1. Inform the Dalek Supreme that the
Copy !req
2. Time Destructor is ready for testing.
Copy !req
3. Are all circuits operational?
Copy !req
4. Yes, the Taranium core has been fitted.
Copy !req
5. Having had your contribution
to this great weapon stolen
Copy !req
6. it must be a relief to you now that the
Copy !req
7. Daleks have managed to recover it.
Copy !req
8. Without my help, it is unlikely
that they'd have got it back.
Copy !req
9. At least that absurd
story that it was my people
Copy !req
10. from Trantis who stole the
Taranium has been discredited.
Copy !req
11. Yes; they were from Earth, I believe.
Copy !req
12. Only two of them: and they
are under the influence
Copy !req
13. of some creature from another galaxy.
Copy !req
14. He looked like an Earth creature.
Copy !req
15. That's only a disguise.
Copy !req
16. The Daleks know of him.
Copy !req
17. He is some kind of time
and space traveller.
Copy !req
18. Then he is nothing to do with me.
Copy !req
19. We have not yet conquered
the dimension of time.
Copy !req
20. I hear your experiments in that
field are progressing, Trantis.
Copy !req
21. We have not yet succeeded.
Copy !req
22. Only the Daleks know how
to break the time barrier.
Copy !req
23. And this other creature,
from wherever he comes?
Copy !req
24. Oh he's of no importance now.
Copy !req
25. After all, we're here to witness the
testing of the Time Destructor, are we not?
Copy !req
26. All is ready?
Copy !req
27. It is.
Copy !req
28. Program it for testing.
Copy !req
29. All that is needed is a subject.
Copy !req
30. The subject has been selected.
Copy !req
31. What do you mean, you don't know?
Copy !req
32. My dear, this machine can only
tell us we're being followed.
Copy !req
33. Not who by.
Copy !req
34. It must be the Daleks.
Copy !req
35. Yes, a hasty conclusion,
but possibly right.
Copy !req
36. Although I don't
understand how they could
Copy !req
37. have tested that Taranium so quickly.
Copy !req
38. We must get back to the planet Kembel.
Copy !req
39. Oh, nonsense, my dear.
Copy !req
40. We must. We've got to destroy
the Daleks' invasion fleet.
Copy !req
41. I wonder why they chose him.
Copy !req
42. It was his own choice really.
Copy !req
43. What do you mean?
Copy !req
44. He was so eager to make
a contribution to the
Copy !req
45. Time Destructor that they've
let him make one. His life.
Copy !req
46. Prepare to activate the Time Destructor.
Copy !req
47. Are the other two creatures to
be present at the destruction?
Copy !req
48. Yes, their greed for power is so
great that they can be trusted.
Copy !req
49. Activate the machine.
Copy !req
50. I obey.
Copy !req
51. So, that's what's supposed to happen.
Copy !req
52. A kind of abject insanity.
Copy !req
53. I do not know, though I always thought
Copy !req
54. Trantis was a little unstable anyway.
Copy !req
55. Nothing's happening to him.
Copy !req
56. The Time Destructor does not work.
Copy !req
57. But that's impossible.
It must work. It must.
Copy !req
58. The destructor is having no effect.
Copy !req
59. The mechanism is functioning perfectly.
Copy !req
60. The fault is in the Taranium.
Copy !req
61. The Taranium core has failed.
Copy !req
62. It can't be true; there
must be some mistake.
Copy !req
63. The Daleks do not make mistakes.
Copy !req
64. You have lied to us, you have
not given us the Taranium.
Copy !req
65. Why should I lie?
Copy !req
66. I can only benefit from
my alliance with you.
Copy !req
67. I brought you Taranium,
the real Taranium.
Copy !req
68. The core is worthless.
Copy !req
69. No, no it can't be.
Copy !req
70. It came from Uranus, I know it did.
Copy !req
71. We fitted the core you gave us.
Copy !req
72. It has failed to activate
the Time Destructor
Copy !req
73. therefore it is not Taranium.
Copy !req
74. It was the old man,
that time-traveller.
Copy !req
75. What?
Copy !req
76. He must have changed it.
Copy !req
77. But it was you who said that what
Copy !req
78. he gave you was the Taranium core.
Copy !req
79. I know, but I didn't check. How could I?
Copy !req
80. The old man fooled us.
Copy !req
81. The Daleks should have
checked before they fitted it
Copy !req
82. before they let the old man go.
Copy !req
83. Report to Skaro.
Copy !req
84. They must send a time
machine to us immediately.
Copy !req
85. I obey.
Copy !req
86. You will both wait here.
Copy !req
87. But this is nothing to do with me.
Copy !req
88. I was invited as an observer.
Copy !req
89. Very well, you can
return to your section.
Copy !req
90. You, Mavic Chen, will wait here
for the arrival of the time machine.
Copy !req
91. Yes.
Copy !req
92. What about the subject?
Copy !req
93. The subject?
Copy !req
94. Exterminate him.
Copy !req
95. It's still following us.
Copy !req
96. Yes, yes.
Copy !req
97. When are we going to land?
Copy !req
98. Pretty soon, my dear, pretty soon.
Copy !req
99. And I thought you knew
what you were doing.
Copy !req
100. know full well what I'm doing,
child, now don't get so excited.
Copy !req
101. They're getting closer,
Doctor. Hmm, yes, I see.
Copy !req
102. Yes, I must do something drastic.
Copy !req
103. What are you doing?
Copy !req
104. Landing, my dear.
Copy !req
105. That's what you wanted, wasn't it?
Copy !req
106. Well, the English batsmen are really
Copy !req
107. fighting against the clock now, Scott.
Copy !req
108. My word, yes.
Copy !req
109. Seventy eight runs in
forty five minutes to win.
Copy !req
110. It really has been an exciting
game, hasn't it, Scott?
Copy !req
111. Very exciting.
Copy !req
112. Well, let's have a look at
the scoreboard, shall we?
Copy !req
113. Now, you'll see...
Copy !req
114. Goodness me, take a look at that, Scott.
Copy !req
115. Take a look at what, Trev?
Copy !req
116. There's a Police
Telephone Box on the pitch.
Copy !req
117. My word, yes.
Copy !req
118. Well this really is extraordinary.
Copy !req
119. You don't remember anything like
this happening before, do you, Scott?
Copy !req
120. No.
Copy !req
121. Well, anyway
Copy !req
122. Ross is looking through
the record books and if
Copy !req
123. there has been anything like it
before, I'm sure he'll find it for us.
Copy !req
124. You know, Trev, this puts
a new light on the game.
Copy !req
125. What light's that, Scott?
Copy !req
126. Well, I know your ground
staff are excellent
Copy !req
127. but even assuming they get
rid of it in say, ten minutes
Copy !req
128. England will still have to get
their seventy eight runs in...
Copy !req
129. thirty-five minutes.
Copy !req
130. Yes; yes well I think we can safely say
Copy !req
131. this has been a very
bad break for England.
Copy !req
132. A very bad break.
Copy !req
133. Especially as the weather's
been holding off so well.
Copy !req
134. Yes it has, hasn't it.
Copy !req
135. Been holding off remarkably well.
Copy !req
136. Well, let's have another look
at the scoreboard shall we
Copy !req
137. although not very much has
been happening these last few...
Copy !req
138. It's making a funny noise.
Copy !req
139. What's that, Scott?
Copy !req
140. A funny noise coming
from the Police Box.
Copy !req
141. It's gone again, Trev.
Copy !req
142. Yes, so it has. Well that
wasn't too bad was it, Scott?
Copy !req
143. Two and a half minutes, I make it, Trev.
Copy !req
144. Yes, well there's the position.
Copy !req
145. England wanting seventy eight runs in
forty two and a half minutes to win.
Copy !req
146. Yes, it's definitely
some sporting occasion.
Copy !req
147. Oh, I hardly think so, Doctor.
Copy !req
148. Was it on Earth, do you think?
Copy !req
149. Oh, possibly, my dear fellow, possibly.
Copy !req
150. Yes, well, wherever it was,
there's still someone on our tail.
Copy !req
151. Hey, look at this.
Copy !req
152. Yes, my plan hasn't worked.
Copy !req
153. It's following us closely.
Copy !req
154. Your order has been carried out.
Copy !req
155. The time machine is ready
to commence operations.
Copy !req
156. Excellent.
Copy !req
157. Organise a task force for the
pursuit of the time-travellers.
Copy !req
158. I obey.
Copy !req
159. Ascertain their position
on the space-time scope.
Copy !req
160. I obey.
Copy !req
161. Mavic Chen, you will
accompany the task force.
Copy !req
162. You will ensure that the Taranium
core is returned to Kembel.
Copy !req
163. Of course, I shall do
everything in my power.
Copy !req
164. If you fail, or if we find
that you have deceived us
Copy !req
165. you will suffer the same
fate as the time-travellers
Copy !req
166. annihilation!
Copy !req
167. Where are we, Doctor
- do you know?
Copy !req
168. It doesn't look very pleasant, does it?
Copy !req
169. No, we must take off quite soon.
Copy !req
170. It's stopped.
Copy !req
171. What does that mean, Doctor?
Copy !req
172. Have we shaken it off?
Copy !req
173. No, my boy, we haven't shaken them off.
Copy !req
174. Whoever it was following us has
landed, they've landed out there.
Copy !req
175. You know, Doctor, it would help
Copy !req
176. if we knew what we were looking for.
Copy !req
177. I still say it was
madness to come out here.
Copy !req
178. We should have taken off again
- or tried to get back to Kembel.
Copy !req
179. My dear young girl, what
good would it be to run away.
Copy !req
180. The sooner we find who's
pursuing us the better.
Copy !req
181. Hey
- hey, this is hot.
Copy !req
182. Yes, well I can well imagine that.
Copy !req
183. This is a new planet, my boy
Copy !req
184. it's cooling down, cooling down.
Copy !req
185. Fascinating, yes extremely fascinating.
Copy !req
186. I wonder; I wonder who would take the
time and trouble to follow us, hmmmm?
Copy !req
187. Yes, I think there is an
explanation, but unlikely.
Copy !req
188. Possible, very possible.
Copy !req
189. Hello there. Hello.
Copy !req
190. Don't you think we should
meet and talk it over, hmm?
Copy !req
191. Doctor, who are we waiting for?
Copy !req
192. Oh, you'll see, my boy, you'll see.
Copy !req
193. Oh come on, tell us, otherwise you'll
Copy !req
194. say you were right whoever we meet.
Copy !req
195. You lack one quality
of all the others my boy
Copy !req
196. and that is patience.
Copy !req
197. Doctor, look!
Copy !req
198. Ah, tch, tch, tch; my dear Monk.
Copy !req
199. Don't be so ridiculous.
Put that down at once.
Copy !req
200. Well, hello Doctor. Keeping well?
Copy !req
201. Oh, no complaints, no.
Copy !req
202. And you?
Copy !req
203. Oh, so so, you know, just so so.
Copy !req
204. Who is it?
Copy !req
205. Delighted to see you again, young man.
Copy !req
206. Thanks. I wish I could
say the same for you.
Copy !req
207. I suppose congratulations for
your escape are quite in order.
Copy !req
208. Oh thank you. Most kind of you Doctor.
Copy !req
209. Yes, it took a bit of
time, but I finally managed
Copy !req
210. to by-pass the dimensional controller.
Copy !req
211. Yes, a very... a very
interesting solution.
Copy !req
212. Yes, I'm sure.
Copy !req
213. Though I think it would make
for rather an uncomfortable ride.
Copy !req
214. However, I don't suppose it affected
you very much, being an amateur.
Copy !req
215. Yes, it was rather uncomfortable.
Copy !req
216. But then, we can't
have everything, can we.
Copy !req
217. And as for being an
amateur, we shall see.
Copy !req
218. Anyway, it was better than 1066.
Copy !req
219. Yes, I suppose so.
Copy !req
220. What's he talking about, 1066?
Copy !req
221. It's alright.
Copy !req
222. We've met the Monk once before.
Copy !req
223. I'll explain later.
Copy !req
224. And you returned here for one
obvious reason, did you not?
Copy !req
225. I'm afraid so, Doctor.
Copy !req
226. Revenge is a strange thing, isn't it?
Copy !req
227. Yes, yes, quite, quite.
Copy !req
228. Tell me, any plans?
Copy !req
229. Ho, ho.
Copy !req
230. And all carried out as well. Doctor,
you remember you left me in 1066?
Copy !req
231. Now I've marooned you on
the planet Tigus, look.
Copy !req
232. Oh, it's funny this.
Copy !req
233. Forgive me laughing, Doctor, but I
don't seem to be able to control it.
Copy !req
234. Well, goodbye, Doctor.
Copy !req
235. Perhaps I'll come back
one day and rescue you.
Copy !req
236. Hey, wait a minute.
Copy !req
237. Don't waste your breath, young man.
Copy !req
238. The most important thing is, is to
find out what he's done to the TARDIS.
Copy !req
239. He probably used some kind of ray.
Copy !req
240. What does that mean?
Copy !req
241. That means we cannot get
back into the TARDIS, child.
Copy !req
242. Oh, you will achieve
nothing, dear boy, nothing.
Copy !req
243. Yes, perhaps. But it's better
than just accepting everything.
Copy !req
244. Yes, like I am, I suppose?
Copy !req
245. Well, you haven't been taking
much interest, have you, Doctor?
Copy !req
246. Oh, and why not, dear boy?
Copy !req
247. Why not?
Copy !req
248. Because I am using my brain,
I'm trying to solve this problem.
Copy !req
249. Now just stand back, and
cover your eyes, please.
Copy !req
250. What does that do?
Copy !req
251. Perhaps nothing, perhaps everything.
Copy !req
252. Will you do as you're told at once, cover your eyes
- please.
Copy !req
253. It hasn't worked.
Copy !req
254. Wait a moment, child.
Copy !req
255. Now try.
Copy !req
256. You're a genius, Doctor.
Copy !req
257. Yes
- I know, my boy, I know.
Copy !req
258. Oh, no, no. Don't think I'm
going to leave it at this.
Copy !req
259. You haven't heard the
last of me, Doctor.
Copy !req
260. You haven't heard the last of me!
Copy !req
261. If you ask me, we haven't
heard the last of that monk.
Copy !req
262. Quite so, dear boy.
Copy !req
263. He'll be on our trail again
as fast as he can get going.
Copy !req
264. Yes, but next time
we'll be expecting him.
Copy !req
265. Exactly, my dear, exactly.
Copy !req
266. Now, Steven, there's
something I want you to do.
Copy !req
267. Go to that indicator and let me know
the instant the Monk's TARDIS registers.
Copy !req
268. Yes, all right, but first
you tell us something.
Copy !req
269. How did you break that lock?
Copy !req
270. Oh, that's all very simple, dear boy.
Copy !req
271. You see, the sun in that particular
galaxy has very unusual powers.
Copy !req
272. I merely reflected its
powers through that ring.
Copy !req
273. Is there something special about it?
Copy !req
274. Yes, it has certain properties.
Copy !req
275. The combined forces of that sun
together with the stone in that ring
Copy !req
276. was sufficient enough to
correct the Monk's interference.
Copy !req
277. Yes, but what properties has it?
Copy !req
278. Now, I don't want to
discuss this any more.
Copy !req
279. About turn, and do as
you're told. Go along.
Copy !req
280. The task force is now aboard.
Copy !req
281. Commence countdown.
Copy !req
282. The enemy ship is preparing to land.
Copy !req
283. Compute their bearing
and advise task force.
Copy !req
284. Task force will use the homing beam.
Copy !req
285. Enemy ship located.
Copy !req
286. Space-time bearing;
Copy !req
287. planet Earth, London, 1966.
Copy !req
288. Well, you won't be able to carry
out your repairs here, Doctor.
Copy !req
289. No.
Copy !req
290. It's some sort of celebration, isn't it?
Copy !req
291. I don't quite know.
Copy !req
292. You just listen, my dear. Listen.
Copy !req
293. It's Earth. I've seen that place before.
Copy !req
294. What do you think they're celebrating?
Copy !req
295. Well, as far as I can remember
Copy !req
296. I've seen them behave in a fashion
like that on a former occasion.
Copy !req
297. What was that?
Copy !req
298. The Relief of Mafeking.
Copy !req
299. Report to Skaro.
Copy !req
300. Our time machine is now in pursuit.
Copy !req
301. Nothing can match Dalek technology.
Copy !req
302. The universe shall be ours.
Copy !req
303. Conquest is assured.
Copy !req