1. Desperate Housewives S02E03 You'll Never Get Away from Me
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2. As one affair ends...
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3. We don't have to sneak around.
We can have a real relationship.
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4. another begins.
- Edie!
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5. I asked if she'd like
to live together. She said yes.
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6. - And yet another...
- This is Rex's mother, Phyllis.
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7. - Claims. This is Joe Flannery.
- My daughter-in-law
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8. - has a boyfriend.
is exposed.
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9. It won't break your heart
to leave those sad faces?
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10. And while some people can't wait
to get out of the house,
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11. others are being kept
there against their will.
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12. Which one is Rex's headstone?
I always forget.
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13. It's right down this row.
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14. Oh! Oh, yes. That's right.
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15. Over the years,
Bree Van De Kamp
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16. had grown increasingly concerned
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17. over her mother-in-law's forgetfulness.
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18. Oh, honey, did I forget to take
the pins out of that dress?
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19. Her lapses had become more frequent...
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20. Sweetie, didn't I tell you
I was gonna paint that chair?
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21. more glaring...
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22. Oh, dear. Didn't I mention
I waxed the floor?
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23. and more dangerous.
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24. Yes, Bree was worried
about Phyllis's faulty memory.
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25. But she was more than happy
to remind her.
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26. Especially when it came
to the important things.
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27. So have you given any thought
to when you might be ending your visit?
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28. - What?
- Have I become a burden?
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29. Is that what you're saying?
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30. I was simply asking
when you were planning to leave.
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31. There was no agenda
behind the question.
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32. Oh, I... I don't know.
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33. Why don't we play it by ear.
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34. Yes. Let's.
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35. What on earth?
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36. Oh, my God. What happened?
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37. It looks like someone dug Rex up.
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38. Well, I got that. But why?
Why would they do that?
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39. Why, I don't know.
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40. Unless...
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41. Unless what?
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42. Maybe this has something to do
with that insurance investigator.
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43. Insurance investigator?
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44. He came by asking
all sorts of questions.
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45. I don't know what you're talking about.
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46. Maybe you were at the store.
Anyway, he was very suspicious.
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47. - Suspicious?
- Oh, yes.
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48. He has a theory that Rex
didn't die of a heart attack.
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49. He thinks he was poisoned.
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50. It was in that moment
Bree could finally see the truth.
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51. Did I not mention that?
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52. Her mother-in-law's memory was fine.
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53. It was her soul that was faulty.
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54. The parties took place
on the front lawn of 4347 Wisteria Lane
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55. every Sunday afternoon.
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56. Chloe Pendergast
would bring the tea set,
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57. which was appropriate,
since she was the hostess.
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58. Brittany Kreiss provided formal attire
from her mother's closet.
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59. How are you?
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60. And Marissa Ann McKay
invited the additional guests,
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61. some of whom hadn't been
to a party in years.
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62. Of course, it never occurred
to the three young girls
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63. that while they were busy
playing out their fantasy...
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64. one of the older girls
in the neighbourhood
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65. was engaging in a fantasy of her own.
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66. - Hey.
- Oh, hi, Mrs Solis.
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67. - Ralph.
- Off to the mall again?
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68. You know me.
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69. There was nothing
Gabrielle enjoyed as much as shopping.
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70. And even when she
couldn't afford to take anything home,
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71. she took satisfaction in looking...
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72. at the merchandise.
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73. Hey, Susan. What's going on?
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74. It's Karl's weekend to have Julie,
and they're always back by six.
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75. That's our custody agreement.
And it's after six.
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76. - It's like 6.15.
- Well, see? There you go.
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77. I'm sure they just forgot.
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78. Well, I have a court order.
It's out of my hands.
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79. It'd still be nice
if you gave them a grace period.
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80. Oh, I'm being nice.
I could have him arrested.
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81. I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm
all for Julie spending time with Karl.
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82. He is still her dad, and she loves him.
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83. - But?
- But he's with Edie!
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84. I mean, she's not exactly
the maternal type.
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85. I wouldn't be a good mother
if I wasn't concerned.
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86. Who knows what passes
for a kid-friendly good time in there?
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87. Drugs? Porn? Smoking?
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88. Doesn't sound like they're
having an orgy in there.
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89. Well, obviously they saw us coming.
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90. Whoo! That's a strike.
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91. - Hey, guys!
- Hey, Mommy.
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92. Hey! Look who's here.
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93. Parker, guess what I got.
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94. - What?
- School supplies.
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95. - School supplies?
- Yeah.
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96. And the best part of it is, I got you
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97. a really cool backpack.
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98. Whoa, look at that. Pretty neat, huh?
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99. Wow. Thanks.
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100. So on your first day of school,
you and your dad can find your cubby,
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101. and you can hang it up.
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102. You're not taking me?
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103. Your dad's gonna take you
to school on your first day.
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104. Just me and you, big guy.
I'll be right there to hold your hand.
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105. But I thought Mommy was taking me.
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106. Yeah, well, honey, I have to work.
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107. Mommy's boss is a mean, mean lady,
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108. and if I miss work, I'll lose my job.
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109. And then we won't have
any money to buy food.
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110. Honey, you gotta believe me.
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111. If I could be there,
you know that I would.
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112. Mmm.
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113. All right.
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114. I didn't know it was that important.
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115. I will talk to my boss,
and I will see what I can do.
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116. Thank you, Mommy.
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117. Wow, I don't wanna rain on your parade,
but he just totally manipulated you.
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118. Well, hey, when a kid's that good,
you gotta give him his due.
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119. An autopsy? Detective,
Rex died of a heart attack.
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120. Well, there were some anomalies
in the doctor's report.
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121. Anomalies? What anomalies?
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122. Ma'am, I'm afraid I'm not at liberty
to discuss this any further with you.
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123. - Am I a suspect?
- I didn't say that.
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124. Well, if I am,
you're wasting your time.
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125. I loved Rex, and anyone who knows me
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126. will tell you that I was
incapable of hurting him.
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127. You sure about that?
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128. You talked to Phyllis!
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129. Again, I can't discuss the case.
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130. She's my mother-in-law. Of course
she said horrible things about me.
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131. Lower your voice.
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132. She blamed me
for every problem Rex and I had.
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133. So there were problems?
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134. It was a marriage.
Of course there were problems.
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135. May I record this, so there's
no confusion over your statement?
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136. - No, you may not record this!
- You refuse to make a statement?
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137. I'm not refusing anything.
I'm saying, stay away from Phyllis!
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138. She's a... she's a raving loon!
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139. Ma'am, perhaps you'd be more comfortable
with an attorney present.
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140. You want a statement?
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141. Fine. I'll give you a statement.
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142. My husband died of a heart attack.
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143. I loved him very deeply.
And your mother did a lousy job!
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144. To Bree's way of thinking,
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145. there were two kinds
of people in the world.
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146. Those who were useless
before their morning coffee...
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147. and those who weren't.
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148. What's going on?
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149. Don't rush me, Bree!
I'm an old woman.
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150. Don't rush me.
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151. Get her out of here.
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152. I will tell you one thing.
You wouldn't be acting this way
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153. if you didn't feel guilty
about something!
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154. What's the occasion?
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155. Uh, our anniversary.
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156. Oh, right.
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157. How could you forget our anniversary?
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158. You sit in a cell all day long
staring at a calendar!
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159. What's the big deal?
Our marriage was a sham anyway.
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160. - Not this again.
- In real marriages, wives are faithful.
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161. Yeah, and husbands remember
anniversaries. So I guess we're even.
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162. You equate forgetting
our anniversary with cheating?
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163. You are clearly determined
to ruin this special day for us.
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164. What is wrong
that you don't feel guilty?
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165. - I feel tons of guilt, so back off!
- You never even apologised.
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166. I apologised a million times.
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167. But you always followed it up
with an excuse.
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168. "I was lonely."You weren't home."
"A woman needs to be loved."
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169. A woman does need to be loved.
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170. And since you didn't give it to me,
I had to find it elsewhere.
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171. So that's what the teenager
was doing in our bedroom.
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172. Filling you with love.
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173. Say what you want, but John Rowland
loved me like no one ever has.
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174. Not as a trophy or as a possession,
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175. but for me. He loved me.
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176. No, he really did.
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177. Hmm.
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178. Let me count the ways.
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179. Um, gently, savagely,
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180. frequently, upside down...
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181. Is there a problem here?
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182. No. It's our anniversary.
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183. We're just reliving the good times.
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184. That's an amazing car.
Aston Martin, right?
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185. Uh-huh. Brand-new. Limited edition.
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186. A little anniversary present
from my husband.
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187. He's very generous.
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188. More than he knows.
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189. I'm sorry, what?
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190. I'm singing at church
for the Family Follies.
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191. Edie's going to accompany me
on guitar. She's really good.
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192. So you and Edie are gonna be an act.
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193. Is that a problem?
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194. No! No.
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195. I mean, I'm a little surprised that you
didn't ask me to accompany you first.
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196. On what?
You don't play an instrument.
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197. I play the piano. You know that.
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198. How would I know that?
I've never seen you play.
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199. Well, I played in high school.
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200. So the last time you tickled the ivories
was sometime in the late '70s?
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201. It was the early '80s.
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202. Well, I'm not gonna argue with you.
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203. You want to do the show with Edie,
and I think that's super.
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204. So she's really good, huh?
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205. She knows her guitar.
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206. Apparently there were a lot of musicians
in her family, like the Von Trapps.
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207. Hmm.
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208. Except, you know, her brother OD'd.
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209. All I'm asking is to play a little ball.
Is that such a big deal?
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210. Matthew, you are
such an excellent player,
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211. that people will want
to be your friend.
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212. Then the next thing you know,
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213. God knows who will be
wanting to drop by and calling.
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214. Sweetie, we need to keep a low profile.
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215. Yeah, but I have got
to get out of this house sometime.
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216. I'm going crazy here. OK?
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217. What is it?
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218. Um... my daughter
is singing a song at church.
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219. I want to accompany her on
the piano and haven't played in years.
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220. You were so amazing
at Rex's funeral the other day,
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221. - I was wondering...
- I don't give lessons.
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222. Oh... Oh, OK.
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223. Oh!
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224. You have a little... on your...
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225. I'm baking cherry pie. Excuse me.
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226. What happened
to maintaining a low profile?
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227. You keep being rude to everybody,
they're gonna start whispering about us.
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228. You're right. We do want to fit in.
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229. Lynette! Check it out.
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230. Ahhh...
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231. Jason's mouth.
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232. Stu, isn't that
the new videoconference setup?
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233. Yeah. Isn't the resolution fantastic?
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234. Ahh.
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235. - Hey, Nina.
- Mm-hm.
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236. Uh... about tomorrow morning.
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237. Mm-hm.
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238. You know how the first hour of
the morning meeting is always so slow?
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239. Cos I've got this thing...
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240. Good God! This is not
about your kids again, is it?
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241. I know, I promised I wouldn't do this,
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242. but Parker really needs me to be there
on his first day of kindergarten.
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243. - He's freaked out I can't be there...
- I'm sorry. How is this my problem?
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244. Because we can't escape
the fact that I have kids.
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245. I love my job, but to be fair,
there's got to be some balance.
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246. OK, how about the people
that don't have the kids?
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247. Did you ever consider that they
might need balance in their lives?
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248. Maybe they want to go see a matinee.
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249. Perhaps they want to come
in late after a big crazy night out.
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250. Or maybe they just want
to get a haircut,
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251. which I myself have not
been able to do for two months.
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252. So no, this is about fairness
to the people
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253. who are childless by choice. OK?
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254. OK. Good point.
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255. And I'm sorry about your hair.
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256. I can see why you're upset.
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257. - Open wide.
- Not now, Stu.
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258. Hang on a sec.
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259. I don't understand.
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260. This system is gonna let Mommy be
with you on your first day of school.
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261. The resolution is fantastic.
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262. The next day, Gabrielle
decided to cheer herself up
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263. with another round
of window-shopping.
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264. But this time, she was taken aback
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265. by what was on display.
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266. - Mrs Tillman.
- Mr Delfino.
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267. I heard you were back from
the hospital. I brought you these.
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268. I can't tell you how long it's been
since I got flowers from a handsome man.
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269. I mean, I could,
but I don't want your pity.
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270. Where are you off to?
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271. I'm going back to Utah for a few weeks.
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272. The recuperation is taking longer
than the doctors anticipated.
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273. Speaking of my attack, have they
caught young Zachary yet?
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274. No. Actually, that's why I'm here.
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275. So the flowers
were just a ruse. Figures.
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276. I'm trying to find Zach
before he gets into more trouble.
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277. Do you know any friends he might have,
anywhere he might be holed up?
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278. I know you were close to him.
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279. Funny thing. Since he beat me
and threw me down the stairs,
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280. we just don't stay in touch
like we should.
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281. Since when do you care so much
about Zach Young?
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282. It's complicated.
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283. I'll bet.
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284. I'm sure he's out there somewhere,
trying to find his father.
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285. Which I trust you made impossible.
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286. No. I let Paul go.
I couldn't go through with it.
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287. That was a mistake.
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288. He will spend the rest of his life
running from the police.
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289. I think that's punishment enough.
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290. Zach is the only connection
that Paul has with his dead wife.
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291. At some point,
he will run back here looking for him.
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292. I don't like to be negative,
but you really should have killed him.
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293. At the risk of ruining a lovely evening,
I have some unpleasant news.
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294. The police dug up your father today.
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295. - What?
- Why?
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296. Well, apparently they
want to do an autopsy.
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297. They don't think he had a heart attack.
They think somebody was poisoning him.
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298. - Who would have poisoned Daddy?
- Well, apparently, I'm a suspect.
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299. Well, they always look at spouses first.
It has something to do with statistics.
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300. It's just a formality.
I'll be cleared in no time.
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301. Would you two
stop looking at me like that?
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302. Obviously, I did not kill your father!
I loved him deeply.
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303. But you and Dad had a lot of problems.
Everyone knows that.
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304. Yes, we had issues,
but I would never have hurt him.
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305. The night Daddy
had his second heart attack?
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306. You loved him a lot to make the bed
before taking him to the hospital.
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307. I was in shock, Danielle. You know that.
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308. Andrew, surely you
don't think I murdered your father.
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309. Oh, I know you didn't.
You're not capable of murder.
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310. - Thank you.
- That wasn't a compliment.
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311. It takes guts to kill somebody.
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312. Thank you for changing
your mind about helping me.
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313. I really appreciate it.
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314. I'm happy to help.
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315. And... I'm sorry
if I seemed rude before.
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316. I... I was having a bad day.
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317. That's good. That's really good.
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318. You might want to lay off the pedal.
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319. Really? Oh, I thought it made
it sound more professional.
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320. It doesn't.
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321. Boy, your son really likes
to play his hip-hop music loud.
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322. The good news is it drowns out
the sound of the dryer.
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323. Arch your fingers, Susan.
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324. Hi. I'm sorry to interrupt. I knocked,
but I guess you guys didn't hear me.
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325. No, we heard you. We were just hoping
that whoever it was would go away.
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326. I'm still hoping that'll happen.
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327. What's up, Mom?
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328. Well, I have good news.
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329. Um, I've been taking piano lessons
with Betty Applewhite,
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330. and, uh... Well, I just thought
maybe I could join you guys.
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331. Like a trio. Doesn't that sound fun?
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332. I don't do trios. But thanks anyway.
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333. Well, I don't mean to be
technical here, but this show?
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334. I mean, it really is supposed
to be a family thing.
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335. And I hate to point out,
you're not family.
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336. No, but I have talent. And to most
audiences, talent trumps family.
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337. Well, what makes you
so sure I don't have talent?
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338. Mm-mm. Just a hunch.
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339. Yeah, well, we've all seen your talent,
which is a nice way of telling you,
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340. - "Put curtains on your bedroom window."
- Guys!
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341. Be honest. You didn't want any part of
this until you found out I was involved.
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342. That is so not true.
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343. Oh, yes, it is. It burns you that your
own daughter picked me over you.
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344. She did not pick you. It just didn't
occur to her I would agree to do it.
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345. Now she knows, and if she had
it to do over again, she'd pick me.
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346. No, she wouldn't.
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347. Why don't we put it to a test? Who
would you rather have play with you?
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348. - Oh, no. No, no, no.
- No, it's OK, honey.
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349. Who do you want to be with you
in the family talent show?
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350. Yes. Who do you want with you
in front of all of those people?
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351. And remember, it's church.
They are going to be judging you.
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352. OK.
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353. Well, first of all, you both suck.
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354. But if I had to choose...
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355. I guess I'd... pick my mom.
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356. Sorry, Edie.
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357. Fair enough.
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358. I'd like my pitch pipe back, please.
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359. It was you, wasn't it?
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360. Hello, John. Long time, no see.
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361. One of the neighbours saw
an Aston Martin driving away,
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362. and what do you know?
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363. Well, someone had to tend to the yard.
You were busy elsewhere.
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364. - You saw us?
- Yes.
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365. She's old enough to be your mother.
Hell, she's old enough to be my mother!
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366. Joan's only 41.
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367. Joan? You're calling her Joan?
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368. - Why shouldn't I? She's my friend.
- I know your friends,
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369. and you don't do to your friends what I
saw you doing to that wrinkly old lady!
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370. OK! So you caught me doing it with
somebody else. What's the big deal?
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371. - You're supposed to be in love with me!
- What?
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372. How many times did you whisper,
"You're the only woman I'll ever love"?
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373. I don't know. A bunch.
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374. Were you lying?
Trying to get me into bed?
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375. No, of course not.
I loved you, but we broke up.
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376. Five minutes ago! Haven't you
ever heard of a mourning period?
Copy !req
377. I know it seems quick,
but I have feelings for her.
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378. In fact, I think
I may be in love with her.
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379. Oh, my God.
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380. What's the matter? Is it the baby?
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381. No.
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382. Oh, no, no. It's me.
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383. I am beyond stupid!
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384. You're not stupid.
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385. Oh, no, I am.
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386. Yesterday I was still fantasising
that it could work with you,
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387. that a one-bedroom apartment
might be cosy.
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388. - Mrs Solis, please...
- Oh, my God.
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389. I almost left my husband
for someone who calls me Mrs Solis.
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390. So, are you upset because
you want to get back together?
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391. Because I can break up with Joan.
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392. That's OK, sweetie. I'm good.
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393. So this is it for us?
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394. I really feel like we
should end it better than this.
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395. Actually, John, given how
stupid both of us have been,
Copy !req
396. this is an entirely appropriate ending.
Copy !req
397. Mrs Van De Kamp. What can I do for you?
Copy !req
398. I would like to submit myself
to a lie detector test
Copy !req
399. to eliminate any uncertainty
about what happened with my husband.
Copy !req
400. Sure you don't want a lawyer present?
Copy !req
401. I'll waive all that. My only stipulation
is that I want my children
Copy !req
402. to be able to see me
answer the questions.
Copy !req
403. I think we can accommodate you.
Copy !req
404. Is your name Bree Van De Kamp?
Copy !req
405. Yes.
Copy !req
406. Were you married to Rex Van De Kamp?
Copy !req
407. Yes.
Copy !req
408. Did you and your husband
temporarily separate last year?
Copy !req
409. Yes.
Copy !req
410. Did you kill your husband?
Copy !req
411. No.
Copy !req
412. Do you know a man
named George Williams?
Copy !req
413. Yes.
Copy !req
414. During your separation
from your husband,
Copy !req
415. did you have a relationship
with Mr Williams?
Copy !req
416. What does that have to do with anything?
Copy !req
417. Just yes or no responses, please.
Copy !req
418. Well, I'm not gonna respond to something
that's none of your business.
Copy !req
419. Mrs Van De Kamp, if you want us
to take this polygraph seriously,
Copy !req
420. answer the questions we ask. OK?
Copy !req
421. Who's George Williams?
Copy !req
422. He's our pharmacist.
Copy !req
423. During your separation, did you have
a relationship with Mr Williams?
Copy !req
424. Yes.
Copy !req
425. Are you in love with Mr Williams?
Copy !req
426. - What?
- Are you in love with Mr Williams?
Copy !req
427. No.
Copy !req
428. Um, I... I was thinking
of something else just then.
Copy !req
429. So why don't you
ask me the question again.
Copy !req
430. Are you in love with Mr Williams?
Copy !req
431. No.
Copy !req
432. Did you see that?
Copy !req
433. Yeah. I saw it.
Copy !req
434. Hello, Susan.
Are you ready for your lesson?
Copy !req
435. Yep. I am. I think I'm gonna make
another push for using that pedal.
Copy !req
436. I think it adds grandeur.
Copy !req
437. - I wanna talk to you.
- I'm busy now.
Copy !req
438. I cannot believe you kicked Edie
out of Julie's performance!
Copy !req
439. I did not kick Edie out.
Julie made that call.
Copy !req
440. Because you played the "mom" card!
Copy !req
441. Well, it is a family recital,
and Edie is not family.
Copy !req
442. - One day she could be.
- Don't even joke like that.
Copy !req
443. How about your
plumberlconvicted murderer, huh?
Copy !req
444. He seems to keep popping up
at "family" events.
Copy !req
445. Not murder, it was manslaughter.
That's totally different.
Copy !req
446. We don't live together.
He cares about Julie.
Copy !req
447. So does Edie! She was really looking
forward to performing with Julie.
Copy !req
448. If you think Edie Britt cares
about anybody other than herself,
Copy !req
449. you are living in a fool's paradise.
You don't know her the way I do,
Copy !req
450. and the only reason she's interested
in Julie is to mess with my head.
Copy !req
451. Hey, that's both crazy
and self-absorbed.
Copy !req
452. That's a twofer! Way to go!
Copy !req
453. Whether you choose to believe it or not,
they're great together.
Copy !req
454. And if you don't believe me, ask Julie.
Copy !req
455. I'm sorry you had to witness that.
Copy !req
456. Oh, it's OK, hon.
Copy !req
457. I have lived my share
of family knockdown-dragouts.
Copy !req
458. Well, I hope it wasn't
as ugly as me and Karl.
Copy !req
459. You'd be surprised.
Copy !req
460. Parker? Honey, can you hear me?
Copy !req
461. Tom, why isn't he talking?
Copy !req
462. There are a lot of kids here.
He's a little stressed.
Copy !req
463. - Parker, say hi. Say hi.
- Mommy?
Copy !req
464. Oh, hey, honey!
Copy !req
465. This is so exciting!
Your first day of school.
Copy !req
466. You're gonna make so many friends.
Copy !req
467. Lynette. Staff meeting. Now.
Copy !req
468. Right. Yeah. I'm gonna be right there.
Copy !req
469. Now, now, now, now!
Copy !req
470. Stu, this coffee is cold.
Copy !req
471. Honey, I'm gonna be right back.
Copy !req
472. Mommy, where are you going?
Copy !req
473. Right back!
Copy !req
474. Mommy, come back.
Copy !req
475. OK, let's turn to page five.
Copy !req
476. Damn! I forgot my prospectus.
Copy !req
477. Any extra copies? No? Be right back.
Copy !req
478. Hi, I'm back. How's he doing?
Copy !req
479. Honey, he's upset because he wanted
to show you his cubby. You left.
Copy !req
480. Oh, honey, I'm here. I'm here.
You can show me your cubby now.
Copy !req
481. Nina found extra copies.
She wants you back now.
Copy !req
482. OK... I'll be back
in two seconds, sweetie.
Copy !req
483. Mommy, Mommy, don't go!
Copy !req
484. So the big issue here
is second-quarter billing.
Copy !req
485. - Where are you going?
- Ladies' room.
Copy !req
486. - No.
- Nina, nature is calling.
Copy !req
487. Lynette, hold it for ten minutes.
We have to get though this.
Copy !req
488. What I'd like to do is trade out
the invoicing structure.
Copy !req
489. Let's take a look at our graphs
on page ten, please.
Copy !req
490. Lynette had been struggling
to balance her career and her family.
Copy !req
491. She finally saw an opportunity
Copy !req
492. to tip the scales in her favour.
Copy !req
493. badgering clients with
invoices on short-term campaigns,
Copy !req
494. - I say we bill on delivery.
- Yes!
Copy !req
495. Bill on delivery! Yes!
Copy !req
496. Are you having a seizure?
Copy !req
497. No. No, I'm just... I'm very excited.
Copy !req
498. It's a really good plan.
Copy !req
499. Yeah.
Copy !req
500. Now, what happened
on the Berman account
Copy !req
501. is that they were sent duplicate bills
by Tina and Ron in Accounting.
Copy !req
502. And I'm not pointing any fingers,
but Tina, Ron,
Copy !req
503. about walking in and seeing
all my lines lit up with disgruntled...
Copy !req
504. Ow! Oh! Hot! Hot!
Copy !req
505. Help! Stu!
Copy !req
506. That's why we packed you
extra cookies, so you could share
Copy !req
507. - with all your new friends. Remember?
- I think we're good to go now.
Copy !req
508. You're gonna be great, Parker.
I love you.
Copy !req
509. I love you too, Mommy.
Copy !req
510. Bree. Hi! What can I do for you?
Copy !req
511. For starters,
you can help me prove to the police
Copy !req
512. that we didn't conspire
to kill my husband.
Copy !req
513. OK.
Copy !req
514. With the anomalies
in Rex's blood,
Copy !req
515. the police wondered
if I'd been poisoning Rex.
Copy !req
516. Absurd. Lots of things
can cause high potassium levels.
Copy !req
517. Renal failure, low sodium...
Copy !req
518. That's why I took the polygraph,
to prove to them I was innocent.
Copy !req
519. Obviously, you passed.
Copy !req
520. Uh... sort of.
Copy !req
521. I think the police
now have a different theory,
Copy !req
522. which is, if I wasn't
poisoning Rex on my own,
Copy !req
523. then maybe... you were helping me.
Copy !req
524. - You're kidding.
- No.
Copy !req
525. That's why I need you
to take the polygraph too.
Copy !req
526. W-What?
Copy !req
527. It's the quickest way
to prove the police are wrong.
Copy !req
528. I don't understand. We're just friends.
Copy !req
529. Why would the police assume
that people in a platonic relationship
Copy !req
530. would want to murder someone?
Copy !req
531. Um...
Copy !req
532. Um, during the test, they asked me
some questions about you
Copy !req
533. and, um... us
and whether we had a relationship.
Copy !req
534. And I said yes, because it's true.
Copy !req
535. And then they asked me something else.
Something I hadn't considered.
Copy !req
536. Which was?
Copy !req
537. They asked me if I loved you.
Copy !req
538. What did you say?
Copy !req
539. I said, "No."
Copy !req
540. Oh.
Copy !req
541. But according to the polygraph,
that wasn't exactly true.
Copy !req
542. Well, I don't...
I don't know if that means anything.
Copy !req
543. Polygraphs aren't completely reliable.
Copy !req
544. I think, perhaps,
the machine picked up on something.
Copy !req
545. Something that I wasn't aware of.
Copy !req
546. Wow.
Copy !req
547. That's why I need you to take the test
and answer the detective's questions.
Copy !req
548. I'm not gonna know exactly how
I feel until we put this behind us.
Copy !req
549. - But then once we do...
- We can move on.
Copy !req
550. Can those Cicarelli sisters dance
or what? Wow, look out Broadway.
Copy !req
551. Don't forget that we
will have cookies and juice
Copy !req
552. set up in the basement
after we're done here.
Copy !req
553. We want to see you all there.
And for our next act,
Copy !req
554. please welcome the musical stylings
of Julie and Susan Mayer.
Copy !req
555. Whoo!
Copy !req
556. I'll be right back.
Copy !req
557. Oh, I'm just gonna need
a couple of seconds.
Copy !req
558. So feel free to pray.
Copy !req
559. Edie, the other day, when I saw you
making music with my family,
Copy !req
560. I got a little jealous, and I went
a little crazy, and I pushed you out.
Copy !req
561. Seeing you sitting here today...
Copy !req
562. Well, I can see how much
you care about Julie,
Copy !req
563. and she comes first.
Copy !req
564. And it should be you up there
playing with her and not me.
Copy !req
565. So... I'm sorry.
Copy !req
566. Thank you, Susan.
Copy !req
567. How convenient that you decided this
after I showed up without my guitar.
Copy !req
568. Well, like I said, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
569. I wish it could be you up there.
Copy !req
570. You know, I play piano.
Copy !req
571. And so let's all welcome Julie Mayer
and her Aunt Edie.
Copy !req
572. Woo-hoo!
Copy !req
573. You did a good thing.
Copy !req
574. Yeah. Well, I try.
Copy !req
575. Uhh! Gimme a break.
This thing has like 90 flats in it.
Copy !req
576. Poor Julie.
Copy !req
577. Stop it. You're loving this.
Copy !req
578. No. Not at all.
Copy !req
579. Open up.
Copy !req
580. So they said you needed to see me.
Copy !req
581. What is it? What's going on?
Copy !req
582. Um...
Copy !req
583. I've been thinking.
Copy !req
584. You know, about, um...
Copy !req
585. everything that happened with John.
Copy !req
586. And...
Copy !req
587. And, um...
Copy !req
588. I was really selfish and stupid.
Copy !req
589. And I'm sorry.
Copy !req
590. I really am sorry.
Copy !req
591. That's all I had to say, really.
Copy !req
592. You know what?
Copy !req
593. That is the best anniversary gift
Copy !req
594. that you've ever given me.
Copy !req
595. - Really?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
596. Actually, the one you
gave me is really nice too.
Copy !req
597. Everyone enjoys a game
of make-believe now and then.
Copy !req
598. Of course, the ways in
which we play can vary greatly.
Copy !req
599. Sometimes we tell ourselves work
won't interfere with our family life.
Copy !req
600. - Lynette, staff meeting. Now.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
601. Sometimes we imagine
certain relationships
Copy !req
602. to be more meaningful
than they really are.
Copy !req
603. Occasionally, we put on a show,
Copy !req
604. as if to convince ourselves our secrets
Copy !req
605. aren't really all that terrible.
Copy !req
606. Yes, the game of make-believe
is a simple one.
Copy !req
607. Did you know Rex Van De Kamp?
Copy !req
608. Yes.
Copy !req
609. Did Mrs Van De Kamp
ask you to poison her husband?
Copy !req
610. No.
Copy !req
611. Did you poison Rex Van De Kamp?
Copy !req
612. You start by lying to yourself.
Copy !req
613. No.
Copy !req
614. And if you can get others
to believe those lies...
Copy !req
615. you win.
Copy !req