1. Four
Copy !req
2. three
Copy !req
3. two
Copy !req
4. one
Copy !req
5. Zero!
Copy !req
6. Report to Skaro.
Copy !req
7. Our time machine is now in pursuit.
Copy !req
8. Nothing can match Dalek technology.
Copy !req
9. The universe shall be ours.
Copy !req
10. Conquest is assured.
Copy !req
Copy !req
Copy !req
13. Mavic Chen
Copy !req
14. the recovery of the Taranium
Core is your responsibility
Copy !req
15. I welcome it.
Copy !req
16. Guile and cunning will
succeed where force would fail.
Copy !req
17. Once the Taranium core
is in your possession
Copy !req
18. we shall eliminate the humans.
Copy !req
19. Of course.
Copy !req
20. And I assume that that
is where they've landed?
Copy !req
21. You are correct
Copy !req
22. and we shall arrive shortly
Copy !req
23. in four Earth minutes.
Copy !req
24. They must have equipment in their ship.
Copy !req
25. Equipment that would
inform them of our pursuit.
Copy !req
26. The time traveller is making
no attempt to take off.
Copy !req
27. That's very strange.
Copy !req
28. Why should they choose
to wait... and face us?
Copy !req
29. How long is it going to take
you to mend the lock, Doctor?
Copy !req
30. Well, it's hard to say, my boy.
Copy !req
31. But I think that it's going to be a
little more difficult than I thought.
Copy !req
32. Oh yes, and the other time
machine is still registering.
Copy !req
33. Yes, but I don't think
so for much longer.
Copy !req
34. It's about time, you know,
that that wretched Monk landed
Copy !req
35. and I think he will quite soon.
Copy !req
36. Well, it's quite impressive isn't it?
Copy !req
37. Well... the pyramids are the
seventh wonder of this ancient world
Copy !req
38. I should say the word "impressive"
is rather an understatement.
Copy !req
39. Yes, you could be right.
Copy !req
40. Well, they've finished it, you think?
Copy !req
41. There doesn't seem to be anyone around.
Copy !req
42. Would you mind passing me
the diatrab, dear boy, please.
Copy !req
43. I said the diatrab.
Copy !req
Copy !req
45. There's not much cover, is there?
Copy !req
46. If the Monk's TARDIS lands
this side of the pyramid
Copy !req
47. we should see it easily,
however it disguises itself.
Copy !req
48. I think I'll take a look from up there.
Copy !req
49. It'll give me a better view.
Copy !req
50. Yes, I think perhaps
it would be a good idea
Copy !req
51. if you keep your eye on the Monk.
Copy !req
52. So, if you climb higher...
Copy !req
53. Talking to myself, hmph...
Copy !req
54. Stand by for materialisation.
Copy !req
55. Continuum stabiliser reading four
Copy !req
56. three
Copy !req
57. two
Copy !req
58. one...
Copy !req
59. zero!
Copy !req
60. Materialising...
Copy !req
61. NOW!
Copy !req
Copy !req
63. I can see it.
Copy !req
64. I saw it land! DOCTOR!
Copy !req
65. Doctor...
Copy !req
66. Tut, Tut, Tut. Calm down. Calm down.
Copy !req
67. What's all the fuss?
Copy !req
68. Is that you bawling your head off?
Copy !req
69. Yes. I saw it land. Over there!
Copy !req
70. Doctor, whatever was
following us has stopped
Copy !req
71. registering on the time curve indicator.
Copy !req
72. It's over there, Sara
Copy !req
73. about a quarter of a mile away.
Copy !req
74. Now, that's very good...
Copy !req
75. very good. Now, please excuse me.
Copy !req
76. Well, oughtn't we to take the
initiative and go and meet the Monk?
Copy !req
77. Oh, my dear young man, I have no
intention of leaving the TARDIS unlocked.
Copy !req
78. And another thing you should know
Copy !req
79. you realise I've have to
strip the whole of this
Copy !req
80. mechanism down before
I could put it right.
Copy !req
81. How long are you going to be?
Copy !req
82. Oh, I don't know.
Copy !req
83. Anyway, I dare say that I
can catch you up somewhere.
Copy !req
84. But be careful. You know, that Monk
can be very harmful if he wants to...
Copy !req
85. Don't worry Doctor, we'll watch him.
Copy !req
86. Master! Strangers... at the tomb!
Copy !req
87. Come!
Copy !req
88. Well, it didn't work this time, did it?
Copy !req
89. What hasn't?
Copy !req
90. The Monk's TARDIS.
Copy !req
91. It usually blends in with its
surroundings, like the Doctor's should.
Copy !req
92. Maybe the Monk didn't bother this time.
Copy !req
93. Yes, maybe
- but I thought it was automatic.
Copy !req
94. Anyway, let's take a look.
Copy !req
95. Daleks!
Copy !req
96. I knew we should have
tried to get back to Kembel.
Copy !req
97. It's a bit late for that now.
Copy !req
98. We've got to warn the Doctor. Come on.
Copy !req
99. Take them away! The
rest of you follow me!
Copy !req
100. More of them. Seize them!
Copy !req
101. Seize them, you cowards!
Copy !req
102. Exterminate the creatures.
Copy !req
103. Pursue and exterminate.
Copy !req
104. A slaughter! I must
fetch reinforcements.
Copy !req
105. Did we sustain damage?
Copy !req
106. No.
Copy !req
107. It was only inhabitants
of this time and planet.
Copy !req
108. Unimportant.
Copy !req
109. Exterminate them on sight.
Copy !req
110. Well, that's finished. Now I must go.
Copy !req
111. I wonder where those other two are.
Copy !req
112. Sara! Steven!
Copy !req
113. Who was it landed here before, then?
Copy !req
114. The Daleks!
Copy !req
115. Plunderers! Murderers!
Copy !req
116. What of the others?
Copy !req
117. I will journey to the next encampment.
Copy !req
118. We'll need an army to do battle
with their fire-throwing machines.
Copy !req
119. Yes. And I will take
my slaves to the Tomb.
Copy !req
120. The treasures that Pharaoh has sent for his
journey to the afterlife will be placed inside.
Copy !req
121. There they will be easier to guard.
Copy !req
122. I will return when the sun is above us.
Copy !req
123. How long are you going to keep us here?
Copy !req
124. Yes.
Copy !req
125. Until your friends have
been brought to join you.
Copy !req
126. Then you will answer for your crimes.
Copy !req
127. We haven't got anything to answer for.
Copy !req
128. We're not interested in your treasures.
Copy !req
129. Not even the old man?
Copy !req
130. Not even the old man.
Copy !req
131. Then why did he examine so
carefully that large blue box?
Copy !req
132. Well, probably because
the large blue box was his.
Copy !req
133. Now I know you lie!
Copy !req
134. Everything the slaves hauled here
across the desert belongs to Pharaoh!
Copy !req
135. What are you doing?
Copy !req
136. While you were talking, I managed
to find a piece of broken pottery.
Copy !req
137. With a bit of time, I think
I can get though these bonds.
Copy !req
138. Great. Keep sawing!
Copy !req
139. Good morning, my son.
Copy !req
140. A DALEK!
Copy !req
141. Wait!
Copy !req
142. Don't fire!
Copy !req
143. Dalek exterminations
will not be questioned!
Copy !req
144. This could help us
recover the Taranium core.
Copy !req
145. Explain.
Copy !req
146. In a moment.
Copy !req
147. So, you have heard of the Daleks.
Copy !req
148. Yes, yes. By reputation.
Copy !req
149. Then you are certainly not of this time.
Copy !req
150. No. Oh no. Certainly not. No.
Copy !req
151. Just a passing time-traveller,
anxious to be on his way.
Copy !req
152. So, if you'll excuse me, I'd...
Copy !req
153. HALT!
Copy !req
154. Three time machines in one
infinitesimal speck of space and time!
Copy !req
155. Of course, a coincidence is possible
Copy !req
156. but hardly likely. You would agree?
Copy !req
157. Oh yes, I would agree.
Copy !req
158. Then why have you arrived here?
Copy !req
159. Three... three time-machines.
Copy !req
160. Yes, well... the odd one out
belongs to a certain Doctor...
Copy !req
161. The enemy ship!
Copy !req
162. Yes, that's right. The enemy.
Copy !req
163. I have an old score to settle with him.
Copy !req
164. But I'm sure yours is the prior claim.
Copy !req
165. He is a friend of yours?
Copy !req
166. Friend? No, no. An enemy!
Copy !req
167. An enemy to end all enemies!
Copy !req
168. I came here to inflict a
terrible vengeance on him!
Copy !req
169. I mean, we are all on the
same side here, aren't we?
Copy !req
170. But he knows you?
Copy !req
171. Well... in a manner of speaking, yes...
Copy !req
172. and again, in another
manner of speaking, no.
Copy !req
173. Could you gain his confidence?
Copy !req
174. Certainly. Certainly.
If you wanted me to.
Copy !req
175. No question about it! No doubt at all.
Copy !req
176. Then you may have a slight
chance of saving your life.
Copy !req
177. The Doctor and his friends have in
their possession a full emm of Taranium.
Copy !req
178. A full emm of Taranium.
Copy !req
179. It belongs to the Daleks.
Copy !req
180. You will recover this and return
it to us within one Earth hour.
Copy !req
181. Oh I will. I promise!
Copy !req
182. I need hardly remind
you that the Daleks will
Copy !req
183. reward failure on your
part with elimination.
Copy !req
184. Elimination. Thank you. Elimination!
Copy !req
185. Oh, you'll get it back. Have no fear.
Copy !req
186. Then you better leave at once, and
waste no more of your valuable time.
Copy !req
187. Good Heavens! You're given an
opportunity you didn't before.
Copy !req
188. How's it going?
Copy !req
189. I think that's done it. Yes.
Copy !req
190. Now for those guards.
Copy !req
191. Come on!
Copy !req
192. Not bad! Remind me to teach
you a few tricks sometime.
Copy !req
193. Remind me not to pick a
fight with you. Come on.
Copy !req
194. You're wasting your
time. You won't get in.
Copy !req
195. Doctor, you've been following me!
Copy !req
196. For a time, yes. For a
time. I've been glad to.
Copy !req
197. You know, I don't think that
I would have found my TARDIS
Copy !req
198. without the help of that energy counter.
Copy !req
199. No. Come in very handy, hasn't it.
Copy !req
200. You know, Doctor
Copy !req
201. if your machine would blend
in with its surroundings
Copy !req
202. people wouldn't be able to find it.
Copy !req
203. And then we wouldn't
have all this trouble.
Copy !req
204. Yes. Like your machine, I suppose, hmm?
Copy !req
205. Exactly, Doctor. Like mine.
Copy !req
206. I could teach you a
thing or two, you know.
Copy !req
207. Well, you know, my
way has its advantages.
Copy !req
208. The Egyptians thought that
it was a very good idea
Copy !req
209. otherwise they wouldn't
have brought it in here.
Copy !req
210. As for your machine, well,
it's probably disguised as a...
Copy !req
211. what... a sort of... a
block of stone? Hmm... Hm...?
Copy !req
212. Now, Doctor, it's a pity that
we're having this feud, you know.
Copy !req
213. By the way, you didn't track me on your
Copy !req
214. time curve indicator this time, did you?
Copy !req
215. Not your machine, no. I
didn't realise it at the time.
Copy !req
216. I jumped across the track.
Copy !req
217. Really?
Copy !req
218. It's simple really, you know, Doctor.
Copy !req
219. It's up to you, of course.
Copy !req
220. If you'd like to come inside,
I'll show you how it was done.
Copy !req
221. And then you would be able
to see the Taranium too.
Copy !req
222. Yes, yes.
Copy !req
223. Do you know, I knew there was
something I had to tell you.
Copy !req
224. I've come here to warn
you about the Daleks.
Copy !req
225. Warn me?
Copy !req
226. Yes. I played them along
their own game, of course
Copy !req
227. for quite a time, but they
don't like you, you know.
Copy !req
228. They don't like you at all.
Copy !req
229. Why didn't you?
Copy !req
230. What?
Copy !req
231. Warn me.
Copy !req
232. Oh... well... you were
talking at the time.
Copy !req
233. I didn't want to interrupt.
Copy !req
234. You know, I think, before I go
Copy !req
235. I shall put you safely out of the way.
Copy !req
236. Come now, Doctor.
Copy !req
237. Surely you don't think that I
was going to help the Daleks?
Copy !req
238. I did.
Copy !req
239. Now Doctor, look, let's talk this
over like civilised time-travellers.
Copy !req
240. It's the Taranium core
they want, not you.
Copy !req
241. Why don't you give it to them.
Copy !req
242. Then we can be all on our way.
Copy !req
243. If you believe that, my friend,
you will believe anything!
Copy !req
244. Doctor, don't do
anything you might regret.
Copy !req
245. Doctor? DOCTOR!
Copy !req
246. Give your report.
Copy !req
247. The time-traveller
has not made contact.
Copy !req
248. He has betrayed us.
Copy !req
249. Prepare a task force to attack.
Copy !req
250. All the humans will be exterminated.
Copy !req
251. I obey.
Copy !req
252. The TARDIS! It's gone!
Copy !req
253. Well, the Egyptians must have
taken it into the tomb already.
Copy !req
254. Come on!
Copy !req
255. Doctor! Doctor!
Copy !req
256. Doctor! Doctor!
Copy !req
257. No Doctor.
Copy !req
258. Unless he's inside.
Copy !req
259. Doctor! DOCTOR!
Copy !req
260. Steven. Steven! Look!
Copy !req