1. Previously on Cross...
Copy !req
2. You're not managing very well.
Copy !req
3. I had to put flowers on your wife's grave.
Copy !req
4. Emir Goodspeed OD'd.
Copy !req
5. The end.
Copy !req
6. I went to that dude's
house for a date. I'm at 41 Price Street.
Copy !req
7. It all comes back
to whatever went down
Copy !req
8. at the Price Street address. I need
Copy !req
9. a warrant, please.
Copy !req
10. I need you to be strong.
Aileen Wuornos.
Copy !req
11. She killed seven men.
Copy !req
12. - But I can do something so much better.
- Hit it.
Copy !req
13. Voilà.
And the book?
Copy !req
14. I ain't had no time.
So where is it?
Copy !req
15. These are all serial killers
on one side and victims on the other.
Copy !req
16. There's one killer without a match:
Aileen Wuornos.
Copy !req
17. I need to find out
who's fucking with my family.
Copy !req
18. The woman's name
was Brenda Leeland.
Copy !req
19. - We found a note in her room.
- Is that a dress?
Copy !req
20. It's not Maria's, but I've seen it before.
Copy !req
21. Lance Marion went on a date
Copy !req
22. expecting to meet a lovely young woman.
Copy !req
23. Instead,
Copy !req
24. he met a murderer.
Copy !req
25. Please, please.
Copy !req
26. You can take it all,
just please let me go.
Copy !req
27. - Please, please—
- Shut the fuck up.
Copy !req
28. She tortured him for hours.
Copy !req
29. Don't have shit in here!
Copy !req
30. And when he tried to escape...
Copy !req
31. Deirdre Nolan
Copy !req
32. ruthlessly struck Lance Marion
Copy !req
33. until he was long past dead.
Copy !req
34. Not once, not twice,
Copy !req
35. but 17 times. The evidence
Copy !req
36. proves that beyond the shadow of a doubt,
Copy !req
37. starting with her confession.
Copy !req
38. It's up to you, the jury,
Copy !req
39. to make sure she never kills again.
Copy !req
40. Seventeen times?
Copy !req
41. You don't see that kind of overkill
from a woman too often.
Copy !req
42. No, but trauma changes things.
Copy !req
43. I mean, the way Deirdre came up,
she never knew her father,
Copy !req
44. her mom was an addict and a prostitute,
OD'd when Deirdre was 13.
Copy !req
45. - Homeless after that.
Copy !req
46. Prosecution has concluded its case.
Copy !req
47. The court will now hear
closing arguments from the defense.
Copy !req
48. - You recognize that dress?
Copy !req
49. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
50. So that's what this looked like
when it was new.
Copy !req
51. Who got their hands on this?
Copy !req
52. I don't know, but you want to hear
some more crazy shit?
Copy !req
53. Brenda Leeland was a C.O.
Copy !req
54. Yo, don't tell me she worked
at the same prison they sent Deirdre to.
Copy !req
55. She was fired a year ago
for multiple citations for—
Copy !req
56. guess what— inmate abuse.
Copy !req
57. All right. So, Kowaleski
was the prosecutor that put her away.
Copy !req
58. Brenda Leeland did God knows what to her
when she was locked up.
Copy !req
59. How did you land on the shit list?
Copy !req
60. If I had to guess...
Copy !req
61. Well, the defendant
showed inappropriate affect, uh,
Copy !req
62. lack of empathy, violent tendencies.
Copy !req
63. All the signs
of a psychopathic personality.
Copy !req
64. In your opinion,
Copy !req
65. can the state provide the therapy
this woman needs
Copy !req
66. to keep the public safe?
Copy !req
67. Oh, therapy may help her, yes.
Copy !req
68. But will she be able to reenter society?
Copy !req
69. No.
Copy !req
70. In my professional opinion,
Copy !req
71. she cannot be fixed.
Copy !req
72. I can't believe I said that shit.
Copy !req
73. You saw what she did with that bat.
Copy !req
74. Yeah, but I try to teach the kids
there's always hope.
Copy !req
75. That no one is beyond redemption.
Copy !req
76. The judge gave her life.
Copy !req
77. He cited my testimony
when he sentenced her.
Copy !req
78. She goes in, she gets abused,
Copy !req
79. commits suicide.
Copy !req
80. And someone wants you to pay.
Copy !req
81. - But who?
- I don't know.
Copy !req
82. There's no relatives, no trace of anyone
Copy !req
83. in the records I've been able to turn up.
Copy !req
84. But you did a psychiatric eval, right?
Copy !req
85. Yeah, but I can't get it.
Copy !req
86. The law changed. It's privileged now.
Copy !req
87. And there's no one to sign a release.
Copy !req
88. I'm just gonna check on something.
Copy !req
89. Just pick a song
you already know.
Copy !req
90. Can't just be a song I already know.
Copy !req
91. I have to connect to it.
Copy !req
92. Why?
- Psst. Psst, psst.
Copy !req
93. Well, Miss Nancy says that
Copy !req
94. when you love a song,
it sounds better when you play it.
Copy !req
95. Boring.
Copy !req
96. Does it have to be classical?
Copy !req
97. - No. I could play Mommy's song.
- Don't.
Copy !req
98. Why?
Copy !req
99. Don't play that, Damon.
It'll make Daddy sad.
Copy !req
100. Oh. Look, we-we got
to make a change, Alex.
Copy !req
101. You got your babies walking on eggshells.
Copy !req
102. I know.
Copy !req
103. It takes time.
Copy !req
104. It takes effort to move forward.
Copy !req
105. You know what Friday is?
Copy !req
106. - No.
- Yes, I'm bringing it back.
Copy !req
107. There's too much sadness in this house.
Copy !req
108. Too much waiting around
for life to happen again.
Copy !req
109. A little First Friday Karaoke
Copy !req
110. would do us all good.
Copy !req
111. We need it.
Copy !req
112. It's too soon.
Copy !req
113. Look, you've got between now and Friday
Copy !req
114. to get yourself in the right place,
Copy !req
115. because it is going to happen, baby.
Copy !req
116. This was built
for temperature control,
Copy !req
117. so you're already halfway
to soundproof safe room.
Copy !req
118. - Mm-hmm.
- We just need to reinforce, uh,
Copy !req
119. this wall here, here, the new door.
Copy !req
120. And run the cables, uh, for the cameras,
Copy !req
121. and tying the vents
into the separate HVAC.
Copy !req
122. This is no problem, Mr. Ramsey.
Copy !req
123. Good. Make this your priority.
Copy !req
124. I don't care if you have
to work around the clock.
Copy !req
125. Sure, sure. We do this in maybe
three days, maybe two.
Copy !req
126. I'll leave you to it, then.
Copy !req
127. What kind of dog?
- Dog?
Copy !req
128. - You have dog?
- Oh, right.
Copy !req
129. I did, but it died.
Copy !req
130. Measure! And don't ever
ask the client personal questions!
Copy !req
131. Alright.
Copy !req
132. All right, Emir Goodspeed
Copy !req
133. was murdered by a serial killer,
but that killer
Copy !req
134. kept a scrapbook of their work.
Copy !req
135. In here, you'll find a postmortem photo
of Emir and ten other victims.
Copy !req
136. Each of those victims was transformed
to resemble a serial killer.
Copy !req
137. Now, our killer turned Emir
into Maurice Freeman, Jr.,
Copy !req
138. better known as the Sandman.
Copy !req
139. He raped and killed 14 women.
Copy !req
140. He was executed in 2007
by lethal injection,
Copy !req
141. same method used to kill Emir.
Copy !req
142. All the serial killers were executed
Copy !req
143. except for one, who shot himself.
Copy !req
144. Of the victims identified,
the methods match,
Copy !req
145. and we feel it's the same case
for the rest of them.
Copy !req
146. Now, Freeman's last meal
was grilled pork chops,
Copy !req
147. mashed potatoes, chocolate cupcake.
Copy !req
148. Emir's stomach contents show
Copy !req
149. he was fed the exact same meal
before death.
Copy !req
150. Our killer duplicates
absolutely everything.
Copy !req
151. This book will be the key
to finding our killer.
Copy !req
152. That print— is it blood or ink?
Copy !req
153. Blood.
Copy !req
154. Several of the pages contain mementos.
Copy !req
155. Human tissue, hair, blood,
scraps of clothes.
Copy !req
156. We've sent samples to the lab.
Copy !req
157. What are we calling this freak?
Copy !req
158. We're calling him the Fanboy.
Copy !req
159. Seemed like a good name
for this motherfucker.
Copy !req
160. The media gonna love this shit.
Copy !req
161. Yeah, but let's try to keep a lid on this
until we have the man in custody.
Copy !req
162. Until then, this room is a one-stop shop
for everything Fanboy.
Copy !req
163. You guys can start with confirming IDs
on the rest of the victims.
Copy !req
164. There's one more thing.
Copy !req
165. The pages in this book
are set up for 12 killers.
Copy !req
166. Emir and the Sandman complete
set number 11.
Copy !req
167. That means the Fanboy
needs one more victim
Copy !req
168. to complete whatever work he's doing,
Copy !req
169. and we think he's already found her.
Copy !req
170. Her?
Copy !req
171. Aileen Wuornos.
Copy !req
172. You got it.
Copy !req
173. She's the only one in that book
without a twin.
Copy !req
174. Yet.
Copy !req
175. But we have evidence that our killer
currently has a captive.
Copy !req
176. And that means we're on the clock.
Copy !req
177. That's right. Now, we don't have a name,
Copy !req
178. but three things are certain:
Copy !req
179. she resembles Aileen Wuornos,
Copy !req
180. he's gonna make her an exact match
Copy !req
181. and he's gonna kill her
if we don't find her first.
Copy !req
182. If you coming with an apology,
I want it in writing.
Copy !req
183. You batting a thousand, John?
Copy !req
184. You said this guy has someone, right?
Copy !req
185. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
186. Well, this girl's missing.
Copy !req
187. You make her a blonde,
that's Aileen's sister.
Copy !req
188. - What's her name?
- Shannon Witmer.
Copy !req
189. You hear these stories.
Copy !req
190. People go missing
and just show back up, you know?
Copy !req
191. There was this woman in Colorado,
just last year.
Copy !req
192. Disappears for, like, two weeks.
Copy !req
193. - Turns out, she was just on vacation and—
- Stop.
Copy !req
194. You can't just wish...
Copy !req
195. Tom has always been an optimist.
Copy !req
196. But you guys are from homicide, right?
Copy !req
197. So, is this that visit?
Copy !req
198. We think she's alive.
Copy !req
199. Can you tell us about the man she was
meeting the day she disappeared?
Copy !req
200. What-what man? She was meeting someone?
Copy !req
201. Coworkers said she met someone
on a dating app.
Copy !req
202. - He was helping her find a new job.
- New job? No, no.
Copy !req
203. Uh, she would have told me about that.
Copy !req
204. We talk or text every day.
Copy !req
205. That's why I was worried.
Copy !req
206. She just suddenly stopped.
Copy !req
207. Can I see your cell phone, please?
Copy !req
208. Here.
Copy !req
209. Thank you.
Copy !req
210. You here for a reason
Copy !req
211. or just to eat our cookies?
Copy !req
212. We're here to work.
Copy !req
213. Now, I know you heard we got Emir's death
declared a homicide.
Copy !req
214. Thank you for finally telling the truth,
Copy !req
215. - Detective.
Copy !req
216. - They're our guests.
We're looking for ways
Copy !req
217. that Emir may have
crossed paths with his killer.
Copy !req
218. You know if he was on any dating apps?
Copy !req
219. Malika, answer their question.
Copy !req
220. They're doing something for Emir,
Copy !req
221. and as far as I can tell,
they're the only ones.
Copy !req
222. Yeah, he was.
Copy !req
223. Do you know which one?
Copy !req
224. Well, if he was, it was a gay one.
Copy !req
225. That help?
Copy !req
226. He lived in my house, child.
Copy !req
227. So, then, why did you let him
sneak around all that time?
Copy !req
228. Because I figured
Copy !req
229. he'd tell me when he was ready.
Copy !req
230. He was on e-Fling, mostly, 'cause...
Copy !req
231. - ... they let you match with any gender.
- Okay.
Copy !req
232. Thank you. That's all we needed.
Copy !req
233. Good?
Copy !req
234. Where'd they go?
Copy !req
235. - Lunch.
Copy !req
236. Let's see if we can't undo
some of this damage.
Copy !req
237. Are those Weegees?
Copy !req
238. You know Weegee?
Copy !req
239. Course you do.
Copy !req
240. Want to know a secret?
Copy !req
241. Those are mine.
Copy !req
242. I took those.
Copy !req
243. So?
Copy !req
244. What do you think?
Copy !req
245. Come on, give me your critique.
Copy !req
246. I can take it.
Copy !req
247. They really do remind me of Weegee's work.
Copy !req
248. In what way?
Copy !req
249. All those shots of crime
scenes— they're like...
Copy !req
250. classic still-lifes.
Copy !req
251. Except they're more like still-deaths.
Copy !req
252. Do you know what I mean?
Copy !req
253. Yes.
Copy !req
254. It's like...
Copy !req
255. instead of a fly
or a clock in the painting
Copy !req
256. to suggest death in the midst of life,
Copy !req
257. captures a spark of life
Copy !req
258. amidst death.
Copy !req
259. He makes it beautiful
Copy !req
260. without hiding the gory reality.
Copy !req
261. It's probably why he remains so relevant.
Copy !req
262. His work, it...
Copy !req
263. it tells truths
Copy !req
264. no one wants to hear.
Copy !req
265. Well, if you're not doing that,
what's the point?
Copy !req
266. That's what art is.
Copy !req
267. Exactly.
Copy !req
268. Right.
Copy !req
269. Oh.
Copy !req
270. It's hard to talk like this
when you have me...
Copy !req
271. I wish that we could...
Copy !req
272. really talk.
Copy !req
273. Maybe we could.
Copy !req
274. - If you promise—
- I promise.
Copy !req
275. - Let's continue this later.
Uh-huh, uh-huh.
Copy !req
276. Shh.
Copy !req
277. Here's the good news.
Mrs. Witmer was right.
Copy !req
278. Shannon's messages
never made it to her phone.
Copy !req
279. Everything passing between them was
Copy !req
280. being intercepted
and responded to by the killer.
Copy !req
281. How is that possible?
Copy !req
282. I'd need Shannon's phone to be sure.
Copy !req
283. But my best guess
is a spyware called RATS.
Copy !req
284. Seriously classified shit.
Copy !req
285. You need more than money
to get your hands on it.
Copy !req
286. He's in a position of power
by day and by night.
Copy !req
287. He controls everything about his victims
before he kills them.
Copy !req
288. And he savors that control.
Copy !req
289. Well, the bad news is that
the dating apps are no help to us.
Copy !req
290. Shannon and Emir were on different apps,
Copy !req
291. and they were both very popular.
Too popular.
Copy !req
292. - They had hundreds of matches
between both of them.
- Hundreds?
Copy !req
293. - A match isn't a hookup, old man.
Copy !req
294. - Did you cross-reference—
All the matches?
Copy !req
295. What are we, rookies?
None of the names match.
Copy !req
296. - All right, did you, uh—
Yes, we checked
Copy !req
297. for catfish and none of the fake profiles
Copy !req
298. - matched up either.
Copy !req
299. - Can you put 'em up—
On the screen
so you can see 'em?
Copy !req
300. Told you.
Copy !req
301. Shannon and Emir didn't match or connect
with any of the same profiles.
Copy !req
302. Hmm. Josh Glatman.
Born in the Bronx, December 10.
Copy !req
303. Lived in Colorado. Loves reading
Copy !req
304. pulp fiction.
You know who else loved pulp fiction?
Copy !req
305. No.
Copy !req
306. Harvey Glatman, the Lonely Hearts Killer.
Copy !req
307. I never heard of him.
Copy !req
308. We got Joey Alcala.
Copy !req
309. Born in Texas.
Copy !req
310. Loves films and game shows.
Copy !req
311. - Wait. The Dating Game Killer.
- That's right.
Copy !req
312. - Rodney Alcala.
That's right.
Copy !req
313. Guy went on The Dating Game and won.
Copy !req
314. Bachelorette didn't want
to go out on a date with him, though.
Copy !req
315. - Said he was too creepy.
- Happens to Akbar all the time.
Copy !req
316. All right, listen, the Fanboy is using
the names of real serial killers.
Copy !req
317. Yeah, you two dig a little deeper,
see if you can find the real people
Copy !req
318. - behind these.
- That's gonna take some time.
Copy !req
319. Got an idea to speed things up.
Copy !req
320. We're gonna feed the beast.
Copy !req
321. This woman
couldn't meet us inside?
Copy !req
322. It's too cold out here.
Copy !req
323. Maybe wear a real coat in the winter,
my friend.
Copy !req
324. But, no, no, you want
everybody to see your nipples.
Copy !req
325. You know, it's days like this
that I wish global warming was real.
Copy !req
326. Hey, hey, hey. You want to slander
COVID vaccines, that's one thing,
Copy !req
327. but you leave that climate change denying
bullshit at the house.
Copy !req
328. - I'm serious.
- I'm saying it's cold, right?
Copy !req
329. I'm not playing with you.
Copy !req
330. Is that my sandwich?
Copy !req
331. So what's going on?
Copy !req
332. You don't answer the phone when I call,
and now we've got to do this in person?
Copy !req
333. I'm here to make good
on a favor that I owe you.
Copy !req
334. Yeah, how good?
Copy !req
335. Shannon Witmer.
She's a college graduate.
Copy !req
336. Promising future. She went missing.
Copy !req
337. That's front page, right, John?
Copy !req
338. Oh, I think so.
Copy !req
339. Especially since she got parents
who can cry on cue.
Copy !req
340. But we got the expert right here.
Copy !req
341. Hightower?
Copy !req
342. Missing white girl.
Copy !req
343. I mean, it's newsworthy,
but that's not what our deal was.
Copy !req
344. You promised me everything and anything
Copy !req
345. connected to the Goodspeed case.
Copy !req
346. Wait, is she—
Copy !req
347. - This-this is connected?
- You help me,
Copy !req
348. you get the exclusive when it breaks.
Copy !req
349. For now, just get her name
and her face out there.
Copy !req
350. Are those my chips?
Copy !req
351. I owe you.
Copy !req
352. A big halo.
Copy !req
353. We're both too old
to be some kind of "Private Dancer."
Copy !req
354. Now, this Proud Mary Tina—
Copy !req
355. it hits both Cs— it's both
Copy !req
356. - classy and classic.
Copy !req
357. No, no, no, you got it backwards, Nancy.
Copy !req
358. Being old means
we can dance anytime, anywhere.
Copy !req
359. With our knees?
Copy !req
360. - Hey!
- Oh, Alex!
Copy !req
361. Guess who's coming with us
for First Friday?
Copy !req
362. Yeah, I heard that you can sing a little.
I can't wait.
Copy !req
363. She should've told you I'm not coming.
Copy !req
364. Stop it. You have to come.
Copy !req
365. No, he doesn't.
Copy !req
366. Damon can run the machine.
Copy !req
367. Um, can you get it off the shelf
in the garage?
Copy !req
368. Damon can't do that part.
Copy !req
369. I'll go get it.
Copy !req
370. Well, it's the least you can do,
Copy !req
371. when you're breaking traditions.
Copy !req
372. Supposed to be the whole family there.
Copy !req
373. But the whole family
won't be there, will we?
Copy !req
374. The only voice I'll hear
is the one that's missing.
Copy !req
375. I'm sorry, Nana. I'm s-sorry, I can't. I—
Copy !req
376. I mean, what, you w-you want
to see me break down?
Copy !req
377. No, baby, I just
want to see you break through.
Copy !req
378. Justice for Emir!
Justice for Emir!
Copy !req
379. Shannon Witmer's
Copy !req
380. only been missing a few days
Copy !req
381. and she's on the front page.
Copy !req
382. And no offense to her.
Copy !req
383. We hope she's okay.
Copy !req
384. But my brother, Emir Goodspeed—
Copy !req
385. a pillar in the community—
Copy !req
386. was killed over two weeks ago
Copy !req
387. and the MPD has only now
admitted he was murdered.
Copy !req
388. And he has never seen the front page.
Copy !req
389. Make sure they don't forget Emir.
Copy !req
390. Justice for Emir!
Justice for Emir!
Copy !req
391. Justice for Emir!
Copy !req
392. Malika.
Copy !req
393. No one is trying to forget Emir.
Copy !req
394. - This isn't by accident.
- So it's a conspiracy?
Copy !req
395. You don't think that
there are white supremacists
Copy !req
396. in the establishment working against us?
Copy !req
397. I know damn well there are.
Copy !req
398. But we sometimes
can be our own worst enemies.
Copy !req
399. Wow. You have been pushed
Copy !req
400. to a whole new level of coonery.
Copy !req
401. I mean, not just victim blaming,
but the victim
Copy !req
402. blaming himself. Just...
Copy !req
403. Look, Ed says it's not even black tie.
Copy !req
404. I say we leave as soon
as he blows out the candles.
Copy !req
405. Mm, nah.
Copy !req
406. I'm not going without a date.
Copy !req
407. Are you trying to make me jealous, huh?
Copy !req
408. No, look.
Copy !req
409. I'm not gonna be a good date
until I wrap up this case.
Copy !req
410. Don't make me call Hilliard.
Copy !req
411. Okay, okay.
Copy !req
412. Oh, nah, nah, that's cold.
Copy !req
413. You gonna put a name to the competition?
Copy !req
414. Are you stressing over something, Alex?
Copy !req
415. What you talking about? I'm good.
Copy !req
416. You can tell that story
to somebody else.
Copy !req
417. As long as I've been here,
Copy !req
418. never once have you not finished
a half smoke with chili.
Copy !req
419. This makes two weeks in a row.
Copy !req
420. Better get that looked at.
Copy !req
421. She's right.
Copy !req
422. You need some Alex Cross time.
Copy !req
423. You can't be good for anybody
until you're good to yourself.
Copy !req
424. Are you trying to spin this back
to Ramsey's birthday party?
Copy !req
425. Oh, forget the party.
Copy !req
426. Nah, you and me.
Copy !req
427. Tomorrow night.
Copy !req
428. No excuses.
Copy !req
429. Pick you up after work.
Copy !req
430. Where we going?
Copy !req
431. You want me to say right here?
Copy !req
432. In front of all these people?
Copy !req
433. I...
Copy !req
434. I kind of do.
Copy !req
435. The way you're making it sound.
Copy !req
436. Well, it's definitely going to feel
Copy !req
437. even better than it sounds.
Copy !req
438. You're right.
These quotes must matter to this freak.
Copy !req
439. But they look random.
Copy !req
440. Why are these ones red?
Copy !req
441. A lot of the quotes are public record.
Copy !req
442. Last words, statements to the press.
Like that.
Copy !req
443. But there's no record of these red ones.
Copy !req
444. De Lackner thinks
he made shit up to suit himself.
Copy !req
445. You don't agree?
Copy !req
446. One of my dumb-ass cousins
got to trading letters
Copy !req
447. with a guy doing a nickel for GTA.
Copy !req
448. Started saying shit like,
Copy !req
449. "I love him, Amielynn."
Copy !req
450. Jesus.
Copy !req
451. So you think the Fanboy
corresponded with these freaks.
Copy !req
452. Well, not everyone has a cousin
to beat some sense into them.
Copy !req
453. Fuck.
Copy !req
454. What inspired this?
Copy !req
455. This sick motherfucker
has got to go away, ASAP.
Copy !req
456. All right,
this is everything we have on Emir.
Copy !req
457. Theme on Shannon.
Copy !req
458. These two are the other victims.
Copy !req
459. Couple of blanks here and there, but...
Copy !req
460. Hey, did we ever figure out
Copy !req
461. - the name of that—
- Shh.
Copy !req
462. Doing his thing.
Copy !req
463. He thinks...
Copy !req
464. he's an artist.
Copy !req
465. He wants to leave behind a masterwork.
Copy !req
466. He wants to be adored.
Copy !req
467. Thank you all for accommodating
this schedule change.
Copy !req
468. I ran into some
unforeseen circumstances, but
Copy !req
469. I've addressed them.
Copy !req
470. It's the book.
Copy !req
471. You know how some people think
a photo can take a part of their soul?
Copy !req
472. I think that's the book for him.
Copy !req
473. A way to...
Copy !req
474. capture their power for himself.
Copy !req
475. Everything
Copy !req
476. is on track.
Copy !req
477. I am going to finish on the day,
Copy !req
478. and the time, as was always the plan.
Copy !req
479. He won't kill forever.
Copy !req
480. He has an ultimate moment
Copy !req
481. he's been working towards for years.
Copy !req
482. And I know
Copy !req
483. that you will all want to be there
Copy !req
484. to witness the moment
Copy !req
485. everything changes.
Copy !req
486. And then...
Copy !req
487. then he'll be complete.
Copy !req
488. More.
Copy !req
489. Transformed.
Copy !req
490. We have to catch him
before he finishes Shannon.
Copy !req
491. If we don't find him
before that book is done,
Copy !req
492. we may never have another chance again.
Copy !req
493. You wanted Dierdre Nolan?
Copy !req
494. Ask and you shall receive.
Copy !req
495. That's the psych eval video you asked for.
Copy !req
496. Can't believe you found it.
Copy !req
497. You know, amazing is what I do.
Copy !req
498. When I'm not being perfect.
Copy !req
499. You think she gave the stalker away
in the interview?
Copy !req
500. I don't know.
Copy !req
501. But this is the last thread I have
to follow with her.
Copy !req
502. Hello, Deirdre, I'm Alex Cross.
Copy !req
503. How you doing?
Copy !req
504. I'm in jail, so...
Copy !req
505. That's right.
Copy !req
506. Do you know what you're in jail for?
Copy !req
507. Is this a game?
Copy !req
508. You better be careful. I'm good at games.
Copy !req
509. It's not a game.
Copy !req
510. I killed Lance Marion.
Copy !req
511. Why?
Copy !req
512. Does it matter?
Copy !req
513. It does to his friends and family.
They loved him.
Copy !req
514. What, did they think
he was gonna live forever?
Copy !req
515. Have you ever lost someone you love?
Copy !req
516. Yeah. I had a cat.
Copy !req
517. She got hit by a car.
Copy !req
518. I bet you were sad about it.
Copy !req
519. I found a new cat.
Copy !req
520. There's always another cat.
Copy !req
521. Cats are different than people.
Copy !req
522. You lost your mother.
Copy !req
523. How did it feel to lose a family member?
Copy !req
524. - Blood doesn't make you family.
- Hmm.
Copy !req
525. What makes you family
is how much people love you.
Copy !req
526. - Your mother didn't love you?
- She wasn't family.
Copy !req
527. What makes you family
Copy !req
528. is how much people love you.
Copy !req
529. Someone out there loved Deirdre.
Copy !req
530. Enough to set Brenda Leeland up to die.
Copy !req
531. - Enough to kill Maria.
- We think.
Copy !req
532. If that's true,
then they got their revenge.
Copy !req
533. So why won't they leave you alone?
Copy !req
534. I guess revenge
didn't make the pain go away.
Copy !req
535. We found him!
Copy !req
536. What?
Copy !req
537. I've got Hardy and Akbar
writing a warrant,
Copy !req
538. but it's in Virginia,
so it's gonna take some time until we—
Copy !req
539. Stop, stop, stop. You found who?
The Fanboy?
Copy !req
540. One of Shannon's friends tells me
Copy !req
541. that she had some skin condition.
Copy !req
542. Dermatome, dermatomite—
however the fuck you say it.
Copy !req
543. Key part is, if it doesn't get treated,
it spreads.
Copy !req
544. And from the way you talk about Fanboy,
Copy !req
545. that won't do at all, right?
She needs to be perfect.
Copy !req
546. But you can't fix it
with over-the-counter medication.
Copy !req
547. You can't even get it
at a regular pharmacy.
Copy !req
548. It has to be custom-mixed
at a compounding pharmacy.
Copy !req
549. There's only three in the DMV,
Copy !req
550. and only one filled a prescription for it
Copy !req
551. - two days ago.
- Where?
Copy !req
552. Customer picked it up yesterday. Boom.
Copy !req
553. Please tell me you got a name.
Copy !req
554. Harry Powers. Couldn't get access
Copy !req
555. to the customer file, but we worked
that name till we narrowed it down
Copy !req
556. to one motherfucker in the DMV.
Copy !req
557. Would you like me
to tell you the little story
Copy !req
558. of "Right Hand, Left Hand"?
Copy !req
559. The story of good and evil?
Copy !req
560. I was praying.
Copy !req
561. Help me to get clean
Copy !req
562. so I can be what Harry wants me to be.
Copy !req
563. Did you ever see Night of the Hunter?
Copy !req
564. This old Robert Mitchum film.
Copy !req
565. He, uh, he plays a serial killer named...
Copy !req
566. Harry Powers? Are you shitting me?
Copy !req
567. Waste of fucking time!
Copy !req
568. No. It's not.
Copy !req
569. Eh, fake person,
but it's not like a catfish profile
Copy !req
570. on a dating app.
Copy !req
571. If he can get a prescription in that name,
Copy !req
572. then it's got to be tied
to something we can track—
Copy !req
573. a bank account, a driver's license.
He may have even
Copy !req
574. pinned it to a Social Security number.
Copy !req
575. Hmm.
Copy !req
576. Fanboy fucked up.
Copy !req
577. Two keys— one for the deadbolt,
Copy !req
578. one for you.
Copy !req
579. Great.
And I'll take that one, too.
Copy !req
580. Uh, most people like to leave a key
Copy !req
581. on the inside if there's no bolt turn.
Copy !req
582. Just in case— fire, accident—
this type of thing.
Copy !req
583. I'll take my chances.
Copy !req
584. And tell Lem to see me on the way out.
Copy !req
585. I'll have his check.
Copy !req
586. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
587. Mother of God!
Copy !req
588. Please, please, please help me.
Copy !req
589. Who are you?
Copy !req
590. - Aah!
- Her name is Aileen.
Copy !req
591. Oh!
Copy !req
592. Coworkers said
she met someone on a dating app.
Copy !req
593. We talk or text every day.
Copy !req
594. Shannon's messages
never made it to her phone.
Copy !req
595. Several of the pages
contain mementos.
Copy !req
596. We've sent samples to the lab.
Copy !req
597. DNA, motherfuckers. We got matches.
Copy !req
598. - Who's seen my reading glasses?
- Give me the damn phone.
Copy !req
599. You're not the only one who can read.
Copy !req
600. "Fingerprint on page 26
Copy !req
601. confirmed to be blood.
Copy !req
602. Profile matches Emir Goodspeed."
Copy !req
603. Shit.
Copy !req
604. "Tissue, page four,
Copy !req
605. believed to be brain matter.
Copy !req
606. Profile matches Herb Baumeister."
Copy !req
607. First serial killer in Fanboy's book.
What else?
Copy !req
608. There's blood or tissue
Copy !req
609. from five of the original killers,
Copy !req
610. including a fingerprint
Copy !req
611. - in Gacy's own blood.
- Hmm.
Copy !req
612. So he doesn't just like them,
he wants to be them.
Copy !req
613. "I'm good for something in this world,
Copy !req
614. and I know it, too."
Copy !req
615. "I know it, too."
Copy !req
616. Somehow he's created connections with
Copy !req
617. each of these serial killers personally.
Copy !req
618. Herb Baumeister— he was the first.
Copy !req
619. Nobody ever forgets their first, do they?
Copy !req
620. Where did he operate?
Copy !req
621. Central Indiana.
At least 11 murders.
Copy !req
622. Fanboy's from Indiana.
Copy !req
623. You think or you know?
Copy !req
624. "What's it to be, Lord?
Copy !req
625. Not that you mind the killings.
Copy !req
626. Your book is full of killings.
Copy !req
627. Your book...
Copy !req
628. Your book is full of killings."
Copy !req
629. He's not a fan.
Copy !req
630. He worships them.
Copy !req
631. And this is not a scrapbook.
This is his Bible.
Copy !req
632. It's a reliquary
filled with pieces of his gods,
Copy !req
633. and when we took this...
Copy !req
634. we took a piece of him.
Copy !req
635. That wasn't supposed to happen.
Copy !req
636. I don't kill for fun.
Copy !req
637. I'm not a monster.
Copy !req
638. No.
Copy !req
639. You're an artist.
Copy !req
640. You know I can tell where we are
Copy !req
641. based on the turns you've made
since you started, right?
Copy !req
642. And the rate of speed
Copy !req
643. and the seconds of waiting time.
Copy !req
644. Are you serious?
Copy !req
645. No.
Copy !req
646. But it's nice to know
you think I'm that good.
Copy !req
647. Or that weird.
Copy !req
648. Okay, so you have no idea
where we are right now?
Copy !req
649. - Uh, no.
- Good.
Copy !req
650. You can take it off now.
Copy !req
651. Surprise!
Copy !req
652. Come on, boy!
Hey, Dad!
Copy !req
653. You set me up.
Copy !req
654. You want to fight about it?
Copy !req
655. We can catch a one-on-one right now.
Copy !req
656. Come on, Dad, what are you waiting for?
Copy !req
657. Okay, everybody, time for the finale.
Copy !req
658. - Yay!
- Everybody grab your microphones.
Copy !req
659. - All right, all right. Eh, eh, eh!
- Yeah?
Copy !req
660. Hit it!
Copy !req
661. Let's go!
Copy !req
662. Did you hit the right thing?
Copy !req
663. I mean, yeah, it says it's playing, but...
Copy !req
664. 911.
What's your emergency?
Copy !req
665. This is Detective Alex Cross. I...
Copy !req
666. I've got-I've got a woman down.
Copy !req
667. My-my wife— she's been shot.
Copy !req
668. There's, uh, there's-there's
multiple gunshot wounds and—
Copy !req
669. I need a bus.
I need-I need a bus right now.
Copy !req
670. Okay, slow down, Detective.
Can you tell me where?
Copy !req
671. 4439—
Copy !req
672. Come on.
Copy !req
673. Aw, come on.
Copy !req
674. Come on.
Copy !req
675. Wish I could tell you something different,
Copy !req
676. but there's no way to know who did this.
Copy !req
677. This thing's hooked up
to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.
Copy !req
678. For any decent hacker,
this thing's as wide open
Copy !req
679. as a airplane hangar.
Copy !req
680. It could be anyone with a couple
DeVry classes under their belt.
Copy !req
681. They could have inserted the file
from next door,
Copy !req
682. they could be all the way in Duluth.
Copy !req
683. It's just the world we live in, man.
Copy !req
684. Sorry.
Copy !req
685. - Thanks, Rassy.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
686. Hey.
Copy !req
687. I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
688. I really thought this was gonna
be something good for us.
Copy !req
689. And-and you were right.
Copy !req
690. This isn't on you.
Copy !req
691. There's nothing we could have done
to stop this. Nothing.
Copy !req
692. To a life lived with passion.
Copy !req
693. Cheers.
Copy !req
694. Mmm.
Copy !req
695. You are a godsend.
Copy !req
696. To be the last to walk this path with me,
Copy !req
697. but the only one to understand.
Copy !req
698. Have you seen how it ends?
Copy !req
699. You're gonna
be part of a masterpiece.
Copy !req
700. And when I'm done, the world will know
Copy !req
701. the truth they don't want to hear,
Copy !req
702. even if I have to make them
say it out loud.
Copy !req
703. I opened this bottle to christen
Copy !req
704. this studio with you, just so you know
Copy !req
705. how special it is.
Copy !req
706. May I?
Copy !req
707. I would let you
Copy !req
708. do this yourself, but, um...
Copy !req
709. I wanted you to be free...
Copy !req
710. for a moment.
Copy !req
711. I'm glad you trusted me.
Copy !req
712. - I don't have any reason to fight.
Copy !req
713. Does that bother you?
Copy !req
714. I'll have it cleaned up in the morning.
Copy !req
715. That would be nice.
Copy !req
716. What...
Copy !req
717. What did you...
Copy !req
718. What did you— what did you do?
Copy !req
719. Oh, I did it again.
Copy !req
720. Only this time,
the sedative was in the drink.
Copy !req
721. Believe me, you'll be so glad I did.
Copy !req
722. Shh, shh, shh.
Copy !req
723. How'd I know that you'd come?
Copy !req
724. Give.
Copy !req
725. What, you having second thoughts?
Copy !req
726. Shit, I get it.
Copy !req
727. But you need to move on
to that third thought,
Copy !req
728. which is that the point of no return
has been in your rearview
Copy !req
729. for a long,
Copy !req
730. long, long, long, long time,
Copy !req
731. my brother.
Copy !req
732. - Just take it.
Copy !req
733. Nobody move.
Copy !req
734. It's over.
Copy !req
735. Bobby Trey?
Copy !req
736. What's going on, fat boy?
Copy !req
737. Who invited you to the party?
Copy !req
738. I— Not me. I-I swear to God.
Copy !req
739. Oh, okay. Crossy-Cross,
you must have put a tracker on the book.
Copy !req
740. Come on, Bobby.
Copy !req
741. You did the job.
You know how it goes down.
Copy !req
742. But you don't.
Copy !req
743. No! Don't!
Copy !req
744. Go! I got him!
Copy !req
745. - Goddamn it, Chris.
Copy !req
746. What did you do?
Copy !req
747. Stay with me. Stay with me.
Copy !req
748. Stay with me. Come on.
Copy !req
749. Hey!
Copy !req
750. Don't do it.
Copy !req
751. Enough. Hands up.
Copy !req
752. Drop it. Let's go.
Copy !req
753. Mm-mmm.
Copy !req
754. Precious cargo, bruh.
Copy !req
755. Precious to who?
Copy !req
756. I know this ain't about you.
Who you working for, Bobby?
Copy !req
757. If you knew, Crossy-Cross,
Copy !req
758. you'd let me go right the fuck now.
Copy !req
759. Then tell me.
Copy !req
760. Help me find Shannon.
Copy !req
761. You can get yourself
out of a whole lot of—
Copy !req
762. Shit.
Copy !req
763. No trace of the body or the book.
Copy !req
764. And the tracker's gone dead.
Copy !req
765. A BOLO is out in case he's alive, but...
Copy !req
766. Goddamn it.
Copy !req
767. A feeding frenzy of media over there
Copy !req
768. and I have to explain
why we kept the lid on a serial killer
Copy !req
769. who, turns out, was a cop.
Copy !req
770. Bobby Trey is an ex-cop.
Copy !req
771. How do we know he was working
with someone inside the department?
Copy !req
772. He knew about Tavio. And Vanessa.
Copy !req
773. Pretty sure he was tipped off
about the brownstone before we raided it.
Copy !req
774. Had to be a leak somewhere.
Copy !req
775. Robert Abellard.
Copy !req
776. Thought I was done with him
when I booted his ass two years ago.
Copy !req
777. You're sure he's the Fanboy?
Copy !req
778. Yes.
Copy !req
779. You think the Witmer girl's still alive?
Copy !req
780. I don't know.
Copy !req
781. Well, finding her
would be a beautiful silver lining.
Copy !req
782. Understood.
Copy !req
783. You don't want to tell her
Bobby Trey's not the Fanboy?
Copy !req
784. Not yet.
Copy !req
785. You think if he got to Wu,
he got to somebody else in MPD?
Copy !req
786. I think that we need
to work this one alone for a minute.
Copy !req
787. You, me and Kayla.
Copy !req
788. What is that?
Copy !req
789. The next step.
Copy !req
790. I like you, Shannon.
Copy !req
791. I really do.
Copy !req
792. But don't think that changes anything.
Copy !req
793. Open up.
Copy !req
794. Atta girl. Other side.
Copy !req
795. Other side.
Copy !req
796. Almost. There we go.
Copy !req
797. Oh. Oh. That's okay.
Copy !req
798. Perfect.
Copy !req
799. You're so close to Aileen
Copy !req
800. in so many ways.
Copy !req
801. Except one.
Copy !req
802. One of her most memorable features
Copy !req
803. was her smile.
Copy !req
804. Unfortunately for you,
Copy !req
805. yours is nothing like it.
Copy !req
806. So...
Copy !req
807. why don't we fix that?
Copy !req
808. So...
Copy !req
809. if I were you, I would hold
Copy !req
810. very...
Copy !req
811. very still.
Copy !req
812. Okay.
Copy !req
813. We gonna have to go to the gutter
for a little bit, Mojo.
Copy !req
814. Ready for a road trip? Ready?
Copy !req
815. Oh, you motherfucker.
Copy !req
816. The forecast: plenty
of sunshine through today, with seasonal—
Copy !req
817. Sources confirm
an unidentified murder suspect
Copy !req
818. is believed dead tonight
following a gunfight
Copy !req
819. with famed MPD detective Alex Cross.
Copy !req
820. A search for the suspect's body
continues tonight
Copy !req
821. as crews work on both sides of the riv—
Copy !req
822. Go somewhere you can talk.
Copy !req
823. I don't need excuses.
Copy !req
824. What's clear to me is that
I need to take this man more seriously.
Copy !req
825. He's not gonna stop.
Copy !req
826. Unless I make him stop.
Copy !req
827. Uh, come on in.
Copy !req
828. It's late, Alex.
Copy !req
829. Uh...
Copy !req
830. - You forgot something.
Copy !req
831. Yeah, thank you.
Copy !req
832. No, Elle, thank you.
Copy !req
833. You know, for a moment there...
Copy !req
834. everything just felt...
Copy !req
835. right.
Copy !req
836. Trying to get home
before the kids wake up?
Copy !req
837. How did you find me?
Copy !req
838. I put a tracker on you years ago.
Copy !req
839. Kidding.
Copy !req
840. Sampson said that you'd
want this news in person, so...
Copy !req
841. What news?
Copy !req
842. I found Harry Powers.
Or the man using that name.
Copy !req
843. That ID wasn't just used at the pharmacy.
Copy !req
844. I also found it in the ratfuck of LLCs
that own the brownstone that you searched.
Copy !req
845. And it was on file
at an auction last March.
Copy !req
846. Someone using that name
had the winning bid
Copy !req
847. on a Weegee photograph.
Copy !req
848. There's video.
Copy !req
849. Ed Ramsey is the Fanboy?
Copy !req
850. No. This only proves he's Harry Powers.
Copy !req
851. Well, it's a perfect fit.
Copy !req
852. He craves power,
he loves control even more.
Copy !req
853. If DC is a swamp,
that man is the biggest fucking gator.
Copy !req
854. Do not go in there
Copy !req
855. - unless you're sure it is him.
Copy !req
856. Oh, I'm sure.
Copy !req
857. I'm sure.
Copy !req
858. What now?
Copy !req
859. Where are you going?
Copy !req
860. His birthday party.
Copy !req
861. Trap bounce.
Copy !req
862. This how we coming.
Copy !req
863. Tone P., DC or nothin'.
Copy !req
864. - Next time on Cross...
Copy !req
865. - Now it's a party.
Ed, happy birthday.
Copy !req
866. You remember Alex?
Copy !req
867. How could I forget?
Metro PD's golden boy.
Copy !req
868. I'm so honored you could make the time.
Copy !req
869. Honor's all mine.
Copy !req
870. What's going on with the serial killer?
Copy !req
871. People are scared.
You got to give us something.
Copy !req
872. Do you have any suspects?
Not yet.
Copy !req
873. We do have a profile of the killer.
Copy !req
874. White male, 40s.
Copy !req
875. Suave, confident.
Copy !req
876. More Bundy than Dahmer.
Copy !req
877. You're digging
Copy !req
878. a deeper hole.
Copy !req
879. How's it going over there?
Copy !req
880. - Does he know you're looking at him?
Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
881. It's game on.
Copy !req
882. You think you can stop him?
Copy !req
883. I know I can.
Copy !req
884. What happens at Ramsey's
Copy !req
885. stays at Ramsey's. Right, Alex?
Copy !req
886. Hey, yo, this too easy, man. Lightshow!
Copy !req