1. Ah!
Copy !req
2. Hey, Beecher.
Copy !req
3. - Heads up.
Copy !req
4. Oh, um, hi, Doris.
Copy !req
5. Fancy meeting you here
Copy !req
6. while I was
Copy !req
7. taking the extra, extra
Copy !req
8. long way to Chemistry class.
Copy !req
9. Hey, I went to
Copy !req
10. Chemistry class once.
Copy !req
11. I know where that is.
Copy !req
12. Tell you what.
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13. Why don't we escort you.
Copy !req
14. Uh, you guys?
Copy !req
15. Um, this isn't actually
Copy !req
16. the Science building.
Copy !req
17. "This isn't
Copy !req
18. the Science building."
Copy !req
19. You see, Beecher,
Copy !req
20. that's your problem.
Copy !req
21. You irritate me.
Copy !req
22. You bug me.
Copy !req
23. You're a puny little insect.
Copy !req
24. And you know what
Copy !req
25. Doris does to bugs...
Copy !req
26. She squashes them.
Copy !req
27. Yeah.
Copy !req
28. Why are you hitting yourself?
Copy !req
29. Why are you hitting yourself?
Copy !req
30. Why are you hitting yourself?
Copy !req
31. Okay, Doris, very funny.
Copy !req
32. You thought that was funny?
Copy !req
33. Maybe you need
Copy !req
34. a little time to yourself
Copy !req
35. to think about
Copy !req
36. how comedy works.
Copy !req
37. Yeah. Get in there
Copy !req
38. and think about
Copy !req
39. how comedy works.
Copy !req
40. Wait.
Copy !req
41. I can do it myself.
Copy !req
42. That's the fifth time
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43. this month.
Copy !req
44. I don't get it!
Copy !req
45. What did I ever do to her?
Copy !req
46. Nothing.
Copy !req
47. Psychological profiles
Copy !req
48. of bullies suggest
Copy !req
49. they always target
Copy !req
50. the small and weak.
Copy !req
51. Sorry. I meant
Copy !req
52. the small and... awesome?
Copy !req
53. Apple?
Copy !req
54. There's nothing awesome
Copy !req
55. about being small, believe me.
Copy !req
56. But that's all gonna change
Copy !req
57. after today.
Copy !req
58. You need some
Copy !req
59. new material, Doris.
Copy !req
60. "Why are you hitting yourself?"
Copy !req
61. Whatever. It's classic.
Copy !req
62. A meathead
Copy !req
63. falling on her keister?
Copy !req
64. Now, that's classic.
Copy !req
65. Shut it, Leslie.
Copy !req
66. Uh, ever heard of knocking,
Copy !req
67. dweebs?
Copy !req
68. Uh, Daddy and I
Copy !req
69. are leaving for the
Copy !req
70. science conference now, okay?
Copy !req
71. "The science conference, okay?"
Copy !req
72. Fine! Whatever!
Copy !req
73. Have fun with your
Copy !req
74. sporting activities, sweetums.
Copy !req
75. Love you.
Copy !req
76. I gotta pump up.
Copy !req
77. Yeah.
Copy !req
78. Pumped up!
Copy !req
79. Ladies and other ladies,
Copy !req
80. may I present to you the new,
Copy !req
81. the improved,
Copy !req
82. Bumblebee!
Copy !req
83. Karen, it is simply divine.
Copy !req
84. Battle armor befitting
Copy !req
85. a true warrior.
Copy !req
86. It looks awesome, kid.
Copy !req
87. What's it do?
Copy !req
88. Well, um,
Copy !req
89. we've added these thin
Copy !req
90. film photovoltaic modules
Copy !req
91. to make the suit solar-powered.
Copy !req
92. Plus, they make her
Copy !req
93. look like a bee.
Copy !req
94. I modified the wing mechanism
Copy !req
95. so there's a more dulcet tone
Copy !req
96. to the way they buzz.
Copy !req
97. Like a bee!
Copy !req
98. And we're working on
Copy !req
99. quartz prisms in the goggles
Copy !req
100. that will emit
Copy !req
101. an electrical sting.
Copy !req
102. Like a cute little bee.
Copy !req
103. Which leads us
Copy !req
104. to my biggest upgrade yet.
Copy !req
105. Here goes.
Copy !req
106. Um... Yay?
Copy !req
107. Yeah, you shrunk...
Copy !req
108. differently?
Copy !req
109. Oh, no!
Copy !req
110. I thought we
Copy !req
111. finally fixed the growth tech.
Copy !req
112. I'm not supposed to shrink,
Copy !req
113. I'm supposed to grow.
Copy !req
114. Aww, but you're so cute small.
Copy !req
115. Cute and useless.
Copy !req
116. How am I supposed to
Copy !req
117. stand up to the bad guys
Copy !req
118. when I'm just a...
Copy !req
119. puny little insect?
Copy !req
120. It's okay. I bet we just
Copy !req
121. inverted the zeta thingy
Copy !req
122. when we had to
Copy !req
123. cross-wire that other thingy
Copy !req
124. because we were
Copy !req
125. out of those thingy thingies.
Copy !req
126. - Remember?
Copy !req
127. - Yeah. Maybe.
Copy !req
128. Then let us procure
Copy !req
129. the correct thingies.
Copy !req
130. Quick trip to the mall,
Copy !req
131. and we'll have the whole thing
Copy !req
132. sorted out.
Copy !req
133. Well, as much as I hate
Copy !req
134. to miss a trip to the mall,
Copy !req
135. my father and I
Copy !req
136. have a show tonight.
Copy !req
137. And I'm protesting the show
Copy !req
138. for using animals.
Copy !req
139. Oh, cool. We can share a cab.
Copy !req
140. Hey, don't worry Karen.
Copy !req
141. I know you'll get it.
Copy !req
142. All right, then. Let's go.
Copy !req
143. Hey, little lady.
Copy !req
144. Lookin' for the yoga mats?
Copy !req
145. Free weights.
Copy !req
146. Ah, free weights.
Copy !req
147. For a dance aerobics class,
Copy !req
148. I bet.
Copy !req
149. You look strong for a girl.
Copy !req
150. How 'bout, hmm,
Copy !req
151. oh, some three-pounders.
Copy !req
152. Do I look like
Copy !req
153. I want three-pounders?
Copy !req
154. Ready! Step!
Copy !req
155. Huzzah!
Copy !req
156. I survived
Copy !req
157. the mechanical staircase.
Copy !req
158. The new Gotham glory line
Copy !req
159. of cowls are in!
Copy !req
160. Eee!
Copy !req
161. Yeah, while you guys
Copy !req
162. do your nerd stuff,
Copy !req
163. I'm gonna go
Copy !req
164. grab some chili fries.
Copy !req
165. Come get me when you're done.
Copy !req
166. Lead on, young Karen.
Copy !req
167. Let us do our nerd stuff.
Copy !req
168. Great Hera.
Copy !req
169. What is the cause
Copy !req
170. of such mayhem?
Copy !req
171. Puny man.
Copy !req
172. How dare you insult Giganta?
Copy !req
173. Now all shall feel my wrath!
Copy !req
174. Citizens, clear the area.
Copy !req
175. We shall dispose of this brute.
Copy !req
176. Come, Karen. To battle.
Copy !req
177. But my suit, it's not...
Copy !req
178. - ... ready.
Copy !req
179. Uh... where is it?
Copy !req
180. Ow! Come on, Karen. Focus.
Copy !req
181. Oh, no.
Copy !req
182. Ha. Let us see how you
Copy !req
183. stand up to the Lasso of Truth.
Copy !req
184. The Lasso compels me
Copy !req
185. to tell the truth.
Copy !req
186. This is humiliating.
Copy !req
187. Where's that 20 ohm resistor?
Copy !req
188. - Seriously? Hey, meatbrain!
Copy !req
189. - Huh?
Copy !req
190. Over here.
Copy !req
191. That all you got?
Copy !req
192. A fight!
Copy !req
193. Tennis, anyone?
Copy !req
194. Yes.
Copy !req
195. - Whoa.
Copy !req
196. There. That should do it.
Copy !req
197. Dang!
Copy !req
198. - Eh, deuce?
Copy !req
199. Strike!
Copy !req
200. Hurry, Karen.
Copy !req
201. This is all on you now.
Copy !req
202. Let's do this.
Copy !req
203. Hey, you!
Copy !req
204. Huh?
Copy !req
205. Hmm.
Copy !req
206. Why don't you pick on someone
Copy !req
207. your own size?
Copy !req
208. Oh, come on!
Copy !req
209. No, no, no, no, no, no!
Copy !req
210. I... I'm alive.
Copy !req
211. And it's all because...
Copy !req
212. I'm a puny little insect!
Copy !req
213. Time to sweat the small stuff.
Copy !req
214. [Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov's
Copy !req
215. "The Flight of the Bumblebee"
Copy !req
216. playing]
Copy !req
217. Talk about a little fish
Copy !req
218. in a big pond.
Copy !req
219. Note to self.
Copy !req
220. Upgrade stingers.
Copy !req
221. Eek!
Copy !req
222. Hey,
Copy !req
223. why are you hittin' yourself?
Copy !req
224. Did I do that?
Copy !req
225. Nice work, kid!
Copy !req
226. You have done Athena proud,
Copy !req
227. young Karen.
Copy !req
228. Growth tech, smowth tech!
Copy !req
229. Ha-ha, yeah, I...
Copy !req
230. Hey, Beecher,
Copy !req
231. heads up.
Copy !req
232. Huh?
Copy !req
233. Hey, give me back my ball.
Copy !req
234. Why don't you
Copy !req
235. come and get it,
Copy !req
236. meathead?
Copy !req
237. - Crud!
Copy !req