1. "always scare, daniel-san.
Copy !req
2. "miyagi hate fighting."
Copy !req
3. "miyagi hate fighting."
Copy !req
4. Line?
Copy !req
5. "yeah, but you
like karate."
right, right.
Copy !req
6. Yeah, but you
like karate, though.
Copy !req
7. So?
Copy !req
8. Line?
Copy !req
9. Chang,
the audition's at 3:00.
Copy !req
10. well, maybe
I shouldn't go.
Copy !req
11. You know,
maybe I'm a bad actor.
Copy !req
12. Being good is
a fraction of acting.
Copy !req
13. It takes discipline
and confidence!
Copy !req
14. Discipline, confidence.
Copy !req
15. Okay, from the top.
Copy !req
16. "always scare, daniel-san.
Miyagi hate fighting."
Copy !req
17. Line.
Copy !req
18. I heard
karate kid quotes.
Copy !req
19. Chang is auditioning
for a stage adaptation
Copy !req
20. Of karate kid downtown.
Copy !req
21. Yeah, and it's for the part
of daniel larusso.
Copy !req
22. You got a problem
with that, racist?
Copy !req
23. No.
You're acting now?
Copy !req
24. Yeah, um,
you got a problem with that?
Copy !req
25. I'm clear.
Copy !req
26. They took my snake,
and they turned it
into a plumber.
Copy !req
27. They made the eggs
into barrels.
Copy !req
28. The pine tree
they made into a gorilla,
but I recognize my design.
Copy !req
29. Donkey kong, my ass.
Copy !req
30. That's construction snake.
Copy !req
31. I don't practice
law anymore.
But we have a case, right?
Copy !req
32. Isn't everyone
you'd be suing dead?
Copy !req
33. That's not cool, man.
Copy !req
34. Why would a tree
throw eggs at a snake?
Copy !req
35. Why would a plumber
be fighting a monkey?
Copy !req
36. I don't know.
I don't know.
Copy !req
37. The wi-fi
is still broken.
Copy !req
38. What happened
to "good morning"?
Copy !req
39. It's a bad morning,
no wi-fi.
Copy !req
40. We really need wi-fi.
Copy !req
41. Okay, let's not get
carried away.
We need oxygen.
Copy !req
42. We have oxygen.
We need wi-fi.
Copy !req
43. wi-fi!
Copy !req
44. Okay! Okay, enough!
Copy !req
45. Okay, look,
what I'm doing.
Copy !req
46. Look, "fix
Copy !req
47. "wi-fi."
Copy !req
48. Hmm, okay.
Copy !req
49. Boom and boom.
Copy !req
50. All right, I am trying
to find the it lady.
Copy !req
51. My emails to her get bounced
back to me in aramaic,
Copy !req
52. And when I call,
I hear an undulating,
high-pitched whistle
Copy !req
53. That makes my nose bleed.
Copy !req
54. Well, sounds like
a bad it lady,
Copy !req
55. Right?
hire a new it lady.
Copy !req
56. I'm pretty handy
with technology.
Copy !req
57. I'm assuming
it's still the same,
Copy !req
58. Smaller holes, more bytes?
Copy !req
59. What are we
up to now, mega?
Copy !req
60. Tera.
Copy !req
61. They did it,
those bastards.
They finally did it.
Copy !req
62. Frankie, hire elroy.
Elroy, you're the it lady.
Copy !req
63. Can I be his assistant?
Not for money.
Copy !req
64. Can I be his friend?
abed is your friend.
Copy !req
65. Now, the real reason
I came by.
Copy !req
66. I'm dying.
Copy !req
67. Not really,
but imagine how bad
Copy !req
68. You'd feel for complaining
about the wi-fi.
Copy !req
69. Here's the real reason.
Copy !req
70. Too short?
Copy !req
71. It is too short?
Copy !req
72. It's not too short?
Oh, you people are no help.
Copy !req
73. School board coming!
Copy !req
74. Oh, god.
Copy !req
75. School board,
you're surrounded.
Copy !req
76. If this is about
the bonfire,
Copy !req
77. We'll put it out when
the weather breaks.
Copy !req
78. We come in peace.
Copy !req
79. We've had our
ups and downs,
Copy !req
80. But as of right now,
we love this school
Copy !req
81. And love what you're
doing with it.
Copy !req
82. What? Why?
Copy !req
83. What would you think
about moving up?
Copy !req
84. You know, joining us
on the board?
Copy !req
85. Me? I would love to be
on the school board.
Copy !req
86. Awesome!
Copy !req
87. One more thing,
Copy !req
88. You're, uh,
gay, right?
Copy !req
89. I mean, like, openly gay?
Copy !req
90. Uh, I'm not openly anything,
Copy !req
91. And gay doesn't begin
to cover it. No.
Copy !req
92. Oh.
Copy !req
93. Oh, I get it.
Copy !req
94. This is about the uproar
over you guys
Copy !req
95. Canceling the pride parade
for a school board parade.
Copy !req
96. Those guys get to dress
fancy all year!
Copy !req
97. We have one day to...
No, no, no.
Copy !req
98. No, this
isn't about that.
Copy !req
99. This is about adding
a new face to the board.
Copy !req
100. But if that new face
happened to be openly gay,
Copy !req
101. It would be because
we're so tolerant.
Copy !req
102. And always were.
Copy !req
103. But that's for us
to deal with.
Copy !req
104. The question you
have to ask is,
Copy !req
105. Am I openly gay?
Copy !req
106. Because if you are,
that gayness
could be a rocket
Copy !req
107. Thrusting you
to new gay heights.
Copy !req
108. And if you're not, well,
Copy !req
109. There's a lot
of gay guys out there.
Copy !req
110. I assume that's a selling
point of the lifestyle.
Copy !req
111. You know, I... I never
thought about it that way.
Copy !req
112. Well, I have.
Cutting women out of sex.
Copy !req
113. It's genius.
Copy !req
114. ♪ gay dean, gay dean
Copy !req
115. This should lead
to the router.
Copy !req
116. Back up. Back up. Back up.
Back up, back up, back up.
Copy !req
117. What... What's going on?
What's going on?
Copy !req
118. There's a bird's nest
in there with babies in it.
Copy !req
119. The mother must have
built it there
because of the heat.
Copy !req
120. The same reason my mom took
my half brother to arizona.
Copy !req
121. That's probably why
the wi-fi is down.
Copy !req
122. We'll have to move it.
Copy !req
123. If you move them,
the mother won't come back.
Copy !req
124. those birds aren't
the new it lady, I am.
Copy !req
125. I'll move it carefully.
Copy !req
126. The mother
won't come back.
Copy !req
127. Kid,
Copy !req
128. Animals have been
murdering each other
for 3 billion years.
Copy !req
129. Birds have had
their 15 million
in the spotlight,
Copy !req
130. The same as
lizards and plants.
Copy !req
131. And they all just use it
to murder, eat, screw,
Copy !req
132. And not invent wi-fi.
Copy !req
133. Now, we may end up
saving this world
Copy !req
134. Or blowing it to hell
or making a new one,
Copy !req
135. But we can't do
any of it while
scheduling our evolution
Copy !req
136. Around the needs
of the least lucky birds.
Copy !req
137. What are you, a demon?
Did clive barker write you?
Copy !req
138. Anyone who finds
that nest will come
to the same decision.
Copy !req
139. And you don't
have to get mean.
Copy !req
140. Mean?
Copy !req
141. You just did a baby bird
murder monologue.
Copy !req
142. Maybe they're close
to leaving the nest.
Copy !req
143. Until then, can't you
just stall by doing
what real it people do?
Copy !req
144. What's that?
Copy !req
145. I've got one year
to make it all work.
Copy !req
146. And that's what
I'm gonna do,
make it work.
Copy !req
147. All of it.
Copy !req
148. This place is intimidating.
Copy !req
149. You're gonna do great.
Copy !req
150. Next up, ben chang for
the role of daniel larusso.
Copy !req
151. thank you.
Copy !req
152. "daniel-san,
why you want learn karate?"
Copy !req
153. Hang on a second.
I can do better.
Copy !req
154. Zip it.
Who are you?
Copy !req
155. Oh, I'm annie,
a friend of chang's.
Copy !req
156. You mind coming up here
and reading with your friend?
Copy !req
157. Okay, if it helps.
Copy !req
158. Um...
Copy !req
159. daniel-san,
why you want...
Copy !req
160. Okay.
Oh, sorry. No.
Copy !req
161. You read daniel-san.
You read miyagi.
Copy !req
162. Um...
Copy !req
163. We'll do scene seven,
miyagi's office.
Copy !req
164. are you the repairman?
Copy !req
165. Aye.
Copy !req
166. Our faucet's
really leaking there.
Copy !req
167. When you gonna fix it?
Copy !req
168. After.
after what?
Copy !req
169. After after.
Copy !req
170. Tell everyone else
to go home.
Copy !req
171. We got the parts!
Copy !req
172. Parts plural?
Copy !req
173. Well, yeah, annie got my part,
and I got the asian part.
Copy !req
174. Chang, stop!
Copy !req
175. We were cast as mr. Miyagi
and the karate kid
Copy !req
176. Because we're a good team.
Copy !req
177. We're a team,
because one of us
is so talented,
Copy !req
178. She got cast
outside her gender
Copy !req
179. And the other one got cast
because of eye shape.
Copy !req
180. I am not letting you
sabotage yourself like this.
Copy !req
181. Let's say you're right,
Copy !req
182. And like sidney poitier
or meg ryan before you,
Copy !req
183. You were cast for race.
Copy !req
184. It's what the actor does
with the role they get
that matters, all right?
Copy !req
185. You're right.
Copy !req
186. All right, it lady,
how goes it?
Copy !req
187. I found your problem.
Copy !req
188. I'll need a little time
to fix it.
Copy !req
189. Wow, need time to fix it.
Copy !req
190. You sound just like
you work in it.
Copy !req
191. I've got some
interesting news.
Copy !req
192. The school board
offered me a position.
Copy !req
193. ooh, great.
Copy !req
194. Congratulations.
Copy !req
195. Well, I got a part
in a play,
Copy !req
196. And we were sort of
talking about that,
Copy !req
197. So read the room,
Copy !req
198. Are you
gonna take the job?
Copy !req
199. I don't know.
Copy !req
200. There's a catch.
Copy !req
201. Jeffrey, frankie, could I
see you in my office, please?
Copy !req
202. They want you to be
a token homosexual?
Copy !req
203. It's a form of progress.
Copy !req
204. Thirty years ago,
the most power
Copy !req
205. The openly gay could achieve
was the center square.
Copy !req
206. But I'm not just gay.
Copy !req
207. What does that mean?
Copy !req
208. If coming out
is a magic show
Copy !req
209. And gayness is
a rabbit out of a hat,
Copy !req
210. I'm one of those
never-ending handkerchiefs.
Copy !req
211. The sad truth, craig,
Copy !req
212. Anything other than straight
Copy !req
213. Is plenty gay
for a school board.
Copy !req
214. The most
important point is,
Copy !req
215. Are you prepared
to make your sexuality,
Copy !req
216. Which is nobody's business,
Copy !req
217. An aspect of your role
in society?
Copy !req
218. I know I'm not, so I don't.
Copy !req
219. Oh.
Copy !req
220. When a person
becomes symbolic,
they gain symbolic power
Copy !req
221. At the price
of independent power.
Copy !req
222. Yep, that's
an excellent point.
Copy !req
223. It could be
good for greendale
Copy !req
224. For one of our own
to be on the school board.
Copy !req
225. I mean, the fact that
you'd be leaving
a few items
Copy !req
226. Off your list of turn-ons,
I mean...
Copy !req
227. The goal in politics
isn't transparency.
Copy !req
228. It's winning.
Copy !req
229. That's why the politicians
always win.
Copy !req
230. They do always win,
don't they?
Copy !req
231. But now I get
a chance to win.
Copy !req
232. I could change the system
Copy !req
233. From the inside out.
Copy !req
234. And all I have to do
is pare down my sexuality
Copy !req
235. To simple gayness,
which is heavily in the mix.
Copy !req
236. There you go.
Copy !req
237. Get ready, america.
Copy !req
238. Dean pelton is coming out
Copy !req
239. As approximately
of what he is.
Copy !req
240. Come on,
don't leave me hanging.
Copy !req
241. There we go.
Copy !req
242. I am so curious.
Copy !req
243. Intellectually.
Copy !req
244. All right, this is
a pretty basic scene.
Copy !req
245. No real subtext.
Let's just get it
up on its feet.
Copy !req
246. There's no wrong answers,
Copy !req
247. Great, go.
Copy !req
248. Hey,
come fix faucet.
Copy !req
249. Ooh, karate.
Copy !req
250. Learn from book?
Copy !req
251. And a few classes
back at the y in jersey,
where I'm from.
Copy !req
252. What happen eye?
Copy !req
253. Okay, I'm gonna stop you
right there.
Copy !req
254. I guess there are
wrong answers.
Copy !req
255. Quick adjustment, ben.
Copy !req
256. Act better.
Act better. Thanks.
Copy !req
257. Annie, you're doing great.
Keep doing what you're doing.
Copy !req
258. Oh.
Can I ask about
my motivation?
Copy !req
259. Keep me from puking
is your motivation.
Copy !req
260. Stop making me want to quit
the theater and kill myself.
Copy !req
261. Go, after "what happen eye?"
Copy !req
262. Okay.
Copy !req
263. Hey, I fell off
my bike.
Copy !req
264. Hmm. Lucky no hurt hand.
Copy !req
265. Okay.
can I see this toolbox?
Copy !req
266. Ah, great.
This is good. Got it.
Copy !req
267. I got distracted
'cause the tools
Copy !req
268. Were doing a better job
than you.
Copy !req
269. "what happen eye?"
say it!
Copy !req
270. What happen eye?
Copy !req
271. Stop lying to me.
Say it!
Copy !req
272. What happen eye?
What happen actor?
Copy !req
273. you crying?
Copy !req
274. You cry when
I tell you to cry.
Copy !req
275. So reabsorb that
disgusting droplet of salt
Copy !req
276. And bad choices
back into your doughy body
Copy !req
277. And then call your mother
Copy !req
278. To see if you can be
reabsorbed back
into her doughy body,
Copy !req
279. Or so help me god,
I will take that tear,
Copy !req
280. I will freeze it,
and I will stab you
in the eye with it,
Copy !req
281. You waste of a soul-shaped
hole forgotten by god.
Copy !req
282. Okay.
What should I...
Copy !req
283. Annie, don't change a thing.
You're prefect.
Copy !req
284. Unless you want to.
Copy !req
285. okay.
Copy !req
286. All right.
I'm rich countee.
This is my man carl.
Copy !req
287. We work on
the school board.
Yeah, we do!
Copy !req
288. We have some
exciting news for you.
Copy !req
289. Your own dean craig pelton
has been selected
Copy !req
290. To join the board of
colorado community colleges.
Copy !req
291. I'll just go...
Go ahead, dean.
Copy !req
292. Talk.
Copy !req
293. Hello, greendale.
Copy !req
294. As you know,
this is something
I've wanted
Copy !req
295. For a very long time.
Copy !req
296. And I wanted to thank
all the people at greendale
Copy !req
297. That helped me achieve this
Copy !req
298. And my partner, domingo.
Copy !req
299. Very proud
of my craig.
Aw, that's...
Copy !req
300. Oh.
Copy !req
301. And now, let's open it up
to some questions.
Copy !req
302. As a gay dean,
Copy !req
303. What is your opinion about
the recent controversy
Copy !req
304. Surrounding the canceled
pride parade?
Copy !req
305. And do you think
you were selected
to join the board
Copy !req
306. Because of your
sexual preferences?
Copy !req
307. Whoa, whoa, whoa,
I would just like to say
Copy !req
308. That we are very proud
to have mr. Pelton
on the board,
Copy !req
309. Whatever his
lifestyle may be.
Copy !req
310. Which happens to be gay,
Copy !req
311. Which is great but irrelevant.
Copy !req
312. It's doesn't...
Hey, it gets better!
Copy !req
313. Oh, oh, oh.
Oh, good.
Copy !req
314. we're so happy.
Copy !req
315. I feel like scum.
Gay people are scum?
Copy !req
316. Okay, don't play
that card with me,
young man.
Copy !req
317. I make gayness look like
mormonism, okay?
Copy !req
318. I don't like being
this dishonest.
Copy !req
319. Dean, I want to say
thanks for doing this.
Copy !req
320. I never knew.
Copy !req
321. I mean, people talk,
but I wasn't sure.
Copy !req
322. Well, it really doesn't
have anything to do
with my work.
Copy !req
323. Yeah, but it's helpful
to me, you know?
Copy !req
324. And to a lot of us,
so thank you.
Copy !req
325. Hmm.
Copy !req
326. Confine yourself
to your role, domingo.
Copy !req
327. And lose the attitude.
Copy !req
328. Oh, daniel-san,
you much humor.
Copy !req
329. okay.
Let's stop there.
Copy !req
330. I'm not gonna hit you,
Copy !req
331. And it's not
because it's illegal,
Copy !req
332. And it's certainly
not because I'm afraid
you know karate,
Copy !req
333. Because there is nothing
about your performance
that is believable.
Copy !req
334. See, we only hit things
that affect us.
Copy !req
335. I don't hit water
or old mayonnaise
Copy !req
336. Or the air after a fart
has dissipated,
Copy !req
337. And I'm not hitting you!
Copy !req
338. You are the worst actor
I've ever directed!
Copy !req
339. And I directed
both wahlbergs!
Copy !req
340. From the top!
Copy !req
341. Danny does a bit
with the floor sanders!
Copy !req
342. Miyagi is amused!
Copy !req
343. And kenny
gets me another
Copy !req
344. Goddamn cup of coffee
Copy !req
345. With six splendas in it.
Copy !req
346. He's so mean to chang.
I don't know what to do.
Copy !req
347. You could just
drop out of the play.
Copy !req
348. Well, you know, I could,
Copy !req
349. Or chang could.
Copy !req
350. I mean, the director's
not being mean to me.
Copy !req
351. But you talked chang
into auditioning,
Copy !req
352. And then you got his part,
and now he's suffering.
Copy !req
353. You're right.
I should threaten to quit.
Copy !req
354. Or just quit.
Copy !req
355. Well, if I
threaten to quit,
Copy !req
356. Maybe that will be
enough for him
to stop abusing chang.
Copy !req
357. I was kind of
born to act, britta.
Copy !req
358. When I do it,
Copy !req
359. I can feel it
pleasing the universe.
Copy !req
360. That's dramatic.
Copy !req
361. See?
Copy !req
362. The internet says
if they're sparrows,
Copy !req
363. They'll be flying
in less than 12 days.
Copy !req
364. If they're albatrosses,
we're in trouble.
Copy !req
365. Albatrosses have
a 270-day fledging period.
Copy !req
366. Thanks for guarding
the nest with me.
Copy !req
367. Uh-oh.
Copy !req
368. This is what you do
when you're working?
Copy !req
369. Must be nice.
Copy !req
370. All right, look,
there's a bird's nest
in the router.
Copy !req
371. If you want to fire me,
fire me.
Copy !req
372. Either way,
until those birds are gone,
Copy !req
373. Nobody gets any closer.
Copy !req
374. Well, of course not.
Copy !req
375. If you move them,
the mother won't come back.
Copy !req
376. Keep up the good work.
Copy !req
377. Hmm.
Copy !req
378. Show me wax on.
Copy !req
379. This is the worst acting
I've ever seen in my life.
Copy !req
380. Show me wax off.
Copy !req
381. The ghost of your father
just turned his back on you.
Copy !req
382. Your ancestors
are clawing their way
Copy !req
383. Deeper into the earth
to get away from you.
Copy !req
384. You make me embarrassed
to have thumbs.
Copy !req
385. I can see air quotes
around you.
Copy !req
386. Show me
paint fence.
Copy !req
387. knock, knock, knock.
Anybody home?
Copy !req
388. Oh, look, there's nobody here.
Oh, it's so dusty.
Copy !req
389. It's almost like nobody's
been here in years.
Copy !req
390. There's a note.
Copy !req
391. Never let me act!
Copy !req
392. Mr. Lundergard,
I'm sorry,
Copy !req
393. But I cannot stand by
while you do this.
Copy !req
394. That's fine.
You can go.
Copy !req
395. I'm not bluffing.
Copy !req
396. You can't make an actor
more talented
by yelling at them.
Copy !req
397. And if you don't stop,
Copy !req
398. Your lead character
is gonna walk.
Copy !req
399. Lead?
Copy !req
400. You play danny larusso.
Copy !req
401. Well,
I'm the karate kid.
Copy !req
402. The karate kid
is about kesuke miyagi,
Copy !req
403. An immigrant who fought
against his own people
Copy !req
404. In world war ii,
while his wife lost a child
Copy !req
405. In an internment camp.
Copy !req
406. Noriyuki morita
was nominated
Copy !req
407. For an academy award
for his performance!
Copy !req
408. Ralph macchio showed up.
Copy !req
409. I cast you because your
measurements allow me
Copy !req
410. To use the same wardrobe
as last year.
Copy !req
411. I cast ben because he has
the sadness and talent
Copy !req
412. That could make
this show great
Copy !req
413. If I have to physically
drill into his chest
Copy !req
414. And suck it out
with a straw!
Copy !req
415. So you can take
a flying kick
and a rolling doughnut.
Copy !req
416. You're fired.
Copy !req
417. But I'm talented too,
Copy !req
418. What? No. Really?
Copy !req
419. Really? Oh, my god.
Copy !req
420. You're, like, doing a terrible
vinnie barbarino up here.
Copy !req
421. But, like, I know you're not
capable of anything better,
Copy !req
422. So that's why
I've been so nice to you.
Copy !req
423. Take care, annie.
Copy !req
424. Yikes, right?
Copy !req
425. Ooh, what a diva.
Copy !req
426. Thanks for
sticking up for me.
Copy !req
427. No problem?
Copy !req
428. From now on,
she's dead to us.
Copy !req
429. Hey, gay dean,
we've got a problem here.
Copy !req
430. You reading
the local papers?
Copy !req
431. You've shut down
the campus wi-fi
Copy !req
432. Until a nest
of baby birds can grow?
Copy !req
433. That's a little too gay.
Copy !req
434. I didn't do it
because I'm gay.
Copy !req
435. Wait, I'm not gay.
Copy !req
436. Oh!
That did not
just get said to us.
Copy !req
437. You are gay.
You are openly gay,
and we love it.
Copy !req
438. But now we're dealing
with more flak
Copy !req
439. From conservatives
for appointing you
Copy !req
440. Than we ever did from gays
from not having one of you.
Copy !req
441. Yeah, and the gays
aren't coming to your side.
Copy !req
442. You know why?
Because the whole point
Copy !req
443. Is to get a job
by being gay
Copy !req
444. And then to do
as good a job
as the normals.
Copy !req
445. That's what the gays want.
Copy !req
446. They don't want
a gay dean
Copy !req
447. Who acts like
a weird gay monster.
Copy !req
448. I'm not a gay dean.
Copy !req
449. Whoa, not cool, man!
Copy !req
450. Don't bring us
into your web of lies.
Copy !req
451. Well, now what do you
want me to do?
Copy !req
452. Figure it out, gay dean.
Copy !req
453. Figure it out!
Copy !req
454. Hey, domingo.
Hey, what's up?
Copy !req
455. Guys, the school needs wi-fi,
Copy !req
456. And my job
is to run the school.
Copy !req
457. The school doesn't need
baby birds.
Copy !req
458. The nest needs to be moved.
Copy !req
459. You are not crossing
this line.
Copy !req
460. I'm taping this.
This is on video.
Copy !req
461. Guys.
Copy !req
462. This is two white
security guards versus
one unarmed black man
Copy !req
463. And two baby birds.
Copy !req
464. Your move.
Copy !req
465. Stand down.
Stand down!
Copy !req
466. No security,
no weapons,
Copy !req
467. Just one unarmed black man
versus one unarmed
Copy !req
468. Openly gay dean.
Copy !req
469. Now, move that nest,
Copy !req
470. Just a hair back, domingo.
Copy !req
471. It's like you're
breathing for me.
Copy !req
472. Thank you so much.
Copy !req
473. You are an inspiration.
Copy !req
474. I have called
this press conference,
Copy !req
475. Because I have been less
than honest with the public.
Copy !req
476. You know me
as the openly gay dean
Copy !req
477. Of greendale
community college,
Copy !req
478. But that doesn't even begin
to describe
Copy !req
479. What I really am.
Copy !req
480. I belong to one
of the most marginalized
Copy !req
481. And least openly
honest groups in america.
Copy !req
482. I am
Copy !req
483. A politician.
Copy !req
484. Now, what does that mean?
Copy !req
485. Are politicians like you?
Well, we look like you.
Copy !req
486. But we will say
and do whatever we have to
Copy !req
487. In order to acquire
and keep our jobs.
Copy !req
488. It means nothing I say
Copy !req
489. And very few of the things
I think can be trusted.
Copy !req
490. I am tired of being
in this particular closet,
Copy !req
491. So I am coming out now.
Copy !req
492. I only hope that
you can accept
Copy !req
493. An openly political person
on your board.
Copy !req
494. If not, I understand.
Copy !req
495. Thank you.
Copy !req
496. It's just faster if I get
to my office this way.
Copy !req
497. We don't need
pictures of this.
Copy !req
498. I can't believe the dean
got kicked off
the school board
Copy !req
499. Just for admitting
he's political.
Copy !req
500. Yeah, some groups
take longer than others
to gain acceptance.
Copy !req
501. We like our politicians
in the closet
because we're afraid.
Copy !req
502. Deep down, we're all
a little political.
Copy !req
503. Any of you guys smell
a bird murderer?
Copy !req
504. I came here
to apologize.
Copy !req
505. I hope your apology
comes with a beak
and hollow bones
Copy !req
506. And a special magnet
in its head
it uses to migrate.
Copy !req
507. You skipped wings.
Insects have wings!
Copy !req
508. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, abed.
Copy !req
509. I lost myself in a role.
It won't happen again.
Copy !req
510. Two of them died.
There's one left.
Copy !req
511. He's hanging on,
but I'm worried
Copy !req
512. He's turning into a symbol
of my own innocence.
Copy !req
513. Aw.
Copy !req
514. Isn't chang's play tonight?
Copy !req
515. If any of you go,
you're supporting abuse.
Copy !req
516. Oh, dial it back,
Copy !req
517. Well,
I'm definitely in.
Copy !req
518. It'll be interesting to see
how his fake crying
Copy !req
519. Is different
from his real crying.
Copy !req
520. Well, I'm a big fan
of the performing arts,
Copy !req
521. But I'll go to chang's play
Copy !req
522. Karate kid adaptation?
Karate kid adaptation?
Copy !req
523. Karate kid adaptation?
Karate kid adaptation?
Copy !req
524. Karate kid adaptation?
Copy !req
525. Karate kid adaptation?
Copy !req
526. Ah, I'm coming.
I'm catching up.
Copy !req
527. directors have a saying.
Copy !req
528. Actors are worthless,
Copy !req
529. Empty-headed homunculi.
Copy !req
530. But the right one
in the right role
Copy !req
531. Can change the world.
Copy !req
532. I have found the right one.
Copy !req
533. He's found the right role.
Copy !req
534. And tonight,
your world changes.
Copy !req
535. You're welcome.
Copy !req
536. He replaced me
with annie kim?
Copy !req
537. Ow!
Sorry. You okay?
Copy !req
538. You must be the new people
in apartment 20.
Copy !req
539. What was that?
Copy !req
540. Yeah, you know.
Copy !req
541. Hey, me and some of my friends
are gonna have a party
at the beach later.
Copy !req
542. You should come.
Copy !req
543. Hey,
are you the repairman?
Copy !req
544. Aye.
Faucet's really
leaking there.
Copy !req
545. Aye.
Copy !req
546. When are you
gonna fix it?
Copy !req
547. After.
Copy !req
548. After what?
Copy !req
549. After after.
Copy !req
550. Come ask leave boy alone.
To train.
Copy !req
551. You got
a lot of nerve, old man.
Copy !req
552. But I like that.
I like that.
Copy !req
553. Name a place.
Copy !req
554. Tournament.
Copy !req
555. "sergeant miyagi."
yes, sir.
Copy !req
556. regret to inform wife, sir!
Copy !req
557. Complication at birth,
Copy !req
558. No doctor at camp.
Copy !req
559. what she...
Copy !req
560. What she do...
Copy !req
561. Please forgive me.
Copy !req
562. No need fight anymore.
Copy !req
563. You proved point.
Copy !req
564. What, that I can
take a beating?
Copy !req
565. Every time
I see those guys,
Copy !req
566. They'll know
they got the best of me.
Copy !req
567. Close eye.
Copy !req
568. Get up, daniel.
Copy !req
569. Get up.
Copy !req
570. You're all right,
Copy !req
571. We did it, mr. Miyagi.
We did it!
Copy !req
572. I'm speechless.
Copy !req
573. I forgot chang
was up there.
Me too.
Copy !req
574. It's such a relief
to be able to support him
Copy !req
575. Out of something
other than fear.
Copy !req
576. I guess all that suffering
chang endured paid off.
Copy !req
577. It's not what the play
suggests, but you
have to wonder
Copy !req
578. If it wouldn't have been
better for daniel to get
beat up even more.
Copy !req
579. I am at a total loss
Copy !req
580. About what lesson
I'll learn
from any of this.
Copy !req
581. Maybe that's the lesson.
Copy !req
582. Hmm.
Copy !req
583. I lost a button.
Maybe we all
lost a button.
Copy !req
584. Hey. Hey, guys.
Copy !req
585. You were so wonderful.
Thank you so much.
Copy !req
586. Hey, thank you
for making me do this.
Copy !req
587. You're welcome.
Copy !req
588. I'm jealous.
Oh, no, no, don't be.
Copy !req
589. Believe me, I sit in
my dressing room,
and all I dream about
Copy !req
590. Is a white picket fence
and the dog.
Copy !req
591. I don't have those either.
Copy !req
592. chang, let's go.
Copy !req
593. I guess all the actors
go to some sort of
actor bar together.
Copy !req
594. So I'll see you guys
in school.
Copy !req
595. Bye.
Copy !req
596. Hey, I know this great bar
for people that
don't hate themselves.
Copy !req
597. What do you say?
Copy !req
598. Milady?
Copy !req
599. Milord.
Copy !req
600. We are gathered here today
Copy !req
601. To celebrate the release
of this bird into these skies,
Copy !req
602. That its now
fully formed wings
Copy !req
603. May find purchase
upon the four winds.
Copy !req
604. If anyone would like
to say something,
now is the time.
Copy !req
605. Oh, uh, I'll always remember
Copy !req
606. How you kept me
from getting email for a week.
Copy !req
607. And that chirp you do
when you want more bread.
Copy !req
608. yeah, that one.
Copy !req
609. And now, everyone,
please put on your
cat masks and finger wings.
Copy !req
610. With these cat masks,
we remind you
Copy !req
611. That this place can
no longer be your home.
Copy !req
612. But with the fluttering
of these wings,
Copy !req
613. We symbolically
join your flight
into the natural world.
Copy !req
614. Wings, everyone.
Copy !req
615. Okay, you can go now.
Copy !req
616. Time to go, little bird.
That's just the way it is.
Copy !req
617. Then it's done.
You did
the right thing, abed.
Copy !req
618. Thanks to you,
that bird has his whole
bird life ahead of him
Copy !req
619. To fly, meet lady birds,
even start a bird family.
You made a difference.
Copy !req
620. Aw.
Copy !req