1. So cellular mitosis
is what?
Copy !req
2. I miss Troy.
Wrong, and stop guessing that.
Copy !req
3. Annie.
I'm worried about Abed.
Copy !req
4. He hasn't left the apartment
since Troy moved out.
Copy !req
5. He won't play
in the Dreamatorium.
Copy !req
6. Sorry, not play,
render imaginated dreamscapes.
Copy !req
7. We just finished retaking
biology all summer.
Copy !req
8. If I don't pass,
it was for nothing.
Copy !req
9. Can we stay on target?
Copy !req
10. Did someone say
"sexy construction worker"?
Copy !req
11. Ooh!
Stay on target.
Copy !req
12. I'm dressed like this because
I'm building to big news.
Copy !req
13. Subway has officially ended
its agreement with Greendale,
Copy !req
14. and the restaurant
I've chosen
Copy !req
15. to occupy
the cafeteria kiosk is...
Copy !req
16. Shirley's Sandwiches!
Copy !req
17. I just need one of you
to sign this
Copy !req
18. as the official owner
of the business.
Copy !req
19. We should both sign,
we're 50-50 partners.
Copy !req
20. But there's only one dotted
line, so...
Copy !req
21. Oh, Pierce can...
Copy !req
22. Hey!
I paid for it.
Copy !req
23. There'd be no "it"
if I hadn't done the work.
Copy !req
24. My goodness, this molehill
is becoming a mountain.
Copy !req
25. You work it out while I put
together an alpine costume.
Copy !req
26. I knew eventually
you'd try to box me out,
Copy !req
27. just like Hawthorne Wipes did.
I'm not letting you guilt me
Copy !req
28. into letting you call yourself
the owner of my company.
Copy !req
29. Jeff! Hello?
Copy !req
30. Get involved.
Copy !req
31. I am here to replace
my fake bachelor's
Copy !req
32. so I can get back
to my life as a lawyer.
Copy !req
33. Nobody else is sacrificing
their interests.
Copy !req
34. Don't ask me
to sacrifice mine.
Copy !req
35. Don't ask me
to sacrifice mine.
Copy !req
36. That's you just now.
Copy !req
37. Okay, so name
the stages of mitosis.
Copy !req
38. Ooh, I gotta go.
Copy !req
39. Today is Abed's
first session.
Copy !req
40. His what?
He's been feeling vulnerable
Copy !req
41. having lost Troy to the air
conditioning repair school,
Copy !req
42. so he's gonna let me practice
my psych skills on him.
Copy !req
43. Give me some credit. What's
the worst that could happen?
Copy !req
44. Classic tee-up.
Shut up, Leonard,
Copy !req
45. I know about your crooked wang.
No such thing as bad press.
Copy !req
46. Hey, Abed.
Copy !req
47. This can't be good.
Copy !req
48. There are those who ask,
Copy !req
49. why connect
the capillary tube
Copy !req
50. directly to
the compressor valve?
Copy !req
51. Sure, why not just attach it
to the moisture accumulator?
Copy !req
52. Hey, Troy.
We boring you?
Copy !req
53. I miss my friends.
Copy !req
54. He misses his friends.
Copy !req
55. Aw.
Copy !req
56. Mr. Barnes, gather your things
and come with me.
Copy !req
57. Now!
Copy !req
58. The Sun Chamber.
A shameful relic
Copy !req
59. from a savage chapter
of our history.
Copy !req
60. Repairmen would duel
each other inside,
Copy !req
61. losers succumbing to
heat exhaustion, or worse.
Copy !req
62. Troy, there is a prophesy.
Copy !req
63. I miss Abed so much.
Copy !req
64. I'm ashamed to confess
that I once thought
Copy !req
65. that this might be me.
Copy !req
66. Now I realize
that it's you.
Copy !req
67. You are
the true repairman, Troy.
Copy !req
68. You fix not only
air conditioners,
Copy !req
69. but the men
who fix them.
Copy !req
70. It's a trade school.
It's a two-year degree
Copy !req
71. in boxes that
make rooms cold.
Copy !req
72. Sir, a flow duct rupture
in quadrant four.
Copy !req
73. I'll handle it. This
is your destiny, Barnes.
Copy !req
74. The true repairman
will repair man.
Copy !req
75. Abed.
Copy !req
76. I'm not talking to you.
I'm not crazy.
Copy !req
77. Think of it
as inner dialogue.
Copy !req
78. I'm reading
Chronicles of Riddick.
Copy !req
79. Can you tell me
that's a saner decision?
Copy !req
80. You're worried you'll
go crazy without Troy.
Copy !req
81. That's why you're gonna
let Britta fix you.
Copy !req
82. Because you think
you're broken,
Copy !req
83. you're gonna get diagnosed
by someone
Copy !req
84. who said her favorite
superhero was X Man?
Copy !req
85. I'm a little scared.
Things are bad.
Copy !req
86. When the world gets bad enough,
the good go crazy.
Copy !req
87. But the smart...
Copy !req
88. They go bad.
Copy !req
89. Come on in here,
let's talk about it.
Copy !req
90. I think it's safer
if I talk to Britta.
Copy !req
91. Even safer
if I talk to her first.
Copy !req
92. Hello.
Copy !req
93. Are you here to help me
with biology,
Copy !req
94. or get me to help you?
Copy !req
95. Bi-ol-o-gy.
Are you lying?
Copy !req
96. Hard to break the word "yes"
into lilting syllables?
Copy !req
97. Ye-es?
Copy !req
98. Pierce and I are so close to
getting the sandwich shop going.
Copy !req
99. I just need you to...
Copy !req
100. Want one piece of free advice?
Let Pierce cool down.
Copy !req
101. You know how crazy
and paranoid he can get.
Copy !req
102. A-ha! Crazy?
Paranoid? Impotent?
Copy !req
103. Cellular...
I knew you'd run to Jeff,
Copy !req
104. and turn him against me.
Copy !req
105. Guys, why are we yelling?
You sign that paper, I'll sue.
Copy !req
106. Hold on. This will be settled
in Greendale Court, 3:00 p.m.
Copy !req
107. Obviously, Shirley
has her counsel,
Copy !req
108. and I get to dress
like a judge.
Copy !req
109. I was born
in a courtroom,
Copy !req
110. sued it for my own placenta,
and won.
Copy !req
111. Now I'm calling
my lawyer.
Copy !req
112. My biology final
is at 5:00.
Copy !req
113. I'm available
from 3:00 to 4:00.
Copy !req
114. I'll see you in court.
Copy !req
115. Hello, Abed?
Ready to get therapized?
Copy !req
116. Abed?
Copy !req
117. Hello, Britta.
Copy !req
118. Come in.
Copy !req
119. He's dead?
Copy !req
120. What's going on?
Vice Dean Laybourne
Copy !req
121. was repairing
a flow duct rupture,
Copy !req
122. and inhaled
a lethal dose of Freon.
Copy !req
123. May his breeze
join the wind.
Copy !req
124. Okay, so mitosis
is when cells divide...
Copy !req
125. I wonder who Pierce
is gonna get.
Copy !req
126. I promise,
whoever Pierce brings
Copy !req
127. won't be prepared for me.
That's the Winger guaran—
Copy !req
128. Is that the former colleague
Copy !req
129. that got you fired by ratting
on you to the State Bar?
Copy !req
130. Tee.
Copy !req
131. Is this a conflict, Alan
working at your former firm?
Copy !req
132. Pierce did you the biggest
favor of your life.
Copy !req
133. He hired a guy
I've spent years fantasizing
Copy !req
134. about stabbing
in the... Sundance!
Copy !req
135. Tango!
Copy !req
136. Unh! So, the case
of the Sandwich signature.
Copy !req
137. What are you doing here?
Me, I have to, but you?
Copy !req
138. Hawthorne's a cash cow,
Copy !req
139. and old A-con here
is tugging at that teat.
Copy !req
140. That's money.
Copy !req
141. Money.
Copy !req
142. Please stop that.
So, full disclosure.
Copy !req
143. The firm would really like
Copy !req
144. to keep vitamin P
in its medicine chest.
Copy !req
145. Full disclosure. I really
want to be done by 4:00.
Copy !req
146. That's the Jeff wing basket
I remember.
Copy !req
147. Hey, just go easy on Shirley.
Scout's honor, Sinéad O'Connor.
Copy !req
148. Oy yay, oy yay. The Honorable
Craig Pelton presiding.
Copy !req
149. First off, there's one decision
I'll need your help making.
Copy !req
150. Judging Amy or Judge Judy?
Copy !req
151. You say your name is Evil Abed,
Copy !req
152. which does not throw me
because I'm a therapist.
Copy !req
153. So let's talk about evil.
Copy !req
154. You know what? Maybe
I should talk to Good Abed.
Copy !req
155. Where I come from,
his name is Lame Abed.
Copy !req
156. And you come from...?
The darkest timeline.
Copy !req
157. Call it the Britta of timelines,
where everything is the worst.
Copy !req
158. Jeff has one arm there. Annie
shot Pierce. Troy can't speak.
Copy !req
159. Now we're getting somewhere.
I think Lame Abed sent you
Copy !req
160. to talk because you're more
equipped to deal with fear.
Copy !req
161. That's the lame way
of seeing it, yes.
Copy !req
162. Here's the truth. I've crossed
into your dark timeline,
Copy !req
163. and I'm going to darken it.
Copy !req
164. How?
Tell me about your parents.
Copy !req
165. Um... no.
Copy !req
166. You should be in the chapel.
We lost a great man today.
Copy !req
167. He was the best, wasn't he?
That's why I don't understand
Copy !req
168. how he could rupture
a Freon line.
Copy !req
169. That's a rookie mistake.
I'm sure it was a faulty valve.
Copy !req
170. My first order as vice dean,
have them replaced.
Copy !req
171. You're vice dean now?
Copy !req
172. Why the sudden interest
in air conditioning?
Copy !req
173. Thought you missed your friends.
I do.
Copy !req
174. Go be with them.
I'm releasing you.
Copy !req
175. But you—
Goodbye, Troy.
Copy !req
176. Miss Edison, do you recognize
the baby in that picture?
Copy !req
177. That's Shirley's baby, Ben.
Copy !req
178. Would you think less
of Shirley Bennett
Copy !req
179. if she offered to
"sell Ben on Craigslist
Copy !req
180. for a chance to bump it
with Denzel"?
Copy !req
181. That was a joke for my cousin.
Copy !req
182. Damn those privacy settings.
Jeff, do something.
Copy !req
183. He's got nothing.
She didn't mean that.
Copy !req
184. Or perhaps, she doesn't even
love that baby
Copy !req
185. because she spent
most of last year
Copy !req
186. not even knowing
who the father is.
Copy !req
187. Objection.
Establishing character.
Copy !req
188. This woman is unfit
to own a sandwich shop.
Copy !req
189. Alan, come on.
No furths.
Copy !req
190. You said you were gonna go easy.
Felt easy to me.
Copy !req
191. What was he wearing?
He was dressed as a dinosaur.
Copy !req
192. That why you dropped out?
I don't know.
Copy !req
193. Are those even real glasses?
Copy !req
194. Ah... Do you feel that,
Copy !req
195. Your timeline's 10 percent
darker now.
Copy !req
196. This was 10 percent?
Copy !req
197. Know what kind of person
becomes a psychologist?
Copy !req
198. A person that wishes everyone
more special than them was sick
Copy !req
199. because "healthy" sounds
more exciting than "boring."
Copy !req
200. You're average, Britta Perry.
Copy !req
201. You're every kid
that didn't get picked on.
Copy !req
202. You're a business-casual potted
plant, a human white sale.
Copy !req
203. You're VH1, RoboCop 2,
and Back to the Future III.
Copy !req
204. The center slice of a square
cheese pizza. Sounds delicious.
Copy !req
205. I'm the center slice of a square
pizza. You're Jim Belushi.
Copy !req
206. Ah. Twelve percent.
Copy !req
207. Where are you going?
Copy !req
208. To make this timeline
the darkest.
Copy !req
209. Starting with your lame hero,
Jeff Winger.
Copy !req
210. I don't suppose Lame Abed
owns a bone saw.
Copy !req
211. You're seeking full ownership
of Shirley's Sandwiches.
Copy !req
212. After all, you did provide
100 percent of the financing.
Copy !req
213. Correct.
You really did?
Copy !req
214. Oh, damn it. Jeez, I came
to this thing unprepared.
Copy !req
215. I mean, I guess it's my job
to somehow tarnish you
Copy !req
216. in the eyes of the court,
but, uh, let me check my notes.
Copy !req
217. Take your time.
Copy !req
218. Hey, uh, while I'm doing this,
Copy !req
219. anybody know any funny jokes?
I do.
Copy !req
220. An Irish and a Jew walk
into a Chinese laundry
Copy !req
221. with a gay duck.
Copy !req
222. All right.
So you're telling me
Copy !req
223. they're not good at basketball?
I have no questions.
Copy !req
224. What's that about, man?
Copy !req
225. Mommy! Mommy!
Cruel, cruel, cruel.
Copy !req
226. In the name of
the five winds,
Copy !req
227. east, west, north,
East, west, north.
Copy !req
228. the one we keep secret, and
south, I hereby proclaim you—
Copy !req
229. This ceremony is a lie. And
having a special room for it
Copy !req
230. is a waste of floor space.
Copy !req
231. You are no longer
a student here.
Copy !req
232. And we use this room
for yoga on weekends.
Copy !req
233. Remove him.
I am the truest repairman.
Copy !req
234. Truest repairman.
Copy !req
235. This man is a dishonor to making
air conditioners work good.
Copy !req
236. And I have the right
to challenge him...
Copy !req
237. in the sun chamber.
Copy !req
238. Holy crap.
Copy !req
239. Your Less Than Honor,
can I call a recess?
Copy !req
240. Ooh, yay. Costume change.
Court briefly adjourned.
Copy !req
241. What are you trying
to do, Winger,
Copy !req
242. zealously represent
your client?
Copy !req
243. Let me make things
a little easier for you.
Copy !req
244. Figure out
a way to throw this case
Copy !req
245. or figure out where you'll
work when you get out of here.
Copy !req
246. I don't know where
it's gonna be if not for us.
Copy !req
247. That's right, Jeff. I went
there. You drove me there.
Copy !req
248. Miss Daisy's in the house,
Copy !req
249. thanks for the ride,
sorry about slavery.
Copy !req
250. Don't oversell your clout.
Copy !req
251. You're partner
because I sold you to Ted.
Copy !req
252. Ted respects me.
Ted's gone.
Copy !req
253. Too old. Couldn't swim
with sharks and got eaten.
Copy !req
254. He started the firm.
You can't lose your own firm.
Copy !req
255. You can if you're dead.
That shark thing
Copy !req
256. was not a metaphor.
I'm the big dog now.
Copy !req
257. So, you want
the last three years
Copy !req
258. in this toilet
to have a point?
Copy !req
259. Then I'm the guy
you gotta make happy.
Copy !req
260. Or you can finish up
your big win here.
Copy !req
261. Court is in session.
Copy !req
262. Blind justice presiding. Oh!
Copy !req
263. Oh, my God. Oh!
Copy !req
264. Oh, one more recess.
Copy !req
265. I hit the corner
right on a fresh tattoo.
Copy !req
266. Well, boys and girls,
Copy !req
267. I hope you brought
your popsicles
Copy !req
268. because it's about
to get scalding hot
Copy !req
269. in the sun chamber.
Copy !req
270. You already know the rules,
Copy !req
271. because there aren't any!
Copy !req
272. Jeez, Dennis,
are you on coke?
Copy !req
273. Take that crap off
and sit down.
Copy !req
274. Sorry about that.
Of course there are rules.
Copy !req
275. Two men are sealed in
the chamber with a broken unit.
Copy !req
276. The heat will increase
until one man yields or dies.
Copy !req
277. Begin!
Copy !req
278. You're in time
for Jeff's closing statements.
Copy !req
279. Who cares?
Everything is terrible.
Copy !req
280. Oh, no. Have you been
watching Dance Moms again?
Copy !req
281. I'm thinking of
dyeing my hair.
Copy !req
282. What are you doing?
Going to cut off Winger's arm.
Copy !req
283. That's horrible.
Don't you mean dark?
Copy !req
284. Welcome to my world.
Copy !req
285. Psst. Jeff. Winger.
Copy !req
286. This is a terrible situation
for me to have put you in.
Copy !req
287. A guy like Alan isn't above
making trouble for you.
Copy !req
288. Shirley, I—
It's not worth your career.
Copy !req
289. I want you to have
what you want.
Copy !req
290. Thank you, Shirley.
Settle down.
Copy !req
291. Okay, Jeffrey, let's have
your closing statement.
Copy !req
292. Your Honor,
Copy !req
293. I have no closing statement
because I'm throwing the case.
Copy !req
294. No, no, it's okay.
It's fine, don't worry.
Copy !req
295. My client, Shirley Bennett,
Copy !req
296. my friend of three years,
told me it was okay.
Copy !req
297. She said what I want
was more important.
Copy !req
298. She's right, right?
Copy !req
299. Guys like me, we'll tell you
there's no right or wrong.
Copy !req
300. There's no real truth.
Copy !req
301. I'll kill you. I'll kill you
just like I killed him.
Copy !req
302. As long as we believe that,
guys like me can never lose.
Copy !req
303. Was that out loud?
Copy !req
304. Because the truth is...
Copy !req
305. I'm lying when I say
there is no truth.
Copy !req
306. The truth is,
Copy !req
307. the pathetically, stupidly,
inconveniently obvious truth is,
Copy !req
308. helping only ourselves is bad
and helping each other is good.
Copy !req
309. Now, I just wanted
to get out of here,
Copy !req
310. pass biology,
and be a lawyer again
Copy !req
311. instead of helping Shirley.
That was bad.
Copy !req
312. And my former colleague
wanted so badly
Copy !req
313. to keep his rich client,
Copy !req
314. he just asked me to roll over
in exchange for my old job.
Copy !req
315. So I guess we all
walked in here pretty bad.
Copy !req
316. But now...
Copy !req
317. Shirley's gone good.
Shirley's helping me.
Copy !req
318. It's that easy.
Copy !req
319. You just stop thinking
about what's good for you
Copy !req
320. and start thinking about
what's good for someone else.
Copy !req
321. Oh, yeah. Huh?
Copy !req
322. And you can change
the whole game with one move.
Copy !req
323. Now, if you like this idea,
you can make it true
Copy !req
324. by doing something good
for everyone here.
Copy !req
325. Throw this case out of court.
It's dumb.
Copy !req
326. That is all.
Copy !req
327. I withdraw my case.
Copy !req
328. Why didn't you just do
some inspirational speech
Copy !req
329. about friendship?
You're fired.
Copy !req
330. Well, way to go, soft serve.
You're finished.
Copy !req
331. By the way, never got
a chance to tell you this,
Copy !req
332. but it was me who turned you in
to the State Bar.
Copy !req
333. I know. And I never
got a chance to thank you.
Copy !req
334. This place
has made you so gay.
Copy !req
335. Hey. Don't use "gay"
as a derogatory term.
Copy !req
336. Boo-yah. Good person.
Copy !req
337. Take this man to the infinite
labyrinth of eternal ice.
Copy !req
338. Yeah!
Copy !req
339. No. Take him to the police.
He murdered someone.
Copy !req
340. Take him to jail.
Copy !req
341. You guys are weird.
Copy !req
342. Jeff, that was great.
Copy !req
343. You were a white
Blair Underwood.
Copy !req
344. Shirley, we should let Jeff
sign the sandwich shop form.
Copy !req
345. You could represent us,
like our attorney.
Copy !req
346. My God, Pierce. You had
your first good idea.
Copy !req
347. Thank you.
Britta, I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
348. It doesn't matter.
Copy !req
349. I should've never
played therapist with you.
Copy !req
350. I'll change my major
one more time.
Copy !req
351. But you can't. You cured me.
Copy !req
352. I'm not cured. I'm willing
to admit I need therapy.
Copy !req
353. You're the only kind
of shrink I trust.
Copy !req
354. The kind with as little control
over my mind as me.
Copy !req
355. Mind if I cut in?
Copy !req
356. You're back.
Copy !req
357. Yeah. Made a rule that the
air conditioning repair school
Copy !req
358. has to act like
a regular school.
Copy !req
359. I can do that.
I'm their messiah.
Copy !req
360. Cool. I went crazy and
I wanted to cut off Jeff's arm.
Copy !req
361. I missed you so much,
Copy !req
362. So, Jeff, are we still
best friends?
Copy !req
363. All right.
Cellular mitosis.
Copy !req
364. What is it?
Copy !req
365. Hello, everybody. I'm Leonard.
Copy !req
366. I'm here today
to review Let's Potato Chips.
Copy !req
367. One seventy-nine at Kroger's.
Copy !req
368. See if I can get this sucker
open. Ha.
Copy !req
369. There we are. Now...
Copy !req
370. I've already had
some of these, but let's see.
Copy !req
371. Mm, crispy.
Thanks for doing the dishes.
Copy !req
372. Salty, not too greasy. Ha, ha.
Copy !req
373. That one is shaped like a duck.
Ha, ha.
Copy !req
374. Well, I guess that's
definitely a buy. That's it.
Copy !req
375. Let's Potato Chips are good
and they're a buy.
Copy !req