1. Whoo!
Copy !req
2. Holy potatoes, Jess!
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3. Your parents' cabin
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4. is so awesome.
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5. Forget the cabin,
Copy !req
6. how 'bout that lake? Huh? Huh?
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7. Look at all that water!
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8. - And no worries
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9. about tonight's entertainment,
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10. 'cause I got it covered.
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11. Nothing goes better with nature
Copy !req
12. and fresh air than...
Copy !req
13. The Cabin Massacre
Copy !req
14. weekend trilogy.
Copy !req
15. On a retractable
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16. 3D theater screen
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17. with ultra 4K
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18. resolution display
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19. and 10.2 surround sound
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20. that runs on... this!
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21. A nanotech pocket generator
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22. that will run our electronics
Copy !req
23. the entire time
Copy !req
24. we're roughing it!
Copy !req
25. I'm sorry, Babs,
Copy !req
26. but "roughing it"
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27. means no tech.
Copy !req
28. - What?
Copy !req
29. - What?
Copy !req
30. You heard her. No tech.
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31. That also means no powers, Hal.
Copy !req
32. - What?
Copy !req
33. - What?
Copy !req
34. But... lake.
Copy !req
35. Don't give me
Copy !req
36. that look.
Copy !req
37. We couldn't use our powers
Copy !req
38. even if we wanted to.
Copy !req
39. Did you forget about...
Copy !req
40. Um, why is she here?
Copy !req
41. Um, why am I here?
Copy !req
42. Because it's a weekend
Copy !req
43. surrounded by the glory
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44. of nature.
Copy !req
45. And who would enjoy it more
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46. than ultimate nature lover,
Copy !req
47. Pam Isley?
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48. Monsters.
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49. Isn't this great?
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50. The stars, the campfire,
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51. the camaraderie.
Copy !req
52. I thought you might be hungry,
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53. so I made us...
Copy !req
54. veggie-kabobs!
Copy !req
55. I've gotta go.
Copy !req
56. Don't get lost, all right?
Copy !req
57. That chick is weird.
Copy !req
58. You could try to make her feel
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59. more welcome, you know?
Copy !req
60. Hey, I built
Copy !req
61. a super-welcoming fire,
Copy !req
62. what do you want from me?
Copy !req
63. She shouldn't have
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64. gone out there.
Copy !req
65. She could fall victim to...
Copy !req
66. The Witch of the Wood!
Copy !req
67. The Witch of the Wood?
Copy !req
68. Ooh, The Witch of the Wood.
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69. Ooh, ooh, I'm so scared.
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70. Oh, it's no story.
Copy !req
71. The only reason
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72. no one knows about her
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73. is because no one's lived
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74. to tell her tale!
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75. A tale of tragedy and horror!
Copy !req
76. You see...
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77. The Witch of the Wood
Copy !req
78. was once a beautiful woman
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79. who lived long ago.
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80. She was mother
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81. to 13 little children.
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82. But a deadly plague
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83. swept through the village,
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84. taking all her darlings
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85. with it.
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86. Driven mad with grief
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87. and despair,
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88. she vowed to bring them
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89. back to life!
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90. But to do so,
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91. she knew she must find them
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92. amongst the graves
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93. of the plague's victims.
Copy !req
94. Hang on, hang on.
Copy !req
95. There's no such thing
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96. as witches or zombies, Babs.
Copy !req
97. Stop trying to scare everyone.
Copy !req
98. It's totally not...
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99. working.
Copy !req
100. Then you won't mind
Copy !req
101. if I continue.
Copy !req
102. Ugh, whatever.
Copy !req
103. I'm going to get
Copy !req
104. more marshmallows.
Copy !req
105. Hopefully this nonsense
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106. will be over when I get back.
Copy !req
107. Oh, it will...
Copy !req
108. or will it?
Copy !req
109. Falling deeper into madness,
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110. she pulled more
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111. and more mangled corpses
Copy !req
112. from the earth...
Copy !req
113. sending them forth
Copy !req
114. to find her children.
Copy !req
115. And should they,
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116. destroy those who would do them
Copy !req
117. further harm.
Copy !req
118. Was that Pam?
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119. The Witch of the Wood
Copy !req
120. got her!
Copy !req
121. Come on, you guys.
Copy !req
122. I totally made that story up.
Copy !req
123. There's no such things
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124. as witches or—
Copy !req
125. Zombies!
Copy !req
126. They're everywhere!
Copy !req
127. Oh, no, Garth!
Copy !req
128. What do we do?
Copy !req
129. - Jess took all
Copy !req
130. our power thingies.
Copy !req
131. Fear not, young Karen.
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132. For unlike you mere mortals,
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133. I need no power thingy
Copy !req
134. to become the mighty master
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135. of the deep.
Copy !req
136. Aqua—
Copy !req
137. The cabin.
Copy !req
138. It's our only hope.
Copy !req
139. Run!
Copy !req
140. Hal!
Copy !req
141. Hey, guys?
Copy !req
142. Do you know
Copy !req
143. where are the gluten-free
Copy !req
144. graham crackers are?
Copy !req
145. I found the...
Copy !req
146. Um...
Copy !req
147. What's going on?
Copy !req
148. We're under zombie attack!
Copy !req
149. They took Pam! They took Garth!
Copy !req
150. They're here
Copy !req
151. for our immortal souls!
Copy !req
152. Oh, please.
Copy !req
153. You think I'm falling for that?
Copy !req
154. There's no such things
Copy !req
155. as witches,
Copy !req
156. and there's no such thing as—
Copy !req
157. [Karen, Jessica
Copy !req
158. and Barbara screaming]
Copy !req
159. Hey, Hal.
Copy !req
160. How about some help here?
Copy !req
161. Uh-oh.
Copy !req
162. Hey, uh...
Copy !req
163. I don't feel so good.
Copy !req
164. Can one of you girls, like,
Copy !req
165. make me a sandwich
Copy !req
166. or something?
Copy !req
167. Hal...
Copy !req
168. Are you okay?
Copy !req
169. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
170. Totally fine.
Copy !req
171. Put me in, Coach,
Copy !req
172. I'm ready to...
Copy !req
173. Hal?
Copy !req
174. - Babs! Over here.
Copy !req
175. Our strikes have
Copy !req
176. no effect on him.
Copy !req
177. He must be
Copy !req
178. completely brain-dead!
Copy !req
179. I want a sandwich.
Copy !req
180. How can you tell?
Copy !req
181. 'Sup, ladies?
Copy !req
182. Um, guys?
Copy !req
183. The door isn't gonna
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184. last long.
Copy !req
185. - We're trapped!
Copy !req
186. - We need our power thingies.
Copy !req
187. Where are our thingies?
Copy !req
188. It's in the sack...
Copy !req
189. hanging from the tree outside
Copy !req
190. behind my mom's minivan.
Copy !req
191. What?
Copy !req
192. We're doomed.
Copy !req
193. No. No, we're not.
Copy !req
194. We don't need powers.
Copy !req
195. We're three intelligent,
Copy !req
196. capable young women.
Copy !req
197. We'll just have to...
Copy !req
198. improvise!
Copy !req
199. Ready, girls?
Copy !req
200. Wait a minute, Jess.
Copy !req
201. Are you sure about this?
Copy !req
202. I mean,
Copy !req
203. aren't you a pacifist?
Copy !req
204. Ah, but you forget, Karen,
Copy !req
205. I'm also vegan.
Copy !req
206. And I eat plants for breakfast.
Copy !req
207. Ya!
Copy !req
208. You're coleslaw, sucker!
Copy !req
209. Almost there.
Copy !req
210. I always knew
Copy !req
211. this is how I'd go out.
Copy !req
212. I always hated vegetables!
Copy !req
213. Yes!
Copy !req
214. Oh, no.
Copy !req
215. Now, this is
Copy !req
216. the glory of nature.
Copy !req
217. I am Aqualad,
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218. king of the oceans.
Copy !req
219. Look!
Copy !req
220. Pam, you're alive!
Copy !req
221. Hey... you're alive, too.
Copy !req
222. Yay.
Copy !req
223. We forgot Hal.
Copy !req
224. Um, hello?
Copy !req
225. Not funny, guys.
Copy !req
226. It's cold in here,
Copy !req
227. and I'm hungry. Can someone
Copy !req
228. make me a sandwich?
Copy !req
229. Please?
Copy !req