1. Lord Barton, you are a rake. A cad.
Copy !req
2. You have dishonoured my sister.
Copy !req
3. Lord Galpin, remind me
to which dishonouring are you referring?
Copy !req
4. The one in the kitchen?
Copy !req
5. In your study?
Copy !req
6. In the stables?
Copy !req
7. You will marry her, sir!
Copy !req
8. I will do no such thing.
Copy !req
9. Now, I'm awfully bored of your shouting.
Copy !req
10. If you wish to challenge me to a duel,
then please, sir, do.
Copy !req
11. Then I can shoot you dead.
Copy !req
12. Wow. You really are
wonderfully bad, aren't you?
Copy !req
13. Beg your pardon?
Copy !req
14. Oh, you gamble, have affairs.
You're an absolute snake.
Copy !req
15. Meanwhile, I'm all noble and serious.
Copy !req
16. Look at me.
Copy !req
17. I'm so dull.
Copy !req
18. I'd rather be you.
Copy !req
19. Unhand me!
Copy !req
20. What are you—
Copy !req
21. That's impossible!
Copy !req
22. Now I get to be the bad one.
Copy !req
23. Oh, my Bridgerton.
Copy !req
24. This is my actual dream.
Copy !req
25. It's brilliant, isn't it?
Copy !req
26. And the dances.
Copy !req
27. Oh, Ruby, the dances.
Copy !req
28. I can't dance. Not like this.
Copy !req
29. - How do I know these moves?
- Psychic earrings.
Copy !req
30. Choreography beamed
into your motor system.
Copy !req
31. Tap twice to choose your moves.
Copy !req
32. It's like instant Strictly.
Copy !req
33. Just don't set them to battle mode.
Copy !req
34. Right.
Copy !req
35. Marvellous.
Copy !req
36. Well, I thought I knew everyone
at my ball, but it appears not.
Copy !req
37. What a delight.
Copy !req
38. Wonderful party, Your Grace.
Copy !req
39. Some are saying best of the season.
Copy !req
40. A triumph.
Copy !req
41. A new standard set.
Copy !req
42. I, of course, could not comment.
Copy !req
43. But I think the real estimation
of an evening is in the matches made.
Copy !req
44. Don't you agree, Miss...
Copy !req
45. Uh, Ruby.
Copy !req
46. Lady Ruby Sunday
of the Notting Hill estate.
Copy !req
47. This is the Doctor.
Copy !req
48. Oh, my dear, you aren't unwell?
Copy !req
49. - Oh, no, no. He's just a friend.
- Mmm.
Copy !req
50. Oh, good.
Copy !req
51. Well, a young lady needs suitors,
not friends. Come.
Copy !req
52. Oh. Oh, she's so posh. I love her.
Copy !req
53. Oh.
Copy !req
54. - I'm getting feedback.
- On the earrings?
Copy !req
55. Ooh, interesting.
Copy !req
56. Sonar interference.
Copy !req
57. Lady Ruby, attend.
Copy !req
58. Uh, s— I'll handle this.
Copy !req
59. Just-just try not to get engaged
or accidentally invent tarmac.
Copy !req
60. 1902 got away from me.
Copy !req
61. Okay, go, go, go. Enjoy.
Copy !req
62. My dear, stand tall, eyes bright.
Copy !req
63. Lord Barton approaches.
Copy !req
64. Ooh, that's a tall glass of heartbreak.
Copy !req
65. Your Grace, where have you been
hiding this absolute delight?
Copy !req
66. With hair like golden strands
spun in the rays of the evening sun.
Copy !req
67. Oh, you're not a tall glass at all,
you're half a pint of shandy.
Copy !req
68. My dear,
you should learn to be admired in silence.
Copy !req
69. Yeah, well,
if you spoke to me and the girls like that
Copy !req
70. on a Friday night
down at the Spinning Wheel,
Copy !req
71. then we'd rip you a new one, mate.
Copy !req
72. Now get out of my way, Lord Stilton.
Copy !req
73. Stilton?
Copy !req
74. It's a very difficult cheese.
Copy !req
75. Oh, uh, Your Grace. Who is that?
Copy !req
76. The Duke's late mother.
Copy !req
77. Her eyes still follow me about the room.
Copy !req
78. Constant judgement.
Copy !req
79. But, my dear,
Copy !req
80. the way you spoke to Lord Barton,
you were rather splendid.
Copy !req
81. Is it always like that in the North?
Copy !req
82. Oh, well,
fellas like that are ten a penny.
Copy !req
83. Oh, he's moved on.
Copy !req
84. Who's he with now?
Copy !req
85. Miss Emily Beckett.
Copy !req
86. She's bookish and vapid, I fear,
but good teeth.
Copy !req
87. Oh, by the Saints! Lady Wallace.
Copy !req
88. No, no, no!
Copy !req
89. - Wait here, dear.
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
90. Excuse me.
Oh, no. Not now, Lord—
Copy !req
91. Brooding. Good look.
Copy !req
92. Do you practise in the mirror?
Copy !req
93. Bit more frown maybe.
Copy !req
94. Yeah? Like this.
Copy !req
95. Yeah? Like this, really.
Really, like this.
Copy !req
96. I didn't know
the duchess employs a court jester.
Copy !req
97. Well, I'm hilarious.
Copy !req
98. And you're kind of funny.
Copy !req
99. Peculiar.
Copy !req
100. Standing here.
Copy !req
101. Good vantage point.
Copy !req
102. Keeping an eye out on the exits,
like you're expecting trouble.
Copy !req
103. Are you?
Copy !req
104. Honey, I'm here for fun.
Copy !req
105. Then go and pursue your facile pleasures,
and leave me alone.
Copy !req
106. Okay, rude.
Copy !req
107. - Lord...
- Not a Lord.
Copy !req
108. Does not-a-Lord have a name?
Copy !req
109. Rogue.
Copy !req
110. Nice to meet you.
Copy !req
111. I'm the Doctor.
Copy !req
112. Just the Doctor?
Copy !req
113. Just Rogue?
Copy !req
114. I think you and I should go outside.
Copy !req
115. Fast mover.
Copy !req
116. Okay.
Copy !req
117. Lady Wallace.
- Yes, I think so.
Copy !req
118. - Lady Wallace.
- Yes?
Copy !req
119. How brave of you
to wear that gown this evening,
Copy !req
120. after I wore it so beautifully
last season.
Copy !req
121. How absolutely rude of her.
Copy !req
122. What on earth are you doing here?
Copy !req
123. My housekeeper, outside,
where you can be seen?
Copy !req
124. You disgrace me!
Copy !req
125. I made a stupid mistake
choosing to be staff.
Copy !req
126. It's all work.
Copy !req
127. Cooking, cleaning, mopping up...
Copy !req
128. while you lot are out here
having a right old shindig.
Copy !req
129. I'll have you sacked, woman.
Copy !req
130. You will not sour my evening.
Copy !req
131. People look to me as an arbiter of taste.
Copy !req
132. What? In that dress?
Copy !req
133. I beg your pardon.
Copy !req
134. How dare you!
Copy !req
135. Maybe it will look better on me.
Copy !req
136. Emily, please. I beg of you.
Copy !req
137. But you consume me, sir.
Copy !req
138. I think about you my every waking hour,
and I hate myself for it.
Copy !req
139. And what would you have me do?
Copy !req
140. I rely on the favour of my aunt,
and she would never approve of this match.
Copy !req
141. I would be destitute!
Copy !req
142. But you'd have me to love.
Copy !req
143. I will not marry you.
Copy !req
144. Not now. Not ever.
Copy !req
145. Then go.
Copy !req
146. You stole my heart,
now leave me my reputation.
Copy !req
147. And yet...
Copy !req
148. you tempt me still.
Copy !req
149. Shh.
Copy !req
150. Um, I should not be here.
Uh, good evening.
Copy !req
151. I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to, uh— interrupt.
Copy !req
152. Are you okay?
Copy !req
153. I'm ruined.
Copy !req
154. Oh, what-what-what do you mean ruined?
Copy !req
155. A couple caught alone is a scandal!
Copy !req
156. If the man refuses to marry the lady,
Copy !req
157. she will no longer be acceptable
to polite society.
Copy !req
158. Oh, this is so Bridgerton.
Copy !req
159. I love these old skies,
Copy !req
160. ripe with constellations
being found and named.
Copy !req
161. The Bear. The Ram.
Copy !req
162. All chosen by the astronomer de Lacaille.
Copy !req
163. Great with stars, bad with names.
Copy !req
164. Called one star system Norma.
Copy !req
165. Do you never stop chattering?
Copy !req
166. Okay, Rogue.
Copy !req
167. You're tall, you're handsome,
you're arrogant.
Copy !req
168. You look great in that jacket.
Copy !req
169. So there's one thing I have to ask...
Copy !req
170. Is that a shoe?
Copy !req
171. No one walks away from a situation
with one less shoe. You'd notice.
Copy !req
172. I suggest look for the other shoe.
Copy !req
173. Over there.
Copy !req
174. A shoe and a leg. Oh, no.
Copy !req
175. Oh, man. Oh, m—
Copy !req
176. This is the duchess.
Copy !req
177. This is the duchess's clothes.
Copy !req
178. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
179. This is no way to die.
Copy !req
180. And you knew.
Copy !req
181. You didn't even flinch.
Copy !req
182. Because it's obvious.
Copy !req
183. This is a murder far beyond
the technology of planet Earth.
Copy !req
184. It could only be done
by someone brilliant.
Copy !req
185. - And monstrous.
- And ruthless.
Copy !req
186. Contemptible.
Copy !req
187. You.
Copy !req
188. No, you.
Copy !req
189. Excuse me, I think—
Copy !req
190. You.
Copy !req
191. If you ask me, he's an idiot.
Copy !req
192. Honestly, my mate Bex,
she'd tie him to a lamp post in his pants.
Copy !req
193. The funny things you say.
Copy !req
194. But his station in life is too tenuous.
Copy !req
195. He must find a good match,
and I have no dowry to speak of.
Copy !req
196. Oh, pfft. You know what?
Copy !req
197. He sounds like he's choosing
his cushy lifestyle over love.
Copy !req
198. Cushy?
Copy !req
199. Comfortable, like a cushion.
Copy !req
200. Cushy.
Copy !req
201. I like it.
Copy !req
202. Yeah, okay. Uh, maybe don't use it a lot.
Copy !req
203. Yeah, okay.
Copy !req
204. Okay.
Copy !req
205. - Okay.
- Ah.
Copy !req
206. Your words amuse me.
Copy !req
207. It's such a pleasure to meet you, Miss...
Copy !req
208. Oh, Ruby.
Copy !req
209. And I'm Miss Emily Beckett.
Copy !req
210. But most people here would delight
in the gossip, not offer me comfort.
Copy !req
211. Well, nah. You know what my mum says?
Copy !req
212. "If it's not your life,
why are you telling it?"
Copy !req
213. She's annoyingly smart.
Copy !req
214. Right.
You know how I forget about a man?
Copy !req
215. I go dancing.
Copy !req
216. You know this is not a good look
for you in any century.
Copy !req
217. Keep moving.
Copy !req
218. So who do you think I am?
Copy !req
219. I know you're a Chuldur.
Copy !req
220. The shapeshifters.
Copy !req
221. I mean, I've heard of them.
I've never met one.
Copy !req
222. Unless I have.
Copy !req
223. Drop the act, Doc.
Copy !req
224. There's a Chuldur at work on this planet,
and I've been paid good money to find you.
Copy !req
225. Okay, firstly, "Doc"?
Copy !req
226. No, thank you, sir. Please.
Copy !req
227. Secondly, you are a bounty hunter?
Copy !req
228. That is so cool.
Copy !req
229. Catching monsters, getting into scrapes.
Copy !req
230. Meeting handsome strangers.
Copy !req
231. I'm here for the money. Nothing more.
Copy !req
232. So where are you taking me?
Copy !req
233. My ship.
Copy !req
234. Where'd you hide a spaceship in 1813?
Copy !req
235. It's cloaked past that shed.
Copy !req
236. Shed? That's my ship.
Copy !req
237. You travel in a shed?
Copy !req
238. Love the shed.
Copy !req
239. - Why isn't it cloaked?
- It's behind a tree.
Copy !req
240. Now that's a ship.
Copy !req
241. A wonderful party, Your Grace.
Copy !req
242. Thank you.
Copy !req
243. Nice costume.
Copy !req
244. Tight fit.
Copy !req
245. Oh, you're the duchess?
Copy !req
246. Of course. I should've scented you.
Copy !req
247. I wanted to be her next.
Copy !req
248. Too slow, love.
Copy !req
249. Although,
I was hoping someone here would be royal.
Copy !req
250. Nevertheless, I have picked my outfit
for the wedding.
Copy !req
251. Oh, really? Who?
Copy !req
252. Lady Ruby Sunday.
Copy !req
253. She just seems so... different.
Copy !req
254. So, this place is a mess.
Copy !req
255. - Rogue, honey, you need company.
- I live alone.
Copy !req
256. Baby, I can see.
Copy !req
257. But was that always the case?
Copy !req
258. Why do you ask?
Copy !req
259. This is an old asteroid hopper
Copy !req
260. piloted by two.
Copy !req
261. Not anymore. Stand there.
Copy !req
262. What do those things do?
Copy !req
263. It's a trap.
Copy !req
264. Tri-form on.
Copy !req
265. Tri-form activated.
Copy !req
266. Oh, I see.
Copy !req
267. My name is bond.
Copy !req
268. Molecular bond.
Copy !req
269. It works as a transport gate.
It just needs time to charge up.
Copy !req
270. Transport to where?
Copy !req
271. The incinerator.
Copy !req
272. It's a death sentence.
Copy !req
273. You're a killer.
Copy !req
274. Oh, well.
Copy !req
275. How about tri-form off?
Copy !req
276. - Tri-form off.
- It's deadlocked.
Copy !req
277. You can't turn it off until it's charged,
and once it's charged...
Copy !req
278. - ... I press send.
- Yeah?
Copy !req
279. Well, my gadget can do more things
than your gadget.
Copy !req
280. You're not scaring me.
Copy !req
281. The ship would've registered that
as a dangerous device.
Copy !req
282. Instead, it says...
Copy !req
283. - ... screwdriver.
- Yes.
Copy !req
284. Which is convenient because I've been
wanting some new shelves over there.
Copy !req
285. Oh, ha-ha. No.
Copy !req
286. But it does do all sorts of things.
Copy !req
287. Ah.
Copy !req
288. Did you get your name
from Dungeons and Dragons?
Copy !req
289. Roll for Insight.
Copy !req
290. Oh, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
291. Was that a wee smile
from the most serious man in history?
Copy !req
292. And it says that you're wired for sound.
Copy !req
293. Now, this is a surprise.
Copy !req
294. Oh, I love this.
Copy !req
295. Classic!
Copy !req
296. Mm-mmm.
Copy !req
297. Oh!
Copy !req
298. I'm just standing still, baby.
Copy !req
299. Give me— Give me that device.
Copy !req
300. Now.
Copy !req
301. Have your fun, Doctor.
You've got very little time left.
Copy !req
302. Ro—
Copy !req
303. Rogue, I am telling you,
you have got the wrong man, okay?
Copy !req
304. And I can prove it.
Copy !req
305. This authenticates me as non-Chuldur.
Copy !req
306. - It says, "You're hot."
- Does it?
Copy !req
307. I'm sorry— No. It's broken.
Copy !req
308. - Is it you're hot or I'm hot?
- I— No.
Copy !req
309. - It is just that it's—
- Who's hot, Doctor?
Copy !req
310. It means the temperature.
Copy !req
311. Ah. It suits you. Flustered.
It's a good look.
Copy !req
312. - You should try it more often.
- Says the man about to kill me.
Copy !req
313. Gotta do my job,
but just for the paperwork...
Copy !req
314. This job has so much paperwork
ever since we got that new boss.
Copy !req
315. Scanning.
Copy !req
316. Ah!
Copy !req
317. Deep scanner confirmed.
Copy !req
318. Shapeshifter.
Copy !req
319. Transport gate charging.
Copy !req
320. Press send in ten vexils...
Copy !req
321. I'm just so trigger-happy.
Copy !req
322. How long does a vexil last?
Copy !req
323. - ... nine...
- Oh, that long.
Copy !req
324. Nice knowing ya, Doc.
- ... eight...
Copy !req
325. Rogue, I am telling you,
you've got the wrong man.
Copy !req
326. If you kill me, you leave a Chuldur
out there on 19th-century Earth.
Copy !req
327. Think of all the innocent people
that would die!
Copy !req
328. - And if I've only got five vexils...
- ... four...
Copy !req
329. - ... then I beg of you, look.
- ... three...
Copy !req
330. Scanning...
Copy !req
331. two...
Copy !req
332. one...
Copy !req
333. Press send.
Copy !req
334. Press send.
Copy !req
335. I'm not a Chuldur.
Copy !req
336. I'm something much older
and far more powerful.
Copy !req
337. I'm a Lord of Time from the lost
and fallen planet of Gallifrey.
Copy !req
338. Now, let me go, bounty hunter.
Copy !req
339. We have work to do.
Copy !req
340. Wow.
Copy !req
341. We can't keep hiding.
Copy !req
342. Oh, we can. They all wanna find you
a husband downstairs,
Copy !req
343. but you can do whatever you want.
Copy !req
344. - Oh, you are revolutionary.
- No, I mean it.
Copy !req
345. You can do whatever you like
without Lord Barton.
Copy !req
346. Come on,
what do you wanna do with your life?
Copy !req
347. Well, I'll marry
someone lesser and smaller.
Copy !req
348. There may not be love,
but perhaps a kindly smile at dinner
Copy !req
349. and then a shared grave.
Copy !req
350. Aw. Right.
Copy !req
351. - So, you mean till death?
- What choice do I have?
Copy !req
352. Oh, so much more, Emily.
Oh, let me tell you.
Copy !req
353. This life may seem small,
but there are horizons out there
Copy !req
354. and adventures and mountains...
Copy !req
355. to be climbed— No!
Copy !req
356. Who is that?
Copy !req
357. You ready for this?
Copy !req
358. It's not my first shed.
Copy !req
359. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
360. I'm in love...
Copy !req
361. with this machine.
Copy !req
362. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
363. Dimensionally transcendental...
Copy !req
364. and so clean.
Copy !req
365. Yes, the things that you don't recognise
are called surfaces.
Copy !req
366. Oh, man.
You make me sound so boring.
Copy !req
367. What was that?
Copy !req
368. Nothing. Indigestion.
Copy !req
369. She gets upset by bounty hunters.
Copy !req
370. It's the moral void. No offence.
Copy !req
371. And this. From the ancient
and fallen world of Gallifrey.
Copy !req
372. - Where the hell is that?
- Well, I might take you one day.
Copy !req
373. All right.
Copy !req
374. In a few minutes,
it will no longer be a deathtrap.
Copy !req
375. You are welcome.
Copy !req
376. Why? What does it do now?
Copy !req
377. Well, whatever the Chuldur has done,
I can't let you kill it.
Copy !req
378. I also can't let it kill others.
Copy !req
379. So, instead, we will transport it
to a random, barren dimension.
Copy !req
380. No one to hurt. No way back.
Copy !req
381. Huh.
- Okay.
Copy !req
382. Who did you lose?
Copy !req
383. What?
Copy !req
384. You lost someone.
Copy !req
385. - How'd you know that?
- Because I know.
Copy !req
386. There was...
Copy !req
387. Yeah.
Copy !req
388. We travelled together.
We had fun, you know?
Copy !req
389. And then a day came along,
and at the end of that day...
Copy !req
390. I lost them.
Copy !req
391. What about you?
Copy !req
392. I lost everyone.
Copy !req
393. At the party, I saw you with that woman.
Copy !req
394. Hmm. My best friend.
Copy !req
395. Do you ever wonder...
Copy !req
396. - Why keep going?
- Because we have to.
Copy !req
397. We have to live each day
because they can't.
Copy !req
398. You don't have to stay
a bounty hunter, Rogue.
Copy !req
399. You could travel with me.
Oh, the worlds I could show you, Rogue.
Copy !req
400. And what if I like what I do?
Copy !req
401. Would you travel with me?
Copy !req
402. That is quite an argument.
Copy !req
403. I'll tell you what. When we both
get out of this...
Copy !req
404. let's argue across the stars.
Copy !req
405. I'd like that.
Copy !req
406. The trap is ready.
Copy !req
407. Now, let's get back to this party
before anyone else dies!
Copy !req
408. - There's a body upstairs.
- There's a shapeshifter killing people—
Copy !req
409. - Someone has killed her.
- Oh, you know?
Copy !req
410. Should we be telling humans?
Copy !req
411. Ruby, 2024. Rogue,
outer-space bounty hunter. Nice lady?
Copy !req
412. - Emily.
- Emily, 1813.
Copy !req
413. The duchess,
a shapeshifting Chuldur. Okay?
Copy !req
414. I know the word, "Okay".
Copy !req
415. Okay, but what does anyone get
out of killing these people?
Copy !req
416. I mean, I know they're posh snobs
and all that,
Copy !req
417. but we found the housekeeper dead.
I mean, why would anybody do that?
Copy !req
418. The dance. The drama.
Copy !req
419. The emotion. Oh, man. It's cosplay.
Copy !req
420. All of this. The Chuldur is cosplaying.
Copy !req
421. You said a Chuldur comes to a planet
and tries on people like outfits,
Copy !req
422. all for the fun of it.
Exactly like cosplay.
Copy !req
423. Wait, so you mean it's literally
dressing up and playing at Bridgerton?
Copy !req
424. Could be. I mean, those TV signals
beam out across the stars.
Copy !req
425. What are these TV signals?
Copy !req
426. N-No time.
Copy !req
427. Uh, we need to get the duchess
outside on her own.
Copy !req
428. And if there's one thing
that attracts her, it's scandal.
Copy !req
429. And outrage. And plot twists.
Copy !req
430. So, come on, Rogue.
Copy !req
431. Shall we?
Copy !req
432. I don't see how us dancing
will create a scene.
Copy !req
433. Then you should have researched this era
a little more because we are scandalous.
Copy !req
434. So, what is this ancient
Earth tradition of cosplay?
Copy !req
435. Oh, Rogue.
Copy !req
436. It's when fans dress up as characters
that they like,
Copy !req
437. and in our Chuldur's case,
it's Bridgerton.
Copy !req
438. Who is that?
Copy !req
439. Quite the sight.
Copy !req
440. Oh, my, ladies. This is shocking.
Copy !req
441. We need to have a big fight so we
can storm out and draw her to us.
Copy !req
442. The Chuldur cosplay. Not me.
Copy !req
443. This is the wrong time to be strong
and silent and so attractive.
Copy !req
444. How dare you, my lord?
Copy !req
445. Oh, this is new.
Copy !req
446. You would ask me to give up my title,
my fortune,
Copy !req
447. but what future can you promise me?
Copy !req
448. You cad!
Copy !req
449. Tell me what your heart wants,
or I shall turn my back on you forever.
Copy !req
450. I—
Copy !req
451. Say anything.
Copy !req
452. Sorry, I ca—
Copy !req
453. I can't.
Copy !req
454. - Oh, I must play them.
- Intercept.
Copy !req
455. You go that way.
Copy !req
456. What? By the Lord.
Copy !req
457. Oh, it's him. It's not the duchess.
Copy !req
458. What is he?
Copy !req
459. How can you even talk like this?
Who are you?
Copy !req
460. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Copy !req
461. Now keep the duchess talking.
Copy !req
462. A Chuldur is strong, and if she starts
to change you, it won't stop.
Copy !req
463. Quick question.
How many does this trap hold?
Copy !req
464. One.
Copy !req
465. Because there's only one Chuldur, yeah?
Copy !req
466. - It's a Chuldur family.
- Uh-huh.
Copy !req
467. I want to be the Doctor.
Copy !req
468. - Who wants to fight for the other one?
- Run.
Copy !req
469. I'm normally the one that says that.
Me. Me. Me.
Copy !req
470. I found them!
Copy !req
471. Gentlemen, we just want some fun!
Copy !req
472. I would love to be the Doctor.
Copy !req
473. Breaking spines. Removing tonsils.
Copy !req
474. Live vivisection!
Copy !req
475. Now find them!
Copy !req
476. I want a new look.
Copy !req
477. Where are they?
Copy !req
478. - Any luck?
- The stables are empty.
Copy !req
479. Back to the house.
Copy !req
480. We must advance with the wedding.
Copy !req
481. That should get them out of hiding.
Copy !req
482. She said wedding?
Copy !req
483. But four of them.
Copy !req
484. We've only got a trap for one.
What do we do?
Copy !req
485. When we start the action,
these human beings will panic and scream.
Copy !req
486. It'll ruin the authenticity
of the evening.
Copy !req
487. Oh, but I like the panic
and the screaming bit.
Copy !req
488. This is what we came for.
Copy !req
489. The gossip, the romance, the scandal.
Copy !req
490. We still have the big finale wedding
to come, and then London.
Copy !req
491. We can play our games
on a magnificent scale.
Copy !req
492. Parliament first. Then royalty.
I can be king.
Copy !req
493. And we can start wars with the French
and the Spanish and the Portuguese,
Copy !req
494. and everyone who doesn't look British.
Copy !req
495. And bloodshed.
Copy !req
496. - And cannons.
- Gunpowder.
Copy !req
497. We're gonna cosplay this planet to death.
Copy !req
498. Thank you.
Copy !req
499. - A little bit of zizz.
- Zizz?
Copy !req
500. Technical term.
I can make this transport gate carry four.
Copy !req
501. There might be others.
Copy !req
502. Right. Uh, six. Six maximum.
Copy !req
503. The problem is too much weight.
This can now only work once.
Copy !req
504. We've got one try at this, Rogue.
Just one.
Copy !req
505. We've gotta get it right first time.
Copy !req
506. Oh, Emily.
Copy !req
507. Emily, I'm sorry.
I know it's hard, but trust me.
Copy !req
508. There are scary things in the universe,
but the good things always outnumber 'em.
Copy !req
509. How can you say these things?
Copy !req
510. You with your TV and your okay.
Copy !req
511. Uh, okay, look, the truth is—
Copy !req
512. Nah, you've seen enough.
Copy !req
513. I'm not from your world.
Copy !req
514. I come from the future.
Copy !req
515. You are truly remarkable.
Copy !req
516. And I thought I was interesting.
Copy !req
517. A bookish little wallflower,
risking it all for a secret love.
Copy !req
518. But you?
Copy !req
519. You are wild
Copy !req
520. and brave and rude.
Copy !req
521. Living a life of adventure
from times yet to come.
Copy !req
522. Oh, Ruby Sunday...
Copy !req
523. I want to be you.
Copy !req
524. Oh, come now, loves, a party
isn't a party without a costume change.
Copy !req
525. And don't I look fabulous?
Copy !req
526. Silence!
Copy !req
527. - Any sign of Ruby?
- Not seen her.
Copy !req
528. They've locked the doors.
Copy !req
529. This is the endgame.
Copy !req
530. Chuldur leave no witnesses.
Copy !req
531. They'll slaughter everyone.
- ... now it is time for the season finale.
Copy !req
532. And what could be better than a wedding?
Copy !req
533. And here they come.
Copy !req
534. Bride and groom.
Copy !req
535. How does it feel to be Lady Ruby?
Copy !req
536. Mmm. Delicious.
Copy !req
537. I'm sorry.
They got her.
Copy !req
538. She looks good on you.
Copy !req
539. Doctor.
Copy !req
540. Doctor, look.
Copy !req
541. You know I can't stop her,
and I wouldn't wanna do that.
Copy !req
542. And if anyone deserves to see it all,
feel it all, it's Ruby.
Copy !req
543. But I'm still her mum.
Copy !req
544. I need to know she'll be okay.
Copy !req
545. You'll keep her safe?
Copy !req
546. I will keep her safe.
Copy !req
547. I promise.
Copy !req
548. Now, every wedding needs a vicar.
Copy !req
549. You.
Copy !req
550. Step forward, sir.
Copy !req
551. Madam. Your Grace. Your "birdiness".
Copy !req
552. Hmm?
Copy !req
553. I cannot sanction wedlock
for creatures from hell.
Copy !req
554. How long do they live for?
Copy !req
555. - Chuldur?
- Mmm.
Copy !req
556. They have a lifespan of 600 years.
Copy !req
557. Good. Good.
Copy !req
558. It's a long time to suffer.
Copy !req
559. Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today
in the sight of the unholy—
Copy !req
560. Oh, whatever.
Et cetera, praise be, holibobs—
Copy !req
561. to witness the marriage
of Lord Barton to Miss Ruby.
Copy !req
562. I object!
Copy !req
563. Sorry, had we reached that bit yet?
Copy !req
564. It's very hard to hear out here.
Copy !req
565. I object to this wedding
Copy !req
566. and to all that you are, Chuldur.
Copy !req
567. Taste his inhuman scent.
Copy !req
568. Mmm. Breathe it in deep, baby,
because I am exuding,
Copy !req
569. and I am one of a kind.
Copy !req
570. He is quite unique.
Copy !req
571. He's something unknown.
I want to be him!
Copy !req
572. I want it! I want it!
Copy !req
573. And I want you standing
exactly there for this.
Copy !req
574. One-third of a transport gate?
Copy !req
575. One-third of a trap.
Copy !req
576. One-third of a brain, Doctor.
Copy !req
577. Of course.
Copy !req
578. I need the other two pieces.
I wonder where they are.
Copy !req
579. Oh.
Copy !req
580. For the desecration of Ruby Sunday,
you deserve only this.
Copy !req
581. Tri-form on!
Copy !req
582. Trap locked at five.
Copy !req
583. How dare you, sir?
Copy !req
584. You'll pay for this.
Copy !req
585. But when?
Copy !req
586. Because five passengers in a transport
gate gives about... ... uh, 80 vexils.
Copy !req
587. - So—
- Doctor, how long's a vexil?
Copy !req
588. Don't pretend.
Copy !req
589. No, I'm not. It's me, Doctor.
Copy !req
590. Nice try.
Copy !req
591. Me mum's called Carla,
and me gran's called Cherry,
Copy !req
592. and it snowed when I was born,
Copy !req
593. and we met space babies,
and I'm really, really sorry.
Copy !req
594. But how?
Copy !req
595. I cosplayed.
Copy !req
596. Battle mode.
Copy !req
597. Whoa!
Copy !req
598. Doctor, I can't move.
Copy !req
599. That's what she did to me!
Copy !req
600. How could you mistake her for me?
Copy !req
601. She has the scent of a Chuldur.
Copy !req
602. You idiot! It's a false scent
from that cheap psychic jewellery.
Copy !req
603. Tri-form— Tri-form off.
Copy !req
604. Tri-form off! Tri-form off! Tri-form off!
Copy !req
605. Transport gate charged.
Copy !req
606. Press send.
Copy !req
607. You won't press send.
Copy !req
608. You're too soft and feeble
to dispatch your little blonde friend.
Copy !req
609. Emily, you have my full permission.
Copy !req
610. Become the Doctor.
Copy !req
611. Um.
Copy !req
612. Trap locked at six.
Copy !req
613. Doctor, press send.
Copy !req
614. - We've only got one chance.
- I can't.
Copy !req
615. He's too much of a coward.
Copy !req
616. Press the button.
Copy !req
617. - It will send Ruby.
- No, Doctor. It's fine—
Copy !req
618. No! No, no! No!
Copy !req
619. If you don't send, the Chuldur
will escape, and Ruby dies anyway.
Copy !req
620. Transport gate charged.
Copy !req
621. It's fine.
Copy !req
622. Press send.
Copy !req
623. They'll kill us.
Copy !req
624. Then this house. Then London.
Then the world.
Copy !req
625. You know that.
Copy !req
626. You absolutely know it.
Copy !req
627. So can you do it?
Copy !req
628. Can you lose your friend
to save the world?
Copy !req
629. No.
Copy !req
630. I know.
Copy !req
631. Rogue, no!
Copy !req
632. Matter exchange.
Copy !req
633. Trap locked at six.
Copy !req
634. Find me.
Copy !req
635. - You okay?
- Mmm.
Copy !req
636. Just sending the ship into orbit
around the moon,
Copy !req
637. so it can wait, as long as it takes.
Copy !req
638. Can't we use the TARDIS and go find him?
Copy !req
639. There are as many dimensions
as there are atoms in the universe.
Copy !req
640. Don't even know his real name.
Copy !req
641. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
642. Anyway, it is what it is. So, onwards.
Copy !req
643. Fine. Next. Off we go.
Copy !req
644. - Where shall we go? Anywhere.
- Doctor, you don't have to be like this.
Copy !req
645. I have to be like this
'cause this is what I'm like.
Copy !req
646. Onwards. Upwards. New horizons.
Copy !req
647. - Moving on. It's fine—
- Okay, can you just shut up a second?
Copy !req
648. It's good to have you back, Ruby.
Copy !req
649. And you, Doctor.
Copy !req
650. Everywhere I land,
a woman appears.
Copy !req
651. In every dream, I'm there.
Copy !req
652. She doesn't know why,
but she remembered them.
Copy !req
653. Doctor. There's something wrong.
Copy !req
654. Whatever it is, here it comes.
Copy !req