1. Don't let people see you out there
signing autographs.
Copy !req
2. They say, "You're not a bad guy."
Copy !req
3. You want them to think
you're the baddest, meanest bastard.
Copy !req
4. That's how you make money.
Copy !req
5. Dr. D David Schultz!
Copy !req
6. In the early 80s,
few better played the villain
Copy !req
7. than "Dr. D" David Schultz.
Copy !req
8. Now what's wrong? Are you crazy?
Copy !req
9. Try to make a fool out of me!
Get the camera out!
Copy !req
10. He was big enough
and mean enough to get his own way.
Copy !req
11. Get down and fight, baby!
Get down!
Copy !req
12. At the same time,
he was a tremendous performer.
Copy !req
13. He was destined to become one of
WWF's most notorious stars.
Copy !req
14. I come to the WWF, baby.
Copy !req
15. They loved to hate me.
Copy !req
16. I'm the guy that went to school
with you people,
Copy !req
17. when you was growing up,
and took your money.
Copy !req
18. That was my job, to be bad,
I could back it up.
Copy !req
19. But one fateful encounter
in New York
Copy !req
20. would destroy his career
in an instant.
Copy !req
21. To make sure that nobody knew
the secrets inside the locker room.
Copy !req
22. - Standard questions.
- I think it's fake.
Copy !req
23. What's your response to the people
who point out that this is fake?
Copy !req
24. You think it's fake?
Copy !req
25. Holy shit!
What the hell just happened?
Copy !req
26. In an era when wrestlers lived
by an honor code
Copy !req
27. of protecting the business,
Copy !req
28. no one took it
more to heart than David Schultz,
Copy !req
29. and one single action cost him
Copy !req
30. They said,
"Nobody wants to sign a contract!
Copy !req
31. You're too mean, too bad!"
Copy !req
32. I'm anything but fake.
I'm an entertainer.
Copy !req
33. Con man. Whatever.
Copy !req
34. I am not a fake.
Copy !req
35. For most of the 20th century,
pro wrestling was a closed society,
Copy !req
36. where the rules of the game
were never revealed to the public.
Copy !req
37. Wrestlers lived by a secret code
that maintained the illusion of good
Copy !req
38. and evil in the squared circle.
Copy !req
39. Make fights look real, even if the
matches are predetermined.
Copy !req
40. But at the dawn
of a pro-wrestling revolution,
Copy !req
41. old traditions were changing faster
Copy !req
42. than some performers
could keep up with.
Copy !req
43. Okay,
this is one of my storage units here.
Copy !req
44. Oh, yeah! Here we go, baby.
Copy !req
45. Come on in. Bring yourself on in.
Watch your step.
Copy !req
46. Watch the spiders and the snakes.
Copy !req
47. Here's a card that I used to use.
Copy !req
48. It said, "You've just been patronized
by the world's greatest wrestler."
Copy !req
49. - Where's this from?
- Don't know how they get it lively,
Copy !req
50. you know, just like me.
Copy !req
51. This bag here,
has got some very special items.
Copy !req
52. One of 'em is a stun gun,
Copy !req
53. you take this
and you pull it back here...
Copy !req
54. and when you hold it on the guy,
you tell him, "You're under arrest.
Copy !req
55. Get your hands up. If you don't obey,
I'm gonna shoot you."
Copy !req
56. And they say, "Hey, man..." Boom.
Copy !req
57. I'm "Dr. D" David Schultz,
Copy !req
58. the greatest pro wrestler
of all time, in my opinion.
Copy !req
59. You know, about '72, '73,
I was watching wrestling on TV
Copy !req
60. and I said, "Well, this is not hard."
Copy !req
61. So, I went by to see Herb Welch.
Copy !req
62. This one right here is Herb Welch,
the one that trained me.
Copy !req
63. "Herb Welch,
How to Become a Champion".
Copy !req
64. Herb Welch had been
one of the biggest stars,
Copy !req
65. from the Depression
through the 1950s.
Copy !req
66. He had learned from the pioneers,
Copy !req
67. the original wrestlers
came from carnivals.
Copy !req
68. It was the last place in the country
you could go to learn from a guy
Copy !req
69. who was at the formation
of organized wrestling.
Copy !req
70. I'm Jim Cornette, for 40 years,
I've been a promoter,
Copy !req
71. a match maker, announcer, manager,
and historian in pro wrestling.
Copy !req
72. He lived in Dyersburg.
I went and pulled the truck over.
Copy !req
73. He come on the porch,
and we talked a while.
Copy !req
74. He said, "I'll train you.
When you want to start?"
Copy !req
75. His method of training was to take
guys into his barn on his farm
Copy !req
76. and beat them.
Copy !req
77. Herb Welch was a salty, old bastard
he would go in a locker room
Copy !req
78. and he would take a dump,
and he'd take a handful of it
Copy !req
79. and he would rub it in his armpit,
and then when he got out there,
Copy !req
80. he'd lock up with a guy
and grab a headlock
Copy !req
81. and grind as hard as he could until
the guy was screaming, "Let me go!
Copy !req
82. I'll do anything you want!
Please, let me go!"
Copy !req
83. They was trying to hurt me, see:
"Can you be one of us?
Copy !req
84. Are you capable of doing this?"
Copy !req
85. I'd gotten in good shape
after about a month, two months.
Copy !req
86. He was getting wrestlers
to work out with me,
Copy !req
87. and they told Herb,
"You gotta do something with him.
Copy !req
88. We do something to him,
he fights back."
Copy !req
89. Herb Welch sat David down
Copy !req
90. and said, "You've got what it takes
to make it in this business.
Copy !req
91. Now we have to smarten
you up."
Copy !req
92. He said, "You're hurting everybody.
You're too damn stiff."
Copy !req
93. He never told me any different.
Copy !req
94. I thought it was 100 percent real.
Copy !req
95. The training David Schultz got
from Herb centered on one thing:
Copy !req
96. it's the world of kayfabe.
Copy !req
97. Kayfabe means
you don't be seen together,
Copy !req
98. right after you had
a bad match out here,
Copy !req
99. blood and guts,
then 10 miles down the road
Copy !req
100. they catch you eating.
Copy !req
101. No. That's supposed to be
your enemy.
Copy !req
102. Continuing the aura that wrestling
and the people in it are real.
Copy !req
103. Those are the secrets of wrestling.
Don't spill the secrets.
Copy !req
104. You're in a secret society.
Copy !req
105. This is our world.
It was like being in the mafia.
Copy !req
106. - What does it take to be a wrestler?
- Well, you need to learn how to work.
Copy !req
107. The holds, and the moves,
and the timing.
Copy !req
108. Know what's gonna make
people mad.
Copy !req
109. I almost killed that Andre the Giant
with my bare hands.
Copy !req
110. Know what makes
'em feel good.
Copy !req
111. The Doctor got funky,
dang it. I got funky.
Copy !req
112. David Schultz found success
in wrestling
Copy !req
113. just being David Schultz
turned up to 20,
Copy !req
114. here's this crazy, redneck
hillbilly from Tennessee.
Copy !req
115. You ain't nothing, boy!
Copy !req
116. Through it all, Schultz did
what he was trained to do:
Copy !req
117. never break kayfabe.
Copy !req
118. A lot of the boys thought
I was the meanest ever
Copy !req
119. because I made 'em
work hard in the ring.
Copy !req
120. Hogan was one of 'em.
Copy !req
121. This man is
not a television illusion.
Copy !req
122. He is not an artist conception.
Copy !req
123. He is not a figment
of the imagination.
Copy !req
124. He is The Hulk!
Copy !req
125. In the late 1970s,
Copy !req
126. Hulk Hogan is a
wrestler from Augusta, Georgia.
Copy !req
127. He first crossed paths with Schultz
working the Florida circuit.
Copy !req
128. I thought he was
just a big 'ol body builder
Copy !req
129. that wanted to get in the business,
and he was.
Copy !req
130. He had no money, he had nothing.
Copy !req
131. He was living in a van and,
I let him come into my apartment
Copy !req
132. and share my apartment
in Pensacola.
Copy !req
133. We become real good friends.
Copy !req
134. The two are natural adversaries,
Copy !req
135. and it's not long
before their confrontations
Copy !req
136. attract the attention
of Vince McMahon,
Copy !req
137. whose World Wrestling Federation
is expanding nationwide.
Copy !req
138. In 1983, McMahon handpicks Hogan
to be his centerpiece attraction.
Copy !req
139. Making his first appearance,
ladies and gentlemen, Hulk Hogan!
Copy !req
140. In 1983, Vince McMahon
was systematically going around,
Copy !req
141. filling spots for his plan to take
over wrestling.
Copy !req
142. Why did Hulk go
with Vince to the WWF?
Copy !req
143. Money. Vince told him,
"We gonna put the belt on you.
Copy !req
144. You're gonna be our #1 guy."
Copy !req
145. Hogan wanted me to come up
and work with him
Copy !req
146. 'cause he told Vince,
"I can make money with this guy."
Copy !req
147. Schultz is brought into the WWF
to be Hogan's top rival,
Copy !req
148. as their in-ring chemistry
was already a proven draw.
Copy !req
149. Vince called me and said,
"I need you to come on up
Copy !req
150. and you ain't gotta worry about
money anymore.
Copy !req
151. We're gonna be sure you make
the money you need
Copy !req
152. for the rest of your life."
Copy !req
153. Vince McMahon, he said,
Copy !req
154. "I want you
to the be the baddest heel around.
Copy !req
155. Baddest bad guy,
you're gonna be it."
Copy !req
156. They told me
the competition was here,
Copy !req
157. the greatest wrestlers was here.
Copy !req
158. If that's an example
of great wrestlers, baby
Copy !req
159. I'm gonna walk on 'em
like a steam roller!
Copy !req
160. He wasn't a cookie cutter heel.
He was wilder, crazier.
Copy !req
161. That thing was starting to get over.
Copy !req
162. They had footage on
Tuesday Night Titans,
Copy !req
163. where they go to Schultz's house
and he's firing rifles in the room.
Copy !req
164. Whoa! You stupid idiot!
Copy !req
165. - Telling his wife to scrub the floor.
- Get up and get us something eat.
Copy !req
166. "Woman, get that done.
Kids, get and do this."
Copy !req
167. I'll slap the smile off your face.
Don't smile at me.
Copy !req
168. Vince said the Sheriff Department
and the State Police
Copy !req
169. came to his office that morning,
and wanted to know my address.
Copy !req
170. They had warrants for my arrest
for child abuse and spousal abuse.
Copy !req
171. And Vince said,
"Oh, my god! That was a show!"
Copy !req
172. And the guys couldn't believe it.
That was all Vince.
Copy !req
173. Those wasn't my guns.
Copy !req
174. Vince had somebody
bring those guns.
Copy !req
175. This one here is worth
a lot of money.
Copy !req
176. Wasn't my house. Wasn't my wife.
Wasn't my kids.
Copy !req
177. Get up! Get up!
Go, get, get upstairs!
Copy !req
178. All that was Vince McMahon,
to make people hate me.
Copy !req
179. And the more they hated me,
the more money we made.
Copy !req
180. McMahon has hit
on a formula that works,
Copy !req
181. and his empire is growing rapidly.
Copy !req
182. However, as a result,
it attracts unwanted attention.
Copy !req
183. I liked it as a kid
Copy !req
184. and now I thought it was silly
and hypocritical.
Copy !req
185. I'm John Stossel.
I was a consumer reporter
Copy !req
186. who became a general reporter
at 20/20.
Copy !req
187. I wonder about the credentials
of doctors who promote vitamins.
Copy !req
188. In the early 80s, John Stossel
is a rising journalist for ABC News,
Copy !req
189. who's made a name taking down
shady companies and businessmen.
Copy !req
190. How can you say
it might not be harmful,
Copy !req
191. most people who die of lung cancer
Copy !req
192. Now, Stossel has chosen to turn
his investigative lens towards
Copy !req
193. another highly lucrative industry,
Copy !req
194. one he believes
is deceiving its audience.
Copy !req
195. I was a wrestler in high school,
and I was always annoyed people
Copy !req
196. believed that pro wrestling was real
rather than a scripted event
Copy !req
197. where the winner is preordained
and people dress up in funny clothes
Copy !req
198. and pretend anger, and bullshit.
Copy !req
199. It had leaked that 20/20
was gonna do a piece
Copy !req
200. and if it's ABC Network News,
it's gonna be an exposé.
Copy !req
201. I just thought it was interesting
that this big,
Copy !req
202. growing, successful business
was based on bullshit.
Copy !req
203. I mean, cleverly done,
athletic bullshit, but lies.
Copy !req
204. The worst thing that could happen,
Copy !req
205. everybody's gonna want to know,
is wrestling fake or not?
Copy !req
206. The cardinal rule
of pro wrestling was,
Copy !req
207. don't expose the secrets.
Copy !req
208. One of the biggest,
most famous exposés...
Copy !req
209. happened in New York in the 1930s.
Copy !req
210. "A Thrilling and Dramatic Exposé
of Wrestling Fakes Coming Soon!"
Copy !req
211. In New York, newspaper exposés
killed wrestling for almost 15 years.
Copy !req
212. Everybody realized,
this is our society, this is kayfabe.
Copy !req
213. We can't reveal what's going on.
It'll cost us our livelihoods.
Copy !req
214. 50 years later,
Copy !req
215. the stakes are just as high
for Vince McMahon's WWF.
Copy !req
216. And for his newest superstar
David Schultz,
Copy !req
217. kayfabe is a religion.
Copy !req
218. I don't care what you think,
what the people think.
Copy !req
219. I don't care what nobody thinks
about me.
Copy !req
220. It was my business.
If I didn't observe kayfabe,
Copy !req
221. they'd look and say,
"Ah, he's a phony."
Copy !req
222. No. I was a pro wrestler.
Copy !req
223. I come to the WWF, baby,
Copy !req
224. where the toughest in the world
is wrestling right now.
Copy !req
225. Being a pro wrestler means
I had standards I had to stand up to.
Copy !req
226. That's the only way
I could make money.
Copy !req
227. As the WWF's popularity
is reaching new heights,
Copy !req
228. ABC News reporter John Stossel
Copy !req
229. must somehow infiltrate
wrestling's secret society
Copy !req
230. if he's to expose what happens
behind the scenes.
Copy !req
231. We either did a survey
or found a survey
Copy !req
232. that about a third of the people
who attended thought it was real.
Copy !req
233. - This is real?
- Yeah, I think so, yes.
Copy !req
234. And, I don't like
people being bullshitted
Copy !req
235. and couldn't do a story
unless we could find some insider
Copy !req
236. who would say, "Yeah, here's
how we fake this and that," and...
Copy !req
237. was willing to go into a ring
and demonstrate.
Copy !req
238. And eventually,
we found Eddy Mansfield.
Copy !req
239. I'm the Continental Lover,
Eddy Mansfield.
Copy !req
240. Rich woman's lover,
poor girl's dream.
Copy !req
241. The Continental Lover,
Eddy Mansfield.
Copy !req
242. I left Georgia
when I was 17 to go play baseball.
Copy !req
243. When I hurt my arm and couldn't play
baseball, I had to find something.
Copy !req
244. - You couldn't just drink every day.
- And you cowboy!
Copy !req
245. I always liked wrestling.
Copy !req
246. When I was breaking in,
I was kinda self-taught a little bit.
Copy !req
247. Bottom line is, I could draw money
and talk on that mike.
Copy !req
248. I'm gonna chase you around the place
then erase your face.
Copy !req
249. I was very fortunate. The only thing
that shocked me was the payoffs.
Copy !req
250. You're drawing sellout crowds
Copy !req
251. and you're getting not even pennies
on the dollar.
Copy !req
252. With no healthcare, no nothing.
That's where I'm having the problem.
Copy !req
253. How come you don't treat us like
Copy !req
254. like professional athletes
are supposed to be treated?
Copy !req
255. Not like the scum of the earth.
Copy !req
256. Why don't you give these guys
health insurance and a 401K?
Copy !req
257. Set an example! You wanna
be a big promoter, set an example.
Copy !req
258. I didn't quit the wrestling business.
The wrestling business quit me.
Copy !req
259. - How'd you get in that position?
- I kicked back 20 percent my money.
Copy !req
260. The booker at the time
wanted to control people.
Copy !req
261. They did it to the other guys.
But I didn't agree to it.
Copy !req
262. And then, my booking stopped.
I mean, boom.
Copy !req
263. As quick as I went up, I was out.
I said, "You do this to me...
Copy !req
264. I will promise you,
I'll go on national television
Copy !req
265. and I will tell the world what scam
you're running on the guys."
Copy !req
266. I said, "Try me." Well, he did.
Copy !req
267. I made one phone call to ABC.
Copy !req
268. Stossel and his producers at 20/20
arrange an interview with Mansfield
Copy !req
269. who agrees to reveal
the tricks of the trade.
Copy !req
270. You couldn't say,
Copy !req
271. You had to both reveal
and entertain people
Copy !req
272. so, I needed a genuine
professional wrestler to demonstrate.
Copy !req
273. And so, when was the first time
you met John Stossel?
Copy !req
274. When we shot.
Copy !req
275. I talked to them
and we were laying out the show
Copy !req
276. and how it would run and all that.
Copy !req
277. John Stossel
went in the ring with him.
Copy !req
278. Pro wrestler
show him how stuff's done.
Copy !req
279. He lands on his forearms and elbows,
not on me.
Copy !req
280. He showed me how to jump
and be thrown,
Copy !req
281. some of the tricks.
Copy !req
282. And you take off on your own?
Copy !req
283. Why didn't they get me?
Let me take him into the ring.
Copy !req
284. I could show him.
Copy !req
285. No, you had to have two wimps
out there, Stossel and Mansfield.
Copy !req
286. Mansfield tried to give
the standard exposé
Copy !req
287. that, we're told to win and lose.
Copy !req
288. - Is this real wrestling?
- No.
Copy !req
289. Not real... no. Not at all.
Copy !req
290. If somebody believed,
they'd be stupid.
Copy !req
291. But also,
he went so far as to show the blade.
Copy !req
292. Nobody wanted fake blood
where people could find it.
Copy !req
293. That'd be proof what
we were doing was bullshit.
Copy !req
294. So, everybody bled for real.
Copy !req
295. Two ways to do that, the easy way
and the hard way.
Copy !req
296. The easy way, is with a blade.
Copy !req
297. They were just on me,
"Show the blade, show the blade."
Copy !req
298. I'm going, "What about this
other stuff?"
Copy !req
299. They had to push it,
you know what I mean?
Copy !req
300. And so...
Copy !req
301. And I did it.
Copy !req
302. You go just like that.
Copy !req
303. And during the match
it would drip over your face?
Copy !req
304. That's it.
See, if I was sweating, it'd pour.
Copy !req
305. I was pretty shocked and
Copy !req
306. something about
hiding a razor blade in their mouths?
Copy !req
307. Some keep the blade right here,
in their mouth.
Copy !req
308. Some, in their tights.
Copy !req
309. These are tough dudes
who risk a lot for this sport.
Copy !req
310. Sport. I shouldn't call it a sport.
For this... entertainment.
Copy !req
311. John Stossel is only focused
on anything to expose the business.
Copy !req
312. I wasn't there to expose
the business.
Copy !req
313. I was there to help the business.
Copy !req
314. And the promoters
are very ruthless people.
Copy !req
315. They don't care of the people
that make them the money.
Copy !req
316. I wanted to get the healthcare
and the benefits for the boys.
Copy !req
317. He come and says,
"I wanted to do it for insurance."
Copy !req
318. He just couldn't get no work.
Nobody wanted to use him.
Copy !req
319. He wasn't worth a shit.
Copy !req
320. Eddy Mansfield's a has-been,
couldn't get where he wanted to be.
Copy !req
321. Still tries to claim
he did it for the boys.
Copy !req
322. Bottom line is, it's time for them
to step up and protect the guys,
Copy !req
323. when they're old.
Copy !req
324. You know,
I made a statement one time,
Copy !req
325. I said,
"Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves,
Copy !req
326. but Abraham Lincoln forget
to free the pro wrestlers."
Copy !req
327. Armed with insider knowledge,
Stossel confronts the industry
Copy !req
328. over Mansfield's allegations.
Copy !req
329. I thought, well,
we need to have the usual person
Copy !req
330. from
the professional organization say,
Copy !req
331. "Oh, this isn't fake.
This is all real!"
Copy !req
332. We went
to Madison Square Garden.
Copy !req
333. I guess Vince McMahon okayed it
or we wouldn't have been there.
Copy !req
334. I arrived at the arena,
Copy !req
335. downstairs we walked through
where the wrestlers come in
Copy !req
336. and the fans, some people hollering,
some people cussing.
Copy !req
337. Go in the dressing room, talk.
Copy !req
338. Sit down, put my boots on like I do.
Copy !req
339. Get ready.
That's when Vince come walking in
Copy !req
340. and he said, "We got a guy out here
making a joke out of the business.
Copy !req
341. I want you to interview with him.
Copy !req
342. Blast him. Tear his ass up.
Stay in character, Dr. D."
Copy !req
343. We were backstage
and I talked to the Iron Sheik
Copy !req
344. and then McMahon said,
"Here's another guy."
Copy !req
345. And then, Schultz came out.
He was a little frightening.
Copy !req
346. - So, why are you called Dr. D?
- Why not?
Copy !req
347. This was a recipe for disaster.
Copy !req
348. I'm thinking, why would anybody
have gone up to Schultz?
Copy !req
349. - Is this a good business?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
350. I wouldn't be in it if it wasn't.
Copy !req
351. That's the reason you ain't in it,
Copy !req
352. or this punk holding the camera.
Copy !req
353. Reason these rednecks ain't in it,
because it's tough.
Copy !req
354. I was feeling uncomfortable
all the way...
Copy !req
355. And almost didn't ask him
the question.
Copy !req
356. I'll ask you the standard question...
Copy !req
357. And I said, "A standard question,
huh? Okay."
Copy !req
358. - Standard question?
- I think this is fake.
Copy !req
359. "I think it's fake." I'm thinking,
Vince wanted me to stay in character.
Copy !req
360. Dr. D would slap
somebody that said that.
Copy !req
361. - I think this is fake.
- You think it's fake?
Copy !req
362. - How's that? Is that fake?
- What the hell just happened here?
Copy !req
363. Ah, boom. There goes Stossel down.
Go back before the first slap.
Copy !req
364. Right there, look, look!
Copy !req
365. Now I watch that back,
he didn't hit as hard as he could.
Copy !req
366. He didn't draw back.
He just, boom.
Copy !req
367. Still, it's David Schultz,
but he could have, he could have...
Copy !req
368. paralyzed him if
he'd drawn back.
Copy !req
369. - I think it's fake.
- Think it's fake?
Copy !req
370. Whack. Whacked me in the ear.
Copy !req
371. Knocked me down,
and I stupidly got up again.
Copy !req
372. What wrong with ya?
That's an open hand slap, huh?
Copy !req
373. I was taught, get up,
Copy !req
374. you gotta knock him down.
If he gets up, he might hurt you.
Copy !req
375. - You think it's fake, you...
- He whacked me in the other ear.
Copy !req
376. - My ears were ringing.
- It's fake?
Copy !req
377. I was stunned and a little scared,
and that's why I crawled off.
Copy !req
378. I didn't want to get hit again.
Copy !req
379. That's why I told him, specifically,
not to interview David Schultz.
Copy !req
380. 'Cause I told him, I said,
"If you ask stupid questions,
Copy !req
381. you're gonna get slapped."
Copy !req
382. I was angry and stunned.
Copy !req
383. I also thought that's a clip we'll
use at the end of our 20/20 story.
Copy !req
384. I didn't think it'd be anything.
You slapped him for rude manners...
Copy !req
385. like my mama would slap me
if I did something wrong.
Copy !req
386. In a minute,
and not think about it. Boom!
Copy !req
387. Moments after flooring
20/20 reporter John Stossel,
Copy !req
388. David Schultz heads to the ring
Copy !req
389. for his match with Japanese
wrestling icon Antonio Inoki.
Copy !req
390. He's unaware of the gravity
of the situation.
Copy !req
391. - Doctor's in trouble!
- Oh, what a move!
Copy !req
392. - Karate kick to the side of the head.
- It's all over! It is all over.
Copy !req
393. After the match, Vince said,
"Stossel's saying he's hurt.
Copy !req
394. He's on about pressing charges."
Copy !req
395. "For what?" Vince said,
"Don't even take a shower.
Copy !req
396. Go on to the hotel."
I put sweatpants on,
Copy !req
397. sweatshirt, grabbed my bag
and I was gone.
Copy !req
398. Vince had to be thinking, "I'm gonna
have to do something with Schultz
Copy !req
399. or I'm gonna
have to eliminate Schultz."
Copy !req
400. Next day,
I went up to Stanford and seen him.
Copy !req
401. He was saying about the New York
Athletic Commission suspending me
Copy !req
402. and said he'll pay the fine,
Copy !req
403. he's gonna get everything
straightened out.
Copy !req
404. He's gonna send me to Japan
and let this thing cool over.
Copy !req
405. Eight weeks after the incident,
John Stossel's 20/20 report airs,
Copy !req
406. and the wrestling community
is universally outraged.
Copy !req
407. You're trying to kill our business,
take money away from us,
Copy !req
408. you little pissant, John Stossel.
Copy !req
409. That's what wrestlers thought.
Copy !req
410. Eddy to body slam me.
But Eddy says anybody can do it.
Copy !req
411. - Eddy Mansfield, they hated him.
- It's an optical illusion.
Copy !req
412. I had death threats,
people planting cocaine.
Copy !req
413. I had to get out
of the south,
Copy !req
414. before I either went to jail
for killing somebody...
Copy !req
415. or somebody killing me.
Copy !req
416. I moved into New York.
Copy !req
417. I had four FBI guys on the plane
to make sure I got to New York safe.
Copy !req
418. You're not messing with promoters
Copy !req
419. you're messing with the boys.
Copy !req
420. They fear more what their friends
and cohorts will do to them
Copy !req
421. than the penalty
they can get from the law.
Copy !req
422. When you look back, I should have
just got my butt up and just left.
Copy !req
423. If the deal feels bad,
the deal is bad.
Copy !req
424. It cost me my career. That's okay.
They did me a favor.
Copy !req
425. Because I'm better off today
than I would have been in wrestling.
Copy !req
426. Pro wrestling doesn't take care of
the people that make it the money.
Copy !req
427. Just preaching, "You gotta
protect the business."
Copy !req
428. Well, why do I want to protect
something that doesn't protect me?
Copy !req
429. Vince McMahon
sends Schultz to wrestle in Japan,
Copy !req
430. hoping the fallout will die down.
Copy !req
431. Instead,
the controversy follows Schultz east.
Copy !req
432. First thing they wanted me to do
in Japan was hit a reporter.
Copy !req
433. And I told them,
I'm not hitting nobody
Copy !req
434. unless you write it down
as part of the script.
Copy !req
435. - And they did write it down.
- How was that set up?
Copy !req
436. They came into the dressing room.
Copy !req
437. I told 'em I'll slap you, you fall.
Copy !req
438. Then the camera guy'll
take a picture of you.
Copy !req
439. And the news,
Tokyo news saying, you know,
Copy !req
440. "Dr. D comes now to Japan
and slaps reporters
Copy !req
441. like he did in New York."
Copy !req
442. Back at ABC News,
more than 1,000 people inquire
Copy !req
443. about John Stossel's well being
after seeing his report.
Copy !req
444. My ears were ringing and I had pain
when there was a loud noise.
Copy !req
445. My daughter was a baby at the time,
and when she cried, it hurt my ears.
Copy !req
446. It made it tough for me
to change her diapers or parent well.
Copy !req
447. I thought that McMahon and his group
should be taught a lesson
Copy !req
448. that they can't beat up reporters.
Copy !req
449. And, I sued for damages.
Copy !req
450. I wanted some compensation
for my pain.
Copy !req
451. What Stossel don't understand is,
I went and talked to his lawyer
Copy !req
452. before Vince ever got sued
or anything else.
Copy !req
453. My lawyer told me,
"You need to tell him the whole story
Copy !req
454. 'cause Vince is not
gonna take care of you."
Copy !req
455. At the WWF, it's clear to McMahon
the incident is not going away,
Copy !req
456. and he needs Schultz
to help him solve it.
Copy !req
457. He didn't know he was gonna
get sued by John Stossel,
Copy !req
458. and when he got sued,
my name wasn't in it. He was mad.
Copy !req
459. I went by the office
and he wanted me to sign a paper
Copy !req
460. saying that it was all my fault,
I did it on my own influence.
Copy !req
461. No, that ain't gonna happen.
Copy !req
462. I'm not gonna take blame for you,
what you had me to do.
Copy !req
463. I'll sign a paper saying
I did what you told me to do.
Copy !req
464. John Stossel said I hit him
in both cheeks,
Copy !req
465. in the right cheek and then the left
on the deposition.
Copy !req
466. Anybody watches the tapes that got
sense can see I never hit his ears.
Copy !req
467. While Schultz is falling out
of favor at the WWF,
Copy !req
468. Stossel's lawsuit is intensifying.
Copy !req
469. As part of the pretrial prep,
Copy !req
470. you go to their doctor
so they can examine you.
Copy !req
471. They sent me to a guy who,
without examining me,
Copy !req
472. said, "I think you're suffering
for a duro somatic illness."
Copy !req
473. "A duro somatic illness.
Copy !req
474. You're holding onto pain
'cause you're in a lawsuit."
Copy !req
475. And I said, "Screw you!
Copy !req
476. You're the paid lawyer
for the defendants,
Copy !req
477. you haven't examined me
and you're saying this?"
Copy !req
478. - What was the outcome of that?
- Years later, they settled.
Copy !req
479. I got $280,000.
Copy !req
480. Do some people psychologically
feel pain longer because of that,
Copy !req
481. as this doctor claimed?
Copy !req
482. Maybe. Maybe he was right,
Copy !req
483. 'cause, I held onto my pain,
but it did go away when I got paid.
Copy !req
484. As the blow back
from the 20/20 piece dissipates,
Copy !req
485. McMahon focuses on the launch
of his biggest event yet.
Copy !req
486. The concept for WrestleMania
Copy !req
487. was the biggest wrestling event
ever held, times ten,
Copy !req
488. an over-the-top, closed-circuit...
Copy !req
489. globally broadcast extravaganza
Copy !req
490. that would combine celebrities
and wrestling.
Copy !req
491. Looking to appeal to the widest
possible audience,
Copy !req
492. McMahon adds a Hollywood actor
to the roster,
Copy !req
493. and puts him at the top of the card.
Copy !req
494. Mr. T was one of
the biggest television stars.
Copy !req
495. In 1985, he'd been a star
of the A Team with George Peppard.
Copy !req
496. - You want him?
- No, you take him.
Copy !req
497. - Working with Sylvester Stallone.
- Dead meat.
Copy !req
498. He had a great body, and a mohawk,
and he wore the chains.
Copy !req
499. But he looked the part,
and made people believe he was.
Copy !req
500. Teaching me how to pump iron,
and I'm glad you brought me.
Copy !req
501. The WWF positions Hulk Hogan
and Mr. T
Copy !req
502. front and center
in their nationwide promotion.
Copy !req
503. But Schultz's name
is missing entirely.
Copy !req
504. I didn't think Mr. T should be
in a wrestling match
Copy !req
505. when he's never wrestled.
Copy !req
506. And pay him more than he pays any
of his wrestlers.
Copy !req
507. I said, "That's a joke.
You're putting T into WrestleMania I?
Copy !req
508. What about me?
Where you putting me?"
Copy !req
509. Schultz watches on
Copy !req
510. as buzz around WrestleMania
grows bigger.
Copy !req
511. At a WWF event in Los Angeles,
tensions backstage escalate further.
Copy !req
512. Mr. T and his Hollywood friends
were there to see the matches
Copy !req
513. and he was being treated as a guest,
and allowed the run of the place.
Copy !req
514. I believe Schultz genuinely resented
T's presence there
Copy !req
515. and didn't want him
in the locker room.
Copy !req
516. That was a sanctuary.
Copy !req
517. Did you have a physical altercation
with Mr. T?
Copy !req
518. No. Mr. T was in the hallway talking
to me that night.
Copy !req
519. Jay Strongbow was the agent.
He seen him in the hallway with me.
Copy !req
520. He said, "David, Vince had told me,
if you was gonna go out there
Copy !req
521. and bother Mr. T to fire you."
"Well, you better fire me then."
Copy !req
522. He said, "Okay, you're fired."
Copy !req
523. I get dressed and go down to the ring
to watch the match.
Copy !req
524. I was seeing Toru Tanaka.
Copy !req
525. Friend of mine.
He's sitting with Mr. T.
Copy !req
526. I went to the ringside
and the cops come up,
Copy !req
527. and Jay Strongbow called the cops
Copy !req
528. and told 'em
that I was a fairly dangerous guy
Copy !req
529. and I was about to hurt somebody
and they need to get me out of there.
Copy !req
530. They hog-tied me.
Copy !req
531. Hands handcuffed behind my back,
Copy !req
532. flat on my stomach, feet shackled
and tied to my hands.
Copy !req
533. And then two cops takes guns
Copy !req
534. and put 'em to my head on each side
and threw me out the back door.
Copy !req
535. Vince had to be thinking,
"I gotta calm these guys down."
Copy !req
536. That was the atmosphere. They didn't
relate well with outsiders.
Copy !req
537. Vince had to get rid of Schultz
because it was only gonna get worse.
Copy !req
538. When I got back to Connecticut,
I checked with Vince,
Copy !req
539. he said, "I'll check with Jay,
find out what happened."
Copy !req
540. He knew what happened.
Copy !req
541. My lawyer wrote
I was ready to go to work,
Copy !req
542. and they said, "No, Mr. Schultz
will not work for us no more, ever."
Copy !req
543. In 2019, Hulk Hogan came forward
Copy !req
544. with a different recollection
of the incident with Mr. T.
Copy !req
545. Out of nowhere,
I had T sitting ringside
Copy !req
546. and I didn't know what was going on.
Copy !req
547. David rolled out of the ring
and slapped the hell out of him.
Copy !req
548. A huge slap.
After that, he was pretty much done.
Copy !req
549. Vince was so pissed at him,
that was the bullet that did him in.
Copy !req
550. Most people know who that is, Dr. D.
Copy !req
551. And I guess you know Hogan.
Oh, big head Hogan.
Copy !req
552. He used to hate me
telling him he had a big head.
Copy !req
553. And now he don't have no hair at all.
Copy !req
554. - What is that on the back?
- Okay, "old friend forgot his name".
Copy !req
555. I don't know if Stossel had anything
to do with my getting fired.
Copy !req
556. They said it was because of Mr. T.
That's a bunch of crap.
Copy !req
557. And then, you know,
to beat all of that is,
Copy !req
558. Hogan went a few weeks after that
and dropped Belzer...
Copy !req
559. Mr. Hulk Hogan.
Copy !req
560. One of the publicity appearances
arranged for Hulk Hogan and Mr. T
Copy !req
561. to build WrestleMania was
on The Richard Belzer Show.
Copy !req
562. There's a thing the boys did
with a reporter,
Copy !req
563. or a photographer,
or somebody from the public.
Copy !req
564. The first thing you need to know
about wrestling.
Copy !req
565. You tell me
when you want him to quit squealing.
Copy !req
566. Let me just put one hold on you
and just show you what it feels like.
Copy !req
567. - How about it, T?
- Keep him like that for a while.
Copy !req
568. Put him in a sleeper.
I mean, choked him.
Copy !req
569. And he dropped him on the floor,
and he busted his head.
Copy !req
570. He's alright.
He just sleeping. He's sleeping.
Copy !req
571. Huh?
Hogan didn't get nothing out of it.
Copy !req
572. We feel bad about the incident.
Copy !req
573. When somebody asks
me to show a hold,
Copy !req
574. especially when they sit
and laugh in my face,
Copy !req
575. I showed him the simplest hold
I knew—
Copy !req
576. There was a settlement.
I'm sure Vince paid it at that point.
Copy !req
577. Vince wasn't gonna fire Hulk Hogan
Copy !req
578. even if he'd shot Richard Belzer.
Copy !req
579. Hogan was the golden child.
Copy !req
580. It seemed like you
and Terry were close.
Copy !req
581. Did this come
between your friendship?
Copy !req
582. Oh, yeah, yeah. We was close.
We was very close.
Copy !req
583. One of the best friends I had
until he turned his back on me.
Copy !req
584. Hulk Hogan!
Copy !req
585. Then all of a sudden, he's with Vince
and it's like, "I can't talk to you.
Copy !req
586. Can't deal with you.
You're on your own."
Copy !req
587. You know,
and I ain't talked to him since.
Copy !req
588. As Hogan becomes
a household name,
Copy !req
589. Schultz's star fades away.
Copy !req
590. He tries to find steady work
in the smaller territories,
Copy !req
591. but believes he's being blackballed
by the industry.
Copy !req
592. They said, "Nobody wants
to sign a contract!
Copy !req
593. You're too mean! You're too bad!"
Copy !req
594. Everybody I called, they didn't want
to talk because of Vince.
Copy !req
595. You know, he told him, "Use him,
I'm through with you.
Copy !req
596. Don't call me for nothing, ever."
Copy !req
597. Yeah, it was a hardship,
but I worked through it.
Copy !req
598. I kept working independent
for a year or two,
Copy !req
599. and then I became
the world's greatest bounty hunter.
Copy !req
600. Open the door, right now.
Copy !req
601. What happens when wrestling's
most notorious bad guy
Copy !req
602. becomes a real-life gun for hire?
Copy !req
603. "Dr. D" David Schultz, world's
greatest bounty hunter,
Copy !req
604. coming to your screen.
Copy !req
605. Exiled from wrestling
and desperate for cash,
Copy !req
606. David Schultz is introduced
to the world of bounty hunting
Copy !req
607. by a friend in law enforcement.
Copy !req
608. He said, "I'll introduce you to the
bondsman, and you go pick 'em up,
Copy !req
609. you bring 'em in, you get paid.
Ten percent of the bond."
Copy !req
610. That sounds good, yeah. 250,000.
Yeah, that's a nice one.
Copy !req
611. And they had nobody doing it
at that time.
Copy !req
612. They told me they had this one guy,
motorcycle guy,
Copy !req
613. nobody wanted to go get him,
and they needed to get him in.
Copy !req
614. Next morning I got him in.
Copy !req
615. I put a 9 mm in his mouth,
and he wasn't bad at all.
Copy !req
616. He went to the ground,
handcuffed him, took him to jail.
Copy !req
617. And I said, "Wow, this is pretty easy
right here now."
Copy !req
618. When you're a pro wrestler
as long as I was,
Copy !req
619. every day you got your hands
on a man.
Copy !req
620. Every day you've got a man's arm,
a man's wrist.
Copy !req
621. You know what hurts, what not.
Copy !req
622. How to take him down
because you do it every day.
Copy !req
623. Get your hands on the car.
Copy !req
624. It's not strange to you
and it don't bother you to grab a guy
Copy !req
625. and he don't know what's happening.
Copy !req
626. Have my brother call Tony.
Copy !req
627. Schultz takes to the job
like he was born to do it.
Copy !req
628. He develops a reputation
Copy !req
629. as a reliable bounty
hunter in America.
Copy !req
630. The only way you'll get away
is when you come out of that house
Copy !req
631. and you see me standing there,
you better take off running.
Copy !req
632. My job takes me
where the criminal goes.
Copy !req
633. Maybe to Saudi Arabia.
Copy !req
634. Wherever he goes, I'm gonna follow.
Copy !req
635. All the bondsmen started calling.
I had more work than I could do.
Copy !req
636. Found him, you got paid.
If you didn't, you didn't.
Copy !req
637. Fucking people, man.
They hide everywhere.
Copy !req
638. But you got all kind of 'em, man.
Copy !req
639. You got all kind of 'em.
You got hookers, drug dealers.
Copy !req
640. But everybody out on the streets
knew me as Dr. D.
Copy !req
641. When people know you,
Copy !req
642. it's a lot easier to get in,
or they'll open the door for you.
Copy !req
643. Dr. D, David Schultz, buddy.
Copy !req
644. That's the one
that beat the shit outta Rivero.
Copy !req
645. Yeah, I feel good going in with you.
Copy !req
646. We're coming to your home,
your living room,
Copy !req
647. and it's gonna be true,
live, actual footage.
Copy !req
648. No more make believe. It's all over.
Copy !req
649. I'll be there soon.
Copy !req
650. What is the most memorable
experience as a bounty hunter?
Copy !req
651. The best one was when I picked up
two kidnapped girls.
Copy !req
652. And, three years,
they couldn't find him, the FBI.
Copy !req
653. The two girls got kidnapped,
14, 15 years old when he took them.
Copy !req
654. They said when he left the house,
he would chain to the commode.
Copy !req
655. The only way they could drink water
was out of the commode.
Copy !req
656. I mean, this guy was a sicko.
Copy !req
657. I found him in Puerto Rico,
Copy !req
658. and I walked in the bar
and he was sitting at the bar.
Copy !req
659. The two girls was stripping onstage,
Copy !req
660. and they had a baby in the back,
two Dobermans with her.
Copy !req
661. And I said, "Hey, Larry.
"Dr. D" David Schultz,
Copy !req
662. bail enforcement agent,
you're under arrest."
Copy !req
663. He jumped off the bar,
run around the side.
Copy !req
664. I slid over top,
and he was out the back door.
Copy !req
665. Two Puerto Rican policemen
pulled down on him with shot guns.
Copy !req
666. I jumped on him, handcuffed him,
and threw him in the car.
Copy !req
667. We ended up with two girls,
two dogs, a baby.
Copy !req
668. We had a whole group, man.
But, I got 'em back home
Copy !req
669. and,
I guess they're doing great today.
Copy !req
670. - It's like living in an action movie.
- Oh, yeah. All the time.
Copy !req
671. You just gotta be careful
because one mistake is your last one.
Copy !req
672. While the former wrestler
is risking his life in the streets,
Copy !req
673. his old boss Vince McMahon
drops a major bombshell.
Copy !req
674. State legislatures are urged
by the biggest wrestling promoter
Copy !req
675. to think the unthinkable,
to declare pro wrestling
Copy !req
676. is not a sport, but an entertainment
whose outcome
Copy !req
677. is actually known
before the battle begins.
Copy !req
678. In an ironic twist, McMahon
is attempting to lift the veil
Copy !req
679. on the thing Schultz
became infamous for protecting.
Copy !req
680. Vince McMahon went to
the athletic department, Baltimore,
Copy !req
681. and told 'em,
"Hey, it's entertainment.
Copy !req
682. It's not sport. It's entertainment."
He exposed the whole business.
Copy !req
683. Four years
after the inaugural WrestleMania,
Copy !req
684. Vince McMahon's gamble
has more than paid off,
Copy !req
685. but to increase profits, he aims to
change how wrestling is regulated.
Copy !req
686. Those commissions would license
promoters and wrestlers,
Copy !req
687. and take tax cut for the right
to hold that event in their state.
Copy !req
688. It might be five, six percent of the
gates. Some states, ten percent.
Copy !req
689. It is now official: wrestling
is not really wrestling.
Copy !req
690. Wrestling promoters told
their secrets to free themselves
Copy !req
691. from the hold
of government regulation.
Copy !req
692. We shouldn't be governed by a state
body unless you do it to Broadway.
Copy !req
693. That was the comparison.
Copy !req
694. When Vince McMahon came out
and said it was entertainment,
Copy !req
695. he justified what I said...
you understand?
Copy !req
696. Kayfabe! That's a bunch of crap.
Copy !req
697. I mean, what idiot came up with that?
Copy !req
698. After McMahon makes his appeal
to the state senate,
Copy !req
699. New Jersey finally frees the WWF
from regulation.
Copy !req
700. For Vince McMahon,
it's part of the show.
Copy !req
701. I watched it with my son who is a
big fan, and we bought the figures,
Copy !req
702. and I understand what a difference
it makes to people.
Copy !req
703. Many other states,
eager for the WWF's business,
Copy !req
704. follow New Jersey's lead
Copy !req
705. and deregulate what McMahon
now calls "sports entertainment".
Copy !req
706. Stossel was set up. Eddy Mansfield
had everybody set up.
Copy !req
707. He went and sold his soul out.
Copy !req
708. I gave my whole career up
because of these people.
Copy !req
709. Do you or will you ever...
Would you forgive John Stossel?
Copy !req
710. Is really not for me to forgive
it's God's job to forgiven.
Copy !req
711. And I'm not God.
Copy !req
712. What are you're doing now?
Copy !req
713. What am I doing? Starting next week,
I'll be driving a tractor trailer,
Copy !req
714. 18-wheel, hauling cotton
from the den to warehouses.
Copy !req
715. I'll do that about three months,
four months.
Copy !req
716. I work from sun up to sun down,
and then during the night.
Copy !req
717. There's two ways David Schultz's
career in wrestling could have gone.
Copy !req
718. One, he would've made
money in the WWF
Copy !req
719. 'cause he would've been a star
for some time.
Copy !req
720. Or, David being David,
Copy !req
721. as Vince McMahon
got more cartoony, more showbiz,
Copy !req
722. David would have found something
else to blow up about,
Copy !req
723. which is probably more likely.
Copy !req
724. I want you, Hogan.
Where you at, boy?
Copy !req
725. Vince McMahon also wanted to be
the Walt Disney of wrestling.
Copy !req
726. No way are we gonna compete
with those clowns.
Copy !req
727. He wanted to be more clean,
more family oriented.
Copy !req
728. A show that he could
take on the road.
Copy !req
729. Some went with him and trusted that,
got pictures on ice cream.
Copy !req
730. It sure is good, ought 'a try one.
I have about two every day.
Copy !req
731. Problem with Schultz, he had a guy
tougher than a waffle house steak
Copy !req
732. and didn't like to be pushed around.
Copy !req
733. Is David Schultz the type of person
you could control?
Copy !req
734. If you treated David as a human
Copy !req
735. and respected him
as a professional athlete...
Copy !req
736. you could control anybody.
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737. I don't think that's the problem.
It's being disrespected.
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738. And I think that was
all of our problems.
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739. You think it's fake?
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740. It's still annoying
that people still come up and say,
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741. "Didn't you get
whacked by the wrestler?"
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742. On YouTube it's probably my second
most watched video.
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743. I've become immortal.
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744. They'll talk
about me when I'm dead.
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745. "Oh, we remember that guy.
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746. He slapped that reporter,
Dr. D David Schultz."
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747. And I've offered to go face to face
with him,
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748. let's straighten this out,
John Stossel and me.
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749. And don't worry, John Stossel,
I'm not gonna hurt you, boy.
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750. If there's something you could say
to David Schultz, what would it be?
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751. Fuck you, David!
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752. Understand, I stood up for wrestling.
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753. It don't really bother me what people
think about me.
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754. I really don't care, you know.
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755. They can think anything they want.
I don't care.
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756. And I'll tell 'em I don't care.
I don't care.
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