1. Mama had a chicken.
Copy !req
2. Mama had a cow.
Copy !req
3. Dad was proud.
Copy !req
4. He didn't care how.
Copy !req
5. Cow.
Copy !req
6. Chicken.
Copy !req
7. Cow and chicken.
Copy !req
8. Music.
Copy !req
9. See you tomorrow, cow.
Copy !req
10. Okay.
Copy !req
11. Bye-bye.
Copy !req
12. Watch your bending.
Copy !req
13. Mom says never drive your head into a wood
Copy !req
14. Mom says.
Copy !req
15. And I say.
Copy !req
16. You are an idiot, cow.
Copy !req
17. So, what are you building?
Copy !req
18. I cannot believe that you do not see the
Copy !req
19. It's a submarine.
Copy !req
20. A submarine?
Copy !req
21. Oh.
Copy !req
22. I have always wanted to ride in a
Copy !req
23. Under the water.
Copy !req
24. First mate cow ready for duty,
Copy !req
25. All aboard.
Copy !req
26. Move your butt.
Copy !req
27. You're mashing it.
Copy !req
28. This is what I get for having a 600-pound
Copy !req
29. This is strictly a one-chicken vessel.
Copy !req
30. No room for two.
Copy !req
31. Especially no cow.
Copy !req
32. But cows are excellent submarine riders.
Copy !req
33. Because we can hold our breath a long,
long time.
Copy !req
34. Watch this.
Copy !req
35. What are you?
Copy !req
36. A imbecile?
Copy !req
37. You don't have to hold your breathe.
Copy !req
38. You breath the air inside submarine.
Copy !req
39. Idiot.
Copy !req
40. Stupid cow.
Copy !req
41. You could stay underwater for days.
Copy !req
42. Please, and see octopuses and Spanish
gallons and stuff.
Copy !req
43. And use the periscope to spy on people.
Copy !req
44. And they won't even know you're there.
Copy !req
45. Will you stop with the
breath-holding of Eddie
Copy !req
46. and help me get my
submarine to the water?
Copy !req
47. Okay.
Copy !req
48. Hold it!
Copy !req
49. Okay, close the hatch!
Copy !req
50. Remember, Mom said to never nail yourself
in a box and drop it in the lake.
Copy !req
51. Shut up!
Copy !req
52. A nail?
Copy !req
53. And besides, this is not no box.
Copy !req
54. It is a submarine.
Copy !req
55. Now nail!
Copy !req
56. Ow!
Copy !req
57. Ow!
Copy !req
58. Hatch sealed.
Copy !req
59. Submarine ready for takeoff, sir.
Copy !req
60. Not takeoff.
Copy !req
61. Shove off.
Copy !req
62. Shove the submarine into the lake.
Copy !req
63. Boon voyage, big brother!
Copy !req
64. How come you're not boon voyage-ing?
Copy !req
65. Nothing's happening.
Copy !req
66. Dive!
Copy !req
67. Dive!
Copy !req
68. Dive!
Copy !req
69. How come you don't dive?
Copy !req
70. Cause I do not know how to do that.
Copy !req
71. How about up periscope?
Copy !req
72. It is up, idiot!
Copy !req
73. Hey!
Copy !req
74. Oh!
Copy !req
75. Oh!
Copy !req
76. You're moving!
Copy !req
77. Oh, Shane!
Copy !req
78. Oh, my big brother is driving a submarine!
Copy !req
79. Oh!
Copy !req
80. Chicken, stop!
Copy !req
81. Come back!
Copy !req
82. Reverse full rudder!
Copy !req
83. Come about!
Copy !req
84. All engines stop!
Copy !req
85. You're disapraised!
Copy !req
86. Come back!
Copy !req
87. Super Cow, call the rescue!
Copy !req
88. Oh!
Copy !req
89. Chicken, are you alive?
Copy !req
90. What are you doing, Super Cow?
Copy !req
91. You busted my submarine!
Copy !req
92. You were going to land on the rocks!
Copy !req
93. I was not crashing!
Copy !req
94. All submarines have parachutes,
Copy !req
95. Me tango que ir!
Copy !req
96. Adios!
Copy !req
97. Tango que ir!
Copy !req
98. Adios!
Copy !req
99. Jeez, what a dope!
Copy !req
100. Cashed off all lives!
Copy !req
101. All ashore was going ashore!
Copy !req
102. Oh!
Copy !req
103. Oh!
Copy !req
104. Oh!
Copy !req
105. So, Chicken, how did your submarine work?
Copy !req
106. It leaks.
Copy !req
107. And...
Copy !req
108. Oh, man!
Copy !req
109. I don't know if I can stand this garbage
no more!
Copy !req
110. You don't like the cafeteria food,
Copy !req
111. Food?
Copy !req
112. You call this food?
Copy !req
113. Ketchup flakes!
Copy !req
114. Ketchup, gelatin, it's all ketchup!
Copy !req
115. I am sick of ketchup!
Copy !req
116. I want meat!
Copy !req
117. Don't you got nothing good to eat?
Copy !req
118. What's the matter, Chicken?
Copy !req
119. You don't like my cooking?
Copy !req
120. Well, that's too bad!
Copy !req
121. Next!
Copy !req
122. Um, what do you recommend?
Copy !req
123. How about my ketchupy fish balls with bits
of dehydrated ketchup?
Copy !req
124. Good!
Copy !req
125. What do you got that's good?
Copy !req
126. My specialty, stuffed ketchup surprise!
Copy !req
127. What's it stuffed with?
Copy !req
128. Why, it's stuffed with ketchup!
Copy !req
129. Oh, yoo-hoo!
Copy !req
130. You forgot something!
Copy !req
131. That's it!
Copy !req
132. I can't take it no more!
Copy !req
133. So, you don't like my ketchup food,
Copy !req
134. Fine!
Copy !req
135. Then...
Copy !req
136. Starve!
Copy !req
137. No food ever again!
Copy !req
138. For you.
Copy !req
139. And if any one of you even thinks about
giving him any food, then you'll starve,
Copy !req
140. too!
Copy !req
141. Yeah, who cares?
Copy !req
142. I ain't really that hungry anyhow.
Copy !req
143. Hello, women.
Copy !req
144. Mind if I sit with yous?
Copy !req
145. You can sit next to me, big brother.
Copy !req
146. You're gonna starve, Chicken.
Copy !req
147. I've starved.
Copy !req
148. Nah.
Copy !req
149. Oh, man, I gotta eat something.
Copy !req
150. You're gonna starve.
Copy !req
151. Starve!
Copy !req
152. Hooray, Chicken!
Copy !req
153. Snap out of it, son!
Copy !req
154. Ain't no one in our family that starves
that easily!
Copy !req
155. Who are yous?
Copy !req
156. What?
Copy !req
157. We're your great-grandma and grandpa!
Copy !req
158. Now, listen here, Chicken.
Copy !req
159. Back in our day, when we didn't like
vittles they was dishin' up at the
Copy !req
160. cafeteria, me and grandma here would open
up our own little food cart.
Copy !req
161. Give those pinheads a little competition!
Copy !req
162. Yep!
Copy !req
163. Grandma and grandpa's happy meat!
Copy !req
164. Ain't that right, Grandma?
Copy !req
165. Oh, man!
Copy !req
166. Great idea, Grandpa!
Copy !req
167. Bye now, Chicken.
Copy !req
168. Say goodbye, Grandma.
Copy !req
169. I love this gal.
Copy !req
170. Bye-bye, Grandma and Grandpa.
Copy !req
171. Who are you talking to, big brother?
Copy !req
172. Grandma and Grandpa?
Copy !req
173. Geez!
Copy !req
174. What are you, blind as well as large?
Copy !req
175. I am gonna run her ketchup kitchen out o'
Copy !req
176. Wanna try my ketchupy fish balls?
Copy !req
177. No food for you either!
Copy !req
178. You're both gonna starve!
Copy !req
179. Oh, why, that's not fair, Mrs. Bear-dairy
- er!
Copy !req
180. Sue me.
Copy !req
181. All right.
Copy !req
182. Take that!
Copy !req
183. Tell me about this idea.
Copy !req
184. Okay, here's the poop.
Copy !req
185. First, we gotta get...
Copy !req
186. Come and get it!
Copy !req
187. Ketchup's hot!
Copy !req
188. Come to Cow and Chicken's Happy Meat,
where nothin' is ketchup.
Copy !req
189. Ketchup on a stick, anyone?
Copy !req
190. That is right, sir.
Copy !req
191. Our meat is happy.
Copy !req
192. Get ready to suck meatloafs to a straw!
Copy !req
193. Try a knuckle sandwich!
Copy !req
194. Oh, just kidding.
Copy !req
195. Hot dog balls!
Copy !req
196. Get your hot dog balls!
Copy !req
197. Oh, children!
Copy !req
198. I've got somethin' that kinda looks like
Copy !req
199. Honey-roasted faux ham a la ketchup!
Copy !req
200. Ooh, that steaks good!
Copy !req
201. Well, how about ketchup on the half-shell,
Copy !req
202. How about ketchup on my hand?
Copy !req
203. You kids know what time it is?
Copy !req
204. Ta-da, sugar!
Copy !req
205. It's time for Bobbin' for Meatballs!
Copy !req
206. Don't ask where those came from.
Copy !req
207. The Red Light Special!
Copy !req
208. Reel out the catapult cow, cause
we are servin'... Pork butts and titties!
Copy !req
209. Poo!
Copy !req
210. Poo!
Copy !req
211. Well, chicken, looks like Happy Meat was a
Copy !req
212. Except it cost us more than we made.
Copy !req
213. Oh, well, it was worth it.
Copy !req
214. We showed Mrs. Honey-Bow what real food
Copy !req
215. Dang!
Copy !req
216. We forgot to eat!
Copy !req
217. What do we got left?
Copy !req
218. Nothing.
Copy !req
219. What?
Copy !req
220. Man, I'd eat anything!
Copy !req
221. I'm a failure.
Copy !req
222. Look at me!
Copy !req
223. I can't even run a lousy school cafeteria.
Copy !req
224. Oh, we made her cry.
Copy !req
225. She deserves it.
Copy !req
226. Oh, come on.
Copy !req
227. Is it open, Mrs. Belgaria?
Copy !req
228. What?
Copy !req
229. You want to eat here?
Copy !req
230. Dare I ask what you got?
Copy !req
231. For you, too?
Copy !req
232. Oh!
Copy !req
233. Let's see.
Copy !req
234. The original is always best.
Copy !req
235. Oh, all right, all right.
Copy !req
236. How much?
Copy !req
237. How about 14 bucks?
Copy !req
238. Hey, that's not... All
right, 14 bucks is fine.
Copy !req
239. Oh, they like me.
Copy !req
240. They really like me.
Copy !req
241. Well, Grandma, looks like another case
Copy !req
242. Honey, you're the greatest.
Copy !req
243. End.
Copy !req
244. Mom says you got to play with me.
Copy !req
245. Want to play mock, kitty-bass?
Copy !req
246. Mom!
Copy !req
247. May I please kill cow?
Copy !req
248. You don't need pants for the victory dance
Cause Baboon's better than Weasel I.R.
Copy !req
249. Baboon makes Star cartoon I am Weasel!
Copy !req
250. I.R.
Copy !req
251. Baboon reigns king in his mind
He's just as good as a weaselly
Copy !req
252. con But round every corner
he's likely to find I am Weasel!
Copy !req
253. I am Weasel!
Copy !req
254. I am Weasel!
Copy !req
255. I am Weasel!
Copy !req
256. Power of odor.
Copy !req
257. You're kidding.
Copy !req
258. Make me laugh.
Copy !req
259. This is place.
Copy !req
260. Place is everything I are.
Copy !req
261. A little bit country with big city
Copy !req
262. Shoo!
Copy !req
263. Come forward to getting it!
Copy !req
264. Egg farming.
Copy !req
265. Good business.
Copy !req
266. Are you happy to be contentment?
Copy !req
267. Ah, a bell of money.
Copy !req
268. Why are you in it?
Copy !req
269. I am ridding you now.
Copy !req
270. Branding!
Copy !req
271. Branding!
Copy !req
272. Branding!
Copy !req
273. Mayor speaking.
Copy !req
274. Stinky!
Copy !req
275. The whole world is stinky!
Copy !req
276. Stinky!
Copy !req
277. Stinky!
Copy !req
278. Stinky!
Copy !req
279. Fellow suffering citizens,
it has come to my attention
Copy !req
280. that our town is overwhelmed
with pig stinkiness.
Copy !req
281. Eww.
Copy !req
282. As your mayor, I will
personally evict this offensive pig
Copy !req
283. farmer and make him take his
stinky other white meat with him.
Copy !req
284. To help us get through this
time of need, I will provide
Copy !req
285. each and every citizen with
a pine-scented air freshener.
Copy !req
286. Ah, he can't.
Copy !req
287. Forget me, I am weasel on the double.
Copy !req
288. Quick, I mean.
Copy !req
289. Excellent.
Copy !req
290. I am weasel.
Copy !req
291. Mayday!
Copy !req
292. Mayday!
Copy !req
293. We have martyred the governor of Britain!
Copy !req
294. It's me!
Copy !req
295. It's me!
Copy !req
296. I understand.
Copy !req
297. Hesitation is not an option, Mayor.
Copy !req
298. Mayor.
Copy !req
299. Mayor?
Copy !req
300. Mayor!
Copy !req
301. We need you here today!
Copy !req
302. Monsieur has one last slip!
Copy !req
303. This is INSANITY!
Copy !req
304. I'm sorry!
Copy !req
305. I'm sorry!
Copy !req
306. I'm sorry!
Copy !req
307. I'm sorry!
Copy !req
308. This is INSANE!
Copy !req
309. I'm going to have a
very stern talk with the
Copy !req
310. person responsible for
this overwhelming stench.
Copy !req
311. Holy mackerel!
Copy !req
312. That's some strong stench!
Copy !req
313. This requires more drastic measures.
Copy !req
314. No trespass against us!
Copy !req
315. These organic pigs!
Copy !req
316. No chemicals!
Copy !req
317. Oh, sorry to have disturbed you,
Copy !req
318. I are due!
Copy !req
319. I.
Copy !req
320. Are.
Copy !req
321. Like.
Copy !req
322. Perfection.
Copy !req
323. Oh, it not same!
Copy !req
324. Smell not good as pig!
Copy !req
325. We find place where people appreciate us!
Copy !req
326. Maybe Los Angeles.
Copy !req
327. Number of the head on
Lexa, errr.
Copy !req
328. See you in the next video!
Copy !req