1. Previously on Desperate Housewives.
Copy !req
2. The boys are in my class because I'm
the only teacher who can handle them.
Copy !req
3. We may no longer
be able to accommodate them.
Copy !req
4. Ultimatums were made.
Copy !req
5. She used this to kill herself.
Why would you keep it?
Copy !req
6. Questions were asked.
Copy !req
7. - Are you OK?
- I think he's hiding something.
Copy !req
8. And lots of evidence was uncovered.
Copy !req
9. What is it you hired me to do?
Copy !req
10. Someone sent that note to my wife.
I need to know who.
Copy !req
11. You like Alfred Hitchcock?
Copy !req
12. I found it in the ruins of Edie's home.
Copy !req
13. I found it in our bed. It's not mine.
Copy !req
14. Talk about dirty laundry.
Copy !req
15. Every neighborhood
has a woman like Alberta Frome.
Copy !req
16. And every woman like Mrs. Frome
has a cat.
Copy !req
17. When she traveled,
Copy !req
18. Mrs. Frome would arrange for friends
to look after her beloved pet.
Copy !req
19. This time, however, she was forced
to ask her neighbor, Susan Mayer.
Copy !req
20. Mrs. Frome liked Susan.
Copy !req
21. But it was common knowledge
on Wisteria Lane,
Copy !req
22. where Susan Mayer went,
bad luck was sure to follow.
Copy !req
23. Her misfortunes ranged
from the commonplace
Copy !req
24. to the unusual,
Copy !req
25. to the truly bizarre.
Copy !req
26. As she waved goodbye, she worried
that Susan's bad luck would continue.
Copy !req
27. For that matter, so did her cat.
Copy !req
28. Mr. Whiskers. Dinner time.
Copy !req
29. Here, kitty.
Copy !req
30. That's weird.
Cats can't open drawers, can they?
Copy !req
31. - You didn't leave them open?
- No way.
Copy !req
32. Do you think somebody broke in?
Copy !req
33. Mr. Whiskers?
Copy !req
34. Though she didn't know it at the time,
Copy !req
35. Susan's luck
had finally started to change.
Copy !req
36. News that an intruder had breached
the security of Wisteria Lane
Copy !req
37. spread like wildfire.
Copy !req
38. At a Neighborhood Watch meeting
the next night,
Copy !req
39. residents voiced their concerns
Copy !req
40. over the increasing dangers
their community faced.
Copy !req
41. Mrs. Ida Greenberg said someone was
looking through her bathroom window
Copy !req
42. whenever she took a shower.
Copy !req
43. Bob Fisk warned those present
that a government agency
Copy !req
44. was listening in
on their phone conversations.
Copy !req
45. Helen Vale spoke of
a ruthless local teenage gang
Copy !req
46. that had egged her minivan.
Copy !req
47. Three factors contribute to...
Copy !req
48. The evening concluded with Officer
Thompson offering safety tips
Copy !req
49. and a plan of action.
Copy !req
50. you have some control over.
Copy !req
51. You can sign up for daily or nightly
patrols, which might seem like overkill,
Copy !req
52. but regular surveillance will deter
even the most determined criminal.
Copy !req
53. Are there any other questions?
All right. Let's be careful out there.
Copy !req
54. - Actually, do you have a second?
- Sure. How can I help?
Copy !req
55. I'm the one who discovered the break-in.
Copy !req
56. - I think I found some evidence.
- Evidence?
Copy !req
57. This is a screwdriver left behind
by the burglar. I didn't touch it.
Copy !req
58. Why didn't you give this
to the investigators?
Copy !req
59. I tried and they laughed at me.
Copy !req
60. Nothing was taken from the house.
Copy !req
61. I apologize.
That was totally unprofessional.
Copy !req
62. Thank you. So you think
it should be dusted for prints?
Copy !req
63. - Yes. And I'll make sure it gets done.
- Great.
Copy !req
64. Bye.
Copy !req
65. Boys, stop it. Go to bed.
Copy !req
66. - We're not tired.
- Well, at least go upstairs.
Copy !req
67. - We want to play.
- Look.
Copy !req
68. Gimme.
Copy !req
69. Go.
Copy !req
70. So why weren't you sitting with Mike?
I thought you two were an item.
Copy !req
71. I sort of thought so too.
Getting a lot of mixed signals.
Copy !req
72. I'll tell you who wasn't giving mixed
signals. Sexy Officer Thompson.
Copy !req
73. - He stared at you all night.
- You noticed that?
Copy !req
74. Honey, trust me, when
they're not staring at me, I notice.
Copy !req
75. I appreciate you guys
staying and helping.
Copy !req
76. Please. I would have hosted it myself
Copy !req
77. but there's camping equipment
Copy !req
78. It's nice of you.
Copy !req
79. There's something else nice
that I'd like you to do.
Copy !req
80. Your kids both went to Barcliff Academy,
didn't they?
Copy !req
81. We need you to recommend Porter and
Preston. We can't get an interview.
Copy !req
82. You want me to recommend the twins?
Copy !req
83. Yes. You can tell them
how beautifully behaved the boys are.
Copy !req
84. - So you want me to lie?
- Yeah. I thought that was understood.
Copy !req
85. I'm very well respected at Barcliff,
Copy !req
86. and my word
won't be good there any more.
Copy !req
87. Yes, but by the time they realize
their mistake, we'll be in.
Copy !req
88. You're not having any more kids.
What do you care?
Copy !req
89. I had hoped some day to get
my grandchildren into Barcliff.
Copy !req
90. But I suppose
that doesn't matter to you, does it?
Copy !req
91. It really doesn't.
Copy !req
92. We've got to get rid of it.
Copy !req
93. - I said leave it alone.
- No. You can't stop me.
Copy !req
94. - Paul and Zach are fighting again.
- The second time this week.
Copy !req
95. They never fought
when Mary Alice was alive.
Copy !req
96. It's a shame.
They used to be such a happy family.
Copy !req
97. Just because you didn't hear them
fighting, doesn't mean they were happy.
Copy !req
98. The next day, as residents
began to patrol Wisteria Lane
Copy !req
99. in the hopes of
foiling potential burglars,
Copy !req
100. Gabrielle was about to experience
a home invasion of her own.
Copy !req
101. Mama Solis. What are you doing here?
Copy !req
102. I came to visit my son and
daughter-in-law. What does it look like?
Copy !req
103. Does Carlos know you're coming?
Copy !req
104. No. He likes to be surprised.
Copy !req
105. Now come.
Copy !req
106. Gabrielle. Come.
Copy !req
107. Family should always hug,
Copy !req
108. regardless of how they feel
about each other.
Copy !req
109. She's a beauty. 30-footer?
Copy !req
110. 32.
Copy !req
111. Sweet. I sail. I've got a Flying Scott.
Copy !req
112. We have several
yachting enthusiasts here.
Copy !req
113. - I could introduce them to you...
- That sounds great.
Copy !req
114. if we decide to enroll your children.
Copy !req
115. To be honest, Mr. and Mrs. Scavo,
Copy !req
116. your children's educational background
Copy !req
117. is a bit more common
than we would prefer.
Copy !req
118. But Mrs. Van De Kamp said
they were identical twins?
Copy !req
119. Yes. You can't tell them apart.
They're like book ends.
Copy !req
120. We do strive for diversity at Barcliff.
Copy !req
121. Identical twins could be interesting.
Copy !req
122. The boys are fascinating. They even have
their own twin secret language.
Copy !req
123. - Yeah, it's pretty scary.
- Not so much scary as highly developed.
Copy !req
124. Yeah, they bark and growl at each other.
Copy !req
125. Tom, Mr. Lentz was trying
to say something. Go ahead.
Copy !req
126. I'd love to meet these twins of yours.
I tell you what.
Copy !req
127. I'll put them on our "must-meet list".
Copy !req
128. - Terrific.
- Thank you so much.
Copy !req
129. - What is a "must-meet list"?
- We bring them in for observation.
Copy !req
130. Observation?
Copy !req
131. To see how they play with the other
children, how they respond to authority,
Copy !req
132. that sort of thing.
Copy !req
133. - Great.
- That sounds wonderful.
Copy !req
134. - Kids ready?
- Almost. Thanks for driving them.
Copy !req
135. Happy to do it. I miss them.
Copy !req
136. Did you hear there was a break-in
at Mrs. Frome's?
Copy !req
137. Yeah. I heard they didn't take anything.
Copy !req
138. It's still frightening.
He could have been a sexual predator.
Copy !req
139. And he ended up at Mrs. Frome's? That
would have been a lose-lose situation.
Copy !req
140. Rex, that's not the point.
Copy !req
141. I don't feel safe. I was wondering
if you could spend the night.
Copy !req
142. You're in the NRA. You own four guns.
Copy !req
143. If somebody broke in
I'd expect you to protect me.
Copy !req
144. Rex, the truth is, with the kids gone,
Copy !req
145. I'll be all by myself in this house
for the first time in 17 years.
Copy !req
146. I know it's hard to hear, but the
marriage counseling might not work.
Copy !req
147. You need to get used to being alone.
Copy !req
148. You're right. That was hard to hear.
Copy !req
149. - What are you doing?
- That is for the kids.
Copy !req
150. Come on. I'm staying at a motel.
I haven't had a decent meal in weeks.
Copy !req
151. The marriage counseling
might not work out.
Copy !req
152. You need to get used to bad cooking.
Copy !req
153. Screwdriver girl.
Copy !req
154. I took your evidence into the lab
for fingerprints.
Copy !req
155. Really? That's great.
Copy !req
156. - I'll call you if I hear something.
- OK.
Copy !req
157. - Sorry.
- Thanks.
Copy !req
158. Actually, I'd like to call you anyway
if that's OK.
Copy !req
159. You seem like a really sweet guy
in an interesting line of work
Copy !req
160. but I'm not really available.
Copy !req
161. - You have a boyfriend?
- Yeah, sort of.
Copy !req
162. - Sort of.
- It's hard to explain. Even to myself.
Copy !req
163. Unit 23, we have a 907A in progress.
Please respond.
Copy !req
164. Ten-four. I'm on my way. I gotta go.
Apparently there's a hostage situation.
Copy !req
165. So you're really turning me down?
Copy !req
166. - Boy. My self-esteem can't take this.
- I'm sorry.
Copy !req
167. No, it's just, now my ability to help
those hostages has been compromised.
Copy !req
168. - Still, don't blame yourself.
- Blame myself?
Copy !req
169. Yeah. It's hard to rescue folks
when you don't feel good about yourself.
Copy !req
170. - They'll probably all die anyway.
- OK, fine. I'll go out with you.
Copy !req
171. Great. I'll call you.
Copy !req
172. Now that you've got your date,
you can tell me what 907A really means.
Copy !req
173. - Someone's TV was playing too loud.
- Thank God for the Thin Blue Line.
Copy !req
174. I'll call you.
Copy !req
175. I'll be outside doing my yoga.
Copy !req
176. I'll be right back.
Copy !req
177. Must you do that now?
My mother's here.
Copy !req
178. I'm not gonna stop my life
just because she shows up unannounced.
Copy !req
179. She's family.
She doesn't need an invite.
Copy !req
180. Whatever. It's rude.
Copy !req
181. It's real pretty, Mama.
You were always good with your hands.
Copy !req
182. So, I assume you didn't insist that
I travel 2,000 miles for small talk.
Copy !req
183. So why am I here?
Copy !req
184. She...
Copy !req
185. is unhappy.
Copy !req
186. I've given her
everything she ever wanted,
Copy !req
187. but it doesn't seem
to make a difference.
Copy !req
188. I feel her drifting
further and further away.
Copy !req
189. And lately I've started thinking
that maybe...
Copy !req
190. So you think she's cheating on you?
Copy !req
191. I think so.
Copy !req
192. We can talk about your problems,
but I'm not gonna have any of that.
Copy !req
193. - Do you have any proof?
- No. It's just a feeling.
Copy !req
194. I had that feeling with your father
and that whore waitress.
Copy !req
195. And I was right.
Always trust your feelings.
Copy !req
196. - So what do I do?
- You don't do anything.
Copy !req
197. - I'll take care of it.
- Thank you, Mama.
Copy !req
198. I'm sorry I had to hit you,
but we're strong people.
Copy !req
199. We don't cry about our problems.
Copy !req
200. We find ways to fix them.
Copy !req
201. While the residents of Wisteria Lane
kept up their patrols
Copy !req
202. in an effort to prevent
future break-ins,
Copy !req
203. Lynette hatched a plan to break
her children into Barcliff Academy.
Copy !req
204. Boys, wake up.
Copy !req
205. Come on.
We're gonna have some fun today.
Copy !req
206. - Come on.
- Mum. Hi.
Copy !req
207. Come on. I bet you can beat me.
Copy !req
208. Go. Yes. Mush.
Copy !req
209. Mum, I'm tired.
Copy !req
210. If I can still see your head,
the pool's not deep enough.
Copy !req
211. Are your boys usually so docile?
Copy !req
212. They're always a little shy at first.
Copy !req
213. Look at that concentration.
Porter loves his puzzles.
Copy !req
214. Mama, I'll be right back.
I'm going to the store.
Copy !req
215. Gabrielle. I'm coming with you.
Copy !req
216. I want to make some tamales for Carlos.
Copy !req
217. I'm not going to the supermarket.
I'm going to the lingerie store.
Copy !req
218. - Good. I need some bras.
- I'm gonna be a while.
Copy !req
219. I might get a facial.
Copy !req
220. I have a face.
Copy !req
221. - Hey, Mike.
- How's it going?
Copy !req
222. - Good. Just came by to say hello.
- Hello.
Copy !req
223. So you remember the cop from
the Neighborhood Watch meeting?
Copy !req
224. He agreed to run a fingerprint check on
the screwdriver I found at Mrs. Frome's.
Copy !req
225. He did? Nothing was taken.
Copy !req
226. Still, somebody broke in. It is a crime.
Copy !req
227. So the weird thing is
the cop asked me out.
Copy !req
228. On a date.
Copy !req
229. And I sort of said yes. I was just
curious what you thought about that.
Copy !req
230. You're asking my permission
to go out with him?
Copy !req
231. No. I just was wondering your opinion.
Copy !req
232. I don't really have one.
Copy !req
233. OK. Great.
Copy !req
234. Fine.
Copy !req
235. - Thank you.
- Susan, wait. I...
Copy !req
236. I'm sorry. My life
is just really complicated right now.
Copy !req
237. You don't have to explain.
Copy !req
238. - Susan.
- It's complicated. I get it.
Copy !req
239. Paul?
Copy !req
240. Hi, Zachary.
Sorry, the door was open and...
Copy !req
241. It's OK. You can come in.
Copy !req
242. Is your father here?
We're scheduled to do a patrol today.
Copy !req
243. He had to go out of town. Again.
Copy !req
244. Oh. Well, I guess I can do it by myself.
Copy !req
245. This place is just immaculate.
Copy !req
246. - My mum liked things clean.
- She would be very proud of you.
Copy !req
247. What happened to your varnish?
Copy !req
248. That's where my mother died. I messed up
the floor trying to get out the blood.
Copy !req
249. - I'll tell my dad that you stopped by.
- OK.
Copy !req
250. Zach, do you have plans for dinner?
Copy !req
251. - So you shop a lot?
- Yeah. So?
Copy !req
252. Most women that shop a lot, it's because
they don't have anything better to do.
Copy !req
253. - What's your point?
- Well, if you had children...
Copy !req
254. - Here we go.
- Children give your life a purpose.
Copy !req
255. You're so busy taking care of them
Copy !req
256. you don't have time
to wonder if you're happy.
Copy !req
257. You know, this is so like you.
Copy !req
258. I invite you on a nice shopping trip
and you find ways to upset me.
Copy !req
259. You didn't invite me. I invited myself.
Copy !req
260. You keep looking at your watch.
Is there some place you have to be?
Copy !req
261. No. And I am not one of those women
who has a hole in her heart
Copy !req
262. that can only be filled by a baby.
Copy !req
263. I like my life a lot.
It's very fulfilling.
Copy !req
264. Excuse my daughter-in-law.
She's very fulfilled.
Copy !req
265. - So he just blew you off?
- I told him another man asked me out.
Copy !req
266. It was a perfect opportunity
for Mike to be jealous, and nothing.
Copy !req
267. It doesn't work
if you don't bat your eyes.
Copy !req
268. I batted everything
that wasn't nailed down. Nothing.
Copy !req
269. - Thanks.
- So what's going on there?
Copy !req
270. Gophers.
Copy !req
271. I'm sorry about Mike.
I know you like him.
Copy !req
272. Maybe it's my fault. Maybe
I imagined an entire relationship
Copy !req
273. with this man that didn't exist.
Copy !req
274. There has been flirting.
Copy !req
275. And the flirting made me think he was
kind, trustworthy, honest and hygienic.
Copy !req
276. A guy just smiles at me three times
and I'm picking out wedding china.
Copy !req
277. - I'm a mess.
- But that's part of your charm.
Copy !req
278. That's what happened with Karl.
Copy !req
279. I only dated him a couple of months.
It was a disaster.
Copy !req
280. You think Mike is a Karl in disguise?
Copy !req
281. I don't know. What does that mean,
anyway? "My life is complicated."
Copy !req
282. If I wanted to sit around
I could do it on the can.
Copy !req
283. You're late. What's with the face?
Copy !req
284. I screwed up. I broke into
the Frome house. I almost got caught.
Copy !req
285. What's "almost"?
Copy !req
286. I left something behind
with my prints on it.
Copy !req
287. - Ever hear of gloves?
- It's the suburbs.
Copy !req
288. I didn't think it'd matter.
Copy !req
289. Anyway, the police are running a check
and I'm in the system.
Copy !req
290. I gotta pull up stakes
before they come looking for me.
Copy !req
291. That's a sweet sound.
Laughter like that, huh?
Copy !req
292. Pisses me off.
Copy !req
293. If and when your cover is blown,
you disappear.
Copy !req
294. Until then,
you keep fixing the neighbors' pipes.
Copy !req
295. The longer I'm here,
the more I think we're wrong.
Copy !req
296. - These are nice people.
- My money says one of them isn't.
Copy !req
297. Thanks.
Copy !req
298. No more screw-ups.
Copy !req
299. I'm getting something to drink.
Do you want something?
Copy !req
300. - Don't be mad.
- I waited for three hours for you.
Copy !req
301. I used a month's worth
of lunch money to pay for that room.
Copy !req
302. It's not my fault.
Juanita hasn't let me out of her sight.
Copy !req
303. - Really? Well, I don't see her now.
- She's watching her Mexican soap opera.
Copy !req
304. The rebel's virgin daughter is being
seduced by the escaped desperado.
Copy !req
305. So until she puts out,
Juanita won't even know that I'm gone.
Copy !req
306. Come on. I said I was sorry.
Copy !req
307. Just so you know, I've turned down
half the pep-squad for you.
Copy !req
308. You can't be serious.
Copy !req
309. I'm starting to think that maybe
I should be with someone my own age.
Copy !req
310. I thought teenage girls bored you, John.
Copy !req
311. - I thought what we had was beyond that.
- So did I.
Copy !req
312. Why go back to something you don't want?
Copy !req
313. - I don't know.
- Maybe you're tired of me.
Copy !req
314. No. I want to be with you.
Copy !req
315. Then why are we arguing?
Copy !req
316. - Gabrielle.
- Damn it.
Copy !req
317. - The virgin gave it up already?
- I want you so bad.
Copy !req
318. - When can I see you again?
- Tomorrow.
Copy !req
319. Meet me at the mall after school.
Copy !req
320. - What about your mother-in-law?
- I'll think of something.
Copy !req
321. - Gabrielle.
- Coming.
Copy !req
322. A donation?
Now Barcliff wants a donation?
Copy !req
323. Apparently we're in competition
with one other family.
Copy !req
324. A generous donation will ensure
our kids beat 'em out.
Copy !req
325. - How generous?
- 15 thousand.
Copy !req
326. - We don't have that.
- That's what I told them.
Copy !req
327. So what will we do? Public school is out
unless we move to a new district.
Copy !req
328. We're not moving.
Copy !req
329. Maybe it's time
that we look into home schooling.
Copy !req
330. - I know you did not just say that.
- Honey, it's got its advantages.
Copy !req
331. Kids at home school
do better in later years.
Copy !req
332. They won't make it
if I have to spend all day with them.
Copy !req
333. Honey, sometimes
you've just got to make the sacrifice.
Copy !req
334. It's probably best for the kids.
Copy !req
335. Let's put them back in me
and cook them until they're civilized.
Copy !req
336. You'd be cool with that?
Copy !req
337. - I've never had plum pudding before.
- I'm serving it for Christmas.
Copy !req
338. I like to try out new recipes
before the actual holiday.
Copy !req
339. That way, if the cookbook's
gotten it wrong, I can fix it.
Copy !req
340. You must really like Christmas.
Copy !req
341. You and Mr. Van De Kamp
always have the best decorations.
Copy !req
342. I adore the holidays.
Copy !req
343. I never get depressed
if there's a decorated tree.
Copy !req
344. My mum and I would always
decorate our tree together.
Copy !req
345. - This Christmas is gonna be weird.
- Zach.
Copy !req
346. You know, my mother died
when I was young. She was hit by a car.
Copy !req
347. It was right before Christmas,
as a matter of fact.
Copy !req
348. We were all singing carols
and the dog was howling
Copy !req
349. because everybody in my family
sings off-key except for me.
Copy !req
350. Anyway, it was a terrible ruckus.
Copy !req
351. So no one noticed when my mother
went out to give the neighbors a gift.
Copy !req
352. The next thing we heard
were brakes screeching.
Copy !req
353. Most of my family went to the hospital
Copy !req
354. but I stayed home
because I was so young.
Copy !req
355. When I looked out the window
I saw my mother's blood on the street
Copy !req
356. and nobody was doing anything about it.
Copy !req
357. So I got a hose and I washed it off.
Copy !req
358. And once it was clean,
I felt so much better.
Copy !req
359. I've never told anyone
that story before.
Copy !req
360. Those are the most interesting ones.
The stories that we never tell anyone.
Copy !req
361. Yeah. You're probably right.
Copy !req
362. I have one.
Copy !req
363. It's more of a secret really.
Copy !req
364. I know why my mum killed herself.
Copy !req
365. - You do?
- It was something I did.
Copy !req
366. Something bad.
Copy !req
367. What did you do, Zach?
Copy !req
368. - Zach. Sweetheart.
- No. I shouldn't have said anything.
Copy !req
369. - If my dad found out...
- I won't tell your father.
Copy !req
370. - I can't get you involved.
- Zachary, it's all right.
Copy !req
371. What else did Zach tell you?
Copy !req
372. Just that Mary Alice killed herself
because of something he'd done.
Copy !req
373. - You couldn't get any more out of him?
- He was so nervous.
Copy !req
374. He started shaking then he just left.
Copy !req
375. OK, I think we should go to the police.
Copy !req
376. And tell them what?
We don't even have the note any more.
Copy !req
377. Get Zach to tell you something
so we have more to go on.
Copy !req
378. You don't understand.
This poor kid is scared out of his mind.
Copy !req
379. Bree, you're a woman.
Manipulate him. That's what we do.
Copy !req
380. - But how?
- How did you usually manipulate Rex?
Copy !req
381. Hello, Zachary.
Are you free for dinner tonight?
Copy !req
382. Sure.
Copy !req
383. Good. Because last night
you put me in such a holiday mood.
Copy !req
384. I'm gonna make roast turkey
and candy yams and eggnog.
Copy !req
385. Have you ever had
real, old-fashioned eggnog?
Copy !req
386. - I don't think so.
- You are gonna love it.
Copy !req
387. It has quite a kick.
Copy !req
388. Me.
Copy !req
389. - Preston.
- Boys, could you stop...
Copy !req
390. Lynette was desperate
to avoid home schooling.
Copy !req
391. But she saw no options on the horizon.
Copy !req
392. Until a solution sailed into view.
Copy !req
393. Gabrielle, please.
You bought me enough things.
Copy !req
394. - You're the one who's shopping.
- Mama, you're in a rut.
Copy !req
395. We need to spice up your wardrobe.
Copy !req
396. Try this one on. Go on. Try it on.
Copy !req
397. - How are you doing in there?
- Is it supposed to be so tight?
Copy !req
398. Yes, it's form-fitting.
You'll look great.
Copy !req
399. I don't think this dress
is right for me. I can't breathe.
Copy !req
400. Well, maybe I made a mistake.
Copy !req
401. While you change, I'm gonna make
a quick run to the book store.
Copy !req
402. - Wait. I'm coming with you.
- No. I'll just be a minute.
Copy !req
403. I'm coming with you.
Copy !req
404. Wait.
Copy !req
405. - Gabrielle. Wait.
- Ma'am.
Copy !req
406. Ma'am. Sorry, I'm gonna need to look
in your bags, please.
Copy !req
407. Fine. Just hurry up.
Copy !req
408. Right on time.
Copy !req
409. I don't know
where that blouse came from.
Copy !req
410. - Security.
- Keep your stupid blouse.
Copy !req
411. I have to find my daughter-in-law.
Don't touch me. Don't you dare touch me.
Copy !req
412. - You have to come with us.
- Get your hands off me.
Copy !req
413. Hello.
Copy !req
414. - It's me.
- Hi, Rex. How are you?
Copy !req
415. - Is something wrong?
- I was just about to grab dinner
Copy !req
416. and it occurred to me,
"What the heck? I'll go out."
Copy !req
417. Would you like to have dinner with me?
Copy !req
418. Mrs. Van De Kamp. Guess what. I found
all my mum's old Christmas stuff.
Copy !req
419. Oh. Sweetie,
I was just coming over to talk to you.
Copy !req
420. I am so sorry but something
important came up and I have to cancel.
Copy !req
421. - Really?
- We'll do it again.
Copy !req
422. We'll have our impromptu holiday dinner.
I promise.
Copy !req
423. I got one. Kelly Halstatter. In eighth
grade, she used to spit in my gym shoes.
Copy !req
424. Here, look. Two DUIs, one check-kiting
and an open bench warrant.
Copy !req
425. How tragic. By which I mean, "Yay".
Copy !req
426. You've been a good sport
coming on my shift.
Copy !req
427. Well, time flies when
you're on a stakeout in Cracktown.
Copy !req
428. - When does our official date begin?
- Taxpayers say 20 minutes. I say now.
Copy !req
429. - They're down.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
430. Honey, you read up on home schooling?
Copy !req
431. Yeah. It gave me some good ideas.
Well, one, anyway.
Copy !req
432. Great. What have you got?
Copy !req
433. You know how we agree that one of us
needs to stay home and parent the kids
Copy !req
434. and one of us needs to make a living?
Copy !req
435. I remembered that when I was working
I made a little more than you.
Copy !req
436. - What are you doing?
- You tossed out that sacrifice comment.
Copy !req
437. It occurred to me, I've made sacrifices
over the past six years.
Copy !req
438. I gave up my career.
Copy !req
439. If another sacrifice has to be made,
I think it's your turn.
Copy !req
440. - Lynette?
- If I went back to work,
Copy !req
441. you could stay home
and take care of the kids.
Copy !req
442. I can't be with the kids all day.
I'd lose my mind.
Copy !req
443. Hey. OK, I get it.
Home schooling is out.
Copy !req
444. How are we gonna scrape together
15 grand for this endowment?
Copy !req
445. How, how, how...
Copy !req
446. Think. Think real hard.
Copy !req
447. - Oh, no.
- Aye-aye.
Copy !req
448. The restaurant's run by
an old guy named Arinello.
Copy !req
449. He will propose to you. Don't say yes
because he's dead serious.
Copy !req
450. But what if I like him?
Copy !req
451. Hey. I thought this went to the lab.
Copy !req
452. All right. You got me.
Copy !req
453. - And that means what?
- Look, Susan.
Copy !req
454. No one would authorize lab time or
a computer search for a case like this.
Copy !req
455. - It's just not a priority.
- Why couldn't you just tell me that?
Copy !req
456. Well, I thought we were clicking.
Does this need to be a big deal?
Copy !req
457. Well, if you'd only lied to me
about it once it wouldn't be.
Copy !req
458. All right. I get it.
You want me to beg. OK.
Copy !req
459. Look at me. I'm begging.
Copy !req
460. Come on.
Don't be such a girl about this.
Copy !req
461. I know who you are.
You're a Karl in disguise.
Copy !req
462. I'm done with you. All of you.
Copy !req
463. Oh, come on, drama queen.
What are you doing?
Copy !req
464. Where are you going? It's not safe.
Copy !req
465. I'd rather take my chances
on the street, thank you very much.
Copy !req
466. Why do I always pick the psychos?
Copy !req
467. Excuse me. I'm a little lost.
Copy !req
468. You best be lost. This here's my corner.
Copy !req
469. Oh, yes. And a lovely corner it is.
Copy !req
470. And I hate to bother you
while you're working.
Copy !req
471. Could you point me
in the direction of a payphone?
Copy !req
472. Oh, if you have some change
for this five. Preferably quarters.
Copy !req
473. If I got paid in quarters,
I'd be doing something very wrong.
Copy !req
474. Right. OK.
Copy !req
475. Thank you.
Copy !req
476. Hey. You want to use my cell?
I have weekend minutes.
Copy !req
477. Thank you so much.
You're saving my life.
Copy !req
478. - Excuse me, honey.
- Oh, yes. You do what you've got to do.
Copy !req
479. Oh, please answer.
Come on. Pick up, Julie.
Copy !req
480. Oh, thank God. Don't ask any questions.
Copy !req
481. Just get somebody to pick me up
at the corner of Ninth and Foster.
Copy !req
482. Hey, babe.
Copy !req
483. Thank you. No. I'm on a break.
Hurry, please.
Copy !req
484. Excuse me. We got a call.
Something about a break-in.
Copy !req
485. One of your neighbors saw someone
breaking into your home.
Copy !req
486. We sent some guys out to investigate
Copy !req
487. - What is it?
- I gotta tell you, ma'am.
Copy !req
488. I thought I'd seen a lot on the job,
but this is something else.
Copy !req
489. So let me get this straight.
Copy !req
490. He chopped down one of our pine trees?
Copy !req
491. I'm afraid so.
Copy !req
492. Zach, why did you do this?
Copy !req
493. - I don't know.
- Take off those handcuffs, please.
Copy !req
494. - He confessed to breaking in.
- This is not up for discussion.
Copy !req
495. Go ahead.
Copy !req
496. Sir, you can't...
Copy !req
497. Zach.
Copy !req
498. - Are you OK?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
499. Then how much for a trip
around the world?
Copy !req
500. I can't believe Julie sent you.
She is soon gonna be dead.
Copy !req
501. Come on. Get in.
Copy !req
502. - Wasn't that sent in for prints?
- No. The cop lied to me.
Copy !req
503. - I don't wanna talk about it.
- Just asking.
Copy !req
504. Yes. Apparently they found
a blouse in her bag.
Copy !req
505. I don't know, Carlos. At some point
older people start to get confused.
Copy !req
506. She probably thought she paid for it.
Copy !req
507. No, no charges. Everything's fine.
Copy !req
508. OK. I'll tell her. Bye.
Copy !req
509. Carlos is gonna be late for dinner.
It's just the two of us.
Copy !req
510. - What would you like to eat?
- I'm not hungry.
Copy !req
511. OK. Suit yourself.
Copy !req
512. Don't go yet. I need to talk to you.
Copy !req
513. It's important. Please.
Copy !req
514. I married Diego Solis
when I was 16 years old.
Copy !req
515. A few months into our marriage,
he started to beat me.
Copy !req
516. I didn't know what to do.
Copy !req
517. Juanita, I had no idea.
Copy !req
518. It got so bad that I started
praying to God to let me die.
Copy !req
519. But God, in his infinite wisdom,
gave me a reason to live.
Copy !req
520. Carlos.
Copy !req
521. Ah, he was a beautiful baby.
Copy !req
522. But my husband wasn't much of a father.
Copy !req
523. He never held him. He would yell
and scream at him for no reason at all.
Copy !req
524. One night, when Carlos was four,
Copy !req
525. Diego Solis came home drunk.
Copy !req
526. He beat my Carlos.
Copy !req
527. Something inside me snapped.
Copy !req
528. At that moment,
I found a way to be strong.
Copy !req
529. So I made sure that Diego Solis...
Copy !req
530. never hurt my son or me ever again.
Copy !req
531. What did you do?
Copy !req
532. Well, if you pray hard enough, God
gives you the tools to your salvation.
Copy !req
533. Carlos said his father left
for a waitress in El Paso.
Copy !req
534. That's what he was told.
Copy !req
535. All mothers know
they have to protect their children.
Copy !req
536. But some of us take our job
more seriously than others.
Copy !req
537. I don't know why you're telling me this.
Copy !req
538. I think you do.
Copy !req
539. OK. I know you're mad at me.
Copy !req
540. I'm sorry I didn't stop you
going out with that guy.
Copy !req
541. I'm not just mad at you.
I'm mostly mad at myself.
Copy !req
542. - OK.
- I'm mad that I like you so much
Copy !req
543. without knowing anything about you.
Copy !req
544. What do you want to know?
Copy !req
545. - What's your favorite food?
- Mexican.
Copy !req
546. - Favorite sport?
- Football.
Copy !req
547. - Favorite band?
- Elvis Costello.
Copy !req
548. - That's a guy, not a band.
- It's a guy with a band.
Copy !req
549. What do you think of me?
Copy !req
550. I'm sorry, could you repeat that?
Copy !req
551. - I don't want to talk about it.
- This is insane.
Copy !req
552. - Do you even care about me?
- Do not talk that way.
Copy !req
553. - Mrs. Van De Kamp.
- Hi, Zach.
Copy !req
554. I wanted to see if
everything was all right.
Copy !req
555. - Everything's fine.
- Are you sure?
Copy !req
556. Yes.
Copy !req
557. Well, OK. I'll see you tomorrow then.
Copy !req
558. I'm sure that you will.
Copy !req
559. People by their very nature are always
on the lookout for intruders...
Copy !req
560. trying to prevent those
on the outside from getting in.
Copy !req
561. But there will always be those
who force their way into our lives,
Copy !req
562. just as there will be those
we invite in.
Copy !req
563. Hi.
Copy !req
564. But the most troubling of all
Copy !req
565. will be the ones
who stand on the outside looking in.
Copy !req
566. The ones we never truly get to know.
Copy !req