1. Here we have it.
Copy !req
2. Here we go.
Copy !req
3. Here.
Copy !req
4. It's a... girl.
Copy !req
5. Let me see my baby.
Copy !req
6. She has many... irregularities,
among which it seems her lungs
Copy !req
7. are mostly outside of her body.
Copy !req
8. I don't know how long
we can keep her alive.
Copy !req
9. I can't believe
this is happening.
Copy !req
10. Dr. Mazursky,
this is beyond me.
Copy !req
11. But you're one of the world's
foremost scientists.
Copy !req
12. Maybe you can develop a way
to keep her alive.
Copy !req
13. Nina. Her name is Nina.
Copy !req
14. By her very name
she belongs to me.
Copy !req
15. Don't you think?
Copy !req
16. The bride, her skin
shimmering, parched, cerulean.
Copy !req
17. Her irises like two dollops
Copy !req
18. of a virgin's blood,
her lips carved from
Copy !req
19. the cushiony intestines
of a fetal pig.
Copy !req
20. Once I stop her from making
this massive blunder,
Copy !req
21. murdering the princess,
an innocent like herself
Copy !req
22. and the beloved of my dearest
friend, Richard Flag,
Copy !req
23. I call him Rick.
Copy !req
24. She will doubtlessly
fall into my arms.
Copy !req
25. And our heretofore
screwball romantic comedy
Copy !req
26. will become pornography.
Copy !req
27. But the tender, soft focus kind
you know, made for chicks.
Copy !req
28. How long till we arrive
at the castle, eh?
Copy !req
29. Not long.
Copy !req
30. Still up to your old tricks,
my inamorata.
Copy !req
31. Jesus! What did he
ever do to you?
Copy !req
32. You saw the hat, right?
Copy !req
33. Why are we doing this again?
Copy !req
34. - You know why.
- What if we're wrong?
Copy !req
35. What if we're killing
all of these people?
Copy !req
36. What if we kill the princess
for no reason?
Copy !req
37. Then... c'est la vie?
Copy !req
38. There are billions
of humans in the world.
Copy !req
39. Who will notice
a few less, right, Weas?
Copy !req
40. See? He doesn't care.
Copy !req
41. He doesn't even know
what you're saying.
Copy !req
42. Nina, Waller believes the
princess is gonna bring about
Copy !req
43. the end of the world
as we know it.
Copy !req
44. She believes her source
is credible.
Copy !req
45. Isn't any risk
worth stopping that?
Copy !req
46. I don't know, I guess?
What are you doing?
Copy !req
47. Trying to find
a path into the castle
Copy !req
48. that isn't swimming
with guards.
Copy !req
49. These are the
feeds from the past few days.
Copy !req
50. Maybe they'll show us
another way in.
Copy !req
51. What the hell is that?
Copy !req
52. Two days ago.
Copy !req
53. Seems like we're
not the princess'
Copy !req
54. only monstrous visitors.
Copy !req
55. My love, the princess—
Copy !req
56. Paramour of yours?
Copy !req
57. Oh, can it, Ghost Rider.
Copy !req
58. We better get out of here in
case somebody heard the shots.
Copy !req
59. Let's head to the wall
at the back of the garden.
Copy !req
60. That seems to be
the least protected.
Copy !req
61. Rick Flag.
Copy !req
62. Save it for hell, you stalker
piece of shit.
Copy !req
63. Donkey.
Copy !req
64. No, silly.
Copy !req
65. That's a caterpillar.
Copy !req
66. - Lily—
- No, that is not a life.
Copy !req
67. - What?
- That. She's—
Copy !req
68. Happy, Lily. She's having fun.
Copy !req
69. Today. What about tomorrow?
Copy !req
70. When she starts crying because
she's outgrowing that machine
Copy !req
71. and it's digging into her body?
Copy !req
72. Then I'll build her a new one.
Copy !req
73. And a new one
and a new one after that.
Copy !req
74. It weighs as much as she does.
Copy !req
75. - She's strong.
- We made a terrible mistake.
Copy !req
76. We could have
taken her off those machines.
Copy !req
77. - Don't day that.
- She wouldn't have to—
Copy !req
78. - Don't say that.
- We still could—
Copy !req
79. No, Lily, no.
She's our baby girl.
Copy !req
80. - She's yours.
- Lily!
Copy !req
81. - She doesn't even look at me.
- Because you don't look at her.
Copy !req
82. Don't you dare.
Copy !req
83. She can feel these things.
She's an intuitive child.
Copy !req
84. Yes, fine.
Copy !req
85. So then maybe it's best if I...
Copy !req
86. What?
Copy !req
87. I love you, Edward.
Copy !req
88. But you're torturing us both.
Copy !req
89. All three of us.
Copy !req
90. Lily, please.
Copy !req
91. I'm gonna stay
with my mother for a while.
Copy !req
92. There, right on
the other side of the wall
Copy !req
93. is where there
are the fewest guards.
Copy !req
94. Here.
Copy !req
95. This may take a while.
Copy !req
96. We're almost to the park, Nina.
Copy !req
97. Don't worry, honey.
Copy !req
98. I have a new treatment
we're gonna try.
Copy !req
99. And that means
Copy !req
100. you won't have to wear
this machine any longer.
Copy !req
101. Yes, there are risks
involved, certainly.
Copy !req
102. But if it pays off, poor sweet
Nina won't need to lug
Copy !req
103. around an extra thirty pounds
of metal to stay alive.
Copy !req
104. We're transforming her very DNA
Copy !req
105. to help her breathe
despite the fluid in her lungs.
Copy !req
106. Doctor!
Copy !req
107. What's happening?
Copy !req
108. No, no.
Get her out of this.
Copy !req
109. Dr. Mazursky!
Copy !req
110. Doctor, you're gonna down her!
Copy !req
111. Get away!
Copy !req
112. Daddy?
Copy !req
113. Uh...
Copy !req
114. No!
Copy !req
115. What's he doing?
Copy !req
116. He's excited to see her.
Copy !req
117. Remember, she played fetch
with him for, like, hours.
Copy !req
118. - Oh, God.
- Should we put him down?
Copy !req
119. - No!
- Geez, calm down.
Copy !req
120. Just brainstorming.
Copy !req
121. Shh. Be good, weasel.
Copy !req
122. Be good.
Copy !req
123. And she always
has to wear that?
Copy !req
124. My primary work, you may know,
is in bio genetics.
Copy !req
125. I'm well aware and profoundly
appreciative of your work,
Copy !req
126. Dr. Mazursky.
Copy !req
127. I know how the rice
you genetically engineered
Copy !req
128. has helped feed nations.
Copy !req
129. Yes, well, Nina, from birth,
had issues with her lungs.
Copy !req
130. She wasn't able
to breathe properly.
Copy !req
131. So I tried to infuse
her biology
Copy !req
132. with elements
of aquatic animals
Copy !req
133. thinking that would... well,
she's no longer in pain.
Copy !req
134. But she can only
breathe underwater.
Copy !req
135. Oh.
Copy !req
136. She's been
home schooled.
Copy !req
137. She speaks four languages
Copy !req
138. and is well versed
in Shakespeare and calculus.
Copy !req
139. But I thought
she might be better off
Copy !req
140. attending school
with other children
Copy !req
141. for socialization purposes.
Copy !req
142. I mean, honestly,
she's only known me.
Copy !req
143. Well, being as she's
your child, doctor,
Copy !req
144. we would, of course,
Copy !req
145. love to welcome Nina
into Emberton Prep.
Copy !req
146. Wonderful! Tell Principal Gale
thank you, Nina.
Copy !req
147. Thank you, Principal Gale.
Copy !req
148. You're welcome.
Copy !req
149. Now, do you have
any questions for me, Nina?
Copy !req
150. About our school?
Copy !req
151. How do you play that game?
Copy !req
152. Fucking frog.
Copy !req
153. Say ribbit, bitch!
Copy !req
154. - Say ribbit.
- Ribbit, ribbit!
Copy !req
155. What does that mean
in your language?
Copy !req
156. I said, say ribbit, bitch.
Copy !req
157. Ribbit.
Copy !req
158. Flag. Flag, you awake?
Copy !req
159. What happened?
Copy !req
160. You... you...
Copy !req
161. were wrong.
Copy !req
162. What?
Copy !req
163. Killing Ilana, you were wrong.
Copy !req
164. How so?
Copy !req
165. - What—?
- Mac. Listen... It wasn't.
Copy !req
166. - Mac...
- Flag.
Copy !req
167. Damn it!
Copy !req
168. John, do you have the address
for Professor McPherson?
Copy !req
169. Weasel!
Copy !req
170. How the heck are we
going to get to the princess
Copy !req
171. with all these guards?
Copy !req
172. What?
Copy !req
173. Nina!
Copy !req
174. Kid, I'm home.
Copy !req
175. Where are you?
Copy !req
176. Dear Daddy,
Copy !req
177. I love you more than
anything in the world,
Copy !req
178. and I am so grateful for
everything you've done for me.
Copy !req
179. But I do not belong,
Copy !req
180. nor have I ever
in the world of humans.
Copy !req
181. Nina!
Copy !req
182. I want
to be free
Copy !req
183. and I want to free you
of the burden that I know I am.
Copy !req
184. And I've always been.
I love you, Daddy.
Copy !req
185. You could not have
been a better father.
Copy !req
186. All my love, Nina.
Copy !req
187. - I said what?
- It needs to be you, Nina.
Copy !req
188. - Me?
- Yes, you.
Copy !req
189. You need to kill the princess.
Copy !req
190. I need to kill the princess?
Copy !req
191. The only way to get to her
is under the water.
Copy !req
192. No fucking way. Uh-uh.
Copy !req
193. Fruit fruit, Sit. Shut up.
Copy !req
194. The Bride is right.
Wait until she dips under.
Copy !req
195. - Then do it.
- Do what?
Copy !req
196. Stab her.
Copy !req
197. - Stab her?
- Yep.
Copy !req
198. Then come straight back,
Copy !req
199. we'll go out
the way we came in.
Copy !req
200. No, no. I don't know
how to kill someone.
Copy !req
201. You shove the blade into
her belly and twist.
Copy !req
202. The water is yours.
Copy !req
203. Home field advantage.
Copy !req
204. She won't even see you coming.
Copy !req
205. - Bride, I don't—
- You hear Waller!
Copy !req
206. Killing her is the only way
to save the world.
Copy !req
207. At the end of the day, Nina,
Copy !req
208. that's just another human
out there in the pond.
Copy !req
209. But you're a monster like us.
Copy !req
210. You said I wasn't a monster.
Copy !req
211. I was lying 'cause I'm a bitch.
Copy !req
212. You're the biggest
freak of us all.
Copy !req
213. I know you can do it, kid.
Copy !req
214. Did I sound like I gave a shit?
Copy !req
215. Huh?
Copy !req
216. For three years,
all of us in Star City
Copy !req
217. have heard reports
of a "Sea Creature"
Copy !req
218. living in our sewers
and water supplies.
Copy !req
219. And tonight, we have what
some people are calling proof,
Copy !req
220. and others are calling
an elaborate hoax.
Copy !req
221. This photo was taken
by a local photographer
Copy !req
222. who claimed to be out
searching for night birds.
Copy !req
223. Nina.
Copy !req
224. Star City
Copy !req
225. has brought in
animal control experts
Copy !req
226. from Metropolis and Bludhaven
Copy !req
227. to help track down
and capture the beast.
Copy !req
228. Nina!
Copy !req
229. Stop! Let her go!
Copy !req
230. She can't breathe air.
Copy !req
231. Sir, step back.
Copy !req
232. Let her go!
Copy !req
233. Sir, put your hands in the air.
Copy !req
234. Nina, you were never a burden.
Copy !req
235. Step back, now!
Copy !req
236. You were the greatest gift.
Copy !req
237. - What's up?
- I don't know.
Copy !req
238. Flag said McPherson is not
McPherson, passed out again.
Copy !req
239. But Professor McPherson,
Copy !req
240. she's the whole reason
we believe Circe.
Copy !req
241. I know, John.
Copy !req
242. If Circe isn't telling
the truth, we're starting a war
Copy !req
243. with ... for no reason.
Copy !req
244. I know, John.
Copy !req
245. Oh, my God, I'm out of shape.
Copy !req
246. Clayface.
Copy !req
247. He's a...
He's a shapeshifter.
Copy !req
248. Oh, no.
Copy !req
249. Oh, no.
Copy !req
250. We've been set up
by that damn witch.
Copy !req
251. We need to stop them
from killing the princess, now.
Copy !req
252. Sergei, Amanda Waller
is on the phone for you.
Copy !req
253. Weasel! Shut up!
Copy !req
254. No.
Copy !req
255. You stupid brat!
Copy !req
256. No!
Copy !req
257. - Son of a...
- Halt!
Copy !req
258. It is for you.
Copy !req
259. No.
Copy !req
260. We made a mistake.
Copy !req
261. You are a great hero.
Copy !req
262. You save the princess.
Copy !req
263. We will build monument
in your honor.
Copy !req
264. He gets the fish girl killed,
Copy !req
265. tears apart my arm and somehow
he's the freaking hero?
Copy !req
266. You want the knights
to pet you, Phosphorus?
Copy !req
267. Well... yes.
Copy !req
268. If their hands
wouldn't burn off, maybe.
Copy !req
269. You know what it's like
not being touched for 15 years.
Copy !req
270. Yeah, I do.
Copy !req
271. Where are you going?
Copy !req
272. I'll be back.
Copy !req
273. I understand
why you did what you did.
Copy !req
274. Yeah?
Copy !req
275. You thought you were
saving the world.
Copy !req
276. And you are following orders.
I understand.
Copy !req
277. I do not hold it against you.
Copy !req
278. That Sorceress Circe,
tried to frame me.
Copy !req
279. Who knows why?
Copy !req
280. Jealousy, perhaps.
She's probably the one
Copy !req
281. who truly wants to destroy
the world, don't you think?
Copy !req
282. No.
Copy !req
283. Excuse me?
Copy !req
284. No, I don't think Circe
wants to destroy the world.
Copy !req
285. I think she was telling
the truth about you.
Copy !req
286. Ah.
Copy !req
287. You're funny.
Copy !req
288. A very funny monster.
Copy !req
289. What do you think
you are saying to me?
Copy !req
290. I saw Clayface on the tapes.
Copy !req
291. What the hell is that?
Copy !req
292. First, you seduced Flag
to get him on your side.
Copy !req
293. Then after we captured Circe,
you suggested we kill her.
Copy !req
294. That would have
taken care of everything.
Copy !req
295. But Flag, despite him
being an old rube
Copy !req
296. hung up on your charms, refused.
Copy !req
297. So you sent one of your knights
to spy on us.
Copy !req
298. He must have seen
McPherson visit Waller.
Copy !req
299. someone you'd know
would back up Circe's story.
Copy !req
300. So your only choice was
to get your friend, Clayface,
Copy !req
301. to make it look like
she wasn't who she was.
Copy !req
302. Even though she was who she was
when she and Waller spoke.
Copy !req
303. - This is all nonsense.
- Malarkey.
Copy !req
304. You were who Circe said
you were all along.
Copy !req
305. A power mad,
sadistic, narcissistic,
Copy !req
306. Disney princess
who wants to destroy the world.
Copy !req
307. But I want you to know
I'm not going to kill you
Copy !req
308. because you're going
to cause World War 3.
Copy !req
309. And I'm not doing it
to save the world.
Copy !req
310. After all, what has this
ball of dirt ever done for me?
Copy !req
311. No. Ilana, I'm killing you
because you took the life
Copy !req
312. of the only friend I have.
Copy !req
313. And the only one of us with an
ounce of kindness in her veins.
Copy !req
314. Let's go, best make it fast.
Copy !req
315. Make nice, you two.
Copy !req
316. I need to ask you some
questions before you go.
Copy !req
317. Damn! All it took
was some hottie princess
Copy !req
318. to turn Flag into
a complete moron.
Copy !req
319. Dudes, am I right?
Copy !req
320. Sure, John.
Copy !req
321. Anyway, I know Waller has
a reputation as a hard ass,
Copy !req
322. but she knows how to express
gratitude when it's deserved.
Copy !req
323. And you really saved the day.
Copy !req
324. So we converted one
of the abandoned wings
Copy !req
325. for you and your team.
Copy !req
326. My team?
Copy !req
327. GI Robot, reporting
for service, Ma'am.
Copy !req
328. You get dumb haircut.
Copy !req
329. Well, you in?
Copy !req
330. What else I gotta do?
Copy !req
331. When you think about it,
if she didn't love me,
Copy !req
332. why would she overreact
as much as she did?
Copy !req
333. Right?
Copy !req
334. Now I'm only more sure
of the connection we have.
Copy !req
335. - What kind of soup is this?
- Sparrow dropping soup.
Copy !req
336. Well, it tastes disgusting.
Copy !req
337. Yes.
Copy !req