1. Psst.
Copy !req
2. Psst.
Copy !req
3. Psst.
Copy !req
4. Psst.
Copy !req
5. Psssss.
Copy !req
6. Why are you here,
Copy !req
7. Barbara Gordon?
Copy !req
8. We're here to seek you out.
Copy !req
9. See?
Copy !req
10. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!
Copy !req
11. Ooh, that wasn't
Copy !req
12. supposed to happen.
Copy !req
13. Ow, ow, ow, ow!
Copy !req
14. How dare you board my vessel
Copy !req
15. without permission?
Copy !req
16. Throw them
Copy !req
17. to the ocean beast Cetus.
Copy !req
18. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!
Copy !req
19. Oh, wait.
Copy !req
20. Wow!
Copy !req
21. Diana, we won't let you
Copy !req
22. go without a fight.
Copy !req
23. We're sorry we gave up, Diana.
Copy !req
24. You gotta come back
Copy !req
25. and be our leader again.
Copy !req
26. It's true.
Copy !req
27. Look how bad we are at this.
Copy !req
28. You once said I could be
Copy !req
29. the greatest hero
Copy !req
30. the world of man ever knew.
Copy !req
31. But it wasn't me,
Copy !req
32. it's you.
Copy !req
33. Amazons, your princess
Copy !req
34. commands you to stop.
Copy !req
35. And your queen
Copy !req
36. commands you to continue.
Copy !req
37. Stop.
Copy !req
38. Continue.
Copy !req
39. - Stop.
Copy !req
40. - Continue.
Copy !req
41. - Stop.
Copy !req
42. - Continue!
Copy !req
43. Stop!
Copy !req
44. Well?
Copy !req
45. Which one is it?
Copy !req
46. You are only
Copy !req
47. 317 years old, Diana.
Copy !req
48. A girl, who is too young
Copy !req
49. and too naive
Copy !req
50. to make her own decisions.
Copy !req
51. No!
Copy !req
52. It was I, Mother,
Copy !req
53. I who survived the 21 tests
Copy !req
54. of the tournament
Copy !req
55. of Athena and Aphrodite.
Copy !req
56. While I may be young,
Copy !req
57. I have proven
Copy !req
58. I am my own woman
Copy !req
59. and I decide who I want to be.
Copy !req
60. It is Amazon law.
Copy !req
61. It is law.
Copy !req
62. Eeeeee!
Copy !req
63. Yay.
Copy !req
64. Congrats, Diana.
Copy !req
65. Disobeying your mom
Copy !req
66. is normal teenager lesson
Copy !req
67. number 218.
Copy !req
68. You're officially a teenager,
Copy !req
69. and we're officially
Copy !req
70. a team again.
Copy !req
71. And there's only
Copy !req
72. one place to celebrate.
Copy !req
73. Uh, guys.
Copy !req
74. Oh, no, first they tore down
Copy !req
75. Sweet Justice,
Copy !req
76. now they're gonna
Copy !req
77. demolish the pier.
Copy !req
78. You must vacate
Copy !req
79. this business
Copy !req
80. or dwelling immediately.
Copy !req
81. You are interfering
Copy !req
82. with lawful
Copy !req
83. demolition protocols.
Copy !req
84. You have ten seconds
Copy !req
85. to comply.
Copy !req
86. Oh, yeah?
Copy !req
87. Well, you got ten seconds
Copy !req
88. to say your prayers.
Copy !req
89. - Huh?
Copy !req
90. Ah, what is that?
Copy !req
91. Come to have some fun, girls?
Copy !req
92. Ah-ha! I knew it.
Copy !req
93. I knew it was Lex.
Copy !req
94. I knew it, I knew it,
Copy !req
95. I knew it, I knew it!
Copy !req
96. I knew it was Lex.
Copy !req
97. Lex? I am not Lex!
Copy !req
98. I'm...
Copy !req
99. Hold on.
Copy !req
100. I'm Lena. Lena Luthor.
Copy !req
101. And all this,
Copy !req
102. This is my plan,
Copy !req
103. not my dopey brother's.
Copy !req
104. He can never come up
Copy !req
105. with something this good. Ugh.
Copy !req
106. Oh, do I have to spell it out?
Copy !req
107. Yeah,
Copy !req
108. you kinda do.
Copy !req
109. Pfft, figures.
Copy !req
110. You teenagers think
Copy !req
111. you're so smart,
Copy !req
112. with your staying up late,
Copy !req
113. and your driving cars,
Copy !req
114. and your commercials.
Copy !req
115. - But you're so dumb...
Copy !req
116. you can't even pick up
Copy !req
117. on the most obvious
Copy !req
118. of evil plots.
Copy !req
119. Even when it's literally
Copy !req
120. in front of your face.
Copy !req
121. So first, I reprogrammed
Copy !req
122. Lex's worthless VR glasses.
Copy !req
123. Then, I hacked
Copy !req
124. the Demolition Robots
Copy !req
125. the city contacted my
Copy !req
126. doofus brother to make.
Copy !req
127. And finally, I used
Copy !req
128. to destroy every "fun"
Copy !req
129. and, or "cool"
Copy !req
130. place to "hang" in Metropolis,
Copy !req
131. so you lame-o teenagers
Copy !req
132. will have nowhere else to go
Copy !req
133. for your
Copy !req
134. mindless entertainment.
Copy !req
135. Trapped forever
Copy !req
136. in my VR world.
Copy !req
137. Tailor-made, just for you.
Copy !req
138. Every last
Copy !req
139. lame-brained one of you.
Copy !req
140. Aww.
Copy !req
141. With all you teenagers
Copy !req
142. out of the way,
Copy !req
143. children will rule Metropolis!
Copy !req
144. That's the dumbest plan
Copy !req
145. I've ever heard.
Copy !req
146. You're the dumbest plan
Copy !req
147. I've ever heard.
Copy !req
148. And once this pier
Copy !req
149. is destroyed,
Copy !req
150. you're next.
Copy !req
151. Your plan will
Copy !req
152. never work, Lena.
Copy !req
153. We teenagers are stronger
Copy !req
154. than you think.
Copy !req
155. - Aww.
Copy !req
156. - Bumblebee.
Copy !req
157. Oh, sorry, sorry,
Copy !req
158. sorry, sorry.
Copy !req
159. Anyway, the point is,
Copy !req
160. you can destroy
Copy !req
161. our favorite places,
Copy !req
162. but you'll never destroy
Copy !req
163. our friendships.
Copy !req
164. Yeah!
Copy !req
165. Pfft, whatevs.
Copy !req
166. - Roll out, boys.
Copy !req
167. Come, sisters, it was
Copy !req
168. on this sacred ground
Copy !req
169. that we became friends.
Copy !req
170. Now, this pier is where
Copy !req
171. we shall become heroes.
Copy !req
172. Ha!
Copy !req
173. Zatanna, look!
Copy !req
174. This isn't working.
Copy !req
175. There's too many of them.
Copy !req
176. What do we do?
Copy !req
177. I win, I win, I win, I win!
Copy !req
178. We are totally losing,
Copy !req
179. you guys.
Copy !req
180. And every teenager
Copy !req
181. in Metropolis is gonna
Copy !req
182. pay the price.
Copy !req
183. It is impossible
Copy !req
184. for six warriors
Copy !req
185. to defeat an army,
Copy !req
186. unless we take out
Copy !req
187. the general.
Copy !req
188. Lena! If we can stop her,
Copy !req
189. the rest should follow.
Copy !req
190. But how?
Copy !req
191. Even giant mega warsuits
Copy !req
192. need power.
Copy !req
193. If we can jolt the mainframe,
Copy !req
194. we can short it out.
Copy !req
195. I repeat, but how?
Copy !req
196. I got one just like this
Copy !req
197. and it shorts out
Copy !req
198. my house all the time.
Copy !req
199. Just turn it up to ten
Copy !req
200. and shred.
Copy !req
201. But how do we get it
Copy !req
202. to the motherboard
Copy !req
203. inside the warsuit?
Copy !req
204. I'll do it.
Copy !req
205. Bumblebee, are you sure?
Copy !req
206. It's too scary
Copy !req
207. and I don't wanna do it.
Copy !req
208. But I will.
Copy !req
209. Great! Connect this cable
Copy !req
210. to the CPU in Lena's suit,
Copy !req
211. and I'll rig the amp
Copy !req
212. to go past ten.
Copy !req
213. No way!
Copy !req
214. Can you do that for mine?
Copy !req
215. Then I can plug the other end
Copy !req
216. to the amp and...
Copy !req
217. Zzzzz, Bratty McBratterson's
Copy !req
218. going down.
Copy !req
219. Green Lantern, get Batgirl
Copy !req
220. as close to Lena as you can.
Copy !req
221. Supergirl, Zatanna,
Copy !req
222. you're with me.
Copy !req
223. Now, let us do this.
Copy !req
224. Jar-em.
Copy !req
225. - Jar-em. Jar-em. Jar-em.
Copy !req
226. - Jar-em.
Copy !req
227. Jar-em.
Copy !req
228. Ha!
Copy !req
229. I'm in,
Copy !req
230. is the amp ready?
Copy !req
231. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
232. Almost there.
Copy !req
233. Get off!
Copy !req
234. Say goodbye
Copy !req
235. to your pier, suckers.
Copy !req
236. It's now or never.
Copy !req
237. Hey, Supergirl,
Copy !req
238. ready to rock?
Copy !req
239. All right, little girl,
Copy !req
240. time for a lullaby.
Copy !req
241. What? How?
Copy !req
242. No!
Copy !req
243. You cheated!
Copy !req
244. You cheated!
Copy !req
245. You cheated!
Copy !req
246. You cheated!
Copy !req
247. Uh-oh.
Copy !req
248. - Wanna see a movie
Copy !req
249. at my house?
Copy !req
250. - Yeah.
Copy !req
251. - All right.
Copy !req
252. - Sure.
Copy !req
253. Um, Bumblebee got out, right?
Copy !req
254. Bumblebee!
Copy !req
255. Did we do it?
Copy !req
256. Nice highlights,
Copy !req
257. what's your secret?
Copy !req
258. Courage.
Copy !req
259. Yaaaah!
Copy !req
260. Oh, no fair!
Copy !req
261. No fair!
Copy !req
262. There she is, Mom, see?
Copy !req
263. Told you she stole my stuff.
Copy !req
264. Lutessa Lena Luthor,
Copy !req
265. you get in this car right now.
Copy !req
266. You can't make me!
Copy !req
267. No!
Copy !req
268. No! No! No!
Copy !req
269. Oh, I'm sorry
Copy !req
270. about your warsuit, Lex.
Copy !req
271. Don't worry, Mom.
Copy !req
272. I'm just happy
Copy !req
273. the little tyke is all right.
Copy !req
274. Oh, you think next time
Copy !req
275. you can get those cupcakes
Copy !req
276. you promised?
Copy !req
277. Ha! Already on it, Mom.
Copy !req
278. I am not saying goodbye
Copy !req
279. to the best snickerdoodles
Copy !req
280. in Metropolis.
Copy !req
281. You'll pay for this,
Copy !req
282. super teen jerks!
Copy !req
283. You'll pay!
Copy !req
284. [crowd clamoring
Copy !req
285. in admiration]
Copy !req
286. Brand new superhero team
Copy !req
287. right here in Metropolis.
Copy !req
288. And they're girls.
Copy !req
289. Super Hero Girls!
Copy !req
290. Super Hero Girls!
Copy !req
291. Super Hero Girls!
Copy !req
292. Super Hero Girls!
Copy !req
293. This is the life.
Copy !req
294. Good friends
Copy !req
295. and good chocolate.
Copy !req
296. It's nice to have everything
Copy !req
297. back to normal.
Copy !req
298. Blah, normal's overrated.
Copy !req
299. Mmm, remember
Copy !req
300. when we first came here,
Copy !req
301. and Diana said she wanted to
Copy !req
302. be at this place all the time?
Copy !req
303. Yeah.
Copy !req
304. Ow!
Copy !req
305. Whoa!
Copy !req
306. Ta-da!
Copy !req
307. It's our own home base!
Copy !req
308. I took a few late night trips
Copy !req
309. to the construction site
Copy !req
310. while they were rebuilding.
Copy !req
311. Truly, this is
Copy !req
312. a place of wonder.
Copy !req
313. Not bad, Babs.
Copy !req
314. Nice job.
Copy !req
315. We can protect
Copy !req
316. the whole city from here.
Copy !req
317. No bad guy stands a chance.
Copy !req
318. Not with the Super Hero Girls
Copy !req
319. on the case.
Copy !req
320. Aww.
Copy !req
321. Super awesome super heroness,
Copy !req
322. here we come!
Copy !req