1. Hurry up!
Copy !req
2. Shall I open fire, General?
Copy !req
3. Step back, GI Robot,
and keep mum.
Copy !req
4. The Bride and Nina are inside.
Copy !req
5. They're not moving.
Copy !req
6. So, they've almost certainly
been captured
Copy !req
7. by Circe and
the Sons of Themyscira.
Copy !req
8. Once the enemy
is in your sights, attack,
Copy !req
9. and don't stop until they're
all dead or incapacitated...
Copy !req
10. You gettin' the hang of this,
Tin Man?
Copy !req
11. Most certainly, sir.
Copy !req
12. Good. Me and Easy
been through this
Copy !req
13. more than a few times.
Copy !req
14. Just follow our lead.
Copy !req
15. German forces shouldn't be
too far up ahead.
Copy !req
16. We just need to take 'em
by surpri—
Copy !req
17. Sure Shot, you got eyes?
Copy !req
18. Just arrived
at the crescent, sir.
Copy !req
19. Let me...
Copy !req
20. Sergeant, get out of there!
Copy !req
21. Fall back!
Copy !req
22. Sergeant, get down!
Copy !req
23. Hit the dirt!
Copy !req
24. Good God d—
Copy !req
25. Damn, Tin Man,
Copy !req
26. I've never seen
anything like that!
Copy !req
27. I don't give a hoot
if he's metal,
Copy !req
28. he's forever a brother of
every man in Easy Company.
Copy !req
29. Cheers to the Tin Man!
Copy !req
30. What the hell?
Copy !req
31. It's a trap of some sort!
Copy !req
32. What? Point your head, woman.
Where are they?
Copy !req
33. - Where are they?
- They're gone!
Copy !req
34. Circe and
the Sons of Themyscira?
Copy !req
35. - Yes!
- They're gone?
Copy !req
36. That's what I said!
Copy !req
37. - Then why were you screaming?
- I wanted you to get
Copy !req
38. the damn tape off my mouth!
Copy !req
39. Where is friend Nina?
Copy !req
40. They took her upstairs
before they left.
Copy !req
41. What are you doing out here?
Copy !req
42. We thought we were
recruiting monsters,
Copy !req
43. not damsels in distress!
Copy !req
44. Nina!
Copy !req
45. I'm in here, help!
Copy !req
46. GI!
Copy !req
47. Friend Nina,
Copy !req
48. my disappointment in having
no Nazis to kill when I arrived
Copy !req
49. is lessened by my pleasure
that you are alive.
Copy !req
50. Hello.
Copy !req
51. I can't stay out of the water.
Copy !req
52. The helmet on my suit
was shattered,
Copy !req
53. and I can't breathe without it.
Copy !req
54. But I have a spare
back at the castle.
Copy !req
55. Do not worry, friend Nina.
Copy !req
56. Circe and the Sons.
They attacked you,
Copy !req
57. and then, they just
left you here alive?
Copy !req
58. Why would they do...
Copy !req
59. - Uh-oh.
- Everyone!
Copy !req
60. Back to the castle now!
Copy !req
61. General, I didn't wanna come.
I followed her here, I—
Copy !req
62. That doesn't matter now!
Move, Alexi.
Copy !req
63. Get us back to the castle.
Circe led us here on purpose.
Copy !req
64. She wanted us to be
away from the castle
Copy !req
65. so she could get
to the princess.
Copy !req
66. Oh, ne!
Copy !req
67. The United States
is home
Copy !req
68. to the greatest minds
in the world,
Copy !req
69. and that is an
absolute certainty.
Copy !req
70. Now, how do I know?
Copy !req
71. Well, let's just say
the proof is in the pudding,
Copy !req
72. and the pudding,
ladies and gentlemen,
Copy !req
73. is my next guest, GI Robot!
Copy !req
74. Why am I pudding?
Copy !req
75. Go, go!
Copy !req
76. This incredible
mechanical soldier
Copy !req
77. is the product of the greatest
scientists in the US Army.
Copy !req
78. GI Robot is a killing machine
Copy !req
79. who took down over 1,000
enemy troops in the war.
Copy !req
80. Do you see something
interesting out there, GI?
Copy !req
81. Can I call you GI?
Copy !req
82. You just did call me GI.
Copy !req
83. Yes, I did, didn't I?
Copy !req
84. Have you checked all these
people's identification cards?
Copy !req
85. No,
we haven't done that.
Copy !req
86. Why would we have
done that, GI?
Copy !req
87. To see if are any known Nazis.
Copy !req
88. If so, they will be
dispatched of,
Copy !req
89. in short order.
Copy !req
90. Well, I don't think
there are any Nazis here.
Copy !req
91. That's what a Nazi would say.
Copy !req
92. Uh, what?
Copy !req
93. As you can see,
the robot's personality
Copy !req
94. wasn't exactly built for
these kinds of publicity tours.
Copy !req
95. - AI system.
- What?
Copy !req
96. It's a term I prefer
over "robot."
Copy !req
97. I've always been fascinated
by the old film
Copy !req
98. of the subject in combat,
but I never realized
Copy !req
99. he seems to have some type
of vague self-awareness.
Copy !req
100. It's extraordinary.
Copy !req
101. The first of his type, really.
Copy !req
102. We're gonna retire it
from the stage,
Copy !req
103. but thought it could be of use
to you and your studies.
Copy !req
104. Indeed.
Copy !req
105. GI Robot, at attention, sir!
Copy !req
106. Well, hello.
Copy !req
107. I'm Dr. William Magnus,
Copy !req
108. a scientist and engineer.
Copy !req
109. My specialty
is artificial intelligence.
Copy !req
110. Are you a Nazi?
Copy !req
111. No. I'm not a Nazi.
Copy !req
112. Oh.
Copy !req
113. Where is my body?
Copy !req
114. I'm just, uh, studying you.
Copy !req
115. I'll piece you
back together later,
Copy !req
116. perhaps with a few improvements
if I'm feeling generous.
Copy !req
117. You're truly remarkable work,
especially for 1943.
Copy !req
118. Are there Nazis nearby?
Copy !req
119. You're awful preoccupied
with Nazis.
Copy !req
120. I was created
with the sole mandate
Copy !req
121. to kill Nazis and their allies.
Copy !req
122. But do you want to kill Nazis?
Copy !req
123. What I want is irrelevant.
Copy !req
124. My directive
is all that matters.
Copy !req
125. But, if you, theoretically,
had no directive,
Copy !req
126. what is it that you desire?
Copy !req
127. Someday I'd like to be reunited
Copy !req
128. and see my boys.
Copy !req
129. Your boys?
Copy !req
130. The boys of Easy Company, sir.
Copy !req
131. And kill Nazis with them.
Copy !req
132. Have you seen them?
Copy !req
133. I have not.
The war was 20 years ago.
Copy !req
134. Sergeant Frank Rock, Bulldozer,
Copy !req
135. Little Sure Shot, Wildman,
Copy !req
136. Canary, Four-Eyes, Bogman?
Copy !req
137. Ring any bells?
Copy !req
138. Yeah, no. I don't know
who any of those people are.
Copy !req
139. But you, you are going
to help me a great deal.
Copy !req
140. To murder Nazis?
Copy !req
141. No, but studying you
will help me create
Copy !req
142. the next wave of automatons.
Copy !req
143. Got 'em!
Copy !req
144. That's her, dude!
Copy !req
145. - Whoa, she's fire.
- Get her!
Copy !req
146. Hurry up, damn it!
Copy !req
147. The target is headed down...
Copy !req
148. the eastern hall.
Copy !req
149. Gotcha!
Copy !req
150. All right, what are we supposed
to do with her now?
Copy !req
151. The hell, dude.
Copy !req
152. The queen told us
a million times. Just kill her.
Copy !req
153. I mean, yeah, but, you know,
Copy !req
154. might be a shame not to have
a little taste firs—
Copy !req
155. Bitch!
Copy !req
156. Dude, your face
is really messed up.
Copy !req
157. I think you need
medical attention.
Copy !req
158. - Get her, you idiot.
- On it.
Copy !req
159. Open the door,
you bitch! Open it!
Copy !req
160. Shish kebab!
Copy !req
161. Here, madam,
your air suit.
Copy !req
162. What am I gonna do?
Copy !req
163. So you can help
in the battle...
Copy !req
164. Ugh!
Copy !req
165. So, how'd you get
your mitts on it?
Copy !req
166. Oh, it... It bounced around
from lab to lab,
Copy !req
167. from the '60s through the '90s.
Copy !req
168. They studied it, and got
what they could from it.
Copy !req
169. I guess Uncle Sam just forgot
it existed after a while.
Copy !req
170. So, for the last 10 years
or so,
Copy !req
171. it's been in the hands
of collectors like you.
Copy !req
172. It may not be that helpful
in a battle no more,
Copy !req
173. but, damn, if it don't bring
a certain je ne sais quoi
Copy !req
174. to any military collection
like yours, Sam.
Copy !req
175. Angus, Socks, Clarabelle,
Morty, Simon, Lizzy,
Copy !req
176. meet our new friend.
Copy !req
177. They call him
GI Robot.
Copy !req
178. GI Robot, at attention, sir!
Copy !req
179. And your name and rank, sir?
Copy !req
180. I'm... I'm, uh, Sam.
Sam Fitzgibbon.
Copy !req
181. I'm just a guy. No rank.
Copy !req
182. I wanted to join up,
you know, I really did.
Copy !req
183. But this damn leg.
Copy !req
184. Pleased to meet you, friend.
Copy !req
185. Oh!
Copy !req
186. And, yeah...
Copy !req
187. When does it stop?
Copy !req
188. Here it is, GI,
my pride and joy.
Copy !req
189. Go forward!
Copy !req
190. It's nice to have a family,
ain't it?
Copy !req
191. But I do not get cold, sir.
Copy !req
192. Well, you never know, son.
Copy !req
193. It's been hell
trying to get that rust
Copy !req
194. outta your joints, you know.
Copy !req
195. Might as well
take some precautions
Copy !req
196. so your metal don't get
messed up no more.
Copy !req
197. I think it looks good on you.
Copy !req
198. Where are we going, sir?
Copy !req
199. Ah, nowhere special.
Just meeting up with some boys,
Copy !req
200. who are all interested
in a better country,
Copy !req
201. - just like me and you.
- Oh!
Copy !req
202. You a good friend, boy.
Copy !req
203. Cheers for the Tin Man?
Copy !req
204. Absolutely.
Cheers for the Tin Man!
Copy !req
205. Hell yeah!
Copy !req
206. Well, what do we
have here, Sam?
Copy !req
207. It's like what I said, Billy.
This is GI Robot.
Copy !req
208. I thought he might be
some help for the cause.
Copy !req
209. Well, glad to have you, GI.
Copy !req
210. Glad to have a metal fist
in the fight for what's right.
Copy !req
211. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
212. Oh?
Copy !req
213. Hmm.
Copy !req
214. Welcome, all,
to this meeting
Copy !req
215. of the Hub City
National Socialists Club.
Copy !req
216. Oh, boy. Nazis.
Copy !req
217. Mmm, what'd you say there, GI?
Copy !req
218. Are these Nazis, General?
Copy !req
219. Yeah, GI.
Copy !req
220. These are Nazis.
Copy !req
221. Get ready to die, Nazis!
Copy !req
222. GI? No!
Copy !req
223. Hit the dirt!
Copy !req
224. It's my pleasure to present
Copy !req
225. the incredible automated man,
GI Robot!
Copy !req
226. This man,
and he does meet the state's
Copy !req
227. current definition of "man",
Copy !req
228. willfully murdered
32 human beings
Copy !req
229. in cold blood.
Copy !req
230. On the count of
second-degree murder,
Copy !req
231. we find the defendant guilty.
Copy !req
232. GI!
Copy !req
233. Well, that's enough of that.
Copy !req
234. Argh!
Copy !req
235. Oh, no.
Copy !req
236. Oh, princess.
Copy !req
237. Please!
Copy !req
238. Whatever you want,
I'll give it to you.
Copy !req
239. Good. What I want...
Copy !req
240. is you dead.
Copy !req
241. Huh?
Copy !req
242. Ahhh!
Copy !req
243. I always love a good barbecue.
Copy !req
244. You wanted monsters.
Copy !req
245. You got monsters.
Copy !req
246. GI.
Copy !req
247. Friend Nina.
Copy !req
248. We fought Nazis together...
Copy !req
249. you and I.
Copy !req
250. - Yes.
- It...
Copy !req
251. Oh, what a beautiful day.
Copy !req
252. Cheers for the Tin...
Copy !req
253. You don't understand
what you've done!
Copy !req
254. You've doomed the world!
Copy !req