1. Oh, yes! We are in Wales!
Copy !req
2. - Spectacular!
- What? How can you tell?
Copy !req
3. Oh!
Copy !req
4. That smell, that green,
that coastline, Ruby.
Copy !req
5. Oh!
Copy !req
6. The rocks and the water, it never ends.
Copy !req
7. The war between the land and the sea.
Copy !req
8. Oh, you know what?
I've been to Wales twice.
Copy !req
9. - I went to see Shygirl in Cardiff.
- Oh.
Copy !req
10. And then I went to Mumbles
when I was about 16 because of a boy.
Copy !req
11. - I broke his heart, but there you go.
- Oh, bless him.
Copy !req
12. Mind you, Roger ap Gwilliam,
that's a bad example of the Welsh.
Copy !req
13. - Terrifying.
- Oh, yeah?
Copy !req
14. The most dangerous
prime minister in history.
Copy !req
15. He led the world to the brink of nuclear—
Copy !req
16. Wait, what year are you from?
Copy !req
17. 2024.
Copy !req
18. Oh, yikes. Sorry. He was 2046.
Copy !req
19. Sorry, spoilers.
Copy !req
20. - Forget I said anything.
- No, no, no. Tell me what happened.
Copy !req
21. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
What is this?
Copy !req
22. Oh, it's a circle. Someone made this.
Copy !req
23. I'm sorry, man. I am sorry.
Copy !req
24. Aw. It looks like something
made by children, doesn't it?
Copy !req
25. Lucky charms and bird skulls.
Copy !req
26. Hey, there's little messages. Look.
Copy !req
27. "I miss you." That's all it says.
Copy !req
28. "Rest in peace, Mad Jack."
Copy !req
29. Aw, poor old Mad Jack.
Copy !req
30. Bless him, eh?
Looks like some sort of memorial.
Copy !req
31. All right,
don't be doing that to me.
Copy !req
32. Hey, it's locked!
Copy !req
33. You've locked it from the inside.
Copy !req
34. Doctor.
Copy !req
35. I hope you're not having a pee
'round the back.
Copy !req
36. Hmm...
Copy !req
37. Hiya. Um, have you seen my friend?
Copy !req
38. He was here. H-He's just, um—
Copy !req
39. Can you just w-wait there? J—
Copy !req
40. Okay.
Copy !req
41. Okay. Okay.
Copy !req
42. Very clever.
Copy !req
43. Very clever.
Copy !req
44. Are you a part of this?
Copy !req
45. What— What— What have you done?
Did— Did you do this?
Copy !req
46. Where is the Doctor?
Copy !req
47. Where is he? What have you done to him?
Copy !req
48. - Hello there.
- Ah.
Copy !req
49. Ooh, you must be mad.
Is that all you're wearing?
Copy !req
50. Yeah, I got kind of caught.
Um, the-the car broke down.
Copy !req
51. Oh, no.
Copy !req
52. Oh, you poor thing.
Copy !req
53. I know. What a day.
Copy !req
54. Um, wh-where is that?
Copy !req
55. Down there. What is it?
Copy !req
56. Oh, that's Glyngatwg,
if you'll forgive my pronunciation.
Copy !req
57. Which they don't.
Copy !req
58. I— I haven't met you before, have I?
Copy !req
59. Well, I don't think so. Have you?
Copy !req
60. Uh, no, that was a different—
Copy !req
61. Uh, sorry, could you help me?
Copy !req
62. That, um, woman over there,
do you see her?
Copy !req
63. Of course I can. Who is she?
Copy !req
64. Um, this is gonna sound a bit mad.
Copy !req
65. But she's following me.
Copy !req
66. I think I may have trespassed
or something,
Copy !req
67. I dunno,
but could you just tell her I'm sorry?
Copy !req
68. Sorry for what?
Copy !req
69. Uh, I don't know.
Copy !req
70. Have I walked into something?
Copy !req
71. No, no, no, no. Sorry.
Copy !req
72. You're just going that way,
so could you just tell her that I'm fine?
Copy !req
73. She can go home.
Copy !req
74. Well, I'm intrigued now,
and it's no skin off my nose.
Copy !req
75. But once that's done,
get in the warm, both of you.
Copy !req
76. Whatever little game this is.
Copy !req
77. Oh, could you
ask her if she knows the Doctor?
Copy !req
78. Oh, do you need a doctor?
Copy !req
79. No, but can you just ask?
Copy !req
80. I'll try.
Copy !req
81. State on you.
Copy !req
82. Who goes out in this without a coat?
Copy !req
83. No, I've lost my things.
Copy !req
84. Sorry, it's kind of a long story.
Copy !req
85. Is it?
Copy !req
86. Um, I-I— I don't suppose—
I'm a bit stuck.
Copy !req
87. - Have you got a room for the night?
- I have.
Copy !req
88. 65 quid.
Copy !req
89. I haven't got anything in for breakfast,
but I can do yoghurt and toast.
Copy !req
90. Don't let her cook, for God's sake.
Copy !req
91. - Shut it.
- Don't let her cook.
Copy !req
92. Uh, no, that's fine.
Copy !req
93. I haven't got any cash on me.
C-C-Can I pay on my phone?
Copy !req
94. Can you what?
Copy !req
95. Can I pay with my phone?
Copy !req
96. Pay with your phone?
Copy !req
97. Yeah.
Copy !req
98. How do you pay with your phone?
Copy !req
99. Oh, well,
it's sort of like online banking,
Copy !req
100. but the phone can transfer money
from my account into—
Copy !req
101. Yes, you can pay with your phone.
Copy !req
102. Oh. Sorry. Thank you.
Copy !req
103. We're not quite the Dark Ages, young lady.
Copy !req
104. Despite what they say.
Copy !req
105. Well, apparently,
next week we're getting Christianity.
Copy !req
106. Throw 'em to the lions.
Copy !req
107. Throw them to the lions
and watch them getting eaten alive.
Copy !req
108. With-With great big teeth
and the blood and things.
Copy !req
109. Drink?
Copy !req
110. Yeah, I— I'll— I'll have, um—
No, I'll just have a Coke.
Copy !req
111. Last of the big spenders.
Copy !req
112. 'Ey, do— do you mind if I ask,
that woman out there, can you see her?
Copy !req
113. Oh, she must be bloody freezing, mun.
Copy !req
114. Do you know who she is?
Copy !req
115. I've never seen her. Why? Who is she?
Copy !req
116. I don't know.
Copy !req
117. I rather think, in this sort of weather,
you should try asking her in.
Copy !req
118. Oh, no, no. She's— She's not with me.
Copy !req
119. She's just following me.
Copy !req
120. What for?
Copy !req
121. I don't know.
Copy !req
122. But she's definitely following you?
Copy !req
123. Well, yeah, I think so. Yeah.
Copy !req
124. Five quid.
Copy !req
125. How much?
Copy !req
126. Five quid.
Copy !req
127. Pardon me for stating the obvious,
Copy !req
128. but if there's a woman following you,
have you tried asking her why?
Copy !req
129. - No.
- Oh, my God!
Copy !req
130. I'll ask her now. I'm off home for my tea.
Copy !req
131. I'll send her in for a pie and a pint.
Copy !req
132. Hey, you can pay on your magic phone.
Copy !req
133. - All right. Night, girls.
- Night then, Josh.
Copy !req
134. Safely home.
Copy !req
135. Um, could you ask her—
Copy !req
136. There was a friend of mine
in a yellow duffel coat.
Copy !req
137. Could you just ask her if she's seen him?
Copy !req
138. Black guy, 5'10".
Copy !req
139. Yeah, I'll give it a go.
Copy !req
140. Cheerio, then.
Copy !req
141. See you tomorrow, Josh.
Copy !req
142. Following's the wrong word
Copy !req
143. because she doesn't approach.
Copy !req
144. She comes so far,
and it's like she stays away,
Copy !req
145. never comes any closer.
Copy !req
146. I can't think of a synonym
for keeping your distance.
Copy !req
147. I suppose to coin a new word,
Copy !req
148. in Latin, it would be semperdistans,
always distant.
Copy !req
149. She's semperdistans to you.
Copy !req
150. Oh, my God. Josh is running.
Copy !req
151. It's his wife shouting at him.
Copy !req
152. No, really though. He's running.
He saw that woman, and he ran away.
Copy !req
153. He ran away like the devil was on his bum.
Copy !req
154. What'd she say to him?
- I-I don't know.
Copy !req
155. - Who is she?
- I don't know!
Copy !req
156. It seems that Josh is semperdistans.
Copy !req
157. I wonder— I thought—
Copy !req
158. See, I was with my friend,
Copy !req
159. and we walked into this thing
up on the clifftops.
Copy !req
160. Like, a circle of cotton,
Copy !req
161. little toy things,
like charms and skulls of birds.
Copy !req
162. I— Just, like,
a witchcraft sort of thing.
Copy !req
163. What you mean cotton?
Copy !req
164. Like strands with these things.
Copy !req
165. Witchcraft is a very strong word.
Copy !req
166. No, no, no, no. I did not mean witchcraft.
I just meant it's like—
Copy !req
167. Where was it?
Copy !req
168. Up on the cliffs, a couple miles that way.
Copy !req
169. It's what they call a fairy circle.
Copy !req
170. You can ask him about that.
Copy !req
171. Shut your face.
Copy !req
172. When you say you walked into it,
did you break it?
Copy !req
173. Well, it— Yeah.
Copy !req
174. Uh, no. But it was by mistake.
Copy !req
175. I mean, it's not magic, is it?
Copy !req
176. Is it not?
Copy !req
177. The clifftops are a boundary
between the land and the sea.
Copy !req
178. A liminal space, neither here nor there,
where rules are suspended.
Copy !req
179. And then there's the blood.
Copy !req
180. What— What blood?
Copy !req
181. Do you know why Wales
has so many picturesque little castles?
Copy !req
182. No.
Copy !req
183. They were torture centres set up
by the English to rule with fear.
Copy !req
184. Steeped in blood, we are.
Copy !req
185. Tons of blood.
Copy !req
186. This land is a powerful place.
Copy !req
187. It's said that he walks through the gaps.
Copy !req
188. The spiteful one.
Copy !req
189. No, but it was by accident.
Copy !req
190. My friend—
Copy !req
191. He would never disrespect a circle
or do anything like that.
Copy !req
192. And I walked away as soon as
it said "rest in peace".
Copy !req
193. What did?
Copy !req
194. The messages. The little scrolls.
Copy !req
195. - You read them?
- J-Just a couple.
Copy !req
196. You opened them and read them?
Copy !req
197. Why did you do that?
Copy !req
198. Well, they were there!
Copy !req
199. I think whatever spell was cast
in this circle is now broken.
Copy !req
200. What else did they say?
Copy !req
201. - It was just, um—
- What else did they say?
Copy !req
202. O-One said, "Rest in peace."
Copy !req
203. "Rest in peace, Mad Jack."
Copy !req
204. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
205. I think, perhaps, that wasn't wise.
Copy !req
206. No, I-I just thought it was someone's dog
or something.
Copy !req
207. Say that to Mad Jack's face.
Copy !req
208. Why? Who was he?
- He was insane.
Copy !req
209. And he's dead!
Copy !req
210. But now she's broken the circle.
Copy !req
211. Yeah, but what does that mean?
Copy !req
212. The charm was very clear.
Copy !req
213. Binding his soul to rest in peace.
Copy !req
214. Semperdistans to keep him away.
Copy !req
215. But now you've broken it.
Copy !req
216. And if that woman outside is his herald,
Copy !req
217. that means Mad Jack is unbound.
Copy !req
218. Oh, don't.
Copy !req
219. He'd kill me. He would kill me!
Copy !req
220. I'm the one he'd kill first,
and you know why, don't you?
Copy !req
221. What the hell have you done?
Copy !req
222. No, that's just someone at the door.
Copy !req
223. No, no, no. But he'd go home!
He wouldn't have come here. He'd go home!
Copy !req
224. There's no home to go to, you idiot.
Not anymore.
Copy !req
225. He drank in this pub.
Copy !req
226. He called this place home.
Copy !req
227. That is not Mad Jack out there!
Copy !req
228. Then answer the door.
Copy !req
229. It's him. It's him.
Copy !req
230. Oh, my God. It's him.
Copy !req
231. Hurry up. I've got my hands full.
Copy !req
232. You've got enough pasties here
to last two weeks!
Copy !req
233. Get 'em in the freezer fast.
Copy !req
234. What's so funny?
Copy !req
235. Her face! Oh, my God, her face.
Copy !req
236. Best one yet, that was.
Copy !req
237. His herald, I loved that bit.
Copy !req
238. It's racist, my dear, to be blunt.
Copy !req
239. People come from outside,
they think we're all witches and druids.
Copy !req
240. For God's sake, child,
you walked into a piece of string.
Copy !req
241. Can I stand you a pint, Eddie?
Copy !req
242. Don't mind if I do.
Copy !req
243. Got those spare.
Copy !req
244. I'll have them back, mind.
Copy !req
245. I said to Josh—
Copy !req
246. I said, "We haven't seen you."
He said, "I'm never coming back."
Copy !req
247. I said, "Why?" And he said, "Ask her."
So, I'm asking you, why?
Copy !req
248. I think he meant ask her.
Copy !req
249. Well, I made it very clear to Josh
you will be packing and going.
Copy !req
250. And we won't see you again as of today.
Copy !req
251. Is that understood?
Copy !req
252. Look, maybe I should just go home.
Copy !req
253. I haven't even known you
for that long anyway, but—
Copy !req
254. You know, maybe t-this—
this is what you do.
Copy !req
255. But if you come back...
Copy !req
256. I would love to see you again.
Copy !req
257. God, I-I-I'd just absolutely love it.
Copy !req
258. Okay.
Copy !req
259. Bye-bye.
Copy !req
260. I'm going now!
Copy !req
261. Okay?
Copy !req
262. You win!
Copy !req
263. This is the Great Western Railway service
Copy !req
264. to London Paddington.
Copy !req
265. Here she is, here she is, here she is.
Copy !req
266. - All safe and sound.
- Love you.
Copy !req
267. She's back!
Copy !req
268. I told her that man was no good
with his box of magic tricks!
Copy !req
269. Some kind of guzum.
Copy !req
270. Maybe the Doctor went inside his box and—
Copy !req
271. That's what men do.
Copy !req
272. They go into their sheds and they potter.
Copy !req
273. They have train sets and hobbies,
and things women should never know about.
Copy !req
274. I mean, I don't know.
Copy !req
275. I've never had a garden. Never had a shed.
Copy !req
276. I've never had a man.
Copy !req
277. But that's what they say.
Copy !req
278. And your intergalactic nutcase is doing it
on a cosmic scale.
Copy !req
279. But he's still, essentially,
inside his shed pottering.
Copy !req
280. He must be!
Copy !req
281. Look, I-I didn't tell you everything.
Copy !req
282. There's this woman.
Copy !req
283. This is what we'll do!
Copy !req
284. If I can approach her,
then I'll phone you.
Copy !req
285. I'll walk up to her like this.
Copy !req
286. Hello?
Copy !req
287. - Hi.
- Then I can talk to her.
Copy !req
288. - Then you can hear what she's got to say.
- No, I've told you.
Copy !req
289. Everyone she talks to, they just run away.
Copy !req
290. Yes, but Welsh people.
Copy !req
291. Trust me, darling. It's a plan.
Copy !req
292. All right. Well, just be careful! Okay.
Copy !req
293. Having a nice time?
Copy !req
294. Yeah, I'm just speaking to...
Copy !req
295. You're standing in the street
on the phone to your own mother?
Copy !req
296. Yeah.
Copy !req
297. Nothing to do with me.
Copy !req
298. Mum, what does she look like?
Copy !req
299. She looks like what she looks like.
Copy !req
300. What does that mean?
Copy !req
301. She looks like what she is.
Copy !req
302. Mum, what's she saying?
I can't— I can't quite hear.
Copy !req
303. What's she saying?
Copy !req
304. Mum?
Copy !req
305. Mum, whatever she's saying
just don't— No, Mum!
Copy !req
306. Mum, don't listen to her!
Copy !req
307. Please, don't do this to me. Mum!
Copy !req
308. Mum, don't do this to me. Mum!
Copy !req
309. Mum!
Copy !req
310. Mum, please! Just stop!
Copy !req
311. Mum?
Copy !req
312. Mum! Mum, please!
Copy !req
313. She run away? What did you say to her?
Copy !req
314. What? It wasn't me. It was the woman.
Copy !req
315. Mum, phone me back.
Copy !req
316. Just— Just tell me what she said.
Just talk to me, okay?
Copy !req
317. Just please phone me back.
Copy !req
318. Look, I don't care
if you're on answerphone.
Copy !req
319. I will keep calling
a hundred times a day.
Copy !req
320. And you've got to come home.
Copy !req
321. Come on, Mum.
Gran is calling you everything.
Copy !req
322. and if you do come home,
I'll make that shepherd's pie, yeah?
Copy !req
323. The one we saw on Saturday Kitchen
with the cheese,
Copy !req
324. and we can sit down
and just pretend that—
Copy !req
325. Hang on.
Copy !req
326. Oh, no, you did not.
Copy !req
327. Mum! Mum, can you hear me?
Copy !req
328. Gran? Gran, are you in there?
Copy !req
329. Come on. You can't change the locks on me!
Come on!
Copy !req
330. Mum!
Copy !req
331. I won't ask you again, Ruby.
Copy !req
332. Please stop calling and go away.
Copy !req
333. But I'm your daughter.
Copy !req
334. Well, except you're not.
Copy !req
335. Are you?
Copy !req
336. Even your real mother didn't want you.
Copy !req
337. I take it that's the woman behind me,
is that right?
Copy !req
338. - Yes.
- Good.
Copy !req
339. Well, just look at me instead.
Copy !req
340. I'm Kate Lethbridge-Stewart,
and I think I can help.
Copy !req
341. Yeah, and that was over a year ago.
Copy !req
342. She's put an injunction out against me,
my own mother.
Copy !req
343. I thought about going back to Manchester,
Copy !req
344. but I don't want to leave, you know,
just in case.
Copy !req
345. And I've got this rubbish job
at Kleinermann's to make ends meet.
Copy !req
346. Well, I think we can help with that.
Copy !req
347. We have a tradition of helping
the Doctor's former companions
Copy !req
348. once they return to a normal life.
Copy !req
349. No, I-I was hardly with him really.
Copy !req
350. - But it felt like a lifetime?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
351. Well, we're
the Unified Intelligence Taskforce
Copy !req
352. created to investigate
the extraterrestrial.
Copy !req
353. And, more and more, the supernatural.
Copy !req
354. Things seem to be turning that way
these days.
Copy !req
355. And you work with the Doctor?
Copy !req
356. With him, despite him,
against him sometimes.
Copy !req
357. And I adore him.
Copy !req
358. I can only say that now he's not here.
Copy !req
359. Oh, no, I— I won't say a word.
Copy !req
360. I wish you'd got in touch with us sooner.
Copy !req
361. We thought the Doctor was— was silent.
Copy !req
362. Oh, I know. I keep wondering
how the world survives without him.
Copy !req
363. Well, that's classified.
Copy !req
364. I think I can say, skin of our teeth.
Copy !req
365. Although, I think this timeline
might be suspended along your event.
Copy !req
366. - I'm glad we found you.
- Oh, my— So am I.
Copy !req
367. And you can take us to the TARDIS?
Copy !req
368. Yeah, it's just sitting there.
Copy !req
369. I'm actually surprised
no one's reported it, really.
Copy !req
370. It has a perception filter.
Copy !req
371. People notice it,
but sort of— sort of don't.
Copy !req
372. Mmm.
Copy !req
373. I wonder if it's connected.
Copy !req
374. If— If landing a perception filter
on top of that circle has affected things.
Copy !req
375. Huh.
Copy !req
376. Well, maybe.
'Cause she— she has a perception thing.
Copy !req
377. - Huh.
- Like, no one at work has complained
Copy !req
378. about the old woman stood outside
every day.
Copy !req
379. It's like they see her,
but they don't notice her.
Copy !req
380. 'Ey, I once positioned her
right in front of a police car,
Copy !req
381. and they drove right around her.
Copy !req
382. And if you sit in a room with no windows?
Copy !req
383. No, I can't see her.
But I know she's there.
Copy !req
384. Seventy-three yards.
I have measured it a hundred times.
Copy !req
385. I have measured it a thousand times.
It's 73 yards.
Copy !req
386. - But if you went on a plane?
- Or a boat.
Copy !req
387. Yeah, I know, I know.
Copy !req
388. But I don't.
Copy !req
389. 'Cause I keep thinking if I cut her off,
I might die
Copy !req
390. or she might die.
Copy !req
391. I— I don't know. Does that sound mad?
Copy !req
392. - Sounds wise.
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
393. It's what we do, all of us.
Copy !req
394. We see something inexplicable
and invent the rules to make it work.
Copy !req
395. Mankind saw the sunrise and created God.
Copy !req
396. Or we saw the arrival of a Sontaran,
one or the other.
Copy !req
397. And I can confirm.
Our scan says 73 yards exactly.
Copy !req
398. I hope you don't mind.
I didn't come alone.
Copy !req
399. Don't worry. You're quite safe.
Copy !req
400. No, no.
That's great. That's fine.
Copy !req
401. We photographed her.
But this is the only image we can get.
Copy !req
402. Oh, I know.
I bought the most expensive camera,
Copy !req
403. and I still couldn't zoom in on her face.
Copy !req
404. Well, our equipment is
a bit more sophisticated, and yet
Copy !req
405. she only registers from the point of view
of an average person's 20/20 eyesight
Copy !req
406. from 73 yards, 219 feet,
Copy !req
407. 66.7 metres.
66.7 metres.
Copy !req
408. But it proves you're not going mad.
Thank you.
Copy !req
409. Well, there's only one more option.
Copy !req
410. Let's bring her in.
Copy !req
411. Oh, but she won't—
Copy !req
412. If you talk to her, she—
I don't know, she does something.
Copy !req
413. My staff have full psychic training.
Copy !req
414. We have telepathic dampeners,
mesmeric shielding,
Copy !req
415. and necklaces of silver and salt
in case of witchcraft.
Copy !req
416. Don't worry. You're with experts now.
Copy !req
417. Go, go, go!
Copy !req
418. Initiate target approach.
Copy !req
419. Do not talk to her.
Do not look her in the eyes.
Copy !req
420. Do not engage with her in any way.
Just bring her in.
Copy !req
421. I said, "Do not engage!"
Copy !req
422. No, Kate.
Copy !req
423. No, Kate, what's she saying?
Copy !req
424. Disengage.
Copy !req
425. Kate. No, Kate, you can't leave.
Copy !req
426. Kate! Kate, please don't go. Kate!
Copy !req
427. Kate, wait! Kate!
Copy !req
428. All right.
Copy !req
429. All right, all right, all right!
Copy !req
430. Oi! Do you mind?
Copy !req
431. Yeah, I said, "All right!"
Copy !req
432. You know what? I'm not complaining.
Copy !req
433. But I say let's go away.
Let's go to New York, and you say no.
Copy !req
434. So, I keep thinking—
Copy !req
435. I don't want you to take this
the wrong way, but I've got to ask.
Copy !req
436. Is there someone else?
Copy !req
437. It's just, sometimes,
I get the impression
Copy !req
438. you're not really listening,
Copy !req
439. like you're drifting off
thinking of something else.
Copy !req
440. Well, like now, to be honest.
Copy !req
441. Mmm.
Copy !req
442. The thing is,
I know you've had a tough time.
Copy !req
443. That whole thing
with your mother is weird...
Copy !req
444. okay, but it's hard for me
sometimes, you know?
Copy !req
445. Thank you. And what's your
take on this, Roger ap Gwilliam?
Copy !req
446. Well, no public school for me.
I've done hard work.
Copy !req
447. I started off as a pizza delivery boy.
Copy !req
448. I worked on a fruit stall
in Swansea Market.
Copy !req
449. Hospital porter, the steel mills,
security guard.
Copy !req
450. I was a jack of all trades.
Copy !req
451. "Mad Jack" they used to call me.
Copy !req
452. Mad Jack.
Copy !req
453. Roger ap Gwilliam, that's
a bad example of the Welsh. Terrifying.
Copy !req
454. The most dangerous
prime minister in history.
Copy !req
455. Even in bed,
it's like you're always a distance away.
Copy !req
456. Semperdistans is the word.
Copy !req
457. Look, you were sweet, and this was—
Oh, this was nice, yeah?
Copy !req
458. But you were right. It was never
gonna work, and that is my fault.
Copy !req
459. E-Except for the bed thing.
Copy !req
460. 'Cause that—
That really was you.
Copy !req
461. But it has taken me all this time
to realise what I'm here to do.
Copy !req
462. Which is what?
Copy !req
463. I'm gonna save the world.
Copy !req
464. See ya!
Copy !req
465. Come on. We've got work to do.
Copy !req
466. Hi there.
I would like to offer my services.
Copy !req
467. - I thought I'd volunteer.
- Okay, good news.
Copy !req
468. What for exactly?
Copy !req
469. Oh, anything. Anything at all.
Copy !req
470. I just think Roger ap Gwilliam is amazing,
and I want to help the cause.
Copy !req
471. I have a thousand pounds in my savings
which I can donate right now.
Copy !req
472. I'll do leaflets, answering the phones.
Copy !req
473. Just tell me what to do,
and I'll do anything.
Copy !req
474. 'Ey, I'll even carry the coats.
Copy !req
475. Yes, but the government says—
Copy !req
476. What government?
The government has collapsed in shame.
Copy !req
477. In absolute shame, Amol.
Copy !req
478. Now's the time to vote,
you know, uh,
Copy !req
479. for Britain to find its voice,
to find its pride, its future.
Copy !req
480. Yes, but the point is that
if people are worried about anything,
Copy !req
481. it's the cost of living, it's inflation,
Copy !req
482. it's a price cap at £15,000.
Copy !req
483. And you want to spend billions.
Copy !req
484. Indeed, you're committed to spending
£65 billion on nuclear weapons.
Copy !req
485. Amol, I'm a Welshman.
I-I was born in Wales.
Copy !req
486. That's what the "ap" in my name means.
Copy !req
487. It's not one of those apps that you used
to have on your phones in the old days.
Copy !req
488. It means "son of".
Copy !req
489. I am a son of Wales.
Copy !req
490. And the Welsh know
what it's like to be oppressed.
Copy !req
491. And that has taught me to say, "No more."
Copy !req
492. And that's what I am saying. No more.
Copy !req
493. I want Great Britain to say, "No more."
Copy !req
494. So, yes,
I have pledged to defend our borders
Copy !req
495. and set us up on high as
one of the greatest nations in the world.
Copy !req
496. But we are members of NATO.
Copy !req
497. When did NATO ever, you know,
fire a nuclear missile? Ever?
Copy !req
498. 2031, the Great Russian War,
not a single rocket.
Copy !req
499. Excuse me, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
500. Are you saying that you actually
want to fire a nuclear missile?
Copy !req
501. We'll cut that bit out, right?
Copy !req
502. Uh, okay, everyone,
let's take ten.
Copy !req
503. Danny, uh, speak to comms about next week.
Copy !req
504. Yeah. Yeah.
Copy !req
505. Immediately.
Yes, sir.
Copy !req
506. Craig, get the car.
Yes, sir.
Copy !req
507. Are you with us?
Copy !req
508. Yes.
Copy !req
509. My name's Ruby.
Copy !req
510. Tell me, um, what about her?
Copy !req
511. The girl over there. Is she one of ours?
Copy !req
512. She's on Danny's team. She's a volunteer.
Copy !req
513. What's her name?
Copy !req
514. Marti Bridges.
Copy !req
515. Marti.
Copy !req
516. Boy's name.
Copy !req
517. Huh.
Copy !req
518. Marti?
Copy !req
519. Yeah? Yes, hi.
Copy !req
520. I declare that Roger ap Gwilliam
Copy !req
521. is duly elected as member of parliament
for the constituency.
Copy !req
522. Yeah! Come on!
Copy !req
523. I will go to His Majesty
and prepare for government.
Copy !req
524. Roger! Roger! Roger!
Copy !req
525. Good news?
Copy !req
526. Between you and me, I know he's brilliant.
Copy !req
527. But sometimes, I don't know,
I think he gives me the shivers.
Copy !req
528. Oh, he is a monster.
Copy !req
529. Come on! Yes!
Copy !req
530. Yes, thank you.
Copy !req
531. We're here to help, okay?
Copy !req
532. You see anything suspect,
talk to security.
Copy !req
533. And back at the hotel, eyes and ears open.
Copy !req
534. We have a busy three days, so stay alert.
Copy !req
535. If you could all
be checked for clearance again.
Copy !req
536. You know Roger.
He arouses strong opinions.
Copy !req
537. Uh, and let me tell you. Rule number one,
do not step on the grass.
Copy !req
538. Well, I don't see why.
Copy !req
539. Come Saturday,
there's gonna be 10,000 people on there.
Copy !req
540. And until then, keep off the grass.
Copy !req
541. This place has a capacity of 30,000,
plus 10,000 on the pitch.
Copy !req
542. It's gonna be amazing.
Copy !req
543. Cardiff City, he's brought it home.
Copy !req
544. This place will broadcast
Roger ap Gwilliam all over the world.
Copy !req
545. Here he is.
Copy !req
546. Look at him. He still says hello
to every single person.
Copy !req
547. I'd love to meet him face to face.
Copy !req
548. Well, he's Prime Minister now.
We don't get access anymore.
Copy !req
549. Our job's on the sidelines.
Copy !req
550. Except for you, Marti.
Copy !req
551. Roger said there's room for you
at the party Saturday night.
Copy !req
552. He asked for you by name.
Copy !req
553. They're saying it's gonna be wild.
Copy !req
554. Now, we need to help branding
on the grandstand, rows 11 to 61.
Copy !req
555. They won't be watching, though.
The whole world.
Copy !req
556. Who cares about the British Prime Minister
making a speech in Cardiff?
Copy !req
557. That's the point.
Copy !req
558. They'll listen
if he's got something to say.
Copy !req
559. What do you mean?
Copy !req
560. Mmm. There are rumours.
Copy !req
561. They say Saturday
is when control transfers.
Copy !req
562. What? F-For what?
Copy !req
563. We're purchasing
the nuclear arsenal from Pakistan.
Copy !req
564. And on Saturday, Roger will declare us
independent from NATO.
Copy !req
565. Saturday, Roger ap Gwilliam
gets the codes.
Copy !req
566. Saturday?
Copy !req
567. He'll launch.
Copy !req
568. Don't be stupid, Marti.
Copy !req
569. It's symbolic.
The moment is completely symbolic.
Copy !req
570. I'm sorry I took so long.
Copy !req
571. Because I think I'll only get one chance,
and I had to make sure I was right.
Copy !req
572. But I wish I could have helped you.
I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
573. Uh, get us a coffee while you're there.
Copy !req
574. Ruby, I said keep off the grass.
Copy !req
575. Hey, get off the pitch, love.
Copy !req
576. Ruby, what are you doing?
Copy !req
577. What is she doing?
Copy !req
578. Hey, there are no unofficial photos.
Thank you.
Copy !req
579. Fifty-five yards.
Put that down!
Copy !req
580. Get off the pitch!
Copy !req
581. Fifty-six yards.
- Ruby!
Copy !req
582. Just stop that, and get back here.
Copy !req
583. - Fifty-eight yards, 59 yards.
- Ruby!
Copy !req
584. Excuse me. Hey, can you get off the grass?
Copy !req
585. I said get off the pitch.
Copy !req
586. - Are you listening?
- 62 yards.
Copy !req
587. Get off the pitch!
Copy !req
588. Ruby! What are you doing?
Copy !req
589. I'll have to ask you
to put that device down immediately.
Copy !req
590. Ruby! Stop it! Ruby!
Copy !req
591. Stay where you are. That's an order.
I said stay where you are!
Copy !req
592. - 70 yards.
- I said stay where you are.
Copy !req
593. - 72 yards, 73 yards.
- Final warning, stay where you are!
Copy !req
594. That's exactly what I'm gonna do.
Copy !req
595. Sir! Sir!
Copy !req
596. And fifty minutes later,
Copy !req
597. Roger ap Gwilliam resigned
from the office of prime minister,
Copy !req
598. refusing to give any reasons
for his actions.
Copy !req
599. What happened?
Why did you resign?
Copy !req
600. Ask her.
Copy !req
601. Ask her.
Copy !req
602. Ask her!
Copy !req
603. The deputy prime minister, Iris Cabriola,
has stepped forward to take control
Copy !req
604. and has already promised what she calls
a more lenient and listening government.
Copy !req
605. Is that it?
Copy !req
606. 'Ey, is that what you were for?
Copy !req
607. Can you leave me alone now?
Copy !req
608. I'm sorry, Ruby. I can't drive any closer.
Copy !req
609. I can't get a signal for the engine
this far out.
Copy !req
610. No, it's fine.
Copy !req
611. I haven't been here in such a long time.
Copy !req
612. What a beautiful view.
Copy !req
613. Why do people put flowers here?
Copy !req
614. I don't think they know.
Copy !req
615. I presume she must be gone, my mother.
Copy !req
616. No one ever told me.
Copy !req
617. And I didn't find my birth mother.
Copy !req
618. It never snowed again.
Copy !req
619. But I keep thinking I know why.
Copy !req
620. The woman.
Copy !req
621. And I've been thinking about it
my whole life.
Copy !req
622. Why is she here?
Copy !req
623. And I think, at the end, I have hope.
Copy !req
624. Because that's very you,
isn't it, my old friend?
Copy !req
625. I dare to hope.
Copy !req
626. I've set the light, Ruby.
Copy !req
627. If you wake up in the night, you say
"light" out loud, and it comes on.
Copy !req
628. Yes, I know. That's not new.
Copy !req
629. We had that when I was young.
Copy !req
630. Anything else you need?
Copy !req
631. I could make it snow once upon a time.
Copy !req
632. That's nice.
Copy !req
633. If you need me, I'm just down the hall.
Copy !req
634. So, you won't be on your own.
Copy !req
635. Don't worry.
Everyone has abandoned me my whole life...
Copy !req
636. but I haven't been alone for 65 years.
Copy !req
637. Night then, Ruby.
Copy !req
638. Light off.
Copy !req
639. Light.
Copy !req
640. I'm sorry I took so long,
and I tried so hard.
Copy !req
641. What else could I do?
Copy !req
642. It took all these years.
Copy !req
643. All these long years.
Copy !req
644. And look at me, I was so young.
Copy !req
645. Spectacular! We are in Wales!
Copy !req
646. What? How can you tell?
- Oh!
Copy !req
647. That smell, that green,
that coastline, Ruby.
Copy !req
648. The rock and the water, it never ends.
Copy !req
649. The war between the land and the sea.
Copy !req
650. 'Ey, you know what?
I have been to Wales three times now.
Copy !req
651. - I went to see Shygirl in Cardiff.
- Oh, yeah?
Copy !req
652. And then went to Mumbles because of a boy.
Copy !req
653. - I broke his heart, but there you go.
- Oh, bless him.
Copy !req
654. Mind you, Roger ap Gwilliam,
that's a bad example of the Welsh.
Copy !req
655. Terrifying.
Don't step...
Copy !req
656. The most dangerous
prime minister in history.
Copy !req
657. Who's she?
Don't step...
Copy !req
658. Who?
- Well, over there.
Copy !req
659. Don't step...
Copy !req
660. Where?
Don't step...
Copy !req
661. There was a woman...
Copy !req
662. Well, she's not there anymore.
Copy !req
663. But there was. There was a woman.
She was just standing there.
Copy !req
664. Maybe she was looking for someone.
Copy !req
665. All right, Ruby. All right.
Copy !req
666. Oh, no, no, no. Don't step.
Copy !req
667. Oh.
Copy !req
668. I almost broke that.
Copy !req
669. Careful.
Copy !req
670. Oh, honey, what a beautiful thing.
Copy !req
671. - What is it?
- It's a— It's a fairy circle.
Copy !req
672. Man, they are so delicate.
Copy !req
673. Just charms and spells
and hopes and dreams.
Copy !req
674. It's here at the end of the land.
Copy !req
675. - Well, yeah. What do they say?
- No, no, no, no. Better not.
Copy !req
676. Give them their respect, Ruby.
Copy !req
677. Let them rest in peace.
Copy !req
678. Like your mysterious woman.
Oh, she was there.
Copy !req
679. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
680. And we are here!
Copy !req
681. So, what was the third time
that you've been to Wales?
Copy !req
682. You said you've been three times.
What was the other one?
Copy !req
683. Oh, um, oh, I don't know. When was it?
I can't think.
Copy !req
684. I suppose it must've been...
Copy !req
685. now.
Copy !req
686. It's a glorious day
in Finetime.
Copy !req
687. There are creatures out there
in the real world.
Copy !req
688. There are monsters...
Copy !req
689. and they're coming to get you.
Copy !req
690. Just look at my Close Friends.
Look how many are missing.
Copy !req
691. God, it's me! They're coming for me!
Forward. Forward.
Copy !req