1. Previously on Cross...
Copy !req
2. Judge cited my testimony
Copy !req
3. when he sentenced her.
Copy !req
4. Well, someone wants people to pay
for what happened to Deirdre Nolan.
Copy !req
5. What do you want?
Copy !req
6. $2.2 million.
Copy !req
7. And it'll be in your account
by the end of the week.
Copy !req
8. Ramsey was always talking to some guy
in Philly— White Mike.
Copy !req
9. What's going on with the serial killer?
Copy !req
10. We do have a profile.
Copy !req
11. We want to hear every detail.
Copy !req
12. I have to be perfect, right?
Just like Aileen?
Copy !req
13. No. No!
Copy !req
14. We all have secrets, Alex.
Copy !req
15. I'm ready to bring mine into the light.
Copy !req
16. This is the incident
that Sampson reported.
Copy !req
17. Call your union rep.
Copy !req
18. He did this.
Copy !req
19. Ed Ramsey is the Fanboy killer.
Copy !req
20. Let's just chalk this up
to Detective Cross
Copy !req
21. having a little too much to drink.
Copy !req
22. - You know what, fuck you. Fuck you.
- That's it.
Copy !req
23. Oh, my God.
- You need to leave.
Copy !req
24. Shannon Witmer's alive,
Copy !req
25. probably in this house.
Copy !req
26. Out. Now!
Copy !req
27. Do you know how this works,
Detective Cross?
Copy !req
28. Do you know anyone
who's been through the process before?
Copy !req
29. - No.
- It's okay, Alex. Uh...
Copy !req
30. Can I call you Alex?
Copy !req
31. Yeah.
Copy !req
32. It's okay, Alex.
Most people don't.
Copy !req
33. Things are gonna come
pretty hard and fast.
Copy !req
34. You will not have time to study.
You will not have time to prepare.
Copy !req
35. You'll need to trust your union,
and you'll need to trust me.
Copy !req
36. They're gonna make an official request
for your badge and gun.
Copy !req
37. They call it a request,
Copy !req
38. but it is not optional.
Copy !req
39. You are required to hand them over.
Copy !req
40. - You understand?
Copy !req
41. Oh, he has another one.
Jannie, please.
Copy !req
42. - Yes.
- To avoid embarrassment,
we can have the brass come here...
Copy !req
43. Not here.
Copy !req
44. - Family doesn't know?
Copy !req
45. Not the kids.
Copy !req
46. Fair enough.
Copy !req
47. Then you'll need to go in.
Copy !req
48. I can accompany you as your rep,
but I got to say, it is not the best look.
Copy !req
49. - I'll go in by myself.
- Good.
Copy !req
50. But remember, you're just there
to turn in your badge and gun.
Copy !req
51. This is not the time to plead your case.
Copy !req
52. You'll be put on non-contact status,
Copy !req
53. pending the outcome of the investigation.
Copy !req
54. You understand?
Copy !req
55. Malika, I did everything I said I would
for your brother, I did.
Copy !req
56. This has nothing to do with that.
Copy !req
57. Fuck Alex Cross.
Copy !req
58. And fuck the police.
Copy !req
59. - Malika...
- Fuck you.
Copy !req
60. - Malika.
- Fuck you, Alex.
Copy !req
61. Fuck you.
Copy !req
62. - Fuck you.
Copy !req
63. Badge and gun.
Copy !req
64. - I'm right about Ramsey.
- That's not why we're here.
Copy !req
65. It should be.
Copy !req
66. - But it's not.
Copy !req
67. Yes, I made a mistake. All right?
Copy !req
68. You can't let that get in the way
of saving Shannon Witmer's life.
Copy !req
69. - Do you want to tell him or should I?
- What?
Copy !req
70. We searched Ramsey's house.
Copy !req
71. He invited us in
because of your accusations.
Copy !req
72. There's no sign of Shannon.
No sign of anything.
Copy !req
73. - W-When? When?
- This morning.
Copy !req
74. This morn...
So, he had all yesterday to move her?
Copy !req
75. - Tell him to stop talking.
- No. Listen.
Copy !req
76. Shannon is Ramsey's last victim. His last.
Copy !req
77. The man wants to go out with a bang,
not a whimper.
Copy !req
78. He's a perfectionist.
Copy !req
79. He's obsessed with winning.
He wants everybody to know it was him.
Copy !req
80. You're talking about the Fanboy or you?
Copy !req
81. Nice, April.
Copy !req
82. Spoken just like a wannabe mayor.
Copy !req
83. If you was a real cop,
you'd have listened to me at that party,
Copy !req
84. this case would be closed.
Copy !req
85. You know, you've had a whole day
to sit and stew in your new situation,
Copy !req
86. and I bet you're starting to get a sense
of how messy it is.
Copy !req
87. But I don't think you've pondered
just how much worse it could get.
Copy !req
88. - Okay, let's just...
- You want me to be the villain?
Copy !req
89. Fine. Blame me all you want.
Copy !req
90. But if you don't lay your gun and badge
on that table
Copy !req
91. and walk out of here without saying
another fucking word,
Copy !req
92. I promise you,
Copy !req
93. I'll make all your worst nightmares
come true.
Copy !req
94. All right.
Copy !req
95. I'm right about Ramsey.
Copy !req
96. Right now I'm talking...
Copy !req
97. Let me call you right back.
Copy !req
98. Fuck!
Copy !req
99. - You want me to give it a shot?
- No, I don't. No, thank you.
Copy !req
100. No.
Copy !req
101. They're taking the heat off of Ramsey.
Copy !req
102. You hear that?
Copy !req
103. Not me.
Look, I'm-a work this till we get him.
Copy !req
104. She'll be dead by then.
Copy !req
105. Thanks for the vote
of confidence.
Copy !req
106. I'm just saying I...
Copy !req
107. I should be closing this out,
not packing up my fucking locker.
Copy !req
108. You see how this all snowballed?
Copy !req
109. Yo, I don't know what
you getting at right now,
Copy !req
110. but it sounds like
the wrong shit to be thinking.
Copy !req
111. Oh, so...
Copy !req
112. Yeah, yeah, I'm-I'm gonna have plenty
of time for therapy now, right, John?
Copy !req
113. How do you fix it in your mind
to blame this shit on me?
Copy !req
114. You started all this when you reported me.
Copy !req
115. Wow. Are you so far up your own ass
Copy !req
116. that you can't even entertain
the possibility that you fucked up?
Copy !req
117. - You pushed the first domino.
- No, Sugar!
Copy !req
118. This shit happened when you beat that man.
Copy !req
119. - Hey, fuck you! Hey!
- Fuck You!
Copy !req
120. I was trying to find Maria's killer!
Copy !req
121. Listen, man. I get it.
Copy !req
122. I-I loved her, too. I miss her, too.
Copy !req
123. She was my wife. The mother of my kids.
Copy !req
124. You don't know what that feels like.
You never will.
Copy !req
125. You know what I mean.
Copy !req
126. You ain't the only person
in this family to lose someone.
Copy !req
127. You're just the only person
who ain't dealt with it.
Copy !req
128. You know what, you keep saying family.
Copy !req
129. Family, family, family.
Copy !req
130. What, you think 'cause my kids
call you Uncle John
Copy !req
131. that makes you family? No.
Copy !req
132. Think 'cause Nana Mama taught you
how to tie your fucking shoes,
Copy !req
133. that makes you family? No. You not blood.
Copy !req
134. You're not bone. You're just my friend.
Copy !req
135. Or you were.
Copy !req
136. Now you're just somebody
I used to work with.
Copy !req
137. Be careful where you take this,
I shit you not.
Copy !req
138. Nigga, I ain't afraid of you.
Copy !req
139. Good, motherfucker,
'cause I ain't fuckin' with you.
Copy !req
140. Bring it. What's up?
Copy !req
141. - Move!
- Hey, hey! Hey!
Copy !req
142. We're talking here.
Copy !req
143. Yes, I heard. We all heard.
Copy !req
144. Now, I just want y'all to just back up,
just a little bit.
Copy !req
145. Excuse me.
Copy !req
146. There we go. Come on.
Copy !req
147. Thank you.
Copy !req
148. You, too, Sampson. Thank you.
Copy !req
149. Now I'm-a stand right here
till one of y'all leaves.
Copy !req
150. Who's it gonna be?
Copy !req
151. I'm the one who don't work here
no more, right?
Copy !req
152. You good?
Copy !req
153. - Yeah.
Copy !req
154. Jesus.
Copy !req
155. Does anybody know where this came from?
Copy !req
156. Delivery guy dropped them off.
Copy !req
157. Hello?
Copy !req
158. The other kid claims Damon
just started swinging on him.
Copy !req
159. He has a nasty black eye to prove it.
Copy !req
160. But Damon here refuses to tell us
his side of the story.
Copy !req
161. I know your family's been through a lot.
Copy !req
162. Children are often affected
by... circumstances
Copy !req
163. over which they have no control.
Copy !req
164. Damon's always been a great student.
Copy !req
165. Actually, one of my favorite students.
Copy !req
166. That's why I've been
cutting him slack lately.
Copy !req
167. But we have a zero tolerance policy
Copy !req
168. for this type of behavior. You understand?
Copy !req
169. Yes. Of course.
Copy !req
170. That means Damon's suspended for a week.
Copy !req
171. He's free to go home now.
Copy !req
172. There is no problem
you can't solve with your words.
Copy !req
173. Not unless what?
Copy !req
174. What? Self-defense.
Copy !req
175. That boy put hands on you?
Copy !req
176. - Did he?
- No.
Copy !req
177. Get in the house.
Copy !req
178. Finish with you later.
Copy !req
179. If there's anything left.
Copy !req
180. Come on, sweetie, let's go in. Come on.
Copy !req
181. That's an interesting choice
on your car there.
Copy !req
182. You got jokes.
Copy !req
183. - What's up?
Copy !req
184. Two John asked me
to look into this guy, White Mike,
Copy !req
185. that might be connected to Ramsey.
Copy !req
186. Right. Some guy he heard about
from Philly. You find him?
Copy !req
187. I found about two million of them.
Copy !req
188. But I spent my entire weekend
narrowing it down,
Copy !req
189. you know, in the name
of stopping a serial killer.
Copy !req
190. And?
Copy !req
191. Come on, it's me. I messengered everything
over to John this morning.
Copy !req
192. And then, about an hour ago,
Copy !req
193. he calls me, and I'm thinking
he's gonna say thank you, but no.
Copy !req
194. No, he's telling me
I need to bring it to you,
Copy !req
195. and it has to be hand-delivered
'cause you're not a cop anymore,
Copy !req
196. and his keepers
won't let him look into Ramsey.
Copy !req
197. Do you want to tell me what that's about?
Copy !req
198. No. I want info on White Mike.
Copy !req
199. Sampson didn't want
to talk about it either,
Copy !req
200. but a little birdie told me that you
got him all the way to "I shit you not."
Copy !req
201. Kayla, please.
Copy !req
202. - Okay.
Copy !req
203. White Mike's punk band
in '98 back in Philly.
Copy !req
204. Just-just let me down the audio
'cause I can't stand this shit.
Copy !req
205. - Who wants to die?
Copy !req
206. What?
Copy !req
207. Yo, seriously, this is disturbing.
Copy !req
208. If you call pretending to ritually
sacrifice an audience member disturbing,
Copy !req
209. then, yeah.
Copy !req
210. They did have some die-hard fans, though.
Copy !req
211. If you notice right here, front row.
Copy !req
212. This guy.
Copy !req
213. Ramsey?
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
214. Holy shit.
Copy !req
215. And you know where this White Mike is now?
Copy !req
216. Yes, he's still in Philly,
only now as Michael Grisham.
Copy !req
217. Actuary. It's all on the flash drive.
Copy !req
218. Okay.
Copy !req
219. Hey, Kayla.
Copy !req
220. Yeah?
Copy !req
221. You're perfect.
Copy !req
222. Have fun in Philly.
Copy !req
223. Just not the Damon I know.
Copy !req
224. Me either.
Copy !req
225. Every time I think
there's a glimmer of hope,
Copy !req
226. something happens,
and he goes two steps back.
Copy !req
227. Did you get anything out of him?
Copy !req
228. Not a word.
Copy !req
229. You know,
Copy !req
230. y-you need to hit reset
with that boy, Alex.
Copy !req
231. I will, soon as I get back from Philly.
Copy !req
232. What's in Philly?
Copy !req
233. - I got a break in the Ramsey case.
- I thought you were on vacation.
Copy !req
234. I'll be back tomorrow.
Copy !req
235. Your son is in crisis.
Copy !req
236. - I should go.
- No, no, no.
Copy !req
237. No one needs to go anywhere.
Especially you, Alex.
Copy !req
238. Nan, Damon is tough enough to wait a day.
Copy !req
239. Hmm.
Copy !req
240. Look what I got.
Copy !req
241. Hmm?
Copy !req
242. Shannon, don't give me that look.
Copy !req
243. I made this for you.
Copy !req
244. Come on, open up.
Copy !req
245. Ow! Ow! Ow! Fuck!
Copy !req
246. - Damn it.
Copy !req
247. - No! Oh!
- Bitch.
Copy !req
248. - Open up.
- Oh. Oh.
Copy !req
249. - Open up. There!
- Oh.
Copy !req
250. - Is that so hard?
Copy !req
251. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
252. You look beautiful.
Copy !req
253. - You really need to see this.
Copy !req
254. Fuck you!
Copy !req
255. Oh, my God,
with the teeth.
Copy !req
256. That is so Aileen. Do it again.
Copy !req
257. I fucking hate you!
Copy !req
258. Yes! Yes, that's perfect!
Copy !req
259. I can't believe the day is finally here.
Copy !req
260. Oh, and, Shan, listen,
don't worry about that little cut
Copy !req
261. on the side of your face. I'm gonna have
somebody take care of that properly.
Copy !req
262. Can't have you stopping this party.
Copy !req
263. What are you doing?
Copy !req
264. He's going with you.
Copy !req
265. Here.
Copy !req
266. I made some treats for the ride.
Copy !req
267. Come here. Mmm.
Copy !req
268. Okay, now, if you want to be great,
you'll find a way.
Copy !req
269. At least two hours a day,
three if you can.
Copy !req
270. Yes, ma'am.
Copy !req
271. Nana, he can't come.
Copy !req
272. You said this trip can't wait, right?
Copy !req
273. That's right.
Copy !req
274. Neither can he.
Copy !req
275. I thought you were gonna wait till spring
till you brought out your new Mustang.
Copy !req
276. So did I.
Copy !req
277. - Mwah.
- All right.
Copy !req
278. Love you.
Copy !req
279. Love you, too, Nan.
Copy !req
280. You want to pick some music?
Copy !req
281. No.
Copy !req
282. It's a road trip, D.
You got to have music.
Copy !req
283. Okay. Black Eyed Peas the whole way, then.
Copy !req
284. I got it, Dad.
Copy !req
285. Why are we going to Philadelphia, anyway?
Copy !req
286. Work.
Copy !req
287. Ooh!
Copy !req
288. Now show me how you really feel.
Copy !req
289. He say anything?
Copy !req
290. Why, yes, he sends his deepest apologies
Copy !req
291. and a bouquet of flowers
is being delivered especially for you.
Copy !req
292. This is Alex Cross
we're talking about, right?
Copy !req
293. Shitty-ass apology
wouldn't have done nothing anyway.
Copy !req
294. I just want to know
if he's going to Philly.
Copy !req
295. He is.
Copy !req
296. I know this is none of my business,
Copy !req
297. I mean, aside from the fact that
I'm done being the go-between—
Copy !req
298. but you guys have
too much ground between you
Copy !req
299. to let one stupid argument ruin it.
Copy !req
300. I am in no mood to be preached to.
Copy !req
301. Okay.
Copy !req
302. - What about dinner?
- Dinner?
Copy !req
303. What? Food. Sustenance.
Copy !req
304. You owe me for all these favors, right?
Copy !req
305. - You're gonna ask me, but it's on me?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
306. And to help seal the deal,
here's a little appetizer for you.
Copy !req
307. I managed to freeze the funds on that
mystery account Ramsey's been using.
Copy !req
308. You stacking some serious chips, girl.
Copy !req
309. Steak and lobster chips, or is it more
like all-you-can-eat buffet chips?
Copy !req
310. You froze the account.
That's Michelin level, for sure.
Copy !req
311. - All right, it's a go then.
Copy !req
312. Because until the owner
of that LLC comes forward,
Copy !req
313. no funds are going in or out
Copy !req
314. of that account.
Copy !req
315. What do you mean, there ain't no money?
Copy !req
316. There was supposed to be a wire.
Copy !req
317. I-I know, you said that
two days ago, but—
Copy !req
318. Bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-bu,
bu-bu-bu, but what?
Copy !req
319. What the motherfucking issue?
Copy !req
320. - There was no wire, Mr. Abellard.
Copy !req
321. And without those funds,
the-the property seller is moving on.
Copy !req
322. I-I'm sorry.
Copy !req
323. I guess we gon' have to go for a ride...
Copy !req
324. up north, Mojo.
Copy !req
325. Come on.
Copy !req
326. I'm hungry.
Copy !req
327. Didn't Nana say
she packed you some snacks?
Copy !req
328. Nothing good.
Copy !req
329. What's that mean?
Copy !req
330. Carrots, crackers, celery.
Copy !req
331. All right, we'll find you something
when we get to Philly.
Copy !req
332. - How long is that gonna take?
- Stop asking questions.
Copy !req
333. Didn't even want to come.
Copy !req
334. Excuse me?
Copy !req
335. I didn't even want to bring you.
Copy !req
336. Next time you get in a fight,
you think about this.
Copy !req
337. I wouldn't have been in a fight
if it weren't for you.
Copy !req
338. What'd you say? Hmm? How is that on me?
Copy !req
339. I made your hand into a fist,
put it in that boy's face?
Copy !req
340. I did that? That was me?
Copy !req
341. Was that me?
Copy !req
342. That's what I thought.
Copy !req
343. He was showing the video.
Copy !req
344. What video?
Copy !req
345. The one where you beat that man up.
Copy !req
346. That boy was saying
all kinds of bad things about you.
Copy !req
347. Right in front of Jannie
and a bunch of other kids, too.
Copy !req
348. I told him to stop,
Copy !req
349. and he wouldn't, so...
Copy !req
350. I hit him.
Copy !req
351. Mm.
Ooh. That looks good.
Copy !req
352. - Yes.
- Oh.
Copy !req
353. - Mmm!
- Mmm.
Copy !req
354. Mm, mm.
Copy !req
355. We need some music.
Copy !req
356. Oh, this is the one!
Copy !req
357. Mmm.
Copy !req
358. Right! Hey...
Copy !req
359. - Girl, what's going on?
- Nothing.
Copy !req
360. I'm just trying not to think
about my boys.
Copy !req
361. - Turn it back up.
- No, no, no.
Copy !req
362. - No. No, you sit down.
Copy !req
363. You need to get this out.
Copy !req
364. It's just been so much, you know?
Copy !req
365. Things got bad after we lost Maria.
Copy !req
366. Dealing with that was hard enough,
but then
Copy !req
367. we have had all those horrible,
horrible things.
Copy !req
368. That stalker you warned me about.
Copy !req
369. Ugh. It's like the wounds
can never close.
Copy !req
370. He just keeps ripping them open
over and over again.
Copy !req
371. Jannie— she's keeping it together,
Copy !req
372. but Alex and Damon both...
Copy !req
373. I remember... when Alex was little.
Copy !req
374. His parents died.
Copy !req
375. I told him he had to figure
a way to move on,
Copy !req
376. he had to stay strong.
Copy !req
377. What else were you supposed to say?
Copy !req
378. This world is no place for a weak man,
especially if he's Black.
Copy !req
379. Yeah. But even then I saw the lie in it.
Copy !req
380. God bless him, the boy tried, but...
Copy !req
381. Then... he lost Maria.
Copy !req
382. And all that grief he held down
Copy !req
383. turned to rage.
Copy !req
384. - Sometimes rage can be your friend.
- Maybe.
Copy !req
385. You can let it visit,
but you can't let it stay.
Copy !req
386. Hmm.
Copy !req
387. - Did you see him on the news?
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
388. It scares me, Nancy.
Copy !req
389. Maybe I shouldn't have forced them
Copy !req
390. to go off together like that.
Copy !req
391. The boy needs his father.
Copy !req
392. Regina, you raised a good man.
Copy !req
393. He'll find his way back.
Copy !req
394. - Hmm.
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
395. Look at us.
You know what we need?
Copy !req
396. - We need to finish that bottle.
- Oh.
Copy !req
397. - Come on.
Oh, no.
Copy !req
398. - Refill.
- You.
Copy !req
399. Drink up.
Copy !req
400. We're getting fast food?
Copy !req
401. Well, this is technically
our first fellas road trip.
Copy !req
402. I'm not gonna have you telling people
all you had to eat was carrots.
Copy !req
403. All right?
Copy !req
404. Come on.
Copy !req
405. We got chocolate shake,
vanilla shake, cherry shake.
Copy !req
406. Which one's mine?
Copy !req
407. You mean which two are yours.
Copy !req
408. - Oh...
- Ah.
Copy !req
409. Don't let me catch you bragging
to Jannie about this, all right?
Copy !req
410. If Nana Mama finds out,
we're both in trouble.
Copy !req
411. This right here falls
under the road trip rules.
Copy !req
412. Do you know what that means?
Copy !req
413. No.
Copy !req
414. Only the road knows.
Copy !req
415. All right.
Copy !req
416. Dad, can I ask you a question,
and I won't tell anybody?
Copy !req
417. What's up?
Copy !req
418. Why did you beat up that man?
Copy !req
419. Uh...
Copy !req
420. I w-I was wrong for that, D.
Copy !req
421. But you had to have a good reason, right?
Copy !req
422. Like, he was a terrorist or something?
Copy !req
423. Uh, no.
Copy !req
424. I... I thought he was bad man,
Copy !req
425. uh, but he wasn't.
Copy !req
426. Was just wrong place, wrong time.
Copy !req
427. I was the bad man that night.
Copy !req
428. Was it about Mom?
Copy !req
429. Um...
Copy !req
430. Ye-Yeah. Yeah.
Copy !req
431. Uh, you know what?
Copy !req
432. I-I thought if I could
Copy !req
433. find the answers I was looking for,
Copy !req
434. that I-I could, uh...
Copy !req
435. I-I.. I didn't.
Copy !req
436. You know, that-that part doesn't matter.
Copy !req
437. - Why can't we talk about it?
- You just
Copy !req
438. need to know it was wrong, okay?
Copy !req
439. - Just finish your burger.
- I was just trying—
Copy !req
440. Just leave it, D.
Copy !req
441. Fuck.
Copy !req
442. Once we have
Copy !req
443. straight edges, minimizing swelling
becomes our top priority.
Copy !req
444. Under normal circumstances,
we would embrace swelling
Copy !req
445. as part of the natural healing process,
Copy !req
446. but in this case
Copy !req
447. we don't have two days,
Copy !req
448. much less two weeks
to allow for that process.
Copy !req
449. We must remove tissue.
Copy !req
450. If we were working with a thigh or a back,
Copy !req
451. breast or belly,
Copy !req
452. removing adipose tissue
might be sufficient.
Copy !req
453. But the musculature
Copy !req
454. of the face is so prominent
Copy !req
455. that excising fat is not enough
Copy !req
456. to restore symmetry.
Copy !req
457. Now we turn our attention
to our biggest enemy:
Copy !req
458. lymphatic fluid.
Copy !req
459. The solution to fluid retention
is a very small shunt
Copy !req
460. placed just above the gumline.
Copy !req
461. Like drip irrigation.
Copy !req
462. Our final procedure—
and one very few can do well—
Copy !req
463. is subcutaneous stitching.
Copy !req
464. Ninety percent
Copy !req
465. of the suture exists under the skin.
Copy !req
466. The tie-offs present as teeny, tiny specks
Copy !req
467. on the surface of her face.
Copy !req
468. Even after all that,
Copy !req
469. there is still a faintly visible line that
Copy !req
470. even makeup can't conceal
Copy !req
471. under the glare of lights
and the specialized
Copy !req
472. portrait camera that you favor.
Copy !req
473. But there is a type of mastic,
Copy !req
474. commonly referred to as mortician's putty.
Copy !req
475. And when applied correctly,
Copy !req
476. it seamlessly smooth over
Copy !req
477. the ridges and fill the tiny crevices...
Copy !req
478. that only a camera would see.
Copy !req
479. So, you see, in the right hands,
with the right lighting,
Copy !req
480. anything's possible.
Copy !req
481. - Can I help you?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
482. I'm Susan Kowaleski.
Copy !req
483. I work with Alex. Is he here?
Copy !req
484. I'm afraid not.
Copy !req
485. Did you say Kowaleski?
Copy !req
486. I-Is this about the Nolan case?
Copy !req
487. Oh...
Copy !req
488. I already know about Deirdre.
Copy !req
489. I'm sorry, I really need
to speak with Alex.
Copy !req
490. You do understand that I live
in this house, too, don't you?
Copy !req
491. Along with Alex and his two children.
Copy !req
492. All of whom I've raised,
all of who are suffering for,
Copy !req
493. well, whatever's going on
with this Nolan girl.
Copy !req
494. Look, I don't mean to be rude,
Copy !req
495. but my grandson is under a lot of stress,
Copy !req
496. and I-I think I have a right to know
Copy !req
497. who's coming after us. Don't you?
Copy !req
498. Alex told me you used to be a teacher.
Copy !req
499. Nobody got away with anything, did they?
Copy !req
500. Not in my classroom, they didn't.
Copy !req
501. There's a ramp on the side of the house.
Copy !req
502. Come on in and let me fix something for us
Copy !req
503. while you walk me through the case.
Copy !req
504. All right.
Copy !req
505. Sounds good, kid. Why'd you stop?
Copy !req
506. - I can put on my headphones.
- No, D.
Copy !req
507. No, you don't have to...
Copy !req
508. Michael Grisham?
Copy !req
509. Yes.
Copy !req
510. Alex Cross with Metro PD out of DC.
Copy !req
511. I'd like to ask you a few questions about
Copy !req
512. somebody I think you know.
Copy !req
513. His name's Ed Ramsey.
Copy !req
514. Uh... I don't know any Ed Ramsey.
Copy !req
515. - Sorry.
- Then why'd you close the door?
Copy !req
516. - What?
- Well, if you don't
Copy !req
517. know him, why would you care
Copy !req
518. if your daughters hear us?
Copy !req
519. I had a band.
We played at bars and colleges.
Copy !req
520. Eddie came to all our shows.
Copy !req
521. I've seen videos of your performances.
Copy !req
522. It's very dark stuff.
Copy !req
523. Ramsey— he was a fan?
Copy !req
524. Eddie didn't give a shit about the music.
Copy !req
525. He loved what I sang about.
Copy !req
526. Death. Murder.
Copy !req
527. All that bullshit that I thought
was so cool back then.
Copy !req
528. - I'm a different guy now.
- Hmm.
Copy !req
529. We spoke to a childhood friend
of Ramsey's.
Copy !req
530. Said he made him dig up a knife,
Copy !req
531. send it to a guy in Philadelphia.
Copy !req
532. To you, Michael.
Copy !req
533. He was sick.
Copy !req
534. I mean evil. And he thought
Copy !req
535. I was like him.
Copy !req
536. But I was just singing, man.
Copy !req
537. We'd talk about these serial killers.
Copy !req
538. Pretend to do sacrifices on stage.
Copy !req
539. For me, it was all make believe,
Copy !req
540. - but for Eddie—
- The knife. Do you still have it?
Copy !req
541. I sent that thing back so fast.
Copy !req
542. Why?
Copy !req
543. He used it to kill a guy.
Copy !req
544. Rodney McKay.
Copy !req
545. You were there.
Copy !req
546. Were you part of it?
Copy !req
547. - Fuck no.
- Then why have you
Copy !req
548. been sitting on it this whole time?
Copy !req
549. A million times,
I thought about saying something.
Copy !req
550. But every time,
Copy !req
551. I had this to remind me.
Copy !req
552. Rod, you ready?
Copy !req
553. I am so fucking ready!
Copy !req
554. Here he is!
Copy !req
555. What the fuck are you doing here, dude?
Copy !req
556. Mike.
Copy !req
557. An honor to meet you.
Copy !req
558. Where are your clothes, man?
Copy !req
559. Eddie said I had to be ready
when you got here.
Copy !req
560. - I'm ready, man.
- For what?
Copy !req
561. The sacrifice.
Copy !req
562. Rodney's your number one fan.
Copy !req
563. And he's a dead ringer of David Alan Gore.
Copy !req
564. You see that, right, Mike?
Copy !req
565. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
566. Is this the knife that he uses?
Copy !req
567. - From High Division?
Copy !req
568. The very one, yeah.
Copy !req
569. Look.
Copy !req
570. Oh, sweet!
Copy !req
571. Today's a special day, Mike.
Copy !req
572. It's August 21.
Copy !req
573. It's the perfect day for Rodney to die!
Copy !req
574. Fuck yeah!
Copy !req
575. I want you to know
you're not seeing everything.
Copy !req
576. Like Ramsey's face.
Copy !req
577. 'Cause you're not supposed to.
Copy !req
578. Just me and Rodney.
Copy !req
579. So this is where it all started.
Copy !req
580. I tried to stop him. I swear.
Copy !req
581. I didn't think he was serious
until it was too late.
Copy !req
582. Why don't you tell me
how it actually went down.
Copy !req
583. I was wasted.
Copy !req
584. Rodney, too.
Copy !req
585. I'd never even met him before.
Copy !req
586. Today's a special day, Mike.
Copy !req
587. It's August 21.
Copy !req
588. Perfect day for Rodney to die.
Copy !req
589. Fuck yeah!
Copy !req
590. All right.
Copy !req
591. Let's do it.
Copy !req
592. Good?
Copy !req
593. Where's the knife?
Copy !req
594. I don't know.
Copy !req
595. Mike, Mike, Mike.
Copy !req
596. Hold it next to him. Let me get some pics.
Copy !req
597. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
598. - Yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
Copy !req
599. Okay,
Copy !req
600. closer to his neck.
Copy !req
601. That?
Copy !req
602. Oh, that's perfect.
Copy !req
603. Ow!
Copy !req
604. What the fuck?
Copy !req
605. That's a real knife, asshole!
Copy !req
606. Sorry, dude!
- Don't be sorry.
Copy !req
607. This is what you want, Mike. Finish it.
Copy !req
608. What? No!
Copy !req
609. Uh, fine, fine.
Uh, let me just get the shot
Copy !req
610. of you holding it up over his heart, okay?
Copy !req
611. Fuck that! Let me up!
Copy !req
612. Listen, you're already cut, dude.
Copy !req
613. Relax.
Copy !req
614. It's one more picture, Mike.
Copy !req
615. It's gnarly.
Copy !req
616. Come on.
Copy !req
617. Uh...
Copy !req
618. No, no, no, no, no.
Copy !req
619. Let's get this perfect.
Copy !req
620. - Down, down. Okay.
- All right.
Copy !req
621. - Holy shit.
Copy !req
622. You fucking killed him.
Copy !req
623. No.
Copy !req
624. - We killed him.
Copy !req
625. I know what it looks like.
Copy !req
626. I know you didn't kill him.
Copy !req
627. But you also didn't say anything.
Copy !req
628. I wanted to.
Copy !req
629. Did it ever occur to you
that he might not stop?
Copy !req
630. He has someone now.
Copy !req
631. We can stop him.
Copy !req
632. We can save her.
Copy !req
633. But we're gonna need your help.
Copy !req
634. Thanks for coming down to transport him.
Copy !req
635. - And one more thing.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
636. That tape is in bad shape.
Copy !req
637. John needs to get it digitized
Copy !req
638. That's a long list of things
you want me to remember.
Copy !req
639. Wouldn't it be better
if you just told him yourself?
Copy !req
640. I don't think he really wants
to hear from me right now.
Copy !req
641. Why don't you fix it?
Copy !req
642. I'm tired of this proxy shit.
Copy !req
643. Look,
Copy !req
644. if you guys need a marriage counselor,
Copy !req
645. I can hook you up.
Copy !req
646. Didn't really save mine,
but then again, I wasn't in love.
Copy !req
647. I'll worry about that
after we get Ramsey wrapped up.
Copy !req
648. Okay.
Copy !req
649. - Ready?
Copy !req
650. Is that good?
- Fire up the fry pan, Tippy!
Copy !req
651. - Didn't even have to work for 'em today.
I mean,
Copy !req
652. - I don't even like fish!
- Oh.
Copy !req
653. Hello.
Copy !req
654. Didn't know we were having company.
Copy !req
655. Uh, Roger, this is Regina.
Copy !req
656. She's with the MPD Officers' Family
Copy !req
657. - Ah.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
658. Came and invited me to join.
Copy !req
659. Hi.
Oh, and to deliver these.
- Oh, well...
Copy !req
660. Hope you didn't
forget the six-pack.
Copy !req
661. - Oh.
- Uh, you're more than welcome
Copy !req
662. - to stay for supper, Miss, uh...
- Cross.
Copy !req
663. Regina Cross.
I believe you know my grandson,
Copy !req
664. Alex?
Copy !req
665. Yeah. Sure. Good cop.
Copy !req
666. I don't care
Copy !req
667. - what that video shows.
- Well,
Copy !req
668. actually don't mean to stay long.
Copy !req
669. I just came to get a name from you, Roger.
Copy !req
670. Of who?
Copy !req
671. Deirdre Nolan's accomplice.
Copy !req
672. Uh, what's this about, honey?
Copy !req
673. It's nothing.
Copy !req
674. Go in the other room.
Copy !req
675. Well, if it's nothing,
Copy !req
676. I don't need to go anywhere, do I?
Copy !req
677. He just doesn't want you to know
that he messed up.
Copy !req
678. A prosecutor slipped
one of his case files to me.
Copy !req
679. They're not supposed to do that.
Copy !req
680. A young lady named Deirdre Nolan
Copy !req
681. confessed to murder.
Copy !req
682. Two witnesses said she had an accomplice.
Copy !req
683. Even gave a name.
Copy !req
684. But your husband
Copy !req
685. buried their statements
Copy !req
686. and the name.
Copy !req
687. So...
Copy !req
688. the accomplice is still out there.
Copy !req
689. Is that true, Roger?
Copy !req
690. The girl confessed.
Copy !req
691. Said she acted alone.
Copy !req
692. She did not.
Copy !req
693. And you know that.
Copy !req
694. You took the easy win
Copy !req
695. and now you're retired.
Now you're fishing.
Copy !req
696. And that lead you didn't follow through on
is not coming to haunt you,
Copy !req
697. Mr. Thorn, hmm?
Copy !req
698. He's coming after me and my family.
Copy !req
699. So I need you
Copy !req
700. to give me that goddamn name.
Copy !req
701. Twenty-five years he let Ramsey roam.
Copy !req
702. - Time to grab this asshole.
Copy !req
703. Not yet.
Copy !req
704. You're joking.
Copy !req
705. We got more than enough.
Copy !req
706. - So does he.
- What does that mean?
Copy !req
707. Ramsey's got enough to go scorched-earth
on this entire department
Copy !req
708. if we don't handle this perfectly.
Copy !req
709. No. No one touches him
until we get an indictment.
Copy !req
710. You can't expect us
to pull a grand jury at this hour.
Copy !req
711. I already made the call.
Copy !req
712. They're holding an emergency session
first thing tomorrow morning.
Copy !req
713. It's the right move, John.
Copy !req
714. Let's get Grisham tucked away
and then we'll snatch Ramsey
Copy !req
715. once everything is airtight.
Copy !req
716. It ain't pretty,
Copy !req
717. but it's what the DC budget pays for.
Copy !req
718. You have my number,
and patrol will check on you every hour.
Copy !req
719. There's a menu book here.
Anything you order
Copy !req
720. goes on MPD's dime.
Copy !req
721. If you're hungry, I recommend
Copy !req
722. District Wings, extra mumbo sauce
from the Hamilton.
Copy !req
723. Or if you have a sweet tooth,
Copy !req
724. District Doughnuts.
Copy !req
725. I always knew...
Copy !req
726. somebody would come knocking someday.
Copy !req
727. I should have said something.
Copy !req
728. Hey.
Copy !req
729. Don't beat yourself up.
Copy !req
730. You're doing the right thing.
Copy !req
731. Okay, so you're saying you have clearance
Copy !req
732. that gives you access
to the actual Senate floor?
Copy !req
733. Hell yeah. If you ever want to see it,
I'm your guy.
Copy !req
734. Wouldn't that get you in trouble, though?
Copy !req
735. Maybe I like trouble.
Copy !req
736. Oh, you do?
Copy !req
737. - Hey. Um...
Copy !req
738. Do you two know each other?
Copy !req
739. I'm her husband.
Copy !req
740. Okay.
Copy !req
741. - Sorry I'm late.
- It's okay.
Copy !req
742. I got held up at the range.
Copy !req
743. Who's this?
Copy !req
744. I'm actually, uh, on my way out,
Copy !req
745. so... enjoy the night.
Copy !req
746. Mm-hmm.
It was nice chatting.
Copy !req
747. I didn't think you were gonna show.
Copy !req
748. Why aren't you out there
grabbing your Golden Fleece?
Copy !req
749. Aw, Anderson wants an indictment.
Copy !req
750. So it'll be done in the morning.
Copy !req
751. Oh, she's such a pussy.
Copy !req
752. Mm.
Copy !req
753. Listen, I plan on being the first
to move in on Ramsey when it does go down.
Copy !req
754. Thought you might want to join me.
Copy !req
755. My, my, are you throwing me some shine?
Copy !req
756. You deserve it.
Copy !req
757. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you.
Copy !req
758. I bet you, when the story breaks,
it's gonna be even bigger than Soneji.
Copy !req
759. Probably.
Copy !req
760. All right. I'm in.
Copy !req
761. But, first, why don't you buy me a drink,
Copy !req
762. tell me again how important I am to you.
Copy !req
763. Feel free to go into detail.
Copy !req
764. Bedtime?
Copy !req
765. Nah, not yet.
Copy !req
766. Not till I apologize.
Copy !req
767. Son,
Copy !req
768. there is nothing wrong
with wanting to talk about Mommy.
Copy !req
769. Nothing.
Copy !req
770. I only said that because...
Copy !req
771. I think about her a lot.
Copy !req
772. And Miss Nancy says that
it's okay to think about,
Copy !req
773. but even better to talk about.
Copy !req
774. Well, Miss Nancy is right.
Copy !req
775. So how come you don't?
Copy !req
776. Uh...
Copy !req
777. 'Cause it, uh, it makes me sad.
Copy !req
778. I miss her.
Copy !req
779. Me too.
Copy !req
780. It's just that...
Copy !req
781. it feels like you lost Mommy,
Copy !req
782. but I lost Mommy and you.
Copy !req
783. Oh, son. Come here, man.
Copy !req
784. Come here.
Copy !req
785. Hey, I'm here, kid.
Copy !req
786. You talk as much as you want.
Copy !req
787. You ask me anything.
Copy !req
788. Mm, what's your favorite memory?
Copy !req
789. Uh...
Copy !req
790. I... Uh, there-there's so many.
Copy !req
791. You don't have a favorite?
Copy !req
792. Mine was when the Nats won it all,
Copy !req
793. and Mommy took us to the parade,
put me on her shoulders
Copy !req
794. and got us all the way to the front.
Copy !req
795. - Yeah.
- And I got to high five Strasburg.
Copy !req
796. Yeah. Yeah, baby.
Copy !req
797. That's a good one.
Copy !req
798. Yeah, she trampled some people that day.
Copy !req
799. Tell me one of yours.
Copy !req
800. Okay.
Copy !req
801. This is from me and your mom's
very first anniversary.
Copy !req
802. This is back in the day when
people had phones in their houses
Copy !req
803. and answering machines.
Copy !req
804. But you don't know nothing about that.
You're too young.
Copy !req
805. Now, somehow, your mama
got everybody we knew
Copy !req
806. to call the house and leave me
a voice message.
Copy !req
807. I mean every... body.
Copy !req
808. They recorded it on this tape.
Copy !req
809. So...
Copy !req
810. Uh-huh. Bam.
Copy !req
811. All right.
Copy !req
812. Alex, it's Lila and Marcus.
Maria loves you.
Copy !req
813. Happy anniversary
to both of you.
Copy !req
814. Cross, it's Oracene.
Copy !req
815. Maria loves you.
Copy !req
816. What's up, Sugar?
It's Two John.
Copy !req
817. Maria loves you. Happy anniversary,
Copy !req
818. you lucky motherfucker.
Copy !req
819. Cross, this is Gilbert.
Maria told me to call
Copy !req
820. and tell you she loves you.
Mission accomplished.
Copy !req
821. Cross, it's James.
Maria told me to call you
Copy !req
822. and let you know she loves you.
Copy !req
823. What's up, Sneaky?
You guys are really insane.
Copy !req
824. Maria loves you.
Copy !req
825. Happy anniversary.
Copy !req
826. Uh, can I, uh...
Copy !req
827. - Can I get road trip rules
on this here?
Copy !req
828. Hey, Alex, it's Felicia.
Copy !req
829. Maria loves you. Like you didn't know.
Copy !req
830. My man, Cross.
You made it another year.
Copy !req
831. Oh, yeah, Maria loves you, fuckhead.
Copy !req
832. Alex, it's Tanya.
Happy anniversary.
Copy !req
833. P.S., Maria loves you.
Copy !req
834. What time is it?
Copy !req
835. 6:00.
Copy !req
836. - When do we need to be there?
- 7:00.
Copy !req
837. - Mind if I use your shower?
- Hold on.
Copy !req
838. So... it's only 6:00.
Copy !req
839. Good morning.
Copy !req
840. Ah, good morning, sweetie.
Copy !req
841. How was your trip?
Copy !req
842. Can't talk about it.
Copy !req
843. Why not?
Copy !req
844. Only the road knows.
Copy !req
845. Well, all right, then.
Copy !req
846. Hey, John.
Copy !req
847. If you and Cross ever go back
to being on speaking terms,
Copy !req
848. are you, uh, are you gonna tell him?
Copy !req
849. About what?
Copy !req
850. Okay.
Copy !req
851. That's a big if.
Copy !req
852. Huh. Look who's coming to say hello.
Copy !req
853. You should
get one of those doughnuts.
Copy !req
854. You probably don't want to do this
on an empty stomach.
Copy !req
855. Rain check.
Copy !req
856. My stomach's kind of in knots.
Copy !req
857. Well, it can't be worse than
what I have going on right now.
Copy !req
858. - He's kicking?
- And punching,
Copy !req
859. and doing flips and Lord knows what.
Copy !req
860. Good morning.
- Morning.
Copy !req
861. I know you, don't I?
Copy !req
862. Cross' partner.
Copy !req
863. You pick a name?
Copy !req
864. - Chance.
- I like that.
Copy !req
865. Mm. Oh! Feel this.
Copy !req
866. Who's your friend?
Copy !req
867. Oh, this is Special Agent Kayla Craig.
Copy !req
868. She's the one that found the witness
we're gonna use to burn you down.
Copy !req
869. Witness?
Copy !req
870. You guys have a witness?
Copy !req
871. Are you sure? Hmm.
Copy !req
872. Hey, Chance.
What's up, buddy?
Copy !req
873. You getting claustrophobic in there?
Copy !req
874. You need to give your mom a—
Copy !req
875. It's okay, baby.
Copy !req
876. We're gonna be okay.
Copy !req
877. We're gonna be okay.
Copy !req
878. You're gonna be okay.
Copy !req
879. Shh...
Copy !req
880. You're gonna be okay.
Copy !req
881. It's beautiful,
Copy !req
882. isn't it?
Copy !req
883. Time to celebrate.
Copy !req
884. Next on Cross...
Copy !req
885. Back to square one with Ramsey.
Copy !req
886. The only way we're gonna find him
Copy !req
887. is to find out where he's hiding Shannon.
Copy !req
888. All the victims—
they disappeared just before
Copy !req
889. the birthdays of the killers
that they were matched with.
Copy !req
890. It's Aileen's birthday.
Copy !req
891. He's gonna kill her today.
Copy !req
892. Alex, stop.
Copy !req
893. How do you expect me to believe anything
Copy !req
894. you say right now?
Copy !req
895. There's another piece
somewhere in here I can't find.
Copy !req
896. You may be the best work
I've ever done, Aileen.
Copy !req