1. The Japan Liberation Front.
Copy !req
2. In order to crush the largest
insurgent group in Area 11,
Copy !req
3. Viceroy Cornelia undertook an operation
to encircle the Narita mountains.
Copy !req
4. The Britannian forces pride themselves
on their overwhelming supremacy,
Copy !req
5. and just as they thought they
had their enemy beaten...
Copy !req
6. the Black Knights made their move.
Copy !req
7. Using the Guren Mk-II's radiant wave surger,
Copy !req
8. they caused the underground
water veins to explode all at once.
Copy !req
9. The mountain crumbled.
Copy !req
10. Both the Japan Liberation Front
and the main Britannian forces...
Copy !req
11. were engulfed in the mud and rushing water.
Copy !req
12. Cornelia's unit had lost most of
its forces and was now isolated.
Copy !req
13. Aiming for a turnabout, Zero led the
Black Knights to go after Cornelia.
Copy !req
14. In their heart, everyone has
faith that their victory exists.
Copy !req
15. However, in the face of time and destiny,
Copy !req
16. the act of faith is fruitless,
and fleeting at best.
Copy !req
17. Jibun wo sekai sae mo
The moment when I might be able...
Copy !req
18. Kaete shimae sou na shunkan wa
To change myself and even the world
Copy !req
19. Itsumo sugu soba ni
It's always right there at my side
Copy !req
20. Kakusenu iradachi to
Even as I stood still, looking at myself
Copy !req
21. Tachitsukusu jibun wo mitsume
With undisguised frustration
Copy !req
22. Mayoi nagara nayami nagara
Feeling lost, feeling anguished
Copy !req
23. Kuyami nagara kimereba ii sa
Feeling mournful, deciding what to do
Copy !req
24. Kimi ga kureta kotoba hitotsu
All it took was a single word from you
Copy !req
25. Tomadoi wa kiesari
And my uncertainty vanished
Copy !req
26. Karappo datta boku no heya ni hikari ga sashita
You let the light shine into what was my empty room
Copy !req
27. Miageta oozora ga
The sky I had been looking up at...
Copy !req
28. Aoku sumikitte yuku
Cleared and turned blue
Copy !req
29. Tozashita madowo hiraku
And I decided to throw open...
Copy !req
30. Koto kimeta
The windows that were kept closed
Copy !req
31. Jibun wo sekai sae mo
The moment when I might be able...
Copy !req
32. Kaete shimae sou na shunkan wa
To change myself and even the world
Copy !req
33. Kanjiru ima koko ni
I feel it right here with me
Copy !req
34. What do our losses look like?
Copy !req
35. I only read signals from 20 percent of our forces.
Copy !req
36. 20 percent?
Copy !req
37. Our command structure can't hold up like this!
Copy !req
38. This is Marceau unit!
I can't raise Gen. Alex!
Copy !req
39. It looks like the second
division has been wiped out!
Copy !req
40. Mr. Lloyd, what's going on?
Copy !req
41. Yes. Quite unnatural, I should say.
Copy !req
42. Unnatural?
Copy !req
43. It's unconfirmed, but there are reports
that the Black Knights have appeared.
Copy !req
44. Zero!
Copy !req
45. Congratulations! We may get our turn.
Copy !req
46. Mr. Lloyd!
Copy !req
47. That's reckless!
Copy !req
48. Oh? Why is that?
Copy !req
49. Shall I tell you why, sir?
Copy !req
50. No. Spare me, please.
Copy !req
51. Anyway, until the high command
gets all the information,
Copy !req
52. we're stuck trying to figure out how to react, right?
Copy !req
53. Is the viceroy all right?
Copy !req
54. She was outside the slide flow,
so that's no problem.
Copy !req
55. but since the units securing her rear
moved in, now she's practically isolated.
Copy !req
56. What the hell are those Purebloods doing?
Copy !req
57. C'mon, move!
Copy !req
58. I'm losing to an Eleven!
Copy !req
59. A proud Britannian!
Copy !req
60. Sir Kewell!
Copy !req
61. Right! Guren, head to your designated area!
Copy !req
62. The remaining force here
will go after Cornelia!
Copy !req
63. Right!
Copy !req
64. Gotcha!
Copy !req
65. We're gonna pull this off!
Copy !req
66. Defend this position at all costs!
Copy !req
67. Sugiyama! You okay?
Copy !req
68. Y-Yeah...
Copy !req
69. Dammit! Get them!
Copy !req
70. That's right, move!
Copy !req
71. If you survive this battle,
you will become true warriors!
Copy !req
72. And after you do!
Copy !req
73. The Purebloods are holding them off?
Copy !req
74. Yes, sir! Under Lady Viletta's command!
Copy !req
75. Then this is our chance! Get the viceroy
back here! Send the air force for support!
Copy !req
76. Wait! Something's approaching
the viceroy from behind!
Copy !req
77. All units, are you ready?
Copy !req
78. Yes, sir!
Copy !req
79. All right. Deploy the Burai Customs.
Copy !req
80. Moving out!
Copy !req
81. Am I clear? If this landslide was man made,
Copy !req
82. I think we can take Cornelia from behind.
Copy !req
83. Capture Cornelia!
Copy !req
84. Right now, we'll pay them back
for what happened 7 years ago!
Copy !req
85. Yes, sir! By the honor of the Four Holy Swords!
Copy !req
86. What?
Copy !req
87. Protect Her Highness!
Copy !req
88. Surround them!
Copy !req
89. The Japan Liberation Front?
Copy !req
90. Slash and Encircle formation!
Copy !req
91. Wilco!
Copy !req
92. Don't assume these are just any Burais.
Copy !req
93. It reminds me of 7 years ago.
Copy !req
94. It's different now.
This time, we have Knightmares!
Copy !req
95. Highness, leave them to us!
Please, withdraw for now!
Copy !req
96. Very well. I have an idea of how
to turn this around, Guilford.
Copy !req
97. Right!
Copy !req
98. Once you fend them off, meet me at point 9!
Copy !req
99. 9? Understood!
Copy !req
100. Cornelia!
Copy !req
101. Weaklings!
Copy !req
102. All right! Keep this up and nail down Zero!
Copy !req
103. C'mon, maybe we should ask
for Kallen to get back here.
Copy !req
104. We can't! If we change our
arrangement, the plan falls apart!
Copy !req
105. Even so, this doesn't look good.
Copy !req
106. If this keeps up, we may have
to take on her royal guard.
Copy !req
107. Zero! They're saying Cornelia's
under attack from beneath!
Copy !req
108. What? Which team made the move?
Copy !req
109. It's not our people! It looks like it's the J.L.F.!
Copy !req
110. Did one of them here figure out what I'm after?
Copy !req
111. Clever.
Copy !req
112. Then they'll hold off the royal guard for us!
Copy !req
113. Sorry we're late, General!
Copy !req
114. Tohdoh! We've been waiting for you!
Copy !req
115. Sir, please send all the forces
you have to my position.
Copy !req
116. Can we still beat them?
Copy !req
117. If we can hold off the main
Britannian force, we'll win!
Copy !req
118. We have a chance right now
to turn the entire war around!
Copy !req
119. I'd heard there was someone in Area 11
with the abilities of a general and a knight...
Copy !req
120. Can this be him? Tohdoh?
Copy !req
121. Even so, he's no match for me!
Copy !req
122. Dammit! At a time like this!
Copy !req
123. What do we do?
Copy !req
124. Fall back!
Copy !req
125. Somehow or another, we have to
link up with Princess Cornelia!
Copy !req
126. But sir, the enemy's main base is right in front of us!
Copy !req
127. And if we take an attack from behind,
the damage will be enormous!
Copy !req
128. You fool! If the princess is lost, the battle's all over!
Copy !req
129. Y- Yes, my lord!
Copy !req
130. Sub-Viceroy Euphemia, we must
charge in with G1 and save the viceroy!
Copy !req
131. No!
Copy !req
132. But, with even Commander Guilford pinned down,
Viceroy Cornelia's life is in danger!
Copy !req
133. We can't!
Copy !req
134. There's also a field hospital set up here!
Copy !req
135. Not to mention civilians who have
evacuated from around the area!
Copy !req
136. Besides, this G1 base represents
our main headquarters!
Copy !req
137. The viceroy specifically ordered me not to
move it, no matter what! That's why... Why!
Copy !req
138. Hi there! Advanced Special-Envoy
Engineering Corps, at your service!
Copy !req
139. How dare you!
Copy !req
140. You irregulars should be
quiet and stick to observing!
Copy !req
141. Um, yes sir, normally we would, but...
Copy !req
142. But all this waiting around with
nothing to do is getting to us.
Copy !req
143. Sub-Viceroy Euphemia.
Copy !req
144. I beg of you, please order us into combat!
Copy !req
145. How transparent! You just want
the glory of rescuing the viceroy!
Copy !req
146. If just one machine could change the
situation, no one would be having any trouble!
Copy !req
147. Besides, with a Number at the controls?
Copy !req
148. So? What's the harm in letting us try?
Copy !req
149. If we fail, it won't reflect badly on you, will it?
Copy !req
150. Are you listening?
Copy !req
151. Euphy...?
Copy !req
152. Understood. Please do it.
Copy !req
153. All right!
Copy !req
154. Thank you so much!
Copy !req
155. Right! I swear I'll do it!
Copy !req
156. Dammit, you're good!
Copy !req
157. Scatter!
Copy !req
158. Colonel! What about Cornelia?
Copy !req
159. If Zero's the man I think he is, he's got a plan!
Copy !req
160. All we can do now is trust him!
Copy !req
161. What? Zero has fallen back?
Copy !req
162. Right. We're en route to give you support!
Copy !req
163. Zero comes first! Give me his location!
Copy !req
164. Y- Yes, sir! This is Zero's projected course.
Copy !req
165. Oh, hell.
Copy !req
166. The Black Knights are headed to where she
intended to lead Tohdoh and the others!
Copy !req
167. Princess Cornelia!
Copy !req
168. I hear you, Guilford.
Copy !req
169. Advanced prototype weapon Z-01 Lancelot,
Copy !req
170. you will use sand boards to climb the
liquefied slope at maximum combat speed.
Copy !req
171. Rescue the viceroy!
Copy !req
172. Yes, my lord!
Copy !req
173. Suzaku, there's one thing I wanted to ask you.
Copy !req
174. Yes, sir?
Copy !req
175. You hate having people die more than anything,
Copy !req
176. And yet you're in the military. Why is that?
Copy !req
177. I'm in the military because
I don't want people to die.
Copy !req
178. Contradictions like that are
going to get you killed someday.
Copy !req
179. Sorry! Sorry!
Copy !req
180. Lancelot, launching.
Copy !req
Copy !req
182. Lowborn scum!
Copy !req
183. What the? That's not just
a customized machine, is it?
Copy !req
184. Are you listening, Cornelia?
Copy !req
185. This is already a checkmate.
Copy !req
186. Zero?
Copy !req
187. Yes. Perhaps we should celebrate our reunion.
Copy !req
188. However, before we do, I'd like
you to please surrender to us.
Copy !req
189. There are some things
I'd like to ask you, as well.
Copy !req
190. Incidentally, your reinforcements
won't make it here in time.
Copy !req
191. I win, Cornelia.
Copy !req
192. Don't be a fool, Zero.
Copy !req
193. This one...
Copy !req
194. If I just destroy this one,
I open my path of escape!
Copy !req
195. You're a clever one!
Copy !req
196. You dishonorable!
You'd shoot me from behind?
Copy !req
197. Oh? Then wasn't your own
plan dishonorable at heart?
Copy !req
198. They launched a pincer attack
before we could regroup!
Copy !req
199. There's no way I'll reach Her Highness now!
Copy !req
200. Colonel, we've eliminated
the enemy reinforcements!
Copy !req
201. All right! Team, switch to Rotating
Absolute Power formation!
Copy !req
202. Wilco!
Copy !req
203. At this rate, Princess Cornelia will be!
Copy !req
204. Guilford.
Copy !req
205. Guilford, my knight...
Copy !req
206. I want you and Darlton to assist Euphy.
Copy !req
207. Your Highness!
Copy !req
208. I refuse to surrender.
Copy !req
209. As an imperial princess,
I will fight to my last breath!
Copy !req
210. Princess Cornelia!
Copy !req
211. What a foolish choice.
Copy !req
212. As reckless as ever, I see.
Copy !req
213. Using the V.A.R.I.S. to clear the
obstacles between him and them.
Copy !req
214. Viceroy, are you all right? I came to help!
Copy !req
215. A.S.E.E.C.? But who authorized you?
Copy !req
216. Still, she's saved. That Lancelot
should be able to handle this.
Copy !req
217. Hey, isn't that Knightmare!
Copy !req
218. Yeah. The one from Shinjuku and Lake Kawaguchi.
Copy !req
219. Again... He's interfering again!
Copy !req
220. Guren Mk-II, destroy the White Helmet!
Copy !req
221. That thing's breakthrough power
is getting to be a nuisance!
Copy !req
222. Right!
Copy !req
223. You handle that thing! I'll take out Zero!
Copy !req
224. Here's where you pay for Shinjuku!
Copy !req
225. Is it possible? It's as fast as Lancelot?
Copy !req
226. If I can just take down this thing!
Copy !req
227. That weapon won't work!
Copy !req
228. It stopped it!
Copy !req
229. Hey! Are you okay?
Copy !req
230. Y- Yeah.
Copy !req
231. Ohgi! How's the Guren?
Copy !req
232. The right hand's busted. We need to repair it.
Copy !req
233. Retreat!
Copy !req
234. All units, move to the escape point!
Copy !req
235. At this rate, it'll turn into a war of attrition. Retreat!
Copy !req
236. Viceroy!
Copy !req
237. Go after Zero!
Copy !req
238. But...
Copy !req
239. My energy filler's just drained! Now go!
Copy !req
240. Right!
Copy !req
241. Hey, should we really just quit like this?
Copy !req
242. We've definitely won here, but we're at our limit.
Copy !req
243. In other words, all we can do is let
the J.L.F. play decoy and run, right?
Copy !req
244. I don't like putting it like that, but...
Copy !req
245. Yeah...
Copy !req
246. People aren't just chess pawns.
Copy !req
247. I doubt even Zero thinks like that.
Copy !req
248. Otherwise, he'll end up using even us as pawns
Copy !req
249. But that's impossible.
Copy !req
250. His anger against Britannia is genuine.
Copy !req
251. I think a person who knows anger
also knows what sadness is like.
Copy !req
252. Calling A.S.E.E.C. head trailer. Zero
sighted. Proceeding with capture.
Copy !req
253. Lelouch of the Rebellion
Copy !req
254. Zero, I owe you a debt.
Copy !req
255. Your actions have saved people,
Copy !req
256. and I know a lot of Elevens are
now secretly working with you.
Copy !req
257. But still, your methods...
Copy !req
258. They're wrong!
Copy !req
259. Th- That's!
Copy !req
260. Can that be? The girl from the capsule in Shinjuku?
Copy !req
261. Stop! You mustn't harm this man!
Copy !req
262. C.C.!
Copy !req
263. She's working with Zero?
Copy !req
264. Wait! What are you doing? That's
a Knightmare you're challenging!
Copy !req
265. I can't afford to let you die.
Copy !req
266. It'll be indirect contact, but it's still worth a try.
Copy !req
267. Father...
Copy !req
268. This is impossible. You should be dead.
Copy !req
269. No! I didn't mean to! I just... I just!
Copy !req
270. Hey! Why are you giving that pilot Geass?
Copy !req
271. I'm just feeding him a shock image.
Copy !req
272. I don't know what he's seeing, though.
Copy !req
273. Anyway, use this chance to get away!
Copy !req
274. What about you?
Copy !req
275. I can't move now. Leave me!
Copy !req
276. Are you kidding?
Not while I owe you a debt...
Copy !req
277. No, not now!
Copy !req
278. What's? This isn't what I saw before.
Copy !req
279. Wha? That's!
Copy !req
280. S- Stop it!
Copy !req
281. Stay... out... of my... mind!
Copy !req
282. Stop it... Why?
Copy !req
283. You're... opening me...
Copy !req
284. It was all I could do!
Copy !req
285. Wh... What was all that just now?
Copy !req
286. Idiot! Escape while you have the chance!
Copy !req
287. C.C.!
Copy !req
288. Hurry... and run!
Copy !req
289. Damn you!
Copy !req
290. Don't follow!
Copy !req
291. Zero's actions are unclear.
Copy !req
292. All we can do is rendezvous with
the general and help him escape.
Copy !req
293. Your Highness! I'm coming now!
Copy !req
294. Guilford, relay this message to all units.
Copy !req
295. "Prepare to retreat."
Copy !req
296. There's no reason to waste
the lives of any more soldiers.
Copy !req
297. Maintain current battle status and slowly fall back.
Copy !req
298. We have to face facts. We've lost this one.
Copy !req
299. You see? It's all Britannia can do
just to take on the Liberation Front!
Copy !req
300. Yeah.
Copy !req
301. They definitely gave us the
chance we needed to escape.
Copy !req
302. Hey, where's Zero? I can't raise his Burai.
Copy !req
303. You don't think he's been captured, do you?
Copy !req
304. Is this girl human or not?
Copy !req
305. The speed with which she
recovers from wounds isn't normal.
Copy !req
306. She was definitely shot
in the head back in Shinjuku.
Copy !req
307. Clovis was experimenting
on her privately,
Copy !req
308. so she must not be related to Britannia.
Copy !req
309. Her vital signs are the same as a humans.
Copy !req
310. I could analyze her blood later.
Maybe I should get photos of her wounds, too.
Copy !req
311. Hm? What?
Copy !req
312. You finally called me by my name.
Copy !req
313. So, in the end, Zero remains at large.
Copy !req
314. The J.L.F. were able to push against our
defense line and slipped away in the confusion.
Copy !req
315. How annoying. They always use
something as a shield to hide behind.
Copy !req
316. And what about Kururugi?
Copy !req
317. He's been recovered.
Copy !req
318. He had to wait for his energy filler
to run out and immobilize him.
Copy !req
319. Had to wait?
Was there a problem with his machine?
Copy !req
320. Possibly. It appears he lost control of it.
Copy !req
321. That's a typical failure of my brother's forces.
Copy !req
322. I removed the shrapnel and cleaned the wound.
Copy !req
323. That wasn't necessary.
Copy !req
324. So it would seem.
Copy !req
325. That's why there was no point in your saving me.
Copy !req
326. Your pride always gets in the way
at the most inopportune moments.
Copy !req
327. Thanks to it, I know something interesting now.
Copy !req
328. It's your name, isn't it?
Copy !req
329. That's a bad habit. You eavesdrop?
Copy !req
330. It's a nice name, isn't it?
Copy !req
331. Much more human than "C.C.," right?
Copy !req
332. Oh, how ridiculous.
Like I need to be more human.
Copy !req
333. After all, I... I...
Copy !req
334. I've forgotten... Everything.
Copy !req
335. All that I knew.
Copy !req
336. What use have I for a name
now? What use... for a name?
Copy !req
337. Since this is a good opportunity,
I'll tell you something.
Copy !req
338. Yes. You saved me earlier.
Copy !req
339. As you did before,
with the Geass you gave me.
Copy !req
340. And so...
Copy !req
341. I'm only going to say this once.
Copy !req
342. Thank you.
Copy !req
343. No one's ever thanked me before.
Copy !req
344. Well then, can you show your thanks to me?
Copy !req
345. Call me by it, like you did before.
Copy !req
346. Oh, that name, you mean?
Copy !req
347. Just this once. Like you treasure it,
with tenderness in your heart.
Copy !req
348. I suppose... if I must.
Copy !req
349. Satisfied?
Copy !req
350. Wrong. It was all wrong.
Copy !req
351. Not tender enough.
There was no honesty or sympathy in it.
Copy !req
352. You pronounced it strangely
and it lacked warmth, too.
Copy !req
353. You're a picky girl!
Copy !req
354. Indeed, that's why I go by C.C...
Copy !req
355. Another soldier?
Copy !req
356. No wonder our forces fell apart!
Copy !req
357. I'm not Orange...
Copy !req
358. ZERO!
Copy !req
359. Looks like our ride's here.
Copy !req
360. Zero! Are you okay? The other
members went on ahead...
Copy !req
361. Who's that?
Copy !req
362. You needn't worry.
Copy !req
363. She's a very important friend of mine.
Copy !req
364. C.C., I don't know why snow is white,
Copy !req
365. but I do think that white snow is pretty.
Copy !req
366. I don't dislike it.
Copy !req
367. I see.
Copy !req
368. Yukedomo kemonomichi
Walking along the animal path
Copy !req
369. Shishi yotorayoto hoe
Roaring with the lions and tigers
Copy !req
370. Akane sasu sora no kanata ni mahoroba
Paradise lying far across a sky dyed red
Copy !req
371. Yuushuu no kodoku ni samayou seishun wa
To a youth wandering, imprisoned in loneliness
Copy !req
372. Yowasato ikari ga sugata naki teki desu ka
Are weakness and hatred shapeless enemies?
Copy !req
373. Chichi yo madaware wa
Oh father, I am still...
Copy !req
374. Onore wo shirigatashi
Learning who I am
Copy !req
375. Sakidatsu anira no
As I pursue the backs I no longer see
Copy !req
376. Mienai senakawo oeba
Of the elder brothers who have gone before me
Copy !req
377. Mayoi no hitoyo ni
In the night I spend lost
Copy !req
378. Myoujou wa izanau
The morning star beckons to me
Copy !req
379. Shi shite owaranu
This will not end in my death
Copy !req
380. Yume wo kogaredomo
I long for my dream
Copy !req
381. Tashika na kimi kosowaga inochi
My faith in you sustains my life
Copy !req
382. Reppu no kouya de
In the windswept wilderness
Copy !req
383. Chou yo hanayoto iki
Living with the butterflies and flowers
Copy !req
384. Tokoshie no haru ni sakisou maboroshi
Blooming together in a mirage of eternal Spring
Copy !req
385. Kondaku nojunketsu
If my purity seems muddied
Copy !req
386. Kono mi wayogoretemo
And my body seems filthy
Copy !req
387. Kokoro no nishiki wo shinjiteite kudasai
Please believe in the finery within my heart
Copy !req
388. Hahayo kesshite ware wa namidawo misene domo
Oh mother, I will show no tears
Copy !req
389. Ashimoto no
They vanish like...
Copy !req
390. Kusa ni tsuyu wa kiemosede
The dew in the grass beneath my feet
Copy !req
391. I still lack it. That "something" that
will let me drive Cornelia to the wall.
Copy !req
392. I have a feeling what's needed
to make up this deficit is myself.
Copy !req
393. There's something within me I have to overcome.
Copy !req
394. And the Black Knights...
They have to proceed to the next stage.
Copy !req
395. Yes. And if it's necessary, I'll even!
Copy !req