1. Previously on Cross...
Copy !req
2. All right, Emir Goodspeed
Copy !req
3. was murdered by a serial killer.
Copy !req
4. That killer kept a scrapbook
of their work.
Copy !req
5. Each of those victims was transformed
Copy !req
6. to resemble a serial killer.
Copy !req
7. Now our killer needs one more victim.
Copy !req
8. Aileen Wuornos.
Copy !req
9. What are we calling this freak?
Copy !req
10. - The Fanboy.
- Well, this girl's missing.
Copy !req
11. You make her a blonde,
that's Aileen's sister.
Copy !req
12. What do you want?
- 2.2 million.
Copy !req
13. I want Aileen and the book.
Copy !req
14. I know this ain't about you.
Who you working for, Bobby?
Copy !req
15. Do you remember the night
that you asked me to go get
Copy !req
16. a box full of photos and videos?
Copy !req
17. You said to me, "Burn it."
Copy !req
18. I didn't burn it.
Copy !req
19. Ed Ramsey is the Fanboy?
Copy !req
20. - Where you going?
- His birthday party.
Copy !req
21. You know what I really love
about this project?
Copy !req
22. Each transformation
has its own unique challenge.
Copy !req
23. Now, with you, it's the teeth.
Copy !req
24. Aileen was very self-conscious
about her teeth.
Copy !req
25. In fact, every photo
you can find of her in her youth,
Copy !req
26. she's got her lips clamped tight.
Copy !req
27. Now, in 1986,
Copy !req
28. she went to an orthodontist's office
and put down a deposit for braces.
Copy !req
29. $600. That was money that she had stolen
Copy !req
30. from a man that she'd murdered
just three weeks earlier.
Copy !req
31. So, the doctors do their exam
and they make a mold of her teeth,
Copy !req
32. which I picked up online
Copy !req
33. for just $169.50.
Copy !req
34. What a steal.
Copy !req
35. You see the way that the front teeth
are all crowded in?
Copy !req
36. That's what Aileen wanted to fix.
Copy !req
37. Only, the police arrested her
just two days
Copy !req
38. before the braces were supposed to go in.
Copy !req
39. Poor thing died with crooked teeth.
Copy !req
40. So, we're gonna need to adjust yours.
Copy !req
41. I'm gonna need you to open your mouth
Copy !req
42. so I can make a mold of your teeth
to ensure a perfect fit.
Copy !req
43. It's not gonna hurt as much as the hammer.
Copy !req
44. You want to play a game?
Copy !req
45. Keep going.
Copy !req
46. She's got some fight in her.
Copy !req
47. Mm-hmm. Yep.
Copy !req
48. Open. Open your mouth.
Copy !req
49. I'm tired of this game. Open your mouth!
Copy !req
50. - That's it, now.
Copy !req
51. One one-thousand, two one-thousand,
Copy !req
52. three one-thousand, four one-thousand,
Copy !req
53. five one-thousand,
Copy !req
54. six one-thousand,
Copy !req
55. seven one-thousand,
Copy !req
56. and...
Copy !req
57. ten.
Copy !req
58. The only thing you get to decide
is how fucking hard to make this.
Copy !req
59. But it is going to happen, Shannon,
Copy !req
60. exactly the way that it was meant to.
Copy !req
61. It's perfect.
Copy !req
62. All right.
Copy !req
63. Who's ready to party?
Copy !req
64. Caitlin, Horace.
How great to see you.
Copy !req
65. Happy birthday, Ed.
As always, we appreciate the invitation.
Copy !req
66. Mm, of course.
Copy !req
67. Well, if a certain young
House representative
Copy !req
68. hadn't, uh, brought me on board
her reelection campaign,
Copy !req
69. then none of us would be
where we are today, would we?
Copy !req
70. Excuse me, Manhattan for the gentleman
Copy !req
71. and an iced coffee with Baileys
for the young lady.
Copy !req
72. Ooh, hell of a memory.
Copy !req
73. The key to being a good host
is knowing everything about your guests.
Copy !req
74. - Excuse me. April, you look fantastic.
Copy !req
75. I come to this birthday party
every year,
Copy !req
76. but somehow, you don't get any older.
Copy !req
77. Please.
Spoken like a true politician.
Copy !req
78. Maybe mayor?
Copy !req
79. - Mm. It's a notion.
- It's a good one.
Copy !req
80. Hey. Now it's a party. There she is.
Copy !req
81. - Ed, happy birthday.
- Thank you so much. I'm glad you're here.
Copy !req
82. Right this way.
You see, this is Lawrence Buckley.
Copy !req
83. I have been prepping him all week
on the Somewhere Foundation.
Copy !req
84. - You ready for that big pitch?
- Locked and loaded.
Copy !req
85. And I brought backup.
Copy !req
86. - Oh.
- You remember Alex?
Copy !req
87. How could I forget?
Metro PD's golden boy.
Copy !req
88. I'm so honored you could make the time.
Copy !req
89. Honor's all mine. Happy birthday.
Copy !req
90. Thank you. Please.
Copy !req
91. - Enjoy.
Copy !req
92. - Ed Ramsey, huh?
- Ed Ramsey.
Copy !req
93. You don't seem surprised.
Copy !req
94. Rich, powerful fuck
killing people without remorse?
Copy !req
95. - Yeah?
- Checks out to me.
Copy !req
96. - You tell anyone else?
- Not yet.
Copy !req
97. Hey, you can't keep this secret
for long, Sugar.
Copy !req
98. No, but it'll give me time to get
in his head, find his weaknesses.
Copy !req
99. We're gonna need all there is to know
about Ramsey, including how he grew up.
Copy !req
100. What about his family?
Copy !req
101. Mom, dad, sister: deceased.
Copy !req
102. I did find a guy from Ramsey's hometown
that says he has a story,
Copy !req
103. but he only wants to tell it in person.
Copy !req
104. You're just gonna hop a jet
to Lowell, Indiana?
Copy !req
105. Not me.
Copy !req
106. - Oh, hell no.
- What?
Copy !req
107. It's, like, a day or two, tops.
Copy !req
108. Look, just stick a shovel in the dirt,
you know, see what you can dig up.
Copy !req
109. Come on.
Copy !req
110. All right. So why don't you go?
Copy !req
111. Because...
Copy !req
112. I'm going to Ramsey's birthday bash.
Copy !req
113. VIPs only.
Copy !req
114. I'm Elle's plus-one.
Copy !req
115. Your girl's taking you
to a serial killer's birthday party?
Copy !req
116. It's lucky timing.
Copy !req
117. Look, if we haul Ramsey in
before questioning,
Copy !req
118. he's gonna lawyer up,
we ain't gonna get shit.
Copy !req
119. This way, I get inside his house,
get inside his head
Copy !req
120. before he knows we're on to him?
Copy !req
121. It's like a three-hour interrogation,
no lawyers present.
Copy !req
122. - Come on, man.
Copy !req
123. Come on, baby.
Copy !req
124. So you get champagne and caviar.
Copy !req
125. And I go to Nowhere, Indiana?
Copy !req
126. Yep.
Copy !req
127. Continue straight for 73 miles.
Copy !req
128. You got to be shitting me.
Copy !req
129. Just you?
Copy !req
130. Uh, I'm waiting for someone.
Copy !req
131. First time, huh?
Copy !req
132. - Huh?
- Seeing a Black man.
Copy !req
133. Detective Sampson?
Copy !req
134. Oh, you must be Dex.
Copy !req
135. Thanks.
Copy !req
136. So, how do you know Ed?
Copy !req
137. We grew up next door to each other.
Copy !req
138. Same age, same street.
Copy !req
139. Our mothers wanted us
to be best friends, but, uh...
Copy !req
140. But?
Copy !req
141. I could tell there was
something wrong with him.
Copy !req
142. Even when we were kids.
Copy !req
143. How about that one?
Oh, my goodness.
Copy !req
144. - Oh... Ed, check it out.
Copy !req
145. Felicia's on the web searching
"female serial killers of yore."
Copy !req
146. - Exciting.
Need to make sure
Copy !req
147. I don't look like them.
Copy !req
148. You read the article, right?
Copy !req
149. He's targeting people who resemble
legendary serial killers.
Copy !req
150. Well, you don't look like
any serial killer I've ever seen, Felicia.
Copy !req
151. I could. You don't know.
Copy !req
152. Alex,
Copy !req
153. I did not know that you
and Ed were friends.
Copy !req
154. Oh, n-no, I'm Elle's plus-one.
Copy !req
155. He's a big supporter
of the Somewhere Foundation.
Copy !req
156. What about you? Rumors must be true, huh?
Copy !req
157. About you running?
Copy !req
158. Well, this is not one of those
"stay in one place for 20 years" cities.
Copy !req
159. You're either going up or down.
Copy !req
160. I like up better.
Copy !req
161. Hey.
Copy !req
162. Now, there's the two we should be asking.
Copy !req
163. Come on.
All right, strictly cone of silence.
Copy !req
164. Whatever you say never leaves this room.
Copy !req
165. What's going on with the serial killer?
Copy !req
166. I don't play that game, Horace.
Copy !req
167. Can we just ask as concerned citizens?
Copy !req
168. You can ask.
Copy !req
169. But you're not going to answer.
Copy !req
170. All right, what about a nod, yea or nay?
Copy !req
171. Isn't it time for dinner?
Copy !req
172. Now, I say
Copy !req
173. when it's time to eat, and April, come on.
Copy !req
174. People are scared.
Copy !req
175. All we want is some information.
You're the chief of police.
Copy !req
176. Alex is the lead investigator on the case.
You got to give us something.
Copy !req
177. Like I said, you can ask.
Copy !req
178. How many victims?
Copy !req
179. More than five?
Copy !req
180. Do you have any suspects?
- Not yet.
Copy !req
181. But...
Copy !req
182. we do have a profile of the killer.
Copy !req
183. Uh, d-do we want to hear this,
Copy !req
184. - or is it just gonna make it scarier?
No, no.
Copy !req
185. We want to hear every fucking detail,
thank you very much.
Copy !req
186. Keep in mind,
this is just theory and conjecture...
Copy !req
187. But you've been doing this a long time.
Copy !req
188. And you're the best.
Copy !req
189. Let's hear it.
Copy !req
190. White male. Forties.
Copy !req
191. Suave, confident.
Copy !req
192. More Bundy than Dahmer.
Copy !req
193. He knows how to use his looks
and his charisma.
Copy !req
194. On men and women.
Copy !req
195. Oh, God.
Copy !req
196. Uh, he's wealthy, well-connected,
Copy !req
197. but he didn't start that way,
he grew up poor.
Copy !req
198. It's a far cry from the fancy life
that he lives now.
Copy !req
199. Let's say Deep South,
Copy !req
200. uh, Midwest, maybe.
Copy !req
201. Eddie could lay on the charm
when he wanted to.
Copy !req
202. But when he didn't think people
were looking, he'd be watching you.
Copy !req
203. Taking pics with his camera
he always had with him.
Copy !req
204. It was creepy.
Copy !req
205. But we're talking more than creepy,
aren't we?
Copy !req
206. Something specific?
Copy !req
207. Uh...
Copy !req
208. When I was 14,
we had this problem in town.
Copy !req
209. Dead birds popping up all over.
Copy !req
210. Gutters, churchyards, porches.
Copy !req
211. All kinds of birds,
but they all had one thing in common.
Copy !req
212. Their feet had been cut off.
Copy !req
213. Someone was torturing them.
Copy !req
214. You think it was Ramsey?
Copy !req
215. I know it was.
Copy !req
216. 'Cause that same year, Eddie was laid up
after they took out his tonsils.
Copy !req
217. My mom's known around here
for her chicken soup.
Copy !req
218. She made me bring some by.
Copy !req
219. His room's in the attic, I go up.
Copy !req
220. I should've knocked.
Copy !req
221. I saw the feet.
Copy !req
222. Laid out on the bed like baseball cards.
Copy !req
223. - I never told anybody.
- Why not?
Copy !req
224. Look, the guy's running around
killing birds...
Copy !req
225. Some of those pics he was always taking?
Copy !req
226. They were of my dad.
Copy !req
227. Not with your mother.
Copy !req
228. If I said anything,
he would've destroyed my family,
Copy !req
229. so I kept my mouth shut.
Copy !req
230. Eventually, the bird thing stopped,
Copy !req
231. so I thought maybe he'd grown out of it
or got scared straight.
Copy !req
232. - But he didn't, did he?
- I don't know.
Copy !req
233. I'm-I'm probably not the person
you should be talking to.
Copy !req
234. Who-who should I be talking to?
Copy !req
235. Ramsey wrote me letters after high school.
Copy !req
236. I never answered.
He was always talking about
Copy !req
237. some guy in Philly named White Mike.
Copy !req
238. Philly? No one in Lowell?
Copy !req
239. Well, I would say his mother,
Copy !req
240. - but he hasn't visited her in years.
- Hold up.
Copy !req
241. You telling me
that Ed Ramsey's mother is alive?
Copy !req
242. We are not the first
Copy !req
243. to walk these lands.
Copy !req
244. Nor are we the first to feast upon them.
Copy !req
245. Tonight, I want to pay tribute
to the Anacostan tribe,
Copy !req
246. upon whose ancestral lands we now stand.
Copy !req
247. To the Natives.
Copy !req
248. The pig you see before you
was cooked in a traditional pit.
Copy !req
249. Long hours of slow, subterranean heat
Copy !req
250. generated by river stones and local brush.
Copy !req
251. Now, before we dig in,
I hope you will all join me...
Copy !req
252. Photography and blackmail?
Copy !req
253. At least the guy's consistent.
Copy !req
254. Turns out
he's just as consistent with his lies.
Copy !req
255. You know that dead mother
he's been going on about?
Copy !req
256. She's alive and kicking.
Copy !req
257. Now, that's interesting.
Copy !req
258. Well, don't get your hopes up too high.
Copy !req
259. Word is they haven't spoken for 25 years.
Copy !req
260. Of course they haven't.
Copy !req
261. No, no, the dead mother is a lynchpin
in Ramsey's personal mythology.
Copy !req
262. He couldn't just leave her behind,
he had to symbolically murder her
Copy !req
263. in his own mind so he could become
the man he wanted to be.
Copy !req
264. Which suggests
she still has power over him.
Copy !req
265. You need to talk to her. Keep digging.
Copy !req
266. Yeah.
Copy !req
267. W-What are you digging into right now?
Copy !req
268. Some shrimp skewers?
Copy !req
269. I'll catch you later, John.
Copy !req
270. That's very kind of you.
What about you, Elle?
Copy !req
271. Did you enjoy the toast?
Copy !req
272. I mean, if we really wanted to honor
the Indigenous, we'd give back their land.
Copy !req
273. That's what I love
about you. So pure of heart.
Copy !req
274. Now, where's your handsome bodyguard?
Copy !req
275. I want to make sure he gets
a slice of neck. It's the best part.
Copy !req
276. He went to the powder room.
I'm starting to believe he got lost.
Copy !req
277. Excuse me.
Copy !req
278. Do you have
a search warrant, Dr. Cross?
Copy !req
279. I didn't know
I needed one to go to the bathroom.
Copy !req
280. Uh-huh. Well, you would have passed three
on your way to this room.
Copy !req
281. Oh, well, it's easy to get lost
in a house this big.
Copy !req
282. But I am glad that I stumbled in here,
Copy !req
283. because, uh...
Copy !req
284. it's quite the display.
Copy !req
285. I should have known
you'd appreciate the art.
Copy !req
286. Doing what you do for a living,
rooting around in the minds of killers.
Copy !req
287. Mm.
Copy !req
288. I guess we're both connoisseurs of death.
Copy !req
289. And excellent whiskey.
Copy !req
290. Pappy Van Winkle.
Copy !req
291. I heard it's your favorite.
Copy !req
292. - Where'd you hear that?
- I cross paths
Copy !req
293. with so many people,
Copy !req
294. I actually can't remember
where that particular tidbit came from.
Copy !req
295. But it's true, isn't it?
Copy !req
296. Well, let's have a taste, shall we?
Copy !req
297. To life's rarest pleasures.
Copy !req
298. Mmm. Worth every penny, right?
Copy !req
299. It's quite a generous pour. Thank you.
Copy !req
300. Oh, it's my pleasure. But it's not free.
Copy !req
301. I want to know more about this, uh,
Copy !req
302. killer profile that you've come up with.
Copy !req
303. What else can you tell me?
Copy !req
304. I've already said too much.
Copy !req
305. Come on, Alex.
Copy !req
306. It's my birthday.
Copy !req
307. The man we're after
is exceptionally brilliant.
Copy !req
308. - Hmm.
- Exceptional.
Copy !req
309. But his intellect
Copy !req
310. masks a deep insecurity.
Copy !req
311. What makes you say that?
Copy !req
312. He worships other,
more impressive serial killers.
Copy !req
313. Desperately wants to be
a part of their club.
Copy !req
314. Maybe he respects
what they've accomplished.
Copy !req
315. The way they've seared their legacy
into America's collective psyche.
Copy !req
316. - But what do I know?
- Mm.
Copy !req
317. Do you think you can stop him?
Copy !req
318. I know I can.
Copy !req
319. - And why is that?
- Because...
Copy !req
320. I know him better than he knows himself.
Copy !req
321. He wants to be a legend,
Copy !req
322. but all he's doing is making
pale copies of the real ones.
Copy !req
323. He even made a scrapbook,
like a little groupie.
Copy !req
324. We gave him a nickname.
Copy !req
325. "The Fanboy."
Copy !req
326. - That's clever.
- Mm.
Copy !req
327. Hey. We should get back to the party.
Copy !req
328. But let's keep this our little secret,
shall we?
Copy !req
329. I don't have enough Pappy Van Winkle
for everyone.
Copy !req
330. My house. My fucking house. Shit.
Copy !req
331. My house. Fuck him.
Copy !req
332. I'm okay.
Copy !req
333. We're okay.
Copy !req
334. Shit!
Copy !req
335. Chateau Pravins, a $10,000 bottle of wine
soaking into concrete. Perfect.
Copy !req
336. You're missing all the fun.
Copy !req
337. - How many have you had?
- Mmm.
Copy !req
338. Don't count my drinks, sweetie.
Copy !req
339. - Hey.
- Hey.
Copy !req
340. Baby, what happened to you?
Copy !req
341. I just got stuck on a call with John.
Copy !req
342. - Everything okay?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
343. Yeah, yeah, everything is great.
Copy !req
344. Hey, um, did you tell Ramsey
that I like Pappy Van Winkle?
Copy !req
345. No. Why?
Copy !req
346. "Whoso stoppeth his ears
at the cry of the poor,
Copy !req
347. he also shall cry himself,
Copy !req
348. - but shall not be heard."
Copy !req
349. That was my mother's
favorite Bible verse,
Copy !req
350. God rest her soul.
Copy !req
351. Every Sunday dinner would begin
with us reciting it.
Copy !req
352. And when she was taken from us,
I made a pledge
Copy !req
353. to honor that sentiment
for the rest of my life.
Copy !req
354. Good evening.
I'm Detective John Sampson, DC police.
Copy !req
355. - I'm here to see Mrs. Ramsey.
- I'll see if she's taking visitors.
Copy !req
356. Thank you.
Copy !req
357. This is really
a milestone birthday for me.
Copy !req
358. Always had it in my head
that middle age starts at 45,
Copy !req
359. but now that it's here,
I'm thinking maybe I should've picked 50.
Copy !req
360. You're doing great, Ed.
Copy !req
361. You don't look a day over 35.
Copy !req
362. Is that good genes, I wonder,
Copy !req
363. or Dr. Daine's handiwork?
Copy !req
364. I'll never tell.
Copy !req
365. In my field, you don't take credit,
only the referrals.
Copy !req
366. Well, for all you newcomers,
let me give you some ground rules.
Copy !req
367. I don't want any birthday presents.
Copy !req
368. All I'd ask is that you donate
to a charity of your choice.
Copy !req
369. And then, of course,
I'd ask to who and how much,
Copy !req
370. because, yes, I'm tacky like that.
Copy !req
371. - But first,
Copy !req
372. I want to share with you all a story
Copy !req
373. about why charity means so much to me.
Copy !req
374. See, the first time
that I really dedicated myself
Copy !req
375. to making a difference in this world
Copy !req
376. was shortly after my mother was killed.
Copy !req
377. Something like that
really puts the world in perspective.
Copy !req
378. I didn't always have this money,
Copy !req
379. but I did have time, energy,
and a lot of love.
Copy !req
380. So I gave it all
to a young boy named Isaiah.
Copy !req
381. You see, Isaiah's father Jason
was a drug dealer
Copy !req
382. who abandoned his family.
Copy !req
383. And shortly after that,
his mother, Joanne, died.
Copy !req
384. She was a drug addict.
Probably worked a corner or two.
Copy !req
385. And so the burden of raising him
fell to his grandmother Regina.
Copy !req
386. She was a strong, proud woman.
Copy !req
387. She did the best she could.
Copy !req
388. But Isaiah was so stubborn,
Copy !req
389. You see, the image of his mother
Copy !req
390. selling herself to strangers for drugs
Copy !req
391. was something that left him
angry at the world.
Copy !req
392. Alex, what is going on?
Copy !req
393. Why is he talking about you?
Copy !req
394. It was hard for me
to watch him struggle
Copy !req
395. to prove that he was more
than just the son
Copy !req
396. of a drug dealer and a whore.
Copy !req
397. I do hope this story
has a happy ending, Ed.
Copy !req
398. More of a "to be continued."
Copy !req
399. You see, I can't say that
Copy !req
400. it hasn't always been difficult
for Isaiah.
Copy !req
401. Life just keeps throwing him curveballs.
Copy !req
402. He met the love of his life,
had two beautiful kids,
Copy !req
403. and then, tragically,
his wife was gunned down.
Copy !req
404. Now he's struggling,
threatening to revert
Copy !req
405. to the self-destructive ways of his past.
Copy !req
406. I honestly don't know if he'll make it,
Copy !req
407. but I do know this.
Copy !req
408. He wouldn't have a chance in this world
Copy !req
409. - if it weren't for me.
Copy !req
410. And that is why I'll never give up on him.
Copy !req
411. No matter how low he falls.
Copy !req
412. But enough of that.
Copy !req
413. Felicia, why don't you kick us off
with a donation?
Copy !req
414. Elle. Elle!
Copy !req
415. What the hell is going on
between you and Ed Ramsey?
Copy !req
416. I-I don't know.
Copy !req
417. Bullshit. He was poking at you in there.
Copy !req
418. Do not lie to me right now.
Copy !req
419. Ramsey is the Fanboy.
Copy !req
420. What?
Copy !req
421. That can't be true.
Copy !req
422. If I wasn't sure before, I am now.
Copy !req
423. Elle, did you tell him
any of those things about me?
Copy !req
424. No. I don't understand.
Copy !req
425. Wait. If Ramsey's the Fanboy, then...
how long have you known?
Copy !req
426. Alex, when did you start suspecting him?
Copy !req
427. A few days ago.
Copy !req
428. That's why you changed your mind
Copy !req
429. about coming to the party.
Copy !req
430. Why didn't you tell me?
Copy !req
431. If I told you,
then you wouldn't act normal.
Copy !req
432. Act normal?
Copy !req
433. - I wouldn't fucking be here!
- Shh.
Copy !req
434. Please.
Copy !req
435. Oh, but that would have been
a problem for you, right?
Copy !req
436. If I don't go, you don't go.
Copy !req
437. That's why you lied.
Copy !req
438. I did not lie.
Copy !req
439. You hid the truth from me.
Copy !req
440. In my book, that's a lie.
Copy !req
441. Pretending it's not...
Copy !req
442. is even worse.
Copy !req
443. Wait. No, wait, Elle.
Hear me out. Hear me out. Just... just...
Copy !req
444. Don't.
Copy !req
445. Hey, tell me you got something.
Copy !req
446. Mama Ramsey's got dementia.
Copy !req
447. Lights are on, but nobody's home.
Copy !req
448. Shit.
Copy !req
449. - I need a pressure point.
- How's it going over there?
Copy !req
450. Does he know you're looking at him?
Copy !req
451. Oh, yeah. It's game on.
Copy !req
452. Um, okay, look, look.
Copy !req
453. I-I want you to try something
called paradoxical lucidity.
Copy !req
454. It's flashes of clarity
that people with dementia can have
Copy !req
455. if you hit the right trigger.
Copy !req
456. Now, I know it's a long shot,
Copy !req
457. but if you shine the right light
through that fog...
Copy !req
458. You have any idea
what this trigger might be?
Copy !req
459. Actually, yeah.
Copy !req
460. I think Ramsey just told me.
Copy !req
461. What's wrong, Elle?
Copy !req
462. Everything okay?
Copy !req
463. Yes. Great.
Copy !req
464. You're lying, Elle.
I can tell you've been crying.
Copy !req
465. What's wrong?
Copy !req
466. You know you can talk to me, right?
Copy !req
467. About anything.
Copy !req
468. After all the time we've spent together,
Copy !req
469. I consider you a true friend.
Copy !req
470. I hope you feel the same about me.
Copy !req
471. Yes, of course.
Copy !req
472. I just wasn't feeling well.
Copy !req
473. I was gonna head home early.
Copy !req
474. Oh, you can't leave now.
Copy !req
475. It's showtime.
Copy !req
476. You mean Buckley. Hmm.
Copy !req
477. I'm just not sure
I'm able to pitch to him.
Copy !req
478. Elle...
Copy !req
479. you have been waiting
for this shot for months.
Copy !req
480. The kids are counting on you.
Copy !req
481. - Right?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
482. - Come on.
- Right.
Copy !req
483. "Whoso stoppeth his ears
at the cry of the poor,
Copy !req
484. he also shall cry himself,
but shall not be heard."
Copy !req
485. Whoso stoppeth his ears
at the cry of the poor...
Copy !req
486. He also shall cry out,
Copy !req
487. but shall not be heard.
Copy !req
488. Who are you?
Copy !req
489. My name is John.
Copy !req
490. I'm with the police.
Copy !req
491. I need to talk to you
about your son Eddie.
Copy !req
492. Oh, Jesus wept.
Copy !req
493. Ma'am?
Copy !req
494. "Let me not see the death of the child.
Copy !req
495. Precious...
Copy !req
496. in the sight of the Lord..."
Copy !req
497. "... is the death of His saints."
Copy !req
498. She was a saint.
Copy !req
499. Eddie's sister?
Copy !req
500. Did Eddie...
Copy !req
501. Did he do something else bad?
Copy !req
502. Elle Monteiro,
Copy !req
503. this is my dear friend Lawrence Buckley.
Copy !req
504. Buck and I go way back.
Copy !req
505. What's that saying?
Friends help you move...
Copy !req
506. Oh, and real friends help you
move the body.
Copy !req
507. So Ed's been hounding me about
Copy !req
508. this little organization of yours
for weeks.
Copy !req
509. So, off you go. Let's hear the big pitch.
Copy !req
510. It's your big moment, Elle. Do or die.
Copy !req
511. The Somewhere Foundation program
hinges on mentorship.
Copy !req
512. The children we serve...
Copy !req
513. Speak up, sweetheart.
I'm a little deaf in both ears.
Copy !req
514. The name's Elle.
I was just saying that we try to...
Copy !req
515. We do give the kids
a well-rounded perspective.
Copy !req
516. It's not just about receiving,
it's also about giving.
Copy !req
517. All right. And what's
the administrative overhead?
Copy !req
518. That's in flux. We've been growing...
Copy !req
519. I was looking for a percentage,
Copy !req
520. not a five-paragraph essay.
Copy !req
521. The name is Elle Monteiro.
Copy !req
522. My overhead is 22%.
Copy !req
523. - Could be lower.
- Compared to most nonprofits
in the area...
Copy !req
524. Have you ever attended
a protest against law enforcement?
Copy !req
525. I don't see how that's relevant.
Copy !req
526. Sixty percent of my annual giving goes
Copy !req
527. to "back the blue" funds.
Copy !req
528. Trust me, it's relevant.
Copy !req
529. Yes, I've attended police protests.
Copy !req
530. More than I can count.
Copy !req
531. That doesn't
make her anti-police.
Copy !req
532. Matter of fact, Larry,
she's dating Detective Cross.
Copy !req
533. You and Cross are a thing?
Copy !req
534. - Does that matter?
- Well, I don't know.
Copy !req
535. How does a quarter million sound?
Copy !req
536. Elle.
Copy !req
537. Elle.
Copy !req
538. What's going on here?
Copy !req
539. Oh, uh, Mr. Buckley was just pledging
Copy !req
540. a quarter of a million dollars
to the Somewhere Foundation.
Copy !req
541. You two, huh?
Copy !req
542. You know, I might just
make this an annual gift.
Copy !req
543. You see, Lawrence and I are the same.
Copy !req
544. When we find a project
that we're very passionate about...
Copy !req
545. - Mm-hmm.
- we like to see it through to the finish.
Copy !req
546. If you all would excuse me.
Copy !req
547. Elle, what happened back there?
Copy !req
548. You mean when I took a donation
brokered by a serial killer?
Copy !req
549. Look, he was just messing with you
to get to me.
Copy !req
550. - It's the same thing with the speech.
- I don't care
Copy !req
551. about his motivation.
Copy !req
552. I care about the man I love
Copy !req
553. putting me in that position.
Copy !req
554. Not a lovers quarrel, I hope.
Copy !req
555. You want me to talk to her?
Copy !req
556. Actually, I think it's time
Copy !req
557. I did something for you.
Copy !req
558. Now, I know you said
no birthday gifts, right?
Copy !req
559. But since my friend
went all the way to Indiana
Copy !req
560. for this one, I do hope
Copy !req
561. that you'll make an exception.
Copy !req
562. That's my jam.
Copy !req
563. You are digging...
Copy !req
564. a deeper hole.
Copy !req
565. Why'd you lie about her being dead?
Copy !req
566. What should I do— parade her around town?
Copy !req
567. The poor woman has no grip on reality.
Copy !req
568. Really? My partner found her to be
Copy !req
569. surprisingly lucid.
Copy !req
570. Read her favorite Bible verse.
Copy !req
571. The same one that you shared.
Copy !req
572. And she just snapped right to.
Copy !req
573. Shared all kinds of things.
Copy !req
574. - She's a fragile old woman.
- But she got fragile
Copy !req
575. before she got old, though, right?
Copy !req
576. Hey, I hope you know
that it probably wasn't personal
Copy !req
577. when she turned her back on you.
Copy !req
578. It's called pathological bereavement.
Copy !req
579. Parent loses one child,
Copy !req
580. they cut emotional ties
with the surviving child.
Copy !req
581. It's a self-defense mechanism
for the parent,
Copy !req
582. but it is fucking devastating
Copy !req
583. for the child left behind.
Copy !req
584. You want to bill my insurance
for that diagnosis?
Copy !req
585. The way she acted, you might as well
have died with your sister.
Copy !req
586. But no, no, no,
you still craved Mommy's approval,
Copy !req
587. and then, when you didn't get it,
you just...
Copy !req
588. You started striving for her attention,
Copy !req
589. started doing things
that she just could not ignore.
Copy !req
590. Like the birds.
Copy !req
591. You don't know what you're talking about.
Copy !req
592. And when that didn't work,
Copy !req
593. when you finally had to realize
Copy !req
594. that she would never love you again...
Copy !req
595. you had to make her dead.
Copy !req
596. You had to murder her in your mind
Copy !req
597. so you wouldn't have to live with the idea
Copy !req
598. that your own mother was alive,
Copy !req
599. and she didn't give a shit
Copy !req
600. about you.
Copy !req
601. Close, but not really.
Copy !req
602. I never told my mother about the birds.
Copy !req
603. I did, however,
tell her that I would do anything
Copy !req
604. to be an only child.
Copy !req
605. Anything.
Copy !req
606. We all have secrets, Alex.
Copy !req
607. The difference is,
I'm ready to bring mine into the light.
Copy !req
608. Happy birthday, Ed.
Copy !req
609. Give me it. Give me it!
Copy !req
610. Ow!
Copy !req
611. - Help me.
Copy !req
612. Help me open this. Please.
Copy !req
613. Please help me!
Copy !req
614. No! No! No!
Copy !req
615. No!
Copy !req
616. No! No!
Copy !req
617. There's nowhere to go, Shannon.
Copy !req
618. I have to be perfect, right?
Copy !req
619. Just like Aileen?
Copy !req
620. No. No!
Copy !req
621. Don't say anything.
Copy !req
622. Don't remember anything.
Copy !req
623. It's almost time for cake.
Copy !req
624. Ah!
Copy !req
625. Aah!
Copy !req
626. Mr. Ramsey, sir?
Copy !req
627. Give me a minute.
Copy !req
628. You asked me to notify you when the cake—
Copy !req
629. Just give me a fucking minute!
Copy !req
630. Ah!
Copy !req
631. Oh, wh-where were you?
Copy !req
632. Gin and tonic. No, just gin.
Copy !req
633. Are you okay?
Copy !req
634. - You look like you've seen a ghost.
Oh, my God.
Copy !req
635. Have at it.
Make a wish.
Copy !req
636. Now, I, of course, baked this cake myself,
Copy !req
637. so everybody has to try some.
Copy !req
638. Thank you so much.
Copy !req
639. I see you showered
and you put on a fresh shirt.
Copy !req
640. Those are some nice buttons there.
Copy !req
641. Should I add OCD to your profile?
Copy !req
642. I'm surprised you're still here.
Copy !req
643. Something happened
when you went to get the wine.
Copy !req
644. - Jesus.
Copy !req
645. Are you seriously arrogant enough
Copy !req
646. to be holding her here?
Copy !req
647. I have no idea what you're talking about,
Copy !req
648. but I am glad that you stayed.
Copy !req
649. Because I wasn't sure
I'd get to watch it happen.
Copy !req
650. What's that?
Copy !req
651. The moment you turn into a pumpkin.
Copy !req
652. - Are you good?
Copy !req
653. You might want to check that.
Copy !req
654. Pumpkin time.
Copy !req
655. What did you do?
Copy !req
656. I don't know what you're talking about.
Copy !req
657. This is you, isn't it?
Copy !req
658. This is the incident
that Sampson reported.
Copy !req
659. - Did you kill her?
Please don't shoot!
Copy !req
660. Elle, let me explain.
Copy !req
661. - Don't touch me.
- Elle, Elle, Elle, Elle, Elle!
Copy !req
662. He did this.
Copy !req
663. Who?
- Ramsey.
Copy !req
664. What? Why?
Copy !req
665. Because he's the killer.
Copy !req
666. - Alex.
- Hear me out.
Copy !req
667. Ed Ramsey is the Fanboy killer.
Copy !req
668. Okay, it's time to go.
Copy !req
669. Okay, Detective,
we'd all love to believe you.
Copy !req
670. We really would. But it's Ed.
Copy !req
671. You remember I told you
we had a profile, yeah?
Copy !req
672. Humble childhood, Ted Bundy charm.
Copy !req
673. It all describes him, Ed Ramsey.
Copy !req
674. J-Just a minute ago, he all but admitted
Copy !req
675. to killing his own sister.
Copy !req
676. My sister died
of carbon monoxide poisoning.
Copy !req
677. This, this man is kidnapping people.
Copy !req
678. Mutilating them. Executing them.
Copy !req
679. He's a fucking monster.
Copy !req
680. The only monster that I see
Copy !req
681. in this room is you.
Copy !req
682. Ok... ok... yes, th-this is bad.
It's fucking horrible.
Copy !req
683. But don't-don't let that cloud
your judgment.
Copy !req
684. Your... This...
Copy !req
685. Wait, just ask yourself, why now?
Copy !req
686. Why now, hmm?
Copy !req
687. This video just happens to drop
Copy !req
688. right after he finds out
he's my lead suspect?
Copy !req
689. - Alex—
- No, no, hold it, wait, wait.
Copy !req
690. You... y'all like videos?
Copy !req
691. V-Videos. I got a video
for you right here.
Copy !req
692. Didn't he say his mother was dead?
Copy !req
693. She was murdered right after college?
Copy !req
694. Then what is this?
Copy !req
695. Hmm? Ramsey, who is this?
Copy !req
696. This is his mother, recorded tonight
Copy !req
697. at her home in Indiana.
Copy !req
698. The whole dead mother thing is a lie.
Copy !req
699. It's a lie. Everything about
this man is a lie.
Copy !req
700. You need to leave.
Copy !req
701. - You don't believe me, Chief?
- Now is not the time
Copy !req
702. or the place.
Copy !req
703. Go home and call your union rep.
Copy !req
704. Okay, everything's fine.
Copy !req
705. Everything's okay.
Copy !req
706. Let's just chalk this up
to Detective Cross
Copy !req
707. having a little too much to drink.
Copy !req
708. Right? And being under too much pressure.
Copy !req
709. What happens at Ramsey's
Copy !req
710. stays at Ramsey's. Right, Alex?
Copy !req
711. - You know, fuck you. Fuck you.
Oh, my God.
Copy !req
712. - Oh, my God.
- Get off. I will fucking arrest you.
Copy !req
713. - Out now!
- Hey.
Copy !req
714. Shannon Witmer's alive.
Copy !req
715. She's probably here
in this house right now.
Copy !req
716. Out.
Copy !req
717. Well, happy fucking birthday, Ed.
Copy !req
718. Get the fuck off.
Copy !req
719. Gonna make an official request
for your badge and gun.
Copy !req
720. It is not optional.
You are required to hand them over.
Copy !req
721. Next time on Cross...
Copy !req
722. How do you blame this shit on me?
Copy !req
723. You started all this when you reported me.
Copy !req
724. Be careful where you take this.
Copy !req
725. Shannon is Ramsey's last victim.
Copy !req
726. The man is a perfectionist.
Copy !req
727. He's obsessed with winning.
Copy !req
728. You talking about the Fanboy or you?
Copy !req
729. I made a mistake, all right?
Copy !req
730. You can't let that get in the way
of saving Shannon's life.
Copy !req
731. Was that so hard?
Copy !req
732. Who's your friend?
She's the one that found
Copy !req
733. the witness we're gonna use
to burn you down.
Copy !req
734. Are you sure?
Copy !req