1. So, uh, my walk and talk with Jean
was very clarifying.
Copy !req
2. T— Oh, where'd you go?
I lost you. Oh, there you are.
Copy !req
3. Okay, take two, and action!
Copy !req
4. Walk and talk, Jean, clarifying.
Freeing, really.
Copy !req
5. It's not only allowed me
to rehire Xeni, yay,
Copy !req
6. it opened me up
to a couple of his requests.
Copy !req
7. They were demands. Demand one,
we will not be best friends.
Copy !req
8. Deal! Easy.
Copy !req
9. Two, we performed a thorough cleanse
of the Paula Persimmon brand.
Copy !req
10. And three, we embarked on
a little Riley research trip
Copy !req
11. to a place where I've gotten
many a daydream idea.
Copy !req
12. This is where Riley's independent,
sophisticated experiences come
Copy !req
13. to simmer, to steep,
Copy !req
14. to brew into maturity,
and maybe rise to the surface.
Copy !req
15. She's drinking coffee.
Copy !req
16. She might get a tattoo, yeah.
That's an option.
Copy !req
17. She's considering a nose ring.
Copy !req
18. Whoa. Rock star.
Copy !req
19. Or maybe a septum ring!
Copy !req
20. Uh, what is a septum?
Copy !req
21. She's even envisioning herself
as a teenager.
Copy !req
22. Affogato for Ms. Persimmon.
Copy !req
23. Well, actually, I'm a vision drawing
Riley did of her teenage self.
Copy !req
24. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
25. I'm sort of aspirational, I guess.
Copy !req
26. I'm everything Riley wants to grow into.
Copy !req
27. I'm a human rights lawyer for the UN.
And on weekends, I save puppies…
Copy !req
28. - Bonjour.
- …for the UN.
Copy !req
29. Isn't that right?
Copy !req
30. Well, it's just…
Copy !req
31. Yeah. I'm feeling sort of
out of touch with our girl, you know?
Copy !req
32. I thought I knew Riley,
but I must be way, way behind.
Copy !req
33. I don't even know
what we're doing here.
Copy !req
34. This is a total waste of time.
Copy !req
35. Stop being horrible.
The magic is starting.
Copy !req
36. Riley, I just— Look.
I'm gonna be real with you right now.
Copy !req
37. I think about you all the time.
Copy !req
38. You're the most interesting person I know.
Copy !req
39. You're the only real person I know.
Copy !req
40. Seriously, I would die for you, Riley.
Copy !req
41. - Oh, my…
Copy !req
42. So, we found our star.
Imaginary Boyfriend.
Copy !req
43. No, Paula.
The word "imaginary" is offensive
Copy !req
44. because it denies his existence.
Copy !req
45. - We talked about this.
- Fine. Yes. Sorry.
Copy !req
46. Canadian Boyfriend,
which I guess is better.
Copy !req
47. - I don't know.
- It's obviously better.
Copy !req
48. Well, what's important is that
Jean flipped when we pitched it to her.
Copy !req
49. They pitched this dream at the right time.
Copy !req
50. They're both terrible. Okay, that one.
Copy !req
51. With this dance coming up,
Copy !req
52. the question of, "Who will Riley go with?"
is a hot topic.
Copy !req
53. Jerome waved at me.
Should I ask him to the dance?
Copy !req
54. Well, you have to go with someone.
Copy !req
55. - Oh. Who are you gonna ask, Ri?
- Uh…
Copy !req
56. - Oh, no!
- Don't answer! It's a trap!
Copy !req
57. Ask someone? Do we ask or they ask?
Copy !req
58. No time! Answer now!
Copy !req
59. Asking myself—
Copy !req
60. uh, someone, to the dance is
a question that I'm asking myself.
Copy !req
61. - Awkward!
- Uh,
Copy !req
62. my brain's not braining.
Copy !req
63. Nice cover.
Copy !req
64. Yeah, that was bad.
Copy !req
65. Paula's Canadian Boyfriend idea could
really help Riley make this decision.
Copy !req
66. But also, I smell a recurring dream.
Copy !req
67. And romance? Well, I already kicked off
the marketing campaign.
Copy !req
68. Looking good, Stu!
Copy !req
69. He can't hear me.
Copy !req
70. Well, here we go.
Copy !req
71. I got a good feeling about this.
Copy !req
72. I guess I just want Riley to see me
for who I really am.
Copy !req
73. Who am I? Well, uh, I'm from Canada,
among other things.
Copy !req
74. Uh, actually, not other things.
I'm just from Canada.
Copy !req
75. Oh, is Riley gonna see this?
Copy !req
76. Come on, C.B.
Copy !req
77. Okay.
Twenty seconds to REM, people.
Copy !req
78. I'm looking for a real
"wherefore art thou" vibe.
Copy !req
79. Paula, an emergency. It's the lighting.
It's missing some calories.
Copy !req
80. Uh, okay. Uh—
Copy !req
81. Uh, boss? We got a hot case of cold feet.
Copy !req
82. What?
Copy !req
83. - Hey, bud. How you doin'?
Copy !req
84. A-Are you all right?
Copy !req
85. Is the set too oppressive
for your creative flow?
Copy !req
86. - Xeni.
- Because I agree.
Copy !req
87. No, no. I-It's just, uh—
Copy !req
88. Look, a lot is goin' on, and I don't even
know if Riley thinks about me anymore,
Copy !req
89. and it makes me sad,
Copy !req
90. and I don't think I can do this!
Copy !req
91. I broke the garage.
Oh, Riley's dad is gonna kill me!
Copy !req
92. I'm gonna sort this right out.
Copy !req
93. Let's tear down the set, people.
Copy !req
94. We only need black drapes
and two fishbowls.
Copy !req
95. - No, Xeni. Hold on.
Copy !req
96. - Set is fine. I think he can do this.
- Copy that. Back to one, people.
Copy !req
97. Uh, I can't think straight.
Copy !req
98. If only I could tell her
how I really feel.
Copy !req
99. You know what? You can!
Copy !req
100. You see that camera up there?
That's Riley.
Copy !req
101. Really? I would die for Riley.
Copy !req
102. Yes. So, just focus on that connection.
Copy !req
103. Imagine you're looking right at her, okay?
Copy !req
104. And we're on in three, two…
Copy !req
105. Riley. Oh, Riley.
Copy !req
106. Give me a slow push-in.
Copy !req
107. I've traveled over 4,000 kilometers…
Copy !req
108. Cue slo-mo.
Copy !req
109. …to ask you one thing.
Copy !req
110. - Wow.
- Wow.
Copy !req
111. Would you ask me to the dance, Riley?
Copy !req
112. Did you ask him yet?
Copy !req
113. I'll see him in fifth period.
Copy !req
114. Hey, guess what.
I'm gonna ask someone to the dance.
Copy !req
115. - Oh, my gosh, who?
- What? Who?
Copy !req
116. - Did you hear what happened?
- You think that's 'cause of our dream?
Copy !req
117. People, the rumors are true.
Copy !req
118. Riley has decided
to ask someone to the dance,
Copy !req
119. which means last night's dream was a hit!
Copy !req
120. - Oh, my gosh.
- You're fibbing!
Copy !req
121. - I fib not. Check it out.
- No way!
Copy !req
122. We just made Riley's favorite dream.
Copy !req
123. I'm telling you, this is just
the beginning of a string of hit dreams.
Copy !req
124. I can feel it!
And it's all thanks to every one of you.
Copy !req
125. "Go team" on three. One, two, three.
Copy !req
126. - Go team!
- Go team!
Copy !req
127. Look, nobody loves a comeback story
more than me,
Copy !req
128. but let's see how
the rest of the season plays out
Copy !req
129. before we start awarding trophies.
Copy !req
130. I would've cast the love interest
as an emo, sparkly vampire.
Copy !req
131. But that's just me.
Copy !req
132. You know, the truth is,
Copy !req
133. there's a lot of pressure
to being a director here.
Copy !req
134. Your dreams are expected
to influence Riley's life,
Copy !req
135. and if you don't, well,
Riley won't remember your work!
Copy !req
136. It'll be like it never existed.
Copy !req
137. So, I'm glad Paula found a new direction.
And so fast too.
Copy !req
138. I mean, where did she even find
Canadian Boyfriend?
Copy !req
139. Yeah, this place got
real popular. Like, quick.
Copy !req
140. Everyone wants to find
the next Canadian Boyfriend.
Copy !req
141. And you know, I'm so pumped for Paula.
Copy !req
142. I liked her the moment I met her.
I said to myself—
Copy !req
143. Mega maple matcha for Gigi!
Copy !req
144. I said, "There's a gentle, humble soul
Copy !req
145. who would never let success
get to her head."
Copy !req
146. Paula Persimmon is back, baby.
Copy !req
147. I hear they might be naming another
sandwich after me in the commissary.
Copy !req
148. The Persimmon Second Act.
With thick bacon!
Copy !req
149. Yes, Paula got her bungalow back,
while I,
Copy !req
150. her partner, got a closet, it appears.
Copy !req
151. But it's fine. I rather like it actually.
Everything is in arm's reach.
Copy !req
152. The chair is occupied by Melatonin.
Copy !req
153. Well, I prefer to stand, you know.
I feel invigorated!
Copy !req
154. Hey, crew! Who's back in the game? We are!
Copy !req
155. - Yeah, Paula!
- Yeah, Paula!
Copy !req
156. - Way to go!
- We did well!
Copy !req
157. But we need to take it
to the next level, people.
Copy !req
158. I really need your A game on this one
because now, the studio wants more.
Copy !req
159. Ooh!
Copy !req
160. If we can make another hit, we will
then own the hottest genre in town.
Copy !req
161. - Romance!
Copy !req
162. Oh, and one more thing.
Copy !req
163. - Jean is giving us the whole night.
Copy !req
164. The whole night?
Copy !req
165. Even post-snooze alarm?
Copy !req
166. Especially post-snooze alarm.
Copy !req
167. Don't worry, people. This director
has never steered you wrong.
Copy !req
168. You just buckle up,
and you follow my lead.
Copy !req
169. Paula, a word, please.
Copy !req
170. I'll remind you of our deal.
We are partners.
Copy !req
171. - That means I'm directing too.
- Well—
Copy !req
172. And I also will remind you
that we both found Canadian Boyfriend.
Copy !req
173. I have as much artistic stake
in this dream as you do.
Copy !req
174. Okay, here's the deal.
Copy !req
175. The studio is looking at me on this,
so the buck has to stop with me,
Copy !req
176. - see?
- Paula.
Copy !req
177. Look, Xeni. My job is on the line here.
Copy !req
178. If I don't make an impact on Riley,
I'm out,
Copy !req
179. so if I'm taking all the risk,
then I have to be in charge.
Copy !req
180. But I do want you to direct. I really do.
Copy !req
181. So how about you be
the second unit director?
Copy !req
182. What's that?
Copy !req
183. Oh, it's such a good position.
It's like Christmas morning.
Copy !req
184. So, why don't you do it?
Copy !req
185. Sorry, I'm—
Got somethin' in my throat, Xeni.
Copy !req
186. What does the second unit do?
Copy !req
187. Who cares? Doesn't matter.
Copy !req
188. There's only one Riley-Camera anyway,
and I'm using it.
Copy !req
189. I may not know what a second unit is,
Copy !req
190. but I'm assuming
it doesn't have anything to do with this.
Copy !req
191. That was a script.
Copy !req
192. Well, the last dream was a hit.
Copy !req
193. So, all I have to do is
what I did last time.
Copy !req
194. Wait. What did I do last time?
Copy !req
195. Yeah. The whole crew
has been waiting for this.
Copy !req
196. You're gonna see us
at the top of our game.
Copy !req
197. Oh…
Copy !req
198. There are so many moments
in the script I love.
Copy !req
199. Oh, my gosh. When he says—
But then, when he say—
Copy !req
200. It's gonna be a long night,
so, uh, I'm wearing a diaper.
Copy !req
201. A dream like this is why I do what I do.
Copy !req
202. And when he says—
Copy !req
203. And the— And the way he chews.
Copy !req
204. Oh, it's just so beautiful.
Copy !req
205. Finally! A rom-com.
It's about time, right?
Copy !req
206. Yeah. I've been saving this box of tissues
for just this night.
Copy !req
207. Thirty seconds to REM.
Copy !req
208. Paula, what is our second unit doing?
Copy !req
209. I do not know, and I do not care.
As long as he's occupied.
Copy !req
210. Looking good, everybody.
Looking real good.
Copy !req
211. - Hi.
- Jean! Welcome!
Copy !req
212. To what do we owe the honor?
Copy !req
213. I wanted to come down
and give you this myself.
Copy !req
214. Whoa.
Copy !req
215. Uh, is that…
Copy !req
216. We call it the "Feelsen machine."
Copy !req
217. It's a real-time Riley ratings monitor.
Copy !req
218. Now, you can see if our girl
is really feelin' it in the dream,
Copy !req
219. or if she hates it!
Copy !req
220. See, your work has been reading
sort of stagnant.
Copy !req
221. You know, boring,
in this forgettable place over here.
Copy !req
222. Like… Oh, well.
Copy !req
223. But we wanna get it to a…
"Look at me, Ma! Over here!" See that?
Copy !req
224. The studio has total faith that your dream
will be an absolute clockbuster.
Copy !req
225. Because it has to be.
Copy !req
226. A clockbuster?
Copy !req
227. Oh, that's a dream so good,
you sleep right through your alarm clock.
Copy !req
228. Like this one.
Copy !req
229. Look Mom, I Can Fly. Huge numbers!
Riley talked about it for weeks.
Copy !req
230. Even tried flying off the fence, but,
well, that's not our department, okay?
Copy !req
231. That's Impulse Control.
Copy !req
232. Those people really need
to get their act together.
Copy !req
233. Who he is anyway?
We know he's elusive…
Copy !req
234. Ten seconds to REM, people!
Copy !req
235. Places, everyone!
Copy !req
236. Oh!
Copy !req
237. And we're on in three…
Copy !req
238. - We're already rolling.
- Oh, we're already rolling. Great.
Copy !req
239. Don't worry about a thing.
Copy !req
240. I'll get you to the dance on time
on my trusty moose, Timbit.
Copy !req
241. It's only a few klicks away.
Copy !req
242. Hyah! Take off, eh!
Copy !req
243. And did I mention
how beautiful you look tonight?
Copy !req
244. Did you hear that?
Copy !req
245. Riley, you're more beautiful
than the great Canadian outdoors.
Copy !req
246. You're more beautiful than that maple,
that bitternut hickory, that red oak.
Copy !req
247. You're prettier than that balsam fir,
and that hemlock and that white ash…
Copy !req
248. - …that bur oak…
Copy !req
249. - …those spruces, that basswood.
Copy !req
250. Oh, uh… Give me more moose power!
Copy !req
251. Heigh-ho, Timbit!
Copy !req
252. They're riding the stupid moose
for ten pages!
Copy !req
253. Oh, just go to second unit,
but get the writers in here.
Copy !req
254. - Excuse me!
- Move!
Copy !req
255. I can't write Canadian.
I don't speak metric.
Copy !req
256. I got it! We jump forward to when
they're married, 80, and hate each other.
Copy !req
257. No. We need to get the ratings up!
I'm talking,
Copy !req
258. Part 3: The Championship Is Tomorrow
And I Can't Find My Hockey Stick
Copy !req
259. - type levels.
- The ratings are going up!
Copy !req
260. - Hey, Riley.
- Huh?
Copy !req
261. I got you
a strawberry shake. Your favorite, right?
Copy !req
262. B-But if you don't like it,
I-I can totally get you something else.
Copy !req
263. Sorry. Riley and I were gonna
go to the school dance together,
Copy !req
264. but you go ahead.
Copy !req
265. No, I'm sorry.
I thought I was taking Riley to the dance.
Copy !req
266. - Yes, and…
Copy !req
267. It's really up to you, Riley.
Copy !req
268. He created a love triangle? How?
Copy !req
269. And for the second one,
let's add a dash of malaise,
Copy !req
270. and throw in a hint of acne-shame.
Copy !req
271. Why not?
Copy !req
272. Ugh. Yes. It was brilliant, okay?
Copy !req
273. But I had an ace up my sleeve too.
Copy !req
274. Okay, it was the same ace.
Copy !req
275. Yes, yes. Now try thinking,
"He doesn't deserve her!"Or does he?"
Copy !req
276. Movin' to first unit!
Copy !req
277. - Thank you!
Copy !req
278. We're keeping it live, people!
Copy !req
279. Hike the stacks with me, Riley!
Copy !req
280. You're the icing on the cake, Riley.
Copy !req
281. He is good.
Copy !req
282. I maintain that the love triangle is still
the purest form.
Copy !req
283. But if it takes
a love hex-angle to beat Paula,
Copy !req
284. then we'll just have to do that.
Copy !req
285. - Phew!
- Manitoba, please hold the rope.
Copy !req
286. Pay attention, now. Stay in line.
Copy !req
287. I see you dawdling, Prince Edward Island.
Copy !req
288. Justin Beaver isn't working.
The numbers are sinking.
Copy !req
289. - My turn!
- Whoa!
Copy !req
290. - This is a great party, Riley!
- Come on, people! Let's dance!
Copy !req
291. - What?
Copy !req
292. You sure you want all these boyfriends?
Copy !req
293. Yes, yes, yes!
Copy !req
294. - Hey there, Riley!
- And going back to first unit.
Copy !req
295. Whoa!
Copy !req
296. - Riley, over here!
- Oh. Wow. You have an axe.
Copy !req
297. Well, I'm a lumberjack.
Copy !req
298. Let's keep this party going, people.
Copy !req
299. - Hiya, Riley!
- Come on. Let's dance!
Copy !req
300. I'm over the moon for you!
Copy !req
301. You're number one in my heart, eh!
Copy !req
302. Riley, you're my rainbow in the dark.
Or whatever.
Copy !req
303. Uh, they're a little clingy, right?
Copy !req
304. We go together
like gravy and cheese curds.
Copy !req
305. What do you think of this dance move?
Copy !req
306. - You made me a director!
- A second unit director!
Copy !req
307. - I don't know what that means!
- Whoa!
Copy !req
308. - You wanna dance?
- Yeah. N-No, thanks.
Copy !req
309. - Great party, Riley.
- Um, thank you, but no.
Copy !req
310. Don't you wanna dance? Dance with me.
Copy !req
311. What's the matter?
Copy !req
312. You are surprisingly strong!
Copy !req
313. We're losing her.
Copy !req
314. We could listen to music.
Copy !req
315. - Oh! Whoa!
Copy !req
316. Uh…
Copy !req
317. I decided I don't wanna
go to the dance with any of you.
Copy !req
318. I think I'm gonna go
with Bree and Grace.
Copy !req
319. Let me go find them now.
Copy !req
320. What the—
Copy !req
321. - What?
Copy !req
322. Riley?
Copy !req
323. You know what? I just want some space.
Copy !req
324. Maybe I'll see you later.
Copy !req
325. It's moving.
Copy !req
326. Look at that! Are you seeing this?
Copy !req
327. What's happening?
It's going on its own.
Copy !req
328. What is happening?
What is happening?
Copy !req
329. Watch out!
Copy !req
330. I'm just gonna get some fresh air.
Copy !req
331. It's coming!
Copy !req
332. Go, go go!
Copy !req
333. Watch out!
Copy !req
334. - Get out of the way!
Copy !req
335. - Watch out!
Copy !req
336. Pull the cable! Pull the cable!
Copy !req
337. Take cover!
Copy !req
338. Take cover!
Copy !req
339. Riley, I would die for you!
Please, give me a—
Copy !req
340. - This is all a little much.
Copy !req
341. That's it! I'm waking her up.
Copy !req
342. What the—
What happened to the Wake Up Button?
Copy !req
343. Oh, no.
Copy !req
344. - Run!
Copy !req
345. Get out of the way!
Copy !req
346. - Don't worry, Riley. We're comin'!
- Oh! Watch out!
Copy !req
347. I need a seven-letter word
for "cliff" or "precipice."
Copy !req
348. - Look out!
- That's it!
Copy !req
349. Oh, no! Riley! Riley!
Copy !req
350. Hey! Watch it.
Copy !req
351. - Stairs!
Copy !req
352. Oh, no!
Copy !req
353. - Don't worry. We got you, boss!
Copy !req
354. Riley?
Copy !req
355. - Riley, no!
Copy !req
356. - Everyone pull!
Copy !req
357. Riley? Are you having a bad dream?
Copy !req
358. M-Mom?
Copy !req
359. - Phew!
Copy !req
360. Hey, Paula. They, uh, ran out of boxes,
so they put your hits in here.
Copy !req
361. Oh. Thanks.
Copy !req
362. I'm so sorry. Are you okay?
Copy !req
363. Me? Oh, yeah. I'm good.
Copy !req
364. A speed bump, you know?
I mean, how bad was it, real—
Copy !req
365. Ms. Persimmon?
Jean wants to see you and Xeni.
Copy !req
366. Well, I guess this is—
Copy !req
367. Right now, Ms. Persimmon.
Copy !req
368. Mel, stay with Janelle. Okay?
Copy !req
369. - Paula…
Copy !req
370. Good luck.
Copy !req
371. But if this happens again,
I'm coming down there!
Copy !req
372. - Right to your office!
- I do understand.
Copy !req
373. I'm not gonna give you just
a piece of my mind…
Copy !req
374. - You yelled that part already.
- …I'm gonna give you all of it! Clear?
Copy !req
375. Yep! Don't you worry.
Copy !req
376. That was headquarters. They loved it.
Copy !req
377. - They did?
- Of course not!
Copy !req
378. You broke the Wake Up Button,
and oh, oh, almost killed Riley.
Copy !req
379. Just look at this! I still
don't understand what I'm watching.
Copy !req
380. Riley was still asleep,
but she was walking around, and—
Copy !req
381. In the manual, it says—
Copy !req
382. She was walking, and she was also asleep.
Copy !req
383. Asleep and walking?
I mean, what do you even call that?
Copy !req
384. Sleepwalking.
Copy !req
385. No, no, no, Sadness.
Copy !req
386. Actually, that's not bad.
Copy !req
387. And Riley woke up her parents, so now
I've got the other studios mad at me too!
Copy !req
388. See, Dad was having a flying dream.
Copy !req
389. Do you know how expensive those are?
Copy !req
390. I put you in the room where it happens,
and look what happened!
Copy !req
391. - But, Auntie, I—
- And you.
Copy !req
392. I gave you the whole night, Paula.
Copy !req
393. I knew keeping you on
as a director here was a mistake.
Copy !req
394. Jean, I hear you. You're right.
Copy !req
395. It was unacceptable,
Copy !req
396. but we all make mistakes
at our first time at bat.
Copy !req
397. - What?
- So, this was all your fault.
Copy !req
398. Whatever happened to
"the buck stops with you," huh?
Copy !req
399. Well, sometimes the buck stops,
and then it keeps going to someone else.
Copy !req
400. It rolls over, you know?
Copy !req
401. Bucks stop. That's what they do.
There's no such thing as a rolling buck!
Copy !req
402. Look, I only gave you a job here
because your dad begged me.
Copy !req
403. But now, you're done making dreams.
Copy !req
404. - But Auntie, I want to make—
- Whoa, Jean.
Copy !req
405. I think you're better off making
Copy !req
406. - sandwiches.
Copy !req
407. You're dismissed.
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408. Hey, Jean.
I-I didn't mean for you to demote Xeni.
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409. I'm done with Xeni, Paula.
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410. Now, let's talk about you.
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411. You're fired.
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412. That's what I'd say if I had anyone
to replace you, but tonight I don't.
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413. So, you have one last shot, Paula.
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414. If tonight's dream isn't
the most mature, artful,
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415. life-changing, epiphany-making,
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416. rainbow-popping dream
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417. Riley has ever had,
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418. you will be demoted to brain farts!
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419. That was the chair.
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