1. I tell you, Nicholas,
he refuses to take any precautions.
Copy !req
2. Our noble lord,
Henri of Navarre, will not believe
Copy !req
3. that the Catholics
are plotting to kill him!
Copy !req
4. That so surprising? He
is married to the King's sister!
Copy !req
5. He must put on a
show of trust in the Cath...
Copy !req
6. Trust in them!
Copy !req
7. You know how far we can do that!
Copy !req
8. You told him what
that girl overheard?
Copy !req
9. - Yes!
- What did he say?
Copy !req
10. He refuses to pay any
attention to a servant girl's story.
Copy !req
11. But we must convince them!
Copy !req
12. Nicholas, you are the man's secretary. Now
speak to de Coligny again, now tell him...
Copy !req
13. I've done what I can!
Copy !req
14. No... I must wait until we
find out something more...
Copy !req
15. or for the Catholics
to make a move...
Copy !req
16. Their move is likely to be
a knife in Navarre's back.
Copy !req
17. What happened to that Englishman, Steven?
Copy !req
18. He's gone back to the
tavern to find his friend.
Copy !req
19. Excuse me, I wonder if...
Copy !req
20. Landlord, has anyone asked for me?
Copy !req
21. What, sir? Oh, it's you, monsieur.
Copy !req
22. The friend I was waiting for last night...
Copy !req
23. Not today.
Copy !req
24. Didn't he return last night
and leave a message?
Copy !req
25. I haven't seen your friend since you
left with him at the curfew last night!
Copy !req
26. Not that friend,
I'm looking for the old man,
Copy !req
27. the one who was here
with me yesterday morning.
Copy !req
28. He should have met me
here last night. Look, he was wearing
Copy !req
29. a large travelling cloak and
carrying a silver-topped cane.
Copy !req
30. No one has been here. We're closed.
Copy !req
31. Not last night or this morning?
Copy !req
32. No! I've got work to do! If you need help
go and ask it from your Huguenot friends!
Copy !req
33. For goodness sake, Gaston. It's quite
likely we drew the wrong conclusions.
Copy !req
34. Look, the girl overheard
the men talking about Vase,
Copy !req
35. and it would happen again
before the week was out!
Copy !req
36. No she didn't! She heard
them mention the name Vase.
Copy !req
37. And just before she ran away,
she heard them
Copy !req
38. say it would happen
before the week was out.
Copy !req
39. Well what's the difference?
Copy !req
40. It's quite likely the name Vase had
nothing to do with the massacre there.
Copy !req
41. And the it was referring
to something else entirely.
Copy !req
42. Look, Nicholas, you can't...
Copy !req
43. Nicholas,
I'm sorry to have to bother you again...
Copy !req
44. Don't worry. Antoine, bring another glass.
Copy !req
45. Yes, monsieur.
Copy !req
46. You didn't find your friend?
Copy !req
47. No, I even went to the TARD...
Copy !req
48. the place where we were to leave
from. There wasn't any sign of him.
Copy !req
49. If he's fallen foul of the Catholics who
roam about the streets, heaven help him.
Copy !req
50. - Many of our followers are just as bad.
- Nonsense!
Copy !req
51. Pay no attention to Gaston.
Now what can I do to help you?
Copy !req
52. Well, my friend went to the
Port St. Martin as you know.
Copy !req
53. I must try to find him there, but I'm
afraid I can't remember your directions.
Copy !req
54. I'll come with you.
Copy !req
55. Before you go, I think you have a visitor!
Copy !req
56. Who?
Copy !req
57. Roger Colbert!
Copy !req
58. Recently appointed
temporal secretary to the
Copy !req
59. Abbot of Amboise
during his stay in Paris.
Copy !req
60. I'll wager he's
come to fetch the girl.
Copy !req
61. An unexpected visit, monsieur Colbert!
Copy !req
62. - Nicholas Muss?
- Yes?
Copy !req
63. Forgive me for calling on you like this
but I believe that yesterday you were put
Copy !req
64. to some inconvenience by a servant
from the household of the Abbot of Amboise.
Copy !req
65. Inconvenience?
Copy !req
66. I understand she overheard someone
say something and was frightened by it.
Copy !req
67. She ran away and I hear that you kindly
gave her refuge in the Admiral's kitchens.
Copy !req
68. And what could the Abbot say
that would frighten a servant so?
Copy !req
69. The Abbot was not
then in residence.
Copy !req
70. She heard someone speak of Vase
Copy !req
71. and I believe that she was there when
that unfortunate business took place.
Copy !req
72. She was frightened, I suspect, by her own
memory, rather than by anything she heard.
Copy !req
73. And do they discuss the
slaughter at Vase so glibly?
Copy !req
74. People can talk of the
town without referring to that.
Copy !req
75. Surely, that is the very girl!
Copy !req
76. That girl?
Copy !req
77. Yes, her name is Anne Chaplet.
Allow me take her with me.
Copy !req
78. No, no, no, no, no! You must
be mistaken, that girl is called...
Copy !req
79. Genevieve. And she's been working
here ever since the Admiral came to Paris.
Copy !req
80. I see. Forgive me for troubling you.
Copy !req
81. That is the same man who
followed my friend from the tavern.
Copy !req
82. - You're sure?
- Positive.
Copy !req
83. But what could the Abbot of
Amboise want with your friend?
Copy !req
84. Well, well, well, the Abbot has come
himself, and all for the sake of a servant.
Copy !req
85. But... but that's the Doctor!
Copy !req
86. That's the Doctor
talking to Roger Colbert!
Copy !req
87. I must go to him.
Thank you for all your help.
Copy !req
88. One moment!
Copy !req
89. Yes?
Copy !req
90. You say that man is your friend?
Copy !req
91. Yes!
Copy !req
92. And how long have you been
working for the Abbot of Amboise?
Copy !req
93. What?
Copy !req
94. The man talking to Colbert is the Abbot of
Amboise. In what capacity do you serve him?
Copy !req
95. What are you talking about?
Well that man's the Doc...
Copy !req
96. He's gone... at least...
it looked like the Doctor!
Copy !req
97. If you're certain, the certainty
is that I don't like Catholic spies!
Copy !req
98. I'm no spy. Listen to me.
Copy !req
99. I thought that man was
the Doctor. If you say it
Copy !req
100. was the Abbot of Amboise,
then I must be mistaken.
Copy !req
101. Perhaps...
Copy !req
102. Nicholas! I can prove that
the Doctor looks like the Abbot.
Copy !req
103. Show me the way to the Port St. Martin,
we'll go to the
Copy !req
104. shop of Preslin the apothecary,
you'll meet the Doctor!
Copy !req
105. And walk straight into a Catholic trap!
Copy !req
106. It's no trap!
Copy !req
107. Nicholas, if I were a spy would I be
such a fool as to betray myself like this?
Copy !req
108. I think he may be telling
the truth. I'll come with you.
Copy !req
109. Yeh, so will I.
Copy !req
110. No, stay here. If I don't come back,
go to the Admiral.
Copy !req
111. - Look, you're mad, listen...
- We have to find out!
Copy !req
112. Come, monsieur and for your sake,
I hope we find your friend.
Copy !req
113. You say the Abbot went
to the house himself?
Copy !req
114. Yes, Marshal, he felt it was
imperative to get the girl back.
Copy !req
115. The Abbot's a fool.
The girl's not important.
Copy !req
116. She must have told the Huguenots all
that she knows. All that she overheard.
Copy !req
117. If they'd made anything of
it they'd have acted by now.
Copy !req
118. All he's done is to
arouse further suspicion.
Copy !req
119. He's an astute man in some ways.
Copy !req
120. After all, without him, we wouldn't
have got the help of monsieur Bondot.
Copy !req
121. Bondot has yet to prove himself.
Other assassins might do as well.
Copy !req
122. His Eminence the Cardinal trusts the Abbot.
Copy !req
123. Yes, I'm not sure that I do.
There's something odd about all this.
Copy !req
124. Watch him closely, Simon,
Copy !req
125. make a note of everything he says or does,
and report it to me.
Copy !req
126. Yes, Marshal.
Copy !req
127. There is another matter. Nicholas Muss
is playing host to a young Englishman.
Copy !req
128. At de Coligny's house? Who is he?
Copy !req
129. I don't know.
Copy !req
130. Perhaps our fine Admiral is
making secret overtures to the English?
Copy !req
131. It seems that he's a stranger to France.
Copy !req
132. All the more reason why Elizabeth
of England should send him.
Copy !req
133. Find out more about this Englishman.
Go now, and stay close to the Abbot...
Copy !req
134. and, Simon, tell him I shall bring
word later concerning the 'Sea Beggar'.
Copy !req
135. Interested in the Dutch at last,
Marshal Tavannes?
Copy !req
136. Ah, Admiral De Coligny!
I didn't hear you come in.
Copy !req
137. I hope you are looking into the
plight of the unfortunate Dutch
Copy !req
138. the 'sea beggars' as you call them.
Their fight with Spain is a just one.
Copy !req
139. So you frequently tell us in council.
Copy !req
140. Your only quarrel with the Dutch is
that they're Protestant and not Catholic.
Copy !req
141. That could also be the
reason why you support them.
Copy !req
142. But rest assured, Admiral, we are
examining their claim for France's aid.
Copy !req
143. That is something I suppose.
Copy !req
144. Tell me, have you any news from
that other ally of yours, England?
Copy !req
145. No. Why should I?
Copy !req
146. Strange. I'd heard that you have
an Englishman staying with you.
Copy !req
147. There was a lost stranger who lodged at my
house last night. I believe he was English.
Copy !req
148. And he brought you no word?
Copy !req
149. You are an extraordinary man, Tavannes.
You see shadows where there is no sun.
Copy !req
150. Perhaps. Forgive me. I have an
audience with the Queen Mother.
Copy !req
151. Don't let me detain you.
Copy !req
152. We've been up and down
every street in the Port St. Martin.
Copy !req
153. Preslin's shop must be
around here somewhere.
Copy !req
154. Look!
Copy !req
155. Sorry!
Copy !req
156. Rushing about, knocking folk down,
you young gentlemen...
Copy !req
157. Sorry, my friend's looking for someone.
Copy !req
158. Well that's no reason
to go pushing me over.
Copy !req
159. And you can stop making all that noise.
You're disturbing the whole neighbourhood.
Copy !req
160. Nobody lives there.
Copy !req
161. What?
Copy !req
162. Monsieur Preslin doesn't use his shop?
Copy !req
163. Does it look like it? Nothing
lives there except the rats.
Copy !req
164. Where is Preslin now?
Copy !req
165. How long since he's lived here?
Copy !req
166. Oh, a long time. Two years
about. He was arrested for heresy.
Copy !req
167. What do you mean? You mean he's in prison?
Copy !req
168. Burnt I expect.
And if he isn't, he should be.
Copy !req
169. Your story is
thinner than before.
Copy !req
170. You say the Doctor is with Preslin,
who by all accounts is dead.
Copy !req
171. She only said he might be.
Copy !req
172. - And what about the Doctor?
- I don't know.
Copy !req
173. I think I do. Your friend
is the Abbot of Amboise.
Copy !req
174. No.
Copy !req
175. At least,
I don't see how it can be...
Copy !req
176. - Unless?
- What?
Copy !req
177. It is just possible that the Doctor
is pretending to be the Abbot.
Copy !req
178. - For what reason?
- Wait until I find him.
Copy !req
179. So that you can get further instructions?
Copy !req
180. Nicholas! Please believe me!
Copy !req
181. I know nothing about Vase or the
Catholics or half of what you talk about.
Copy !req
182. If the Doctor is pretending to be the
Abbot then it's for a very good reason.
Copy !req
183. Please let me go to him.
Copy !req
184. Shall I find out there is a plot of
some kind I'll come back and tell you.
Copy !req
185. No. You will come back with me now. There
are others who shall decide before I do.
Copy !req
186. Where is the Abbot? He
knew I might bring word.
Copy !req
187. I've been waiting here
for over half an hour.
Copy !req
188. He may be with Monivere.
Copy !req
189. Will you never learn?
Call the assassin Bondot.
Copy !req
190. If the Sea Beggar should find out Monivere
is in Paris he'd be put on his guard.
Copy !req
191. Why do you think we've chosen
code names so very carefully?
Copy !req
192. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
193. You've already been responsible for
one mistake. It must stop.
Copy !req
194. I parted with the Abbot
at De Coligny's house.
Copy !req
195. He did not tell me
where he was going.
Copy !req
196. Oh, very well.
Copy !req
197. Tell me what you
know about the Abbot.
Copy !req
198. He's been specially
appointed by the Cardinal.
Copy !req
199. I don't mean that. How
long have you known him?
Copy !req
200. I only met him yesterday.
Copy !req
201. But he's worked for His
Eminence the Cardinal of
Copy !req
202. Lorraine for many years and
has done him many services.
Copy !req
203. You saw him for the first time yesterday?
Copy !req
204. No. I met him
for the first time.
Copy !req
205. I saw him once at an encyclical
meeting held by the Cardinal.
Copy !req
206. And that was the only time you'd seen him?
Copy !req
207. Yes.
Copy !req
208. Tell me, when you saw Nicholas
Muss this morning, who else was there?
Copy !req
209. The Vicomte de Léran, and the girl
is certainly there, because I saw her.
Copy !req
210. She's of no importance now.
No one else was with them?
Copy !req
211. A third man but I didn't know him.
Copy !req
212. Was he English?
Copy !req
213. I don't know. He didn't speak.
Copy !req
214. I want you to find out about him.
Copy !req
215. If he is English, find out who he is
and what his business is in France.
Copy !req
216. Like I said, monsieur,
I never seen him before in my life.
Copy !req
217. I just ran into him
when the Abbot's guards
Copy !req
218. were after me and I
thought he was one of them.
Copy !req
219. Why?
Copy !req
220. Because I was frightened and
when he held out his arms, as if
Copy !req
221. to stop me, and I thought he
was one of them, but he isn't.
Copy !req
222. How do you know?
Copy !req
223. Because he's kind, monsieur, and gentle.
Copy !req
224. Nicholas,
you're back! How was the Port St. Martin?
Copy !req
225. Gaston, now listen...
Copy !req
226. Now there's a welcome.
Copy !req
227. I've got good news.
Copy !req
228. Henri of Navarre has
decided to increase his guard.
Copy !req
229. And I have bad news.
Copy !req
230. Steven's escaped.
Copy !req
231. He must've been sent
here by the Catholics.
Copy !req
232. - That's not true!
- What's that?
Copy !req
233. Forgive me, monsieur, but...
Copy !req
234. I'm sure he's a stranger here.
Copy !req
235. He knows nothing about
anything or what's going on in Paris.
Copy !req
236. He don't even know about the royal wedding.
Copy !req
237. - Get out of here.
- But, monsieur...
Copy !req
238. Get out!
Copy !req
239. You're too kind to these nothings.
Now, tell me what's been happening.
Copy !req
240. He didn't find the man who was
supposed to look like the Abbot.
Copy !req
241. I was bringing Steven
back here when he got away.
Copy !req
242. How?
Copy !req
243. We were on our way back when...
Copy !req
244. he suddenly tricked me and
pushed me into a passer-by.
Copy !req
245. I was taken by surprise. I went
after him but it was hopeless.
Copy !req
246. I knew I should
have come with you.
Copy !req
247. Still, we know where to find him.
Copy !req
248. Yes... with the Abbot of Amboise.
Copy !req
249. So my Lord abbot is not here and
you don't know where he is to be found?
Copy !req
250. I'm afraid not, Marshal.
Copy !req
251. After my instructions to you
earlier today I would have
Copy !req
252. hoped that I could put more faith in you.
Copy !req
253. I'm sorry but we did look everywhere.
Copy !req
254. There's a draught in
here. Close those shutters.
Copy !req
255. Between you, you will find the Abbot
and you will give him this message for me.
Copy !req
256. Say the decision has been made.
Copy !req
257. - You mean...
- You interrupt me, Simon.
Copy !req
258. Tell him the 'Sea Beggar' dies tomorrow.
Copy !req
259. Tomorrow?
Copy !req
260. Where?
Copy !req
261. He will attend an early
council meeting at the Louvre.
Copy !req
262. On his return,
Bondot will be waiting for him.
Copy !req
263. Do you wish that the
Abbot instructs Bondot?
Copy !req
264. No, Bondot already has his orders.
Copy !req
265. You may tell the Abbot that also,
when you find him.
Copy !req
266. Is that clear?
Copy !req
267. Yes, Marshal.
Copy !req
268. Good.
Copy !req
269. So, the royal command has been given.
Copy !req
270. What do you mean?
Copy !req
271. That order didn't come from Marshal
Tavannes. It came from the Queen Mother.
Copy !req
272. He won't be long,
monsieur. If you'll wait in here.
Copy !req
273. Thanks.
Copy !req
274. Nicholas, there's...
Copy !req
275. What are you doing?
Copy !req
276. Where is Nicholas? I
have some important news.
Copy !req
277. I'm sure you have. And I've got
some for you too. Get out of here!
Copy !req
278. Look, you don't understand...
Copy !req
279. What papers are you looking for!
Information for your Abbot?
Copy !req
280. Listen to me!
Copy !req
281. I'd rather listen to a pack of devils!
Copy !req
282. Gaston, there is a...
Copy !req
283. Get out of here.
Copy !req
284. - Gaston...
- Get out!
Copy !req
285. Gaston, what are you doing?
Copy !req
286. You're having a very bad effect on me,
my friend.
Copy !req
287. I just spared
that wretch's life.
Copy !req
288. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
289. That... Englishman!
Copy !req
290. - Steven?
- Yes, I caught him here!
Copy !req
291. What did he say?
Copy !req
292. - Say? Nothing.
- Why did he come back?
Copy !req
293. He was spying! Caught him
go through your papers.
Copy !req
294. He must have had a message
otherwise he'd not come back.
Copy !req
295. - I saw him go through your papers!
- Where did he go?
Copy !req
296. How should I know?
Probably back to Amboise.
Copy !req
297. He would come back here if
he found out something important.
Copy !req
298. Did he say anything?
Copy !req
299. Nothing!
Copy !req
300. Well don't tell me
that you still trust him!
Copy !req
301. For pity's sake go
back to the Louvre.
Copy !req
302. Go back and protect
your Lord of Navarre.
Copy !req
303. It's almost time for the curfew.
Copy !req
304. Anne! What are you doing following?
Copy !req
305. I'm sorry, monsieur,
I didn't mean any harm.
Copy !req
306. What are you doing here? The
curfew's ringing. Go back to the house.
Copy !req
307. No. I can't go back there now.
Copy !req
308. They'll know where to find
me. I want to come with you.
Copy !req
309. But you can't, I mean, why?
Copy !req
310. You were kind to me.
Copy !req
311. You were the first
one that ever was.
Copy !req
312. Please, don't send me back there.
Copy !req
313. I can't take you with me.
I've nowhere to go myself.
Copy !req
314. Well, I know Paris,
I'll help you find somewhere.
Copy !req
315. Well I... Yes. Anne,
do you know who the 'Sea Beggar' is?
Copy !req
316. - What?
- Who is the 'Sea Beggar'?
Copy !req
317. I don't know, monsieur. Why?
Copy !req
318. He's going to be
killed tomorrow.
Copy !req
319. All right then,
if you insist on coming with
Copy !req
320. me do you know where
we can spend the night?
Copy !req
321. We can't go to my aunt's.
They'll be looking for me there.
Copy !req
322. There must be lots of places in Paris
where no one would think of finding me.
Copy !req
323. Yes of course, Preslin's shop. Do you
know how to get to the Port St. Martin?
Copy !req
324. Of course.
Copy !req
325. Take me there. I've only been there once.
Don't think I can find it.
Copy !req
326. I'll show you.
Copy !req
327. Admiral!
Copy !req
328. You're working late.
Copy !req
329. I thought you were asleep.
Copy !req
330. Nonsense. I've
Copy !req
331. been with the King.
Copy !req
332. You wish to give me some notes?
Copy !req
333. No, not tonight.
Copy !req
334. I think I've persuaded him.
Copy !req
335. You've got the King to
agree to war with Spain?
Copy !req
336. It's possible.
Copy !req
337. If he doesn't change
his mind by the morning...
Copy !req
338. we are to join the Dutch.
Copy !req
339. You know, Nicholas,
Copy !req
340. after I'd explained
the situation to him,
Copy !req
341. he turned to me and he said
Copy !req
342. "If we do ally
ourselves with the Dutch,
Copy !req
343. you, de Coligny,
Copy !req
344. "will go down in history
as the Sea Beggar."
Copy !req
345. The Sea Beggar!
Copy !req
346. It's a title I'd be proud of!
Copy !req