1. I see...
You were Zero all along.
Copy !req
2. Someone with a grudge against
the Britannian imperial family...
Copy !req
3. Darlton's analysis was correct.
Copy !req
4. Y- You did this all
for Nunnally's sake?
Copy !req
5. Correct.
Copy !req
6. I will destroy the present world
and build a new one in its place.
Copy !req
7. You killed them for the
sake of that madness?
Copy !req
8. Clovis? Even Euphy?
Copy !req
9. You're one to talk, sister, considering how
you idolized my mother, Marianne the Flash.
Copy !req
10. It would seem...
Any further talk with you would be useless.
Copy !req
11. Indeed. Well, then...
Copy !req
12. Lelouch vi Britannia
orders you to answer him!
Copy !req
13. Right.
Copy !req
14. Sister, were you the one
who killed my mother?
Copy !req
15. No.
Copy !req
16. Then who was it?
Copy !req
17. I don't know.
Copy !req
18. You were in charge of her
personal guard, were you not?
Copy !req
19. Yes.
Copy !req
20. Then why did you
withdraw her escort?
Copy !req
21. Because I was asked to.
Copy !req
22. By whom?
Copy !req
23. Lady Marianne.
Copy !req
24. Mother did? That's impossible!
Copy !req
25. Are you saying Mother knew
she would be attacked that day?
Copy !req
26. No, it's impossible! If she did,
she would have gotten us out of there!
Copy !req
27. What happened on that day?
Who killed my mother?
Copy !req
28. You don't know?
Then who knows the truth?
Copy !req
29. I know you've investigated
what happened that day yourself!
Copy !req
30. His Majesty the Emperor ordered Schneizel
to transport the body out of there.
Copy !req
31. The body? You mean mother's?
Then what was in that coffin?
Copy !req
32. Hey! Get back in here!
Copy !req
33. I know! The government bureau
defense forces will be here soon.
Copy !req
34. No! Your little sister's
been kidnapped!
Copy !req
35. This is no time for jokes.
Copy !req
36. Now we have to take Cornelia
to headquarters as our hostage.
Copy !req
37. I just know this!
It's the reason you have for living!
Copy !req
38. She's headed for Kamine Island!
Copy !req
39. Kamine Island?
Copy !req
Copy !req
41. What's this?
Can it really be? Zero?
Copy !req
42. Oh, what luck!
What fate! What evil fortune!
Copy !req
43. Is that you, Orange?
Copy !req
44. Oh! Oh!
Copy !req
45. Oh, I beg of you!
Will you please die?
Copy !req
46. Dammit... Get Cornelia!
Copy !req
47. I know!
Copy !req
48. Zero! I...
Copy !req
49. I shall eliminate all enemies
of our empire's subjects!
Copy !req
50. Yes! And so...
Copy !req
Copy !req
52. Such a disgrace!
How do I report this to the prince?
Copy !req
53. It's just his emotions which are running wild.
It's hard to predict his actions.
Copy !req
54. I just wish we could
communicate with him!
Copy !req
55. Out of my way!
Copy !req
56. ZERO-O-O!
Copy !req
57. itamu basho darenimo iwanai
I don't tell anyone where I hurt
Copy !req
58. isogu kokoro ga kakushita yume wo
I stare at the dreams hidden by my hurried heart
Copy !req
59. kowaresouna hitomi de mitsumeru
With fragile eyes
Copy !req
60. osaekirenai chikara dake
Only my unchecked power
Copy !req
61. hanasazu ni tobitatsu
Flies out without separating from me
Copy !req
62. meguriai ga ugokidasu
Chance encounters hasten...
Copy !req
63. unmei wo hayamete
Destiny as it starts to move
Copy !req
64. semete kimi ga kakenukeru
At least tell me the instant...
Copy !req
65. isshun wo oshiete
When you come running through
Copy !req
66. Why did you stop Suzaku?
Copy !req
67. It was my duty as a civilian
military contractor, wasn't it?
Copy !req
68. You didn't want him
to get killed, did you?
Copy !req
69. Please, you know me
better than that.
Copy !req
70. Humans are so fragile... In our bodies,
our hearts, and our relationships with each other.
Copy !req
71. Nevertheless, you can't bend people
or the world to the way you want.
Copy !req
72. But I want that sort of part.
Copy !req
73. If Major Kururugi turns out to be no good,
we'll just look for the next Devicer.
Copy !req
74. Be careful! A Knightmare that
enters the field will shut down.
Copy !req
75. Understood.
Copy !req
76. Not bad.
Copy !req
77. Ohgi? It's me.
Copy !req
78. Zero! Thank God!
Copy !req
79. Hm? Minami? Where's Ohgi?
Copy !req
80. He's been shot! We're treating him,
but he's unconscious.
Copy !req
81. And the culprit's still...
Copy !req
82. All right, you'll do.
Where's the girl in the wheelchair?
Copy !req
83. Um, doesn't Ohgi come first?
Copy !req
84. I'll arrange a replacement later!
The girl in the wheelchair comes first!
Copy !req
85. Replacement?
Copy !req
86. Confirm her location!
Copy !req
87. All the students we had
confined disappeared.
Copy !req
88. In the confusion
when Ohgi was shot...
Copy !req
89. Lelouch! Sorry, but I'm kinda busy.
Copy !req
90. Is Nunnally there with you?
Copy !req
91. She's in the clubhouse.
We're a short distance away.
Copy !req
92. Understood!
Copy !req
93. Hey! Where are you?
Copy !req
94. I can't get through to
Nunnally or even Sayoko!
Copy !req
95. Lelouch, I'm your accomplice.
Your ally.
Copy !req
96. So, I should just trust you? The word of
a woman who won't give me the reason?
Copy !req
97. I don't want you to die.
That part is true!
Copy !req
98. Hmpf! That's just
one-sided convenience!
Copy !req
99. Squad 3, enemy aircraft!
Copy !req
100. Synch fire and shoot it down!
Copy !req
101. Roger! Tracking enemy... Fire!
Copy !req
102. I see them... I see them...
Copy !req
103. Wh- What the hell is it?
Copy !req
104. C- Captain Kagezaki!
Copy !req
105. Zero! ZERO!
Copy !req
106. Cannon fodder!
I don't have time to fool with you!
Copy !req
107. C.C.! Pop out on 12th street!
Copy !req
108. Speaking of one-sided
Copy !req
109. You can't hit me!
Not Jeremiah Gottwald!
Copy !req
110. Wrong, my dear Orange.
You're being hit right now.
Copy !req
111. Coward!
You strike from behind?
Copy !req
112. Be smashed, you relic!
Copy !req
113. All right,
now to get to Nunnally.
Copy !req
114. Oh... That's a solid hatch!
Copy !req
115. If only we had a
rotating cutting blade.
Copy !req
116. Tamaki, what do we do
with these ones?
Copy !req
117. Lock them in the dorms or
the gym with the other students?
Copy !req
118. Students?
Copy !req
119. Call Zero!
Copy !req
120. I guarantee Zero will protect us!
If he doesn't, something's wrong!
Copy !req
121. He's done it all along...
Copy !req
122. Shut up!
I know Zero better than anyone!
Copy !req
123. He wouldn't hesitate
at a time like this!
Copy !req
124. Stop!
Copy !req
125. Oh, what's this?
You'll come out to help Brits, huh?
Copy !req
126. Suzaku...
Copy !req
127. All we want is the white helmet.
Copy !req
128. A traitor like you
can die right here!
Copy !req
129. Wha?
Copy !req
130. Arthur!
Copy !req
131. Goddamn cat!
Screw this! Kill 'em all!
Copy !req
132. Evening, folks!
Copy !req
133. Retreat! Retreat for now!
Copy !req
134. Impossible! The Earl of Pudding
came out to the front lines?
Copy !req
135. Rakshata... I thought it was you.
Copy !req
136. Now!
Copy !req
137. Gotcha!
Copy !req
138. Stop, you!
Copy !req
139. Well, Miss Cécile?
How are the test parts working out?
Copy !req
140. Looks like we can put them to use.
Copy !req
141. It's back!
Copy !req
142. Open your filler cover.
I'll exchange energy with you.
Copy !req
143. Right! But Miss Cécile,
why did you come out here, too?
Copy !req
144. Why did we, Lloyd?
Copy !req
145. We just came to take back the Lancelot!
And do a few other things.
Copy !req
146. They're Sutherland parts,
but they should work.
Copy !req
147. Right. It's cleared the
compatibility check.
Copy !req
148. All right, leave this place to us.
You go after Zero!
Copy !req
149. Thank you. Protect Ashford
Academy and everyone here!
Copy !req
150. Understood.
My fiancée is here too, after all.
Copy !req
151. "Royal private?"
Copy !req
152. K- Kururugi...?
Copy !req
153. Viceroy Cornelia?
Copy !req
154. Damn their tenacity!
Just what you'd expect of Cornelia's elite!
Copy !req
155. Tohdoh! I'm leaving all operations
from here on in your hands!
Copy !req
156. Ohgi's been wounded,
so have Diethard assume his duties!
Copy !req
157. "Leaving" them to me?
What do you mean?
Copy !req
158. There's something else
that I have to do!
Copy !req
159. I will not respond to any
more communications from you!
Copy !req
160. W- Wait! What else could possibly
be more important in this situation?
Copy !req
161. Squad 7, wiped out!
Copy !req
162. What?
Copy !req
163. Keep calm! You're safe,
so wait your turn! Youngest students first!
Copy !req
164. We gotta fall back for now!
Copy !req
165. Destroy any data you can't take!
Copy !req
166. Hurry! Hurry!
Copy !req
167. This... this battle situation
has turned to my side's favor...
Copy !req
168. Am I clear? Do all you can to hide
the fact that I've been wounded.
Copy !req
169. It'll just upset them...
Copy !req
170. And the Glaston Knights...
Copy !req
171. However...
You're the only one I can tell...
Copy !req
172. Don't talk anymore.
Copy !req
173. Kamine Island...
That's where Zero's headed.
Copy !req
174. Any more than that...
It's no use. I can't remember.
Copy !req
175. Geass!
Copy !req
176. You're Euphy's knight, aren't you?
Copy !req
177. Then go and clear
her dishonored name!
Copy !req
178. Y- Yes!
Copy !req
179. This may be a little informal,
but I dub thee Knight of Honor of Britannia.
Copy !req
180. You are now knight
in both name and title.
Copy !req
181. Now go, Suzaku Kururugi!
Copy !req
182. Yes, Your Highness!
Copy !req
183. What? Zero's disappeared?
Copy !req
184. No, he's just transferred
command to us on-site here.
Copy !req
185. Right.
Copy !req
186. Why? Why now, of all times?
Copy !req
187. Why was Ohgi shot?
Where the hell is Zero?
Copy !req
188. I said I don't know!
Copy !req
189. Can't you contact him?
Copy !req
190. He had no reason
to run away, and yet...
Copy !req
191. As good as Tohdoh is,
if we don't know the overall situation...
Copy !req
192. Zero, what should I do?
Copy !req
193. K- Kallen...
Copy !req
194. Ohgi! Are you all right?
Copy !req
195. Yeah... Anyway, Kallen...
Go after Zero!
Copy !req
196. There must be... a reason...
he's acting this way...
Copy !req
197. Save him... Zero...
Copy !req
198. The one who will realize...
Naoto's dream...
Copy !req
199. But how do I find him?
Copy !req
200. You should see him soon...
Copy !req
201. That's... Lancelot! What would be
drawing him away from here?
Copy !req
202. Rakshata...
Heard a transmission...
Copy !req
203. Understood!
Copy !req
204. Supply corps!
Send a captured air transport to me!
Copy !req
205. Top priority!
Copy !req
206. Dammit! Can't we at least
hold this place?
Copy !req
207. It's just till the students
are all aboard. Hang in there.
Copy !req
208. Understood.
Copy !req
209. Why am I reading a thermal
reaction in there?
Copy !req
210. A Knightmare!
Copy !req
211. What's that relic doing here?
Copy !req
212. The Ganymede...
Copy !req
213. Nina!
Copy !req
214. Oh, hell! Cease fire!
Black Knights, you, too!
Copy !req
215. Huh?
Copy !req
216. A temporary truce!
We can't fire on that thing!
Copy !req
217. Everyone, do what he says!
Cease fire!
Copy !req
218. If it's got Lloyd that
panicked, then!
Copy !req
219. Nina, did you complete it?
Copy !req
220. There wasn't time to test it.
I don't know if it'll explode.
Copy !req
221. But still, I...
Copy !req
222. Nina, what do you mean, "explode?"
Copy !req
223. It's dangerous! Stay back!
Copy !req
224. If her theory is correct,
Copy !req
225. that thing may destroy
the entire Tokyo settlement.
Copy !req
226. That's imposs...
Copy !req
227. Believe it!
She's even used Sakuradite in it!
Copy !req
228. Zero... Where is Zero? Tell me.
Princess Euphemia will be avenged!
Copy !req
Copy !req
230. If Nunnally is lost,
what have I been fighting for till now?
Copy !req
231. What's the point of this
war of independence?
Copy !req
232. Why did Euphy
have to be sacrificed?
Copy !req
233. I can see Kamine Island now.
Copy !req
234. I'm taking Nunnally back,
no matter who tries to stop me!
Copy !req
235. Lelouch of the Rebellion
Copy !req
236. I figured it was here.
Is this place somehow related to you?
Copy !req
237. I don't know this place.
Copy !req
238. Meaning there are others like it?
Copy !req
239. Does the one who took
Nunnally have a Geass power?
Copy !req
240. I don't know that much.
Copy !req
241. It's the truth.
Copy !req
242. I'll believe you.
At the very least, we're still accomplices.
Copy !req
243. Thank you.
Copy !req
244. What is it?
Copy !req
245. I see! This is!
Copy !req
246. What?
Copy !req
247. Calm down! This is a trap set for intruders.
The one who activated it is...
Copy !req
248. What is this? The past?
Copy !req
249. C.C.! No... But!
Copy !req
250. Who are you?
Copy !req
251. Stop it...
Copy !req
252. STOP IT!
Copy !req
253. C.C... Are these your?
Copy !req
254. All I have left are my
memories as a witch.
Copy !req
255. I don't know if I was
ever human to begin with.
Copy !req
256. All the people who have hated me or
who have treated me with kindness...
Copy !req
257. They've all vanished
into the flow of time.
Copy !req
258. Within the endless flow of eternity,
I am all alone.
Copy !req
259. You're not alone!
Copy !req
260. We're accomplices.
Copy !req
261. If you're a witch,
then I can be a warlock.
Copy !req
262. That's a hell of a thing to say
at a time like this.
Copy !req
263. C.C., are you all right?
Copy !req
264. Who do you think you're talking to?
Copy !req
265. Zero! It is I!
Copy !req
266. Now, repent!
Copy !req
267. You stubborn fool!
Copy !req
268. The point that Cornelia
damaged before!
Copy !req
269. The Hadron Cannon only
has one shot left!
Copy !req
270. My magnificent vengeance!
Copy !req
271. Makeshift, one-shot, and impudent!
Copy !req
272. Leave him to me!
You go after Nunnally!
Copy !req
273. But, we're out of energy!
Copy !req
274. I'll be okay!
Copy !req
275. Actually, I'm a little nervous.
Copy !req
276. Win, Lelouch.
Over your own past.
Copy !req
277. And over the outcome of your actions.
Copy !req
278. C.C., don't die!
Copy !req
279. Who are you talking to?
Copy !req
280. You have a point.
Copy !req
281. I've found you!
Copy !req
282. You're not who I'd choose
to commit suicide with, but...
Copy !req
283. Hold the line!
Victory is within sight!
Copy !req
284. Dammit, we can't hold out!
Copy !req
285. If we don't hurry,
the enemy reinforcements will arrive!
Copy !req
286. What should we do?
Copy !req
287. Inoue...
Copy !req
288. Where the hell is Zero?
Copy !req
289. All forces, charge!
We'll crush the rebels with one blow!
Copy !req
290. Fight to your last breath!
No matter what!
Copy !req
291. If they break through here,
our forces will collapse completely!
Copy !req
292. It's not that Tohdoh isn't
as good a military leader.
Copy !req
293. But he lacks the charisma
which Zero possesses!
Copy !req
294. Even so, to have come this far,
and now we're!
Copy !req
295. Master Zero,
have you really abandoned us?
Copy !req
296. Have you abandoned Japan?
Copy !req
297. Their trap at the entrance
was to buy time.
Copy !req
298. Was I the target?
Or was it C.C.?
Copy !req
299. No matter. First thing to do
is make sure Nunnally is all right.
Copy !req
300. Turn and face me. Slowly.
Copy !req
301. Dammit! Now, of all times!
Copy !req
302. Didn't you hear me, Zero?
Copy !req
303. Turn and face me. Slowly.
Copy !req
304. Euphemia arbitrarily murdered innocent
Japanese people. You'd fight for a woman like...
Copy !req
305. That Geass power of yours
is very convenient, isn't it?
Copy !req
306. You get to hide in the shadows
while others take all the blame.
Copy !req
307. An arrogant coward.
That's your true nature.
Copy !req
308. Kallen!
Copy !req
309. Don't you want to know
Zero's true identity, too?
Copy !req
310. What are you saying now?
Copy !req
311. You also have a right
to bear witness.
Copy !req
312. Wait!
Copy !req
313. How? Why?
Copy !req
314. I didn't want to believe it.
Copy !req
315. L- Lelouch is?
Copy !req
316. Yes, I'm Zero.
Copy !req
317. The man who leads the Black Knights,
who challenges the Holy Britannian Empire,
Copy !req
318. and who holds the
entire world in his hand.
Copy !req
319. You used us Japanese...
You used me?
Copy !req
320. Japan will be freed as a result.
You've nothing to complain about, surely.
Copy !req
321. I should have
arrested you sooner.
Copy !req
322. You realized it was me?
Copy !req
323. I wasn't sure,
so I kept denying it to myself.
Copy !req
324. I wanted to believe in you.
Copy !req
325. But you were lying to us.
To me, to Euphy... Even to Nunnally!
Copy !req
326. Yes, and now Nunnally's
been kidnapped!
Copy !req
327. Suzaku, can't we have a temporary truce?
I want your help to save Nunnally!
Copy !req
328. There's nothing you
and I can't accomplish!
Copy !req
329. Don't be a fool!
Copy !req
330. You should have joined up
with Euphy first!
Copy !req
331. If you and Euphy and joined forces,
the world could have been!
Copy !req
332. That's all in the past! It's done!
Copy !req
333. The past?
Copy !req
334. You killed your own father, didn't you?
Copy !req
335. You can find time for regrets later!
Copy !req
336. No, you're hopeless!
Copy !req
337. What?
Copy !req
338. In the very end, you'd betray the
entire world, like it's betrayed you!
Copy !req
339. I can't let your dream
be realized!
Copy !req
340. You fool! You think ideals alone
can change the world?
Copy !req
341. Then go on!
Shoot me if you're going to!
Copy !req
342. And shoot this
liquid Sakuradite, too!
Copy !req
343. If my heart stops, it'll explode!
You both will die with me!
Copy !req
344. Damn you!
Copy !req
345. I'll make a deal with you.
Copy !req
346. Who told you about Geass?
Did they take Nunnally?
Copy !req
347. Nothing that happens now
is any of your business!
Copy !req
348. Your very existence is a mistake!
Copy !req
349. You have to be removed from the world!
I'll take care of Nunnally!
Copy !req
350. SUZAKU!
Copy !req
Copy !req
352. Mosaic kakera
The pieces of a mosaic
Copy !req
353. Hitotsu hitotsu tsunagiawasete
Coming together one by one
Copy !req
354. Egaiteyuku
To form the picture
Copy !req
355. Anata ga kureta deai to wakare mo
The meetings and partings I've had with you
Copy !req
356. Konna hazu ja nai
"It can't be," I think
Copy !req
357. Sou omotte nemuri
As I go to sleep
Copy !req
358. Mezamereba itsumo no
When I awaken, just as always
Copy !req
359. Kawaranai karamawari
I'm left going nowhere
Copy !req
360. Imi mo naku kurikaeshi
Pointlessly repeating the pattern
Copy !req
361. Mosaic kakera
The pieces of a mosaic
Copy !req
362. Azayaka ni utsusu
Clearly showing
Copy !req
363. Kako no uso mo ayamachi mo
The lies and mistakes of the past
Copy !req
364. Keshiteshimaitai to omoeba omou hodo
As much as I'd like to erase them
Copy !req
365. Furikaereba soko ni aru
When I look back, I see...
Copy !req
366. Start line mada susun ja inai
I still haven't moved past that start line
Copy !req
367. Mou ichido yume wo
So let's try regathering
Copy !req
368. Hiroiatsumete miyou
the pieces of our dream
Copy !req
369. Mosaic kakera
The pieces of a mosaic
Copy !req
370. Hitotsu hitotsu tsunagiawasete
Coming together one by one
Copy !req
371. Egaiteyuku
To form the picture
Copy !req
372. Anata ga kureta deai to wakare mo
The meetings and partings I've had with you
Copy !req
373. People... humans are the
beings who look for happiness.
Copy !req
374. What the Britannian boy, Lelouch, wanted to have was
Copy !req
375. nothing but a small happiness. It's nothing special.
Copy !req
376. At least at the root of his motives,
there were only humble wishes
Copy !req
377. that were simply natural to any human.
Copy !req
378. Who could ever disclaim such dreams and such vows?
Copy !req
379. Who could ever have the right to do that?
Copy !req
380. However, whoever you might be, without choice,
Copy !req
381. you have to deal with others and with the world,
Copy !req
382. and have yourself be regulated and set down.
Copy !req
383. Therefore, in the face of the world's
wills, your personal speculations
Copy !req
384. are so ephemeral they can't help being overwhelmed.
Copy !req
385. Sins and punishments, destiny and judgment.
Copy !req
386. What stands in front of Lelouch is
Copy !req
387. the past he brought forth by himself.
Copy !req
388. Is it a hatred resulting from the
fact that humans are humans?
Copy !req
389. Nonetheless, for now, we should be grateful...
Copy !req
390. Yes, at least, to the fact that humans
are the beings who look for happiness.
Copy !req
391. A remaining piece of hopes, a faint sign
of wishes will be born from despairs.
Copy !req
392. Zero... He was a fool.
No matter how you strike back or resist,
the world never changes.
Copy !req
393. I'll tell you. In the adult world,
what's "right" has no value.
Copy !req
394. Do the powerless have no choice but to bear it?
Even when they're right?
Copy !req
395. If it's wrong to be powerless,
does having power make you right?
Copy !req
396. It wasn't me who was wrong!
It's the world!
Copy !req
397. It wasn't me who was wrong!
Copy !req
398. It's the world!
Copy !req
399. Sequel production is moving at high gear!
Watch for it!
Copy !req