1. The battalion,
calling themselves
Copy !req
2. the Sons of Themyscira,
Copy !req
3. violently crossed the border
into Pokolistan.
Copy !req
4. The Sons are said to be working
at the behest
Copy !req
5. of the rogue Amazonian
and reputed sorceress, Circe.
Copy !req
6. Circe claims to be
the rightful heir to the throne
Copy !req
7. of the perhaps mythical,
perhaps real,
Copy !req
8. all-female island nation
of Themyscira.
Copy !req
9. Inside sources claim
Circe has promised the Sons
Copy !req
10. that once the downfall
of Pokolistan is achieved,
Copy !req
11. she will lead them
to conquer Themyscira.
Copy !req
12. I mean, seriously, Themyscira
is the sickest place ever.
Copy !req
13. And then you tell me,
Copy !req
14. "Oh, dude, only women
can live there"?
Copy !req
15. What?
They're so sexist, bro.
Copy !req
16. Word is they have
the most incredible waterfalls.
Copy !req
17. I have this question
Copy !req
18. for all the woke feminists
out there,
Copy !req
19. why do only girls get
such cool waterfalls?
Copy !req
20. All over the world,
Copy !req
21. our rights as men
are being denigrated.
Copy !req
22. What a bunch of clowns.
Copy !req
23. Dangerous clowns.
Copy !req
24. Pokolistan
is a friend of the US.
Copy !req
25. Countries don't have friends
Copy !req
26. After your decades
in the military, General Flag,
Copy !req
27. I think you'd understand
that true friendship
Copy !req
28. is built on petroleum deposits.
Copy !req
29. Especially unmined ones
in a backward-ass country
Copy !req
30. that's never taken advantage
of their natural resources.
Copy !req
31. Princess Ilana Rostovic,
Copy !req
32. the heir apparent
to Pokolistan,
Copy !req
33. is already negotiating
with the US for that oil.
Copy !req
34. And if she's overthrown
Copy !req
35. by some nutjob
in a witch's hat,
Copy !req
36. all bets are off.
Copy !req
37. We need to help Rostovic.
Copy !req
38. I thought Congress put a stop
to all Task Force X activities
Copy !req
39. since your daughter outed you.
Copy !req
40. Technically,
Congress said
Copy !req
41. A.R.G.U.S. can't use
incarcerated human beings
Copy !req
42. as mission operatives
any longer.
Copy !req
43. But what about beings
that aren't human?
Copy !req
44. Huh?
Copy !req
45. What in the holy hell?
Copy !req
46. This is
the Belle Reve
Copy !req
47. Non-Human Internment Division.
Copy !req
48. For over 50 years,
Copy !req
49. only those
at the uppermost levels
Copy !req
50. of security clearance
are aware of its existence.
Copy !req
51. By using these prisoners,
Copy !req
52. I think
we can arguably circumvent
Copy !req
53. our new restrictions.
Copy !req
54. Arguably? How?
Copy !req
55. Congress said we can't use
human prisoners.
Copy !req
56. These assholes aren't human.
Copy !req
57. She's not human?
Copy !req
58. Is a corpse human?
Copy !req
59. - Who is she?
- We don't know.
Copy !req
60. We call her The Bride.
Copy !req
61. Who's Jason and the Argonauts?
Copy !req
62. A sociopath
Copy !req
63. who calls himself
Dr. Phosphorus.
Copy !req
64. He has irradiated skin
he can use
Copy !req
65. to burn through people
and objects.
Copy !req
66. Well, how does that radiation
affect the people around him?
Copy !req
67. If you don't sleep
in the same room with him,
Copy !req
68. the effects should be minimal.
Copy !req
69. - Minimal?
- Consider it a free vasectomy.
Copy !req
70. What is that thing?
Copy !req
71. The Weasel.
Copy !req
72. It's one of the few soldiers
still alive
Copy !req
73. from Project Starfish
in Corto Maltese.
Copy !req
74. So we know it has
what it takes to survive.
Copy !req
75. Sorry.
Copy !req
76. I didn't mean
to intimate anything
Copy !req
77. about your son, Flag.
Copy !req
78. When he died in Corto Maltese,
he died a hero.
Copy !req
79. That one looks like
a discontinued dishwasher.
Copy !req
80. That dishwasher
killed over 300 Nazis
Copy !req
81. in World War II.
Copy !req
82. I would have dismantled it,
Copy !req
83. but I thought
it might come in use someday.
Copy !req
84. It's known as G.I. Robot.
Copy !req
85. Last one is Nina Mazursky.
Copy !req
86. What use is she
walking around in a fishbowl?
Copy !req
87. Get her in water
it's a different story.
Copy !req
88. She's the smartest
Copy !req
89. and most reasonable
of the bunch.
Copy !req
90. She might be able to help you
keep the rest of them in line.
Copy !req
91. This is your new
task force, Flag.
Copy !req
92. Let's call it Task Force M.
Copy !req
93. M for monster.
Copy !req
94. Also known as...
Copy !req
95. There's an Osprey waiting
Copy !req
96. to take you directly
to the castle
Copy !req
97. to protect Princess Rostovic
from Circe and her forces.
Copy !req
98. I know you all
aren't exactly enthusiastic
Copy !req
99. about this mission.
Copy !req
100. But—
Copy !req
101. General, I believe
you've read us wrong.
Copy !req
102. We're delighted to be here
Copy !req
103. and delighted
to serve our country.
Copy !req
104. Okay. Uh, great.
Copy !req
105. - Are you smiling?
- Yes.
Copy !req
106. - Sarcastically?
- Mmm-hmm.
Copy !req
107. G.I. Robot is detecting unease.
Copy !req
108. Could he be, G.I. Robot asks,
Copy !req
109. in fear of being discovered
as Nazi scum?
Copy !req
110. No. Put your arm...
Your gun down.
Copy !req
111. He's not a Nazi.
Copy !req
112. Child killer, though.
Not a great look.
Copy !req
113. Supposedly, he had
a bad experience
Copy !req
114. the last trip he took
on this Osprey, that's all.
Copy !req
115. Are we in goddamn Pokolistan?
Copy !req
116. You've been here before?
Copy !req
117. Fucking hell.
Copy !req
118. Looks like the Princess
has imported security.
Copy !req
119. Calm down.
We'll be there soon.
Copy !req
120. Oh, my God, is he pissing?
Copy !req
121. He's pissing!
Copy !req
122. You son of a bitch!
Copy !req
123. Gah! It's on my leg!
Copy !req
124. Look at the satisfied look
on his face.
Copy !req
125. No one thought
to take him out for a walk
Copy !req
126. after a long trip?
Copy !req
127. You better not be looking
at me right now.
Copy !req
128. Looks like the gene pool
was above ground
Copy !req
129. and inflatable,
if you know what I mean.
Copy !req
130. Yeah.
Copy !req
131. I wonder what this princess
is going to look like...
Copy !req
132. Oh.
Copy !req
133. Richard Bill Flag, Sr.
Copy !req
134. So wonderful
to be meeting you.
Copy !req
135. Yes, you too.
Copy !req
136. - Your middle name is Bill?
- Yes.
Copy !req
137. - Not, like, William?
- No.
Copy !req
138. - Whose middle name is Bill?
- Mine! Okay?
Copy !req
139. Princess Rostovic,
Copy !req
140. it's an honor.
Copy !req
141. This is not the kind of bow
Copy !req
142. we do in Pokolistan,
Mr. Richard Flag.
Copy !req
143. So, unfortunately,
Copy !req
144. - we have to kill you.
- What?
Copy !req
145. - Alexi.
- I am sorry.
Copy !req
146. We must only do sacred,
customary bow in this castle.
Copy !req
147. Everyone, murder this man.
Copy !req
148. What? Hold on a minute.
Copy !req
149. No one briefed me
on what kind of bow...
Copy !req
150. Alexi.
Copy !req
151. They're... How do you say it?
Copy !req
152. Messing on you?
Copy !req
153. I am making joke!
Copy !req
154. For a minute, I think
Copy !req
155. you're going to make mess
in your pants, huh?
Copy !req
156. I was never gonna—
Copy !req
157. Very close
to messing his plans.
Copy !req
158. I wasn't even in the vicinity
of doing that.
Copy !req
159. We are so much
like Americans, yes?
Copy !req
160. Ooh, we pull pranks
like Jamie Kennedy Experiment.
Copy !req
161. We do the Super Bowl shovel!
Copy !req
162. We like to say "Wazzup?"
Copy !req
163. Well, you're certainly current
Copy !req
164. with your popular
cultural references.
Copy !req
165. - Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Copy !req
166. Sarcastic smile.
Copy !req
167. Now, I have question
for you, Skeleton.
Copy !req
168. Where's the beef?
Copy !req
169. Clara Peller,
one of the greats—
Copy !req
170. Enough, Alexi.
Copy !req
171. We've prepared
a banquet for you,
Copy !req
172. our honored guests.
Copy !req
173. They've been living
on prison grub
Copy !req
174. for quite some time.
Copy !req
175. Forgive their manners,
Your Highness.
Copy !req
176. Just Ilana's fine.
Copy !req
177. We don't stand
on ceremony here.
Copy !req
178. Oh, okay.
Copy !req
179. Then... Sure.
Copy !req
180. You've sampled
this prison grub?
Copy !req
181. Just seeing it
is enough
Copy !req
182. to give me the collywobbles,
Your High—
Copy !req
183. Ilana.
Copy !req
184. Their manners
do not bother me.
Copy !req
185. I love seeing friends
enjoying themselves.
Copy !req
186. That is the Queen.
Copy !req
187. Poor, sweet mother.
Copy !req
188. She has not been self
for some long time now.
Copy !req
189. Yes, Mother. Of course.
Copy !req
190. She says she's pleased
you're here.
Copy !req
191. Oh.
Copy !req
192. You see why I'm taking care
of Pokolistan's affairs?
Copy !req
193. Even though it won't
quite be official until...
Copy !req
194. You know.
Copy !req
195. You're welcome, Mother.
Copy !req
196. I love you, too.
Copy !req
197. - G.I. Robot?
- Yes, Miss Nina.
Copy !req
198. Would you like
anything? Diesel?
Copy !req
199. Some diesel fuel, please,
for our robot friend.
Copy !req
200. Yes, madam.
Right away, madam.
Copy !req
201. Mmm. It is
a beautiful evening, isn't it?
Copy !req
202. I do not enjoy landscapes
devoid of dead Nazis,
Copy !req
203. - Miss Nina.
- Oh.
Copy !req
204. Can Miss Nina and G.I. Robot
be killing Nazis soon?
Copy !req
205. Miss Waller promised
it would be soon.
Copy !req
206. It's been oh so long
since G.I. Robot
Copy !req
207. has sent Nazis
back to hell where they belong.
Copy !req
208. I think you will be, soon.
Copy !req
209. G.I. Robot would like
to kill Nazis with you.
Copy !req
210. Would you like to kill Nazis
with G.I. Robot?
Copy !req
211. If I killed Nazis with anyone,
it would certainly be you,
Copy !req
212. G.I. Robot.
Copy !req
213. Oh, my.
Copy !req
214. G.I. Robot has been waiting
Copy !req
215. for a friend
to kill Nazis with
Copy !req
216. for 74 years, 23 days
and 52 minutes.
Copy !req
217. I hope we aren't
too much of an intrusion.
Copy !req
218. Our only goal here
is to keep you safe, Ilana.
Copy !req
219. I'm happy to have the company.
Copy !req
220. Even that one?
Copy !req
221. Why was he in prison?
Copy !req
222. Uh, supposedly murdered
Copy !req
223. - twenty-seven children.
- Oh.
Copy !req
224. He hasn't shown
Copy !req
225. any violent tendencies
since then,
Copy !req
226. so I wouldn't fret.
Copy !req
227. I also wouldn't invite
the school choir
Copy !req
228. to the castle while he's here.
Copy !req
229. Oh, no,
I like American music.
Copy !req
230. Rock and roll!
Copy !req
231. But, yes, I am happy
for the company,
Copy !req
232. especially the company
of Americans.
Copy !req
233. My country is a charming one,
but it is backwards,
Copy !req
234. always rejecting progress
as corrupt.
Copy !req
235. It is my most cherished dream
Copy !req
236. to lead my people
into the 21st century.
Copy !req
237. Well, I've been there.
Copy !req
238. I'm not sure I'd recommend it.
Copy !req
239. Are you married,
Richard Flag?
Copy !req
240. No. No.
Copy !req
241. I was once, but my wife
ended up being
Copy !req
242. my least favorite aspect
of that 21st century
Copy !req
243. you're all gung ho about.
Copy !req
244. I will avoid that part
of the 21st century then.
Copy !req
245. Well, sometimes,
Copy !req
246. missteps lead you
where you need to be.
Copy !req
247. She and I had a son
when we were just 18.
Copy !req
248. Fine young man.
Copy !req
249. I joined the military
mostly just to make money
Copy !req
250. so I could support him.
Copy !req
251. Eighteen years later,
he joined the military
Copy !req
252. because he loved our country
Copy !req
253. and he wanted
to make it a better place.
Copy !req
254. Yeah. Boy was an improvement
on me in every way.
Copy !req
255. Was?
Copy !req
256. He passed on
about two years back.
Copy !req
257. Oh.
Copy !req
258. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
259. I would have liked
to introduce
Copy !req
260. the two of you.
Copy !req
261. I have a feeling you would have
gotten on like a house on fire.
Copy !req
262. A house on fire
does not seem good.
Copy !req
263. No, it's...
Copy !req
264. It's supposed to be
a good thing.
Copy !req
265. I'm sure your son
was a fine man,
Copy !req
266. but I'm much more fond
of older men.
Copy !req
267. I'd like to show you something.
Copy !req
268. This armoire is beautiful, no?
Copy !req
269. Um, sure.
Copy !req
270. It is over 500 years old.
Copy !req
271. What is it you wanted
to show me, Ilana?
Copy !req
272. Just this wonderful armoire.
Copy !req
273. That's not an armoire.
Copy !req
274. - Listen, Ilana...
- Yes?
Copy !req
275. I just... I don't think
this is exactly ethical.
Copy !req
276. I'm here to protect you.
Copy !req
277. To protect me
from loneliness?
Copy !req
278. No, I...
Copy !req
279. From lack of passion?
Copy !req
280. No, I...
Copy !req
281. From Pokolistani men
who have never seen the world,
Copy !req
282. have no clue
how to treat a woman,
Copy !req
283. and who can't see me
as a human being I am
Copy !req
284. behind the veil of royalty?
Copy !req
285. Closer, but still no.
Copy !req
286. Look, I think we need
to get some shut-eye
Copy !req
287. so we can put a cogent plan
in place in the morning.
Copy !req
288. I'll leave G.I. Robot
to guard the door.
Copy !req
289. Richard.
Copy !req
290. In June 1944...
Copy !req
291. 38 dead Nazis.
Copy !req
292. In September of 1944,
Copy !req
293. I fought at the Battle
of Huertgen Forest.
Copy !req
294. A whopping 92 dead Nazis.
Copy !req
295. In October of 1944,
at the Battle of Aachen,
Copy !req
296. I ended the lives
of 14 Nazis...
Copy !req
297. Bride?
Copy !req
298. - Bride.
- How did you get down here?
Copy !req
299. I walked down the stairs.
Copy !req
300. No one tried to stop you?
Copy !req
301. We're here to protect them.
Copy !req
302. Why would they stop me?
Copy !req
303. Hey, you can't leave.
Copy !req
304. Why not?
Copy !req
305. Well, Flag will use
the remote to shock you,
Copy !req
306. and then we all get shocked.
Copy !req
307. Seems like a flaw
in the system to me
Copy !req
308. to get shocked even when
I didn't do anything wrong.
Copy !req
309. That was the worst
feeling ever.
Copy !req
310. Grow a pair, Fish.
Copy !req
311. A pair of what?
Wait, where are you going?
Copy !req
312. - Open the door.
- Oh, my God.
Copy !req
313. I do not have you
in the schedule.
Copy !req
314. He doesn't have us
in the schedule.
Copy !req
315. I don't need a schedule,
Sir, Douche A Lot.
Copy !req
316. I'm not your prisoner,
so open the freaking door.
Copy !req
317. Bride, please,
come on, stay.
Copy !req
318. Oh, darn it!
Copy !req
319. Do you have any money?
Copy !req
320. - Pardon?
- Money.
Copy !req
321. Cough up some cash.
Copy !req
322. I don't have
any freaking rubles on me.
Copy !req
323. How am I supposed
to get around?
Copy !req
324. Our money is not called ruble.
Copy !req
325. Yeah, I know.
It was meant to be insulting.
Copy !req
326. Just give me some cash.
Copy !req
327. Hey!
Copy !req
328. Thank you.
She means to say thank you.
Copy !req
329. No, I don't mean
anything of the sort!
Copy !req
330. You asked him for money,
and he just gave it to you.
Copy !req
331. - That's right.
- It was rude.
Copy !req
332. Yeah, that's right.
Copy !req
333. We shouldn't leave.
Copy !req
334. Look, no one
is forcing you to come.
Copy !req
335. Frankenstein.
Copy !req
336. Never mind
what's on her head.
Copy !req
337. Just go to the address
I told you
Copy !req
338. Ah-ha.
Copy !req
339. Uh...
Copy !req
340. Hey.
Copy !req
341. Oh! Fuck me!
Copy !req
342. Huh.
Copy !req
343. - No, please, no!
- Richard?
Copy !req
344. Phosphorus, you idiot!
Copy !req
345. You think Waller
would give me the only remote?
Copy !req
346. You'd be hopping around
Copy !req
347. like a Mexican jumping bean
for days, if you escaped.
Copy !req
348. Or, If I told her about this...
Copy !req
349. I'm not here to torture you.
Copy !req
350. We're supposed to be
on the same damn team.
Copy !req
351. Thank you.
Copy !req
352. What is this place?
Copy !req
353. Where I was born.
Copy !req
354. Yes.
Copy !req
355. My bride.
Copy !req
356. After all these years,
Copy !req
357. I've found you.
Copy !req