1. - Previously on Cross...
I lost my wife Maria
Copy !req
2. a little over a year ago.
Copy !req
3. We need you guys to take over
Copy !req
4. the Emir Goodspeed case.
Copy !req
5. Found dead in his car four days ago.
Copy !req
6. Emir had a full head
of beautiful locks.
Copy !req
7. When they found him, they were shaved off.
Copy !req
8. Whoever murdered Emir
had to change him
Copy !req
9. into someone else first. Why?
Copy !req
10. Yeah, I don't understand
how a Black man can be a cop.
Copy !req
11. Alex. Alex!
- I would feel like I was
Copy !req
12. - selling out my own people.
- Alex!
Copy !req
13. You need
to deal with losing Maria.
Copy !req
14. Hey, where did you get that?
- Mom's closet.
Copy !req
15. You think Maria's killer
snuck in your house,
Copy !req
16. put this in Maria's closet
for Damon to find?
Copy !req
17. Tavi!
Copy !req
18. Tavio Lemmons was shot
in retaliation for killing Emir.
Copy !req
19. The only way to spin this
Copy !req
20. is to find the real killer.
Copy !req
21. Sugar, you need to see this.
Would you like to know
Copy !req
22. the last thing your wife said
before she died?
Copy !req
23. Who is this?
Copy !req
24. We'll meet soon enough.
Copy !req
25. Don't move.
Copy !req
26. Alex. Alex!
Copy !req
27. I'm sorry, Daddy. I was thirsty.
Copy !req
28. Here.
Copy !req
29. You...
Copy !req
30. you t-take her back to bed, I'll...
Copy !req
31. I'll straighten up down here.
Copy !req
32. Hey. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
33. I'm sorry, baby, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
34. Hey.
Copy !req
35. It's okay, Daddy.
Copy !req
36. Oh, he has another one.
Copy !req
37. I do not. I only did, like, two.
Copy !req
38. First Black mayor of D.C.
Copy !req
39. Marion Barry.
Copy !req
40. - Yeah.
- Who?
Copy !req
41. Damon, Jannie. Come on, let's go.
Copy !req
42. Oh, oh, oh, Simba's mom.
Copy !req
43. - Uh... Nala.
- Ooh.
Copy !req
44. - Sarabi.
- Oh! Nice.
Copy !req
45. I thought you was gonna get shut out.
Copy !req
46. Mm.
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
47. - You want some of this?
- Get on out of here.
Copy !req
48. - Bye, Uncle John.
- Bye, Uncle John.
Copy !req
49. Hey.
Copy !req
50. Uh, uh, uh.
Copy !req
51. All right. Get out of here.
Copy !req
52. Hey, Jannie.
Copy !req
53. Let me talk to you about last night.
Copy !req
54. It was my fault.
Copy !req
55. I should've stayed in my room
like I'm supposed to.
Copy !req
56. Baby girl, no.
Copy !req
57. No, not one bit of what happened
last night was your fault.
Copy !req
58. All right? I-I was, I was...
Copy !req
59. uh, worried about grown-up stuff, I...
Copy !req
60. I had no business scaring you like that.
You hear me?
Copy !req
61. Hm?
Copy !req
62. All right, now, y'all have a good day.
Copy !req
63. You make sure you have a good day,
you hear?
Copy !req
64. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
65. Seriously?
Copy !req
66. You put a gun on Jannie?
Copy !req
67. I know someone's been in my home.
Copy !req
68. All right? I hear a noise
in the middle of the night,
Copy !req
69. it's on me to keep this family safe.
Copy !req
70. Safe?
Copy !req
71. Uh, you do a psych eval on someone
who pulled what you pulled last night,
Copy !req
72. - you'd drive him
to Saint Elizabeth yourself.
- Hey, hold-hold up.
Copy !req
73. Hold on. Okay?
Was it my proudest moment, John? No.
Copy !req
74. Do I deserve a straitjacket?
Copy !req
75. You know, I don't have time to list
Copy !req
76. all the ways that you're wrong right now,
Copy !req
77. 'cause the morgue called.
Copy !req
78. They went through Tavio's shit.
Copy !req
79. - Didn't find a phone.
- He had his phone on him
Copy !req
80. - when we caught him.
- I sent some unis over there
to search the scene.
Copy !req
81. He must have ditched it somewhere
Copy !req
82. between the apartment
and where he got shot.
Copy !req
83. They turned the place upside down
but didn't find anything.
Copy !req
84. All right, so Tavio
was Emir's last phone call,
Copy !req
85. and now they're both dead.
Copy !req
86. That phone is our only decent lead.
Copy !req
87. Shannon? I'm Josh.
Copy !req
88. - You don't look like Josh.
- Sorry,
Copy !req
89. I don't mean to throw you for a loop.
Here's the thing:
Copy !req
90. I can't put my real photos on those apps
Copy !req
91. because the work that I do—
the spotlight can be... harsh.
Copy !req
92. Yeah. Bullshit.
Copy !req
93. Ugh. Why do married men always do this?
Copy !req
94. I'm not married. My last girlfriend—
Copy !req
95. the pressure got really intense,
Copy !req
96. and it's just easier
if I keep my private life
Copy !req
97. - private.
- Bet that's bullshit, too.
Copy !req
98. Hey, you know,
if you're gonna catfish people,
Copy !req
99. - you should get a better story.
- No, hey,
Copy !req
100. w-wait, wait, wait.
Uh, listen, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
101. I should have been honest. Okay?
Copy !req
102. I should have been.
Copy !req
103. Before you go, will you at least
let me buy you breakfast?
Copy !req
104. You can ask me anything you want.
Copy !req
105. And if, after that,
you never want to see me again,
Copy !req
106. I totally get it.
Copy !req
107. Look, you're already here.
Copy !req
108. What's it gonna hurt, right?
Copy !req
109. Fine, Josh.
Copy !req
110. Good morning, Detectives.
Oh, shit.
Copy !req
111. You really got half the department
looking for a phone?
Copy !req
112. Did you follow us here?
Copy !req
113. Oh, I didn't have to.
See, you two need a half smoke
Copy !req
114. and a banana pudding to think straight.
Copy !req
115. She's speaking some truth there.
Copy !req
116. I know it's Tavio Lemmons' phone
that you want.
Copy !req
117. No comment. Nice boots, though.
Copy !req
118. Oh. Yeah, well, the saleswoman
said that the right color
Copy !req
119. fights seasonal depression,
but she had me at "50% off."
Copy !req
120. You had no choice.
Copy !req
121. - Right?
Look, hotshot.
Copy !req
122. We're eating lunch.
If you're not buying, then...
Copy !req
123. Wait, if it's Tavio's phone,
that means you think
Copy !req
124. he is somehow connected
to the Emir Goodspeed case.
Copy !req
125. No comment.
Copy !req
126. Which means you think
Tavio killed Goodspeed?
Copy !req
127. Or maybe-maybe whoever killed Tavio
killed Goodspeed as well.
Copy !req
128. - No comment.
- It's just that I've seen
the ballistics report,
Copy !req
129. and there's not a lot of thugs running
around Southeast with sniper rifles.
Copy !req
130. Who the hell
is giving you ballistics reports?
Copy !req
131. No comment.
Copy !req
132. We got to find a new spot.
Copy !req
133. Both this video
Copy !req
134. and the outrage around it have gone viral.
Copy !req
135. We've got protestors
outside city hall day and night.
Copy !req
136. - And this thing
Copy !req
137. is on the verge of becoming
a George Floyd-level shitstorm.
Copy !req
138. Exactly what Anderson was hoping to avoid
Copy !req
139. - by putting you on the case.
- Anderson put a brother
Copy !req
140. on the case for show,
and everybody knows it.
Copy !req
141. Well, now everybody's on it.
Copy !req
142. All the colors of the goddamn rainbow.
Copy !req
143. Only now we have to put a pin
in the Goodspeed case
Copy !req
144. and find out which crew shot Tavio.
Copy !req
145. It's the same case.
Copy !req
146. This isn't about drugs or beef.
Copy !req
147. Tavio was murdered
because he knew something about Emir.
Copy !req
148. Now, if we just had his phone...
Copy !req
149. Enough with the phone.
Copy !req
150. That search you ordered fucked us
Copy !req
151. for manpower and community relations.
Copy !req
152. Well, if city hall
wouldn't have swept
Copy !req
153. the Goodspeed right under the rug...
Copy !req
154. Not going there.
Copy !req
155. Hey, scroll the video back?
Copy !req
156. Tavio's into it with at least
Copy !req
157. three other crews we know about.
Copy !req
158. We should be out shaking them down.
Copy !req
159. How many of those crews
you know got a sniper on retainer?
Copy !req
160. You think just 'cause
something happens in a Black neighborhood,
Copy !req
161. it's gang-related?
Copy !req
162. If it walks like a thug
and talks like a thug...
Copy !req
163. There. Let's see that again.
Copy !req
164. She took the phone.
Copy !req
165. - You don't say.
- Whatever.
Copy !req
166. You two can follow up with phone girl.
Copy !req
167. Everybody else,
shake the hood and see what falls out.
Copy !req
168. It's a voicemail from Emir.
Copy !req
169. And you brought that shit here?
Copy !req
170. These people killed Tavio, Ness.
Copy !req
171. I know. Okay, Mel? I just...
Copy !req
172. Tavie, baby.
Copy !req
173. Why don't you play
with Mommy's tablet, okay?
Copy !req
174. Just take care of Tavie while I keep low.
Copy !req
175. I need to get this phone to someone
Copy !req
176. - who can get us justice.
- Why you?
Copy !req
177. Who the fuck else?
Copy !req
178. Huh? People gonna see my baby daddy
Copy !req
179. and just see another Black gangbanger
Copy !req
180. gunned down in the street.
Copy !req
181. If I don't act like
his life meant something,
Copy !req
182. who the fuck else will?
Copy !req
183. If you gonna go off caping,
make sure you protect yourself.
Copy !req
184. Thank you.
Copy !req
185. Tavie, baby, I'm gonna need you
to stay with Auntie Mel
Copy !req
186. for a little while, okay?
Copy !req
187. No. I want to stay with you.
Copy !req
188. You said I could ride the white horsey.
Copy !req
189. And you can.
Copy !req
190. You will. Okay? When I get back,
Copy !req
191. um, you can
ride the horsey as many times
Copy !req
192. as you want. But for now,
Copy !req
193. I'm gonna need you to be a good boy
for Auntie Mel, okay?
Copy !req
194. - I love you.
- I love you, too.
Copy !req
195. I'll call you.
Copy !req
196. Bobby,
Copy !req
197. you told me it was handled.
Copy !req
198. It was, but Tavio's girlfriend
grabbed his phone
Copy !req
199. while he's laying there, brains blown.
Copy !req
200. Now Cross is looking for her
and telling people
Copy !req
201. Goodspeed was murdered
and Tavio got killed to cover it up.
Copy !req
202. Now, how could he have known that?
Copy !req
203. I think he guessing, but...
Copy !req
204. that boy pretty fucking good
at guessing, if you haven't heard.
Copy !req
205. If you thinking
of grabbing another one right now,
Copy !req
206. you need to don't.
Copy !req
207. No, no, not another one. The last one.
Copy !req
208. You know Cross, personally?
Copy !req
209. Never worked a case together,
but mm-hmm, mm-hmm, I know him.
Copy !req
210. Think I'm gonna have to
get to know him a little better.
Copy !req
211. Think I'm gonna have to
get to know everything about him.
Copy !req
212. Ain't no reason to go fuck with Cross.
Copy !req
213. Okay? I'll find the phone
and the girl before he does.
Copy !req
214. All you got to do is press pause
Copy !req
215. and wait for the Goodspeed shit
to go away.
Copy !req
216. Vanessa. The girlfriend.
Copy !req
217. I didn't get an address,
but I know that she works
Copy !req
218. at the Epheson Beauty Salon.
Copy !req
219. You need to get me that phone, Bobby.
Copy !req
220. And if you want those big payouts
to keep rolling in,
Copy !req
221. then I suggest you be a good little doggy
and stay on your leash.
Copy !req
222. I'm not one of your little minions.
Copy !req
223. Get me caught up
and we gonna have a problem.
Copy !req
224. Oh. He bites.
Copy !req
225. Like a motherfucker.
Copy !req
226. Damon.
Copy !req
227. What is this I found in your backpack?
Copy !req
228. You got selected to Early Mozart
Copy !req
229. and you didn't say anything?
Copy !req
230. Huh?
Copy !req
231. I'm-I'm not gonna do it.
Copy !req
232. What do you mean you're not gonna do it?
Copy !req
233. Jannie.
- Who told you you get to decide?
Copy !req
234. - This isn't up to you.
But I don't want to.
Copy !req
235. You play beautifully.
Copy !req
236. Why wouldn't you want to take advantage
Copy !req
237. of such a wonderful opportunity, huh?
Copy !req
238. I-I just... I just don't.
Copy !req
239. - Jannie.
- What?
Copy !req
240. You are very good at that.
Copy !req
241. You play very well.
Copy !req
242. I know.
Copy !req
243. - Where are you?
- I am back here.
Copy !req
244. Either way,
you should have said something.
Copy !req
245. Don't have me finding it
at the bottom of your backpack.
Copy !req
246. Go-go on inside.
Copy !req
247. It's time to... time to do your homework.
Copy !req
248. Jannie.
Copy !req
249. Jannie?
Copy !req
250. J... Jannie?
Copy !req
251. Jannie?
Copy !req
252. Jannie.
Copy !req
253. What are you doing out here?
Copy !req
254. Looking for the man.
Copy !req
255. What... what man?
Copy !req
256. The one who was talking to me.
Copy !req
257. I come in peace.
Copy !req
258. They're not a perfect match, but—
Copy !req
259. They're beautiful.
Copy !req
260. I can only accept this on one condition.
Copy !req
261. You help me break them in.
Copy !req
262. Over dinner.
Copy !req
263. Just the two of us.
Copy !req
264. Just the two of us sounds great.
Copy !req
265. - Good.
Copy !req
266. You clipped the wires?
Copy !req
267. What-what the hell
was I supposed to do
Copy !req
268. with some creep-o
Copy !req
269. talking to my grandbaby through a camera?
Copy !req
270. I told you those cameras
were a big mistake.
Copy !req
271. It's not the cameras. He was here.
Copy !req
272. People hack these things remotely
all the time, Sugar.
Copy !req
273. He was here.
Copy !req
274. 1, 1-5, 1-4-7?
Copy !req
275. January 15, 1:47 p.m.
Copy !req
276. The date and time of Maria's death.
Copy !req
277. Ooh, this is my jam.
Copy !req
278. Mani-pedi?
You're gonna have to take off the boots.
Copy !req
279. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Copy !req
280. I want mine by Vanessa, though.
I heard she the best.
Copy !req
281. - She's not in today.
- Okay.
Copy !req
282. Well, you know...
Copy !req
283. when's she coming back?
Copy !req
284. - I don't know.
- Mm.
Copy !req
285. You can't call her?
Copy !req
286. I tried earlier,
but she wasn't picking up.
Copy !req
287. Okay. Well, if you had to
get her a message, though,
Copy !req
288. you know, like, if it was...
Copy !req
289. life or death,
Copy !req
290. whereabouts would you look?
Copy !req
291. Stay parked in front of the house.
Copy !req
292. Call me if you see
Copy !req
293. anything suspicious.
Copy !req
294. Anything, all right?
Copy !req
295. Vega just called.
Copy !req
296. Phone girl's name is Vanessa Norris.
Copy !req
297. Word is she's crashing
with her sister on W by 15th.
Copy !req
298. Let's get over there.
Copy !req
299. If you don't
want me to post about this,
Copy !req
300. you're throwing away free publicity.
Copy !req
301. Some people do not know how to unplug.
Copy !req
302. - I think I might be one of those people.
Copy !req
303. I don't know what to do
without a phone in my hand.
Copy !req
304. You know, back in the day when we
used phones to actually, um, call people,
Copy !req
305. there used to be
these things called, um...
Copy !req
306. What was it? Oh, yeah, books.
Copy !req
307. About yea big, made of paper.
Copy !req
308. - Oh, you read books?
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
309. - Like, actual, physical books?
I do.
Copy !req
310. Okay, what's on your nightstand?
Copy !req
311. Uh, well, at the moment,
I'm rereading an old favorite.
Copy !req
312. It's called The Goldfinch.
Copy !req
313. - By Donna Tartt?
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
314. That's one of my favorites, too.
Copy !req
315. - Oh, so you've heard of books?
Copy !req
316. - You read, too?
- Yeah. Sometimes even on physical paper.
Copy !req
317. - Wow.
- Don't tell anybody.
Copy !req
318. I don't want to lose my Gen Y card.
Copy !req
319. It'll be our little secret.
Copy !req
320. After you.
Copy !req
321. Why do they call it Gen Y
and not millennial?
Copy !req
322. Just, uh, watch your head.
It can be a little, you know, deathly.
Copy !req
323. - Yeah.
Copy !req
324. Wow.
Copy !req
325. Oh, I'd love to exhibit
something like this.
Copy !req
326. You know, I could put you in touch
with the artist's rep, if you like.
Copy !req
327. Yeah, the Armada's not exactly
known for its artistic vision.
Copy !req
328. No?
Copy !req
329. My highlight this week was
scoring 180 Rothko knockoff prints
Copy !req
330. for continental breakfast rooms
Copy !req
331. So, if the Armada's not the dream job,
Copy !req
332. - what is?
- Head curator at the Ritz.
Copy !req
333. Artistic freedom.
Copy !req
334. Near-unlimited budget.
Copy !req
335. A different exhibit
for every location around the world.
Copy !req
336. - So how do you score that?
- You tell me.
Copy !req
337. Applied about a dozen times.
I can't get a single interview.
Copy !req
338. Hmm.
Copy !req
339. Commentary on
the consumption of death? Or...
Copy !req
340. ode to Rocky Balboa?
Copy !req
341. - Is it weird that I really love all this?
- Not at all.
Copy !req
342. I think it's normal.
Copy !req
343. Most people just don't want to admit that.
Copy !req
344. People want to be frightened.
Copy !req
345. Made to feel something.
Copy !req
346. Our lives are so fucking sanitized—
Copy !req
347. everything in prepackaged shrink wrap.
Copy !req
348. Is it any wonder that looking death
Copy !req
349. right in the face
makes us feel more alive?
Copy !req
350. More connected?
Copy !req
351. A photo with the Grim Reaper?
Copy !req
352. Well, it'd be our pleasure.
Copy !req
353. How you doing?
Copy !req
354. I'm Detective Alex Cross.
I'm here to speak to Vanessa Norris.
Copy !req
355. I know who you are, Detective Cross.
Vanessa's not here.
Copy !req
356. Right. I just need five minutes
of Vanessa's time.
Copy !req
357. - Vanessa is not here.
- Auntie—
Copy !req
358. - Not now, baby.
- She's not in trouble.
Copy !req
359. Okay? Not with us.
Copy !req
360. Then why are you looking for her?
Copy !req
361. We know she has Tavio's phone.
Copy !req
362. My game's not working.
Copy !req
363. Mommy said I could play my game.
Copy !req
364. That is your mama's tablet.
I don't know how to fix that shit, Tavie!
Copy !req
365. Shit. I'm sorry, Tavie.
Copy !req
366. Sh-Shit. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
367. Hey, is that Animal Habitat?
Copy !req
368. I'd know that theme song anywhere.
Copy !req
369. My kids play it all the time.
Copy !req
370. No, I could probably help, if you want.
Copy !req
371. Look, man, show me what you got.
Copy !req
372. You're stuck in the desert habitat.
Yeah, I've been there.
Copy !req
373. See, what you have to do
is change yourself into a tortoise, right?
Copy !req
374. And then dig under the sand
so you can get out.
Copy !req
375. Do you know the difference
between a tortoise and a turtle?
Copy !req
376. Turtle goes in the water.
Copy !req
377. Mommy read it to me in one of my books.
Copy !req
378. Really?
Copy !req
379. You, uh...
Copy !req
380. you read with Mommy a lot?
Copy !req
381. Thank you, Detective Cross,
but it's time for you to go.
Copy !req
382. Hey.
Copy !req
383. I really want to help your mom, Tavie.
Copy !req
384. Can you tell me where she is right now?
Copy !req
385. Yeah, and when I go see her,
I can ride the white horsey all I want.
Copy !req
386. Get the fuck out of my house.
Copy !req
387. Fake-ass cop.
Copy !req
388. Sis give it up?
Copy !req
389. Nah. But Vanessa's kid was in there.
Copy !req
390. He said something about
riding a white horse
Copy !req
391. when he goes to see his mom.
Copy !req
392. Might mean something.
Copy !req
393. Is that all you got?
Copy !req
394. You want to give it a shot, John?
Copy !req
395. You better hope Kayla comes to the rescue.
Copy !req
396. She's still tracking Tavio's phone,
if that ever pops back up.
Copy !req
397. Thanks.
Copy !req
398. Hello?
- Hey, Mel.
Copy !req
399. - Ness, you okay?
- Yeah, I'm-I'm fine.
Copy !req
400. When are you coming to get me?
Copy !req
401. - Tavie, baby. Um, soon.
Copy !req
402. You know? Maybe even tomorrow.
Copy !req
403. Ness, the cops were here.
Copy !req
404. They know about the phone.
Copy !req
405. Everybody is looking for you.
Copy !req
406. Wherever you are now,
you need to get gone.
Copy !req
407. Look, yes. No—
Copy !req
408. Mel, I know, okay?
Copy !req
409. I'm fine, um...
Copy !req
410. Look, no one knows where I'm at.
Copy !req
411. I got to go, okay?
Copy !req
412. Mm. Hey.
Copy !req
413. What tonight smelling like—
Copy !req
414. whiskey or gin?
Copy !req
415. Get on my level, ho!
Copy !req
416. - Never ever! Never ever!
Copy !req
417. You've reached
Tania Hightower
Copy !req
418. of The Washington Telegram.
Please leave a message.
Copy !req
419. Hi, um, Mi-Miss Hightower.
Copy !req
420. My name is Vanessa.
Copy !req
421. I'm calling because I think
I have something that you should hear.
Copy !req
422. It's, um...
Copy !req
423. I-It's about Emir Goodspeed.
Copy !req
424. Please give me a call back.
Copy !req
425. What do you mean
she's here? I told you,
Copy !req
426. I don't want to.
Copy !req
427. It doesn't matter
what you want.
Copy !req
428. In this house,
Copy !req
429. you're gonna get what you need,
like it or not.
Copy !req
430. No. No. Two, nine, two,
Copy !req
431. zero, one, zero.
Copy !req
432. I-I need the last 24 hours of footage.
Copy !req
433. You can't make me play piano
with some stuffy old white lady.
Copy !req
434. Damon, that's enough.
Copy !req
435. Don't be too hard on him.
Copy !req
436. Hi, Damon. Aw.
Copy !req
437. I'm not what you were expecting, am I?
Copy !req
438. Well, if you're too scared to play,
it won't matter who your teacher is.
Copy !req
439. - So...
- I'm not scared.
Copy !req
440. No? Huh.
Copy !req
441. Talented kid who doesn't
want to hear about the program—
Copy !req
442. sure sounds like scared to me.
Copy !req
443. Well... I'm not.
Copy !req
444. Well, then you should at least ask me
Copy !req
445. about what
the Early Mozart Institute can do
Copy !req
446. for you and your future.
Copy !req
447. Uh-uh. Yeah, that's what I thought.
You're scared.
Copy !req
448. No. No, I'm not. We can talk.
Copy !req
449. Okay.
Copy !req
450. All right, mister,
Copy !req
451. let me see you do your scales.
Copy !req
452. Jannie, did you see
the numbers I added to your hopscotch?
Copy !req
453. Jannie? Jannie?
Copy !req
454. I wanted to tell you
you're very pretty.
Copy !req
455. Just like your mommy.
Copy !req
456. Girl, what are you
doing out here?
Copy !req
457. Is everything all right, sweetie?
Copy !req
458. Um...
Copy !req
459. Yeah.
Copy !req
460. Good. It's all good.
Copy !req
461. Recognize a true G
when you hear one?
Copy !req
462. Damon, your finger positioning—
it's exquisite.
Copy !req
463. Where'd you learn to do that?
Copy !req
464. My mom used to teach me.
Copy !req
465. Let's try this one.
Copy !req
466. Mom, it's me.
Copy !req
467. I know you're in the air, but I...
Copy !req
468. I couldn't wait
'cause I got a call from the Ritz.
Copy !req
469. They're bringing me in for an interview.
Copy !req
470. Call me when you land.
Okay, love you. Bye.
Copy !req
471. Hi. I just had a meeting on 16th
and I thought I'd...
Copy !req
472. It sounds like you got some good news.
Copy !req
473. Yeah, I got-I got an interview.
Copy !req
474. At the Rit— at the Ritz.
Copy !req
475. That's great.
Copy !req
476. Did... did you...
Copy !req
477. Make a couple calls?
Copy !req
478. Maybe.
Copy !req
479. That's...
Copy !req
480. - Wow.
- Forget it.
Copy !req
481. I just like to help people
achieve their dreams.
Copy !req
482. If you want,
I could help with the interview.
Copy !req
483. Um, prep session,
tomorrow morning, my place?
Copy !req
484. Hey, I've... I've really
enjoyed hanging out with...
Copy !req
485. I think it's a little early
Copy !req
486. for anybody to be
going to anybody else's place.
Copy !req
487. Wow, uh, sorry, no,
that's not what I meant, at all.
Copy !req
488. Not that I wouldn't.
I mean, you're gorgeous.
Copy !req
489. - Uh, sorry, I'm just gonna shut up.
Copy !req
490. Yeah.
Copy !req
491. Sorry. Uh...
Copy !req
492. How about this?
Copy !req
493. Tomorrow morning,
I'm gonna cook up a whole thing of bacon,
Copy !req
494. fresh pot of coffee, and you are welcome
Copy !req
495. to just come by for some harmless,
Copy !req
496. platonic, very friendly,
Copy !req
497. um, advice.
Copy !req
498. - Okay.
Copy !req
499. I should, uh...
Copy !req
500. And you should
get back to work, Ms. Witmer.
Copy !req
501. Now, I know Nana Mama taught you better
Copy !req
502. than to wear your dirty work shirt
on a date.
Copy !req
503. - I'm not going.
- Man, stop bullshitting.
Copy !req
504. You stand that fine-ass woman up,
you'll never get another shot.
Copy !req
505. Hey, the Southeast gonna pop off
if we don't solve this Goodspeed case.
Copy !req
506. Oh, you gonna pop off,
you don't get some downtime.
Copy !req
507. Come on, now. You ain't never been
the cop that couldn't turn off at home.
Copy !req
508. Say what it really is.
Copy !req
509. I got a psycho threatening my family.
Copy !req
510. Damon's out of pocket.
I put a gun on Jannie.
Copy !req
511. And that was before this dude
started talking to her through the camera.
Copy !req
512. - Kids are resilient.
- Come on, John,
what am I supposed to tell them?
Copy !req
513. "Don't go outside or the lunatic who
murdered your mom is gonna get you"?
Copy !req
514. "Oh, but also don't be so scared
that you get PTSD"?
Copy !req
515. In case of emergency, you're supposed
to put your oxygen mask on first, Sugar.
Copy !req
516. You need to get some leg.
Copy !req
517. I need to find out
who's fucking with my family.
Copy !req
518. And we will.
Look, I called in every favor I got.
Copy !req
519. Got the DNA from Maria's scarf
moved to the top of the list.
Copy !req
520. All right?
Copy !req
521. Now, get that off your mind
and get out the house.
Copy !req
522. Look, I'll watch the rugrats.
Cookies, milk.
Copy !req
523. Little bedtime story. And maybe...
Copy !req
524. get 'em up in the morning?
Copy !req
525. Hey, it's not like that.
Copy !req
526. It's about to be like that.
Copy !req
527. - I know what it means when a woman
invites you over to cook for you.
Copy !req
528. - Nah, stop.
- No, I ain't gonna stop. You need to start
Copy !req
529. walking up them steps
and put on some smell-good.
Copy !req
530. - Smell-good?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
531. What you know about smell-good?
You smell like mothballs and Old Spice.
Copy !req
532. - Hello?
Copy !req
533. Tania Hightower.
You said you had something for me.
Copy !req
534. Yes, I, um, I'm Tavio Lemmons' girlfriend.
Copy !req
535. I have his cell phone.
Copy !req
536. I think he was killed
for something on there.
Copy !req
537. A voicemail from Emir Goodspeed.
Copy !req
538. I know this is all connected somehow,
Copy !req
539. - but, um—
- Where are you?
Copy !req
540. Why do you think this woman
is still in D.C.?
Copy !req
541. You ever see those
Modern Textbook workbooks?
Copy !req
542. Yeah, my mother used to
make me do them all summer.
Copy !req
543. - Eh?
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
544. Maria did the same with our kids.
Copy !req
545. An hour a day, every day, no excuses.
Copy !req
546. I saw a pile of those books
at Vanessa's sister's house.
Copy !req
547. Every page was filled in.
Copy !req
548. A mom like that— I-I can't see her
going too far from her kid,
Copy !req
549. no matter how scared she is.
No, it's just...
Copy !req
550. - This song. Dang.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
551. Junior high dance.
Copy !req
552. Okay.
Copy !req
553. Yeah...
Copy !req
554. I got this raging crush on this older man.
Copy !req
555. And on the very last song,
Copy !req
556. finally get up the nerve
to ask him to dance.
Copy !req
557. You probably don't even remember that.
Copy !req
558. You wore a green dress.
Copy !req
559. Little bit of shoulder
showing out the top.
Copy !req
560. As I recall...
Copy !req
561. the lights came up early.
Copy !req
562. So, you still owe me half a dance,
Copy !req
563. Detective Alex Cross.
Copy !req
564. May I?
Copy !req
565. You know, I always wondered...
Copy !req
566. what happened if...
Copy !req
567. the lights never came up?
Copy !req
568. W-Wait, wait.
Copy !req
569. Hold— Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Copy !req
570. Uh...
Copy !req
571. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
572. I'm s-I'm sorry, I-I thought—
I thought I was ready, um...
Copy !req
573. I can wait.
Copy !req
574. Baby, I can wait.
Copy !req
575. Hello?
- Well, hello there.
Copy !req
576. - Say, "Kayla, you're my hero."
- What?
Copy !req
577. Tavio Lemmons' phone
pinged six minutes ago.
Copy !req
578. Where?
Copy !req
579. You ever wonder...
Copy !req
580. - why they call it a "deadbolt"?
Copy !req
581. You got the kids meal...
Copy !req
582. I got the toy.
Copy !req
583. Please don't hurt me.
Copy !req
584. Okay.
Copy !req
585. Punch in Tavio code.
Copy !req
586. And we can end
our little acquaintance
Copy !req
587. right here.
Copy !req
588. No harm, no foul.
Copy !req
589. No!
Copy !req
590. Let's put on some tunes.
Copy !req
591. Mmm.
Copy !req
592. You look nice.
Copy !req
593. You smell nice, too.
Copy !req
594. Whoever she is, tell her I'm sorry
I interrupted her evening.
Copy !req
595. Can...
Copy !req
596. Tavio's phone is back on?
Copy !req
597. It was, but only long enough
Copy !req
598. to ping one tower.
Copy !req
599. It pings another, we'll be able
to get a more precise location,
Copy !req
600. but for now...
Copy !req
601. we know it's somewhere in this radius.
Copy !req
602. D.C.?
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
603. If she was smart,
she'd have skipped town by now.
Copy !req
604. Or, shit, could be
some junkie turned it on.
Copy !req
605. Or there is no white horsey.
Copy !req
606. Or we're chasing our tails
based on some kid's imagination.
Copy !req
607. kid's imagination.
Copy !req
608. That's what Vanessa's been doing.
Copy !req
609. She's thinking like a kid.
Copy !req
610. You think the stress made her regress
to childlike thought patterns.
Copy !req
611. Well, it makes sense, right?
Copy !req
612. Her whole world's been turned upside down.
Copy !req
613. She'd crave familiarity, routine.
Copy !req
614. She'd be drawn to-to places
that she recognizes.
Copy !req
615. - That's what would make her feel safe.
Copy !req
616. Her work is here, right?
Tavie's daycare is here.
Copy !req
617. Mm-hmm. And I bet she buys
Tavie's workbooks right there
Copy !req
618. after picking him up from day care.
Copy !req
619. - Paradise Motel is just down the block
from that drugstore.
- Yep.
Copy !req
620. Last time I was there, you know
what I saw sitting right out front?
Copy !req
621. Eventually...
Copy !req
622. this playlist here gonna run out.
Copy !req
623. If you haven't given
me what I need by then,
Copy !req
624. let's just say that only one of us
Copy !req
625. will survive.
Copy !req
626. Help!
Copy !req
627. Oh.
Copy !req
628. Oh, that's the... stuff.
Copy !req
629. That's the stuff.
Copy !req
630. This for you, Pappy.
Copy !req
631. This for you.
Copy !req
632. Anybody ever
use their real name?
Copy !req
633. Have you seen this woman?
Copy !req
634. Oh, yeah. Little cute joint. 222.
Copy !req
635. Deuces wild.
Copy !req
636. You're the one in charge here, Vanessa.
Copy !req
637. You want this train to stop?
Copy !req
638. Chug-a-chug-a-chug-a
Copy !req
639. Choo-choo! Choo... choo!
Copy !req
640. Pull the emergency brake,
Copy !req
641. and open
Copy !req
642. the motherfucking phone.
Copy !req
643. I don't know the code.
Copy !req
644. Wait, wait, please.
Copy !req
645. Please, I think I do remember.
Copy !req
646. I-I can remember if I see it.
Copy !req
647. Don't fuck this up.
Copy !req
648. AB-2 to Control.
Copy !req
649. On scene at the Paradise Motel.
Copy !req
650. Roger that, AB-2.
Copy !req
651. Stand by for now.
Copy !req
652. We'll let you know if we need backup.
Copy !req
653. You stupid motherfuck...
Who the fuck'd you send this to?
Copy !req
654. - Who is Baby Ma...
Copy !req
655. You sent it to yourself.
Copy !req
656. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
657. What they's looking for.
Copy !req
658. Help!
Copy !req
659. - Help, somebody!
Yo, that's up here!
Copy !req
660. Please.
Copy !req
661. - Stupid motherfucker.
Copy !req
662. Shit, you heard that?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's go.
Copy !req
663. Vanessa Norris!
Copy !req
664. - Oh, shit.
- Oh, shit!
Copy !req
665. Stand back. Stand back!
Copy !req
666. Hey, hey.
Copy !req
667. Can you tell me who did this?
Copy !req
668. Tell-tell me who did this.
Copy !req
669. Vanessa, stay with me. Stay with me.
Copy !req
670. 10-14, civilian down.
Copy !req
671. 10-14.
I need a bus at Paradise Motel.
Copy !req
672. Room 222.
Copy !req
673. An innocent woman is dead.
Copy !req
674. We've got no phone, no ID on the killer.
Copy !req
675. This investigation is fucked.
Copy !req
676. - We're all fucked.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
677. - That about covers it.
Copy !req
678. Fuck.
Copy !req
679. Kayla said that Tavio's phone
sent one outgoing message
Copy !req
680. before it went dead.
Copy !req
681. Vanessa— I think
she forwarded the evidence.
Copy !req
682. - To who?
- Herself.
Copy !req
683. Goddamn it, Cross,
what the fuck happened here?
Copy !req
684. She had a kid. You know that?
Copy !req
685. She was trying to do the right thing
and she thought I could help her.
Copy !req
686. Maybe you can. I need a favor.
Copy !req
687. Give me two hours
before you break anything.
Copy !req
688. Ju-Just two hours.
Copy !req
689. Oh, no, no, I do not do favors.
Copy !req
690. You still do deals?
Copy !req
691. She stumbled onto
something big, didn't she?
Copy !req
692. I want three questions on background
Copy !req
693. and exclusive on any story
that comes out of this investigation.
Copy !req
694. Do you believe
Emir Goodspeed was murdered?
Copy !req
695. Yes.
Copy !req
696. Do you believe Tavio and Vanessa's deaths
Copy !req
697. - were linked to said murder?
- Yes.
Copy !req
698. Fuck.
Copy !req
699. Do you have a suspect?
Copy !req
700. No.
Copy !req
701. Two hours till this
hits the paper's online feed.
Copy !req
702. How long until
it hits the streets, though?
Copy !req
703. Hey, Tavie.
Copy !req
704. You remember me?
Copy !req
705. Auntie Mel said not to tell you anything.
Copy !req
706. Oh, that's... that's fine, man,
that's fine.
Copy !req
707. I don't want to get you in trouble.
Copy !req
708. Um, I-I came to tell you
Copy !req
709. that I found a new trick for your game.
Copy !req
710. You don't have to tell me anything.
Copy !req
711. I can just show you.
Copy !req
712. My kids, uh, they found a secret code
Copy !req
713. for an underwater habitat.
Copy !req
714. If I can just remember the code.
Copy !req
715. There you go.
Copy !req
716. Are you still trying to help my mom?
Copy !req
717. Tavie...
Copy !req
718. it's not gonna be a good day.
Copy !req
719. It's not gonna be good for a minute.
Copy !req
720. Why?
Copy !req
721. That... that-that doesn't matter. Okay?
Copy !req
722. The only thing that matters
Copy !req
723. is that you know
Copy !req
724. everything you need to deal with bad stuff
Copy !req
725. is inside you.
Copy !req
726. You hear me?
Copy !req
727. I can see it.
Copy !req
728. Superhuman strength.
Copy !req
729. Mm. Mm!
Copy !req
730. Let me see, let me see. Mm, mm.
Copy !req
731. Let me see. Mm. Superhuman.
Copy !req
732. You got courage.
Copy !req
733. It's in you.
Copy !req
734. - And do you know why?
- Why?
Copy !req
735. Because Mommy and Daddy put it there.
Copy !req
736. They made you a superhero, Tavie.
Copy !req
737. But on the inside. Hmm?
Copy !req
738. Right?
Copy !req
739. Tavie, hey...
Copy !req
740. You're a superhero.
Copy !req
741. I want you to say it.
Say, "I'm a superhero."
Copy !req
742. I'm a superhero?
Copy !req
743. That's right. You can handle anything.
Copy !req
744. All right? Say it. Say, "I'm a superhero."
Copy !req
745. - I'm a superhero.
- I'm a superhero.
Copy !req
746. - I'm a superhero.
- Superhero. Say it.
Copy !req
747. - I'm a superhero. I'm a superhero.
- Say, it yeah, I'm a superhero.
Copy !req
748. - I'm a superhero.
- Get away from him!
Copy !req
749. - Get away!
- I'm a superhero.
- Say it, Tavie.
Copy !req
750. - I'm a superhero.
- Get away from him.
- Say it,
Copy !req
751. - Tavie, say it, say it.
- Get your fucking hands off of him!
Copy !req
752. Come on, Tavie.
Copy !req
753. You're a superhero.
Copy !req
754. You had to.
Copy !req
755. Did we get it?
Copy !req
756. Tavio, it's me.
I went to that dude's house
Copy !req
757. for a date,
but something isn't right, man.
Copy !req
758. I'm all fucked up
and I didn't touch anything.
Copy !req
759. He did something. I need you to pull up.
Copy !req
760. I'm at 41 Price Street.
Copy !req
761. Shannon.
Copy !req
762. Glad you decided to come.
Copy !req
763. Please.
Copy !req
764. - This place is beautiful.
- Thanks.
Copy !req
765. Probably too much house for one guy,
Copy !req
766. but, uh, what can I say?
Copy !req
767. I love the history. Come on in.
Copy !req
768. So, when is the interview?
Copy !req
769. Uh, 2:30.
Copy !req
770. Oh.
Copy !req
771. - I'm dying.
Copy !req
772. Couldn't even sleep last night.
Copy !req
773. Please don't be nervous.
You're gonna be...
Copy !req
774. You're gonna be great.
Copy !req
775. Mimosa?
Copy !req
776. No, thanks. I got to stay sharp.
Copy !req
777. I'm not that kind of guy, Shannon.
Copy !req
778. I-I know. I...
Copy !req
779. No, no, it's okay.
Copy !req
780. You're right to be careful.
Copy !req
781. There's a lot of sickos out there.
Copy !req
782. And the thing is, it's not the mimosas
Copy !req
783. that you should be worried about.
Copy !req
784. It's the hand sanitizer.
Copy !req
785. - What?
- You're a germophobe, aren't you?
Copy !req
786. You try to hide it,
but you've got a bottle
Copy !req
787. in your purse right now.
Copy !req
788. And you keep a bottle
on your desk at work.
Copy !req
789. And they're all over your apartment.
Copy !req
790. Uh...
Copy !req
791. How do you know that?
Copy !req
792. Because I did my homework, Shannon.
Copy !req
793. And I knew that
if I put a little by the door,
Copy !req
794. you'd take it. Reflex.
Copy !req
795. Oh, whoa, whoa. Easy.
Copy !req
796. You feeling a little fuzzy?
That's the fentanyl.
Copy !req
797. Did you know that it absorbs
right through the skin?
Copy !req
798. - Go from...
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Copy !req
799. I like that fight.
Copy !req
800. People know where I am. My mom...
Copy !req
801. My... mom...
Copy !req
802. You should call her
before things get out of hand.
Copy !req
803. - Sorry.
Copy !req
804. Shan?
Copy !req
805. What's wrong, baby?
Copy !req
806. Do you need Mommy?
Copy !req
807. Then I'll be right there.
Copy !req
808. Oopsie.
Copy !req
809. Shannon? Hey.
Copy !req
810. Shannon.
Copy !req
811. Hello, Aileen.
Copy !req
812. Next time on Cross...
Copy !req
813. I need a warrant, please.
Copy !req
814. What do you want from me?
Copy !req
815. One step at a time.
Copy !req
816. The DNA results
Copy !req
817. from the hair you found
on Maria's scarf came in.
Copy !req
818. I want a name, John.
Copy !req
819. Someone from my past is out to get me.
Copy !req
820. I don't know who,
Copy !req
821. but I'm doing
everything I can to find out.
Copy !req
822. Help!
Copy !req