1. So, hey. How's everybody doing?
Copy !req
2. Good.
Copy !req
3. Hey, there.
I like that top on you.
Copy !req
4. Oh. Thanks.
Copy !req
5. So.
Copy !req
6. What can you tell me
about Themyscira?
Copy !req
7. Uhh, like what?
Copy !req
8. This is a class on Themyscira,
right, gorgeous?
Copy !req
9. Seems like you should be able
to tell me something about it.
Copy !req
10. What are your three favorite
things about Themyscira?
Copy !req
11. Well, uh, I guess the
ancient sculptures of Antigone.
Copy !req
12. And the recently
unearthed poetry of Opolonia,
Copy !req
13. And the...
Copy !req
14. Oh, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
15. Because, what about...
Copy !req
16. the lesbians?
Copy !req
17. Huh, what? Oh, my God.
Copy !req
18. Hmm, that doesn't seem
very professional.
Copy !req
19. Something is definitely off.
Copy !req
20. Ah, uh...
Copy !req
21. I know my contact lens
is back here somewhere.
Copy !req
22. How is this helping me
get to my Bride?
Copy !req
23. It's a trade-off.
You help me help the Princess.
Copy !req
24. I help you with The Bride.
Copy !req
25. Well, it is taking a long time.
Copy !req
26. This Professor MacPherson,
Copy !req
27. she's the one who claims
Circe's visions of the Princess
Copy !req
28. causing World War III are real.
Copy !req
29. - So?
- So.
Copy !req
30. Does she seem like she knows
what she's talking about?
Copy !req
31. - I suppose not.
- The commandos are on their way
Copy !req
32. to assassinate the Princess.
Now, we find out the truth
Copy !req
33. of this professor,
we stop them,
Copy !req
34. and you get to see your Bride.
Copy !req
35. A hero.
Copy !req
36. Oh, awesome!
Copy !req
37. Should I kill the professor?
Copy !req
38. - What? No.
- A few of the kids?
Copy !req
39. No! Why are you killing anyone?
Copy !req
40. You just said you wanted me
to be a hero.
Copy !req
41. Not like that.
Copy !req
42. Right now we should check out
the professor's house,
Copy !req
43. while she's here at school.
Copy !req
44. Okay.
Copy !req
45. I'll take the underwear drawer.
Copy !req
46. Guess what
I bring you, Mr. Victor.
Copy !req
47. Lemon—
Copy !req
48. I did
what I had to do.
Copy !req
49. Yes, hello.
Copy !req
50. This is General Rick Flag.
I'm trying to get
Copy !req
51. ahold of Princess Ilana.
Copy !req
52. No, I know you don't
speak English.
Copy !req
53. Hold on. Wait!
Copy !req
54. Son-of-a—
Copy !req
55. Welcome back to Pokolistan,
my friends.
Copy !req
56. Pleasure to
see you again, Alexi.
Copy !req
57. Seems strange
for you
Copy !req
58. to be back so soon, Booka?
Copy !req
59. As you know, we're just here
to protect the Princess,
Copy !req
60. being as we have
another credible threat.
Copy !req
61. For 100 years in isolation,
Copy !req
62. we have no problems
in Pokolistan.
Copy !req
63. Then we open communications
with Americans,
Copy !req
64. and within weeks,
Copy !req
65. it's nothing but threat,
threat, threat.
Copy !req
66. Well, I'm not here to comment
Copy !req
67. on our government's
political choices.
Copy !req
68. What is the threat, exactly?
Copy !req
69. Who is threat?
Copy !req
70. Unfortunately,
that's classified.
Copy !req
71. If Princess's life
is in danger,
Copy !req
72. don't you think we should know?
Copy !req
73. It doesn't really matter
what I think, Alexi.
Copy !req
74. Look, that woman
is walking a cat.
Copy !req
75. Mmm-hmm.
Copy !req
76. I didn't know that
was something that happens.
Copy !req
77. Apparently it is.
Copy !req
78. Could be a bad omen.
Copy !req
79. Or maybe it's just a cat
on a leash.
Copy !req
80. Something that odd?
Copy !req
81. No, it's definitely
an augury of some type.
Copy !req
82. I know these things.
Copy !req
83. I once lived with a gypsy woman
steeped in the occult.
Copy !req
84. Ivan?
Copy !req
85. Ivan?
Copy !req
86. What have you found, boy?
Copy !req
87. Oh...
Copy !req
88. my...
Copy !req
89. What tomfoolery is this?
Copy !req
90. Ivan.
Copy !req
91. No, no.
Copy !req
92. Good boy.
Copy !req
93. You're badly burned, good sir.
Copy !req
94. These ointments have
ancient healing properties.
Copy !req
95. They are sacred to my family.
Copy !req
96. Gypsy shit.
Copy !req
97. Da. Gypsy shit.
Copy !req
98. Ahh.
Copy !req
99. Your mobility is improving,
I see.
Copy !req
100. Why do you not look at me
when you speak?
Copy !req
101. It is disrespectful.
Copy !req
102. My eyes do not work, Eric.
Copy !req
103. You are blind?
Copy !req
104. Da.
Copy !req
105. This world holds nothing
of worth besides beauty.
Copy !req
106. If I were blind,
Copy !req
107. - I would kill myself.
- Oh, my.
Copy !req
108. The beauty of my Bride.
Copy !req
109. That is what keeps me going.
Copy !req
110. - Close your eyes.
- Why?
Copy !req
111. Ha, have I not earned
your trust?
Copy !req
112. Close your eyes.
Copy !req
113. Are they closed?
Copy !req
114. Yes.
Copy !req
115. Now, imagine
you're Bride.
Copy !req
116. That is beauty.
Copy !req
117. And it is not
with your eyes, is it?
Copy !req
118. No.
Copy !req
119. That is
most of my everyday.
Copy !req
120. I see more beauty
than you can imagine.
Copy !req
121. I'll take upstairs.
Copy !req
122. Is that a leash?
Copy !req
123. Frank! Come up here.
Copy !req
124. It's her, the professor.
It's MacPherson.
Copy !req
125. But we just saw her.
Copy !req
126. Had to be a fake,
some sort of disguise artist,
Copy !req
127. or someone working for Circe
to throw us all off track.
Copy !req
128. All that mumbo-jumbo
with Waller yesterday,
Copy !req
129. to get the Princess killed.
Copy !req
130. Da?
Copy !req
131. I need to speak
to Princess Rostovic right now.
Copy !req
132. - Richard!
- Oh, thank God.
Copy !req
133. Ilana, you need to
get out of there.
Copy !req
134. I don't have any time,
but the commandos
Copy !req
135. are on their way to kill you.
Get out!
Copy !req
136. What?
I don't understand.
Copy !req
137. Tell her about me.
Copy !req
138. - I'll explain soon—
- Tell her about how we've been
Copy !req
139. - hanging out and everything.
- Frank, shut up.
Copy !req
140. Right now you need to
Copy !req
141. - get someplace safe.
- How I'm a good person.
Copy !req
142. Alexi is picking
them up now.
Copy !req
143. - Hey, Ilana, just get out.
- Tell her to put in a good word
Copy !req
144. for me with The Bride.
Copy !req
145. Would you shut the fuck up?
Copy !req
146. Ilana, just get out of there.
Copy !req
147. I'll call you back shortly.
Copy !req
148. Go! Get out of there!
Copy !req
149. What?
Copy !req
150. You didn't tell her
anything about me?
Copy !req
151. Like what?
Copy !req
152. Oh, I don't know.
Maybe how we're best friends?
Copy !req
153. How is she going to vouch
to The Bride
Copy !req
154. about how much I've changed
and what a rad guy I am
Copy !req
155. if you don't even tell her
we're buds!
Copy !req
156. Shh! The Bride is trying
to kill her.
Copy !req
157. She's not gonna listen
to what Ilana has to say.
Copy !req
158. I'm beginning to suspect
Copy !req
159. this whole plan makes
absolutely no sense
Copy !req
160. - from my point of view.
- Ugh. Hide!
Copy !req
161. You think you're
hidden right now?
Copy !req
162. Oh, come, I don't give a shit.
Copy !req
163. - Turkey.
- I can smell.
Copy !req
164. You clean it.
Copy !req
165. No need to be so bossy.
Copy !req
166. I seem to have a way
with this shotgun.
Copy !req
167. If I see something to murder,
I barely have to think it,
Copy !req
168. and it is done.
Copy !req
169. My father would be happy
to see it put to use.
Copy !req
170. Ivan helped.
Copy !req
171. Oh! What did Ivan do?
Copy !req
172. He was quiet.
Copy !req
173. It was good.
Copy !req
174. - Bogdana?
- Yes?
Copy !req
175. Thank you for nursing me
back to health,
Copy !req
176. and allowing me
a place to recuperate.
Copy !req
177. This is not just a place
for you to recuperate, Eric.
Copy !req
178. It is your home.
Copy !req
179. I, and especially Ivan,
Copy !req
180. have been the happiest
Copy !req
181. we've ever been
in your company.
Copy !req
182. Even though you're a grouch.
Copy !req
183. I still have this shotgun,
woman, don't tempt me.
Copy !req
184. Da?
Copy !req
185. No.
Copy !req
186. No.
Copy !req
187. Okay.
Copy !req
188. He says there is unfortunate
traffic on the way to castle,
Copy !req
189. so we should take
alternative route.
Copy !req
190. There you go, idiot.
Copy !req
191. That's
a shapeshifter.
Copy !req
192. Calls himself Clayface.
Copy !req
193. He's dangerous.
Copy !req
194. We have to sneak out.
Copy !req
195. - What's up, Alexi?
- Hmm?
Copy !req
196. This isn't—
We're leaving the city.
Copy !req
197. The castle is that way.
Copy !req
198. Oh! It seems roundabout,
but it's good shortcut.
Copy !req
199. What the hell?
Copy !req
200. Engine was making funny noise.
Copy !req
201. Did you hear that?
Copy !req
202. Did you, huh?
Copy !req
203. No.
Copy !req
204. I am afraid I am screwing up.
Copy !req
205. How do you say?
The... The suedinitel?
Copy !req
206. - How do you—
- I think how we say it is,
Copy !req
207. Keep moving, Alexi!
Copy !req
208. You want me to permanently
damage vehicle?
Copy !req
209. Yes!
Copy !req
210. Ugh!
Turn around! Turn around!
Copy !req
211. Flag.
Copy !req
212. Gotcha!
Copy !req
213. Damn it!
Copy !req
214. My men have fought
and died for the Princess.
Copy !req
215. We are not going to
let you kill her now.
Copy !req
216. Stand down, Bride.
Copy !req
217. You—
Copy !req
218. What a shame.
Copy !req
219. I liked that guy.
Copy !req
220. Argh! Ugh.
Copy !req
221. Argh!
Copy !req
222. Argh!
Copy !req
223. Please,
please don't.
Copy !req
224. Nina? Phosphorus?
Copy !req
225. Damn it!
Copy !req
226. Hold on, Flag.
Copy !req
227. Hold on!
Copy !req
228. Don't die!
Copy !req
229. Because I have so many
questions before you do.
Copy !req
230. Did The Bride ever mention me?
Copy !req
231. Is that a yes?
Copy !req
232. In your estimation,
Copy !req
233. did she say my name fondly?
Copy !req
234. Flag!
Copy !req
235. Tell The Bride
the truth.
Copy !req
236. You—
Copy !req
237. Please, Eric.
Reconsider this.
Copy !req
238. I have stayed
longer than intended.
Copy !req
239. I have to find my Bride.
Copy !req
240. Our sole purpose
is to be together.
Copy !req
241. She tried to kill you.
Copy !req
242. She does not love you.
Copy !req
243. Ah, she was being
flirtatious and coy.
Copy !req
244. There are complex mating
rituals between humans
Copy !req
245. you don't understand, Bogdana.
Copy !req
246. No one loves a woman
who makes things too easy.
Copy !req
247. She does not love you.
Copy !req
248. Why can you not face this?
Copy !req
249. Um...
Copy !req
250. No.
Copy !req
251. Why did you lock Ivan outside?
Copy !req
252. Because I'm uncertain
he would understand.
Copy !req
253. Understand what?
Copy !req
254. Please, Eric.
Copy !req
255. Don't leave.
Copy !req
256. I don't want to be alone.
Copy !req
257. I would never let you be alone,
Copy !req
258. Bogdana.
Copy !req
259. Sergei?
Copy !req