1. Doctor, you've vanished!
Copy !req
2. What? Oh nonsense child! Nonsense! Hmm!
Copy !req
3. You have! Do you think this is
something to do with the Refusians?
Copy !req
4. Why... it must be!
Copy !req
5. You're wrong!
Copy !req
6. This is something far more serious.
Copy !req
7. We're in grave danger.
Copy !req
8. This is some form of attack!
Copy !req
9. But we're still in the TARDIS!
Copy !req
10. That may be, my boy,
but wherever it is, it has
Copy !req
11. great power and can
penetrate our safety barrier.
Copy !req
12. Don't just stand there, dear
boy, turn on the scanner!
Copy !req
13. But Doctor!
Copy !req
14. Don't ask questions, child. There
isn't time. Turn on the scanner!
Copy !req
15. It isn't working.
Copy !req
16. Yes, it is. When it isn't working,
the screen is not as clear as that.
Copy !req
17. This is part of the same trick!
Copy !req
18. But what are we to do?
Let's take off at once!
Copy !req
19. That might be worse, my dear.
Copy !req
20. Besides, I'm not only invisible,
I'm intangible,
Copy !req
21. which means that I
can't pull the switches.
Copy !req
22. Well, I'll do it if
you tell me what to do.
Copy !req
23. No! Whatever it is, we shall have
to face up to it. Open the doors.
Copy !req
24. But Doctor!
Copy !req
25. Open the doors!
Copy !req
26. We should go!
Copy !req
27. Can't!
Copy !req
28. Hey, if the Doctor's intangible,
why did he need to open the doors?
Copy !req
29. He could have just
walked through them.
Copy !req
30. Habit, I suppose.
C'mon, we should follow.
Copy !req
31. You won't get me out there.
Copy !req
32. You'll serve my purpose admirably. You're
very good at games. Clowns always are.
Copy !req
33. You can show Steven and Dodo
some of your tricks into the bargain.
Copy !req
34. If you want to go, then you go, but
I'm sure that the Doctor... Doctor!
Copy !req
35. What is it?
Copy !req
36. There you are!
Copy !req
37. We can see you! Everything's alright!
Copy !req
38. Oh, you can see me?
Copy !req
39. - Yes!
- Well, splendid! Hee! Hee! Splendid!
Copy !req
40. Oh, let's go now. It must have just
been the Refusian influence after all.
Copy !req
41. What's this extraordinary place?
Copy !req
42. Well, I'm not quite sure, dear boy, but
it's, ah, it's somewhat familiar...
Copy !req
43. It looks dead boring to me. C'mon!
Copy !req
44. No, wait, child, wait!
Copy !req
45. Why?
Copy !req
46. Well, I don't think it was
the Refusian's influence
Copy !req
47. that made me become intangible, no!
Copy !req
48. I think it was something here. I don't like
the feel of the place anymore than you do.
Copy !req
49. But, we have to face up to it.
You know, I think I was meant to come here.
Copy !req
50. Hey! Look! That's me!
Copy !req
51. - What is?
- Here, on the screen!
Copy !req
52. What screen?
Copy !req
53. Here! That's me on the planet Kemble.
Copy !req
54. There's nothing there!
Copy !req
55. But I believe I now know where we are.
Copy !req
56. It's changed again! There I am in Paris!
Copy !req
57. Now turn around this instant!
Turn away from it, dear boy!
Copy !req
58. We're now in the world
of The Celestial Toymaker!
Copy !req
59. And that screen is hypnotic.
It's trying to dominate your mind.
Copy !req
60. But Doctor...
Copy !req
61. There is nothing there.
You understand me?
Copy !req
62. There is nothing there at
all. You must believe me.
Copy !req
63. What was it? What happened?
Copy !req
64. What's the matter, Doctor? I
couldn't see anything on the screen.
Copy !req
65. Come here, child.
Copy !req
66. Now whatever you do, you must not allow
yourself to be trapped into looking at it.
Copy !req
67. Who's the Celestial Toymaker?
Copy !req
68. He's a powerful evil. He manipulates
people and makes them into his playthings.
Copy !req
69. Whatever you do, neither of you
must look at that screen. It's a trap.
Copy !req
70. What a spoil-sport you are,
Doctor. They like my memory window.
Copy !req
71. You! I might have guessed!
Copy !req
72. Of course! I've been
waiting for you a long time.
Copy !req
73. Where's the TARDIS?
Copy !req
74. Don't worry, my dear.
Just watch... over there.
Copy !req
75. It's me the day my mother died!
Copy !req
76. Turn away from it this instant!
Copy !req
77. What a shame! I thought my
little invention would amuse you.
Copy !req
78. You and your inventions, huh!
Copy !req
79. Now, both of you,
be very careful.
Copy !req
80. This place is a hidden
menace. Nothing is just for fun.
Copy !req
81. What's the idea?
Copy !req
82. He's trying to get us into his power,
that's why we've got to fight him.
Copy !req
83. But can't we just go? I hate this place.
Copy !req
84. My dear, but how? Hmm?
That is the question. Hmm?
Copy !req
85. In the TARDIS, of course, as always.
Copy !req
86. There are many of
them. Take your choice.
Copy !req
87. But... there are hundreds of them!
Copy !req
88. Yes, hundreds. Come, Doctor.
Copy !req
89. No!
Copy !req
90. Doctor!
Copy !req
91. Have you gone invisible again?
Copy !req
92. No, he's gone. That
man's taken him away!
Copy !req
93. I don't like it! We
should never have stayed.
Copy !req
94. Yes, it's too late now.
Copy !req
95. Who was that man?
Copy !req
96. I don't know. But we've
got to find the Doctor.
Copy !req
97. What on Earth?
Copy !req
98. Shhh! Shhh! Steven!
Copy !req
99. But why have I got to be quiet?
Copy !req
100. Very funny! Don't see what
you've got to laugh about.
Copy !req
101. If you could only see
your face with that hand!
Copy !req
102. For me?
Copy !req
103. Thanks! No one's ever
given me flowers before.
Copy !req
104. If you could just see your face!
Copy !req
105. I'm not sure that I like these clowns!
Copy !req
106. Look, can either of you talk?
Copy !req
107. Well, how 'bout you?
Copy !req
108. Yes, I can talk. How are you?
Copy !req
109. I'm fine. But what do you want with us?
Copy !req
110. They're here to entertain
you. Play a game with you.
Copy !req
111. Well, thank you very much.
Copy !req
112. We've been entertained. We
don't want to play your games.
Copy !req
113. Now where have you taken the Doctor?
Copy !req
114. Taken the Doctor? Nowhere,
my dear chap.
Copy !req
115. The Doctor and I are going
to play a little game together.
Copy !req
116. You can watch the
results on that board.
Copy !req
117. But you must win all your
games before he does.
Copy !req
118. Look,
we're not interested in your games.
Copy !req
119. We want to go
back to the TARDIS.
Copy !req
120. That's impossible.
Copy !req
121. Impossible?
Copy !req
122. Well... not quite impossible,
but you'll have to win a few games first.
Copy !req
123. After each game,
if you win, you will find a
Copy !req
124. TARDIS,
which may or may not be the real one.
Copy !req
125. What do you mean "the real one"?
Copy !req
126. As you have seen, I have many copies.
Copy !req
127. So we have to win a game
before we can get to the TARDIS?
Copy !req
128. Right! Several games, in fact.
Copy !req
129. And if we lose?
Copy !req
130. Then you both stay here... as my guests.
Copy !req
131. We better play his silly game, Steven.
Copy !req
132. I don't see why we should humour
him. He's obviously around the bend!
Copy !req
133. That's just it! If we don't do as he
says, we may never get out of here.
Copy !req
134. Well?
Copy !req
135. Alright! We'll play your little games. But
if we win, we get the TARDIS back, okay?
Copy !req
136. Agreed.
Copy !req
137. And if we lose?
Copy !req
138. You'll never see the TARDIS again!
Copy !req
139. Wait!
Copy !req
140. You never asked him about the Doctor.
Copy !req
141. Oh, he's probably got his game to play.
I'm glad we're not playing that one.
Copy !req
142. What are we playing?
Copy !req
143. Blind Man's Bluff!
Copy !req
144. You will kindly cease this practical
joking, and let us go at once, hmm?
Copy !req
145. Patience, Doctor, patience.
You've only just got here. Relax.
Copy !req
146. It's so nice to see you again.
Copy !req
147. And now you have, so let us go.
Copy !req
148. You're so innocent, Doctor.
Copy !req
149. The last time you were here,
I hoped you'd stay long
Copy !req
150. enough for a game,
but you had hardly time to turn around.
Copy !req
151. And very wise I was, too. You
and your games are quite notorious.
Copy !req
152. You draw people here
like a spider does to flies.
Copy !req
153. How absurd! It amuses
me to give amusements.
Copy !req
154. And should they lose
the game they play,
Copy !req
155. you condemn them to
become your toy forever.
Copy !req
156. That is one of my rules, certainly. But
if they win, they're perfectly free to go.
Copy !req
157. And if I refuse?
Copy !req
158. Then you lose by default.
Is that what you choose?
Copy !req
159. No, I do not. I should
never have left the TARDIS.
Copy !req
160. You're so insatiably curious.
Copy !req
161. That's why I insured that the scanner would
be blank. I knew that would bring you out.
Copy !req
162. Another one of
your conjuring tricks?
Copy !req
163. What game is it
you want me to play?
Copy !req
164. This!
Copy !req
165. The trilogic game?
Copy !req
166. The trilogic game. A game for the mind,
Doctor, the developed mind.
Copy !req
167. Difficult for the
practiced mind.
Copy !req
168. Dangerous for the mind that has become old,
lazy, or weak.
Copy !req
169. You infer that my mind
is getting weak and old?
Copy !req
170. We shall see. Perhaps it is merely lazy.
Copy !req
171. How dare you!
Copy !req
172. So you still think that you
can pit your mind against mine?
Copy !req
173. Of course I can!
Copy !req
174. Good. I hope that the time
you have spent dabbling in your
Copy !req
175. researches 'round the universe
hasn't dulled you. I need you.
Copy !req
176. You need me?
Copy !req
177. Yes. I'm bored. I love to play games,
but there's no one to play against.
Copy !req
178. The beings who call here have no
minds and so they become my toys, hmm!
Copy !req
179. But you will become
my perpetual opponent.
Copy !req
180. We shall play endless games together,
your brain against mine.
Copy !req
181. As you said, if I win
the game, uh, I can go.
Copy !req
182. So you can, Doctor, so you can.
Copy !req
183. But I think you will lose. Can
you remember how to play?
Copy !req
184. I am only allowed to
move one piece at a time.
Copy !req
185. That is right. And you
must rearrange them in
Copy !req
186. the same order that
they are now on point C.
Copy !req
187. And, uh, I am not permitted to put
a larger piece on a small piece?
Copy !req
188. Correct. And you have 1,023 moves
to do it in. That is the exact amount.
Copy !req
189. If you make one mistake,
you lose. And to help you count, there!
Copy !req
190. When the two rows of numbers
match, the game is over.
Copy !req
191. I see.
Copy !req
192. Can I begin?
Copy !req
193. Don't be so impatient, Doctor. There!
Copy !req
194. We mustn't forget them.
Copy !req
195. You are not asking
them to play this game?
Copy !req
196. Good heavens, no! They are
on the competitive quest.
Copy !req
197. Competitive? And, eh,
who are the others?
Copy !req
198. Two clown friends of mine.
They are the home team.
Copy !req
199. They will play against your
friends and win the quest.
Copy !req
200. Quest? What quest?
Copy !req
201. The hunt for the TARDIS!
Copy !req
202. Win the games,
and you get it back!
Copy !req
203. It's rather like a Snakes and
Ladders set I used to have.
Copy !req
204. Look's crazy to me!
Copy !req
205. Oh, go on, have a go. It looks fun.
Copy !req
206. What? Me on that? Not on your life!
Copy !req
207. But this is the game
we have to play, right?
Copy !req
208. This is your game.
Copy !req
209. Right, then you play it.
Copy !req
210. Oh no! You must play it. It's
all quite simple. You start there.
Copy !req
211. Blindfold!
Copy !req
212. You must be joking! Kids' game!
Copy !req
213. Steven! Go on.
Copy !req
214. You have to cross these
obstacles without falling down.
Copy !req
215. And if you get home without falling down,
you win the game.
Copy !req
216. And what's... oh' What's-His-Name
there going to be doing all this time?
Copy !req
217. His name is Joey. I'm Clara.
He will play it, too, of course.
Copy !req
218. And if he loses?
Copy !req
219. No answer that time. And what
happens if we both manage it?
Copy !req
220. Then we play it again.
Until someone loses.
Copy !req
221. Oh it's a great future the
Toymaker's got mapped out for us.
Copy !req
222. Alright, chum,
you want to show me how it's done?
Copy !req
223. That means "Yes", I suppose.
Copy !req
224. You must come with me.
Copy !req
225. This is where we control them.
Copy !req
226. One buzz for right turn, two for left,
three to stop, four to start.
Copy !req
227. Dodo! Steven!
This is the Doctor.
Copy !req
228. The game you're going to play is not
so innocent as it looks. Be on your guard!
Copy !req
229. If you lose this game, we shall be
here forever! So watch out for...
Copy !req
230. That was unwise of you, Doctor.
Copy !req
231. I must warn them.
Copy !req
232. Attend to your own game.
Copy !req
233. Go for a move, 152!
Copy !req
234. Keep playing, Doctor.
Copy !req
235. And to stop you interfering,
I shall have to dematerialize you again.
Copy !req
236. There!
Copy !req
237. You are overreaching yourself,
Toymaker. How can I play this game?
Copy !req
238. Let's see. Suppose
we leave you one hand.
Copy !req
239. There. I suggest you resume the game.
Copy !req
240. I thought you'd see it my way, Doctor.
Copy !req
241. We won! We won!
Copy !req
242. Just a minute. I haven't had a go yet.
Copy !req
243. But the Doctor warned us...
Copy !req
244. It's alright, I can manage it. Rope,
five stones, steps, plank, tube.
Copy !req
245. Now I can do it if you can
guide me. After all, he can do it.
Copy !req
246. And you remember the directions?
Copy !req
247. Right, one buzz; Left, two buzzes;
Four to start; And three to stop.
Copy !req
248. Can you see?
Copy !req
249. Not a thing.
Copy !req
250. Right. I'm ready.
Copy !req
251. Ready now.
Copy !req
252. Look what he's doing! Cheat!
You cheat! Steven, look out!
Copy !req
253. He can't hear you!
Copy !req
254. The door's self-locking!
Copy !req
255. Dodo, be careful! You nearly
made me fall that time.
Copy !req
256. What have you done now, you clown, you?
Copy !req
257. One right. One right?
Copy !req
258. That was close.
Copy !req
259. Yes,
you'll honk when I get this blindfold off.
Copy !req
260. Now I moved another. I moved the
first to the right and then to the left.
Copy !req
261. Now what now?
Copy !req
262. To the right?
Copy !req
263. You wait!
Copy !req
264. I don't see how he has a chance of
winning if you cheat all the time.
Copy !req
265. Cheat? Oh no. It's just a few
variations. They make it more fun.
Copy !req
266. What was that?
Copy !req
267. You again! I warn you!
Copy !req
268. Games with clowns!
Copy !req
269. How is he supposed to
squeeze through that tube?
Copy !req
270. Joey did.
Copy !req
271. But suppose he gets stuck half way,
what then?
Copy !req
272. Look what he's done! It's not fair!
Copy !req
273. He goes back to the start!
Copy !req
274. And you think that's fair?
Copy !req
275. Let me out of here! Open the door!
Copy !req
276. I can't!
Copy !req
277. Oh, you're just like a doll! A rag doll!
Copy !req
278. I don't think this funny at all!
Copy !req
279. Oh no!
Copy !req
280. Look I warned you!
Copy !req
281. We won!
Copy !req
282. Oh Steven! Steven completed the course!
Copy !req
283. We won! We won! Now you'll
never find the TARDIS!
Copy !req
284. Well, it's a draw! Now let's do it again
- this time with him in the booth!
Copy !req
285. - The winnah!
- Steven, look at this!
Copy !req
286. You can see right through it. It's not a
real blindfold at all!
Copy !req
287. No wonder you were able to
run 'round the course so easily.
Copy !req
288. And now we'll try it again! Only
this time with a real blindfold.
Copy !req
289. Not so fast! Here, put that on him.
Copy !req
290. You better go in the booth to guide him.
Copy !req
291. Right! Now we'll play The Toymaker's little
game fairly! C'mon Dodo, start him off.
Copy !req
292. Steven I'm frightened.
Copy !req
293. You notice he's not funny anymore.
Copy !req
294. Steven you better stop him. He'll fall.
Copy !req
295. We can't stop him. It's him or
us. Go on! You can't stop now!
Copy !req
296. It can't be empty!
Copy !req
297. It is.
Copy !req
298. - Look.
- What's that?
Copy !req
299. "Four legs, no feet, of arms no lack,
it carries no burden on its back.
Copy !req
300. Six deadly sisters, seven for choice,
call the servants without voice."
Copy !req
301. What does it mean?
Copy !req
302. A riddle. Look, here's a way out.
Copy !req
303. Perhaps this is to tell
us where the TARDIS is.
Copy !req
304. Or perhaps it's just another game.
Anyway, we've got to find out.
Copy !req