1. Previously on Cross...
Copy !req
2. Badge and gun.
Copy !req
3. You started all this when you reported me.
Copy !req
4. You're not blood, you're not bone.
You're just my friend.
Copy !req
5. Or you were.
Copy !req
6. Now you're just somebody
I used to work with.
Copy !req
7. Two witnesses said
Copy !req
8. Deirdre Nolan
Copy !req
9. had an accomplice.
I need you
Copy !req
10. to give me that name.
Copy !req
11. - No! No!
Are you okay? Look like
Copy !req
12. - you've seen a ghost.
Two John asked me
Copy !req
13. to look into this guy, White Mike,
Copy !req
14. that might be connected to Ramsey.
Still in Philly,
Copy !req
15. only now as "Michael Grisham."
Copy !req
16. I can't believe
the day is finally here.
Copy !req
17. Don't worry about that little cut
Copy !req
18. on the side of your face.
I'm gonna have somebody
Copy !req
19. take care of that properly.
Copy !req
20. Shannon is
Ramsey's last victim.
Copy !req
21. - Who's your friend?
- She's the one that found
Copy !req
22. - the witness we're gonna use
to burn you down.
- Witness?
Copy !req
23. You guys have a witness?
Copy !req
24. - Are you sure?
- Mom...
Copy !req
25. Welcome.
Copy !req
26. The State of Florida has invited you
to participate,
Copy !req
27. if only as a witness,
in that most solemn of occasions,
Copy !req
28. the execution of a condemned criminal.
Copy !req
29. The purpose of this video is
to familiarize you
Copy !req
30. with the process you will see today.
Copy !req
31. Now, I know you may not wish to be here.
Copy !req
32. I know your sympathies may lie
with the condemned.
Copy !req
33. I can only remind you that we live
under the rule of law in this great state.
Copy !req
34. Under the guidance
of medical professionals,
Copy !req
35. the state has devised a protocol
for lethal injection.
Copy !req
36. A sequence
of three medications is delivered
Copy !req
37. via injection into an intravenous line.
Copy !req
38. The first is sodium pentothal,
Copy !req
39. a sedative, for the comfort
of the condemned.
Copy !req
40. Next comes pancuronium bromide,
Copy !req
41. a paralytic, to induce stillness and calm.
Copy !req
42. Finally, a dose
of potassium chloride is administered,
Copy !req
43. which stops the heart.
Copy !req
44. After an appropriate interval,
Copy !req
45. a medical professional confirms
the efficacy of the procedure.
Copy !req
46. That concludes my presentation.
Copy !req
47. I hope it will prove to be of some use
and, perhaps, comfort to you.
Copy !req
48. Thank you for your kind attention,
Copy !req
49. and God bless.
Copy !req
50. It's almost 7:00.
Copy !req
51. You need to go put your shoes on,
get ready for school,
Copy !req
52. - Damon.
- Oh, they're on.
Copy !req
53. Oh, not those.
Copy !req
54. Those go in here.
Copy !req
55. What? Why?
Copy !req
56. I'm not gonna have people thinking
I've given up on you.
Copy !req
57. - Shoot.
- All right. Well, I'm just saying, though.
Copy !req
58. - Like, if that's what it takes.
Copy !req
59. You tried to get me to throw
my Js away back in the day, too.
Copy !req
60. - Seriously?
- "Tried" nothing. You threw 'em out.
Copy !req
61. I did.
Copy !req
62. Yes, I did, but...
Copy !req
63. I rescued 'em
from the trash later that day,
Copy !req
64. wore 'em for another two months
when she wasn't looking.
Copy !req
65. - Oh.
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
66. But then she found out,
and I couldn't sit for a week.
Copy !req
67. Mm.
Copy !req
68. Hey, you ready for rehearsal tonight?
Copy !req
69. Hmm.
- I think so.
Copy !req
70. Dad, can I wear Mom's watch
for the recital?
Copy !req
71. She would love that.
Copy !req
72. But you know what?
You should wear it tonight at rehearsal
Copy !req
73. so you get used to playing with it on.
Copy !req
74. That can wait.
Copy !req
75. Go upstairs and tell your sister,
Copy !req
76. get her little behind down here
in four minutes,
Copy !req
77. or you're gonna be late for school.
Copy !req
78. Ah.
Copy !req
79. Yeah.
Copy !req
80. So, you plan on coming back
after you drop them off?
Copy !req
81. I have something I want to talk about.
Copy !req
82. I got time now.
Copy !req
83. I talked to your friend... Kowaleski?
Copy !req
84. U.S. Attorney Kowaleski?
Copy !req
85. - She dropped by to see you.
- So why was she talking to you?
Copy !req
86. Because I wanted answers about
Copy !req
87. whoever it is
that's been giving us all that trouble.
Copy !req
88. And I got them.
Copy !req
89. Oh, Nana, Nana,
this is not for you to be doing.
Copy !req
90. You know, there may come a time
that I'll allow you
Copy !req
91. to tell me what I should be doing,
but that's... not today.
Copy !req
92. She sent me to see a retired detective.
Copy !req
93. He gave me the name
of a man named "Peter Lenox."
Copy !req
94. If you and Sampson can get over
whatever nonsense is,
Copy !req
95. is you all are going through,
Copy !req
96. you need to go see Peter
before someone gets hurt.
Copy !req
97. At least, not somebody I care about.
Copy !req
98. Hey, what up, Vega?
Copy !req
99. You fuck...
Copy !req
100. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
Copy !req
101. Alex, stop.
Witness wasn't answering his phone.
Copy !req
102. Massey called for a welfare check.
Patrol came out, found the victim dead.
Copy !req
103. GSW to the head.
Copy !req
104. Listen, Detective, you can't be here.
Copy !req
105. - It's a fucking safe house.
- I know.
Copy !req
106. Have to be a ghost to get in and out
without being seen.
Copy !req
107. Gin and tonic.
No, just gin.
Copy !req
108. Are you okay?
Copy !req
109. You look like you've seen a ghost.
Copy !req
110. A ghost.
Copy !req
111. Yeah.
Copy !req
112. A safe house.
Copy !req
113. Patrol schedules.
Copy !req
114. That takes some real weight.
Copy !req
115. Command staff.
Money could be a motive.
Copy !req
116. Fucking Ramsey.
Copy !req
117. Anyone ever make you an offer?
Copy !req
118. Of course.
Copy !req
119. Never understood why you'd take this job
if you weren't out to do it right.
Copy !req
120. I knew you'd say that.
Copy !req
121. Soon as we got pregnant, I told Alicia
Copy !req
122. that little man here was going
to need a role model.
Copy !req
123. Someone to show him what a man should be.
Copy !req
124. I was hoping that could be you, Two John.
Copy !req
125. Will you be his godfather?
Copy !req
126. Why me?
Copy !req
127. You have no idea how rare you are, do you?
Copy !req
128. You let him hang with me,
he gonna see some things.
Copy !req
129. - I'm counting on it.
Copy !req
130. All right.
Copy !req
131. Thank you.
Copy !req
132. I can't tell you how much peace of mind
this gives me.
Copy !req
133. Now, how are we gonna catch Ramsey?
Copy !req
134. First thing we got to do
is we got to close the loop.
Copy !req
135. The only people working on this
are people we trust.
Copy !req
136. So it's probably best if Anderson...
Copy !req
137. doesn't know.
Copy !req
138. Probably.
Copy !req
139. Step careful.
Copy !req
140. And if you get anything—
I mean anything—
Copy !req
141. - you let me know.
- For sure.
Copy !req
142. - Now, listen...
- Yes...
Copy !req
143. Hey.
Copy !req
144. Get out!
Copy !req
145. You want to talk to me. It's about Ramsey.
Copy !req
146. I'm fine.
Copy !req
147. Everybody's fine.
Copy !req
148. Give us a minute.
Copy !req
149. I promise you, Morris, we're fine.
Copy !req
150. I'm going to assume
that whatever brings you here
Copy !req
151. is awfully damn important.
Copy !req
152. I found a witness that could put
Ed Ramsey away for murder.
Copy !req
153. Really? Who?
Copy !req
154. Doesn't matter. He's dead.
Copy !req
155. Somebody got into a police safe house
and put a bullet in his head.
Copy !req
156. Why are you here?
Copy !req
157. I started thinking about what kind of pull
Ramsey would need to get to that witness,
Copy !req
158. started thinking about his friends,
I was wondering
Copy !req
159. about what shook you up so badly
at Ramsey's party,
Copy !req
160. like you'd seen a ghost.
Copy !req
161. But I bet it wasn't a ghost, was it?
Copy !req
162. Uh, I'm not sure what you mean.
Copy !req
163. I-I did eat something—
Copy !req
164. No games. No, no, no, not today.
Copy !req
165. I know Ramsey owns you,
Copy !req
166. and I swear, Madam Speaker,
I will expose you.
Copy !req
167. Get out.
Copy !req
168. Now.
Copy !req
169. Are you asking because you think
you can catch Ramsey?
Copy !req
170. Yes. And save Shannon.
Copy !req
171. What about me?
Copy !req
172. Are you fucking serious right...
Copy !req
173. Look, tell me something I can use
to save Shannon,
Copy !req
174. I swear, I will never mention your name.
Copy !req
175. I see her every night.
Copy !req
176. Running from him.
Copy !req
177. I wanted to believe it was something else.
Copy !req
178. Anything.
Copy !req
179. Then I saw the blood.
Copy !req
180. The blood?
Copy !req
181. There was this moment.
Copy !req
182. She realized she couldn't get away.
Copy !req
183. She sliced her face open.
Copy !req
184. Such beautiful green eyes.
Copy !req
185. Aileen had brown eyes.
Copy !req
186. - Go fuck yourself.
Copy !req
187. I could do that,
or I could let you make a phone call
Copy !req
188. to your parents, to say goodbye.
Copy !req
189. Would you like that?
Copy !req
190. Happy birthday, Aileen.
Copy !req
191. I want my phone call.
Copy !req
192. I always thought "spitting image"
was a strange phrase,
Copy !req
193. and then I learned
it was originally "spirit and image,"
Copy !req
194. as if the likeness also captures
the essence of someone.
Copy !req
195. That makes sense to me now.
Copy !req
196. You may be the best work
I've ever done, Aileen.
Copy !req
197. - Eat shit.
- I was thinking coffee.
Copy !req
198. Here.
Copy !req
199. This was Aileen's last meal,
a cup of coffee,
Copy !req
200. so it's very important to me
that you drink it.
Copy !req
201. I've gotten people to eat
seven-course meals,
Copy !req
202. so I will get you to drink this coffee.
Copy !req
203. The question is,
the easy way or the hard way?
Copy !req
204. There's your spitting image.
Copy !req
205. You know, any other day,
Copy !req
206. that would really piss me off.
Copy !req
207. But not today.
Copy !req
208. It's beautiful, isn't it?
Copy !req
209. Time to celebrate.
Copy !req
210. - Think I might have
to take a look at this.
- That's a good idea.
Copy !req
211. Here you go, y'all.
Copy !req
212. - Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Copy !req
213. Mm-mm.
Copy !req
214. - Hey.
- Hey.
Copy !req
215. - Thanks for coming, y'all.
- Are you kidding?
Copy !req
216. Ben's Chili and a shot at Ramsey?
That's easy.
Copy !req
217. And you throwing around words
like "circle of trust"
Copy !req
218. - make a bitch feel special.
Copy !req
219. Bar can't be too high.
Copy !req
220. - I'm here.
- Yeah, only 'cause I vouched for you.
Copy !req
221. Look, you're all here
because I need you here, all right?
Copy !req
222. Whatever my personal feelings are,
I trust each and every one of you,
Copy !req
223. when it comes to work.
Copy !req
224. But I can't have you saying
where you are or what you doing.
Copy !req
225. - Y'all cool with that?
Copy !req
226. All right.
We're back to square one with Ramsey.
Copy !req
227. The only way we gonna find him
is to find out where he's hiding Shannon.
Copy !req
228. The way these makeovers go,
he's got to be getting close.
Copy !req
229. He was. But he had a setback.
Copy !req
230. Shannon cut her face, at the party.
Copy !req
231. I spoke to someone who saw it happen.
Copy !req
232. Well, you want to say who, motherfucker?
Copy !req
233. Or you just gonna sit on that information?
Copy !req
234. Okay, ladies,
you're both very smart and pretty.
Copy !req
235. Can we move on? The clock's ticking.
Copy !req
236. The point is, Ramsey won't kill her
with a gash on her face.
Copy !req
237. She won't match Aileen.
Copy !req
238. - She bought herself some time.
- That's some serious gangster shit.
Copy !req
239. Bought us some time, too.
Copy !req
240. Vega, De Lackner,
I need you to tail Ramsey, all right?
Copy !req
241. And don't let him shake you.
Copy !req
242. Oh, we got to find him first.
Copy !req
243. - I can help with that.
- All right.
Copy !req
244. Shall we?
Copy !req
245. I need you to hang back.
Copy !req
246. Do your thing.
Copy !req
247. What you gonna do?
Copy !req
248. Well, you had to be right about
another mole in the department,
Copy !req
249. and that can't stand, so...
Copy !req
250. Never thought it'd be Anderson.
Copy !req
251. - Guess it adds up.
- Yeah, I don't know about that.
Copy !req
252. No?
Copy !req
253. She's been salting this investigation
from the jump.
Copy !req
254. We know she's friends with Ramsey.
Copy !req
255. - Mm-hmm.
- She knows the location of the safe house,
Copy !req
256. patrol intervals.
Copy !req
257. Only problem is,
when it comes to the logs last night,
Copy !req
258. I checked them, and she was home.
Copy !req
259. Because it wasn't her.
Copy !req
260. If you don't spill
what's in your head right now...
Copy !req
261. You remember what Coach Keller said
about taking hits when we started boxing?
Copy !req
262. It's the ones you don't see coming
that really hurt.
Copy !req
263. Pretty sure whoever's working with him
Copy !req
264. is the one who leaked
that video of me, Two John.
Copy !req
265. There's only two people
that could've been.
Copy !req
266. Two.
Copy !req
267. And I know it wasn't you.
Copy !req
268. Sir.
- What?
Copy !req
269. I need to talk to you.
Copy !req
270. Bobby Trey came to see me.
Copy !req
271. The Feds blocked his money.
Copy !req
272. How...
Copy !req
273. Never mind.
Copy !req
274. Just tell him to come by the house later,
Copy !req
275. I'll make sure he gets his money.
Copy !req
276. Wait. Give me your phone.
Copy !req
277. - Why do you need—
- Just unlock it.
Copy !req
278. So close.
Copy !req
279. I can't believe it's finally happening.
Copy !req
280. Give me a hand with her.
Copy !req
281. We all have secrets.
Copy !req
282. I'm ready to bring mine into the light.
Copy !req
283. Each of those victims was
transformed to resemble a serial killer.
Copy !req
284. Fingerprints on page 26...
Copy !req
285. You think the Fanboy
corresponded with these freaks.
Copy !req
286. Profile matches Herb Baumeister.
Copy !req
287. Aileen Wuornos.
Copy !req
288. Several of the pages
contain mementos.
Copy !req
289. "Sandman."
Copy !req
290. I would do anything
Copy !req
291. O-Oh.
Copy !req
292. I-I'm sorry.
Copy !req
293. I-I didn't mean to disturb you.
Copy !req
294. Uh, no, no, it's fine.
Copy !req
295. That song.
Copy !req
296. - What is it?
Copy !req
297. Louis Armstrong.
Copy !req
298. And not a damn cover.
Copy !req
299. Your girl's taking you
to a serial killer's birthday party?
Copy !req
300. Oh, come on, Alex.
Copy !req
301. It's my birthday.
Copy !req
302. You know, this is really
a milestone birthday for me.
Copy !req
303. Shit.
Copy !req
304. You're allowed diazepam,
for the anxiety.
Copy !req
305. Would you like some?
Copy !req
306. Want to be here as long as I can.
Copy !req
307. Suit yourself.
Copy !req
308. How is that?
Pretty good.
Copy !req
309. - You want some?
Copy !req
310. Today. He's gonna kill her today.
Copy !req
311. And you-you know this how?
Copy !req
312. Look, the Fanboy,
he's been at this for years—
Copy !req
313. years— and we never had a clue.
Copy !req
314. But now, while we're still
investigating Emir,
Copy !req
315. he takes another one?
Copy !req
316. Starts doing all kinds of risky shit
that can get him caught? Why?
Copy !req
317. - Because he finally found his Aileen.
- And...
Copy !req
318. he could've waited
another six months to take her,
Copy !req
319. and we still wouldn't know he exists.
Copy !req
320. - But he has to do it now.
- Mm-hmm, and all the victims,
Copy !req
321. they disappeared just before the birthdays
Copy !req
322. of the killers
that they were matched with.
Copy !req
323. - So—
- Oh, shit.
Copy !req
324. - What?
It's Aileen's birthday today.
Copy !req
325. February 29th. Leap year.
Copy !req
326. If he doesn't kill her today,
he's got to wait four more years.
Copy !req
327. That's why he's taking risks
he never took before.
Copy !req
328. Hold on, now.
Copy !req
329. He needs her to be perfect,
and you said that she cut her face.
Copy !req
330. - How's that gonna work?
- I know it doesn't make any sense—
Copy !req
331. It does.
This is Ramsey we're talking about.
Copy !req
332. He uses other people to fix his problems,
so he would find someone to fix her.
Copy !req
333. - It's gonna take more than makeup.
- Right.
Copy !req
334. He would need a plastic surgeon.
Copy !req
335. What— What happened?
Copy !req
336. Any hope?
Copy !req
337. I think I know where he's hiding Shannon.
Copy !req
338. Are you serious?
Copy !req
339. - Who else knows?
- Just me.
Copy !req
340. Good. Keep it that way until you're sure.
Copy !req
341. - Where do you think she is?
- Before I get into that, I...
Copy !req
342. I just need to know how this works.
Copy !req
343. Do you call him?
Copy !req
344. Text?
Copy !req
345. You wait for me to leave?
Copy !req
346. Or wait, no. You probably...
Copy !req
347. You know what?
You'd probably do it right in front of me.
Copy !req
348. You must be wondering what he's got on me.
Copy !req
349. Because it's the secrets, right?
Copy !req
350. We all have things we're ashamed of.
Copy !req
351. People like you and me,
we have more than most.
Copy !req
352. It's all strings for him to pull
so he can make people dance.
Copy !req
353. But the real trick is finding something
that makes them want to dance.
Copy !req
354. He dangles your dream in front of you.
Copy !req
355. And it is the things that you want
more than anything in the world
Copy !req
356. that bring out the worst in you.
Copy !req
357. A baby.
Copy !req
358. Alicia and I, we used up
all our savings and all our benefits.
Copy !req
359. We don't even own this house anymore.
Copy !req
360. - It was never gonna happen.
- How did he know?
Copy !req
361. You tell me.
Copy !req
362. One call, and we are sitting in a clinic
Copy !req
363. with the world's foremost
fertility specialist and a translator.
Copy !req
364. And the doctor says one thing in English:
Copy !req
365. "I can promise you a baby."
Copy !req
366. And for that, you kill a man?
Copy !req
367. It started with the little things.
Copy !req
368. Wrong, but easy to think it was worth it.
Copy !req
369. And by the time he asks you
to do something that crosses the line
Copy !req
370. that you thought you had...
Copy !req
371. you realize you are already way past it.
Copy !req
372. Yeah, and the only way to cover up
something bad is to do something worse.
Copy !req
373. Right?
Copy !req
374. I don't have to go away for this, John.
Copy !req
375. My son needs me.
Copy !req
376. - Stop. Stop. No.
- And I pay for my crimes every time
Copy !req
377. - I close my eyes.
- You did not pay! You didn't pay!
Copy !req
378. Emir Goodspeed paid.
Copy !req
379. Mother Goodspeed is still paying.
Copy !req
380. Shannon Witmer paid.
Copy !req
381. Me, Cross, we paid.
Copy !req
382. You didn't pay shit.
Copy !req
383. All the way to that bullshit about me
being your-your kid's godfather—
Copy !req
384. That was real. I wasn't playing you.
Copy !req
385. How do you expect me
to believe anything you say right now?
Copy !req
386. I asked you
Copy !req
387. to be there for Alicia and the baby
because I knew I wouldn't.
Copy !req
388. I asked, and you said yes.
Copy !req
389. And you keep your promises.
Copy !req
390. Please.
Copy !req
391. You're right.
Copy !req
392. I do.
Copy !req
393. You have the right
to remain silent.
Copy !req
394. Anything you say can and will be
used against you in a court of law.
Copy !req
395. You have the right to an attorney.
Copy !req
396. If you can't afford one,
one will be provided to you.
Copy !req
397. Do you understand the rights
that I've read to you?
Copy !req
398. Dr. Daine.
Copy !req
399. Detective Cross.
Uh, what can I do to help you?
Copy !req
400. You can tell me why you're helping
Ed Ramsey torture Shannon Witmer.
Copy !req
401. What?
Copy !req
402. - I'm not, I—
- Cut the shit.
Copy !req
403. I didn't, I didn't want to help him,
I swear to you.
Copy !req
404. - He was just another client and—
- You had a choice.
Copy !req
405. You could've called the cops,
but you didn't.
Copy !req
406. No, but I did everything I could
to help her.
Copy !req
407. I-I cleaned her wound,
I-I left her healthy.
Copy !req
408. Well, tell me that counts for something.
Copy !req
409. What does he have on you?
Copy !req
410. No. No, I can't, I-I...
Copy !req
411. You don't understand.
Copy !req
412. If it got out,
God, I couldn't face my mother.
Copy !req
413. I-I would have to move,
I would lose my practice.
Copy !req
414. You mutilated a kidnapped woman
Copy !req
415. just so you don't have
to do a change of address?
Copy !req
416. I am so sorry, I'm so... sorry.
Copy !req
417. The things that he made me do...
Copy !req
418. Hey. Whatever he knows,
I can make it go away,
Copy !req
419. if you help me find him.
Copy !req
420. I know where he is.
Copy !req
421. But that place,
the things that he does there...
Copy !req
422. Tell me and I can make it stop.
Copy !req
423. Oh, thank you. Thank you.
Copy !req
424. Thank you.
Copy !req
425. Ed Ramsey isn't blackmailing me.
Copy !req
426. He inspires me.
Copy !req
427. He's an artist.
Copy !req
428. - A visionary.
Copy !req
429. And whatever I can do
to help him realize that vision,
Copy !req
430. I will do happily.
Copy !req
431. If it were up to me,
you would be dead right now,
Copy !req
432. but he wants you to witness
his exhibition.
Copy !req
433. Eventually.
Copy !req
434. Night-night.
Copy !req
435. I would ask you to recite
Aileen's last words,
Copy !req
436. but I already know you won't, so...
Copy !req
437. "Yes, I would just like to say
that I'm sailing with the rock,
Copy !req
438. and I'll be back,
like Independence Day, with Jesus."
Copy !req
439. Back like Independence Day.
Copy !req
440. With Jesus.
Copy !req
441. Poetry.
Copy !req
442. Are you ready?
Copy !req
443. Don't.
Copy !req
444. First comes the sedative,
so you won't feel a thing.
Copy !req
445. Nothing to do now
but let nature take its course.
Copy !req
446. I hate you.
Copy !req
447. And now the paralytic,
exactly as it was for Aileen.
Copy !req
448. And finally,
Copy !req
449. the curtain of death falls.
Copy !req
450. So Anderson didn't say anything?
Copy !req
451. - What's there to say?
- Something.
Copy !req
452. Just be glad you weren't there.
Copy !req
453. - Yeah.
- Okay.
Copy !req
454. Fuckin' hell.
Copy !req
455. You got any news?
Copy !req
456. Look, I've had about
all the news I can take today.
Copy !req
457. Massey was in it with that asshole.
Copy !req
458. Must be why she wouldn't give me
surveillance on that doctor.
Copy !req
459. - Mm-hmm.
- Hold up.
Copy !req
460. - What doctor?
Copy !req
461. Cross wanted eyes on her.
Copy !req
462. - Massey knew about Daine?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
463. - Where's Cross now?
- I don't know.
Copy !req
464. - Welcome back.
Copy !req
465. What happened?
Copy !req
466. The chemicals, they...
they didn't work for some reason.
Copy !req
467. No, no, not like that, Shannon.
Copy !req
468. It wasn't a mistake.
Copy !req
469. It was part of the reenactment.
Copy !req
470. Same thing happened with Aileen.
Copy !req
471. The first try got botched
by the State of Florida.
Copy !req
472. But don't worry.
Copy !req
473. We'll get it right this time.
Copy !req
474. - Sugar!
Copy !req
475. What happened?
Copy !req
476. - She drugged...
- Hold on, I'm calling you an ambulance.
Copy !req
477. No, there's no time.
Copy !req
478. The app, use it.
Copy !req
479. I grabbed her on her way,
I stuck my phone in her purse.
Copy !req
480. If she hasn't noticed...
Copy !req
481. Is that it?
Copy !req
482. Yeah.
Copy !req
483. Just turned on to Potomac,
headed southwest.
Copy !req
484. Could be headed to the harbor.
Copy !req
485. No, she's headed to Buzzard Point.
Copy !req
486. Just give me the word,
I can get air support.
Copy !req
487. No. I don't know who we can trust,
and I ain't taking any chances.
Copy !req
488. Just catch up.
Copy !req
489. You all right?
Copy !req
490. Almost myself again.
Copy !req
491. Connecting, and we're live.
Copy !req
492. Twenty-eight years ago, Herb Baumeister,
Copy !req
493. the Westfield Strangler, woke me up.
Copy !req
494. Made me feel something.
Copy !req
495. Exposed to me the secret.
Copy !req
496. And when they found the bones on his farm,
Copy !req
497. people asked,
"How could God let this happen?"
Copy !req
498. And I said, "What God?"
Copy !req
499. You see, I had lost my faith years before
Copy !req
500. because I, like so many,
had bought into the big lie.
Copy !req
501. That in the modern world,
there is no room for faith
Copy !req
502. when everything is seen
and everyone is known.
Copy !req
503. They almost had me believing...
Copy !req
504. that there is no mystery left.
Copy !req
505. No sacred place where God can live.
Copy !req
506. No more secrets we may tremble
to discover.
Copy !req
507. We're here. We're going in.
Copy !req
508. Hold up.
Copy !req
509. But there is one secret left.
Copy !req
510. The first one.
Copy !req
511. - The only one that matters.
Copy !req
512. Death.
Copy !req
513. That single inescapable truth
Copy !req
514. that terrifies people so much
they will convince themselves
Copy !req
515. of anything to avoid it.
Copy !req
516. But Herb made them face it.
Copy !req
517. I watched my community try desperately
Copy !req
518. to deny the power that Herb had over them,
Copy !req
519. but they couldn't.
Copy !req
520. And I realized that what he was doing
Copy !req
521. wasn't just powerful...
Copy !req
522. it was art!
Copy !req
523. And in that moment I knew...
Copy !req
524. that I, too, could be an artist.
Copy !req
525. I could remind people that death
Copy !req
526. sits beside them on the train
Copy !req
527. and lives in the apartment next door.
Copy !req
528. I could create a masterpiece
Copy !req
529. to remind people
Copy !req
530. that there are gods
Copy !req
531. who understand this last mystery,
Copy !req
532. and in doing so...
Copy !req
533. become one of those gods myself.
Copy !req
534. Today, my masterpiece
Copy !req
535. is complete.
Copy !req
536. Don't do it! Get your hands up.
Copy !req
537. You, too, crazy-ass bitch.
Copy !req
538. Step away from her.
Copy !req
539. Don't move.
Copy !req
540. I'll take care of Shannon.
Copy !req
541. You go find that motherfucker.
Copy !req
542. - Hands up! Drop it. Drop it!
- Don't you move! Don't you fucking move!
Copy !req
543. She's alive.
Copy !req
544. No.
Copy !req
545. Shit!
Copy !req
546. How is she?
Copy !req
547. - She's got a pulse. Steady.
- Good.
Copy !req
548. That motherfucker got away.
He could be anywhere.
Copy !req
549. No, not anywhere.
Copy !req
550. Get your hands up right now.
Copy !req
551. You really see me, Alex.
Copy !req
552. - I appreciate that.
- Hands!
Copy !req
553. You know, there's so much truth
in this room.
Copy !req
554. Ramsey, drop it.
Copy !req
555. And that's why this is where
it has to happen.
Copy !req
556. No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Copy !req
557. Shoot.
Copy !req
558. No, no, no.
Copy !req
559. Hey, come on.
Copy !req
560. Hey, he's gone.
Copy !req
561. You guys found that girl.
It's all over the news.
Copy !req
562. Thanks. Guess that means
this is on the house.
Copy !req
563. You know what, today it is.
Copy !req
564. - Ah. Mm-hmm.
- Aw, you're too kind.
Copy !req
565. Thank you, Tana Lee.
Copy !req
566. You're all right?
Copy !req
567. Food okay?
Copy !req
568. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
569. Did we get a guard up on Shannon?
Copy !req
570. That doctor might not be
Ramsey's only fan.
Copy !req
571. It's taken care of.
Copy !req
572. Hey. Cheer up.
Copy !req
573. What could possibly be
the problem right now?
Copy !req
574. The killer's dead, the victim's safe,
Copy !req
575. and Santa got it right this time.
Copy !req
576. Did that feel like justice to you?
Copy !req
577. We got plenty of justice.
Copy !req
578. Now you're all out of that other thing
you was after.
Copy !req
579. - And you gonna tell me what that is?
- Distraction.
Copy !req
580. Without this case, you might actually
have to work on yourself.
Copy !req
581. Boy, I tell you.
Copy !req
582. Working on yourself is overrated,
trust me.
Copy !req
583. That name you gave us. Peter Lenox.
Copy !req
584. That's everything we have on him,
including his last-known address.
Copy !req
585. - Oh, thank God.
- Hey, Nana.
Copy !req
586. You're a lifesaver.
Copy !req
587. An angel called me at the last minute
with tickets for
Copy !req
588. my All Blacks. Hey!
Copy !req
589. You know they only show up
every few years.
Copy !req
590. No, you cannot miss them.
All that eye candy.
Copy !req
591. - I'm glad I could help.
Copy !req
592. Yeah, well, it's just a rehearsal
for Damon,
Copy !req
593. but I'll make it for the real thing.
Copy !req
594. No problem.
Copy !req
595. Um, would you tell Miss Nancy
Copy !req
596. that he'll have on a special watch,
but if it, if it gets in the way,
Copy !req
597. - he can take it off.
- I sure will.
Copy !req
598. Hey, Nana, I just want to ask,
is there a reason Miss Nancy
Copy !req
599. couldn't give the kids a ride?
Copy !req
600. Of course she could, but I...
Copy !req
601. Oh, no, I'm happy to do it.
Copy !req
602. Just made me wonder if there was a reason
Copy !req
603. you asked me.
Copy !req
604. What other reason would that be?
Copy !req
605. We are good friends, aren't we?
Copy !req
606. You're doing me a favor.
Copy !req
607. - Of course we are. Of course.
Copy !req
608. Okay, well...
Copy !req
609. here's another favor.
Copy !req
610. Would you try not to judge my grandson
on his worst day?
Copy !req
611. - Okay. Thank you.
- You go have a good time.
Copy !req
612. - Yeah.
- Don't worry about a thing.
Copy !req
613. - Okay. Thank you, sweetie.
- Okay?
Copy !req
614. - Have fun.
- All right.
Copy !req
615. Hey, hold on. Who sent the flowers?
Copy !req
616. I don't know. I just deliver.
Copy !req
617. Fuck Alex Cross!
Copy !req
618. Peter, I can't stop thinking
about our last visit.
Copy !req
619. I wish you wouldn't worry
about me so much.
Copy !req
620. This isn't your fault.
Copy !req
621. Dee-Dee, tell me who did that to you.
Copy !req
622. Brenda Leeland?
Copy !req
623. But-but you can't do anything.
She'll kill me.
Copy !req
624. She runs the guards in here.
Copy !req
625. I'll get to her somehow.
Copy !req
626. I-I already told you last time
I don't want you to do anything
Copy !req
627. that gets you in trouble.
Copy !req
628. Just go live your life, okay?
Copy !req
629. Mine's already over.
Copy !req
630. I don't know what to do.
There's nowhere to go.
Copy !req
631. This is my fault.
Copy !req
632. Stop saying that, okay? It's not on you.
Copy !req
633. I'm-a get you out.
Copy !req
634. That's what I'm-a do, I'm-a get you out,
Copy !req
635. and then I'm-a make Cross pay.
Copy !req
636. Damon's gonna kick that girl's butt.
Copy !req
637. Miss Jannie!
Copy !req
638. Listen, this is not a competition,
it's just a rehearsal.
Copy !req
639. But you're right, Damon's about to get it.
Copy !req
640. I have had the privilege
Copy !req
641. of getting to know this young man's
family recently,
Copy !req
642. and I can tell you that his gifts
are no surprise.
Copy !req
643. They have been nurtured with great love
Copy !req
644. and just a little bit of discipline
when absolutely necessary.
Copy !req
645. Please help me welcome to the stage
Damon Cross.
Copy !req
646. Yeah! Bring it, Damon!
Copy !req
647. There's something
missing, Kayla.
Copy !req
648. There's something missing.
It's-it's another piece
Copy !req
649. - somewhere in here I can't find.
Okay, slow down.
Copy !req
650. What's not there?
Copy !req
651. It's not physical, it's-it's motivational.
Copy !req
652. This guy, he's full of guilt.
Copy !req
653. He blames himself for
what happened to Deirdre.
Copy !req
654. Follow your instinct. Should he?
Copy !req
655. No idea. There's nothing here I can find
that suggests he did anything.
Copy !req
656. He did something.
Copy !req
657. What makes you say that?
Copy !req
658. You say that you're standing
in a shrine to hate.
Copy !req
659. The simplest answer is the letters
all back up
Copy !req
660. the idea that he's carrying immense guilt.
Copy !req
661. It could be survivor guilt.
Copy !req
662. Blames himself for living
while she didn't.
Copy !req
663. Survivor guilt is passive.
Copy !req
664. Suicidal. It's not homicidal.
Copy !req
665. He did something, and the only way
to make it right is another action.
Copy !req
666. - Alex, where'd you go?
- It's what you said.
Copy !req
667. I'm looking around at the products
of an unbelievable obsession.
Copy !req
668. Yes.
Copy !req
669. Years of focusing, years
Copy !req
670. of planning, of...
Copy !req
671. of delayed gratification.
Copy !req
672. That's the definition of active.
Copy !req
673. A guy like that, he's never gonna give up.
Copy !req
674. Get out of the way. Get out of the way.
Get out of the way.
Copy !req
675. Shit.
Copy !req
676. Officer Farley, hot chocolate,
extra chocolate, extra milk.
Copy !req
677. You are too good to me, Mrs. Witmer.
Copy !req
678. The world was too good to me today.
Copy !req
679. I gave up on it for a while,
but it surprised me
Copy !req
680. and returned my daughter to me.
Copy !req
681. I guess it did.
Copy !req
682. It's still my day.
Copy !req
683. - Evening.
- Evening.
Copy !req
684. Is that really her in there?
Copy !req
685. Yeah. Never thought they'd find her alive.
Copy !req
686. Neither did I.
Copy !req
687. Just goes to show you,
when things look shitty,
Copy !req
688. you can still make it all
work out in the end, right?
Copy !req
689. Do me a favor, watch him for a sec.
Copy !req
690. I just need to check on her.
Copy !req
691. Uh, just need to see your ID.
Copy !req
692. Oh, that's no problem at all.
It's right here.
Copy !req
693. You're all right now.
Copy !req
694. Daddy went home to get the blanket
that Gamma made for you.
Copy !req
695. Sorry to interrupt.
Copy !req
696. Oh, I'm so glad
you're here, Doctor.
Copy !req
697. How's our patient doing?
Copy !req
698. She opens her eyes sometimes.
They say she's conscious,
Copy !req
699. but she can't move or talk yet.
Copy !req
700. The other doctor said all we can do
Copy !req
701. is wait till the drugs
get out of her system
Copy !req
702. - and hope.
- Good news.
Copy !req
703. The team and I had a chance
to talk about Shannon's case and...
Copy !req
704. I believe I have a way
to speed her recovery.
Copy !req
705. That would be— Oh.
Copy !req
706. Everyone is just so wonderful.
Copy !req
707. Mm. Good.
Copy !req
708. I just need a moment to... examine her.
Copy !req
709. Oh, oh. Okay. Um...
Copy !req
710. - Thank you, Doctor.
Thank you so much.
Copy !req
711. So...
Copy !req
712. perfect.
Copy !req
713. No one is gonna forget you now.
Copy !req
714. It's over, Ramsey.
Copy !req
715. I wanted it to be you, Alex.
Copy !req
716. I did, too.
Copy !req
717. Hello?
Copy !req
718. Alex?
Copy !req
719. Come on!
Copy !req
720. Let me go!
Copy !req
721. Oh, Lord.
Copy !req
722. Next time on Cross...
Copy !req
723. Is that him?
Copy !req
724. You see this man, I want you to run.
Copy !req
725. What is this about?
Is... Peter in trouble?
Copy !req
726. He's terrorizing a family.
Copy !req
727. My family.
Copy !req
728. Do not hurt my children.
Do you hear me?
Copy !req