1. Ah!
Copy !req
2. Let go!
Copy !req
3. Alex. Alex. Alex.
Copy !req
4. You ain't going nowhere.
Copy !req
5. Won't you get that
through your skull?
Copy !req
6. Okay.
Copy !req
7. Ah!
Copy !req
8. Jesus, Nina!
What the hell!
Copy !req
9. Don't sneak up on me like that.
Copy !req
10. They're trying to kill us.
Copy !req
11. What option do I have
but to sneak?
Copy !req
12. - Oh, shit!
- Oh!
Copy !req
13. Damn it!
Copy !req
14. Did they see?
Copy !req
15. I don't know. I...
Copy !req
16. Huh?
Copy !req
17. Mon Dieu!
Copy !req
18. You! You look like the boss.
Copy !req
19. Tell them to pretend
like we're not here,
Copy !req
20. or I will blow your head off!
Copy !req
21. Okay, maybe
don't blow her head off.
Copy !req
22. Yes, blow her head off!
Copy !req
23. Oh, my God, you're crazy!
Copy !req
24. You're always
so hyperbolically violent.
Copy !req
25. You need therapy.
Copy !req
26. Bonjour.
Copy !req
27. May I help you?
Copy !req
28. Oh? Maybe you saw
Copy !req
29. Radka and Silviya
returning from the store?
Copy !req
30. Please return when
you are not working.
Copy !req
31. Our girls would all
like to get to know
Copy !req
32. a handsome, royal knight
more intimately.
Copy !req
33. Fine.
Copy !req
34. We helped you, yes?
Copy !req
35. So seems like good time
for you to be leaving.
Copy !req
36. I think we'll hang here
till the heat is off.
Copy !req
37. You know what?
Copy !req
38. Um, maybe we can
make it, like, fun?
Copy !req
39. You know, do something
to pass the time.
Copy !req
40. Do you guys
Copy !req
41. have Scattergories?
Copy !req
42. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
43. Doctor, my name
is Amanda Waller.
Copy !req
44. I'm the director of A.R.G.U.S.
Copy !req
45. This man, General Rick Flag,
reports to me. What happened?
Copy !req
46. I don't know.
Copy !req
47. He's in a coma.
His back is broken,
Copy !req
48. and he seems to have suffered
major internal damage.
Copy !req
49. Supposedly,
some type of, uh, monster.
Copy !req
50. - Monster?
- Dropped him off
Copy !req
51. at the Emergency Room doors.
Copy !req
52. What kind of monster?
Copy !req
53. Reptaloid? Amphibious? Simian?
Mite? Poltergeist?
Copy !req
54. He was green,
about seven feet tall.
Copy !req
55. Humanoid.
Copy !req
56. - Is that a thing?
- That's a thing.
Copy !req
57. He had bolts on his head.
Copy !req
58. Eric Frankenstein.
Copy !req
59. He's been stalking
The Bride for centuries.
Copy !req
60. I'm sorry. You're gonna
have to wait out here.
Copy !req
61. Is he gonna be okay?
Copy !req
62. Maybe. But not if we
don't tend to him now.
Copy !req
63. If Flag told Frankenstein
where The Bride is...
Copy !req
64. He could stop her from
assassinating the Princess,
Copy !req
65. which, according to Circe,
is how World War Three starts.
Copy !req
66. Get operatives watching
the local airports immediately.
Copy !req
67. Slight change
in the manifest, pilot.
Copy !req
68. I'll be joining my two friends
Copy !req
69. traveling to
Pokolistan tonight.
Copy !req
70. Do you believe in love,
my friend?
Copy !req
71. I do, I really do.
Copy !req
72. And the woman I love is about
to make a tragic mistake,
Copy !req
73. and I need to warn her.
Copy !req
74. She's been bamboozled
by malevolent forces.
Copy !req
75. And she's about to kill
someone she shouldn't kill.
Copy !req
76. Yikes, right?
Copy !req
77. But here's the twist.
Copy !req
78. Once I save her
from making this tragic error,
Copy !req
79. I'm pretty sure
she won't be able to deny
Copy !req
80. how she and I
are meant to be together.
Copy !req
81. So, why don't you do
what you were born to do,
Copy !req
82. to play your small role
in this romantic adventure
Copy !req
83. and turn the fuck around...
and fly!
Copy !req
84. - Everything good?
- Uh, all good.
Copy !req
85. Oh.
Copy !req
86. Faster, Daddy!
Copy !req
87. Alex, I don't like it.
Copy !req
88. These people are—
Copy !req
89. I don't like them either,
Parvin, but—
Copy !req
90. There is no good end to this.
Copy !req
91. There is a good end
to it, babe.
Copy !req
92. That's why I'm doing this.
Copy !req
93. I can't continue my research
without their funding.
Copy !req
94. I love you. You know that?
Copy !req
95. That is irrelevant
to what we are talking about—
Copy !req
96. They're not good people!
But a nuclear fusion treatment
Copy !req
97. that destroys cancer forever
without harming the patient?
Copy !req
98. That's worth
dealing with anyone!
Copy !req
99. With a treatment like that,
my father might still be alive.
Copy !req
100. - Your mother.
- Maybe...
Copy !req
101. there is some other way.
Copy !req
102. Sorry, Sartorius,
Copy !req
103. but this is the way
it has to be.
Copy !req
104. Yeah.
Copy !req
105. Yeah, that's right.
Copy !req
106. Get his prints in there good.
Copy !req
107. Oh, poor baby.
Copy !req
108. I'm hungry.
Copy !req
109. Gladen?
Copy !req
110. Hungry?
Copy !req
111. Have you ever
considered this line of work?
Copy !req
112. A couple of girls like you
would be popular.
Copy !req
113. Men are always looking for...
Copy !req
114. How they say...
Copy !req
115. a bit of strange.
Copy !req
116. Nina and I have a little
more respect
Copy !req
117. for ourselves than that.
Copy !req
118. You use your body as weapon
to kill people.
Copy !req
119. As opposed
to source of pleasure.
Copy !req
120. This is how
you respect yourself?
Copy !req
121. Your eyes tell story.
Copy !req
122. You have no respect
for yourself,
Copy !req
123. nor for anyone else.
Copy !req
124. These girls here...
Copy !req
125. They struggle
because they want to live.
Copy !req
126. You do everything
you can... to die.
Copy !req
127. Bride, don't!
Copy !req
128. I must agree with your friend.
Copy !req
129. She's not my friend.
Copy !req
130. Will bring much suspicion
if we do not answer that door.
Copy !req
131. Your choice.
Copy !req
132. Bonjour.
Copy !req
133. Oh, look at this...
Copy !req
134. fine piece of ass, Brian.
Copy !req
135. Yeah.
Copy !req
136. The Craic Brothers in
the house! Let's party, yeah?
Copy !req
137. What a wonderful life
worth struggling for.
Copy !req
138. I really wish
Copy !req
139. you wouldn't
have come out here.
Copy !req
140. I don't want to risk you
telling anyone I was here.
Copy !req
141. So, this is where
the magic happens, huh?
Copy !req
142. Why...
Copy !req
143. Why are you doing this?
Copy !req
144. You knew the deal, Alex.
Copy !req
145. We'd fund your experiments
on nuclear fusion
Copy !req
146. so you could make
cancer go bye-bye.
Copy !req
147. But we would get the results
of all of those experiments
Copy !req
148. to share with our
friends overseas.
Copy !req
149. Yes, Bialya.
Copy !req
150. A fascist regime.
Copy !req
151. I try not to be so judgmental.
Copy !req
152. It's business.
Copy !req
153. Well, I did what you wanted!
Copy !req
154. I gave you all the results!
Copy !req
155. You gave me...
Copy !req
156. bullshit!
Copy !req
157. You think these
Bialyan scientists
Copy !req
158. can't see through your
made-up stats and research?
Copy !req
159. Now it is my ass
on the line, you crumb—
Copy !req
160. Mr. Thorne...
Copy !req
161. Oh, no, no...
Copy !req
162. This looks like
it might be the real thing.
Copy !req
163. There's all sorts
of numbers here.
Copy !req
164. My wife...
Copy !req
165. She came from a country
with an oppressive regime.
Copy !req
166. She is...
Copy !req
167. was sensitive about giving
nuclear secrets to another—
Copy !req
168. Oh, what a prince.
Copy !req
169. Right, guys?
Copy !req
170. Throwing his dead wife
under the bus.
Copy !req
171. No, no... I just...
Copy !req
172. I didn't think anyone
would notice.
Copy !req
173. The con man's excuse is...
Copy !req
174. "I didn't think no one
Copy !req
175. would know I was conning them."
Copy !req
176. Pack all the files up,
Copy !req
177. grab the hard drives.
Copy !req
178. What about him?
Copy !req
179. No, no, no!
Copy !req
180. No—
Copy !req
181. No.
Copy !req
182. No, no, ugh!
Copy !req
183. It's the age-old story
of the nuclear scientist
Copy !req
184. who goes crazy,
murders his family
Copy !req
185. and then commits suicide
Copy !req
186. by atomizing himself...
Copy !req
187. with nuclear energy.
Copy !req
188. Skelet.
Copy !req
189. Skelet.
Copy !req
190. Yeah. Skeleton. That's me.
Copy !req
191. Priyatel skelet!
Copy !req
192. Not sure what that means.
Copy !req
193. - Oh, yeah!
- Yeah!
Copy !req
194. Don't mess with Rupert Thorne.
Copy !req
195. Look at him.
Copy !req
196. Say hi to your wife.
Copy !req
197. It looks like I'm smiling too.
Copy !req
198. But I'm not.
Copy !req
199. What now?
Copy !req
200. Get out this minute!
Copy !req
201. Bitch hit me!
Copy !req
202. I told him he was hurting me.
Copy !req
203. Get out!
Copy !req
204. No one touches
the girls in a way
Copy !req
205. they don't want to be touched.
Copy !req
206. I do what I want, eh, fat toe?
Copy !req
207. Ah...
Copy !req
208. Metahuman.
Copy !req
209. Well, let me state plainly
the rules of Madam Gyurov's.
Copy !req
210. No one is allowed
to hurt our girls.
Copy !req
211. And Metahumans are welcome,
Copy !req
212. but they cannot use
their powers on premises—
Copy !req
213. You're the can of piss what
caused all this now, aintcha?
Copy !req
214. Lucky for you
Copy !req
215. that's just the kind of thing
that gets me going.
Copy !req
216. Get away from her and get out,
like she said.
Copy !req
217. What kind of freak are you?
Copy !req
218. What's happening?
Copy !req
219. Everywhere I go, a whore
is trying to ruin my fun.
Copy !req
220. Let's kill all of them,
and get the hell out of here.
Copy !req
221. Ah, jeez, Paddy, again?
Copy !req
222. All right!
Copy !req
223. Ah!
Copy !req
224. You crashed
the wrong whorehouse.
Copy !req
225. Brian!
Copy !req
226. Come on.
Copy !req
227. Come on!
Copy !req
228. Probably not how you expected
your day to end.
Copy !req
229. This kind of thing is a common
occurrence with her?
Copy !req
230. Sort of... yes.
Copy !req
231. Merci.
Copy !req
232. Softie.
Copy !req
233. Well, it's 'cause I was
saving you again, idiot.
Copy !req
234. Because you are my friend?
Copy !req
235. Get over
yourself, fish.
Copy !req
236. Huh?
Copy !req
237. Huh?
Copy !req
238. ,
Copy !req
239. Thorne!
Copy !req
240. - Uh...
- I want...
Copy !req
241. to see
Copy !req
242. Rupert Thorne!
Copy !req
243. You have, uh... a... a name?
Copy !req
244. I can see if you're
on the list.
Copy !req
245. Who wants to shake hands
with a skeleton?
Copy !req
246. No!
Copy !req
247. Industrialist and reputed
crime figure, Rupert Thorne,
Copy !req
248. was found dead today...
Copy !req
249. along with his wife
and two children.
Copy !req
250. Please, let me go!
Copy !req
251. From this moment forward,
Copy !req
252. everything that was
Rupert Thorne's is now mine.
Copy !req
253. His money, his territory,
his drug business, everything.
Copy !req
254. Got it?
Copy !req
255. Yeah. Um... cool.
Copy !req
256. Huh? What?
Copy !req
257. Huh?
Copy !req
258. Yana?
Copy !req
259. Oh, I'm sorry. We were just...
Copy !req
260. pretending to fly.
Copy !req
261. Would you folks mind telling
me which way to the castle?
Copy !req
262. Come on, Flag.
Copy !req
263. You're gonna make it.
Copy !req
264. We need to know what happened.
Copy !req
265. How does this
tie in to everything?
Copy !req
266. Who wanted you dead?
Copy !req
267. You're too old and too tough
and too stubborn
Copy !req
268. to give up on me now.
Copy !req
269. Looks like we all made it.
Copy !req
270. Whoa!
Copy !req
271. - New look is hot.
- Now can it, Jack Skellington.
Copy !req
272. Well,
I guess this is it.
Copy !req
273. Let's go kill a princess.
Copy !req