1. Desperate Housewives S02E20 2nd audio It Wasn't Meant to Happen
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2. I'm granting you temporary custody
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3. until we get a straight
answer from the birth father.
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4. Gabrielle got exactly what she wanted.
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5. If Edie doesn't know, then that means
you just cheated on her, with me!
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6. Susan got fooled again.
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7. I'm also a member of S.A.
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8. And Bree got too much...
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9. Sex Addicts Anonymous.
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10. information.
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11. Karl Mayer didn't pray often.
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12. But when he did,
it was usually to ask for God's help
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13. in breaking up with a woman
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14. and to spare him the nasty drama
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15. that usually accompanied
such callous and unexpected departures.
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16. Over the years,
Karl had dumped dozens of women,
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17. and not one of them
had ever seen it coming.
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18. Every retreat
was always meticulously planned,
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19. right down
to the personalised stationary.
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20. Hence, his record
of successful getaways
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21. from women who did not
wanna see him go.
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22. So when he decided
to break up with Edie Britt,
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23. Karl prayed to God yet again
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24. to help him avoid
all the unnecessary drama.
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25. Unfortunately for Karl...
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26. God was in the mood...
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27. to be entertained.
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28. Come on.
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29. What the hell is this?
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30. Edie, baby, calm down.
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31. "Let's be honest with ourselves.
We haven't been happy in a long time."
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32. Who are you to tell me I haven't been
happy, you miserable son of a bitch?
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33. I have been ecstatic!
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34. OK. I'm the one
who hasn't been happy then.
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35. - Then why did you propose to me?
- I don't know.
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36. I told every woman in this town
that we are getting married,
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37. and all you have to say to me is,
"I don't know"?
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38. What do you want me to say?
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39. - I'm sorry.
- What's going on?
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40. Is there someone else?
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41. Oh, my God.
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42. Oh, crap.
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43. Come on! Come on!
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44. As he sat there,
Karl couldn't help but wonder
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45. why God had forsaken him.
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46. It never occurred to him that God...
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47. might be a woman.
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48. God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
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49. the courage to change the things I can
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50. and the wisdom to know the difference.
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51. The members
of the Fairview chapter of A.A.
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52. ended every meeting with a prayer.
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53. And while most were asking God
for help in resisting temptation,
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54. Bree Van De Kamp
was busy thinking thoughts
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55. that were downright sinful.
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56. Amen. Keep coming back.
It works if you work it. Amen.
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57. I think you'd love the opera.
The music and the voices,
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58. it's just all so passionate.
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59. Yeah, 300-pound sopranos
seducing balding tenors.
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60. - That'd be hot.
- You making fun of me? Huh?
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61. Bree...
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62. Yes?
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63. Maybe a little bit.
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64. - What's going on here?
- Claude?
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65. We made plans. Remember?
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66. I'm sorry. I was just about...
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67. Yeah, I saw what you
were just about to do.
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68. I'm sorry, Peter, but who is this?
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69. This is Claude. He's my sponsor.
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70. Oh, your A.A. sponsor?
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71. No. I'm his other sponsor.
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72. For my sex addiction.
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73. Oh.
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74. Damn it, Peter. What did I tell you?
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75. Avoid lust triggers.
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76. - And what is she?
- Come on, don't do this, man.
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77. She's a lust trigger. A lust trigger!
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78. Excuse me,
I don't know what that means,
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79. but could you please stop saying it?
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80. Where's your chip? Give it to me.
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81. Do you remember
how low you'd sunk when we met?
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82. This represents 12 months of hard work,
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83. not giving in to your urges.
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84. If you want to blow all that
on this woman,
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85. just tell me now so I can stop
wasting my time working with you!
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86. I don't want to blow it.
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87. Good.
Then tell the pretty lady goodbye
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88. and that you can't socialise
with her anymore.
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89. And do it quick. I'm hungry.
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90. Bad news.
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91. Ed wants us to push through tonight
and finish the Edelstein Realty pitch.
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92. We're not presenting for weeks.
Why not start tomorrow?
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93. How would that help Ed
avoid his marital problems?
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94. - What?
- Oh, he's right.
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95. I hear Ed fighting with Fran on the
phone every day through the walls.
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96. - That explains all our working hours.
- You lucked out, Scavo.
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97. Darlene talked him into cutting
people with kids loose.
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98. Great! Let's go
before he changes his mind.
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99. Doesn't include you, Senior VP.
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100. - Ed wants you in the conference room.
- You're kidding!
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101. You're his security blanket.
He stays, you stay.
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102. Jerry, can you
help me get the kids?
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103. Yeah.
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104. - Thanks, Jer.
- Sure.
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105. Lynette, get those
mock-ups together, will you?
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106. Jerry, I didn't know you had a kid.
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107. Yeah. Um, out of wedlock.
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108. Oh.
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109. So see you in the morning.
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110. I'm sorry I'm late.
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111. What's going on?
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112. Karl broke up with Edie.
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113. Oh, my God.
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114. Yeah, apparently,
he was seeing someone.
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115. Really? Did he say who it was?
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116. I know who she is.
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117. She's a man-eating,
scum-sucking ho-bag!
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118. No, he did not say.
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119. When Karl dumped you,
I thought that it was all your fault.
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120. Yeah, I figured that...
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121. you were a nag or bad in bed.
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122. But now I... Now I see
that you were just a victim too.
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123. We have a bond, Susan.
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124. It's like we're sisters.
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125. There's even a pretty one
and an ugly one.
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126. Edie!
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127. Oh, I'm just saying
that Karl screwed us both.
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128. Yes. Like you wouldn't believe.
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129. Guys, I'm all for bashing exes,
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130. but let's save a little of our hate for
his partner in crime, the other woman.
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131. They're always coming up with excuses
to justify being a home-wrecker.
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132. "He wouldn't have been
with me if he was getting it at home."
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133. "You're the love of my life.
She's just the runner-up."
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134. Oh, look, the baby's
doing something really cute.
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135. - She's sleeping.
- Like an angel.
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136. Look, I think we all know
that Karl is a dog,
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137. but if these tramps weren't laying out
the buffet, he wouldn't be chowing down.
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138. Every situation is different. It's hard
to judge until we know all the details.
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139. Which, obviously, I don't know,
because how would I know?
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140. She's a slutty, slutty whore.
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141. Yeah.
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142. You sure she needs that?
I just put sunscreen on her.
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143. Yes, she needs the bonnet.
It completes the outfit.
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144. Oh, for God sakes, Gabby.
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145. She's never too young
to start accessorising.
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146. All the neighbours are out today,
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147. and I want them to see how happy
we are and wish they were us.
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148. Hey. The baby's a beauty.
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149. We think so, but we're a little biased.
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150. Oh, wow. She's got my eyes.
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151. Huh?
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152. Oh, I'm Dale. Dale Helm.
I'm the baby's birth father.
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153. Oh, well, hi, Dale. Nice to meet you.
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154. A lot of people
have been looking for you.
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155. I know. Lawyers and stuff.
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156. I got kind of held up
in Florida longer than I thought.
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157. - Spring break, right?
- Yeah.
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158. Oh, man, we were wasted 24l7.
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159. I got the message and just thought
my friends were messing with me.
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160. Those butt-wads!
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161. Well, it's a good thing he's here.
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162. We can take him to the lawyer's office,
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163. and you can sign over
full custody to us.
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164. OK.
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165. Yeah, uh, the thing about that is
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166. I'm gonna want the baby.
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167. Come on, you guys,
we don't have to make this ugly.
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168. You're trying to take our baby!
How is it not gonna be ugly?
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169. Keep walking, Gabby. Don't engage him.
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170. Listen, Mr Solis...
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171. You listen! We were granted custody.
If you want her, you talk to the judge!
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172. - What is the hold-up?
- They told me I gotta talk to a judge.
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173. - What are you doing, Frank?
- It's his baby. Give it to him!
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174. - Like hell!
- Mrs Solis. Can I see the baby?
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175. - No!
- No!
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176. Dale, just do it already!
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177. - I'm not just gonna kidnap it.
- They did!
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178. It is your baby. Just take it!
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179. Try it.
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180. Frank...
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181. Get in, you moron.
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182. Looks like you're doing
a good job with her.
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183. - Dumb-ass!
- She seems clean.
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184. Like I said,
we have been very happy here,
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185. and I'm sure you will be too.
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186. - Well, we just love it.
- Yeah.
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187. Once the stairs are repaired,
I'll show you the basement.
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188. What's going on?
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189. The house just sold.
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190. Start packing.
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191. Put Caleb in an institution.
It's where he belongs.
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192. My mom would never
let strangers take care of him.
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193. Call the police.
Then it's not up to her.
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194. If I call the police,
my mom and I go to jail with Caleb.
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195. We've been hiding a murderer.
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196. Now, look, if we...
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197. If we do move,
I promise I will call you every day.
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198. I don't need a phone buddy!
I need a boyfriend!
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199. - Would you calm down?
- Don't tell me what to do!
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200. You know,
I could go to the police myself.
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201. - Danielle!
- I just... I love you so much,
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202. I would do anything to keep you here.
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203. Yeah, I see that now.
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204. You can't leave me alone here.
You have to think of something.
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205. Don't worry.
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206. I will.
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207. Oh, my God!
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208. Ed, hey.
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209. I am so sorry, but obviously, that
was just meant for Tom's eyes only.
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210. Honest mistake. Don't worry about it.
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211. OK.
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212. Thanks. Well,
I'm gonna go back in my office
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213. and continue to feel
like a huge pervert.
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214. At least you and Tom have a love life.
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215. Well, we do the best we can,
given the circumstances.
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216. Better than Fran and I.
We're dead in that department.
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217. I don't wanna bore you with the details.
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218. I appreciate that.
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219. You know, Ed, I don't want
to pry into your personal business,
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220. but if you are
having problems in that area,
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221. you don't have to be resigned to it.
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222. What are you suggesting? Hookers?
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223. No, Ed Ferrara doesn't pay for sex.
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224. I mean, you and Fran
could spice it up a bit.
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225. You know,
get the old juices flowing again.
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226. Oh, I see.
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227. Kind of like,
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228. "I'd like to lick you
from head to foot"?
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229. OK, well, that wasn't my best
work. But you can't deny results.
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230. IMing works.
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231. When I go home tonight,
Tom and I are going to...
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232. OK, I'm gonna be exhausted,
so I'll probably just lay there.
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233. But trust me, Tom is gonna go to town.
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234. It's something to think about,
Lord knows.
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235. Know what the sad truth is?
I have been thinking about hookers.
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236. OK!
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237. Uh... well, I hope that helped.
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238. And I'm just gonna go back and finish
so we can all get out of here.
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239. Let me guess.
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240. You're not here for a bear claw.
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241. No, I'm not.
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242. You're wasting your time.
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243. Look, you don't have to worry
about Peter. Not while he's with me.
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244. Yeah? Why is that?
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245. Because when it comes to sex,
I have an unwavering moral compass.
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246. Truly, a man could beg
and plead all day long,
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247. and it wouldn't make any difference.
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248. So since I have
such strong self-control,
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249. there's really no reason
for us to end our friendship.
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250. The guy's a ticking bomb.
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251. You have no idea, the kind of depravity
that comes with this disease.
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252. Waking up
in a stranger's bed every morning,
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253. cruising the park at night
looking for somebody to get off with,
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254. compulsive masturbation
every chance you get!
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255. For guys like Peter and me,
there's no beauty in the sex.
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256. It's an empty and ugly compulsion.
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257. Well, I am sorry, but the Peter
I know has a little more...
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258. Hold up.
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259. Claude, I need some... I need some help.
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260. - What're you doing here? Are you using?
- No.
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261. But I bought a bag.
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262. You're an embarrassment to me. Give.
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263. There's a meeting over on Tenth Street.
You go there.
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264. You call me after.
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265. - I'm sorry.
- Get the hell out of my shop.
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266. I'm also a sponsor at Cocaine Anonymous.
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267. Well, aren't you the Renaissance man.
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268. - Are we done here, princess?
- Not yet.
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269. You obviously have an encyclopaedic
grasp of everything depraved,
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270. but you don't have the slightest idea
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271. about the power
of a loving relationship.
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272. This is all you are to Peter.
Something to satisfy his addiction.
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273. I think Peter
is a better man than you do,
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274. and I am not gonna
let you keep us apart.
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275. Try and stop me.
Peter does everything I tell him to do.
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276. That's the one thing
you can depend on with addicts.
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277. They're weak.
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278. Excuse me.
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279. Excuse me. May I ask you something?
Copy !req
280. Yes, ma'am.
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281. If a citizen,
an ordinary citizen, like myself,
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282. knew of someone holding
a significant amount of drugs,
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283. what would my responsibilities be,
you know, under the law?
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284. What's all this?
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285. This one, I got the day I found out
Karl was doing it with his secretary.
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286. You'll find this particularly helpful.
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287. It's got a chapter called "
You're Only Hurting Yourself."
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288. Yeah, I'm just really not
into the whole reading thing.
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289. Well, um, why don't
we get you out of here?
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290. Let's go see a feel-good movie.
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291. Why are you being so nice to me?
Copy !req
292. Well, I just wanna help.
So how about that movie?
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293. You know how I like to heal?
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294. I get hammered.
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295. Uh... well, um...
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296. then I should go
and let you get started with that.
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297. You really wanna help me?
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298. Good. Cos I'm gonna need
a designated driver.
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299. Oh. Uh...
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300. OK.
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301. How could he be arrested for cocaine
possession? Claude swore he was clean.
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302. It's just awful, isn't it?
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303. You never know what people
are doing behind your back.
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304. Would you like some milk
with your cookies?
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305. Thanks.
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306. It's just... he was
the best sponsor I've ever had,
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307. and I don't know what I'm gonna do now.
Copy !req
308. Well, I have been doing some thinking,
and here's a thought:
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309. Why don't I be your sponsor?
Copy !req
310. You gotta be kidding.
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311. You don't know
squat about sex addiction.
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312. Well, cravings are cravings.
All you really need is a friend to call
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313. when you start
having inappropriate thoughts,
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314. and I can be that friend.
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315. There's more to it than that.
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316. Claude rescued me from some
pretty nasty scenes over the years.
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317. Well, if you were in trouble,
I could handle it.
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318. How can you be so sure?
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319. Because I can be very strong for
those people that I really care about.
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320. How can you have any feelings for me?
You've only known me for a few weeks.
Copy !req
321. Yes, and in that time I've come to learn
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322. that you're good and kind and smart.
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323. And, yes, you have a little problem
that you need some help with.
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324. But I'm willing to be there for you.
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325. So, what's the big deal?
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326. If you saw me at my worst,
you might not like me so much.
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327. Peter, let me be your rock.
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328. Taking care of people is what I do best.
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329. Drink your milk.
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330. Uh-uh-uh! Mm-mm.
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331. I asked for extra spicy.
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332. I'm pretty sure you said medium.
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333. Are you?
Well, maybe if you'd written it down,
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334. you would've spared yourself
the walk of shame back to the kitchen.
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335. Edie, why are you torturing that girl?
Copy !req
336. That is her. That is the one
that Karl is in love with.
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337. We have been here a million times.
You should see the way she flirts.
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338. When she comes back, I'm gonna
shove this pitcher in her perky mug,
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339. - and when she's...
- Let's not make a scene.
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340. For the sake of argument, let's...
let's say that it's someone else.
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341. You know, probably it would be
a vulnerable, lonely woman
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342. who Karl just took advantage of.
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343. And what if this poor, confused soul
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344. begged your forgiveness?
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345. What would you say?
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346. I'd say...
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347. "Too little, too late, bitch,"
and then I'd kick her.
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348. Oh.
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349. You don't have to worry about that. I'm
positive it's her. Who else could it be?
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350. Karl's office is all guys.
The only women he sees are...
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351. Are me, Julie, that lesbian
that does his taxes and you.
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352. You know what?
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353. It is her.
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354. Really? Why?
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355. She just spit in your wings.
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356. You got my back?
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357. Uh... sure.
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358. Here you go. Extra spicy...
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359. You did it on purpose.
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360. You are going to pay!
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361. Get off me, you...
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362. Mayer! Four on one!
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363. A little help!
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364. So, uh, when we leave...
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365. who are you gonna miss the most?
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366. I don't know.
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367. Yeah, you do.
You said goodbye to her yet?
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368. No.
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369. Look, man, it's OK if you like her.
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370. I think Danielle really likes you too.
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371. - Really?
- Yeah.
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372. She told me she'd be sad
if you left and didn't say goodbye.
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373. You know, I think she might
even want you to give her a little kiss.
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374. But Danielle doesn't
even like me in her room.
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375. She gets mad.
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376. Yeah, I talked to her about that.
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377. She feels really bad.
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378. But you know what? She told me
if you come in her room again,
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379. she won't get mad.
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380. And Caleb?
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381. She's gonna act like
she doesn't want you to kiss her.
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382. But she does.
Copy !req
383. Dale Helm, like all of the
students at Parsons Christian Academy,
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384. was taught that his future
was safely in God's hands.
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385. What he didn't know
was that Gabrielle Solis
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386. was about to force a fumble.
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387. All right, guys, you all know next week
we're playing the Falcons!
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388. And we're gonna
fry up those birdies for dinner!
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389. Cos we're the Huskies!
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390. And who are the Huskies?
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391. God's team! God's team!
God's team! God's team!
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392. What are you doing? You can't be here!
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393. Let's talk turkey. What is it
gonna take to give up the baby?
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394. It's not gonna happen.
I gotta get back. I'm the quarterback.
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395. - It doesn't look right.
- OK, no, no, wait.
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396. What about a car? Or college?
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397. Tuition's a killer these days.
I could help you out.
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398. I don't need help. You hear
those cheers? Those are for me.
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399. Last game, I threw 246 yards.
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400. I can get into the college
of my choice.
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401. So why do you want to be a dad?
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402. These are your glory days!
A baby would ruin your life.
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403. I know. But Frank said he's
gonna take the baby off my hands.
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404. But it's not even his.
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405. Libby dumped him. He thinks if she sees
him acting mature, she'll take him back.
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406. No, no, no... I am not letting that
idiot use my baby as a bargaining chip!
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407. Hey, it's out of my hands.
Copy !req
408. No, it doesn't have to be.
Copy !req
409. OK, just do the right thing
and sign the release form.
Copy !req
410. Look, I'm really sorry.
Copy !req
411. Uhh.
Copy !req
412. Before we adjourn today,
let's take a moment to bow our heads.
Copy !req
413. Hello, everyone!
Copy !req
414. I'm Gabby Solis, class of '94.
Copy !req
415. I just wanted to give God a big
shoutout for this amazing season.
Copy !req
416. The man upstairs
has definitely been on your side,
Copy !req
417. and you wanna know why?
Copy !req
418. Because you boys live clean.
Copy !req
419. You keep your noses up,
you stay out of trouble,
Copy !req
420. and you don't go around
getting strippers pregnant.
Copy !req
421. And that's a good thing because if
one of you caused a scandal like that,
Copy !req
422. not only would that guy
get kicked off the team
Copy !req
423. and lose all of his scholarships,
Copy !req
424. but God would drop your school colours
so fast it'd make your head spin.
Copy !req
425. And then the football season
would go to hell.
Copy !req
426. No pun intended.
Copy !req
427. So my point is, do the right thing,
and no one gets hurt.
Copy !req
428. Signed, sealed, delivered.
Copy !req
429. Lily's ours.
Copy !req
430. So, what do you think?
Are you staying late again,
Copy !req
431. or can I finally have dinner
at home with my wife?
Copy !req
432. God, I don't know.
I'm gonna go check with Ed.
Copy !req
433. OK.
Copy !req
434. Hey. Any luck with that IMing thing?
Copy !req
435. No, not really.
Copy !req
436. I was online chatting
with Fran a while ago,
Copy !req
437. and I asked her what she was wearing,
and she said "a yellow blouse."
Copy !req
438. - OK, that's good. Then what?
- Then...
Copy !req
439. That's it. I just kind of blocked.
Copy !req
440. - Blocked?
- I don't know what else to say.
Copy !req
441. You're an award-winning copywriter.
Copy !req
442. Yeah, jingles for oatmeal,
not soft-core porn.
Copy !req
443. For God sakes, it's not brain surgery.
Is she still online?
Copy !req
444. I think so.
Copy !req
445. "I love the way that blouse
clings to your body."
Copy !req
446. - "Are you joking?"
- Uh...
Copy !req
447. Mm-mm-mm. "Nothing funny
about those beautiful breasts."
Copy !req
448. "Yeah? What did you want to do to me?"
Copy !req
449. Uh...
Copy !req
450. Ed, your conference call is ready.
Copy !req
451. Oh, God. I almost forgot about that.
Copy !req
452. OK, I gotta go take this. You keep
going cos you're doing great.
Copy !req
453. No! I am not doing this for you!
Copy !req
454. - Just...
- Wha?
Copy !req
455. Mmm!
Copy !req
456. "Touch every inch of your body
Copy !req
457. until you're trembling."
Copy !req
458. "Oh, yeah, I'll bite you good."
Copy !req
459. "Hell, yeah. First,
Copy !req
460. I want you to touch yourself."
Copy !req
461. "Oh, yeah!"
Copy !req
462. "I'm on my way."
Copy !req
463. Mm.
Copy !req
464. Hello?
Copy !req
465. Bree, it's Peter. And I'm in trouble.
Copy !req
466. Hey there.
Copy !req
467. Hi. I'm looking for Peter McMillan.
Copy !req
468. Not sure I know him. Should ask
my wife. She organised the party.
Copy !req
469. Hey, Judy. Get over here
and act like a hostess!
Copy !req
470. Come on in, come on, come on.
Copy !req
471. Hey there.
Copy !req
472. Things are just getting started.
Copy !req
473. After you take off your clothes,
feel free to jump right in.
Copy !req
474. No, no. I'm good.
Copy !req
475. I'm just... I'm here
to pick up my friend Peter.
Copy !req
476. He locked himself in your bathroom.
I'm here to take him home.
Copy !req
477. That guy. We were wondering
about him. The bathroom's there.
Copy !req
478. Hey, is that your natural colour?
Copy !req
479. - Yes, it is.
- Beautiful.
Copy !req
480. I wish mine would do that.
This is out of a bottle.
Copy !req
481. Yes, I'm aware of that.
Copy !req
482. Peter?
Copy !req
483. Peter, it's Bree, are you in there?
Copy !req
484. What are you doing here?
Copy !req
485. I'm a sex addict. What do you think?
Copy !req
486. You can't be turned on
by what's going on out there, it's...
Copy !req
487. Disgusting, isn't it?
Copy !req
488. Yes! Why would you want
to come to a place like this?
Copy !req
489. I didn't. I wanted you to come.
Copy !req
490. I can't make you not have feelings
for me. But I can show you who I was,
Copy !req
491. what my life was like.
Copy !req
492. Well, that's not your life anymore.
Copy !req
493. If I slip again,
this is where you could find me.
Copy !req
494. Or someplace worse!
Copy !req
495. Then what would you think of me?
Copy !req
496. - Peter...
- Bree,
Copy !req
497. it's dangerous to care about me.
Copy !req
498. A lot of people have over the years,
and they all end up getting hurt.
Copy !req
499. Rex said he'd always be faithful.
Copy !req
500. George said he'd never hurt me.
As it turned out, they were both liars.
Copy !req
501. So as long as you're honest with me,
Copy !req
502. you'll be amazed
at what I can put up with.
Copy !req
503. Now let's go home.
Copy !req
504. Hey there.
Did you have a late night? I hope.
Copy !req
505. It was horrible.
The whole thing blew up in my face.
Copy !req
506. Why would you tell my wife
to bite my nipple off?
Copy !req
507. I didn't! I didn't! Why would she?
Copy !req
508. Oh, the honeymoon thing.
Copy !req
509. Yeah, and it hurt like hell then too.
Copy !req
510. It didn't take her long to figure out
that I let a stranger seduce her online.
Copy !req
511. Oh, God.
Copy !req
512. She was so mad she locked herself in the
bathroom and called a divorce lawyer.
Copy !req
513. You're getting divorced?
Copy !req
514. I spent two hours pleading with her
through the bathroom door,
Copy !req
515. begging her not to leave me.
Copy !req
516. And we finally managed to come to terms.
Copy !req
517. What kind of terms?
Copy !req
518. I promised her I would fire
the person who did it.
Copy !req
519. - You're gonna fire me?
- No, of course not.
Copy !req
520. You're too important here.
I'm gonna fire Tom.
Copy !req
521. I told her it was him
that sent the IM's.
Copy !req
522. What?
Copy !req
523. I told her he had a problem
with boundaries. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
524. I didn't want to do this,
but my marriage was on the line.
Copy !req
525. You can't make my husband
your scapegoat. I won't let you.
Copy !req
526. I don't have a damn choice!
Copy !req
527. I can't be divorced, Lynette. I can't.
Copy !req
528. He's under contract.
Copy !req
529. If you just fire him, he'll sue you,
and I'll back him up. You need cause.
Copy !req
530. Well, I guess I'll have to find cause.
Copy !req
531. Shouldn't be too difficult,
if I look hard enough.
Copy !req
532. Hey. How's the eye?
Copy !req
533. Oh, it's still a little red,
but I think I got all the hot sauce out.
Copy !req
534. That's good.
Copy !req
535. So, um, you know the other day,
Copy !req
536. when I said that thing
about us being sisters?
Copy !req
537. When I said it, I really didn't mean it.
Copy !req
538. Yeah, I kind of figured that.
Copy !req
539. No, I mean, I really didn't mean it.
Copy !req
540. But, um... now I do.
Copy !req
541. Thank you. Thank you
for having my back.
Copy !req
542. Do I have to worry about you
attacking any more waitresses?
Copy !req
543. Nah, my bar-brawling days are over.
Copy !req
544. Oh, you know, I've gotta go.
I have a meeting.
Copy !req
545. I'll talk to you later.
Copy !req
546. Are you Oliver?
Copy !req
547. You must be Edie.
Pleasure to meet you.
Copy !req
548. Likewise. I hear you're one
of the best private detectives in town.
Copy !req
549. - I do what I can.
- Well, come on in, let's talk.
Copy !req
550. Um, basically,
I just want you to trail my ex.
Copy !req
551. He, uh... left me for another woman,
Copy !req
552. and I want to nail that ho to the wall.
Copy !req
553. Caleb? Hey, come on, buddy. Wake up.
Copy !req
554. Caleb. It's time.
Copy !req
555. Get away from me!
Copy !req
556. Get away from her!
Copy !req
557. Danielle, I want you to pick up
the phone and call the police.
Copy !req
558. - No!
- What?
Copy !req
559. Matthew and his mother
have been protecting Caleb.
Copy !req
560. - They're in as much trouble as he is.
- I don't care.
Copy !req
561. Mom, please, I love him.
Copy !req
562. Please.
Copy !req
563. If I hadn't been in the house,
he could have raped her. Or worse.
Copy !req
564. He's locked in his room now, so...
Copy !req
565. Needless to say,
the agreement between us is off.
Copy !req
566. Caleb is dangerous,
and I want him put away.
Copy !req
567. If he's not gone by tomorrow,
I'm calling the police.
Copy !req
568. He will be. I promise you.
Can I go check on Danielle?
Copy !req
569. Yes.
Copy !req
570. Betty, I am serious.
Copy !req
571. Either you do something or I will.
Copy !req
572. Bree, stop worrying.
Copy !req
573. I understand what needs to happen now.
Copy !req
574. Danielle?
Copy !req
575. Did it work?
Copy !req
576. Perfectly. You did great.
Copy !req
577. So I got some rates on some
mental hospitals around here.
Copy !req
578. And there's one called Silvercrest
which actually seems OK.
Copy !req
579. Put this ham in the fridge, will you?
I think I'll make it for dinner.
Copy !req
580. I know you don't wanna talk
about this, but we have to.
Copy !req
581. Mrs Van De Kamp's
gonna call the police.
Copy !req
582. I promised I would never
institutionalise your brother.
Copy !req
583. Mom...
Copy !req
584. How long do you think it'd be
before he'd act out, hurt somebody?
Copy !req
585. A couple of days, a week?
Copy !req
586. They'd throw him in a straitjacket
and drug away what's left of his mind.
Copy !req
587. He'd spend the rest of his life
at the mercy of strangers.
Copy !req
588. If we don't he's gonna end up in prison.
And don't you think that's worse?
Copy !req
589. Yes, of course I do.
Copy !req
590. So, what the hell are we gonna do?
Copy !req
591. Phenobarbital?
Copy !req
592. It's easy, it's painless.
Copy !req
593. Just a few extra drops.
Copy !req
594. He simply falls asleep.
Copy !req
595. Caleb was meant
for a better world than this, Matthew.
Copy !req
596. It's time to give your brother
the peace he deserves.
Copy !req
597. Who's the pretty girl?
Copy !req
598. - Looks like it's Daddy's turn.
- I got her.
Copy !req
599. Yes.
Copy !req
600. - Mrs Solis?
- Yes?
Copy !req
601. We have a court order
to take the Collins baby into custody.
Copy !req
602. No, no, no, that's a mistake.
Copy !req
603. We have paperwork.
The birth father signed away his rights.
Copy !req
604. - The birth mother is protesting.
- What?
Copy !req
605. Until the adoption is legally finalised,
Copy !req
606. the birth mother
can still change her mind.
Copy !req
607. And she has.
Copy !req
608. No, no, no, no, no!
Copy !req
609. - Gabby, wait!
- You!
Copy !req
610. You don't even want to be a mother!
Copy !req
611. Well, look, Frank quit using,
Copy !req
612. and he got a good job down at the plant.
He's really stepped up.
Copy !req
613. So?
Copy !req
614. Well, so we're gonna give
the whole family thing a shot.
Copy !req
615. I'll totally give you
all your money back.
Copy !req
616. I don't want my money back!
I want my baby!
Copy !req
617. Come on. Let's go.
Copy !req
618. Carlos! No! Carlos, what's happening?
Copy !req
619. No, ma'am, you don't understand.
Copy !req
620. This is our baby!
Copy !req
621. No! We've been feeding her,
Copy !req
622. and we've been bathing her.
Copy !req
623. And we wake up in the middle
of the night, and we rock her,
Copy !req
624. which is crazy cos, if you knew me,
I don't do that! I don't do that.
Copy !req
625. And my husband!
My husband, he sings to her!
Copy !req
626. He sings!
Copy !req
627. So you can't take her away!
It's too late!
Copy !req
628. We've already fallen in love with her!
Copy !req
629. Carlos, do something!
Copy !req
630. No, you can't go! You can't...
Copy !req
631. You can't take her! You can't take her!
Copy !req
632. No!
Copy !req
633. She's our baby!
Copy !req
634. She's our...
Copy !req
635. No!
Copy !req
636. Please!
Copy !req
637. There is a prayer
intended to give strength
Copy !req
638. to people faced with circumstances
they don't want to accept.
Copy !req
639. The power of the prayer comes
from its insight into human nature.
Copy !req
640. We ask God to grant us the serenity
Copy !req
641. to accept the things we cannot change...
Copy !req
642. Because so many of us rage
against the hand that life has dealt us.
Copy !req
643. the courage
to change the things we can...
Copy !req
644. Because so many of us are cowardly
Copy !req
645. and afraid to stand up
for what is right.
Copy !req
646. and the wisdom
to know the difference.
Copy !req
647. Because so many of us
give in to despair...
Copy !req
648. when faced with an impossible choice.
Copy !req
649. The good news for those
who utter these words
Copy !req
650. is that God will hear you
and answer your prayer.
Copy !req
651. The bad news is that sometimes
Copy !req
652. the answer is "no."
Copy !req