Copy !req
379. Tonya, you're
a big girl now, okay?
Copy !req
380. And you got to know that
there is no difference
Copy !req
381. between what they said to you
and what you said to them.
Copy !req
382. It's still gossip.
Copy !req
383. But you got to remember
two things.
Copy !req
384. You talk about other people,
not yourself.
Copy !req
385. And number two,
what you say in the shop
Copy !req
386. stays in the shop.
Copy !req
387. Got it?
Copy !req
388. So don't tell Daddy.
Copy !req
389. Right.
Copy !req
390. Hey, Mama?
Copy !req
391. Want to hear
about what happened to Carla?
Copy !req
392. What happened to Carla?
Copy !req
393. Hey.
What happened to you?
Copy !req
394. I had an accident.
What are you doing?
Copy !req
395. I thought Drew's arm
would get itchy under the cast,
Copy !req
396. so I'm making him a hand
scratcher out of a hanger.
Copy !req
397. Listen, you're going
to have to be more careful,
Copy !req
398. if you're going
to be doing karate.
Copy !req
399. I know it was
just an accident,
Copy !req
400. but you could have
really hurt Drew.
Copy !req
401. Dad?
Copy !req
402. It wasn't an accident.
Copy !req
403. What?
Copy !req
404. I hate that Drew can do
everything better than me.
Copy !req
405. Tonya even calls on him
when she gets in trouble.
Copy !req
406. We were fighting.
I tried the handbreaker on him,
Copy !req
407. and I fell.
Copy !req
408. Chris, being brothers
ain't easy.
Copy !req
409. All right?
Copy !req
410. I had six brothers,
and whether you like it or not,
Copy !req
411. somebody is going to be better
than you at something.
Copy !req
412. You can't be jealous.
Copy !req
413. He's the only brother you got.
Copy !req
414. Besides, I don't know
if you realize it,
Copy !req
415. but he looks up to you.
Copy !req
416. He does?
Copy !req
417. I didn't realize
that no matter how cool
Copy !req
418. your little brother is,
Copy !req
419. he still wants to be
like his big brother.
Copy !req
420. It worked out for Keenan
and Damon Wayans.
Copy !req
421. Not so great for Eric
and Lyle Menendez.
Copy !req
422. You need to apologize
to your brother, Chris.
Copy !req
423. That's my boy.
Copy !req
424. Hey, Chris,
watch this.
Copy !req
425. Whah!
Copy !req
426. I love this cast.
Copy !req
427. Cool, but I have something
to tell you.
Copy !req
428. What?
Copy !req
429. I tried to break your arm
on purpose.
Copy !req
430. How come?
Copy !req
431. 'Cause I'm tired of you
Copy !req
432. being better than me
at everything.
Copy !req
433. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
434. I bet you're better than me
at some stuff.
Copy !req
435. Like what?
I don't know.
Copy !req
436. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
437. But you're still my big brother.
Copy !req
438. Yeah, but you're bigger
than I am.
Copy !req
439. Yeah, but every time
Mom and Dad leave the house,
Copy !req
440. they always put you
in charge.
Copy !req
441. I wish I could be
in charge.
Copy !req
442. That's just
a lot of work.
Copy !req
443. So? Plus, you get
to go to school
Copy !req
444. all the way
in Brooklyn Beach.
Copy !req
445. I wish I could ride the bus
to school every day.
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446. You do?
Yeah! That's so cool.
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447. Everybody in my class
is always asking me
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448. what it's like
at your school.
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449. You're the coolest big brother
out of all my friends.
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450. It never occurred to me
that even though Drew
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451. was bigger and cooler,
and better with girls,
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452. the coolest thing to him
was that he had me.
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453. Hey, Chris,
can you show me that move?
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454. I'll try.
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455. Just...
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456. it might not work,
because I've had training.
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457. So basically, you take
your opponent's hand and...
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458. Oh, I think I got it.
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