1. I can't hold on!
Copy !req
2. I can't hold on!
Copy !req
3. Subbed by Corax
Copy !req
4. Time Adjustments by MacLeod
Copy !req
5. I daren't let go with my other hand.
Copy !req
6. Antodus, get a grip on the rock face.
Copy !req
7. Take the weight off the rope.
Copy !req
8. It's too smooth.
Copy !req
9. Stop it, you fool!
Copy !req
10. I'm losing you.
Copy !req
11. - Sweat on my hands.
- It's no good, lan.
Copy !req
12. Call the others.
Copy !req
13. - Kristas! Kristas!
- Kristas!
Copy !req
14. Antodus.
Copy !req
15. What we need for Ilfe
means death to the Thalsl
Copy !req
16. You could live in the city and the others could...
Copy !req
17. But why do you have to destroy?
Can't you use your brains for right?
Copy !req
18. - Only one race can survlve.
- What are you planning?
Copy !req
19. We wlsh to escape captlvlty.
Copy !req
20. Go out and rebulld the planet Skaro.
Copy !req
21. Our oxygen dlstrlbutors
wlll be subjected to waste radlatlon
Copy !req
22. by the ejector capsule.
Copy !req
23. Nothing can live outside if you do that. Nothing.
Copy !req
24. Except the Daleks.
Copy !req
25. When do you intend to put this into operation?
Copy !req
26. Now.
Copy !req
27. This senseless, evil killing.
Copy !req
28. There's been a fall of rock. The way is blocked.
Copy !req
29. - Did you look all round it?
- Yes. There's no way through.
Copy !req
30. Then we'll have to go back.
Copy !req
31. We came this far. We've done our best and more.
Copy !req
32. First Elyon died and now my brother.
Copy !req
33. For what? Can't you see that
there isn't any sense in it anymore.
Copy !req
34. - We can't give up now.
- What is it that you want us to do?
Copy !req
35. We must go back and find another way.
Copy !req
36. Oh, why don't we just give up?
Copy !req
37. Because your brother died, for one thing.
He gave us a chance.
Copy !req
38. My brother didn't want us to come.
He said we'd all die.
Copy !req
39. but what if we end up in Brazil?
I might need it.
You see, I'm prepared for anything.
Copy !req
40. - What's the matter with it?
- I don't know.
Copy !req
41. It sounds like you're staying, then.
Copy !req
42. Dirt's got into it, I expect. And if we're
going back, we'll have to go back now.
Copy !req
43. Well, turn it off, Kristas.
Copy !req
44. Right.
Copy !req
45. Wait a minute.
Copy !req
46. There's a light coming in here.
Copy !req
47. Where's it coming from?
Copy !req
48. Where's the light coming from?
Copy !req
49. Here. Give me a hand.
Copy !req
50. Can you see anything?
What is it?
Copy !req
51. We're through. We must have been
travelling under the pipes all the time.
Copy !req
52. We're through.
Copy !req
53. Alydon.
Copy !req
54. - The antenna hasn't moved for some time.
- No.
Copy !req
55. The Doctor must have succeeded
in putting it out of action.
Copy !req
56. But why haven't they returned?
Copy !req
57. The Daleks must have captured them.
Copy !req
58. Now listen, everybody. The way to the city is clear.
Now is the time to attack.
Copy !req
59. We may be farmers,
but have we forgotten how to fight?
Copy !req
60. - Power down to half.
- Down to half.
Copy !req
61. - Seal off nuclear waste dlsposer.
- Seallng complete.
Copy !req
62. Begln radlatlon redlrectlon to dlstrlbutlon capsule.
Copy !req
63. Can't we stop them? Can't we do anything?
Copy !req
64. Just a moment,
I hadn't told you how we came to this planet.
Copy !req
65. - It does not matter now.
- But it does.
Copy !req
66. I have a ship capable of crossing the barriers
of space and time.
Copy !req
67. - Surely this would be invaluable to you.
- A shlp? What do you mean?
Copy !req
68. - A machine.
- I do not belleve you.
Copy !req
69. - But I have.
- It's true. We have.
Copy !req
70. You are not capable of creatlng such a machlne.
Copy !req
71. And you took a part of my ship away
from one of my companions. The young man.
Copy !req
72. What did It look Ilke?
Copy !req
73. A small rod with metal at either end.
It belongs to my ship.
Copy !req
74. A fluid link containing mercury.
Copy !req
75. Examine it for yourselves,
you will see it's part of a complicated machine.
Copy !req
76. Yes, I have It here.
Copy !req
77. What if we show you the ship? Explain it to you.
Help you to build another?
Copy !req
78. - A bargaln for your Ilves?
- Yes.
Copy !req
79. - Where Is this machlne?
- In the petrified forest outside the city.
Copy !req
80. Good.
When the neutron operatlon has been completed,
Copy !req
81. we wlll flnd a way to travel outslde the clty Ilmlts.
Copy !req
82. - No.
- We wlll examlne your machlne.
Copy !req
83. No, not unless you stop what you are doing.
Copy !req
84. Otherwise, I won't explain its secrets to you
and its philosophy of movement.
Copy !req
85. Now we know of the machlne,
we can examlne It for ourselves.
Copy !req
86. - But you can't operate it without me.
- Every problem has a solutlon.
Copy !req
87. Vlbratlon locator
records movement Inslde the clty wall.
Copy !req
88. - Detalls.
- Dlsturbance Is too great.
Copy !req
89. Alert Daleks In sectlon 1.
The Thals are enterlng the clty.
Copy !req
90. - Grandfather, they're coming.
- And can they get here in time?
Copy !req
91. - Now where are we?
- I have no idea.
Copy !req
92. I have some experience in these corridors.
They all look alike.
Copy !req
93. Yes, we could go back to the lift but... Get back!
Copy !req
94. Alertl The Thals are enterlng the clty.
Copy !req
95. All Daleks In sectlon 1 to level 1.
Copy !req
96. Immedlate. Immedlate.
Copy !req
97. Alydon and the Thals must be in the city.
We must find the control room.
Copy !req
98. Interlor vldeoscopes are recordlng movement
on level 8.
Copy !req
99. Grandfather, look. Look, they found a way through!
Copy !req
100. All Daleks on level 8. Urgent.
Copy !req
101. The Thals have penetrated to level 8.
Immedlate actlon. Immedlate actlon.
Copy !req
102. How did they get Into the clty?
Copy !req
103. Perhaps you're ready to go crltlcal.
Copy !req
104. - Stand by.
- Standlng by. Ready.
Copy !req
105. The last stage of the operatlon Is about to begln.
Copy !req
106. Stop it, please.
Copy !req
107. Nothlng can stop the Daleks.
Copy !req
108. - Begln countdown. 100.
- Beglnnlng now.
Copy !req
109. - Alydon!
- Ganatus. Have you found the Doctor?
Copy !req
110. Well, isn't he with you?
Copy !req
111. No, he must've been captured by the Daleks.
And Susan.
Copy !req
112. But the Daleks know you and the Thals
are in the city.
Copy !req
113. We split ourselves into groups, but without
the Doctor we didn't know what to look for.
Copy !req
114. - We must find that control room.
- We must find the Doctor and Susan.
Copy !req
115. Barbara, first and foremost,
we must find the control room and knock it out.
Copy !req
116. and Antodus?
- Yes. He died bravely.
Copy !req
117. Daleks go to control room Immedlately.
All Daleks to level 10.
Copy !req
118. - But, this is level 9. We must be near.
- We've got to go on.
Copy !req
119. - There's a lift back there. It's only one floor up.
- All Daleks to level 10 Immedlately.
Copy !req
120. Corrldor Intersectlons on all levels other than 10
wlll be sealed now.
Copy !req
121. Get the door, quick!
Copy !req
122. That one!
Copy !req
123. - You first.
- Get out of here!
Copy !req
124. - There's another one.
- Quickly, Barbara. Get to it.
Copy !req
125. Barbara!
Copy !req
126. - 52...
- The Thals are blocklng the Intersectlons
Copy !req
127. - from seallng on level 9.
- 51...
Copy !req
128. Increase power. Emergency. Increase power.
Copy !req
129. 49...
Copy !req
130. 48...
Copy !req
131. - Quick!
- All right.
Copy !req
132. Wait a minute, I'll take the strain.
Copy !req
133. Barbara. Try and slide yourself out.
Copy !req
134. - I can't move.
- They're pressing down harder.
Copy !req
135. They're increasing the pressure.
Copy !req
136. Barbara, you must try and roll out.
Try and free yourself.
Copy !req
137. Just get my hands under...
Copy !req
138. I'm through.
Copy !req
139. Alydon. Right. You go next.
Copy !req
140. 46...
Copy !req
141. 45...
Copy !req
142. 44...
Copy !req
143. 43...
Copy !req
144. 42...
Copy !req
145. Try, lan!
- It's crushing us both!
Copy !req
146. Come on.
Copy !req
147. Right!
Copy !req
148. 40...
Copy !req
149. 39...
Copy !req
150. 38...
Copy !req
151. 37...
Copy !req
152. 36...
Copy !req
153. 35...
Copy !req
154. 34...
Copy !req
155. 33...
Copy !req
156. 32...
Copy !req
157. 31...
Copy !req
158. 30...
Copy !req
159. 29...
Copy !req
160. 28...
Copy !req
161. 27...
Copy !req
162. 26...
Copy !req
163. 25...
Copy !req
164. 24...
Copy !req
165. 23...
Copy !req
166. 22...
Copy !req
167. 21...
Copy !req
168. 20...
Copy !req
169. - 19...
- Here, come here.
Copy !req
170. 18...
Copy !req
171. 17...
Copy !req
172. 16...
Copy !req
173. 15...
Copy !req
174. 14...
Copy !req
175. - 13...
- Follow and klll her.
Copy !req
176. 12...
Copy !req
177. 11...
Copy !req
178. - 10... 9...
- Trapped. Help me. Trapped.
Copy !req
179. 8...
Copy !req
180. 7...
Copy !req
181. 6...
Copy !req
182. 5...
Copy !req
183. 4...
Copy !req
184. Relnforcements. Overpowered. Relnforcements.
Copy !req
185. Qulckly, qulcklyl
Copy !req
186. Chesterton! Come here.
Copy !req
187. Doctor! Doctor, I think they're dying.
Copy !req
188. Power going...
Copy !req
189. They were about to spread radiation into the air.
Copy !req
190. We've knocked out their source of power,
I tell you. Look!
Copy !req
191. Barbara, is he all right?
- Yes, he's very badly hurt, but he's alive.
Copy !req
192. - Llsten to me.
- Yes?
Copy !req
193. Stop our power from wastlng...
Copy !req
194. or It wlll be end of the Daleks.
Copy !req
195. Even if I'd wanted to, I don't know how.
Copy !req
196. It's finished.
Copy !req
197. The final war.
Copy !req
198. 500 years of destruction end in this.
Copy !req
199. No doubt you will have other wars to fight.
Copy !req
200. Chesterton, come along, my boy.
We've got work to do.
Copy !req
201. I want to look at the reactors
and see if there's any radiation leakage.
Copy !req
202. - Yes, and get the ship working again, Doctor.
- Hmm?
Copy !req
203. Oh, yes, yes, yes, of course.
Come along. Come along.
Copy !req
204. Kristas, you all right? Let's get him up to the air.
Copy !req
205. All this machinery, what good is it to us?
Copy !req
206. - None of us knows the first thing about it.
- Well, you must experiment.
Copy !req
207. These Dalek inventions
should be of some use to you.
Copy !req
208. The Daleks have developed food
by artificial sunlight.
Copy !req
209. You've got everything you need now.
Copy !req
210. Yes.
Copy !req
211. If only there'd been... some other way.
Copy !req
212. Oh.
Copy !req
213. This is what they called a compensator, my friend.
Copy !req
214. - Well, which is?
- The whole of it. It's useless.
Copy !req
215. Throw it away. Forget it. Unless you want
to live in a shell like our dead friends.
Copy !req
216. Where do you get your knowledge, Doctor?
Copy !req
217. You know,
there never seems to have been time to ask,
Copy !req
218. but we don't really know
where you come from or why.
Copy !req
219. To rebuild a whole new world.
Copy !req
220. - How I envy you.
- But you must stay and help us.
Copy !req
221. - We could learn from you.
- Oh, no, no.
Copy !req
222. I'm afraid I'm much too old to be a pioneer.
Although I was once amongst my own people.
Copy !req
223. - Well, then stay and advise us. Please.
- No, no. Thank you.
Copy !req
224. We're much too far away from home,
my granddaughter and I.
Copy !req
225. Thank you all the same.
It's a nice gesture on your part.
Copy !req
226. You know,
this soil is not quite so barren as you think.
Copy !req
227. I've been making tests. And even you might live
to see and hear the birds amongst the trees.
Copy !req
228. You wanted advice you said. I never give it. Never.
Copy !req
229. But I might just say this to you,
always search for truth.
Copy !req
230. My truth is in the stars and yours is here.
Copy !req
231. - Won't you rest with us?
- No, I'm afraid it's out of the question.
Copy !req
232. But I might visit your grandchildren
to find if they've learnt the secrets,
Copy !req
233. and if they have, well, who knows,
I might live with them.
Copy !req
234. Ta-da!
Copy !req
235. Look, Grandfather, isn't it terrific?
Thank you, Dyoni.
Copy !req
236. - What are you up to, Susan?
- It's a present from Dyoni. Isn't it gorgeous?
Copy !req
237. - It's lovely.
- By the way, Doctor, have you fitted the fluid link?
Copy !req
238. Not yet, but I have it safely here.
Copy !req
239. And there's no need to worry about mercury,
young man.
Copy !req
240. - Good. Well, goodbye, Dyoni.
- Goodbye.
Copy !req
241. - Goodbye, Alydon.
- Goodbye, lan.
Copy !req
242. Come along, my child, I'm hungry.
Copy !req
243. - Goodbye, Dyoni.
- Goodbye.
Copy !req
244. Thank you.
Copy !req
245. Goodbye.
Copy !req
246. - Goodbye, Ganatus.
- Goodbye, lan.
Copy !req
247. - Barbara.
- Right.
Copy !req
248. Oh, how stupid of me.
I very nearly forgot my specimens.
Copy !req
249. Oh, your hand, sir.
Copy !req
250. - Goodbye.
- Goodbye, Doctor.
Copy !req
251. - Well, Ganatus.
- Well, Barbara.
Copy !req
252. The dress you make from this won't be suitable
for swamps and caverns, but...
Copy !req
253. - Well, that's a good thing.
- Yes.
Copy !req
254. It's beautiful. Thank you very much.
Thank you for everything.
Copy !req
255. - I wish...
- Barbara, we're waiting.
Copy !req
256. Come along, Ganatus.
Copy !req
257. - Don't be sad, Ganatus.
- I won't be.
Copy !req
258. But I don't think I'll ever forget her.
Copy !req
259. Subbed by Corax
Copy !req
260. Time Adjustments by MacLeod
Copy !req
261. °.° www.SubCentral.de. °.°
Copy !req