1. Jeff. Jeff?
Copy !req
2. Oh, sorry.
Uh, what was the question?
Copy !req
3. What are we gonna do
without Pierce
Copy !req
4. in the study group this year?
We'll figure it out.
Copy !req
5. Speaking of figuring
things out,
Copy !req
6. me and Abed
have an announcement.
Copy !req
7. Troy and I are
living together.
Copy !req
8. Oh, that's...
Oh, that's nice.
Copy !req
9. We're registered
at Linens 'n Things.
Copy !req
10. We have linens.
We want the things.
Copy !req
11. How you like me now,
Copy !req
12. Dean,
you seem different.
Copy !req
13. You in a play?
Copy !req
14. Time to whip
this place into shape.
Copy !req
15. I'm gonna be a mean, lean,
deaning machine.
Copy !req
16. No more paintball,
no more spaceships,
Copy !req
17. no more trampolines,
and no more...
Copy !req
18. What is that?
Copy !req
19. It's probably the monkey
that lives in the vents.
Copy !req
20. I named him "Annie's Boobs,"
after Annie's boobs.
Copy !req
21. This is the kind
of national lampoonery
Copy !req
22. that is coming
to an end this year.
Copy !req
23. Homie don't dean this.
Copy !req
24. Let's get to Biology on time.
Copy !req
25. I don't wanna be a screw-up.
Copy !req
26. Uh, Britta.
Copy !req
27. Damn it!
Copy !req
28. We're really doing this
without Pierce? So sad.
Copy !req
29. We've parted ways
with our closest,
Copy !req
30. oldest, craziest,
most racist, oldest,
Copy !req
31. elderly, crazy friend,
and he's not coming back.
Copy !req
32. I'm back.
Copy !req
33. How was your summer?
Enlightful, Annie.
Copy !req
34. I underwent three months
of intensive soul-rezoning
Copy !req
35. at the Laser Lotus
Celebrity Center.
Copy !req
36. I stand before you a more highly
evolved Pierce Hawthorne,
Copy !req
37. one that can accept
that this table has a...
Copy !req
38. Has a sort of magic in it.
Copy !req
39. Aw.
Copy !req
40. I'd like to come back.
Copy !req
41. Yeah.
Damn it!
Copy !req
42. Oh, uh, sorry.
Copy !req
43. I had the frustrating
Copy !req
44. that you can't come back,
Copy !req
45. you're not in Biology
and it's full.
Copy !req
46. Couldn't we take something else?
Copy !req
47. Surely we've evolved beyond
Copy !req
48. caring what class
we take together.
Copy !req
49. Oh, yeah. Pierce!
Copy !req
50. I'll do you one better.
Copy !req
51. I think we've evolved beyond
reliance on a group at all.
Copy !req
52. Aren't we just
actual friends now,
Copy !req
53. no matter where we are?
Copy !req
54. What's magic
about this table?
Copy !req
55. It magically keeps our books
from falling on the floor.
Copy !req
56. Ah.
The table's for studying,
Copy !req
57. but as friends,
we've evolved.
Copy !req
58. Let's use that first breath
Copy !req
59. of crisp, new,
super-evolved air
Copy !req
60. to declare proudly
and in one voice:
Copy !req
61. "Pierce,
Copy !req
62. we'll see you
when we see you."
Copy !req
63. Don't tell the monkey
I'm living here.
Copy !req
64. Star-Burns,
I see you added a lizard
Copy !req
65. to your special hat
and sideburns.
Copy !req
66. Am I missing anything?
Copy !req
67. The human being
underneath it all,
Copy !req
68. but no one's interested
in that, are they?
Copy !req
69. I hope we did the right
thing about Pierce.
Copy !req
70. He really seems
like he's changed.
Copy !req
71. That's what he wants you
to think.
Copy !req
72. Trust me.
We're better off.
Copy !req
73. Excluding Pierce is
what drove him crazy.
Copy !req
74. Wrong, being crazy
drove him excluded.
Copy !req
75. What?
Cougar Town's been moved.
Copy !req
76. Mmm.
That's never a good sign.
Copy !req
77. Not cool, not cool.
Copy !req
78. It's coming back
in January.
Copy !req
79. Six seasons and a movie.
Six seasons and a movie.
Copy !req
80. Oh.
Copy !req
81. This is intro to Biology.
Copy !req
82. I'm your professor,
Dr. Marshall Kane, PhD.
Copy !req
83. It took me 6205 hours
to get my degree,
Copy !req
84. and I know,
Copy !req
85. because I was only allowed
in the library
Copy !req
86. one hour per day at the San
Vicente Correctional Facility
Copy !req
87. while serving a sentence
of 25 to life.
Copy !req
88. Now, let's talk about
that word.
Copy !req
89. "Life."
Copy !req
90. Uh, sorry. It's a new phone.
Switching to vibrate.
Copy !req
91. Continue.
It's really great.
Copy !req
92. I stared at a crack in the
ground in my cell for years,
Copy !req
93. and one day,
something grew from it.
Copy !req
94. A single blade of grass.
Copy !req
95. Vibrates louder
than the ringer.
Copy !req
96. Gosh. You know what?
Turning it off.
Copy !req
97. Living thing,
growing from dead stone.
Copy !req
98. Get out!
Copy !req
99. Oh, it's off, it's off.
Copy !req
100. I turned it off.
Copy !req
101. Fine. Okay, fine.
I'm leaving.
Copy !req
102. And don't bother coming back.
Copy !req
103. Seriously? Hey, dude,
Sean Penn called.
Copy !req
104. He says to dial it back.
Copy !req
105. Sean Penn's an actor who—
I know.
Copy !req
106. I've seen Milk.
Now get out.
Copy !req
107. Dude, learn to blend.
Copy !req
108. I will not tolerate
monkeys living on campus.
Copy !req
109. If I wanted
to run a monkey hotel,
Copy !req
110. I'd install a banana buffet.
Copy !req
111. I'd use vines as elevators,
Copy !req
112. and I'd put tail holes
in the bathrobes,
Copy !req
113. and I'd lower
all the shower knobs.
Copy !req
114. You've thought this through.
It's your turn.
Copy !req
115. Brainstorm.
Idea shower.
Copy !req
116. Spray your solutions
all over me.
Copy !req
117. We could seal all the vents
Copy !req
118. and then pump the ducts
with some kind of gas
Copy !req
119. that knocks out monkeys.
Copy !req
120. Monkey knockout gas!
Copy !req
121. That's the kind
of grounded, sensible thinking
Copy !req
122. I wanna see this year.
Copy !req
123. Catherine, who's next?
Copy !req
124. Vice Dean Laybourne
Copy !req
125. from Air-Conditioning Repair
School annex.
Copy !req
126. Vice Dean.
Dean. New suit, Dean?
Copy !req
127. New Dean, Vice Dean. New Dean.
Copy !req
128. I see that you
used school funds
Copy !req
129. to buy an espresso machine
for your faculty break room.
Copy !req
130. I don't recall being
consulted on that.
Copy !req
131. We don't consult you
on anything.
Copy !req
132. That's the problem.
Copy !req
133. The Air-Conditioning
Repair School annex
Copy !req
134. seems to think it's separate
from Greendale,
Copy !req
135. but it's an annex.
Copy !req
136. An appendage, on a body,
with a head,
Copy !req
137. and this head is saying
to this appendage,
Copy !req
138. "Whazup?"
What you say makes sense, Dean.
Copy !req
139. Tell you what.
Copy !req
140. You bring your head down
to my appendage tomorrow,
Copy !req
141. and I'll show you
Copy !req
142. I'll be there.
Copy !req
143. I think I found something
that will help Abed.
Copy !req
144. Abed, did you know
that Cougar Town
Copy !req
145. is an American adaptation
of a 1990s British sitcom?
Copy !req
146. Cougarton Abbey.
Copy !req
147. Just been around
Cougarton Chapel.
Copy !req
148. I'm having an awakening.
Copy !req
149. Come off it. You're having
a butchers at the choir boys.
Copy !req
150. Better than nothing.
Thanks, Britta.
Copy !req
151. Can you believe that guy,
Copy !req
152. kicking me out of class
like that?
Copy !req
153. It's gonna be impossible
to find a science class
Copy !req
154. with six open spots.
Copy !req
155. Why do that?
I'm not in Biology anymore.
Copy !req
156. Neither is Pierce,
Copy !req
157. but you're both
still our friends.
Copy !req
158. We've evolved.
Copy !req
159. Right, Jeff?
Copy !req
160. Yes, we have.
Copy !req
161. We love each other.
Copy !req
162. We all go to the same school,
so, uh...
Copy !req
163. I guess I'll see ya
when I see ya.
Copy !req
164. Hey, guess what.
Copy !req
165. I was on the wait list
for Biology,
Copy !req
166. somebody got
kicked out,
Copy !req
167. I am here to study!
Copy !req
168. Yay!
Copy !req
169. All hail, Sir Eats-Alone.
Shut up, Leonard.
Copy !req
170. I heard about
your prescription socks.
Copy !req
171. Hope you don't mind,
Copy !req
172. got a new show,
only on Episode Six.
Copy !req
173. You guys got five minutes
to eat.
Copy !req
174. Time flies when you're studying
the science of life.
Copy !req
175. Time flies
when you joke
Copy !req
176. about movies that sound like
names for poops.
Copy !req
177. The Remains of the Day.
Copy !req
178. Were you eavesdropping
on our study session?
Copy !req
179. I was eavesdropping
on your goof-off session,
Copy !req
180. you missed
the most obvious one.
Copy !req
181. No, I said
Green Mile.
Copy !req
182. Operation Dumbo Drop.
Copy !req
183. Too clever by half,
Copy !req
184. All right,
I gotta go.
Copy !req
185. Thanks for
the five minutes.
Copy !req
186. Aw, Jeffrey.
Copy !req
187. The barrister's foreclosed
the Abbey.
Copy !req
188. Fancy a drink, then?
Copy !req
189. Oi, fetch us a Hemlock.
Copy !req
190. Um...
Copy !req
191. Um...
Copy !req
192. Why did everyone
on Cougarton Abbey just die?
Copy !req
193. They only ran
six episodes.
Copy !req
194. That's the great thing
about British TV. Closure.
Copy !req
195. No, no, no!
Copy !req
196. We'll find you
a new favorite show!
Copy !req
197. Come on, buddy.
Copy !req
198. You are human
tennis elbow.
Copy !req
199. You are a pizza burn on the roof
of the world's mouth.
Copy !req
200. You are the opposite of Batman.
Copy !req
201. You don't need them, man.
Copy !req
202. Exactly. I'll see 'em
when I see 'em.
Copy !req
203. Totally.
Copy !req
204. We should hang out
sometime. Grab a drink?
Copy !req
205. Sure.
Where are you living now?
Copy !req
206. The air vents
of the school. Shh!
Copy !req
207. I'm free, Jeff. Free!
Copy !req
208. I gotta get back
in that class.
Copy !req
209. Real Dean coming through...
Oh, my goodness, spacious!
Copy !req
210. Vice Dean...
Copy !req
211. Is this where Greendale's
money is going?
Copy !req
212. More accurately, Dean,
Copy !req
213. it's where Greendale's money
comes from.
Copy !req
214. Our air-conditioning program has
a job placement rate
Copy !req
215. five times higher than the rest
of your school combined.
Copy !req
216. Our alumni donations
comprise 80 percent
Copy !req
217. of your entire
school's budget.
Copy !req
218. And you want to know why
we think we deserve
Copy !req
219. an espresso machine?
Copy !req
220. Well, I guess I didn't know. I—
Then you never had to, Dean.
Copy !req
221. You could've lived the rest of
your life in blissful ignorance
Copy !req
222. and died a happy,
pansexual imp.
Copy !req
223. But you wanted
to feel power this year.
Copy !req
224. Well, now, you're going
to feel my power
Copy !req
225. as it surges downward from me,
straight through you,
Copy !req
226. from nostril to rectum,
now until the end of time.
Copy !req
227. And that's "whazup."
Copy !req
228. I forgot everything you said
before "rectum"!
Copy !req
229. Who are these guys?
Copy !req
230. This is my legal team,
because I think it's time
Copy !req
231. we worked out
a new agreement.
Copy !req
232. He doesn't look
like a lawyer.
Copy !req
233. That's a barber.
Copy !req
234. Because I'm also sick
of that ridiculous goatee.
Copy !req
235. You look like a white
Lou Gossett Jr.
Copy !req
236. You deserve
a bigger office.
Copy !req
237. Biggest office I ever had.
Copy !req
238. I'm here to apologize,
Dr. Kane,
Copy !req
239. and beg you for a seat
in Biology.
Copy !req
240. You wanna learn
about life?
Copy !req
241. Give up the phone.
Copy !req
242. You're asking me
for a bribe?
Copy !req
243. I can't be bought, man.
You feel me?
Copy !req
244. See,
prison was my walls.
Copy !req
245. But you put your walls up.
Copy !req
246. You, and your phone,
and your attitude,
Copy !req
247. and your
Fruit Loops cologne.
Copy !req
248. Your walls put up
so tight, man,
Copy !req
249. not even a blade of grass
could get through.
Copy !req
250. But even if it did,
you wouldn't appreciate it.
Copy !req
251. That's why you can't
come back to my class.
Copy !req
252. What's your problem
with me, man?
Copy !req
253. And don't act like it's not
about me specifically,
Copy !req
254. because you've been in—
Copy !req
255. Busted!
Copy !req
256. Hey!
Take it easy, Winger.
Copy !req
257. Everything okay?
It is now that I have this.
Copy !req
258. This is my ticket
to getting back in the group.
Copy !req
259. Hey! Hey!
Copy !req
260. I wanna be
in the group so bad!
Copy !req
261. All right, let's smoke 'em
and choke 'em.
Copy !req
262. No! No! No, no!
Copy !req
263. Uh-oh.
Copy !req
264. What is that?
Monkey gas!
Copy !req
265. Monkey gas?
Copy !req
266. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
267. Abed?
Copy !req
268. All your friends
are here.
Copy !req
269. They wanna talk to you.
Copy !req
270. How's this different
from the way he always is?
Copy !req
271. This'd be a great time
to baptize him.
Copy !req
272. Abed, maybe this can be
your new favorite show.
Copy !req
273. It's a British
sci-fi series
Copy !req
274. that's been on the air
since 1962.
Copy !req
275. Britta, you've done enough.
Copy !req
276. Why not start
a ruiners' club?
Copy !req
277. Wait,
you'd probably ruin it.
Copy !req
278. I'd be doing
a good job
Copy !req
279. because it's
a ruiners' club.
Copy !req
280. You ruined my analogy.
Copy !req
281. Guys, look!
Copy !req
282. Blimey, Inspector!
Copy !req
283. Where have we
wound up this time?
Copy !req
284. Not where, Constable,
but when.
Copy !req
285. Inspector, look out!
Copy !req
286. Eradicate! Eradicate!
Copy !req
287. This is the best show
I've ever seen.
Copy !req
288. Ah!
Having fun without me again?
Copy !req
289. Jeff, what happened?
You look 70.
Copy !req
290. Abed has a new
favorite TV show, Jeff.
Copy !req
291. It's called
Inspector Spacetime.
Copy !req
292. Can it, boobs!
I came here to let you know
Copy !req
293. that your best friend Pierce
is the one that got me
Copy !req
294. kicked out of bio class
and the study group.
Copy !req
295. It was a plan he hatched
from the beginning
Copy !req
296. with his pal,
Professor Kane.
Copy !req
297. But, Jeff, that's a photo
I gave our professor
Copy !req
298. of me visiting
Hawthorne Wipes'
Copy !req
299. spokesman and rap artist Sugar
Cube in prison during the '90s.
Copy !req
300. Well, they—
They look alike.
Copy !req
301. I guess they share one
important feature in your eyes.
Copy !req
302. That's not fair!
Copy !req
303. I— I was standing far away,
Copy !req
304. and I saw
the prison uniform!
Copy !req
305. Oh, Jeffrey!
Oh, come on,
Copy !req
306. obviously I don't mean all
black people are in prison!
Copy !req
307. Oh!
Copy !req
308. Jeff, clearly you have
gone off the deep end.
Copy !req
309. Don't blame him.
Copy !req
310. The table is powerful,
Copy !req
311. and being cut off from it—
Shut the...
Copy !req
312. I've become agitated.
Copy !req
313. I apologize.
Copy !req
314. We'll continue this discourse
at a later date.
Copy !req
315. Good night.
Copy !req
316. He just needs some space.
Copy !req
317. Ah!
Copy !req
318. I'm going to kill
the one thing you love!
Copy !req
319. I'm gonna kill it!
Copy !req
320. As long as it breathes,
Copy !req
321. it controls our lives!
Copy !req
322. I just came by
to tell everyone
Copy !req
323. this year isn't gonna be
that different.
Copy !req
324. With the notable exception,
we really won't have any money.
Copy !req
325. Have a nice night.
Copy !req
326. What is with that guy?
Copy !req
327. Did you find the monkey?
Copy !req
328. No, but here's the invoice.
Copy !req
329. As it turns out,
I can't pay this
Copy !req
330. or your salaries starting
on two weeks ago.
Copy !req
331. But, what I do have
are these vouchers
Copy !req
332. for the classes
of your choosing.
Copy !req
333. You're lucky I need
my scuba certification.
Copy !req
334. Okay, okay.
Copy !req
335. I'm the one living
in your vents.
Copy !req
336. I have no home and no job.
Copy !req
337. Does that mean you'll work
for room and board?
Copy !req
338. Okay, I was lying
the whole time.
Copy !req
339. I didn't want the group
to evolve.
Copy !req
340. I just didn't want Pierce
Copy !req
341. I hate him.
Copy !req
342. But, Jeff, what you did,
it's hard to get past that.
Copy !req
343. I know you're already
out of the study group,
Copy !req
344. but I'm gonna have to ask
that you stop being my friend.
Copy !req
345. Okay, look, everybody,
here's the thing,
Copy !req
346. I am not as evolved
as I said I was.
Copy !req
347. The Biology class was full,
so I told Professor Kane
Copy !req
348. I'd pay him
a few thousand dollars
Copy !req
349. to kick Jeff out.
Copy !req
350. What?
Copy !req
351. What?
Copy !req
352. Jeff attacked
a table with a fire axe
Copy !req
353. and only managed to be the
second craziest in the room.
Copy !req
354. Everybody in favor
of voting Pierce out?
Copy !req
355. Stop! Stop!
Copy !req
356. Pierce isn't crazy.
Copy !req
357. The table
Copy !req
358. is magic.
Copy !req
359. As someone who's been
on the other side,
Copy !req
360. I can tell you,
Copy !req
361. it is a scary, lonely,
Chang-filled world out there,
Copy !req
362. and sure, this group
has sprouted some legs,
Copy !req
363. but why are we in such a rush
to leave the tide pool,
Copy !req
364. when the only things
waiting for us on shore
Copy !req
365. are the sands of time
Copy !req
366. and the seagulls
of slowly growing apart?
Copy !req
367. Man, I really need
this Biology class.
Copy !req
368. Pierce.
Copy !req
369. Professor Kane has never taken
a bribe from anyone in his life.
Copy !req
370. You feel me?
I lied, but you seem
Copy !req
371. to have a harder time being
the bad guy than me.
Copy !req
372. You're right. I do.
Copy !req
373. Which, in a weird way,
makes me a pretty bad guy.
Copy !req
374. We're one and the same.
Please don't.
Copy !req
375. Jeff, but you're still
kicked out of Biology.
Copy !req
376. Oh, I'm not
worried about it.
Copy !req
377. Life has a way
of breaking through.
Copy !req
378. So, uh, here's what
I'm thinking.
Copy !req
379. I'm a drug dealer, right?
And you're a scientist,
Copy !req
380. so couldn't we get, like,
Copy !req
381. a Breaking Bad
type of thing going?
Copy !req
382. Sorry, Star-Face, you just lost
your seat in my class.
Copy !req
383. There, now the table
is good as new.
Copy !req
384. So is Abed.
Copy !req
385. Britta, I'm sorry I was
overprotective of Abed.
Copy !req
386. I'll be more supportive.
Here's your first chance.
Copy !req
387. Helping Abed has inspired me
to finally declare a major.
Copy !req
388. I'm gonna
study Psychology.
Copy !req
389. Like in a research capacity?
Copy !req
390. No, in a hands-on capacity.
I'm gonna be a therapist.
Copy !req
391. Oh.
Copy !req
392. Hey, hey, hey,
keep it down.
Copy !req
393. There's a new sheriff
in town.
Copy !req
394. Oh, interesting.
So this is the year we all die.
Copy !req
395. We're all gonna die.
This is our last year.
Copy !req