1. A slob mick cop
in Chicago
Copy !req
2. gonna take me off
for $35
Copy !req
3. just because
he thinks he can.
Copy !req
4. 'Cause when he comes around
for his free fuckin' meal
Copy !req
5. and to have his prick sucked and collect
his weekly 20 fuckin' dollars
Copy !req
6. from the woman that runs
the whorehouse,
Copy !req
7. I'm there buying girls
to bring out to the camps.
Copy !req
8. I knifed
the tub of guts.
Copy !req
9. That's what this cunt
of a magistrate's
Copy !req
10. shaking me down over,
Copy !req
11. having already
taken $5,000
Copy !req
12. to have
the warrant lifted.
Copy !req
13. Can you do business
with his bagman?
Copy !req
14. I'll fuckin' find
that out shortly.
Copy !req
15. Or if you're never gonna be able
to fuckin' operate in peace.
Copy !req
16. What should I know?
Copy !req
17. Bullock's rode out with that
Hostetler from the livery.
Copy !req
18. Farnum's slithered
his way across here.
Copy !req
19. Jewel just left.
Copy !req
20. Where the fuck
is Jewel goin'?
Copy !req
21. I don't know.
Copy !req
22. Take half a day off if you feel like.
Go see that child.
Copy !req
23. Venture out,
sally fuckin' forth, hmm?
Copy !req
24. - Maybe I will.
- But now come back to bed.
Copy !req
25. Who's sick?
Copy !req
26. What's he doin' making
you walk to tell me?
Copy !req
27. I came here
on my own, Doc.
Copy !req
28. I got something
I want to show you. It's a book.
Copy !req
29. Oh no, I don't read goddamn
books on the Civil War.
Copy !req
30. - Look!
- I don't need to look.
Copy !req
31. I was goddamn there.
Copy !req
32. But it'll help me
walk better.
Copy !req
33. Okay, you're referring
to the brace on his leg.
Copy !req
34. Yes.
Copy !req
35. For your
information, Jewel,
Copy !req
36. that boy in the drawing
was goddamn able-bodied
Copy !req
37. before he got
his leg shot up,
Copy !req
38. not born with difficulties
and hardships
Copy !req
39. that got no cure
and took from you
Copy !req
40. the coordination a brace
like that would require.
Copy !req
41. I was just lookin'
at the picture,
Copy !req
42. and draggin' my leg
really makes Al crazy.
Copy !req
43. Fuck Al.
Copy !req
44. Everybody's
got limits.
Copy !req
45. You draggin'
your leg is yours.
Copy !req
46. - I'm sorry.
- What do you apologize for?
Copy !req
47. Don't... don't
apologize to me.
Copy !req
48. Lemme...
Copy !req
49. let me hold onto
this for a while.
Copy !req
50. Thank you.
Copy !req
51. Momentous!
Copy !req
52. The long-awaited day!
Copy !req
53. Oh, yes, yes,
yes, yes, yes!
Copy !req
54. Oh God, oh God,
oh, yes, yes.
Copy !req
55. Uh, careful, careful,
careful, careful!
Copy !req
56. Now, sir, we must
confirm the contents
Copy !req
57. of this precious cargo.
Copy !req
58. Oh God... philistine.
Copy !req
59. Ah, Joseph,
Copy !req
60. what you see here
Copy !req
61. is an American optical
back-focus single-swing
Copy !req
62. with a Meyer Gorlitz
trioplan 210mm lens.
Copy !req
63. The finest photographic apparatus
manufactured in this country.
Copy !req
64. What William Henry Fox Talbot
could have achieved
Copy !req
65. in service of this
fine apparatus.
Copy !req
66. Oh, God! Agh!
Copy !req
67. Oh, God,
yes, careful, careful.
Copy !req
68. - Good day, sir.
- Ow. Damn.
Copy !req
69. - What's wrong?
- I bit my d...
Copy !req
70. Oh.
Copy !req
71. Leaned forward to give
that fella passage
Copy !req
72. and bit
my damn tongue.
Copy !req
73. Knocked off
my chewin' angle.
Copy !req
74. - Is it bleeding?
- I don't want to look.
Copy !req
75. Might upset
the child.
Copy !req
76. Anyways, maybe a different
way's opened up, Charlie,
Copy !req
77. as far as me getting
backing for my brothel.
Copy !req
78. Aha.
Copy !req
79. I understood the question
was location,
Copy !req
80. but glad to hear
the backin' problem's solved.
Copy !req
81. I think, uh, I've been
finicky over the location
Copy !req
82. 'cause I wasn't comfortable
with the backing.
Copy !req
83. I'll tell you
one thing...
Copy !req
84. I ain't making too many
friends in this camp
Copy !req
85. in my capacity
as fire marshal.
Copy !req
86. We're through the easy picking's
on that outcrop, ma'am.
Copy !req
87. I'll wade around that creek
as long as you like.
Copy !req
88. You want to make your claim
show its colors,
Copy !req
89. you're gonna need
to sink a few shafts.
Copy !req
90. I'm close to suggesting
that we proceed.
Copy !req
91. Meaning my use
to you is near a finish.
Copy !req
92. No!
Copy !req
93. I told you, Mrs. Garret,
such as it is,
Copy !req
94. my expertise
ain't underground.
Copy !req
95. I want you still
to supervise.
Copy !req
96. I trust you, Ellsworth,
as an honorable man.
Copy !req
97. I take great pleasure
in your company.
Copy !req
98. I feel the same.
Copy !req
99. I look forward
to our breakfasts,
Copy !req
100. and I'll just say once,
Copy !req
101. I know I'm too damn
old for ya.
Copy !req
102. Button!
Copy !req
103. Oh my goodness.
Copy !req
104. I can't be...
Copy !req
105. I take
a father's liberty.
Copy !req
106. Mr. Ellsworth,
Mr. Russell.
Copy !req
107. - How do you do, sir?
- How do you do?
Copy !req
108. Uh, and this
is Sophia.
Copy !req
109. - Hello, Sophia.
- Hello.
Copy !req
110. Your daughter?
Copy !req
111. My ward.
Copy !req
112. Any rate, pleasure
to meet you, sir.
Copy !req
113. I'm honored to be
in your daughter's employ.
Copy !req
114. And with your permission, ma'am,
I will take my leave.
Copy !req
115. Uh, of course.
Copy !req
116. And my plate...
Copy !req
117. and my coffee...
Copy !req
118. and my hat.
Copy !req
119. Fine manners.
Copy !req
120. Reverend Smith.
Copy !req
121. How are you, sir?
Copy !req
122. Andy Cramed,
Copy !req
123. Mr. Cramed, you returned
to the setting of your recovery.
Copy !req
124. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
125. How have you
fared since?
Copy !req
126. I've been trying out
the other camps.
Copy !req
127. To what effect?
Copy !req
128. No good effect,
Copy !req
129. I see.
Copy !req
130. How you feeling?
Copy !req
131. As you see.
Copy !req
132. The... the tent,
as you see,
Copy !req
133. is in the process
of being dismantled.
Copy !req
134. Our last tenant took
his leave yesterday.
Copy !req
135. - Upright?
- He was upright, yes.
Copy !req
136. His name escapes me.
Copy !req
137. Dr. Cochran,
I believe, uh,
Copy !req
138. is expected shortly,
I believe.
Copy !req
139. I was asked to...
Copy !req
140. to see to the packing of...
Copy !req
141. certain liniments and...
Copy !req
142. medicines.
Copy !req
143. Are you not well,
Copy !req
144. Sometimes I'm
very well, indeed.
Copy !req
145. My energy will return,
Copy !req
146. or even an excess
of energy.
Copy !req
147. At other times,
I'm not well,
Copy !req
148. or excess of energy.
Copy !req
149. How are you,
Mr. Cramed?
Copy !req
150. Well, I backslid
in the other camps.
Copy !req
151. At Gayville, I had
the best intentions,
Copy !req
152. - and I wound up at dice.
- Oh, yes.
Copy !req
153. At Elizabethtown,
Copy !req
154. I wound up at dice...
Copy !req
155. Oh, yes.
Copy !req
156. Thought I'd try to work here
where I'd been good,
Copy !req
157. but you're putting
the tent down.
Copy !req
158. Ask God's help,
Mr. Cramed.
Copy !req
159. Wherever you find yourself,
He will show you the path.
Copy !req
160. Could you help me
to pray?
Copy !req
161. Lord,
Copy !req
162. grant that I may seek
rather to comfort
Copy !req
163. than to be comforted,
Copy !req
164. to understand
than to be understood...
Copy !req
165. to love than
to be loved...
Copy !req
166. And the rest
I forget.
Copy !req
167. "Why don't you get
a haircut, Adams?
Copy !req
168. Looks like your mama
fucked a monkey."
Copy !req
169. Just that affectionate?
Copy !req
170. Yeah, I've never seen Al
warm up to anybody so quick.
Copy !req
171. Which should persuade
you then of what?
Copy !req
172. Well, you think
it's just tactics?
Copy !req
173. The magistrate
Al counted on
Copy !req
174. to be his advocate
in Yankton turned Judas.
Copy !req
175. Adams is the magistrate's
Copy !req
176. Al is merely probing
Adams' willingness
Copy !req
177. to betray
the magistrate.
Copy !req
178. In turn, his warmth
is counterfeit.
Copy !req
179. - Where the fuck were you?
- At the doc.
Copy !req
180. Fix me a cup
of coffee.
Copy !req
181. Morning.
Copy !req
182. Shorn and groomed
to a fucking fare-thee-well.
Copy !req
183. She'd never
recognize you...
Copy !req
184. have to smell you all over
to know you was hers.
Copy !req
185. My monkey mother.
Copy !req
186. Take a table
out of the traffic, huh?
Copy !req
187. Just that
Copy !req
188. I trust you found
your accommodations satisfactory,
Copy !req
189. Mr. Adams...
Copy !req
190. If not, they could
always be changed.
Copy !req
191. Let me fucking pour.
Copy !req
192. He's gotta make some
distance before sunset.
Copy !req
193. What was your
purpose at Doc's?
Copy !req
194. I'm knocked up.
Copy !req
195. What message should
I take to the magistrate?
Copy !req
196. No envelopes
and to fuck himself.
Copy !req
197. I'm glad we had
occasion last night
Copy !req
198. to spend
some time together,
Copy !req
199. so when he asks
if this is tactics or true position,
Copy !req
200. you'll know
what to say.
Copy !req
201. - I'll know.
- You travel safe.
Copy !req
202. They believe you're
the man to deal with...
Copy !req
203. Yankton.
Copy !req
204. - I am.
- It's just the magistrate
Copy !req
205. looking to earn
off that warrant.
Copy !req
206. And no one else even
knows it's out on you.
Copy !req
207. Maybe the magistrate
needs to die.
Copy !req
208. Maybe he does.
Copy !req
209. He won't come back here
without a resolution.
Copy !req
210. He'll know what's
waiting for him.
Copy !req
211. Maybe he needs
to die there.
Copy !req
212. Maybe he should.
Copy !req
213. And the person
who did it
Copy !req
214. would only be at the beginning
of his usefulness to me.
Copy !req
215. If that person didn't come back
with the warrant on you quashed,
Copy !req
216. he would be a fool not to think
he'd be the next one killed.
Copy !req
217. That's why he'd be so useful
to me thinking that far ahead.
Copy !req
218. Make your offer.
Copy !req
219. A thousand for the cocksucker
proved dead,
Copy !req
220. a thousand for the warrant
proved lifted.
Copy !req
221. A thousand
and a thousand.
Copy !req
222. - Think I am a fucking monkey?
- You thought there would be 20 in it?
Copy !req
223. Kill Clagett and get you
out from underneath that warrant?
Copy !req
224. You're fucking right
there's 20.
Copy !req
225. Do it for two.
You've got to believe
Copy !req
226. the job would open the door
to your future,
Copy !req
227. and you gotta believe you'd make
your ass hundreds of thousands
Copy !req
228. back and forth
between here and Yankton.
Copy !req
229. 2,000.
Copy !req
230. I put him in a room
above the privy.
Copy !req
231. I always thought it was
gonna end like this, Button.
Copy !req
232. A rooming house
Copy !req
233. in a mining camp
on Indian territory,
Copy !req
234. you caring for
a Norwegian foundling
Copy !req
235. and operating
a bonanza gold claim.
Copy !req
236. And you, Daddy?
Copy !req
237. Uh, always a little
sketchy about me.
Copy !req
238. I hope I'm here
to help.
Copy !req
239. Oh, that would be
my room key. Sophia?
Copy !req
240. - Room seven.
- Thank you, sir.
Copy !req
241. - Thank you.
- You're welcome, little one.
Copy !req
242. Oh my goodness,
what's that behind your ear?
Copy !req
243. Don't you ever clean
behind your ear?
Copy !req
244. Mmm.
Copy !req
245. Does caring
for Sophia please you?
Copy !req
246. More with each day.
Copy !req
247. And do you have
any of the gold?
Copy !req
248. As it happens...
Copy !req
249. The well-mannered
Mr. Ellsworth says these abound?
Copy !req
250. Yes.
Copy !req
251. There's some talk
that you did Brom in.
Copy !req
252. From his parents?
Copy !req
253. They have raised
the possibility.
Copy !req
254. As it happens, I was not
present when Brom fell.
Copy !req
255. You have to admit,
it's a suspicious sequence...
Copy !req
256. - The man who was is in camp.
given their view of the marriage.
Copy !req
257. I doubt he tells
the true story of how Brom died,
Copy !req
258. but he would verify
that I wasn't there.
Copy !req
259. I didn't mean
to upset you.
Copy !req
260. It's always about
the money, Button.
Copy !req
261. In certain circles.
Copy !req
262. But not here, hmm?
Copy !req
263. I suppose here,
as well.
Copy !req
264. In certain circles.
Copy !req
265. Mr. Ellsworth
being the exception?
Copy !req
266. Mr. Ellsworth was engaged
by a Mr. Seth Bullock,
Copy !req
267. who's been
steadfast and kind.
Copy !req
268. And when did your path
cross Mr. Bullock's?
Copy !req
269. Before Brom's
accident or after?
Copy !req
270. Mr. Bullock was asked
to look to my interests
Copy !req
271. by Wild Bill Hickok.
Copy !req
272. Who, if I recall
your reading habits,
Copy !req
273. has been an acquaintance
of yours since childhood.
Copy !req
274. I would very much like
to meet this Mr. Bullock...
Copy !req
275. nearly as much as
I'd like to wash.
Copy !req
276. Daddy.
Copy !req
277. Ah.
Copy !req
278. I'm glad to see you.
Copy !req
279. Stovepipe directly
into wood,
Copy !req
280. no clearance
or sheet iron in-between.
Copy !req
281. Well, what's
the significance?
Copy !req
282. Joint's like
to burn to cinders.
Copy !req
283. Well, then why
ain't it yet?
Copy !req
284. Dumb luck, Tom.
Copy !req
285. Which you hadn't
ought to push,
Copy !req
286. camp being situated
like it is,
Copy !req
287. everyone ass to elbow.
Copy !req
288. A hazard to one
is a hazard to all.
Copy !req
289. Why, ain't you
starting to talk
Copy !req
290. like a goddamn
government official?
Copy !req
291. I'm Charlie Utter
Copy !req
292. that attended the same
fucking meeting you did.
Copy !req
293. And being they pinned
fire marshal on me,
Copy !req
294. I ain't seeing the camp
burned to the ground.
Copy !req
295. So either cure
your stovepipe violation
Copy !req
296. or prepare to get
levied a fine.
Copy !req
297. Well, I'll lick
a bear's ass
Copy !req
298. before I'd pay a fine
to E.B. Farnum.
Copy !req
299. Then separate
your goddamn stovepipes
Copy !req
300. from the goddamn wall!
Copy !req
301. Well, I'll send one of my boys
over to pick up the iron.
Copy !req
302. This ain't the goddamn
day of judgment, Tom.
Copy !req
303. Jesus Christ Almighty!
Copy !req
304. That's the kind of shit
that ran me out of Wilkes-Barre.
Copy !req
305. Where are the camp's
headed, Tom?
Copy !req
306. Maybe I'll just
fucking move along.
Copy !req
307. Why is there no sheriff
in this camp?
Copy !req
308. What?
Copy !req
309. All these
official positions,
Copy !req
310. why is there
no sheriff?
Copy !req
311. Because Al Swearengen
don't want one.
Copy !req
312. Well, what if
a sheriff took office
Copy !req
313. that Al could trust
not to bother him?
Copy !req
314. And you could lay head to pillow nights
knowing he was your friend.
Copy !req
315. Type of man who'd go up
to a fire marshal, say,
Copy !req
316. and tell him any so-called
sheet iron violation
Copy !req
317. that hadn't proven to be
dangerous for, what...
Copy !req
318. going on two months now...
should be waived:
Copy !req
319. And whose ear'd be
first to the ground
Copy !req
320. when any violence created
maybe business opportunities:
Copy !req
321. And who'd remember
who got him situated.
Copy !req
322. I never thought of you
as the type to be sheriff.
Copy !req
323. Nah, I'd be
out of the mold,
Copy !req
324. but fit for the camp.
Copy !req
325. My problem, Tom,
is, uh...
Copy !req
326. whereas he has
a soft spot for you
Copy !req
327. as a fellow pioneer,
Copy !req
328. Swearengen hates
my fucking guts.
Copy !req
329. So knowing how grateful
I'd be and alls I'd...
Copy !req
330. show it to you,
wonder if you'd put in a word?
Copy !req
331. Yeah?
Copy !req
332. Mr. Tolliver?
Copy !req
333. Leon.
Copy !req
334. Come on in.
Copy !req
335. Your habit get the best
of you awhile, son?
Copy !req
336. It got the fucking
upper hand.
Copy !req
337. How's your sight, Leon?
Copy !req
338. Oh, the left eye's perfect,
and the right's coming back.
Copy !req
339. - Have I still got a job, sir?
- I'd need to hear more from you,
Copy !req
340. what you been up to, who the fuck with.
That kind of thing.
Copy !req
341. Aw, you probably know everything
about everything already.
Copy !req
342. Be that as it may...
Copy !req
343. Ahem, well...
Copy !req
344. me and Jimmy Irons,
we stole the Chinaman's dope.
Copy !req
345. Chinaman's courier,
he lost his life.
Copy !req
346. We slammed dope
for a series of days,
Copy !req
347. and Al Swearengen's
tough captured us.
Copy !req
348. And in the bathhouse,
we drew straws and...
Copy !req
349. Jimmy Irons drowned.
Copy !req
350. Does that about
cover it?
Copy !req
351. If you ask me
Copy !req
352. I may be able to come up
with some more details.
Copy !req
353. - Was Al Swearengen holding the straws?
- Yes, sir.
Copy !req
354. He said to tell you
what I seen.
Copy !req
355. And now is he holding
the strings on you?
Copy !req
356. - Sir?
- Are you here on his instruction?
Copy !req
357. I'm telling you what I seen
because you asked me to.
Copy !req
358. What'd they do
with Jimmy Irons?
Copy !req
359. They give him
to the Chinaman?
Copy !req
360. I guess they did.
They wrapped him up and took him out.
Copy !req
361. Swearengen
turned me loose,
Copy !req
362. but he'd just
give me this,
Copy !req
363. so I stayed in the tub
until I got my bearings.
Copy !req
364. That's a hell of a way
to treat a white man, ain't it, Leon?
Copy !req
365. Being fair,
I'd have to say,
Copy !req
366. I gave Mr. Swearengen
Copy !req
367. He traffics in dope,
so l...
Copy !req
368. I guess you could say that I'd stole his
property and fucked his action up.
Copy !req
369. I'm talking about
Jimmy Irons
Copy !req
370. in connection with getting
delivered to a Chink,
Copy !req
371. - regardless of his transgression.
- Oh, I see.
Copy !req
372. And in that connection,
I'm saying
Copy !req
373. it's a hell of a way
to treat a white man.
Copy !req
374. I see.
Copy !req
375. - Do you agree with me?
- Yes.
Copy !req
376. - So it's your own opinion, too?
- Yes, sir.
Copy !req
377. Well, that's your new
fucking job,
Copy !req
378. expressing your own
fucking opinion.
Copy !req
379. I can do that.
Copy !req
380. With conviction, Leon.
Copy !req
381. Your job is to voice your opinion
with some "oomph"
Copy !req
382. and some character
behind it...
Copy !req
383. or you'll wish you'd have
got drowned in that bathhouse.
Copy !req
384. All right.
Copy !req
385. Welcome back, son.
Copy !req
386. Oh...
no thanks, Al.
Copy !req
387. L... or...
yes, I will.
Copy !req
388. What's going on, Tom?
Copy !req
389. L-l... I thought you could
make Con Stapleton...
Copy !req
390. sheriff,
Copy !req
391. being it's
inevitable anyway.
Copy !req
392. How the fuck did that
get to be inevitable?
Copy !req
393. I wouldn't appoint that cocksucker
to empty my spittoons.
Copy !req
394. What I'm saying is somebody's
gotta be sheriff, Al.
Copy !req
395. Stapleton's got
points in his favor.
Copy !req
396. I hope one's not getting to recover
the bribe he paid you
Copy !req
397. when I don't give him
the fucking job.
Copy !req
398. - Who's your candidate, Al?
- Nobody.
Copy !req
399. Well, that's just
postponing the inevitable.
Copy !req
400. Tom, nothing Stapleton's
got on you
Copy !req
401. can't be solved
by Dan Dority.
Copy !req
402. Well...
fill me up.
Copy !req
403. Jesus Christ.
Copy !req
404. The... the truth is
I-I feel like the...
Copy !req
405. the camp's getting
away from me, Al.
Copy !req
406. I got a fire commissioner
Copy !req
407. who's about
to condemn my building,
Copy !req
408. and we're still
on Indian land.
Copy !req
409. How does Stapleton
becoming sheriff
Copy !req
410. keep the camp
from getting away from you?
Copy !req
411. Well, I know him.
Uh, he'd know I put in a word with you.
Copy !req
412. What the fuck good
is that to you, Tom,
Copy !req
413. when that cocksucker
can be bought
Copy !req
414. for two pieces
of day old bread?
Copy !req
415. Well, that's right.
Copy !req
416. That... that
all makes sense.
Copy !req
417. It, uh...
Copy !req
418. eh, when you first
come to this camp
Copy !req
419. and hung your sign up
for nickel booze and 50¢ pussy...
Copy !req
420. Them was get-acquainted prices.
Copy !req
421. But the point is,
I seen your fucking tent.
Copy !req
422. I walked over and l...
I said "Hello!"
Copy !req
423. I didn't tell you...
you gotta sheet iron
Copy !req
424. your fucking stovepipe.
Copy !req
425. I didn't have
a stovepipe,
Copy !req
426. and you had your
knife at the ready
Copy !req
427. if I didn't make
a good impression.
Copy !req
428. That's true enough,
but you didn't.
Copy !req
429. And Dority made
a hell of a one on you.
Copy !req
430. That too,
is... is true enough.
Copy !req
431. Now, I just, uh...
Copy !req
432. I feel like
I know the guy, Al.
Copy !req
433. Stapleton.
Copy !req
434. Well...
I don't feel
Copy !req
435. like I know anybody
no more.
Copy !req
436. He can be sheriff
for all I care.
Copy !req
437. Thank you, Al.
Copy !req
438. Don't count on him
to be loyal, Tom.
Copy !req
439. No, no... just...
Copy !req
440. a familiar face.
Copy !req
441. And no fucking
Copy !req
442. Well, I don't even
know if he can write.
Copy !req
443. - Could he be sworn in here, Al?
- For Christ's sake, Tom!
Copy !req
444. - He feels you don't like him.
- He's fucking right as rain.
Copy !req
445. But it'd be
a comfort to him, see,
Copy !req
446. if he was sworn in
under your roof.
Copy !req
447. Let Farnum swear him
the fuck in here then.
Copy !req
448. But press your
luck no further.
Copy !req
449. Do not expect me
to fucking attend.
Copy !req
450. Awful grateful, Al.
Copy !req
451. - Mr. Star.
- Miss Trixie, pleased to see you.
Copy !req
452. I threatened
to pay a visit.
Copy !req
453. You spoke of looking out for some
building implements.
Copy !req
454. I spoke of looking out
for an ax and a saw,
Copy !req
455. and if I got 'em, they wouldn't be
applied to building nothing.
Copy !req
456. Anyways... would you want
a free fuck?
Copy !req
457. - Why would you say that?
- To know the answer.
Copy !req
458. Why would you
say it that way?
Copy !req
459. For Christ's sakes.
Mr. Star,
Copy !req
460. my cherry is
obstructing my work.
Copy !req
461. Sir...
Copy !req
462. would you take it
from me, free?
Copy !req
463. Seth,
you remember Trixie.
Copy !req
464. Oh, yes.
Copy !req
465. Well, I just stopped
for a moment.
Copy !req
466. Oh, yes.
Copy !req
467. - I'll lock up.
- Oh, yes.
Copy !req
468. Kiss my neck or tits
if you have to kiss something.
Copy !req
469. Let me kiss you.
Copy !req
470. Well, you're
a goddamn Jew fool.
Copy !req
471. Do you swear
before this witness
Copy !req
472. to uphold whatever laws may
be put in force subsequently?
Copy !req
473. Yeah, if I can,
Copy !req
474. - And don't forget who your friends are.
- Always.
Copy !req
475. Gentlemen, hold still.
Copy !req
476. Take a breath.
Don't move.
Copy !req
477. One, two, three.
Copy !req
478. Very good.
Copy !req
479. Uh, gentlemen,
Tom, l...
Copy !req
480. I wondered if a second one
might be appropriate
Copy !req
481. without that putrid apron
around your midsection.
Copy !req
482. No. Let's drink.
Copy !req
483. Our health
Copy !req
484. Whiskey.
Copy !req
485. You've just missed my swearing in
of the camp's new sheriff.
Copy !req
486. Con Stapleton, sir.
I'm not sure if we've actually met.
Copy !req
487. You were at the table
when Hickok was killed.
Copy !req
488. Indeed, I was.
A horrified bystander.
Copy !req
489. We weren't
to have a sheriff.
Copy !req
490. Well, that's been reconsidered
as inevitable.
Copy !req
491. Had you designs
on the post, Bullock?
Copy !req
492. - I don't want the post.
- No hard feelings then.
Copy !req
493. Consider me
at your service.
Copy !req
494. My wife and child
are to join me from Michigan.
Copy !req
495. - Is Al in his office?
- Seems to be sequestered.
Copy !req
496. He missed
the swearing in too.
Copy !req
497. He did want us
over here, though.
Copy !req
498. Ain't that
absolutely correct?
Copy !req
499. Then why the fuck
didn't he come down?
Copy !req
500. Why didn't he come down?
That's unclear.
Copy !req
501. To let you know exactly,
I would guess,
Copy !req
502. at whose mysterious
pleasure you serve.
Copy !req
503. A candid moment.
Copy !req
504. Circumcision...
Copy !req
505. is indeed profiteth
if thou keepest the law,
Copy !req
506. but if, uh...
Copy !req
507. if thou art
a transgressor of the law,
Copy !req
508. thy circumcision
becomes uncircumcision.
Copy !req
509. Therefore, if...
Copy !req
510. thy... uncircumcision...
Copy !req
511. keeps the, uh...
the righteousness of the law,
Copy !req
512. shall not
his uncircumcision
Copy !req
513. be count
for circumcision?
Copy !req
514. Yea, the uncircumcision
Copy !req
515. that is by nature fulfilling his law
shall judge thee,
Copy !req
516. who by...
by letter and uh...
Copy !req
517. circumcision
transgresses the law.
Copy !req
518. Yeah.
Copy !req
519. Why'd you let
Stapleton have a badge?
Copy !req
520. They sworn
the cocksucker in yet?
Copy !req
521. Hurry down
and toast him.
Copy !req
522. Maybe Merrick'll
put his camera back up.
Copy !req
523. No, I prefer to watch
the fucking Reverend Smith
Copy !req
524. preach to the oxen
and horses.
Copy !req
525. It ain't right
for the camp.
Copy !req
526. My wife and child
are coming.
Copy !req
527. Bullock, it's a ceremonial position
to give comfort
Copy !req
528. to Tom Nuttall who feels the camp's
leaving him behind.
Copy !req
529. Putting a badge
on Stapleton makes him feel
Copy !req
530. he's got friends
in high places.
Copy !req
531. That job shouldn't
go to a shitheel.
Copy !req
532. As my feeling would be, it should go to
a shitheel 'cause it's shitheel's work.
Copy !req
533. - Doesn't have to be.
- No?
Copy !req
534. Mr. Bullock,
would you sit down a second?
Copy !req
535. I want to tell you something about
the law. Please, please, take a seat.
Copy !req
536. Separate from all them
bribes we put up,
Copy !req
537. I paid $5,000 to avoid
being the object
Copy !req
538. of fireside ditties about a man
that fled a murder warrant
Copy !req
539. then worked very hard to get his camp
annexed by the territory,
Copy !req
540. only to have them serve
the warrant of him
Copy !req
541. and to face
the six-foot drop.
Copy !req
542. Into the cocksucking
magistrate's pocket
Copy !req
543. the money goes, after which
he sends a message.
Copy !req
544. The 5,000 will need company
if I'm to be off the hook.
Copy !req
545. I give you the law.
Copy !req
546. It doesn't have
to be like that.
Copy !req
547. Now, if you were
fucking sheriff
Copy !req
548. and you said,
"Do this, do that,"
Copy !req
549. I'd consider it, 'cause you're not
a fucking whore.
Copy !req
550. I have personal
Copy !req
551. I'd go downstairs for that swearing in,
and I'd follow your career,
Copy !req
552. 'cause you're one of those pains in the
balls who thinks the law can be honest.
Copy !req
553. I don't want it.
Copy !req
554. Hell, I do lots of things
I don't want to do.
Copy !req
555. You think
you're the only one?
Copy !req
556. You should have been here when
Tom Nuttall was pissing in my ear.
Copy !req
557. I think you'd be
all right as sheriff.
Copy !req
558. Listen, I'm only
talking to you
Copy !req
559. 'cause my partner's
fucking that whore.
Copy !req
560. Anyway...
Copy !req
561. He's back open.
Copy !req
562. - How was your talk with Al?
- Congratulations.
Copy !req
563. Good sportsmanship,
Copy !req
564. Who shall separate us
from the love of Christ?
Copy !req
565. Shall... shall affliction
or distress or...
Copy !req
566. or persecution or...
Copy !req
567. or hunger or nakedness?
Copy !req
568. Or peril or sword?
Copy !req
569. Yea, in all these things,
we more than conquer
Copy !req
570. through him that
hath loved us.
Copy !req
571. I am persuaded that...
Copy !req
572. that neither life
nor death,
Copy !req
573. nor... nor angels,
Copy !req
574. nor... nor...
nor principalities,
Copy !req
575. nor powers, nor things present
or things to come,
Copy !req
576. nor heights, nor depths,
Copy !req
577. nor any other creature...
Copy !req
578. from the love of...
of God!
Copy !req
579. And...
Copy !req
580. and Jesus Christ
our Lord.
Copy !req
581. - Seth.
- Sol.
Copy !req
582. She wasn't here
in a professional capacity.
Copy !req
583. We have an agreement
with Swearengen
Copy !req
584. as to the use we put
this establishment to.
Copy !req
585. She come looking for goods
and things took a turn.
Copy !req
586. - That can happen.
- Not twice though, at this location.
Copy !req
587. Yeah.
Maybe I'm not the only one
Copy !req
588. who should be about
looking for a place.
Copy !req
589. Gonna make an offer on that piece
on the western slope.
Copy !req
590. Did you have
another look?
Copy !req
591. Go ahead and get to building
if Hostetler takes the offer.
Copy !req
592. Maybe have a leg up when Martha
and your boy arrive.
Copy !req
593. - Good afternoon, sir.
- Good afternoon.
Copy !req
594. I am Otis Russell.
Uh, would you be Mr. Bullock?
Copy !req
595. - I'm Sol Star.
- Oh, how do you do, Mr. Star?
Copy !req
596. - Very well.
- I'm Seth Bullock.
Copy !req
597. Mr. Bullock.
Copy !req
598. I am Alma Garret's father.
Copy !req
599. - How do you do, sir?
- How do you do?
Copy !req
600. I am very grateful
for the kindness
Copy !req
601. that you've shown
my daughter.
Copy !req
602. I wonder if you would
join us for dinner tonight.
Copy !req
603. - I'd be happy to.
- Oh, Mr. Star, will you join us?
Copy !req
604. - Thanks, but I can't.
- Regrettable.
Copy !req
605. Would 6:00 at the hotel
be convenient?
Copy !req
606. My daughter says
that the dinner hour is early.
Copy !req
607. 6:00 is fine.
Copy !req
608. Just months that this camp
came together, huh?
Copy !req
609. - Yes, sir.
- Remarkable.
Copy !req
610. Hi, Doc.
Copy !req
611. First thing to say,
Copy !req
612. I regret the tone
I had with you earlier.
Copy !req
613. Okay.
Copy !req
614. If we hold with the Greeks
that we're made of humors,
Copy !req
615. I guess my bile
was in its ascendant.
Copy !req
616. - Okay.
- Sit down.
Copy !req
617. Another thing...
Copy !req
618. that the Greeks say...
Copy !req
619. except that
I learned this in Latin...
Copy !req
620. is "Primum non nocere."
Copy !req
621. And that means,
"First, do no harm."
Copy !req
622. And this has been
a great concern to me in your case.
Copy !req
623. To interfere,
Copy !req
624. even with the best
of intentions,
Copy !req
625. and have you misjudge
your capacities
Copy !req
626. 'cause you rely on some
mechanical contraption
Copy !req
627. and wind up
hurting yourself,
Copy !req
628. would be a poor use,
Copy !req
629. indeed, of my very
limited skills.
Copy !req
630. You can get
around now, Jewel.
Copy !req
631. I can only imagine with what difficulty
and exertion and pain,
Copy !req
632. but the moving around
you can do is precious to you.
Copy !req
633. I do not want
to fuck you up.
Copy !req
634. No, we wouldn't
want that.
Copy !req
635. Having said that...
Copy !req
636. and different from the...
Copy !req
637. harness-type attachments
Copy !req
638. in that Civil War book,
Copy !req
639. I thought we might try
something like this.
Copy !req
640. Let's.
Copy !req
641. How was your visit,
Copy !req
642. How was the child?
Copy !req
643. - Had a good visit.
- Is the child conversant?
Copy !req
644. Moving along
from saying her name?
Copy !req
645. Anyways, I better
take my turn.
Copy !req
646. No, you look good
having gone out.
Copy !req
647. You're more relieved,
more relaxed.
Copy !req
648. We can't work
all the time, can we?
Copy !req
649. We all need some
type of relaxation,
Copy !req
650. companionship
or the like?
Copy !req
651. - Yes.
- You get away from me now.
Copy !req
652. Hey, Doc, how long were you
planning on taking
Copy !req
653. before you told me
what the fuck was wrong with Jewel?
Copy !req
654. Nothing, nothing
she wasn't born with.
Copy !req
655. Mmm, I mean, she told me
she was knocked up,
Copy !req
656. but I assumed that was
her gimp sense of humor.
Copy !req
657. She wants me
to brace her leg
Copy !req
658. so her dragging it
doesn't drive you crazy.
Copy !req
659. - So what'd you tell her?
- Not to worry about your moods,
Copy !req
660. that you generate
those yourself
Copy !req
661. and then you
find your excuse for having 'em.
Copy !req
662. Saucy words, Doc.
Good thing you're handy with the snatch.
Copy !req
663. I had an idea for a boot,
just now measured her for it.
Copy !req
664. If you treat her as successfully
as you did the minister,
Copy !req
665. she'll be kicking up
her heels in no fucking time.
Copy !req
666. I will leave you now
to pursue another excuse.
Copy !req
667. Get that Jew
over here.
Copy !req
668. My daughter tells me
that before his murder,
Copy !req
669. Wild Bill Hickok asked you
to look to her interests.
Copy !req
670. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
671. Had you ridden
with Hickok on the plains?
Copy !req
672. I met him in the camp.
I only knew him a few days.
Copy !req
673. And impressed him at once
as being trustworthy.
Copy !req
674. They rescued a child
in the wilderness
Copy !req
675. and brought to justice one
of the men who murdered her family.
Copy !req
676. And, um, how was
justice meted out?
Copy !req
677. We shot him.
Copy !req
678. Slab of beef
off the chuck,
Copy !req
679. boiled whole carrots
and little brown potatoes.
Copy !req
680. Fresh baked bread
and rhubarb pie to come.
Copy !req
681. - Your repast awaits your mouths.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
682. Postprandial cigars
for the menfolk.
Copy !req
683. Oh no, we have
our own smokes.
Copy !req
684. I hope you brought
ravenous appetites.
Copy !req
685. Thank you,
Mr. Farnum.
Copy !req
686. He had something
to do with it.
Copy !req
687. Would you prefer,
Mr. Bullock,
Copy !req
688. that Alma stay
in the camp?
Copy !req
689. In any case,
I've decided to stay.
Copy !req
690. As her advisor,
I mean?
Copy !req
691. It's Mrs. Garret's affair.
Copy !req
692. If she wanted
to go back East,
Copy !req
693. her interest here
could be seen to.
Copy !req
694. But I don't.
Copy !req
695. Well, and it would
show her in a better light
Copy !req
696. should title
be contested.
Copy !req
697. The custom is if you give a claim
your efforts and staked it
Copy !req
698. or bought it fair, someone would
have to go some to take it away.
Copy !req
699. We've taken steps
to demonstrate her activity.
Copy !req
700. Of course, if the New York
courts had jurisdiction,
Copy !req
701. they'd sell the holdings
to the highest bidder.
Copy !req
702. Not many here would give a damn
what a New York court held or didn't.
Copy !req
703. - Excuse my language.
- On the contrary, Mr. Bullock,
Copy !req
704. thank you for acknowledging
my presence.
Copy !req
705. I thought, Button, that you were
our entire preoccupation.
Copy !req
706. The man's a charlatan,
Copy !req
707. A cheat, a broad tosser
and a clip.
Copy !req
708. I only wonder...
Copy !req
709. if the daughter's
been in it with him,
Copy !req
710. or she's his pigeon.
Copy !req
711. - May I look, Mr. Farnum?
- Yes.
Copy !req
712. When you've grown
a full head of hair.
Copy !req
713. Brass, that would be...
Copy !req
714. to gull your own
flesh and blood.
Copy !req
715. - Mr. Swearengen.
- You owe me $5.
Copy !req
716. If you ass-fucked her,
you owe me seven.
Copy !req
717. - No.
- You didn't ass-fuck her?
Copy !req
718. I'm not paying you.
Copy !req
719. It wasn't to do with you,
it wasn't business.
Copy !req
720. Trixie!
Copy !req
721. Don't think
I don't understand.
Copy !req
722. I mean, what can
any one of us
Copy !req
723. ever really fucking
hope for, huh?
Copy !req
724. Except for a moment
here and there with a person
Copy !req
725. who doesn't want to rob,
steal or murder us?
Copy !req
726. At night,
it may happen.
Copy !req
727. Sun-up, one person
against the fucking wall,
Copy !req
728. the other may hop
on the fucking bed,
Copy !req
729. trusted each other enough to tell
half the fucking truth.
Copy !req
730. Everybody needs that.
Copy !req
731. It becomes
precious to 'em.
Copy !req
732. They don't want
to see it fucked with.
Copy !req
733. - I won't pay.
- You pay...
Copy !req
734. or she pays.
Copy !req
735. No home visits.
Do your visiting on the premises.
Copy !req
736. Five.
Seven for an ass-fuck.
Copy !req
737. You get back to work.
Copy !req
738. You sleep tonight
amongst your own.
Copy !req
739. Another fucking bottle.
Copy !req
740. If we'd had
a kitchen, Sophia,
Copy !req
741. after supper,
we'd have retired to it,
Copy !req
742. to chores and gossip
Copy !req
743. on the most minute
domestic matters,
Copy !req
744. while the men
walked and smoked
Copy !req
745. and argued
more important matters...
Copy !req
746. and, incidentally,
decided our fates.
Copy !req
747. Understandable, her late husband
was so taken with my daughter.
Copy !req
748. I didn't know him
very well,
Copy !req
749. but I certainly recognized
his doting infatuation.
Copy !req
750. I didn't know
him at all.
Copy !req
751. I'll admit that I had
hoped she might find a man
Copy !req
752. who would dote
on her and more,
Copy !req
753. perhaps had a surer sense
of what the world was.
Copy !req
754. And, apparently,
Copy !req
755. I'm entitled
to hope that again.
Copy !req
756. My wife and son
will be joining me soon.
Copy !req
757. I'm long past judgment,
Mr. Bullock,
Copy !req
758. and I've learned that
no matter what people say
Copy !req
759. or how civil they seem,
Copy !req
760. their passions rule.
Copy !req
761. I see no reason why
your wife and son's arrival
Copy !req
762. need alter my hopes
for my daughter's happiness
Copy !req
763. or security or the security
of her holdings.
Copy !req
764. I'll say good night,
Mr. Russell,
Copy !req
765. with thanks for dinner.
Copy !req
766. That will
disappoint Alma.
Copy !req
767. I'm sure she didn't think
she was saying good night
Copy !req
768. - when we left for our walk.
- She'll be all right.
Copy !req
769. If I have offended you,
Copy !req
770. I've accomplished the opposite
of my intention,
Copy !req
771. which would not be
an unprecedented result.
Copy !req
772. - I just want to say good night.
- Of course.
Copy !req
773. - Good night, Mr. Bullock.
- Good night then.
Copy !req
774. Trust me
to explain to Alma.
Copy !req
775. I'm a practiced
and inveterate liar.
Copy !req
776. If we didn't hate them too much
to be curious about the world...
Copy !req
777. we'd wonder what
they'd had to say.
Copy !req
778. Craps! Loser!
Line away.
Copy !req
779. You better not need
them fingers, Hoss,
Copy !req
780. if you spill that drink
on my goddamn felt too.
Copy !req
781. Hand that stick to a captain
of the floating table, Cy.
Copy !req
782. - Eddie Sawyer.
- Back in action if you'll have me.
Copy !req
783. Well, all right.
Copy !req
784. You need to take it back
about that boy, Cy,
Copy !req
785. me being interested
that way.
Copy !req
786. Aw, hell, Eddie,
you know me.
Copy !req
787. I get in a brown study, I say any
goddamn thing comes to mind.
Copy !req
788. Withdrawn with apologies.
Copy !req
789. Coming out.
New shooter.
Copy !req
790. Are we that far west
that we've wound up in fucking China?
Copy !req
791. Where a white man
kowtows to a celestial
Copy !req
792. like that arrogant
cocksucker Wu!
Copy !req
793. Take it easy, Leon.
Copy !req
794. It sticks in my craw,
Mr. Tolliver.
Copy !req
795. Do I have
my weaknesses?
Copy !req
796. Yes.
Copy !req
797. But I will not have a fucking Chink
courier rob me blind
Copy !req
798. and have my friend
Jimmy Irons robbed blind
Copy !req
799. in the course of feeding off
our fucking weaknesses!
Copy !req
800. Or have that courier's
fucking Chink boss
Copy !req
801. issue an order
to Al Swearengen
Copy !req
802. that's supposed to be
so fucking tough
Copy !req
803. to turn one
of us over!
Copy !req
804. Swearengen kowtows
and turns one of us over
Copy !req
805. to be eaten by
the fucking Chinese pigs!
Copy !req
806. This fucking gets to me.
I can't put it out of my fucking mind!
Copy !req
807. Leon, Leon, Leon.
Copy !req
808. Thin it out, Leon.
Prune the patter down, hmm?
Copy !req
809. For the winner,
pay the field.
Copy !req
810. - Hi, Eddie.
- Hiya, kitten.
Copy !req
811. - You and Cy reconciled?
- Thick as thieves.
Copy !req
812. And if I weren't
as good at what I did,
Copy !req
813. you'd see I just palmed
80 in chips
Copy !req
814. for the Joanie Stubbs
construction fund.
Copy !req
815. - Hi, Cy.
- Hi, Joanie.
Copy !req
816. What were you doing giving
Joanie the office, Eddie?
Copy !req
817. Saying "Welcome home."
Copy !req
818. Are you home, honey?
Copy !req
819. I gave up waiting for that search party
you didn't send, Cy.
Copy !req
820. Mind if I show Joanie
my peacock, Eddie?
Copy !req
821. - Find land for your plot yet?
- I'm still looking.
Copy !req
822. I see the pest tent's
coming down.
Copy !req
823. Ah, it's too far off
till the camp expands.
Copy !req
824. You'd want a more central plot,
say fronting Cochran's alley.
Copy !req
825. Well, those all seem
took by Chinese.
Copy !req
826. You never know how
that shit's gonna shake out.
Copy !req
827. Those Chinese cocksuckers!
Copy !req
828. A new shooter
coming out!
Copy !req
829. That man's not here
to help his daughter.
Copy !req
830. He's looking
to root at her claim.
Copy !req
831. You went to see
that whore again?
Copy !req
832. I guess she had to account
for her being outside,
Copy !req
833. and Swearengen sent for me
to pay him his fee.
Copy !req
834. I guess she told him
where she'd been.
Copy !req
835. It might have been me
he found out from, Sol,
Copy !req
836. 'cause I'm sometimes
that stupid.
Copy !req
837. You think it could
have been you?
Copy !req
838. I'm sure it was,
Copy !req
839. speaking without thinking,
Copy !req
840. justifying being
in his place.
Copy !req
841. Being you'd been
ousted from your own.
Copy !req
842. I was hot seeing that
tinhorn Stapleton
Copy !req
843. getting installed
as sheriff,
Copy !req
844. and I used poor
fucking judgment.
Copy !req
845. Sorry Mrs. Garret's pa
turns out a shitheel.
Copy !req
846. Cold enough world without getting
gone against by your own.
Copy !req
847. Now, I see what the fuck's
in front of me,
Copy !req
848. and I don't pretend
it's something else.
Copy !req
849. I was fucking her
but now I'm gonna fuck you,
Copy !req
850. if you don't
piss me off
Copy !req
851. or open your yap
at the wrong fucking time.
Copy !req
852. The only time you're
supposed to open your yap
Copy !req
853. is so I can put
my fucking prick in it.
Copy !req
854. Otherwise,
you shut the fuck up.
Copy !req
855. Now, hold
onto that, huh?
Copy !req
856. The point is,
Copy !req
857. this minister's
gotta fucking die.
Copy !req
858. I mean, that's the...
that's the fucking point.
Copy !req
859. He's gonna die
sooner or later.
Copy !req
860. I mean, he's making
a fucking jerk of himself,
Copy !req
861. and, I mean, well,
why-why go on with that?
Copy !req
862. Who's-who's gonna
benefit from that, huh?
Copy !req
863. No, you just gotta kill it
and put an end to it.
Copy !req
864. You don't
linger on about it,
Copy !req
865. you don't fucking go around
weeping about it,
Copy !req
866. and you don't,
you know,
Copy !req
867. behave like a kid
with sore thumb,
Copy !req
868. loco sucking it.
Now, "Mm, my poor fucking thumb!"
Copy !req
869. I mean, you... you gotta behave
like a grown fucking man, huh?
Copy !req
870. You gotta shut
the fuck up,
Copy !req
871. don't be sorry,
don't look fucking back,
Copy !req
872. because, believe me,
no one gives a fuck.
Copy !req
873. - You understand?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
874. You shut the fuck up, huh?
Gimme that!
Copy !req
875. Hey, you suck my dick
Copy !req
876. and shut
the fuck up, huh?
Copy !req
877. Come here.
Come on.
Copy !req
878. Now then, here.
Copy !req
879. The place where
I found you, huh,
Copy !req
880. is where this
warrant's from.
Copy !req
881. Could you believe
Copy !req
882. that I may have stuck
a knife in someone's guts
Copy !req
883. 12 hours before
you got on the wagon
Copy !req
884. we headed out for
fucking Laramie? No!
Copy !req
885. Because I don't look
fucking backwards.
Copy !req
886. I do what I have
to do and go on.
Copy !req
887. Whoa, whoa,
whoa... what?
Copy !req
888. You got a stagecoach
to catch or something, huh?
Copy !req
889. Slow the fuck up.
Copy !req
890. Did you know the orphanage part
of the building you lived in,
Copy !req
891. behind it she ran
a whorehouse, huh?
Copy !req
892. Oh, so you knew?
Copy !req
893. So, so what are you fucking
looking at then, huh?
Copy !req
894. God.
Copy !req
895. Now, I'll tell you
something you don't know.
Copy !req
896. Before she ran
a girls' orphanage,
Copy !req
897. fat Mrs. Fucking Anderson
Copy !req
898. ran the boys' orphanage
on fucking Euclid Avenue,
Copy !req
899. as I would see her fat ass
waddling out the boys' dormitory
Copy !req
900. at 5:00
in the fucking morning,
Copy !req
901. every fucking morning after she blew
her stupid fucking cowbell
Copy !req
902. and woke us
all the fuck up.
Copy !req
903. And my fucking mother
dropped me the fuck off there
Copy !req
904. with $7 and 60 some-odd
fucking cents
Copy !req
905. on her way to sucking cock
in... in Georgia.
Copy !req
906. And I didn't get to count
the fucking cents
Copy !req
907. before the fucking
door opened, and there,
Copy !req
908. Mrs. Fat-ass fucking Anderson,
Copy !req
909. who sold you to me.
Copy !req
910. I had to give her $7
and 60-odd fucking cents
Copy !req
911. that my mother shoved
in my fucking hand
Copy !req
912. before she hammered
one, two, three, four times
Copy !req
913. on the door and scurried off
down fucking Euclid Avenue,
Copy !req
914. probably 30 fucking years
before you were fucking born.
Copy !req
915. Then around Cape Horn
and up to San Francisco,
Copy !req
916. where she probably
became mayor
Copy !req
917. or some other type of success story,
unless by some fucking chance
Copy !req
918. she wound up
as a ditch for fucking cum.
Copy !req
919. Now fucking
go faster, hmm?
Copy !req
920. Okay, go ahead and spit it out.
You don't need to swallow.
Copy !req
921. Just spit it out.
Copy !req
922. Anyways.
Copy !req