1. Adjust resistance pressure.
Copy !req
2. What's the resistance reading?
Copy !req
3. Negative.
Copy !req
4. Vitality is dropping,
watch it carefully.
Copy !req
5. Adjust cutout at 25, don't reduce
any lower or he may not recover.
Copy !req
6. Senta! Your message was passed
on to me. You are to be congratulated.
Copy !req
7. It's a perfect transfer.
Copy !req
8. Remarkable. How is the Doctor?
Copy !req
9. Reduced nervous tension of course,
but in good condition.
Copy !req
10. Given time, he will recover, and like
the others, we'll be able to use him again.
Copy !req
11. You realise what this means,
Copy !req
12. If we are able to achieve
this transfer successfully, we
Copy !req
13. will be able to do the same
with the other time travellers.
Copy !req
14. The young man and the girl?
Copy !req
15. As it is, they are a danger to us.
Copy !req
16. But as a source of energy,
they could be of great value.
Copy !req
17. Captain Edal. Send out patrols.
Copy !req
18. The two young people who arrived
with the Doctor must be brought in.
Copy !req
19. Leave him. We have brought
you here only for your safety.
Copy !req
20. What have you done for the Doctor?
Copy !req
21. We can do nothing for him.
Copy !req
22. If you don't fight them,
you'll always suffer.
Copy !req
23. Obviously you have
never faced the light guns.
Copy !req
24. What is this place? Why have we come here?
Copy !req
25. To hide. That is where we live.
Copy !req
26. Caves! You live there?
Copy !req
27. - Yes.
- Like animals!
Copy !req
28. Like animals. It is the one
place the guards will not follow.
Copy !req
29. Even they hesitate to go into
the darkness of those passages.
Copy !req
30. There is news Chal. The
patrols have been sent out.
Copy !req
31. They are searching
for the strangers.
Copy !req
32. How do you know they are looking for us?
Copy !req
33. They have not touched any of our
people, and they are still hunting.
Copy !req
34. Did you hear anything about the Doctor?
Copy !req
35. He will have been used.
Copy !req
36. You mean,
they put him in that glass cell?
Copy !req
37. Steven, what are we going to do?
Copy !req
38. Don't worry, Dodo, we'll find him.
Copy !req
39. I must warn you,
Copy !req
40. when you do find him,
he will not be as you remember,
Copy !req
41. they leave us afterwards
only a hollow shell of ourselves.
Copy !req
42. What is his vitality?
Copy !req
43. It's down to twenty-five.
We were very careful.
Copy !req
44. And the energy count?
Copy !req
45. That's high. As a source of energy,
his power is remarkably high.
Copy !req
46. And he will recover?
Copy !req
47. Of course, but it will take time.
Copy !req
48. Very well. And now I wish you
to prepare for an in-transference.
Copy !req
49. - So soon?
- The sooner the better.
Copy !req
50. You have nominated a number of
people to receive part of his life force?
Copy !req
51. No, there will be only one person.
Copy !req
52. That is most unusual.
Copy !req
53. This is a most unusual experiment,
Copy !req
54. It would not be right to jeopardise the
safety of any other members of the city.
Copy !req
55. I will take full responsibility.
Copy !req
56. You're going to take the
in-transference yourself?
Copy !req
57. Yes.
Copy !req
58. But Jano, is that wise?
Anything might happen.
Copy !req
59. We have never seen any such thing before.
Copy !req
60. It is for that reason that I will take the
risk. I shall be ready when you need me.
Copy !req
61. Keep to your own division,
Exorse. You're too far over.
Copy !req
62. This is section K4. You
should be beyond the scrubland.
Copy !req
63. Go and see if they've tried
to reach the Valley of Caves.
Copy !req
64. Very good, Captain.
Copy !req
65. What is it?
Copy !req
66. A patrol is coming this way.
Copy !req
67. I have warned you,
they are looking for you.
Copy !req
68. Will they come here?
Copy !req
69. - Possibly.
- Where can we go?
Copy !req
70. There is no place where you are safe.
Copy !req
71. Be silent! You will be safe in the caves.
Copy !req
72. No Chal! You cannot
take them into the caves.
Copy !req
73. The guards would follow and
then our last refuge would be gone.
Copy !req
74. They have helped us. We must help them.
Copy !req
75. No! They are not our people. They
must not be allowed in the caves.
Copy !req
76. I am the leader.
Copy !req
77. And I say they may go.
Copy !req
78. Very well. Our destruction
will be on your hands.
Copy !req
79. You will remain here.
Come with me, quickly.
Copy !req
80. Nanina... do not worry. They are friends.
Copy !req
81. They helped me.
Copy !req
82. It's beautiful, like a little temple.
Copy !req
83. This is where we live. It is the one spot
on this island which we can call our own.
Copy !req
84. - But, who's made all this?
- Our people have done it.
Copy !req
85. It's superb!
Copy !req
86. Our ancestors
were great artists.
Copy !req
87. As time passes,
we are less able to do such things.
Copy !req
88. Most of our talents
have been taken from us.
Copy !req
89. Only our faith remains.
And that they will never take.
Copy !req
90. Look out. The patrol is coming.
Copy !req
91. Stay where you are.
Copy !req
92. Where are they?
Copy !req
93. Next time, I will take you away. I
asked you, where are the strangers?
Copy !req
94. Up there, are they? Right!
Copy !req
95. What is happening?
Copy !req
96. He is coming this way.
Copy !req
97. Go back, I will watch.
Copy !req
98. You have the two strangers.
Tell them to come here.
Copy !req
99. There are no strangers.
Copy !req
100. Let me see what's going on.
Copy !req
101. Stay down there!
Copy !req
102. How many guards?
Copy !req
103. There's only one, but he has a gun.
Copy !req
104. What's he doing now?
Copy !req
105. It's no use. He's coming here.
Copy !req
106. Isn't there any other
way out of this place?
Copy !req
107. There are the passages
but they don't lead anywhere.
Copy !req
108. You mean we're trapped?
Copy !req
109. No, no, they will give us a chance.
Copy !req
110. There are many passages and he may
not know which one to follow. Come with me.
Copy !req
111. This is an order. Bring out the
strangers. I know they are there.
Copy !req
112. What will happen to him?
Copy !req
113. They can do no worse
than they have done before.
Copy !req
114. We don't want to bring any
more suffering on your people.
Copy !req
115. Very well, I will come and get them myself.
Copy !req
116. Quickly! This way.
Copy !req
117. The strangers, girl,
where are they? Tell me or you will suffer.
Copy !req
118. I will tell you nothing.
Copy !req
119. After I find them,
I shall teach you to obey.
Copy !req
120. Where are they?
Copy !req
121. Very well.
Copy !req
122. I shall take you back in their place.
Copy !req
123. Don't talk!
Copy !req
124. They have gone into the face of the rock!
Copy !req
125. Which opening? Which opening? Get back!
Copy !req
126. You have betrayed them.
Copy !req
127. But he would have taken me!
Copy !req
128. Where does this lead to?
Copy !req
129. Only further into the rocks.
Copy !req
130. There's no way out?
Copy !req
131. No.
Copy !req
132. Listen!
Copy !req
133. I don't hear anything.
Copy !req
134. I'm not sure. Come on.
Copy !req
135. Isn't there any place to hide?
Copy !req
136. I'm afraid the echo...
Copy !req
137. But she's right though.
Copy !req
138. We don't stand a chance if
they all are as narrow as this.
Copy !req
139. I can promise nothing,
but he may not follow.
Copy !req
140. How much more of this passage is there?
Copy !req
141. Very little. But it is our only chance.
Copy !req
142. I know you are there,
strangers. There is no escape for you.
Copy !req
143. It will be better for you
if you turn back now.
Copy !req
144. It's no good Steven.
Copy !req
145. Do you hear me?
Copy !req
146. What's that?
Copy !req
147. It is the last bend, after that,
there is nothing.
Copy !req
148. Go on.
Copy !req
149. Where are they now?
Copy !req
150. They've gone into the rock.
Copy !req
151. And the guard?
Copy !req
152. He's followed. He showed him the way.
Copy !req
153. Chal should not have brought the
strangers here. They will punish all of us!
Copy !req
154. But the strangers helped us.
Copy !req
155. What good is that if they
make the leaders angry?
Copy !req
156. Come back, strangers. There is no escape.
Copy !req
157. Then come and get us.
Copy !req
158. He knows we are here.
Copy !req
159. If I can get him angry,
he might do something rash.
Copy !req
160. Come on, soldier boy, what are
you frightened of? You've got the gun.
Copy !req
161. He will destroy us all!
Copy !req
162. How will he do that?
Copy !req
163. With the gun.
Copy !req
164. - Tell me, how will he use it?
- What does it matter!
Copy !req
165. Hurry up, I've got to know!
Tell me! How does it work?
Copy !req
166. They shine the liquid light beam on us,
and we cannot move.
Copy !req
167. Does the beam reflect?
Copy !req
168. How do you mean?
Copy !req
169. If the light from the gun reflects,
does it still work?
Copy !req
170. Yes, yes,
I have seen it from the water of the lake.
Copy !req
171. Dodo, give me that mirror. Now
come on, get on the floor, both of you.
Copy !req
172. It's no use!
Copy !req
173. You are foolish to
think you can defy me.
Copy !req
174. Have the people of the caves
not told you? You cannot resist us?
Copy !req
175. We're going to change all that, soldier
boy. Come on, what are you frightened of?
Copy !req
176. The travellers from beyond
time are indeed foolish people.
Copy !req
177. Keep down!
Copy !req
178. Don't let it shine on you.
Don't let it touch your eyes.
Copy !req
179. Quiet!
Copy !req
180. It's coming closer.
Copy !req
181. Now do you understand
strangers? We are masters.
Copy !req
182. We must go. We must obey.
Copy !req
183. Hold him Dodo.
Hang on tight
Copy !req
184. This might just work.
Copy !req
185. It is useless, stranger.
Copy !req
186. Well done Dodo. Now for it.
Copy !req
187. I will give you no more orders.
You will step into the light.
Copy !req
188. Right, now turn.
Copy !req
189. Come on, move!
Copy !req
190. He has taken the guard
prisoner. It is impossible!
Copy !req
191. They're coming back.
Copy !req
192. We should not have angered him. What will
happen to us? He has taken them prisoners.
Copy !req
193. It's the guard!
Copy !req
194. He has the gun.
Copy !req
195. We're safe.
Copy !req
196. Right, tie him up.
Make him a prisoner.
Copy !req
197. You can destroy
the people of the city.
Copy !req
198. They can destroy our enemies.
The strangers must be gods.
Copy !req
199. Are we to release him into the
outer world as with the others?
Copy !req
200. He is not one of the savages.
He couldn't look after himself.
Copy !req
201. No, he will be kept here.
Copy !req
202. The elders intended to give
him the guest apartments.
Copy !req
203. He must be taken
there. Assist him.
Copy !req
204. Treat him with great care.
He is most valuable to us.
Copy !req
205. I understand, Senta.
Copy !req
206. You are ready?
Copy !req
207. Yes, I've sent my assistants away.
Copy !req
208. You are right.
Copy !req
209. It is most important
that we keep this
Copy !req
210. in-transference secret
until we know the results.
Copy !req
211. I don't wish to alarm anyone.
Copy !req
212. Shall we begin?
Copy !req
213. I am ready.
Copy !req
214. All will go well. I shall switch
on when you give me the signal.
Copy !req
215. We shall kill him while we have the chance.
Copy !req
216. He's more use to us alive.
Copy !req
217. They have killed many of
our people. It would be justice.
Copy !req
218. Leave him.
Copy !req
219. Why do you pity him Nanina?
Copy !req
220. This is the guard that took you. Think
what they do even now to the old man.
Copy !req
221. And if we're quick,
we may be able to help the Doctor.
Copy !req
222. - It is too late, there is nothing we can...
- Be silent!
Copy !req
223. What do you wish us to do?
Copy !req
224. Show us how to get into the city.
Copy !req
225. There is a way,
but it is dangerous. It is always guarded.
Copy !req
226. I can handle the guards with
this. Just show me how to get in.
Copy !req
227. - And once you're in?
- Dodo and I can find the Doctor.
Copy !req
228. Do you know where he is?
Copy !req
229. He was supposed to go
to the guest apartment.
Copy !req
230. It will not be possible.
Copy !req
231. We must try.
Copy !req
232. Very well,
I will show you, but we must hurry.
Copy !req
233. Guard your prisoner, make
sure he doesn't get away.
Copy !req
234. Good luck go with you.
Copy !req
235. The safest way to deal
with him is to kill him now.
Copy !req
236. You heard what Chal
said! I shall call him back!
Copy !req
237. Has he hurt you?
Copy !req
238. Not much.
Copy !req
239. Let me see.
Copy !req
240. I shall make sure it is clean.
Copy !req
241. You're the girl I brought
into the laboratory.
Copy !req
242. Yes.
Copy !req
243. Why did you stop him?
Copy !req
244. It would do no good to kill you.
Copy !req
245. What is your name?
Copy !req
246. Nanina.
Copy !req
247. I shall remember.
Copy !req
248. The entrance is there. It opens into a
passage which leads to the laboratory.
Copy !req
249. Can you be sure?
Copy !req
250. Yes.
Copy !req
251. It is the way we leave when
they have taken our strength away.
Copy !req
252. Down!
Copy !req
253. It's not as though he's
not expecting trouble...
Copy !req
254. Our people have been oppressed for
so long the guards have grown careless.
Copy !req
255. Alright, we'll make use of that.
Copy !req
256. How close in do I have to go
before this becomes effective?
Copy !req
257. Just a little further.
Copy !req
258. Right. You two stay here.
Copy !req
259. Hello there? Is that you Exorse?
Copy !req
260. Dodo, Chal!
Copy !req
261. Get his gun.
Copy !req
262. Switch off your light.
Copy !req
263. He's flat out.
Copy !req
264. The light must
have hit his eyes.
Copy !req
265. It is as if he was struck by a club.
He will be like this for a long time.
Copy !req
266. How do we open the door?
Copy !req
267. It's simple.
Copy !req
268. Right, Chal,
take this fellow up into the bushes,
Copy !req
269. we don't want anyone to find him here.
Copy !req
270. - Then wait for us.
- What will you do?
Copy !req
271. Dodo and I are going inside.
Copy !req
272. In-transference completed.
Copy !req
273. Pressure restored.
Copy !req
274. Are you all right Jano?
Copy !req
275. Jano?
Copy !req
276. Jano?
Copy !req
277. Are you all right Jano? For
a moment I was afraid that...
Copy !req
278. What? What's all the fuss about?
Copy !req
279. I'm quite all right. The trouble with you
people on this planet is that you don't...
Copy !req
280. What do you mean Jano? You
belong to this planet. You're one of us.
Copy !req
281. One of...
Copy !req
282. yes, yes of course.
Copy !req
283. I'm afraid I'm not quite myself.
Copy !req
284. I understand. You
must rest Jano.
Copy !req
285. I shall give instructions that
you are not to be disturbed.
Copy !req
286. An excellent idea.
Copy !req
287. After an experience like that,
one takes time to become adjusted.
Copy !req
288. I suppose my two young friends...
Copy !req
289. Avon and Flower?
Copy !req
290. Good gracious no, no, no.
Copy !req
291. Steven and Dodo,
the child with the ridiculous name.
Copy !req
292. The strangers?
Copy !req
293. Oh! Strangers to you, perhaps,
but I have known them both...
Copy !req
294. yes, yes of course,
the strangers.
Copy !req
295. I will leave you, Jano.
Copy !req
296. So I'm in this dreadful place,
am I?
Copy !req
297. Well, I'll soon do something
about their equipment.
Copy !req
298. What's happened to me?
What's happened to me?
Copy !req
299. Steven, there's something wrong.
It shouldn't be so easy to get in.
Copy !req
300. Chal and his people will
be too terrified to break in.
Copy !req
301. Surely they should have some security?
Copy !req
302. Maybe they thought one guard was enough.
Copy !req
303. They're not going to
give us much trouble.
Copy !req
304. A little bit further and they'll
have no chance to get back.
Copy !req
305. It looks as though they're stopping.
Copy !req
306. Steven, there's something
strange. I don't want to go on.
Copy !req
307. It's our only chance.
We've got to find the Doctor.
Copy !req
308. Listen!
Copy !req
309. We'll just have to coax them in a
little. Hello, guest apartment control.
Copy !req
310. Captain Edal speaking.
Copy !req
311. Conduct time traveller number one
to the end of emergency corridor U-3.
Copy !req
312. You are to leave the
Doctor there by himself.
Copy !req
313. Take him there immediately,
this is urgent.
Copy !req
314. This is the corridor I was in before.
There's a T-junction just ahead.
Copy !req
315. Can we get into the laboratory that way?
Copy !req
316. Yes.
Copy !req
317. - Come on.
- Alright.
Copy !req
318. Time traveller number one in position.
Copy !req
319. Good. Release him. And stay
out of sight until I give the signal.
Copy !req
320. Here's the T-junction all
right. There's someone there!
Copy !req
321. You're right. Stand by.
Copy !req
322. Doctor!
Copy !req
323. Oh it's wonderful to see you.
Copy !req
324. Are you all right? How did you get here?
Copy !req
325. Why doesn't he answer?
Copy !req
326. Are you all right Doctor?
Copy !req
327. Come on, we're going
to get you out of this place.
Copy !req
328. He's not moving Steven, give him a hand.
Copy !req
329. Come on.
Copy !req
330. What was that?
Copy !req
331. The door!
Copy !req
332. Dodo, quickly!
Copy !req
333. Doctor... come on now, you can get through!
Copy !req
334. Steven, I can't hold on much longer.
Copy !req
335. Doctor! Doctor!
Copy !req
336. What have they done to you?
Copy !req
337. Guards to Emergency Corridor
Copy !req
338. Use destructive vapours as protection
against the light gun. Move up behind!
Copy !req
339. Look!
Copy !req
340. There's someone behind us!
Copy !req
341. That's no good,
Steven. We've got to get out.
Copy !req
342. Oh quickly Steven! He's getting nearer.
Copy !req
343. Can't see anything.
Copy !req
344. We've got to go through it Dodo.
Copy !req
345. I can't...
Copy !req
346. Come on Dodo.
Copy !req
347. I can't...
Copy !req