1. I don't feel good
about this, my son.
Copy !req
2. Shall each man find a wife
for his bosom
Copy !req
3. and each beast have his mate,
Copy !req
4. and I be alone?
Copy !req
5. - No, but—
- I yearn for a wife, Father.
Copy !req
6. What is it to be human
if not for love?
Copy !req
7. I created you
in the interest of exploring
Copy !req
8. that infinitesimal space that
falls between life and death.
Copy !req
9. I have not yet
learned enough from you
Copy !req
10. to justify doing it again.
Copy !req
11. You have a wife.
Copy !req
12. How is it fair that
you know love and I do not?
Copy !req
13. I am merely saying,
if we give it time—
Copy !req
14. Some would suggest that
if you do not make me a wife,
Copy !req
15. the only fair remedy
Copy !req
16. would be for me
to destroy yours, Father.
Copy !req
17. "That would bring balance
to life," they would say.
Copy !req
18. No one would say that.
Copy !req
19. I would say that!
Copy !req
20. I would!
Copy !req
21. Am I not someone?
Copy !req
22. Settle yourself, Eric.
Copy !req
23. We're already proceeding.
Copy !req
24. I'm only sharing with you
my doubts.
Copy !req
25. This is what humans do.
Copy !req
26. Share feelings without
becoming over-animated.
Copy !req
27. This is what the mortician
was able to acquire.
Copy !req
28. Oh.
Copy !req
29. Oh, my. So beautiful.
Copy !req
30. This is the face
of my true love.
Copy !req
31. You were born here?
Copy !req
32. Yeah.
Copy !req
33. And why are we here now?
Copy !req
34. What does that do?
Copy !req
35. If I press this button,
it activates
Copy !req
36. an unbearably painful jolt
directly into their brains.
Copy !req
37. Oh, is cruel, no?
Copy !req
38. Is the point, yes.
Copy !req
39. You need to get your shirt off.
Copy !req
40. Your wounds need cleaning.
Copy !req
41. So, with the remote,
you control them?
Copy !req
42. Hypothetically.
Copy !req
43. They haven't proven themselves
to be extraordinarily obedient.
Copy !req
44. And the skeleton man,
Dr. Phosphorus?
Copy !req
45. Yeah.
Copy !req
46. He tried to kill you to get it?
Copy !req
47. - Yeah.
- Bozhe moi.
Copy !req
48. Quite a team, hmm?
Copy !req
49. I promise, Ilana,
Copy !req
50. I'll get these folks
under control
Copy !req
51. and I'll keep you safe.
Copy !req
52. Don't worry.
Copy !req
53. You're such a kind man.
Copy !req
54. That is so rare
here in Pokolistan.
Copy !req
55. I suppose tonight
was not your first battle.
Copy !req
56. Are those your parents?
Copy !req
57. - Tsk.
- Don't tsk me.
Copy !req
58. That's not cool.
You can say "no."
Copy !req
59. How would I know who they are?
Copy !req
60. This was his home
for work.
Copy !req
61. Not the family's.
Copy !req
62. They lived up the road.
Copy !req
63. Whoa.
Copy !req
64. My father was a scientist,
Copy !req
65. but he never had
anything like this.
Copy !req
66. Victor was,
Copy !req
67. if nothing else, a renegade.
Copy !req
68. Here.
Copy !req
69. I was born here.
Copy !req
70. - My love.
- Wait.
Copy !req
71. I picked her these flowers.
Copy !req
72. She must gather her senses.
Copy !req
73. When a baby is born,
she's known her mother's womb,
Copy !req
74. and, therefore,
her mother, intimately,
Copy !req
75. for nine months.
Copy !req
76. The womb is one's tether
to the universe,
Copy !req
77. to the fragile social system
of humanity.
Copy !req
78. But your bride,
Copy !req
79. she came from nothing
to something in an instant.
Copy !req
80. She has no tether,
Copy !req
81. doesn't know where she is
or who we are.
Copy !req
82. She is but a cluster of fear
and not knowing.
Copy !req
83. Stop stirring, dear.
Copy !req
84. Please.
Copy !req
85. Everything is fine.
Copy !req
86. These are for you.
Copy !req
87. But— What? But—
Copy !req
88. But, but—
Copy !req
89. But I... But I picked
these for you.
Copy !req
90. That sounds horrible.
Copy !req
91. Well, birth is always horrible.
Copy !req
92. God's gift to humans
is he lets you forget it.
Copy !req
93. Science isn't so forgiving.
Copy !req
94. I am not human.
Copy !req
95. Oh, stop with the bluff, fish.
Copy !req
96. You're the only one
of us freaks who is.
Copy !req
97. We're monsters.
Copy !req
98. You're a human being
with gills.
Copy !req
99. The world does not
see it this way.
Copy !req
100. Well, when has
the world ever been right?
Copy !req
101. Hmm.
Copy !req
102. What are you looking for?
Copy !req
103. Soon, the general is going
to notice we're missing
Copy !req
104. and we'll have to feel
that awful shock again.
Copy !req
105. Well, I've felt worse.
Copy !req
106. I do not believe you.
Copy !req
107. Maybe 'cause I'm lying.
Copy !req
108. What are you looking for?
Copy !req
109. A tourmaline necklace.
Copy !req
110. It should be here somewhere.
Copy !req
111. What's tourmaline?
Copy !req
112. A gemstone. Pinkish.
Copy !req
113. Ap-ple.
Copy !req
114. Good.
Copy !req
115. - Cap.
- Close. Hat.
Copy !req
116. - Hat.
- Good.
Copy !req
117. You're doing fabulously,
my dear.
Copy !req
118. Why is this drudgery
so important?
Copy !req
119. You want a bride
who can speak, don't you?
Copy !req
120. Words
get in the way of truth,
Copy !req
121. drowning out the caterwaul
of one's heart.
Copy !req
122. This.
Copy !req
123. What is this?
Copy !req
124. Pret-ty.
Copy !req
125. Yes, it is pretty,
but what is it called?
Copy !req
126. Necklace.
Copy !req
127. Neck-lace.
Copy !req
128. And if we find it,
then we can go back?
Copy !req
129. Yes, if we find it,
we can go back.
Copy !req
130. Because your bitching
and moaning
Copy !req
131. is worse than being enslaved
by that gung-ho jarhead.
Copy !req
132. Yeah,
there's two of them inside.
Copy !req
133. I guess the rest
are still back at the castle.
Copy !req
134. Okay, cool. Out.
Copy !req
135. - Tanner says—
- I heard.
Copy !req
136. Just get the address.
Copy !req
137. Oh.
Copy !req
138. - There.
- Thank you, Ilana.
Copy !req
139. Um...
Copy !req
140. Where is this one from?
Copy !req
141. Ilana, we...
We can't go through this again.
Copy !req
142. Where?
Copy !req
143. I was stabbed
in the Persian Gulf.
Copy !req
144. What about this one?
Copy !req
145. Ilana, I already told you,
Copy !req
146. it's just not ethical
for us to—
Copy !req
147. What about...
Copy !req
148. - Don't.
- Do not treat me
Copy !req
149. like a child, Richard.
Copy !req
150. Don't you know I'm soon to be
the queen of this country,
Copy !req
151. and I get what I...
Copy !req
152. want?
Copy !req
153. Oh, boy.
Copy !req
154. A boy?
Copy !req
155. Hardly.
Copy !req
156. Mmm.
Copy !req
157. Have you seen
General Flag?
Copy !req
158. Uh, yeah, why?
Copy !req
159. Because he should be informed
Copy !req
160. that two of your teammates
have left the grounds.
Copy !req
161. Yeah, he's, uh, in there...
Copy !req
162. Maybe your should
just give him 30 seconds.
Copy !req
163. I mean, you've seen
the princess.
Copy !req
164. I don't know
how he could hold out
Copy !req
165. for more than 30 seconds,
do you?
Copy !req
166. Ah, you got a point, Weez.
Copy !req
167. He's an older guy,
Copy !req
168. probably has a lot
of experience.
Copy !req
169. Give him a full minute.
Copy !req
170. This is not funny.
Why are you smiling?
Copy !req
171. Slow down, bigot.
Copy !req
172. I'm a freaking skeleton.
Copy !req
173. It looks like I'm smiling
even when I'm not.
Copy !req
174. You are not smiling?
Copy !req
175. Oh, I am.
Copy !req
176. But you can't tell that.
Copy !req
177. May I knock now?
Copy !req
178. No, no.
Copy !req
179. Eric, you're frightening her!
Copy !req
180. No, no, no!
Copy !req
181. Why won't she let me touch her?
Copy !req
182. No, no, no.
Copy !req
183. - Eric!
- But I...
Copy !req
184. But... I love you.
Copy !req
185. Son.
Copy !req
186. You failed. You failed.
Copy !req
187. You made her for me.
Copy !req
188. She is to love me!
Copy !req
189. I am fine, my dear.
Copy !req
190. It is fine.
Copy !req
191. Is this it?
Copy !req
192. It's... a wooden... horse.
Copy !req
193. Yes. And it's also...
Copy !req
194. A toy.
Copy !req
195. For children.
Copy !req
196. Yes. Precisely.
Copy !req
197. Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
Copy !req
198. Mustache.
Copy !req
199. Oh,
you don't like how I look
Copy !req
200. with a mustache, do you?
Copy !req
201. I am a silly,
mustachioed man.
Copy !req
202. Yes, my dear,
you are doing fabulously.
Copy !req
203. Mustache.
Copy !req
204. Oh, you're such a Dickens.
Copy !req
205. Oh, I almost forgot.
Copy !req
206. I got you something. A gift.
Copy !req
207. Oh.
Copy !req
208. Hmm?
Copy !req
209. It is good gift. Thank you.
Copy !req
210. No, no, no,
that's not the gift.
Copy !req
211. It's what's inside.
Copy !req
212. You open the wrapping
and inside is the gift.
Copy !req
213. Oh, you want me break paper?
Copy !req
214. - Yes, tear it off.
- Oh.
Copy !req
215. Oh, oh, uh... Oh.
Copy !req
216. Open the box.
Copy !req
217. Oh.
Copy !req
218. I saw how much you liked it.
Copy !req
219. It was from
one of the cadavers,
Copy !req
220. mattered to no one,
so I thought...
Copy !req
221. Here, let me put it on for you.
Copy !req
222. There.
Copy !req
223. Beautiful.
Copy !req
224. It means something to you?
Copy !req
225. Fine, don't answer.
I don't care.
Copy !req
226. Can we go now?
Copy !req
227. Oh, hell.
Copy !req
228. You should've let Alexi tell me
the Bride and Nina were gone.
Copy !req
229. Sue me for being a bro
and doing you a favor.
Copy !req
230. Some favor.
Copy !req
231. Seems, according to you,
I can't do anything right.
Copy !req
232. Oh, I'd forego
the martyr complex,
Copy !req
233. considering two hours ago,
you were trying to murder me.
Copy !req
234. Is this one
a dirty Nazi, General?
Copy !req
235. No, he's not a Nazi, GI.
Copy !req
236. Oh, okay.
Copy !req
237. Where are we going,
General Flag?
Copy !req
238. These are the trackers
in their bodies.
Copy !req
239. You know where this is?
Copy !req
240. - Da.
- Go, then. Go.
Copy !req
241. Adventure!
Copy !req
242. We are coming.
Copy !req
243. Wassup?
Copy !req
244. Ah!
Copy !req
245. Stop right—
Copy !req
246. Ow! What are you doing?
My ribs.
Copy !req
247. Ow! Damn it!
That was right in my ears!
Copy !req
248. Frickin' magic.
Copy !req
249. Go! Get out of here!
Copy !req
250. Ah!
Copy !req
251. You've been sent
by the US government?
Copy !req
252. Well, I have a message
for your leaders.
Copy !req
253. General Flag, come in.
Copy !req
254. Nina? What the hell are—
Copy !req
255. We're being attacked
by Circe and her troops.
Copy !req
256. We—
Copy !req
257. - Stop, dude.
- Shoot.
Copy !req
258. Nina! Nina, come in.
Copy !req
259. Floor it!
Copy !req
260. What the fuck?
Copy !req
261. Guess what I bring you,
Mr. Victor.
Copy !req
262. Lemon—
Copy !req
263. I did what I had to do.
Copy !req
264. Don't you understand?
Copy !req
265. He and his wretched giggling
Copy !req
266. and his horrid
gift-giving powers
Copy !req
267. were the only obstacles
to our love.
Copy !req
268. Now we can be together—
Copy !req
269. Sorry.
Copy !req
270. Go...
Copy !req
271. fuck...
Copy !req
272. yourself.
Copy !req