1. First we have a note.
Copy !req
2. Then we have a tune.
Copy !req
3. Then we have a melody.
Copy !req
4. Beethoven wrote this when
he first discovered he was going deaf.
Copy !req
5. All that rage and fury,
Copy !req
6. out of which, something beautiful.
Copy !req
7. Am I boring you, Henry?
Copy !req
8. It's just a bit stuffy.
Copy !req
9. Can't you play
something more exciting, sir?
Copy !req
10. There is one thing you might like.
Copy !req
11. It's called the Devil's chord.
Copy !req
12. Tell me more, sir.
Copy !req
13. It was banned by the church
in medieval times
Copy !req
14. in case it allows
the Devil to enter the room.
Copy !req
15. Makes you shiver, doesn't it?
Copy !req
16. Technically, it's known as a tritone,
Copy !req
17. but, uh, put it in context and, uh...
Copy !req
18. Oh! Gosh.
Copy !req
19. Oh, goodness me. Uh—
Copy !req
20. What?
Copy !req
21. Is someone playing a game?
Copy !req
22. Ta-da!
Copy !req
23. Henry, get away from him.
Copy !req
24. What?
- Me.
Copy !req
25. What?
- I'm them.
Copy !req
26. - You're who?
- "You're who?"
Copy !req
27. Nice to see you again, kiddo.
Copy !req
28. You know each other?
Copy !req
29. That's my daddy.
Copy !req
30. Don't be ridiculous.
Copy !req
31. You didn't look at my name, sir.
Copy !req
32. Course I did.
Copy !req
33. It's Henry— What was it? Henry...
Copy !req
34. "Henry Arbinger". That's it.
Copy !req
35. Harbinger.
Copy !req
36. Think of him as my prelude.
Copy !req
37. And now his song is sung.
Copy !req
38. Wh— Who are you?
Copy !req
39. My notation is Maestro.
Copy !req
40. But what are you?
Copy !req
41. I am...
Copy !req
42. music.
Copy !req
43. And you, Mr Timothy Drake,
you're a genius.
Copy !req
44. Don't be ridiculous.
Copy !req
45. You're the greatest composer
who ever lived.
Copy !req
46. Clever enough to find the lost chord.
Copy !req
47. But it's so sad, Timothy.
Copy !req
48. You never had the luck.
Copy !req
49. You never got that break.
Copy !req
50. I did not.
Copy !req
51. You're right.
No-Nobody ever understood me.
Copy !req
52. All those melodies,
stifled and strangled inside you.
Copy !req
53. All those songs you never sang,
they sit there still,
Copy !req
54. wrapped around your heart, still beating.
Copy !req
55. Wrapped so tight.
Copy !req
56. Would you like me to set them free?
Copy !req
57. I would love that, yes. Yes.
Copy !req
58. Music, Maestro, please.
Copy !req
59. Now.
Copy !req
60. I wanna see
Copy !req
61. The Beatles
recording their very first album.
Copy !req
62. - Seriously?
- Well, you asked.
Copy !req
63. If I could go anywhere in time and space,
Copy !req
64. that's where I'd go because my mum,
she had a girlfriend, Claire.
Copy !req
65. And I loved Claire,
and she was dead into vinyl.
Copy !req
66. She had all The Beatles albums, so we
used to play 'em every day after school.
Copy !req
67. Ten years old, I was.
Copy !req
68. We had Revolver, the White Album—
Copy !req
69. So, yeah, if I could go anywhere
then that's where I'd go.
Copy !req
70. That is amazing.
Copy !req
71. - Oh! Wait, seriously?
- Oh!
Copy !req
72. People always say the Titanic.
Copy !req
73. - Or Mars. Or Bethlehem.
- Oh!
Copy !req
74. But The Beatles!
Copy !req
75. Why have I never done that before?
Copy !req
76. - Come on!
- Oh!
Copy !req
77. Oh.
Copy !req
78. February 11th, 1963.
Copy !req
79. No way. Really?
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
80. Whoo!
Copy !req
81. Oh, wait, wait, wait.
Copy !req
82. If we're in the '60s,
what about my clothes?
Copy !req
83. Good thinking.
Copy !req
84. Could give you go-go boots.
Copy !req
85. Oh, I've got eyeliner!
- Oh, eyeliner!
Copy !req
86. Oh, I want a beehive! I want a beehive!
Copy !req
87. I've got wigs galore!
Copy !req
88. 1963.
Copy !req
89. Hey, hey, hey!
Copy !req
90. Oh, no way!
Copy !req
91. It's like the album cover!
Copy !req
92. I am having the best time!
Copy !req
93. Look at the cars.
- G— Oh, come on!
Copy !req
94. Abbey Road Studios!
Copy !req
95. Not called Abbey Road yet.
Copy !req
96. Right now, in '63,
they are the EMI Recording Studios.
Copy !req
97. Huh.
Copy !req
98. And how do we get in?
Copy !req
99. Won't they ask who we are?
Copy !req
100. Oh! Oh, oh, oh, oh.
Copy !req
101. Hi.
Copy !req
102. Janet said we could take over,
so you can have ten minutes off.
Copy !req
103. Oh, right. Thank you. Very kind.
Copy !req
104. Yep. There's always a Janet.
And everyone wants a cuppa.
Copy !req
105. Brilliant.
Copy !req
106. Good morning.
Copy !req
107. Cuppa tea?
Copy !req
108. Uh, yeah.
Make it a strong one. Two sugars.
Copy !req
109. Uh.
Copy !req
110. Boys, do you want anything?
Copy !req
111. I'm all right for now.
Maybe something stronger later on.
Copy !req
112. - What do you think, John?
- Now you're talking, Paul, lad.
Copy !req
113. I just want a good night's sleep.
Copy !req
114. You keep playing like that,
we'll all have a good kip.
Copy !req
115. All right. Let's take it from the top.
Copy !req
116. I thought the chorus—
Don't slide in the harmonies. Just hit it.
Copy !req
117. Whatever you say, boss.
Copy !req
118. Hurry up then, George.
Only getting paid seven quid a day.
Copy !req
119. Uh, good luck.
Thanks, love.
Copy !req
120. Roll to record.
Copy !req
121. And a three, two, one.
Copy !req
122. Hi. Don't mind us.
Just a cuppa tea.
Copy !req
123. Okay.
Copy !req
124. Going from the second chorus.
Copy !req
125. Playing in the last four bars
of the verse.
Copy !req
126. Good luck, Cilla.
Copy !req
127. Don't let me down, Cilla.
Copy !req
128. And a three, two, one.
Copy !req
129. Oh, Cilla.
Copy !req
130. Don't mind us.
Copy !req
131. Roll to record.
Copy !req
132. Look at them.
Copy !req
133. Everything's gone dull.
Copy !req
134. No one hums. No one whistles.
Copy !req
135. No one taps their feet.
Copy !req
136. I don't get it though.
Copy !req
137. Music isn't...
Copy !req
138. Like, you can't lose it
or steal it or kill it.
Copy !req
139. It's just natural.
Copy !req
140. You get music
when the wind blows through the trees.
Copy !req
141. It's called aeolian tones.
Copy !req
142. The music—
Copy !req
143. Music is the highest form of thought.
If you take that away...
Copy !req
144. Finland? That never happened.
Copy !req
145. If music is gone,
that means everything is changing.
Copy !req
146. The whole human race
is taking a different path.
Copy !req
147. Okay, so what do we do?
Copy !req
148. You take John Lennon.
I'll take Paul McCartney.
Copy !req
149. Find out what happened
and when it happened.
Copy !req
150. Two cups of tea, my darlings.
Copy !req
151. That's half a crown. Ta very much.
Copy !req
152. How much?
Copy !req
153. - That is outrageous.
- Outrageous.
Copy !req
154. Take it or leave it, sweetheart.
Copy !req
155. That is daylight robbery.
Copy !req
156. Ooh. That's me.
Margaret Lockwood in The Wicked Lady.
Copy !req
157. Now there was a woman.
Copy !req
158. Statuesque.
Copy !req
159. Uh, excuse me. Hold on, Paul.
Copy !req
160. Um, could I just have a word?
Copy !req
161. I've got a cup of tea for you.
Mr Epstein sent me.
Copy !req
162. Okay. Um—
Copy !req
163. Y-You are writing songs
for the band, yeah?
Copy !req
164. They're not very good, are they?
Copy !req
165. Oh. Uh.
Copy !req
166. No. No.
Copy !req
167. Great.
Copy !req
168. That's great, lad.
That's how it should be.
Copy !req
169. It's not like the old days when we had
waltzes and fandangoes and all that.
Copy !req
170. But waltzes used to exist.
Copy !req
171. When did they start becoming wrong?
Copy !req
172. Don't know. Way back. '20s? '30s?
Copy !req
173. Why? What happened?
Copy !req
174. We started seeing sense.
Copy !req
175. What we're doing here today
is the last gasp.
Copy !req
176. If I can make a bit of money
out of cheap, old rhymes,
Copy !req
177. then I can settle down
and get a proper job.
Copy !req
178. It's embarrassing, singing.
Copy !req
179. Just wanna finish the album, get back
to Liverpool and... ... forget it.
Copy !req
180. But you can't do that.
Copy !req
181. Wh— We need ya.
Copy !req
182. What for? I'm no good at anything.
Copy !req
183. But, Paul,
Copy !req
184. see when it's just you on your own,
Copy !req
185. don't you think
that there must be better songs?
Copy !req
186. You know, songs that lift you
Copy !req
187. and devastate you and-and make you soar.
Copy !req
188. Songs that are-are tucked away somewhere
in-in secret in the back of your mind?
Copy !req
189. How do you know that?
Copy !req
190. I— I just wanna go home.
Copy !req
191. Forget this life.
Copy !req
192. Just have me tea and go to bed
with a woman of me own, you know?
Copy !req
193. It's all I want.
Copy !req
194. But then, why do I wake up crying?
Copy !req
195. It's like, sometimes, late at night,
I get this thought.
Copy !req
196. Like, it's so far away, but it's a note.
Copy !req
197. A single note.
Copy !req
198. And then a second.
Copy !req
199. And a third and fourth and fifth.
Copy !req
200. And you put them together, and it feels
like the most holy thing on this earth.
Copy !req
201. Like a G, then an E.
Copy !req
202. And a G, maybe twice.
Copy !req
203. And then C.
Copy !req
204. And if you put words to it,
words right from your heart...
Copy !req
205. Don't waste me time.
Copy !req
206. Do you know what you are
with your ideas, pal?
Copy !req
207. Disgusting. You are disgusting.
Copy !req
208. What the hell was that?
Copy !req
209. Yeah, that's it, Vinnie. Nice and safe.
Copy !req
210. I want that installed on the rooftop
like it is precious china.
Copy !req
211. Easy, boys. Don't hit the wall.
Copy !req
212. Right, let's head on up.
Copy !req
213. Thing is, without music,
dance must be gone.
Copy !req
214. No one dances anymore.
Copy !req
215. I mean, can you dance without music?
Copy !req
216. I mean, you can, but do you want to?
Copy !req
217. And think about it, Ruby. Love songs.
Copy !req
218. There are no more love songs anymore.
Copy !req
219. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
220. There's no more love songs
in the whole wide world.
Copy !req
221. Ooh.
Copy !req
222. Old London Town!
Copy !req
223. Oh, is that smog?
Copy !req
224. I thought they got rid of that
in the '50s.
Copy !req
225. We had really bad smog
in December '62, but this?
Copy !req
226. It's more like a darkening.
Copy !req
227. The world is darkening.
Copy !req
228. I live over there.
Copy !req
229. You do what?
- I live over there.
Copy !req
230. - What do you mean?
- Shoreditch.
Copy !req
231. I'm there right now.
Copy !req
232. Okay, you're gonna have to start again.
Copy !req
233. In the past, right now,
I live in a place called Totter's Lane.
Copy !req
234. 1963, I parked the TARDIS in a junkyard,
Copy !req
235. and I live there
with my granddaughter, Susan.
Copy !req
236. Ah. Wh—
Copy !req
237. - Okay?
- Your what?
Copy !req
238. - My granddaughter.
- Susan?
Copy !req
239. We could go and have a look but,
you know, timelines.
Copy !req
240. - Wh— You-You've got children?
- I did have.
Copy !req
241. I will have.
Copy !req
242. Time Lords get a bit complicated.
Copy !req
243. Yeah, but you've got a granddaughter?
Copy !req
244. Like, now? Like, today?
Back in our time? My time.
Copy !req
245. Where is she?
- I don't know.
Copy !req
246. How do you not know?
Copy !req
247. The Time Lords were murdered.
Copy !req
248. Genocide rolled across time and space
like a great, big cellular explosion.
Copy !req
249. Maybe it killed her too.
Copy !req
250. Doctor. God.
Copy !req
251. There we go, Doc.
Copy !req
252. Hey, Vinnie!
Copy !req
253. Thank you very much.
Copy !req
254. Come on.
Copy !req
255. Bit of luck,
I'll have you whistling by sundown.
Copy !req
256. Can't bear whistling, Doc.
All those horrible tunes. No, thanks!
Copy !req
257. Well, all right.
Copy !req
258. It's all yours, honey.
Copy !req
259. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I'm—
Copy !req
260. I'm not that good.
Copy !req
261. Uh, you are, sweet. I've seen you.
Copy !req
262. December '23. King's Arms.
Copy !req
263. You opened with "One More Sleep"?
Copy !req
264. Oh, I can't believe you were there.
Copy !req
265. Ah. It all comes back to Christmas
with you, doesn't it?
Copy !req
266. I need you to play again.
Copy !req
267. But what for?
Copy !req
268. At this moment in time, Ruby Sunday,
you are the only music in the world.
Copy !req
269. Let's see what happens
if you bring music back.
Copy !req
270. It's just— No pressure.
Copy !req
271. Okay.
Copy !req
272. I wrote this for my friend Trudy
when a girl broke her heart.
Copy !req
273. Mmm.
Copy !req
274. Mmm.
Copy !req
275. No!
Copy !req
276. No!
Copy !req
277. You called?
Copy !req
278. That was the Giggle!
Copy !req
279. Hide!
Uh, do what?
Copy !req
280. We've gotta hide!
Copy !req
281. You never hide!
Copy !req
282. I can't fight this thing.
Copy !req
283. Okay.
Copy !req
284. I heard music!
Copy !req
285. Who was playing that piano?
Copy !req
286. The chorus of ancient songs calls me...
Copy !req
287. Maestro.
Copy !req
288. And who...
Copy !req
289. are you?
Copy !req
290. Because I heard music.
Copy !req
291. And music...
Copy !req
292. is mine!
Copy !req
293. What?
Copy !req
294. What?
Copy !req
295. Sound and vision.
Copy !req
296. Music.
Copy !req
297. Wh-Who was that?
Were they inside the piano?
Copy !req
298. - How can they be inside the piano?
- Okay.
Copy !req
299. - The piano wouldn't work.
- Okay. Okay, okay, okay.
Copy !req
300. Okay.
Copy !req
301. You're scaring me now.
Copy !req
302. That thing must be part of the Pantheon.
Copy !req
303. Oh, God.
Copy !req
304. Oh, Ruby, there are...
Copy !req
305. vast powers beyond the universe.
Copy !req
306. I told you, when we first met,
I said-I said, "The Toymaker",
Copy !req
307. and defeating him took everything.
Copy !req
308. - It ripped me in half.
- But you survived.
Copy !req
309. It literally— It tore my soul in half.
Copy !req
310. I can't survive that again.
Copy !req
311. The Toy— The Toymaker said— He said—
Copy !req
312. He warned me.
Copy !req
313. He said, "My legions are coming."
Copy !req
314. "My legions are coming."
Copy !req
315. - He said, "My legions are coming."
- But you made that silence with the sonic.
Copy !req
316. - That worked, didn't it?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
317. One trick. Once. That's all you get
with the gods.
Copy !req
318. - Okay, so what do we do?
- I don't know.
Copy !req
319. I don't know, Ruby. That is the point.
Copy !req
320. - I don't know. I—
- No, but you always know.
Copy !req
321. I don't.
Copy !req
322. The last time, I got lucky. Catch.
Copy !req
323. One trick. Once.
Copy !req
324. But this thing is stealing music.
Copy !req
325. I mean, how the—
Copy !req
326. How the hell is—
Copy !req
327. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
328. But the power of these creatures
is so vast,
Copy !req
329. the whole world could slide into the pit.
Copy !req
330. Doctor.
Copy !req
331. I know you're clever.
Copy !req
332. I know that.
Copy !req
333. But I've got news for ya.
Copy !req
334. The world did not end in 1963.
Copy !req
335. - Right.
- No, but it didn't.
Copy !req
336. Okay? I'm living proof.
Copy !req
337. I was born in 2004...
Copy !req
338. and all my life,
I've had Beyoncé and Sam Fender
Copy !req
339. and Strictly and tap dancing
and raves and—
Copy !req
340. Oh, my mum sings "Danny Boy" at Christmas,
when she's drunk, to my gran.
Copy !req
341. And don't you see, Doctor?
Copy !req
342. Music exists.
Copy !req
343. Come with me.
Copy !req
344. So when is it for you, back home?
Copy !req
345. What time are you?
Copy !req
346. June 2024?
Copy !req
347. Uh, it's hard to keep track.
Copy !req
348. But, yeah, I think so.
Copy !req
349. June? July?
Copy !req
350. Well, have we done it? Are we back?
Copy !req
351. 2024. I've brought you home.
Copy !req
352. This is what we're trying to stop.
Copy !req
353. But this isn't real.
Copy !req
354. This is—
Copy !req
355. - It's just like a parallel universe.
- This is your time.
Copy !req
356. This is your home
if Maestro isn't stopped.
Copy !req
357. Where's my mum?
Copy !req
358. I think without music,
the human race goes sour.
Copy !req
359. Without any way of expressing
a broken heart,
Copy !req
360. they go to war, without even knowing why.
Copy !req
361. Then how am I still alive?
Copy !req
362. Why don't I fade away?
Copy !req
363. Because of me.
Copy !req
364. Boo!
Copy !req
365. Maestro, the Doctor.
Copy !req
366. That was you in '63, wasn't it?
Copy !req
367. Sweet cheeks.
Copy !req
368. You stepped from one time to another...
Copy !req
369. like the Lord Temporal,
Copy !req
370. who trapped my father
and bound him in salt.
Copy !req
371. - Yes?
- The child of the Toymaker?
Copy !req
372. I should thank you, Doctor.
Copy !req
373. Daddy was so bad to me.
Copy !req
374. If he was a living game,
you are the essence of music itself?
Copy !req
375. But what's the point?
You've destroyed the world.
Copy !req
376. Music is gone. How is that a win?
Copy !req
377. Not gone!
Copy !req
378. Darling, hush!
Copy !req
379. The sound of a nuclear winter.
Copy !req
380. The purest music of all.
Copy !req
381. Aeolian tones.
Copy !req
382. Music without the need of people.
Copy !req
383. And every song that goes unsung feeds me.
Copy !req
384. I get stronger and stronger.
Copy !req
385. Until I can reach out...
Copy !req
386. and steal the music of the spheres.
Copy !req
387. Then the universe will stop turning.
Copy !req
388. It'll keen in a minor key.
Copy !req
389. Aeolian tones
across the whole of creation.
Copy !req
390. And that lament will be
my symphony supreme.
Copy !req
391. With all of life extinguished.
Copy !req
392. I'm goin' solo.
Copy !req
393. How did you enter this world?
Copy !req
394. Oh.
That would be telling, babe.
Copy !req
395. No, babes!
Copy !req
396. Your father established
the rules of fair play!
Copy !req
397. One thing that he would never do is cheat.
Copy !req
398. So I have a right to know.
Copy !req
399. A genius.
Copy !req
400. A single, silly man
who found the lost chord.
Copy !req
401. Which means a different combination
of notes would banish you?
Copy !req
402. I said, "Genius".
Copy !req
403. And you might be bright.
Copy !req
404. And hot.
Copy !req
405. And...
Copy !req
406. "timey wimey".
Copy !req
407. But genius?
Copy !req
408. Oh, honey, I don't think so.
Copy !req
409. What are you doing?
Copy !req
410. Everything resonates, Doctor, dear.
Copy !req
411. Every atom hums.
Copy !req
412. And anything that plays a tune is mine.
Copy !req
413. Sing along, Doctor.
Copy !req
414. Everybody!
Copy !req
415. What is it? What's hap—
- Maestro!
Copy !req
416. Controlling the TARDIS.
Copy !req
417. But I say never.
Copy !req
418. Never!
Copy !req
419. Ruby!
Copy !req
420. - Are we flying?
- Only just.
Copy !req
421. The only thing I can do
is take us back to 1963.
Copy !req
422. - Where's Maestro?
- Composing.
Copy !req
423. And the next tune might be deadly.
Copy !req
424. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
425. I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
426. Don't hate me.
Copy !req
427. Okay, come on.
Copy !req
428. Come on. Come on, come on, come on.
Copy !req
429. Come on. Okay.
Copy !req
430. Strange.
Copy !req
431. - Did you break it?
- No.
Copy !req
432. No, no, no, no, no. That's something else.
Copy !req
433. - Okay.
- Right.
Copy !req
434. Okay. If we can record the right tune on
the sonic, we can use this as a weapon.
Copy !req
435. - Right.
- Yeah?
Copy !req
436. - No, no, no, no.
- Oh. Oh, okay.
Copy !req
437. We need to find the Notes of Banishment.
Copy !req
438. Ah, John Lennon's guitar!
Copy !req
439. That's gotta be a good start.
Copy !req
440. Okay.
Copy !req
441. Okay, but don't you need to be a genius?
Copy !req
442. Oh, just— No offence.
Just a musical genius.
Copy !req
443. Sometimes genius is just hard work.
Copy !req
444. Yeah?
Copy !req
445. If I can find the right notes.
Copy !req
446. Wait a minute.
Copy !req
447. There's 66 billion trillion
different tunes out there, but...
Copy !req
448. No, but just wait.
Copy !req
449. Can you hear that? That music?
Copy !req
450. Whoa! No, no, no!
Copy !req
451. Doctor!
Copy !req
452. I thought that was non-diegetic.
Copy !req
453. No, no, don't—
Copy !req
454. Doctor!
Copy !req
455. No, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Copy !req
456. No, no, no, no!
Copy !req
457. Doctor!
Copy !req
458. Wait! No, no, no, no!
Copy !req
459. Put her down!
Copy !req
460. Can't trick me twice, honey!
Copy !req
461. Then fight me!
Copy !req
462. Huh? Leave her alone!
Copy !req
463. But she's the only human left
with music in her heart!
Copy !req
464. Playing lovesick songs
for heartbroken lesbians,
Copy !req
465. and that just makes me hungry
Copy !req
466. for all those delicious songs.
Copy !req
467. Let me go!
Copy !req
468. That's right, pretty girl! Sing!
Copy !req
469. Maestro.
Copy !req
470. Maestro, I am asking you. Just—
Copy !req
471. What?
Copy !req
472. That's wrong.
Copy !req
473. What do you mean?
Copy !req
474. There's a hidden song
deep inside her soul.
Copy !req
475. What is it?
Copy !req
476. What?
Copy !req
477. Ruby.
Copy !req
478. What is this?
Copy !req
479. Christmas.
Copy !req
480. The music that was playing
the night that she was born.
Copy !req
481. How could a song have so much power?
Copy !req
482. And power like him?
Copy !req
483. - Like who?
- The oldest one.
Copy !req
484. On the night of her birth,
he can't have been there.
Copy !req
485. What for?
Copy !req
486. What for? What for? What for?
Who was there?
Copy !req
487. Enough.
Copy !req
488. Whoa!
Copy !req
489. - You okay?
- Yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
490. - I've got you. I've got you.
- Okay, okay.
Copy !req
491. What was it? What happened?
- It's all right. All right? It's okay.
Copy !req
492. This creature is very wrong.
Copy !req
493. And this— this is very, very, very right.
Copy !req
494. Do you know what this is?
Copy !req
495. This is the famous Abbey Road piano.
Copy !req
496. They call it the Mrs Mills Piano.
Copy !req
497. Oho!
Copy !req
498. Oh, she was a girl.
Copy !req
499. We had some adventures, me and Mrs Mills.
Copy !req
500. But this is the piano that The Beatles
will play on their greatest hits.
Copy !req
501. "Penny Lane".
Copy !req
502. "Lady Madonna". All from this.
Copy !req
503. So I know that this piano is rattling
Copy !req
504. with all the potential
to send you back to hell.
Copy !req
505. Hmm.
Copy !req
506. Music battle.
Copy !req
507. Go on then.
Copy !req
508. Do it.
Copy !req
509. Can you find it?
Copy !req
510. The lost chord?
Copy !req
511. Are you enough of a genius?
Copy !req
512. Oh, I would never call myself that,
Copy !req
513. But I have lived, and I have loved.
Copy !req
514. And I can only smile like this
because I have lost so much.
Copy !req
515. I've experienced everything.
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516. Every single thing.
Copy !req
517. And if that's where music comes from...
Copy !req
518. I can find the chord to banish you.
Copy !req
519. One more.
Copy !req
520. Just one more.
Copy !req
521. One more.
Copy !req
522. Bum note.
Copy !req
523. Whoa!
Copy !req
524. Song time.
Copy !req
525. Ruby, get the piano!
Copy !req
526. Sorry to keep harping on.
Copy !req
527. No, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no.
Copy !req
528. No, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no.
Copy !req
529. You ain't no genius!
Copy !req
530. I just wanna go home.
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531. But you can't do that.
We need ya.
Copy !req
532. What for? I'm no good at anything.
Copy !req
533. I can't breathe!
Copy !req
534. And then a second.
Copy !req
535. And a third and fourth and fifth.
Copy !req
536. And you put them together, and it feels
like the most holy thing on this earth.
Copy !req
537. Oh, no!
Copy !req
538. No!
Copy !req
539. The one who waits is almost here!
Copy !req
540. Listen.
Listen, listen, listen, listen.
Copy !req
541. Here it comes.
Copy !req
542. Everywhere!
Copy !req
543. They're making music.
Copy !req
544. The whole city. The whole world.
Copy !req
545. Yes. Yes. Yes.
Copy !req
546. But there is one thing
that I should warn you about, Ruby,
Copy !req
547. and this is really very serious.
Copy !req
548. With all my adventures
throughout time and space,
Copy !req
549. I have to tell you,
Copy !req
550. there's always a twist at the end.
Copy !req
551. Whew!
Copy !req
552. Where are we?
In the middle of a war.
Copy !req
553. One wrong move, and boom...
Copy !req
554. Doctor!
Copy !req