1. Who are you?
Copy !req
2. I'm the Doctor.
Copy !req
3. You don't have to stand over there.
Come and have a look!
Copy !req
4. It's called the TARDIS.
Copy !req
5. Nice.
Copy !req
6. But hold on. I can't call you Doctor.
Copy !req
7. No, I wanna know your name.
Copy !req
8. Yeah, that's, uh— that's tricky.
Copy !req
9. Because I was adopted,
Copy !req
10. and the planet that took me in,
they were kinda— they were kinda posh.
Copy !req
11. They'd use titles
like the Doctor or the Bishop
Copy !req
12. or the Rani or the Conquistador.
Copy !req
13. Say "Doctor" for a thousand years,
and it becomes my name.
Copy !req
14. Okay. "The planet". Parking that.
Copy !req
15. "Thousand years".
Copy !req
16. Double-parked.
Copy !req
17. So, you're a doctor,
but you're the police?
Copy !req
18. Police box, no.
Copy !req
19. - No, no, no, no, that's a disguise.
- Oh.
Copy !req
20. Inside, it's a time and space machine,
but outside, it's— it's like a chameleon.
Copy !req
21. 'Cause once I landed in 1963,
Copy !req
22. and they used to have police boxes
on street corners.
Copy !req
23. - 1963?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
24. Okay.
Copy !req
25. Ooh, jukebox? I like that.
Copy !req
26. Okay. So back to the planet.
Copy !req
27. My world is called Gallifrey.
Copy !req
28. Gallifrey.
Copy !req
29. And where's that?
Copy !req
30. Gone!
Copy !req
31. Ruby, it's gone, it's gone.
Copy !req
32. They died.
Copy !req
33. There was a genocide, and they died.
Copy !req
34. So the one that was adopted
was the only one left.
Copy !req
35. I am the last of the Time Lords.
Copy !req
36. And I am so, so glad to be alive.
Copy !req
37. This thing flies.
Copy !req
38. Do you wanna see?
Copy !req
39. Let's have a random landing.
Copy !req
40. Whoo-hoo!
Copy !req
41. 150 million years in the past.
Copy !req
42. - No!
- Really.
Copy !req
43. No, you've gotta be kidding.
You are kidding.
Copy !req
44. Don't be so ridiculous.
Copy !req
45. - Are there dinosaurs out there?
- I don't know.
Copy !req
46. Go and have a look.
Copy !req
47. Wait, no!
Copy !req
48. Is it safe?
Copy !req
49. What if I change history
by stepping on a butterfly or summat?
Copy !req
50. Well, that's not gonna happen, is it?
Who steps on butterflies?
Copy !req
51. You'd literally have to be like,
"Wait. Come here, butterfly.
Copy !req
52. Come here. Have it!"
Copy !req
53. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
54. That's—
Copy !req
55. That's so beautiful.
Copy !req
56. And TARDIS stands for
Time And Relative Dimension In Space.
Copy !req
57. Eh?
Copy !req
58. So we've moved location as well.
Copy !req
59. This will be North America.
Copy !req
60. Huh.
Copy !req
61. One day, this is Wyoming.
Copy !req
62. Wow.
Copy !req
63. Little town called Green River.
Copy !req
64. Oh!
Copy !req
65. What's wrong?
Copy !req
66. - Did I do something wrong?
- Uh—
Copy !req
67. Because I'm Rubathon Blue
of the 57th Hemisphere Hatchlings,
Copy !req
68. - and I do not do wrong things, Doctor.
- But—
Copy !req
69. If you have made an incorrect accusation,
I will have to kill you.
Copy !req
70. No, no, no. Look, just wait.
Wait a minute.
Copy !req
71. Let's—
Copy !req
72. - What are you doing?
- Nothing. Just—
Copy !req
73. Am I missing summat?
Copy !req
74. Nothing.
Copy !req
75. Let's try that again, okay?
Copy !req
76. Thank you.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
77. Yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
78. Okay, uh, controls are new.
Copy !req
79. Completely forgot,
the butterfly compensation switch.
Copy !req
80. Good. Right. Yes. Let's go forward.
Copy !req
81. Give me a number. Give me a year.
Copy !req
82. Two...
- Two...
Copy !req
83. - ... one, five, oh...
- ... one, five, oh...
Copy !req
84. six.
- ... six!
Copy !req
85. Aha! Five numbers! I like it!
Copy !req
86. But we're indoors.
Copy !req
87. - Ooh.
- We got through the walls.
Copy !req
88. Aha! Is that like a, uh,
matter transporter like in Star Trek?
Copy !req
89. We gotta visit them one day.
Copy !req
90. Hey, but you said
the TARDIS was like a chameleon.
Copy !req
91. But it still looks like a police box.
Copy !req
92. Oh, it's, uh— it's broken.
Copy !req
93. - Most of the universe is knackered, babes.
- Oh.
Copy !req
94. Okay. Come, come, come, come, come.
Copy !req
95. Oh, it stinks.
Copy !req
96. Something is wrong with this place.
Copy !req
97. It is a space station reaching overload.
Copy !req
98. No, you made it worse.
Copy !req
99. No, that is worse.
Copy !req
100. Is that a monster?
Copy !req
101. No. No, don't be silly.
Copy !req
102. Ruby, there's no such thing as monsters.
They're just...
Copy !req
103. Just creatures you haven't met yet.
Copy !req
104. Hi there.
Copy !req
105. - Oh, run, run!
- Run? Run!
Copy !req
106. Run, run, run!
Copy !req
107. Go! Come on! Run!
Copy !req
108. Come on!
Copy !req
109. Go on! Come, come!
Copy !req
110. Get in! Get in! Get in! Get in!
Copy !req
111. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
112. The question is why did I run?
Copy !req
113. 'Cause it was scary.
Copy !req
114. It was new.
Copy !req
115. I love meeting new things.
Copy !req
116. So why did it give me the shivers?
Copy !req
117. I couldn't run fast enough.
I was like "whoosh".
Copy !req
118. Well, i-it'd help
if we knew where we were.
Copy !req
119. Yet again, push the button.
Copy !req
120. Oh, we're on a baby farm.
Copy !req
121. Oh, a parthenogenesis machine.
Copy !req
122. What is it with you and babies?
Copy !req
123. I was gonna say the same thing to you.
Copy !req
124. We've gone from baby to baby.
Copy !req
125. I'm not saying things are connected,
and yet, things connect.
Copy !req
126. Well, I'm the one looking for my parents.
Copy !req
127. And you've got a time and space machine.
Copy !req
128. So, this place grows babies. What for?
Copy !req
129. - Food?
- Foo— Wha-What?
Copy !req
130. Food? They're not tomatoes.
Copy !req
131. Well, excuse me.
There's a big, hungry thing downstairs.
Copy !req
132. Baby farms boost the population.
Copy !req
133. Sometimes a world goes sterile
Copy !req
134. or, I don't know,
goes mad and bans kissing.
Copy !req
135. So these babies are human, yeah?
Copy !req
136. Yep. Grown for a colony world.
Copy !req
137. And a colony world is not Earth?
Copy !req
138. Okay. Okay, one last time.
Copy !req
139. Push the button.
Copy !req
140. We made it.
Copy !req
141. The human race, we survived.
Copy !req
142. We went to the stars.
Copy !req
143. And ten minutes ago, Doctor,
just ten minutes ago,
Copy !req
144. you said genocide.
Copy !req
145. Your people are gone.
Copy !req
146. - How do you keep going?
- For days like this, Ruby Sunday.
Copy !req
147. I don't have a people.
I don't have a home.
Copy !req
148. But I don't have a job either.
Copy !req
149. I don't have a boss, or taxes,
or rent, or bills to pay.
Copy !req
150. I don't have a purpose,
or a cause, or a mission,
Copy !req
151. but I have freedom.
Copy !req
152. That's why I keep moving on.
Copy !req
153. To see the next thing,
Copy !req
154. and the next, and the next.
Copy !req
155. And sometimes it looks even better
through your eyes.
Copy !req
156. So where's this then?
Copy !req
157. Oh, uh...
Copy !req
158. Huh.
Copy !req
159. The planet Pacifico del Rio.
Copy !req
160. Oh, that's in English.
Copy !req
161. They speak English here? English exists?
Copy !req
162. Uh, no. No, no. Humans all speak
one language by this point.
Copy !req
163. - A bit like Cantonese.
- Oh.
Copy !req
164. Uh, this...
Copy !req
165. is what it really looks like.
Copy !req
166. But the TARDIS translates.
It's got a perception filter.
Copy !req
167. So it helps you fit into
every time and place.
Copy !req
168. Right, and my mum, she's long gone now?
Copy !req
169. Can I see your phone?
Copy !req
170. Yes.
Copy !req
171. So, my sonic screwdriver can make
Copy !req
172. the distance between you
and Earth 19,000 years...
Copy !req
173. or one phone call.
Copy !req
174. What?
- Carla. Phone her.
Copy !req
175. - But—
- Your mum, Ruby. Call your mum.
Copy !req
176. Well? What is it now?
Copy !req
177. Mum?
Copy !req
178. Yes, Mum, obviously.
Copy !req
179. You've just ran out the door
ten seconds ago.
Copy !req
180. Why are you phoning me?
Copy !req
181. You went like the wind.
Where were you going?
Copy !req
182. Yeah, yes. I will—
I'll catch up with you in a minute.
Copy !req
183. Bye. I love you, I love you.
Copy !req
184. Merry Christmas.
Copy !req
185. That was my mum.
Copy !req
186. On Christmas Eve. On my birthday.
Ten minutes ago.
Copy !req
187. That's the best signal ever.
How much did that cost?
Copy !req
188. I want to know what the hell is wrong
with this place.
Copy !req
189. Ooh.
- Do you see?
Copy !req
190. It's calm up here,
but underneath it is seething,
Copy !req
191. just like downstairs with that creature.
Copy !req
192. There's gotta be a-a crew or a captain—
Copy !req
193. This is Eric
reporting from Birth Zone 6.
Copy !req
194. I keep getting
these temperature fluctuations.
Copy !req
195. I've opened up safety valves ten to 16.
Copy !req
196. I've tried cross-matching
with the CO2 exchange.
Copy !req
197. But until we get that pressure down,
I can't—
Copy !req
198. Hi.
Copy !req
199. You all right?
Copy !req
200. But— You. Oh.
Copy !req
201. We've been waiting
for an awfully long time.
Copy !req
202. Mummy! Daddy!
Copy !req
203. - Oh, no. No, no!
- Darling, we're not—
Copy !req
204. Boys, oh, boys!
Copy !req
205. I've got to tell everybody.
Copy !req
206. Mummy and Daddy are here!
Copy !req
207. A baby farm run by babies.
Copy !req
208. Space babies!
Copy !req
209. They're here!
Copy !req
210. They came at last!
Copy !req
211. Mummy and Daddy are here!
Copy !req
212. Daddy! Mummy!
Copy !req
213. You came back!
Copy !req
214. Hello, space babies.
Copy !req
215. - Hello, Daddy.
- Hi, Daddy.
Copy !req
216. Hey, Daddy.
Hello, Daddy.
Copy !req
217. Oh.
Copy !req
218. Everyone, back to work.
Copy !req
219. Show Mummy and Daddy
what a good job we've been doing.
Copy !req
220. Make them proud.
Copy !req
221. My job is to keep the pipes clean.
Copy !req
222. I am proud of the pipes.
Copy !req
223. And I keep the oxygen nice and cool.
Copy !req
224. We need oxygen to breathe.
Copy !req
225. And I pull this string and that string.
Copy !req
226. I'm not sure what they do,
but I pull them very hard.
Copy !req
227. And I made this for you.
It is a little flower.
Copy !req
228. Thank you.
Copy !req
229. I'm Captain Poppy.
Copy !req
230. And I kept the station running
for Mummy and Daddy.
Copy !req
231. Because we knew
you'd come back for us one day.
Copy !req
232. We waited.
Copy !req
233. Right, you're not supposed to be running
this place. This isn't Babyworld.
Copy !req
234. Huh? You got left behind
when the adults vamoosed?
Copy !req
235. We took over.
Copy !req
236. We were very brave.
Copy !req
237. Right.
Copy !req
238. That's great. That's, uh— That's good.
Copy !req
239. That's amazing.
Copy !req
240. You've done a really great job.
Copy !req
241. I'm sorry, Poppy. I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
242. But we are not your mummy and daddy.
Copy !req
243. I wish we were.
Copy !req
244. But we're not.
Copy !req
245. They left us.
Copy !req
246. Where did they go?
Copy !req
247. I don't know, darling.
Copy !req
248. But I'm Ruby.
Copy !req
249. And this— this is the Doctor.
Copy !req
250. And we're your friends.
Copy !req
251. Okay. Yeah, I got you.
Copy !req
252. I got you, I got you, I got you.
Copy !req
253. And me.
Copy !req
254. Oh, gosh.
Copy !req
255. And me.
Copy !req
256. Captain Poppy,
when was the last time that you had a hug?
Copy !req
257. Never.
Copy !req
258. Aw. Oh, baby, it's okay.
Copy !req
259. Come here.
It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.
Copy !req
260. Oh, never had a hug?
Copy !req
261. Come on. You can all have a hug.
Copy !req
262. Did I get things wrong, Doctor?
Copy !req
263. Well, according to this,
the crew went home.
Copy !req
264. They abandoned ship,
and they left you guys behind.
Copy !req
265. I don't know why,
but they left the birth machine running.
Copy !req
266. So you lot grew up,
but you stayed the same size.
Copy !req
267. Baby size. Space babies.
Copy !req
268. But are we wrong?
Copy !req
269. - What do you mean?
- We're not meant to be like this.
Copy !req
270. Did we grow up wrong?
Copy !req
271. Oh, Poppy.
Copy !req
272. Oh, Popsicle.
Copy !req
273. Look at me. Look at me.
Copy !req
274. Nobody grows up wrong.
Copy !req
275. You are what you are,
and that is magnificent.
Copy !req
276. But Mummy and Daddy left us.
Copy !req
277. That's okay. Mine did too.
Copy !req
278. What happened?
Copy !req
279. Well, I was found.
Copy !req
280. Hooray!
Copy !req
281. Yeah, little baby me was left alone
in the middle of outer space.
Copy !req
282. - And guess who took me in.
- I don't know.
Copy !req
283. - The Time Lords.
- Ooh.
Copy !req
284. Can you say it like me?
Copy !req
285. - The Time Lords.
- That's it.
Copy !req
286. But the point is, is that it
doesn't matter where I come from,
Copy !req
287. because I am absolutely lovely, aren't I?
Copy !req
288. - That wasn't rhetorical, Pops.
- Yes, you are.
Copy !req
289. And do you wanna know my secret?
Copy !req
290. There's no one like me
in the whole wide universe.
Copy !req
291. No one like me exists,
and that's true of everyone.
Copy !req
292. It's not a problem, Captain Pops.
Copy !req
293. It's a superpower.
Copy !req
294. - High five.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
295. - Yeah!
- So you're Eric.
Copy !req
296. And you're Tasha, and Ruben,
and then there's Saltine and Boo.
Copy !req
297. I love you, Ruby.
Copy !req
298. Oh, I love you too, Eric.
Copy !req
299. But how do you manage all on your own?
Copy !req
300. We've got Nan-E.
Copy !req
301. Say hello, Nan-E.
Copy !req
302. Good afternoon, children.
And welcome to our new visitors.
Copy !req
303. Oh, nanomatrix electroform.
Copy !req
304. Nan-E. Right.
Copy !req
305. Uh, hi, Nan-E.
I'm the Doctor, and-and this is Ruby.
Copy !req
306. We have visitors, children.
Copy !req
307. - Nan-E!
- Noses must be blown.
Copy !req
308. Activate nose blow.
Copy !req
309. Uh...
Copy !req
310. One, two, three, and...
Copy !req
311. blow.
Copy !req
312. Oh!
Copy !req
313. Well done, children.
Copy !req
314. And now, children, back to work.
Copy !req
315. Nappies are changed at 1800 hours.
Copy !req
316. Oh, can't wait to see that.
- Right.
Copy !req
317. So, uh, it's-it's-it's you lot.
Copy !req
318. It's Nan-E.
Copy !req
319. And downstairs, is that your pet dog?
Copy !req
320. That's not a doggo.
Copy !req
321. It's okay, it's okay.
- What is it then, Eric?
Copy !req
322. The Bogeyman.
Copy !req
323. Oh, gosh. Oh.
Copy !req
324. - We don't like the Bogeyman.
- Oh, no, no, no, no.
Copy !req
325. I did not mean to scare you.
Copy !req
326. There is no such thing as the Bogeyman.
Copy !req
327. That thing was more— Sort of like a, uh—
Copy !req
328. Bogeyman!
Copy !req
329. No, no, no, stop it!
Copy !req
330. Nan-E, you tell them
there is no such thing as the Bogeyman.
Copy !req
331. Nan-E is scared of the Bogeyman.
Copy !req
332. Then what is the Bogeyman
doing down there,
Copy !req
333. and why— why is it so scary?
Copy !req
334. Doctor, turn it off!
Copy !req
335. - Listen to me, babies. Come on.
- I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
336. I'm sorry, babies. Space babies.
Copy !req
337. You're fine. You're fine.
Copy !req
338. Oh, Ruby.
Come on.
Copy !req
339. Right.
Copy !req
340. Nan-E, these babies
are trying their best— space babies—
Copy !req
341. but this station is in trouble.
Copy !req
342. You have got a build-up of pressure
in Hull-3-B,
Copy !req
343. and something is ramping up
down where the Bogeyman lives.
Copy !req
344. And if that continues, baby boom.
Copy !req
345. Portal 3-5-7.
- Okay, what's that?
Copy !req
346. Access portal 3-5-7.
Copy !req
347. That's on this floor. What is it?
Copy !req
348. Access portal 3-5-7.
Copy !req
349. Yes, it is just a storage unit.
What would I need to go there for?
Copy !req
350. Oh, for God sakes. 3-5-7, come on!
Copy !req
351. Where do you think you're going?
Copy !req
352. Portal 3-5-7.
Copy !req
353. Now? Great. Okay. Coming.
Copy !req
354. So, is this what you do, Doctor?
Copy !req
355. I mean, in life? You help?
Copy !req
356. - That's, like, your purpose?
- No, no.
Copy !req
357. I'm just, uh, helping babies.
Space babies.
Copy !req
358. Ha! Listening to my hearts.
Copy !req
359. Two hearts. Plural.
Copy !req
360. Okay. Two hearts.
Copy !req
361. But what if helping the babies
takes six weeks or ten years?
Copy !req
362. Because my mum's still waiting for me.
Copy !req
363. Back home on your birthday.
Copy !req
364. Yeah. It's strange, your life.
Copy !req
365. You were abandoned like this lot. Uh—
Copy !req
366. If things connect,
then you are connecting like crazy.
Copy !req
367. You don't know anything
about your birth mother or your father?
Copy !req
368. They didn't leave a-a note?
Copy !req
369. Or scrap of paper?
Copy !req
370. Nothing. I was— I was just left.
Copy !req
371. - By the church?
- In the snow.
Copy !req
372. On Ruby Road.
Copy !req
373. Doctor.
Copy !req
374. What?
Copy !req
375. It's snowing.
Copy !req
376. Okay, what just happened?
Copy !req
377. I said snow, and we've got...
Copy !req
378. It's like a memory just came through.
Copy !req
379. From the day that you were born.
Copy !req
380. But how? Is this the sort of thing
that happens with time travel?
Copy !req
381. I have been to the ends of time and back,
Copy !req
382. and I have never seen
anything like this before.
Copy !req
383. Then what does it mean?
Copy !req
384. I don't know.
Copy !req
385. - Oh, I thought my birth was crazy.
- Oh, yeah, I know.
Copy !req
386. Oh.
Copy !req
387. I wonder who she is. Your mother.
Copy !req
388. The memory changed.
She was pointing at me.
Copy !req
389. I said portal 3-5-7.
Copy !req
390. Don't just stand there yapping,
you pair of idiots. Get inside!
Copy !req
391. - Who's she?
- Nan-E.
Copy !req
392. - Ha!
- Oh.
Copy !req
393. This is Captain Rico Trieste,
signing off duty from Baby Station Beta.
Copy !req
394. Pacifico date 56-56-22.
Copy !req
395. For the record,
I'm signing off under protest
Copy !req
396. and wish to condemn this course of action.
Copy !req
397. Chief Engineer Lucia Colasanto.
Copy !req
398. Signing off 56-56-22.
Copy !req
399. And I'd like to say for the record,
the company's actions are appalling.
Copy !req
400. I will be launching an appeal against this
as soon as we're home.
Copy !req
401. Oof.
Copy !req
402. This is Comms Officer Gina Scalzi
Copy !req
403. signing off, 56-56-22.
Copy !req
404. So, the crew went home
and left the babies behind— Space babies.
Copy !req
405. It's the recession.
Copy !req
406. The government closed
the baby station to save money,
Copy !req
407. but the law says it's illegal
to stop the birth machine.
Copy !req
408. Whoa!
Copy !req
409. But how did you arrive?
Copy !req
410. - Have you got a way out of here?
- I've got a ship, yeah.
Copy !req
411. Um.
Copy !req
412. What is your name?
Sorry, Nan-E.
Copy !req
413. Oh. Jocelyn.
Copy !req
414. Jocelyn Sancerre.
I was the on-site accountant.
Copy !req
415. I don't know how this place works.
Copy !req
416. Jocelyn, wait. Hold on, hold on, hold on.
This— This can help.
Copy !req
417. If you leave this to sync up...
Copy !req
418. that should recalibrate
the whole shebang.
Copy !req
419. Thank you.
Copy !req
420. Wanna swap?
Copy !req
421. Hang on.
Copy !req
422. So, the planet down below
will refuse to stop the babies being born,
Copy !req
423. but once they're born,
they don't look after them?
Copy !req
424. It's a very strange planet.
Copy !req
425. It's not that strange.
Copy !req
426. But you stayed behind.
Copy !req
427. I couldn't leave them.
Copy !req
428. And I tried with this place,
but I'm not an engineer.
Copy !req
429. The machine went out of sync.
I patched it back,
Copy !req
430. but then the education software
ran out of control. It's a mess.
Copy !req
431. And I've been all on my own,
watching the kids for six years.
Copy !req
432. But I don't understand. They are gorgeous.
Copy !req
433. Why would you hide?
Copy !req
434. 'Cause I don't wanna see them die.
Copy !req
435. And I don't want them to see me die.
Copy !req
436. 'Cause that's how bad it is.
Copy !req
437. This is a closed station.
Copy !req
438. There's only so much air.
There's only so much food.
Copy !req
439. The last thing I'll do
is give them the air out of portal 3-5-7.
Copy !req
440. But then—
Copy !req
441. then you came along.
Copy !req
442. Can't you fly somewhere else?
Copy !req
443. - What do you mean, "fly"?
- Uh, space station's stationary.
Copy !req
444. No engines.
This great big thing can't move.
Copy !req
445. It's just stuck in orbit, which is a shame
because this is a nice little system.
Copy !req
446. The fifth planet out,
Mondo Caroon.
Copy !req
447. Uh...
- That's a DuBarryDuPlessy world.
Copy !req
448. Oh, th-that's good.
Copy !req
449. D-DuBarryDuPlessy
is a starwide organisation.
Copy !req
450. - It means it can take in lots of refugees.
- Oh!
Copy !req
451. Well-Well, can't we call them for help?
Copy !req
452. They don't go fetch refugees.
Copy !req
453. That's the fate of every refugee
in the universe.
Copy !req
454. You physically have to turn up
on someone else's shore.
Copy !req
455. - And we can't move.
- But now you have a ship.
Copy !req
456. Plenty of room. It's called the TARDIS.
Copy !req
457. The trouble is, between us and the ship
is the Bogeyman.
Copy !req
458. What is that thing?
Copy !req
459. You don't know?
Copy !req
460. It's nothing to do with me.
It's not part of the manifest.
Copy !req
461. It's not like anything I've ever seen.
Copy !req
462. No, nor me.
Copy !req
463. But it reminds me of something.
What is it?
Copy !req
464. And what is its skin made of,
and why was I so scared?
Copy !req
465. Because it's terrifying.
Copy !req
466. Yeah, but I've met a million ugly bugs.
Copy !req
467. I'm an ugly bug.
Copy !req
468. That thing made me run,
and I just wonder why.
Copy !req
469. Okay.
Copy !req
470. The thing is this place is completely...
mad, but it sort of makes sense.
Copy !req
471. Because you've got babies,
you've got a nanny,
Copy !req
472. and you've got the Bogeyman.
Copy !req
473. You've literally got a monster
living down below.
Copy !req
474. It's a children's story come to life.
Copy !req
475. And every story has its hero.
Copy !req
476. That's Eric! Is-Is that Eric?
Copy !req
477. Eric, get outta there.
Copy !req
478. Eric, please vacate this area.
Copy !req
479. - Oh, is that how it works?
- Nanny filter.
Copy !req
480. Eric, get out, now!
Copy !req
481. Eric will leave immediately.
Copy !req
482. No, Nan-E. I'm being brave.
Copy !req
483. Eric, for God sakes. Run!
Copy !req
484. Eric, invoking the deity.
Accelerate perambulation.
Copy !req
485. But I'm doing what Ruby said.
Copy !req
486. What?
Copy !req
487. I love Ruby, and she said
there's no such thing as the Bogeyman.
Copy !req
488. So I'm going to find the naughty doggo
and tell him off.
Copy !req
489. But I'm so scared.
Copy !req
490. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
491. It's my fault!
Copy !req
492. Eric, I'm coming, I'm coming,
I'm coming, I'm coming!
Copy !req
493. No, no, no, no, no.
Copy !req
494. Nan-E, where's the Bogeyman?
Copy !req
495. It's about 400 metres north-west of you.
Copy !req
496. But still no sign of Eric.
Copy !req
497. Can't get a proper fix.
I told you these systems are a crock of—
Copy !req
498. waste products.
Copy !req
499. Mind your language, Nan-E.
Copy !req
500. Okay, Doctor,
if we make a ton of noise,
Copy !req
501. then the Bogeyman will come for us
and leave Eric alone, yes?
Copy !req
502. - Yes? Okay, right. Yes.
- Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
Copy !req
503. - Bogeyman! Bogeyman! Come get us!
- Bogeyman!
Copy !req
504. Bogeyman!
Copy !req
505. It's moving. It's heard you!
Copy !req
506. Okay. Nice plan, but what now?
Copy !req
507. I think...
Copy !req
508. if I was very, very little,
and I knew the Bogeyman was coming...
Copy !req
509. I would need to change my nappy.
Copy !req
510. Because I can detect...
Copy !req
511. space baby!
Copy !req
512. Oh, Eric!
Copy !req
513. We got you.
I was scared.
Copy !req
514. It's okay.
Yeah, I know, I know.
Copy !req
515. Not west, I meant east!
Copy !req
516. Go, go! Go.
Copy !req
517. It's all right, it's all right.
Copy !req
518. It's all right. It's all right.
Copy !req
519. You're all right. You're all right.
Copy !req
520. It's all right.
Copy !req
521. It's okay. It's okay.
Copy !req
522. All right.
Copy !req
523. Don't you touch them, you...
Copy !req
524. illegitimate person.
Copy !req
525. Go! Go, go!
Copy !req
526. It's a dead end!
Copy !req
527. It's okay. It's okay.
Copy !req
528. You're okay.
Copy !req
529. Babies to the rescue!
Copy !req
530. Space babies!
Copy !req
531. Uh, babies with a flamethrower?
Copy !req
532. Babies, babies, babies, you did brilliant!
Copy !req
533. You did so great!
Copy !req
534. Space babies, you need to go, okay?
Copy !req
535. Get-Get out of here.
Copy !req
536. Okay, let's get you in here. Come on.
Copy !req
537. Let's get you in here.
They're so good. Yeah, they're so good.
Copy !req
538. Nan-E, tell 'em what to do.
Copy !req
539. Children will return to the
upper levels or have no expletive dinner.
Copy !req
540. Bye!
Copy !req
541. Okay, uh, you-you go with them.
Copy !req
542. I've gotta stay here—
not just for the TARDIS—
Copy !req
543. but I've got to find out
what that thing is.
Copy !req
544. If that's you telling me
to leave you on your own, then...
Copy !req
545. Oh, Doctor.
Copy !req
546. Well, come on.
Copy !req
547. Ooh.
Copy !req
548. So how did this begin, Jocelyn?
Copy !req
549. First I knew, six years ago,
Copy !req
550. was like a rattling in the pipes.
Copy !req
551. Then the howling began.
Copy !req
552. By the time I got the cameras working,
there it was.
Copy !req
553. The Bogeyman.
Copy !req
554. I don't know how it even exists.
Copy !req
555. And that was six years ago?
Copy !req
556. That's the same time the babies were born.
Copy !req
557. It's leaving...
Copy !req
558. some sort of spoor.
Copy !req
559. Man, that's a good word. Spoor.
Copy !req
560. What the bleep bleep is that?
Copy !req
561. Oh, Jocelyn, turn the filter off.
Copy !req
562. What is that stuff?
Copy !req
563. If I could get this to your machine,
it could analyse it.
Copy !req
564. The machine's got a vent in the basement.
Copy !req
565. Follow the corridor.
Left, straight ahead, left again.
Copy !req
566. Into the belly of the beast.
Copy !req
567. Yeah, this stuff is slippy, Rubes.
Copy !req
568. Be careful.
Copy !req
569. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
570. Oh, this is disgusting!
Copy !req
571. Don't call me Rubes!
Copy !req
572. Are we almost there, Joss?
Copy !req
573. This gunk stuff is
sealing the whole place off.
Copy !req
574. Oh, but never mind,
Copy !req
575. because... ... we are right under
the parthenogenesis machine.
Copy !req
576. Now let's make
sense of this thing. Uh...
Copy !req
577. According to the machine...
Copy !req
578. Oh.
Copy !req
579. What?
Copy !req
580. It has been right in front of us.
We've been saying it all along.
Copy !req
581. It's all one machine.
Copy !req
582. One up above and one down below.
The one up above grew the babies.
Copy !req
583. - The one down below—
- It grew the Bogeyman.
Copy !req
584. - Yes!
- I said this. I told you so.
Copy !req
585. Six years ago— The machine
is mother and father to the babies
Copy !req
586. and mother and father to the Bogeyman.
Copy !req
587. And why? Because Jocelyn said the
educational software ran out of control.
Copy !req
588. - And then you said—
- Said it's like a story.
Copy !req
589. The teaching software, it told a story.
Copy !req
590. It invented the Bogeyman.
Copy !req
591. - For the babies.
- For the space babies.
Copy !req
592. Oh, the machine is literal.
Like a computer.
Copy !req
593. It literally said babies need fiction.
Copy !req
594. - They need stories. They need monsters.
- Yes.
Copy !req
595. Yes, that is why I'm so scared.
It's all deliberate. It's infrasound.
Copy !req
596. The Bogeyman is roaring at 17 hertz.
Copy !req
597. That's the exact pitch
designed to make you scared.
Copy !req
598. It's scary because it's meant to be.
Copy !req
599. The machine made it
tall and big and noisy.
Copy !req
600. And it built it out of...
Copy !req
601. Oh.
Copy !req
602. What?
Copy !req
603. Oh, Ruby.
Copy !req
604. - What?
- Oh, man.
Copy !req
605. Tell me what it is.
Copy !req
606. - I can't.
- Doctor.
Copy !req
607. Ruby, I have travelled
the universe and back.
Copy !req
608. And seen many, many things.
Nothing is as bad as this.
Copy !req
609. A Bogeyman is made out of what?
Copy !req
610. I don't know.
Copy !req
611. The machine is literal.
And the name is Bogeyman.
Copy !req
612. - So?
- Oh, babes.
Copy !req
613. Space babes. We saw it. The nose blowing.
Copy !req
614. The machine was literal.
Copy !req
615. And so it grew the Bogeyman out of bogeys.
Copy !req
616. - What?
- All of this is bogeys.
Copy !req
617. - No. No. No.
- Yes. Yes.
Copy !req
618. No wonder it was shedding its skin.
Doesn't everyone?
Copy !req
619. No, no, no, no, no, no.
It's snot.
Copy !req
620. - It's not.
- Oh, Ruby, it is a living sneeze.
Copy !req
621. - But it's—
- I know.
Copy !req
622. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
623. This is the worst thing
that could ever happen to anyone!
Copy !req
624. Don't laugh!
I'm sorry.
Copy !req
625. Oh, isn't the universe mad?
Copy !req
626. Yeah, it just made a monster out of snot!
Copy !req
627. Ruby Sunday, Monday, Tuesday.
Copy !req
628. That is...
Copy !req
629. so funny.
Copy !req
630. Bogeyman.
Copy !req
631. Run. Run. Run!
Copy !req
632. I'm running!
I'm running! I'm running!
Copy !req
633. Go!
Copy !req
634. No, no, no, no, no, no!
Copy !req
635. Don't worry. It's me. Turn right.
Copy !req
636. Go, go, go, go!
Copy !req
637. It's your device.
Copy !req
638. It's calibrated.
Copy !req
639. It's brilliant. I've got control at last.
Copy !req
640. Now trust me. Turn right.
Copy !req
641. - This isn't the way to the lift!
- Keep going.
Copy !req
642. Come on! Come on!
Copy !req
643. I'm coming! I'm coming!
Copy !req
644. It's catching up!
Copy !req
645. Coming.
Go. Go, go, go!
Copy !req
646. Yeah, thanks for using us as bait!
Copy !req
647. - Just next time, ask!
- Ooh!
Copy !req
648. Oh, wait until we tell you
what that thing is made of!
Copy !req
649. You can tell me later
once I've got rid of it.
Copy !req
650. I will protect my children
and blast that thing into space.
Copy !req
651. It's an airlock.
Copy !req
652. It is one of the children, Jocelyn!
Copy !req
653. I— She's got the sonic.
Copy !req
654. Jocelyn! Jocelyn!
Copy !req
655. Oxygen field at 10%.
Copy !req
656. Okay, okay, okay, okay.
We haven't got time.
Copy !req
657. Stop Jocelyn, yeah?
Copy !req
658. - Wait—
- Left, second right,
Copy !req
659. - next left, you'll get to the lift.
- What about you?
Copy !req
660. - Left! Second right! Next left!
- Right! Okay.
Copy !req
661. Oxygen field at 9%.
Copy !req
662. You're hurting him!
Copy !req
663. Stop it, Nan-E! Stop it!
Copy !req
664. Oxygen field at 8%.
Copy !req
665. I am the last of the Time Lords.
Copy !req
666. - How do you keep going?
- For days like this.
Copy !req
667. I'm the only one of me
in the whole wide universe.
Copy !req
668. No one else like me exists,
Copy !req
669. and that is true of everyone.
Copy !req
670. The only one of its kind.
Copy !req
671. Oxygen field at 7%.
Copy !req
672. Oxygen field at 6%.
Copy !req
673. Oxygen field at 5%.
Doctor, no!
Copy !req
674. Oxygen field at 4%.
Copy !req
675. Oxygen field at 3%.
Copy !req
676. Push the button.
Copy !req
677. Oxygen field at 2%.
Copy !req
678. Venting reversed. Venting reversed.
Copy !req
679. No!
That's what you do, Jocelyn.
Copy !req
680. You save them all.
Copy !req
681. Oxygen field at 1%.
Copy !req
682. You save them all.
Copy !req
683. It's okay. Come here.
Copy !req
684. Attention. Calling Captain Poppy.
Copy !req
685. Calling all crew. Especially you, Eric.
Copy !req
686. Plus Ruby. Jocelyn Sancerre.
Copy !req
687. Nan-E was very naughty.
Copy !req
688. I know. And I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
689. All of you.
Copy !req
690. I was just on my own
Copy !req
691. for such a very long time.
Copy !req
692. We still love you, Nan-E.
Yeah. We do.
Copy !req
693. - Yay!
- But— But, but, but, but, but...
Copy !req
694. your favourite monster is fine.
Copy !req
695. Look.
Look, look.
Copy !req
696. Yay.
Copy !req
697. But listen, listen, babies, space babies,
Copy !req
698. your world is over here.
Copy !req
699. The world of Mondo Caroon.
Copy !req
700. But— But you can't get there.
Copy !req
701. Got no engines.
Copy !req
702. Except, turns out that build-up
of pressure in Hull-3-B is from you.
Copy !req
703. Huh? 'Cause the system went wrong,
Copy !req
704. and that's where it
stacked up all your nappies.
Copy !req
705. No wonder it was stinking down there.
For six years, a great pile of shi—
Copy !req
706. - Nanny filter.
- Shizzle!
Copy !req
707. A zillion metric tons of methane, babies.
Copy !req
708. Space babies.
Copy !req
709. But I am gonna let it rip!
Copy !req
710. Oh, set sail for your new home.
Copy !req
711. Babyworld.
Copy !req
712. Come here.
Copy !req
713. Are you happy now, Eric?
Copy !req
714. Very, very happy. I love you, Ruby.
Copy !req
715. Wow.
Copy !req
716. - So it was a normal day for you then?
- No!
Copy !req
717. No, that was extra special nuts.
Copy !req
718. And you, Ruby Sunday...
Copy !req
719. get this.
Copy !req
720. Your very own TARDIS key.
Copy !req
721. What for?
Copy !req
722. I have the whole universe
at my fingertips.
Copy !req
723. And I'm all on my own.
Copy !req
724. So I'd love it if you came with me.
Copy !req
725. To what? Just travel?
Copy !req
726. No job.
Copy !req
727. No boss.
Copy !req
728. Just fun.
Copy !req
729. We did almost die.
Copy !req
730. Yes, but we lived so much too.
Copy !req
731. Yes, we did.
Copy !req
732. Yes, we did.
Copy !req
733. Yes— Yes, we did.
Copy !req
734. Hmm.
Copy !req
735. Yeah, we did. We did, we did.
We did.
Copy !req
736. Yes.
Copy !req
737. - Yes? Yes?
- Yes. Yes. Yes.
Copy !req
738. - Oh, my God. Yes. Yes!
- Yes. Yes!
Copy !req
739. - Ruby Sunday said yes!
- Come on in. Follow me.
Copy !req
740. Oh, come on.
Copy !req
741. Ah.
Copy !req
742. All right, mate.
Let me tell you where we're gonna go.
Copy !req
743. Except—
Copy !req
744. Oh, terms and conditions.
Copy !req
745. There is one thing
that I can never do, Ruby.
Copy !req
746. And that's take you to
that church on Ruby Road
Copy !req
747. that Christmas.
Copy !req
748. Absolutely never.
Copy !req
749. But you've got a time machine.
Copy !req
750. If you change one thing,
Copy !req
751. a single snowflake, that could change
your birth mother's story.
Copy !req
752. And then you would never meet me.
None of this would ever happen.
Copy !req
753. And we would fall into the deepest,
darkest paradox. Ruby, trust me.
Copy !req
754. I think that snow was a warning.
Copy !req
755. I can't.
Copy !req
756. And I won't.
Copy !req
757. Well, it's a pity.
Copy !req
758. 'Cause I disagree.
Copy !req
759. And if you let me finish,
Copy !req
760. we are gonna go see my mum
Copy !req
761. at Christmas.
Copy !req
762. Right now.
Copy !req
763. Come on.
Copy !req
764. And Ruby phoned.
She said, "I love you", and ran off.
Copy !req
765. No word from her since.
What sort of Christmas is this?
Copy !req
766. It all started with this man.
Copy !req
767. He called himself the Doctor.
Copy !req
768. Hold on.
Copy !req
769. What's that noise?
Copy !req
770. Ooh, what the blinking flip?
Copy !req
771. Hiya, Mummy.
Copy !req
772. What are you doing?
Copy !req
773. And what the hell is that?
What's it done to my kitchen?
Copy !req
774. Hey, come and say hello.
Copy !req
775. Yes, coming.
Copy !req
776. Tell your mum not to slap me.
Copy !req
777. Yes, now, the people from my world,
Copy !req
778. they use titles like the Bishop,
the Pedant, the Sagi-shi.
Copy !req
779. My name was...
Copy !req
780. Abbey Road Studios!
Copy !req
781. Everything's gone dull.
Copy !req
782. If music is gone,
that means everything is changing.
Copy !req
783. The Toymaker said—
He said, "My legions are coming."
Copy !req
784. I can't fight this thing.
Copy !req