1. Will you not be
coming back to see me?
Copy !req
2. I have to bring Circe
back to the US,
Copy !req
3. find out what's going on here.
Copy !req
4. Why she tried to kill you.
Copy !req
5. Do you not think it's best
to just...
Copy !req
6. bong!
Copy !req
7. We say, "Bang."
Copy !req
8. But it doesn't sound like bang.
Copy !req
9. It sounds like "Bong."
Copy !req
10. - Bong!
- Bang.
Copy !req
11. - Bong!
No, bang.
Copy !req
12. No, we can't kill her.
Copy !req
13. It's not the way
we do things in America.
Copy !req
14. The Internet says otherwise.
Copy !req
15. Well, it's not how we
should do things.
Copy !req
16. You're such a good man.
Copy !req
17. I have such feelings for you,
Richard Flag.
Copy !req
18. I have to go.
Copy !req
19. Where is the Weasel?
Copy !req
20. We all know your boss
has enough problems
Copy !req
21. after being caught using
human beings as cannon fodder.
Copy !req
22. Does she really need the hell
I am about to rain down
Copy !req
23. upon this place for refusing
to let me see my client?
Copy !req
24. Ugh, Elizabeth. I told you.
Copy !req
25. - That he's sick.
- Yes.
Copy !req
26. - Sick, how?
- I don't know.
Copy !req
27. Stomach something.
Copy !req
28. He's been
coughing up hairballs.
Copy !req
29. You are a terrible liar.
Copy !req
30. I'm not lying.
Copy !req
31. What happened to your leg?
Copy !req
32. Well, I was fighting off
an alien invasion.
Copy !req
33. Fine. Don't tell me.
Copy !req
34. - Oh.
- You mother—
Copy !req
35. Even though you got us into
some trouble over there,
Copy !req
36. you're good at this.
Copy !req
37. If the need comes up
for this type of group again,
Copy !req
38. I hope you'll be a part.
Copy !req
39. I didn't realize
I had a choice.
Copy !req
40. Why is she
looking at him like that?
Copy !req
41. Who is he?
Copy !req
42. Rick Flag.
Copy !req
43. General Boy Scout.
Copy !req
44. He and I fought together
in Jarhanpur some moons ago.
Copy !req
45. Did you see the way
she looks at him?
Copy !req
46. She loves him.
Copy !req
47. She loves his
handsome, stupid face.
Copy !req
48. Well, okay.
Copy !req
49. A bearded face.
Copy !req
50. Able to grow hair.
Copy !req
51. All right.
Copy !req
52. Well, I showed you
what you paid for.
Copy !req
53. This is where The Bride is.
Copy !req
54. We better land
before they spot us.
Copy !req
55. - You're judging me.
- What?
Copy !req
56. For not being able to
grow hair on my face.
Copy !req
57. As if that makes me
some sort of baby-man.
Copy !req
58. Uh...
Copy !req
59. What are you
talking about, bud?
Copy !req
60. I don't even know—
Copy !req
61. - Hey!
Copy !req
62. Mind your own business!
Copy !req
63. John.
Copy !req
64. - Hey!
Copy !req
65. Stop that! Let him go.
Copy !req
66. General, where did you
take this man?
Copy !req
67. - Man?
- Yes, man.
Copy !req
68. - Who are you?
- My name is Elizabeth Bates.
Copy !req
69. I'm an attorney
with the Freedom Project,
Copy !req
70. representing John Doe.
Copy !req
71. John Doe.
Copy !req
72. That's not his real name.
Copy !req
73. We don't know his real name.
Copy !req
74. You don't know his real name
because he can't talk.
Copy !req
75. No— I mean, yes.
Copy !req
76. Well, where he was
is classified.
Copy !req
77. - My client is innocent.
Copy !req
78. I thought he killed
27 children.
Copy !req
79. Where'd he go?
Copy !req
80. Stop, police!
Copy !req
81. - He was accused of.
- And convicted.
Copy !req
82. - And unfairly convicted...
- Okay.
Copy !req
83. of killing eight children,
not 27.
Copy !req
84. Oh. Then he's a saint.
Copy !req
85. There's no real evidence.
Copy !req
86. I've been waiting for him
for three days.
Copy !req
87. Fine.
Copy !req
88. Take him.
Copy !req
89. She here yet?
Copy !req
90. I'll make you feel pain
like you never knew existed!
Copy !req
91. I'll kill your whole family!
Copy !req
92. Leave her be, boys.
Copy !req
93. Nice to meet you, Circe.
Copy !req
94. My name is Amanda Waller.
Copy !req
95. You have no right
to keep me here.
Copy !req
96. What are the charges?
Copy !req
97. We're charging you with
first degree witchie-poo
Copy !req
98. and Maleficent
in the second degree.
Copy !req
99. Oh, and Bette Midler in that
one movie in the third degree.
Copy !req
100. That's an actress, John.
Copy !req
101. That's not a character's name.
Copy !req
102. He's talking about Hocus Pocus.
Copy !req
103. Again, not a character.
Copy !req
104. I'll kill you.
Copy !req
105. As I understand it,
Copy !req
106. you can't cast spells
Copy !req
107. as long as your hands
are restrained.
Copy !req
108. So you're just another
redheaded waif
Copy !req
109. in an inappropriately
revealing outfit.
Copy !req
110. Go to hell.
Copy !req
111. Why do all you supervillains
Copy !req
112. need to be so sexed up
all the time?
Copy !req
113. You like that, John?
Copy !req
114. I mean, sort of.
Copy !req
115. It's a little thirsty.
Copy !req
116. You've found yourself
in the middle
Copy !req
117. of an international
incident, Red.
Copy !req
118. So you help me, I help you.
Copy !req
119. What were you doing
in Pokolistan?
Copy !req
120. Trying to save
your worthless lives.
Copy !req
121. Come on,
she tried to kill us.
Copy !req
122. Save our lives, exactly how?
Copy !req
123. From that
princess bitch, Rostovic.
Copy !req
124. I was trying to kill her
Copy !req
125. to save the world.
Copy !req
126. Oh, come on.
Copy !req
127. I know it's hep to be
a superhero these days,
Copy !req
128. but your resume
doesn't exactly back up
Copy !req
129. the Glinda the
Good Witch routine.
Copy !req
130. All I see here are murder
and assault charges.
Copy !req
131. Even the devil doesn't want
to see the world dying.
Copy !req
132. And we should
believe you, why?
Copy !req
133. I will show you...
Copy !req
134. the future,
Amanda Waller.
Copy !req
135. Do you want to see it?
Copy !req
136. Or perhaps you want to
stay a pig
Copy !req
137. in the slop of
your own ignorance.
Copy !req
138. Show me, how?
Copy !req
139. I told you about Rostovic.
Copy !req
140. If you want to
see for yourself, join me.
Copy !req
141. She's full of it.
Copy !req
142. According to her file,
she's possibly clairvoyant.
Copy !req
143. Which one is that again?
Copy !req
144. Reading minds?
Copy !req
145. - No, seeing the future.
- Oh.
Copy !req
146. With her hands restrained,
she can't cast spells,
Copy !req
147. but she might be able to...
Copy !req
148. What?
Copy !req
149. Get into your head.
Copy !req
150. Don't do it, Waller.
Copy !req
151. I'm just hoping that
one of these photographs
Copy !req
152. might provoke
some type of reaction in—
Copy !req
153. No, no, no, no.
Copy !req
154. Don't.
Copy !req
155. Jesus, John.
Copy !req
156. Huh?
Copy !req
157. Do any of these photographs
mean anything to you?
Copy !req
158. Over here! Over here!
Pass, come on!
Copy !req
159. Over here! I'm open!
Copy !req
160. Hey, what's that?
Copy !req
161. Whoa! Is that a groundhog?
Copy !req
162. That ain't no groundhog.
Copy !req
163. No way. Too big.
Copy !req
164. Come here, boy. Come here.
Copy !req
165. Look what I got.
Copy !req
166. Fetch, get it.
Copy !req
167. Your mom's gonna kill you
if she knows you're feeding it.
Copy !req
168. What? It's hungry.
Copy !req
169. I got an apple.
Copy !req
170. Oh, boy.
Copy !req
171. Time's up.
Copy !req
172. I'm going to
figure this out, John.
Copy !req
173. - You ready?
- For what?
Copy !req
174. Ahhh!
Copy !req
175. What the hell was that?
Copy !req
176. - Waller?
- I don't know.
Copy !req
177. She's obviously pulling some
sort of Jedi mind trick on you.
Copy !req
178. I don't know.
Copy !req
179. - It seemed...
Copy !req
180. Legitimate.
Copy !req
181. - Come on.
- Really?
Copy !req
182. - There's no freaking way.
Copy !req
183. Who are you calling?
Copy !req
184. So?
Copy !req
185. All my research says Circe
Copy !req
186. is, in fact,
legitimately clairvoyant.
Copy !req
187. On Themyscira,
it's taken as fact.
Copy !req
188. Oh, and now we're taking
Themyscira as fact?
Copy !req
189. Dude, it's a real place.
Copy !req
190. We know that now.
Copy !req
191. I know it's a real place,
but what kind of place is it?
Copy !req
192. An island of all women?
Come on.
Copy !req
193. Ten years ago, Circe warned
the women of the island.
Copy !req
194. And yes, they are all women.
Copy !req
195. Sign me up, right?
Copy !req
196. She warned of a tsunami that
was going to kill thousands.
Copy !req
197. Many, but not all of the
islanders took refuge inland.
Copy !req
198. A major tsunami did indeed hit
Copy !req
199. within an hour
of what Circe predicted.
Copy !req
200. Those who took refuge survived.
Copy !req
201. Those who did not, did not.
Copy !req
202. Since then, her talents
have fallen,
Copy !req
203. more often, on the less
altruistic side.
Copy !req
204. And why do you think
what she just did to me
Copy !req
205. isn't on the less
Copy !req
206. altruistic side?
Copy !req
207. She's clairvoyant.
Copy !req
208. She's not able to
imagine futures.
Copy !req
209. I don't see how
what she showed you
Copy !req
210. could be anything
other than genuine.
Copy !req
211. - Oh, come on.
- Flag.
Copy !req
212. Gather the Commandos
and head back to Pokolistan.
Copy !req
213. To do what?
Copy !req
214. To kill the princess.
Copy !req
215. You have to be kidding me.
Copy !req
216. What the—
Who even are you, again?
Copy !req
217. Aisla MacPherson.
Copy !req
218. Dr. MacPherson
Copy !req
219. is a tenured professor
at Terrebone University.
Copy !req
220. And the world's leading scholar
on Themyscira.
Copy !req
221. A place where no outsider
has ever set foot
Copy !req
222. because anyone who tries
is killed.
Copy !req
223. Why are you wasting time?
Copy !req
224. Argh! If Circe is
so clairvoyant,
Copy !req
225. why didn't she know that
Weasel was gonna
Copy !req
226. beat the crud out of her?
Or that Phosphorus was gonna
Copy !req
227. burn her damn face off.
Copy !req
228. Clairvoyants usually don't
have control over what bits
Copy !req
229. of the future
they see, General.
Copy !req
230. Oh, that's convenient.
Copy !req
231. John, contact
the Pokolistani Embassy.
Copy !req
232. Tell them we have information
of another credible threat
Copy !req
233. - against the Princess.
- Waller, stop!
Copy !req
234. Now that we've
gained their trust,
Copy !req
235. it should be easy to get
the Commandos inside
Copy !req
236. and neutralize her.
Copy !req
237. Stop it, damn it!
Copy !req
238. Are you telling me
the United States is now
Copy !req
239. in the business of
executing people
Copy !req
240. for crimes they haven't
committed yet?
Copy !req
241. The United States
is in the business of
Copy !req
242. saving the damn world
by any means necessary.
Copy !req
243. Please, Amanda.
Copy !req
244. - Amanda?
- Listen to me.
Copy !req
245. I'm telling you,
I've met this woman.
Copy !req
246. - This isn't her—
- Bumping uglies with someone
Copy !req
247. doesn't mean you're
infallibly able
Copy !req
248. to know a person's
character, General.
Copy !req
249. - I didn't—
- Oh, now,
Copy !req
250. don't lie to me, Flag.
Copy !req
251. I'm not doing this. I'm out.
Copy !req
252. - So, what now?
Copy !req
253. We find a leader who's
less whiny, little bitch,
Copy !req
254. and more just bitch.
Copy !req
255. Ugh.
Copy !req
256. Ah, so glad to be back home
to the sweet smell of...
Copy !req
257. What is this today?
Copy !req
258. Hyena vomit?
Copy !req
259. What, are we supposed to be
buddies now?
Copy !req
260. I think so.
Copy !req
261. Look, creature from
the black buffoon,
Copy !req
262. I'm just saying, this ain't
enough for me, is it?
Copy !req
263. I'm a big boy.
Copy !req
264. I'm hungry.
Copy !req
265. I've been on a long flight.
Copy !req
266. What you lookin' at,
Manic Panic?
Copy !req
267. Give her back her food.
Copy !req
268. Hey there, give me that.
Copy !req
269. There you go.
Now everyone's happy, right?
Copy !req
270. Except for you.
Copy !req
271. Because you no longer
have food,
Copy !req
272. and you're ugly.
Copy !req
273. And this one
because he no longer has a jaw.
Copy !req
274. - He also might be dead.
- Bride.
Copy !req
275. Right, I know.
Back into the hole.
Copy !req
276. No. You're leading the team
back to Pokolistan.
Copy !req
277. Nina, Phosphorus, Weasel,
Copy !req
278. get ready to leave.
Copy !req
279. Yes, listen, I need to
talk to the princess.
Copy !req
280. The Princess Ilana.
Ilana Rostovic.
Copy !req
281. Is she there?
Copy !req
282. I no speak English. Call back.
Copy !req
283. No, listen! The princess's life
is in danger.
Copy !req
284. Thank you.
To call back, though, yes!
Copy !req
285. No! It's a matter
of life or death.
Copy !req
286. Muerta! How do you say—
Copy !req
287. Damn it!
Copy !req
288. Huh?
Copy !req
289. - What the—
Copy !req
290. - Huh?
Copy !req
291. You think she'll love you?
Copy !req
292. She'll never love you.
Copy !req
293. - Huh? Ah!
Copy !req
294. Don't move.
Copy !req
295. I'm gonna guess your eyeball
Copy !req
296. isn't as bulletproof
as the rest of you.
Copy !req
297. I should be the one
screaming here.
Copy !req
298. You attacked me for no reason.
Copy !req
299. For no reason?
Copy !req
300. And now I'm stuck here
on your back
Copy !req
301. in an incredibly
uncomfortable position.
Copy !req
302. I ought to blow your brains out
Copy !req
303. just so I can get down.
Copy !req
304. I'm laughing.
Copy !req
305. I heard you!
It's unconvincing.
Copy !req
306. You think
she'll love you?
Copy !req
307. She'll never love you.
Copy !req
308. Who? The Princess?
Copy !req
309. Now you call her...
Copy !req
310. Your princess?
Copy !req
311. Is that your pet name for her?
Copy !req
312. Dear God, I can't believe
this is happening to me.
Copy !req
313. She isn't your bride.
Copy !req
314. She's my bride.
Copy !req
315. Oh. The Bride.
Copy !req
316. Who else would I be
talking about,
Copy !req
317. you DILFy piece of shit?
Copy !req
318. Listen to me.
Copy !req
319. The Bride and I have
nothing going on between us.
Copy !req
320. She's not my type.
Copy !req
321. And I'm not hers.
Copy !req
322. - Okay?
- She's everyone's type!
Copy !req
323. And so are you.
Copy !req
324. Well, thank you, but no.
Copy !req
325. Now, can I please come down?
Copy !req
326. You promise to stop
attacking me so we can talk?
Copy !req
327. You want a coffee or something?
Copy !req
328. I'll have tea.
Copy !req
329. That is a beautiful story.
Copy !req
330. What a beautiful love
you share with this Princess.
Copy !req
331. Well, I wouldn't say
it's exactly love.
Copy !req
332. Oh, it is love.
Copy !req
333. But she isn't the person
this Circe says she is.
Copy !req
334. I can't just stand by while
she's murdered in cold blood.
Copy !req
335. No, not with this
great love at stake.
Copy !req
336. - Okay.
- The two of you,
Copy !req
337. like Leonardo DiCaprio
and Kate Winslet in Titanic.
Copy !req
338. Have you seen that movie?
Copy !req
339. - Yeah.
- Oh, not many people have.
Copy !req
340. But at this point, I have
trouble distinguishing
Copy !req
341. between you and Leo.
Copy !req
342. Okay.
Copy !req
343. Which one of you
is king of the world?
Copy !req
344. Leo.
Copy !req
345. Okay.
Copy !req
346. My love is also great.
Copy !req
347. But more like
When Harry met Sally...
Copy !req
348. Have you seen that movie?
Copy !req
349. I have, yeah.
Copy !req
350. They want to come together.
Copy !req
351. Everyone knows
they should be together.
Copy !req
352. They love each other so much
that, one day,
Copy !req
353. in the middle of a restaurant,
Sally looks at Harry
Copy !req
354. and is so overcome
with passion,
Copy !req
355. she has a pleasure mess
in her pants.
Copy !req
356. I don't think that's exactly
what's happening in that scene.
Copy !req
357. My bride, she plays
these little fetch me games,
Copy !req
358. but she knows inside, as I do,
Copy !req
359. that we are destined
to be together.
Copy !req
360. Right.
Copy !req
361. So, maybe,
we can help each other.
Copy !req
362. Best friends.
Copy !req
363. What?
Copy !req
364. Why did you help me
in the cafeteria?
Copy !req
365. I owed you
for almost getting you killed.
Copy !req
366. Oh.
Copy !req
367. Well, I—
Copy !req
368. When you put it that way,
we're not exactly even.
Copy !req
369. I mean, I almost wound up dead.
Copy !req
370. I'm not sure getting my gross
food back makes up for that.
Copy !req
371. They want us
to kill the Princess.
Copy !req
372. Why?
Copy !req
373. Says, It's on a need to know
basis and...
Copy !req
374. we don't need to know.
Copy !req
375. Have you ever
killed anyone before?
Copy !req
376. Sure. You?
Copy !req
377. Do I seem like
I've killed somebody?
Copy !req
378. Not really.
Copy !req
379. Are you going to
kill the Princess?
Copy !req
380. Eh. One less human.
Copy !req
381. More room for the monsters
to roam.
Copy !req
382. Look at that.
Copy !req
383. Look at that. Look at that.
Copy !req
384. Look, over there!
Copy !req
385. Come on. Come on.
Copy !req
386. What the hell?
Copy !req
387. Hey, look.
Copy !req
388. Somebody left
the back of the school open.
Copy !req
389. Let's go!
Copy !req
390. We'll get in trouble.
Copy !req
391. Not if no one finds out.
Copy !req
392. Oh, no.
Copy !req
393. Our grades.
Copy !req
394. Whoa!
Copy !req
395. Glug, glug, glug.
Copy !req
396. Oh, I'm so drunk.
Copy !req
397. Come on. Over here! Over here!
Copy !req
398. I don't know
what the hell it was.
Copy !req
399. Some type of damn werewolf.
Copy !req
400. He took the kids
into the school.
Copy !req
401. I think he's gonna kill 'em.
Copy !req
402. Okay, okay.
Copy !req
403. We'll be there
as soon as we can, sir.
Copy !req
404. Well, hurry the hell up.
Copy !req
405. Ugh! Okay.
Copy !req
406. I don't know, sounds like
some kind of whack job, but...
Copy !req
407. Georgie, door.
Copy !req
408. Ahh!
Copy !req
409. What are you
so afraid of, child?
Copy !req
410. And what's that thing
done to you?
Copy !req
411. Yeah, whoa!
Copy !req
412. You, stop!
Get away from them kids.
Copy !req
413. Where'd he go?
Copy !req
414. Hey, it's got a kid.
Copy !req
415. Stop, police!
Copy !req
416. There. I see it.
Copy !req
417. Ah!
Copy !req
418. I wonder what he's
dreaming about.
Copy !req
419. Probably just
chasing squirrels.
Copy !req