1. And in this
Copy !req
2. morning's headlines,
Copy !req
3. Superman is at it again.
Copy !req
4. And after such a trying ordeal,
Copy !req
5. it was all thanks to Superman
Copy !req
6. that the orphans were saved.
Copy !req
7. In other news, Superman...
Copy !req
8. Metropolis's Big Blue
Copy !req
9. Boy Scout, Superman,
Copy !req
10. a hero for all of us—
Copy !req
11. Superman! Superman!
Copy !req
12. - Superman!
Copy !req
13. Finally, a place
Copy !req
14. where I don't have
Copy !req
15. to see his annoying face—
Copy !req
16. Olsen! Where's my art?
Copy !req
17. Layout's in five!
Copy !req
18. Cruz! ETA
Copy !req
19. on the Enviro-Beat column?
Copy !req
20. - Gimme words!
Copy !req
21. - Almost done, Lois!
Copy !req
22. Say, that's swell, Olsen!
Copy !req
23. What's buzzin', cousin?
Copy !req
24. Why are you printing stuff
Copy !req
25. about him in the school paper?
Copy !req
26. What's eatin' you, Danvers?
Copy !req
27. That's a legitimate story
Copy !req
28. and I'm a legitimate reporter.
Copy !req
29. Got it?
Copy !req
30. Now who's got a pencil?
Copy !req
31. There are way
Copy !req
32. more important stories
Copy !req
33. out there than Superman.
Copy !req
34. She's right.
Copy !req
35. I've got a lead on some
Copy !req
36. terrible chemical dumping.
Copy !req
37. What if I told you
Copy !req
38. there was another hero
Copy !req
39. out there, hmm?
Copy !req
40. A better hero,
Copy !req
41. with all the same powers
Copy !req
42. as Superman
Copy !req
43. but even awesomer.
Copy !req
44. I like your potatoes, Danvers,
Copy !req
45. but where's the meat?
Copy !req
46. What other hero's
Copy !req
47. gonna get me an internship
Copy !req
48. at the Daily Planet?
Copy !req
49. Ever heard of Supergirl?
Copy !req
50. Super who?
Copy !req
51. Supergirl.
Copy !req
52. Eh, sounds like
Copy !req
53. a retread to me.
Copy !req
54. If this Supergirl of yours
Copy !req
55. did anything to earn
Copy !req
56. the front page,
Copy !req
57. trust me, she'd be there.
Copy !req
58. Now will someone
Copy !req
59. please get me a pencil?
Copy !req
60. Ah, there they are.
Copy !req
61. "Sounds like a retread to me."
Copy !req
62. Ugh. What does that even mean?
Copy !req
63. Uh, um, Kara?
Copy !req
64. Maybe just a few grams
Copy !req
65. of that potassium, please.
Copy !req
66. If anyone's a retread it's him.
Copy !req
67. Did you know I was 12
Copy !req
68. when Uncle Jor-El
Copy !req
69. and Aunt Lara had him?
Copy !req
70. I used to baby-sit him
Copy !req
71. back on Krypton!
Copy !req
72. Really? I mean,
Copy !req
73. dude, that bites!
Copy !req
74. No wonder you're so mad.
Copy !req
75. - You know what's mad?
Copy !req
76. Adding too much
Copy !req
77. lithium chloride...
Copy !req
78. I could've gone to Earth first
Copy !req
79. and then everyone
Copy !req
80. would love me,
Copy !req
81. but no, I had to get stuck
Copy !req
82. in space stasis while he was
Copy !req
83. down here becoming a...
Copy !req
84. "Man."
Copy !req
85. I mean, I have
Copy !req
86. the exact same power as him.
Copy !req
87. I come from
Copy !req
88. the exact same planet.
Copy !req
89. I practically have
Copy !req
90. the exact same backstory—
Copy !req
91. Oops. My bad.
Copy !req
92. What happened? I thought
Copy !req
93. you measured all this stuff?
Copy !req
94. Yes, but when you
Copy !req
95. add heat to highly
Copy !req
96. volatile chemicals, they—
Copy !req
97. Mmm-hmm, mmm-hmm,
Copy !req
98. So why do they all love him
Copy !req
99. and nobody even notices me?
Copy !req
100. Ooh! You know
Copy !req
101. what you should do?
Copy !req
102. Make them notice you.
Copy !req
103. Get out there
Copy !req
104. and show 'em what
Copy !req
105. Supergirl can do!
Copy !req
106. Yeah... Yeah!
Copy !req
107. A word of caution, Kara.
Copy !req
108. When we seek glory,
Copy !req
109. it can sometimes blind us
Copy !req
110. to the greater good.
Copy !req
111. Hmm. You're right.
Copy !req
112. I'm gonna knock
Copy !req
113. his grinning face
Copy !req
114. off the front page.
Copy !req
115. Oh!
Copy !req
116. Ahhh! No, no, no,
Copy !req
117. no, no, no, no, no!
Copy !req
118. [mother and girls
Copy !req
119. laughing and cheering]
Copy !req
120. Yeah!
Copy !req
121. Help!
Copy !req
122. Help!
Copy !req
123. Phew.
Copy !req
124. Yeah!
Copy !req
125. Superman!
Copy !req
126. Superman! Superman!
Copy !req
127. - Ahhh!
Copy !req
128. Superman!
Copy !req
129. Hey. Hey!
Copy !req
130. Hey!
Copy !req
131. - Huh? What?
Copy !req
132. Supergirl? What are you
Copy !req
133. doing here?
Copy !req
134. Aren't you supposed to be
Copy !req
135. in school or something?
Copy !req
136. Uh, it's Saturday.
Copy !req
137. And what I'm doing here is
Copy !req
138. telling you to back off!
Copy !req
139. Back off? Ha, I don't follow.
Copy !req
140. I've been working my butt off
Copy !req
141. for days trying to save people
Copy !req
142. in Metropolis.
Copy !req
143. But every time I do something
Copy !req
144. to prove I'm a hero,
Copy !req
145. there you are—
Copy !req
146. Being a hero?
Copy !req
147. Yes! I... I mean no.
Copy !req
148. Ah uh, I, I mean...
Copy !req
149. Listen, cuz,
Copy !req
150. if I've told you once,
Copy !req
151. I've told you a million times.
Copy !req
152. Being a real hero
Copy !req
153. takes time and experience.
Copy !req
154. Experience I have. As an adult.
Copy !req
155. Adult?
Copy !req
156. You were Superboy, like,
Copy !req
157. last summer!
Copy !req
158. It was two summers ago,
Copy !req
159. and that's beside the point.
Copy !req
160. Accept it.
Copy !req
161. You're just not ready.
Copy !req
162. I'll show you ready!
Copy !req
163. Oh, ho, ho! See?
Copy !req
164. Not even close.
Copy !req
165. Behind you!
Copy !req
166. Missed me!
Copy !req
167. I mean, seriously,
Copy !req
168. you call this fighting?
Copy !req
169. You have a lot to learn, kid.
Copy !req
170. Ha! That's what I said to you
Copy !req
171. when you were potty training!
Copy !req
172. - You're just jealous I'm—
Copy !req
173. - A pompous bonehead?
Copy !req
174. - I'll show you bonehead!
Copy !req
175. - No, I'll show you.
Copy !req
176. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!
Copy !req
177. You're messing
Copy !req
178. with the look.
Copy !req
179. Stop acting like a child!
Copy !req
180. Why don't you
Copy !req
181. make me, Clark?
Copy !req
182. Don't call me Clark, Kara.
Copy !req
183. Whatcha gonna
Copy !req
184. do about it, Clark?
Copy !req
185. Opportunity
Copy !req
186. just knocked, kiddo.
Copy !req
187. Ready to earn
Copy !req
188. that Daily Planet internship?
Copy !req
189. Hey, goo guts! Turn around
Copy !req
190. and smile for the camera!
Copy !req
191. On second thought,
Copy !req
192. run now, pictures later!
Copy !req
193. Hmm.
Copy !req
194. Quit it!
Copy !req
195. You quit it!
Copy !req
196. You started it!
Copy !req
197. - You did!
Copy !req
198. - You did first!
Copy !req
199. Hey, Superman!
Copy !req
200. Help!
Copy !req
201. Playtime's over, kid.
Copy !req
202. Superman! Superman!
Copy !req
203. Superman! Superman!
Copy !req
204. Superman! Superman!
Copy !req
205. Supergirl!
Copy !req
206. Listen! You—
Copy !req
207. What are you doing here?
Copy !req
208. Come to see
Copy !req
209. the great hero, too?
Copy !req
210. No, listen!
Copy !req
211. You have to stop him
Copy !req
212. before he hits that thing!
Copy !req
213. It's filled with
Copy !req
214. hydrogen fluoride
Copy !req
215. and antimony pentafluoride!
Copy !req
216. It's 20 quintillion times
Copy !req
217. more corrosive
Copy !req
218. than sulfuric acid!
Copy !req
219. He's made of
Copy !req
220. super-dangerous glop!
Copy !req
221. If Superman hits him,
Copy !req
222. the splatter will be so massive
Copy !req
223. it'll reduce Metropolis
Copy !req
224. to a smoking hole
Copy !req
225. in the ground.
Copy !req
226. Mwah, mwah!
Copy !req
227. Daddy's little helpers!
Copy !req
228. But... I don't know
Copy !req
229. how to stop it!
Copy !req
230. Remember chemistry class?
Copy !req
231. High temperatures
Copy !req
232. can break chemicals down
Copy !req
233. to their base elements!
Copy !req
234. Get him away from Superman
Copy !req
235. and blow him up!
Copy !req
236. Huh.
Copy !req
237. - Oh, yes!
Copy !req
238. Superman!
Copy !req
239. - Thank you,
Copy !req
240. thank you. You're too kind.
Copy !req
241. - Superman! Superman!
Copy !req
242. - Superman! Superman!
Copy !req
243. Always here
Copy !req
244. for Metropolis.
Copy !req
245. Oh, yes.
Copy !req
246. Hey, guys.
Copy !req
247. Kara! That was amazing!
Copy !req
248. You just saved the entire city!
Copy !req
249. And talk about a spectacle!
Copy !req
250. Brava!
Copy !req
251. Yeah. I guess it's good
Copy !req
252. that someone pays attention
Copy !req
253. in chemistry.
Copy !req
254. But it was you
Copy !req
255. who saved the day!
Copy !req
256. And it was him
Copy !req
257. that got the credit.
Copy !req
258. Superman! Superman!
Copy !req
259. You chose the greater good
Copy !req
260. over glory.
Copy !req
261. You should be proud.
Copy !req
262. Thanks, Diana. I learned
Copy !req
263. a very valuable lesson.
Copy !req
264. Always bring your own camera.
Copy !req