1. Mama had a chicken.
Copy !req
2. Mama had a cow.
Copy !req
3. Dad was proud.
Copy !req
4. He didn't care how.
Copy !req
5. Cow.
Copy !req
6. Chicken.
Copy !req
7. Cow and chicken.
Copy !req
8. Well, hey, thanks a lot, cow.
Copy !req
9. You ate all the pork chips and I didn't
get none.
Copy !req
10. I'll split this one with you.
Copy !req
11. Well, I guess it's better than a kick in
the head.
Copy !req
12. That's it.
Copy !req
13. You kids are out of control.
Copy !req
14. Just look at what you've done.
Copy !req
15. What a mess!
Copy !req
16. You got that right.
Copy !req
17. We've got a real discipline here.
Copy !req
18. You kids are going to military school
Copy !req
19. It made men out of Mom and me.
Copy !req
20. Hello.
Copy !req
21. It's me, your drill sergeant.
Copy !req
22. Welcome to your new home.
Copy !req
23. On your feet, soldiers!
Copy !req
24. Oh, you disgust me, you pathetic weenie
- off fatbags!
Copy !req
25. Especially you!
Copy !req
26. Fall in!
Copy !req
27. Just what do you
call... Bow, soldier!
Copy !req
28. It's my adieu, sir.
Copy !req
29. Yeah, I bet.
Copy !req
30. Forward, march!
Copy !req
31. One-two, one-two, one-two, one-two!
Copy !req
32. Comfy?
Copy !req
33. Oh.
Copy !req
34. Do you think I forgot about you?
Copy !req
35. Better.
Copy !req
36. Oh, yes, thank you.
Copy !req
37. It's very... Shut your pie hole!
Copy !req
38. Not to worry.
Copy !req
39. I'll just take a little off the top.
Copy !req
40. Ah!
Copy !req
41. One-two, one-two...
Copy !req
42. One-two!
Copy !req
43. One-two!
Copy !req
44. One -two!
Copy !req
45. One-two!
Copy !req
46. I'd like some blueberry waffles,
Copy !req
47. I don't think I like this place,
Copy !req
48. I don't like it none either, cow.
Copy !req
49. Shut up and eat your veins and biscuits!
Copy !req
50. Wait!
Copy !req
51. Oh, disgusting!
Copy !req
52. Oh, our little buffet is now over!
Copy !req
53. Five and five and five is ten!
Copy !req
54. I'm gonna make you manly men.
Copy !req
55. Company, halt!
Copy !req
56. I want you gals to run through these
Copy !req
57. All right, ladies, run!
Copy !req
58. Fire!
Copy !req
59. So, we're greeting a little Pooley today,
are we?
Copy !req
60. Yes, sir!
Copy !req
61. Pooley, sir?
Copy !req
62. Wham, wham, wham!
Copy !req
63. Scare off!
Copy !req
64. Aah!
Copy !req
65. Aah!
Copy !req
66. Aah!
Copy !req
67. Aah!
Copy !req
68. Aah!
Copy !req
69. Aah!
Copy !req
70. Aah!
Copy !req
71. Aah!
Copy !req
72. That was pathetic!
Copy !req
73. All right, let's do it again with full
battle gear and toiletries.
Copy !req
74. Yes, sir!
Copy !req
75. Thank you, sir.
Copy !req
76. May I have another, sir?
Copy !req
77. Thank you, sir.
Copy !req
78. May I have another, sir?
Copy !req
79. Thank you, sir!
Copy !req
80. Thank you, sir.
Copy !req
81. May we have another, sir?
Copy !req
82. Well, kids, how was military school?
Copy !req
83. Yes, sir!
Copy !req
84. Fine, sir!
Copy !req
85. Well, I hope you learned what it means to
have discipline.
Copy !req
86. Shoes untied, jump and give me 50!
Copy !req
87. One-two, one-two, one-two, one-two,
Copy !req
88. Fall in for inspection!
Copy !req
89. Hi-hats!
Copy !req
90. Hi-hats!
Copy !req
91. Hi-hats!
Copy !req
92. Hey, ho!
Copy !req
93. Ha!
Copy !req
94. You call that kitchen clean?
Copy !req
95. Drop and give me 50!
Copy !req
96. My goodness!
Copy !req
97. What have our kids become?
Copy !req
98. Don't worry.
Copy !req
99. I think I know what to do.
Copy !req
100. Hello!
Copy !req
101. Welcome to sensitivity training.
Copy !req
102. I'm Mrs. Beaver, your personal sensitivity
Copy !req
103. Well then, let's get started, shall we?
Copy !req
104. Please, walk this way.
Copy !req
105. No, no, no, no, no!
Copy !req
106. Feel your feelings.
Copy !req
107. Nobody loves you.
Copy !req
108. And you never get to do what you want to
Copy !req
109. Oh!
Copy !req
110. Oh, that's wonderful!
Copy !req
111. And drift and float and drift and float
and drift!
Copy !req
112. Pull and breathe!
Copy !req
113. Pull and breathe!
Copy !req
114. And dip and brush and dip and brush!
Copy !req
115. Oh, display legs!
Copy !req
116. Lather!
Copy !req
117. Shave!
Copy !req
118. And towel off!
Copy !req
119. Yes!
Copy !req
120. Well, kids, how does it feel to be back
Copy !req
121. Oh, my, oh, my!
Copy !req
122. This shall never do!
Copy !req
123. Oh, my!
Copy !req
124. What have we done to our children?
Copy !req
125. I just had a terrible dream!
Copy !req
126. Cow and chicken were too tough.
Copy !req
127. And then they were too soft.
Copy !req
128. Yes, I had the same dream.
Copy !req
129. That must have been one of those shared
Copy !req
130. Shared dreams!
Copy !req
131. Yes!
Copy !req
132. Oh, well, thank goodness they're just
Copy !req
133. Clang, clang, clang went the trotty.
Copy !req
134. Ding, ding, ding went the bell.
Copy !req
135. Zing, zing, zing went my heart strings.
Copy !req
136. From the moment I saw him, I fell.
Copy !req
137. End.
Copy !req
138. Yeah.
Copy !req
139. Oh, yeah, use that feather.
Copy !req
140. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
141. Mom, Dad, my feathers is falling out!
Copy !req
142. Mom, looks like our son has started
Copy !req
143. Oh.
Copy !req
144. He's becoming a man.
Copy !req
145. Well, the next thing you know he'll be
shaving his waddle!
Copy !req
146. They grow up so fast!
Copy !req
147. Now, now, it's not that bad.
Copy !req
148. Remember when Cow lost her baby teeth?
Copy !req
149. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
150. How could I forget that?
Copy !req
151. She looked like a... idiot.
Copy !req
152. Yeah, but then she put them under her
Copy !req
153. And.
Copy !req
154. gave me a dollar for each tooth.
Copy !req
155. A buck a tooth!
Copy !req
156. Man, that is good dough.
Copy !req
157. Maybe if you put your
feathers under your pillow,
Copy !req
158. the molting fairy will
pay you a visit tonight.
Copy !req
159. Oh, a buck for each feather.
Copy !req
160. I will be rich!
Copy !req
161. Oh, yes, there's one over here,
one over there, one...
Copy !req
162. One plus one plus
one... Don't hold it!
Copy !req
163. Plus two.
Copy !req
164. One, two, three, four,
five... Yeah, another dollar...
Copy !req
165. Wanna play roll, chicken up in the
Copy !req
166. No, I do not choose to play no stupid cow
Copy !req
167. This mess of feathers adds up to be worth
seven hundred of dollars and no cents!
Copy !req
168. Pillow, there.
Copy !req
169. Now I will treat my good pals Flim and
Earl to the carnival.
Copy !req
170. Oh, Mom says never go to the carnival
Copy !req
171. Oh, jeez.
Copy !req
172. Oh, Mom, don't.
Copy !req
173. I did say that.
Copy !req
174. Dad!
Copy !req
175. Dad!
Copy !req
176. Can I wear some of your clothes?
Copy !req
177. Why, sure, son.
Copy !req
178. Come on, chicken!
Copy !req
179. Hold your horses!
Copy !req
180. Ahem.
Copy !req
181. I am soon to come into a large fortune,
ticket woman.
Copy !req
182. Please accept my I.O.U.
Copy !req
183. for I and my companions.
Copy !req
184. Yeah, I got a chicken here dressed in a
Copy !req
185. Once credit.
Copy !req
186. Ahem.
Copy !req
187. Ahem.
Copy !req
188. It's your carnival.
Copy !req
189. Here you are, boys.
Copy !req
190. Three general admission.
Copy !req
191. Whoa.
Copy !req
192. This I.O.U.
Copy !req
193. system is terrific.
Copy !req
194. Let's get cotton-candied meat.
Copy !req
195. And for you, pal.
Copy !req
196. Allow me to help myself.
Copy !req
197. Oh!
Copy !req
198. Oh!
Copy !req
199. Oh!
Copy !req
200. Oh!
Copy !req
201. Oh!
Copy !req
202. Oh!
Copy !req
203. Oh!
Copy !req
204. Oh!
Copy !req
205. Oh!
Copy !req
206. Oh!
Copy !req
207. You busted my meat machine.
Copy !req
208. No problem, sir.
Copy !req
209. Just hold my I.O.U.
Copy !req
210. till tomorrow.
Copy !req
211. And you will be paid in full.
Copy !req
212. Hey, phlegm.
Copy !req
213. Hey, Earl.
Copy !req
214. Watch this.
Copy !req
215. I can steer with my eyeballs.
Copy !req
216. Left, right, spin.
Copy !req
217. Oh!
Copy !req
218. Ah!
Copy !req
219. Ah!
Copy !req
220. Ah!
Copy !req
221. Ah!
Copy !req
222. Ah!
Copy !req
223. Ah!
Copy !req
224. Ah!
Copy !req
225. Here's an I.O.U.
Copy !req
226. I'll pay you tomorrow when I'm rolling in
the dough.
Copy !req
227. Ice cream, please.
Copy !req
228. What flavor?
Copy !req
229. All.
Copy !req
230. You want all flavors?
Copy !req
231. But we have 5,000 flavors.
Copy !req
232. Chocolate, strawberry,
rocky road, asphalt road,
Copy !req
233. dirt road, road to ruin
road, apple Meadow muffin.
Copy !req
234. Read my beak, pal.
Copy !req
235. We want all your ice cream.
Copy !req
236. Here's my ice cream.
Copy !req
237. I owe you.
Copy !req
238. Hmm?
Copy !req
239. Yeah.
Copy !req
240. Now for the big payoff.
Copy !req
241. Where is that molting fairy?
Copy !req
242. It's almost today.
Copy !req
243. Feathers in my sack.
Copy !req
244. My name is Larry.
Copy !req
245. Feathers make me glad.
Copy !req
246. Cause I'm the molting fairy.
Copy !req
247. Hey, fairy.
Copy !req
248. Where's my dough?
Copy !req
249. Oh!
Copy !req
250. I'm so embarrassed.
Copy !req
251. I completely forgot.
Copy !req
252. Oh!
Copy !req
253. Oh!
Copy !req
254. Oh my God!
Copy !req
255. Got change for a dollar.
Copy !req
256. A dollar?
Copy !req
257. I want 700 dollars.
Copy !req
258. Well, you'll never get 700 bills from me,
Copy !req
259. Now my brother could maybe leave you that
kind of cash.
Copy !req
260. Him being the scab fairy and all.
Copy !req
261. Got me scabs!
Copy !req
262. They could be worth gold.
Copy !req
263. Gotta go!
Copy !req
264. Scabs are calling!
Copy !req
265. Buh-bye, chicken!
Copy !req
266. Remember to put your scabs under your
Copy !req
267. Oh!
Copy !req
268. Oh!
Copy !req
269. Oh!
Copy !req
270. Oh!
Copy !req
271. In lieu of actual money, I am prepared to
repay you all with extremely valuable...
Copy !req
272. feathers?
Copy !req
273. Did he say feathers?
Copy !req
274. Yes, feathers.
Copy !req
275. Anybody got any hot boiling glue?
Copy !req
276. Right here.
Copy !req
277. Me too!
Copy !req
278. Let's get it!
Copy !req
279. Chicken,
Copy !req
280. who are those grown men and women coming
out of your room carrying boiling glue pots?
Copy !req
281. Friends of yours?
Copy !req
282. Oh yeah, my best buds.
Copy !req
283. Ouch!
Copy !req
284. That's gonna cause a scab!
Copy !req
285. Scab?
Copy !req
286. Oh, I'm gonna be rich!
Copy !req
287. Rich!
Copy !req
288. Rich!
Copy !req
289. Rich!
Copy !req
290. Rich!
Copy !req
291. Dad!
Copy !req
292. Dad!
Copy !req
293. You better call an ambulance.
Copy !req
294. And...
Copy !req
295. You must be this tall to ride.
Copy !req
296. Aw dang, I'm too short!
Copy !req
297. Oh, this is great!
Copy !req
298. Right, Chicken?
Copy !req
299. Yeah, great!
Copy !req
300. I'm having the time of my life!
Copy !req
301. You don't need pants for the victory
Copy !req
302. I am Weasel!
Copy !req
303. I am Weasel!
Copy !req
304. I am Weasel!
Copy !req
305. I am Weasel!
Copy !req
306. I are Gentleman's.
Copy !req
307. Ah, him.
Copy !req
308. Very good.
Copy !req
309. Classy.
Copy !req
310. Eureka!
Copy !req
311. My worldwide genealogical
search has finally located my
Copy !req
312. great-great-great-great -great
- grandpa, Weasel the Great!
Copy !req
313. He later died.
Copy !req
314. Incoming message.
Copy !req
315. Hello?
Copy !req
316. Hello?
Copy !req
317. Am I transmitting?
Copy !req
318. Queen of Europe calling I am Weasel.
Copy !req
319. Do you read me?
Copy !req
320. Your Majesty.
Copy !req
321. Why are you calling me from
the royal... I... you... Commode.
Copy !req
322. Yes, well, Europe is a poor country,
you see.
Copy !req
323. So we combine our technologies whenever we
Copy !req
324. Fair enough.
Copy !req
325. What seems to be the problem?
Copy !req
326. Okay.
Copy !req
327. Well, ah, Mr. Weasel, I
have a bit of a problem which
Copy !req
328. requires your expertise
in the field of genealogy.
Copy !req
329. Our Duke of Cankerberry
has up and died, you see,
Copy !req
330. and we must find a
suitable heir to his estate.
Copy !req
331. We have reason to believe that a long-lost
Cankerberry may be living in America.
Copy !req
332. Oh, pardon him, Your Majesty, but aren't
you through yet?
Copy !req
333. You are not the only one in the palace who
has died.
Copy !req
334. You need to transmit, you know.
Copy !req
335. Keep your pants on.
Copy !req
336. Yeah, I'm almost through.
Copy !req
337. I shall locate your Cankerberry, Your
Majesty, and deliver him to Europe myself.
Copy !req
338. Oh, thank you, thank you.
Copy !req
339. Au revoir, mon Kiki.
Copy !req
340. Let's see.
Copy !req
341. Cankerberry.
Copy !req
342. Whoa.
Copy !req
343. Close that eyes.
Copy !req
344. Misshapen ears.
Copy !req
345. Enormous nose.
Copy !req
346. Rotten teeth.
Copy !req
347. Yep, he's a royal, all right.
Copy !req
348. I ha moved horsey to stomp on castle
Copy !req
349. I ha make checkmate on king of I ha.
Copy !req
350. Checkmate, checkmate.
Copy !req
351. I ha beat I ha.
Copy !req
352. I ha beat I ha.
Copy !req
353. Like that.
Copy !req
354. I'm here to take you to Europe.
Copy !req
355. You are a descendant of royalty.
Copy !req
356. I ha royalty?
Copy !req
357. Fortune cookie was right.
Copy !req
358. I inspecting you long time.
Copy !req
359. Well, then, let's be off.
Copy !req
360. I ha sorry.
Copy !req
361. I not offering any for you.
Copy !req
362. I see we have some work to do.
Copy !req
363. And I know just the place.
Copy !req
364. My European summer house.
Copy !req
365. Let's begin with basic table manners.
Copy !req
366. Behold, the salad fork.
Copy !req
367. Monsieur Baboon.
Copy !req
368. Monsieur Baboon!
Copy !req
369. Stop right there!
Copy !req
370. Let's review.
Copy !req
371. I sorry.
Copy !req
372. But I ha hungry.
Copy !req
373. Yes, of course.
Copy !req
374. But we must learn to be gentleman about
Copy !req
375. I ha always wanted to be gentlemans.
Copy !req
376. Then let's begin again.
Copy !req
377. Fork.
Copy !req
378. Fork.
Copy !req
379. Say it.
Copy !req
380. Fork.
Copy !req
381. By Jove.
Copy !req
382. I think you've got it.
Copy !req
383. I ha got it!
Copy !req
384. I ha got it!
Copy !req
385. I ha get the mans.
Copy !req
386. What Jove?
Copy !req
387. Never mind.
Copy !req
388. We are on a roll.
Copy !req
389. Monsieur Baboon, I dub thee Duke of
Copy !req
390. Now get to work.
Copy !req
391. I'm afraid your uncle left this world
owing a substantial debt, which you,
Copy !req
392. the new Cankerberry, must now repay.
Copy !req
393. You may begin by cleaning the royal
Copy !req
394. Guards!
Copy !req
395. Take him away!
Copy !req
396. I are gentlemans!
Copy !req
397. Not fair!
Copy !req
398. I'm gentlemans!
Copy !req
399. No!
Copy !req
400. Wait!
Copy !req
401. I am...
Copy !req
402. I'm a lawyer.
Copy !req
403. And a perfect gentleman.
Copy !req
404. Shine it up now.
Copy !req
405. I want to see my reflection when I...
Copy !req
406. I am gentlemans too!
Copy !req