1. We will return to
Isle of Piles: The Beaver
Copy !req
2. after these short messages.
Copy !req
3. Hello. It's me,
Larry Lackapants,
Copy !req
4. Arkansas cheese master,
Copy !req
5. soon to be king
and queen of cheese.
Copy !req
6. Men, do you love cheese more
than anything else in the world?
Copy !req
7. Then come on down
to Cornflake, Arkansas,
Copy !req
8. and let's make
some cheese with me!
Copy !req
9. Oh! Oof!
Copy !req
10. Mom, can I go to
Arkansas to make cheese?
Copy !req
11. Pleeeeease?
Copy !req
12. Why, of course you can, dear.
Copy !req
13. I'll go pack my
suitcase right now.
Copy !req
14. All aboard!
Copy !req
15. Now, Cow, Mr. Lackapants
will meet you
Copy !req
16. at the station in Cornflake.
Copy !req
17. Good-bye, Chicken.
Copy !req
18. Yeah. So long.
Copy !req
19. Oh! I'm going to
miss you, big brother.
Copy !req
20. Hey! Easy with
the wattle, Cow.
Copy !req
21. Bye, Mom.
Copy !req
22. Bye, Dad.
Copy !req
23. Bye, Chicken.
Copy !req
24. Bon voyage!
Bon voyage!
Copy !req
25. Don't forget to wash behind
your udder, and be a good cow!
Copy !req
26. And don't take no bull.
Copy !req
27. Gee, I never thought I'd be
sorry to see that fat idiot go.
Copy !req
28. Huh? Crabs!
Copy !req
29. Cow, wait!
You forgot Crabs the Warthog!
Copy !req
30. Whoa!
I got Crabs...
Copy !req
31. The Warthog!
Copy !req
32. Tickets, please.
Copy !req
33. I'm going to
Cornflake, Arkansas,
Copy !req
34. to make cheese with the
king and queen of cheese.
Copy !req
35. Next stop, Cornflake, Arkansas.
Copy !req
36. Huh? Oh!
Copy !req
37. Ooh! Yoo-hoo! Over here!
Copy !req
38. Are you Cow?
Copy !req
39. Oh, yes, I'm Cow,
Copy !req
40. and I want to make cheese
more than anything.
Copy !req
41. Oh, glory!
Copy !req
42. With your help, I'll become
the king and queen of cheese.
Copy !req
43. At last, someone
who believes in me.
Copy !req
44. Come, my dear Cow.
Copy !req
45. Ha ha! My vehicle
is over here.
Copy !req
46. "Welcome to Cornflake."
Copy !req
47. This must be it!
Copy !req
48. What are all
these machines doing?
Copy !req
49. Making cheese, of course.
Copy !req
50. My patented
cheese-sucking machine
Copy !req
51. will suck cheese
out of anything.
Copy !req
52. This one is making
bucket cheese.
Copy !req
53. This one is making
water tower cheese.
Copy !req
54. Here. Have some
weasel cheese.
Copy !req
55. Ooh...
Copy !req
56. Blech!
Copy !req
57. No good, huh?
Copy !req
58. That's my problem!
Copy !req
59. I've tried everything—
Copy !req
60. haystack cheese, silo cheese,
Copy !req
61. grandma cheese.
Copy !req
62. I even tried horse cheese.
Copy !req
63. Dog cheese, hyena cheese,
Copy !req
64. lizard cheese, duck cheese.
Copy !req
65. But they refused to cooperate.
Copy !req
66. They didn't want me to be the
king and queen of cheese!
Copy !req
67. Um, Mr. Lackapants?
Copy !req
68. Yeeeesss?
Copy !req
69. My teacher says that cheese
is made out of milk.
Copy !req
70. Ha ha ha ha ha!
Copy !req
71. Milk?
Copy !req
72. Milk?
Copy !req
73. That's preposterous.
Copy !req
74. And yet, it just might
be crazy enough to work.
Copy !req
75. Oh, how marvelous!
Cheese out of milk!
Copy !req
76. Now, let's see.
Copy !req
77. I think we'll attach one
cheese-sucker... Here!
Copy !req
78. And one here...
Copy !req
79. And here...
Copy !req
80. And here...
Copy !req
81. And here...
Copy !req
82. And here.
Copy !req
83. Ha ha! Yes. That ought to do it.
Copy !req
84. Whoo ha ha ha!
Copy !req
85. And now...
Copy !req
86. Let's make some cow cheese!
Copy !req
87. Oh, no!
Copy !req
88. Hold it,
Mr. Cheese queen.
Copy !req
89. Keep your cheese-sucking hands
off my sister!
Copy !req
90. And who might you be?
Copy !req
91. He's my brother,
Copy !req
92. come through the window
to save me.
Copy !req
93. So, more uncooperative
animals, eh?
Copy !req
94. All right, then.
Copy !req
95. Move it, you useless bunch
of flea-bitten barn trash!
Copy !req
96. I'll become the king and queen
of cheese without your help!
Copy !req
97. I guess cheese making
isn't my calling.
Copy !req
98. Oh, great.
Now she tells us.
Copy !req
99. Now we're prisoners,
and it's all my fault.
Copy !req
100. What's so funny, hyena?
Copy !req
101. We got to skate before he sucks
cheese out of all of us!
Copy !req
102. But the door's locked,
and there aren't any windows.
Copy !req
103. I got it!
We'll tunnel out.
Copy !req
104. Anyone got a spoon?
Copy !req
105. Ha ha ha ha!
Copy !req
106. Follow me, men!
Copy !req
107. Goldfish cheese.
Come and get it!
Copy !req
108. Grrrr!
Copy !req
109. You animals get back
to your room!
Copy !req
110. Go suck a doorknob,
cheddar butt.
Copy !req
111. Uh, now, there's no
need to get upset.
Copy !req
112. Wait a minute, you guys.
Put down the suckers.
Copy !req
113. Aaah! No!
Copy !req
114. Oh! Ooh!
Copy !req
115. Wait a minute.
Copy !req
116. Mmm. Oh, this cheese
tastes pretty good.
Copy !req
117. Mmm.
Copy !req
118. Oh, Chicken,
Copy !req
119. thank you for saving me
from a life of cheese.
Copy !req
120. Eh, don't mention it, sis.
Copy !req
121. But listen—did
you have to bring
Copy !req
122. all your friends
back with youse?
Copy !req
123. Horse, would you pass
the pea, please?
Copy !req
124. Hey, Duck, want some more
pork butts and taters?
Copy !req
125. Pull!
Copy !req
126. Pull! Pull!
Copy !req
127. Pull! Pull!
Copy !req
128. Ha ha ha ha!
Copy !req
129. Whatcha doing, Chicken?
Copy !req
130. I'm bee flying.
What does it look like?
Copy !req
131. Oh. Can I fly
Copy !req
132. Only men can fly bees.
Copy !req
133. Owwwww!
Copy !req
134. Here's your dumb bee.
Copy !req
135. I.M. Weasel.
Copy !req
136. I.M. Weasel.
Copy !req
137. I.M. Weasel!
Copy !req
138. I.M. Weasel!
Copy !req
139. Get over yourself.
Copy !req
140. Don't make me mad.
Copy !req
141. Congratulations, Weasel.
Copy !req
142. You've done a fine job remodeling
the Empire State Building.
Copy !req
143. As the reigning king
of New York, I thank you.
Copy !req
144. This is just the
beginning, King.
Copy !req
145. I promise that by noon tomorrow,
Copy !req
146. I shall finish remodeling the
rest of Manhattan Island
Copy !req
147. and preserve this city's
historical integrity.
Copy !req
148. Hey, King! Weasel!
Pose for a couple of pictures?
Copy !req
149. Oh, that Weasel!
Copy !req
150. He think he so big.
Copy !req
151. He just little ant.
Copy !req
152. Pinch!
Copy !req
153. Aah! Yeow!
Copy !req
154. Today New York, tomorrow
Detroit and beyond.
Copy !req
155. No! Uhh!
Copy !req
156. Aah!
Copy !req
157. Oh!
Copy !req
158. Don't move the brains.
I'm a doctor.
Copy !req
159. Which one goes where?
Copy !req
160. The little one goes into
the little skull, stupid.
Copy !req
161. Oh.
Copy !req
162. Wake up, you lazy baboon!
Copy !req
163. I got to change the sheets
for the next customer!
Copy !req
164. Ha ha ha ha!
Copy !req
165. Ha ha ha ha!
Copy !req
166. Ha ha ha ha!
Copy !req
167. What on earth are you people
laughing at?
Copy !req
168. Think you're too good
for washing windows?
Copy !req
169. Is that it, Baboon?
Copy !req
170. Excuse me. I don't
know who you are,
Copy !req
171. but I am not a baboon.
Copy !req
172. Keep your insults on your face.
Copy !req
173. Well, ain't we high and mighty?
Copy !req
174. Cleaning toilets ought to
drop you back down to size.
Copy !req
175. You're demoted!
Copy !req
176. Holy mackerel!
Copy !req
177. They must have
switched our brains.
Copy !req
178. Welcome back,
Mr. Weasel.
Copy !req
179. Are you
all right, Mr. Weasel?
Copy !req
180. Need another pillow, Mr. Weasel?
Copy !req
181. Are the drugs wearing off?
Need more, Mr. Weasel?
Copy !req
182. They think I weasel!
Copy !req
183. I.R. Let them.
Copy !req
184. So when do you want to resume
renovating New York City, Mr. Weasel?
Copy !req
185. I remodel Empire State
Building first!
Copy !req
186. But you just remodeled
the Empire State Building.
Copy !req
187. In fact, the plumbing was
replaced just last week.
Copy !req
188. The copper in that building
will last a lifetime.
Copy !req
189. If water pipe last a lifetime,
Copy !req
190. whole building of water
pipe last forever!
Copy !req
191. Ha ha!
Copy !req
192. Hot towel, sir?
Copy !req
193. Why, thank you, and
this is for you.
Copy !req
194. You're a hard worker, Baboon.
Copy !req
195. You'll be a wheel in this
town someday, mark my words.
Copy !req
196. Ha ha ha! Purty.
Copy !req
197. Say, Mr. Weasel,
Copy !req
198. what do you want to do
with all these bricks?
Copy !req
199. Uh, um...
Copy !req
200. Lots of room inside.
Copy !req
201. Put bricks this building!
Copy !req
202. Aah!
Copy !req
203. Bee-yoo-tiful.
Copy !req
204. No wasted space.
Copy !req
205. Look. Change for plan.
Copy !req
206. You're a good citizen,
Mr. Baboon.
Copy !req
207. Your government thanks you.
Copy !req
208. Bee-yoo-tiful!
Copy !req
209. This good place for lake.
Copy !req
210. Argh! Uhh!
Copy !req
211. Fellow citizens, if you
elect me king of New York,
Copy !req
212. I promise to rid the city of
the formerly saintly I.M. Weasel
Copy !req
213. and restore order out of chaos.
Copy !req
214. The vote is in,
Copy !req
215. and the winner is...
I.M. Baboon!
Copy !req
216. As the new king of New York,
Copy !req
217. I present you,
Mr. Weasel,
Copy !req
218. with early retirement.
Copy !req
219. Congratulations.
Copy !req
220. Oh. Force-ed retired-ment.
Copy !req
221. I.R. tired of hard working.
Copy !req
222. I happy to be retiredment.
Copy !req
223. Yay, baboon!
Copy !req
224. I.M. Baboon!
Copy !req
225. I.M. Baboon!
Copy !req
226. I.M. Baboon!
Copy !req
227. I.M. Baboon!
Copy !req
228. I.M. Baboon!
Copy !req
229. Hey, King Baboon!
Copy !req
230. Pose for a couple of pictures?
Copy !req
231. I am Baboon!
Copy !req