1. Whoo!
Copy !req
2. Not tonight, evildoer.
Copy !req
3. Tonight,
Copy !req
4. you're an evil don'ter.
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5. Flourproof
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6. Bat-Goggles, activate!
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7. Bat-Countermeasures, deploy!
Copy !req
8. Everything
Copy !req
9. okay down there, pumpkinpants?
Copy !req
10. Uh, just making nachos!
Copy !req
11. Huh?
Copy !req
12. Did I make it?
Copy !req
13. Am I late again?
Copy !req
14. - Who are you?
Copy !req
15. - I'm Rose. It's my first day.
Copy !req
16. - Oh hey Rose, I'm Babs!
Copy !req
17. - A break-in? That's so scary.
Copy !req
18. And it was so brave of you
Copy !req
19. to tell the story to
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20. a complete and total stranger.
Copy !req
21. Hey, do you want to come over
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22. for dinner this weekend?
Copy !req
23. Maybe it would get
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24. your mind off the break-in?
Copy !req
25. Ah, you must be "Babs."
Copy !req
26. Whoa! That eyepatch is awesome!
Copy !req
27. Yes, well, sometimes,
Copy !req
28. the darkest impulses
Copy !req
29. of the human heart
Copy !req
30. can be triggered by
Copy !req
31. emotions so strong, so raw,
Copy !req
32. that our loved ones
Copy !req
33. act without thinking.
Copy !req
34. I learned this the hard way.
Copy !req
35. But I'm happy you think
Copy !req
36. my patch is "awesome."
Copy !req
37. - I brought donuts!
Copy !req
38. - Mmm. Store-bought.
Copy !req
39. They'll certainly pair well
Copy !req
40. with the chestnut souffles
Copy !req
41. I've been preparing all day.
Copy !req
42. - Wow, nice place, Mr. Wilson!
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43. It looks like
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44. a LexMart catalog!
Copy !req
45. Hey, Babs!
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46. Ah, Rosie! You look lovely.
Copy !req
47. Well. I hope you are
Copy !req
48. as hungry as you are late.
Copy !req
49. Heh-heh, sure am!
Copy !req
50. I'm up for anything
Copy !req
51. as long as it's not,
Copy !req
52. like, bouillabaisse.
Copy !req
53. - Heh-heh. Oh.
Copy !req
54. Oh, don't worry, Daddy's
Copy !req
55. bouillabaisse is the best.
Copy !req
56. But if you really don't
Copy !req
57. like it, I'm sure he can
Copy !req
58. whip up something else.
Copy !req
59. Yes. Perhaps there are some
Copy !req
60. dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets
Copy !req
61. wedged in the back
Copy !req
62. of the freezer.
Copy !req
63. Come on, Babs,
Copy !req
64. I'll give you the tour.
Copy !req
65. - So, your dad's... nice?
Copy !req
66. He's trying.
Copy !req
67. - What do you mean?
Copy !req
68. - He's been gone
Copy !req
69. most of my life.
Copy !req
70. It's only in the last year
Copy !req
71. or so he's really
Copy !req
72. tried to reconnect.
Copy !req
73. That's why I'm here.
Copy !req
74. Make up for lost time.
Copy !req
75. Huh. That's really... sweet.
Copy !req
76. Dinner is served, ladies.
Copy !req
77. Seriously, Babs, don't worry
Copy !req
78. about impressing him.
Copy !req
79. He's totally harmless.
Copy !req
80. So...
Copy !req
81. do you always wear your shoes
Copy !req
82. on other people's carpet?
Copy !req
83. Yah!
Copy !req
84. - Daddy.
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85. It's really good.
Copy !req
86. Did you hear that, Rosie?
Copy !req
87. The shaved fennel and asparagus
Copy !req
88. salad is "really good!"
Copy !req
89. Daddy, please.
Copy !req
90. You're being rude.
Copy !req
91. Am I? All right, tell me
Copy !req
92. something about yourself, Babs.
Copy !req
93. Uh...
Copy !req
94. Well, I'm a Libra and my
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95. dog is called Ace
Copy !req
96. and I like physics and
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97. gym class best
Copy !req
98. and I have every Batman comic
Copy !req
99. ever and my dad used to be
Copy !req
100. police commissioner
Copy !req
101. in Gotham City...
Copy !req
102. Gotham... City?
Copy !req
103. Your father was police
Copy !req
104. commissioner in Gotham City?
Copy !req
105. Uh-huh. Until we moved here.
Copy !req
106. Now he, like, brushes his teeth
Copy !req
107. and watches TV and stuff.
Copy !req
108. He's super good at watching TV.
Copy !req
109. "Babs." Of course! Short for
Copy !req
110. Barbara. Barbara Gordon.
Copy !req
111. The Gotham City police
Copy !req
112. commissioner's daughter.
Copy !req
113. - Babs!
Copy !req
114. - Ha ha. That's me.
Copy !req
115. Baaaaaabs Gordon.
Copy !req
116. That's the name
Copy !req
117. my folks gave me. Ha.
Copy !req
118. Bathroom!
Copy !req
119. Uh, come on, Babsie,
Copy !req
120. get it together!
Copy !req
121. Gah!
Copy !req
122. Double gah!
Copy !req
123. Huh. Military guy.
Copy !req
124. Triple gah!
Copy !req
125. Hmm...
Copy !req
126. Everything
Copy !req
127. all right, Babs?
Copy !req
128. Well, I hope you'll at least
Copy !req
129. try the bouillabaisse.
Copy !req
130. It's important for children
Copy !req
131. to move past
Copy !req
132. pizza and burgers...
Copy !req
133. And after all, there's nothing
Copy !req
134. in it that'll kill you.
Copy !req
135. What'd you do to your arm?
Copy !req
136. This? I was attacked...
Copy !req
137. by a bat.
Copy !req
138. Bon appetit!
Copy !req
139. Yes. Do dig in.
Copy !req
140. - Uh...
Copy !req
141. Bathroom again!
Copy !req
142. Who is this guy? And why's
Copy !req
143. he trying to take me out?
Copy !req
144. This looks like a job for...
Copy !req
145. still Babs.
Copy !req
146. Ew.
Copy !req
147. Hello, bad guy.
Copy !req
148. Oh.
Copy !req
149. He's a really bad guy.
Copy !req
150. Deathstroke!
Copy !req
151. Rose's dad is the infamous
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152. mercenary and assassin
Copy !req
153. Deathstroke?
Copy !req
154. He's, like, the worst guy!
Copy !req
155. And he's after...
Copy !req
156. my dad?
Copy !req
157. No one
Copy !req
158. comes after my dad.
Copy !req
159. Find everything you needed?
Copy !req
160. Uh! There you guys are!
Copy !req
161. Come on, let's just
Copy !req
162. skip to dessert...
Copy !req
163. Oh! I know! You know
Copy !req
164. what goes good with souffles?
Copy !req
165. - Ice cream!
Copy !req
166. - Excellent idea.
Copy !req
167. It's in the freezer downstairs.
Copy !req
168. You're gonna have to
Copy !req
169. go through me to get to
Copy !req
170. my dad, Deathstroke.
Copy !req
171. Don't take it
Copy !req
172. so personally, Babs.
Copy !req
173. Your father made
Copy !req
174. a lot of enemies with a lot
Copy !req
175. of money back in Gotham.
Copy !req
176. Don't take it personally?
Copy !req
177. He's the man who gave
Copy !req
178. birth to me!
Copy !req
179. Wait. No. You know what I mean!
Copy !req
180. I could have taken
Copy !req
181. you out that night.
Copy !req
182. Knowing what a terrible
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183. influence you are on Rosie,
Copy !req
184. I wish I would have.
Copy !req
185. Oh, and the snobby
Copy !req
186. supervillain father is such
Copy !req
187. a great role model?
Copy !req
188. Your table manners
Copy !req
189. are atrocious and you have
Copy !req
190. the palate of a five year old!
Copy !req
191. Who serves Bouillabaisse
Copy !req
192. to a teenager?
Copy !req
193. Daddy?
Copy !req
194. Uh, it's not
Copy !req
195. what it looks like.
Copy !req
196. You promised you wouldn't
Copy !req
197. try to assassinate
Copy !req
198. my friends anymore!
Copy !req
199. I'm very disappointed
Copy !req
200. in you, Daddy.
Copy !req
201. What am I supposed to do?
Copy !req
202. It's my job!
Copy !req
203. I should have known
Copy !req
204. you wouldn't change.
Copy !req
205. Just when I was starting to
Copy !req
206. trust you, you do this.
Copy !req
207. Oh. I'm sorry, Rosie. You mean
Copy !req
208. more to me than anything.
Copy !req
209. If you don't want me
Copy !req
210. to do this job, I won't.
Copy !req
211. You have my word,
Copy !req
212. I won't bother you
Copy !req
213. or your father again.
Copy !req
214. I'm sorry, Rosie,
Copy !req
215. please don't be mad.
Copy !req
216. Shake hands.
Copy !req
217. - He tried to take out my dad!
Copy !req
218. - I already said I was sorry!
Copy !req
219. Shake hands.
Copy !req
220. - Uh...
Copy !req
221. Dad!
Copy !req
222. Hey, sweetie. Ready to go?
Copy !req
223. Yup. I...
Copy !req
224. Won't you come in? We were
Copy !req
225. just about to sample those
Copy !req
226. delightful donuts
Copy !req
227. your daughter brought.
Copy !req
228. Well, I'd never say
Copy !req
229. no to a donut.
Copy !req
230. Excellent. Right this way.
Copy !req
231. Hey, Rose.
Copy !req
232. What are you doing here?
Copy !req
233. I... I'm moving back
Copy !req
234. with my mom.
Copy !req
235. What? Why?
Copy !req
236. My dad and I talked
Copy !req
237. and we both agreed
Copy !req
238. to take it a little slower.
Copy !req
239. But I'll still come and visit!
Copy !req
240. I'm gonna miss you, Rosie!
Copy !req
241. Aww.
Copy !req
242. Take care of yourself.
Copy !req
243. And don't worry.
Copy !req
244. Your secret's safe with me.
Copy !req
245. Thank you for showing me what
Copy !req
246. a father and daughter can be.
Copy !req
247. I'm gonna take some time off.
Copy !req
248. Try to be a better dad.
Copy !req
249. Ah, I, uh, made
Copy !req
250. you some donuts.
Copy !req
251. Wow, thanks, Mr. Wilson.
Copy !req
252. Not like those disgusting
Copy !req
253. sawdust things you brought
Copy !req
254. over last night. Blech!
Copy !req