1. That's hot.
Copy !req
2. Morning, Greg.
Copy !req
3. No!
Copy !req
4. It isn't. You know why?
Copy !req
5. Because some freeloader
was blaring shitty Metallica all night.
Copy !req
6. Yeah, that was actually
Exodus's Bonded by Blood,
Copy !req
7. but it's not your fault
you don't know the genre.
Copy !req
8. You do know your sister doesn't want
you crashing here, right?
Copy !req
9. She only took pity on you
Copy !req
10. because you are
an unemployed man baby on probation.
Copy !req
11. I'm actually off probation now.
Copy !req
12. I'm showered and groomed.
I have somewhere important to be today.
Copy !req
13. Oh, well, that's good.
Congratulations. Good for you.
Copy !req
14. That means you can
take your perfect circle of a body
Copy !req
15. and roll your sloppy ass
out of our neighborhood.
Copy !req
16. Step it back a smidge.
Copy !req
17. You drive a Miata.
Think you're the King of Egypt?
Copy !req
18. I don't know about cars,
but I know that's not top of the line.
Copy !req
19. This is coming from a man
Copy !req
20. who has a squirrel obstacle course
in his backyard.
Copy !req
21. Do you have any friends, Raymond?
Copy !req
22. I believe it was Emerson who said
that "a friend is the hope of the heart."
Copy !req
23. Yeah. Well, it was Hughes who said,
Copy !req
24. "Get your goddamn Frisbees off my roof
or I'm calling the police."
Copy !req
25. Hughes because
it's your last name? Clever.
Copy !req
26. Listen, those are Aerobies, Greg.
They're not Frisbees. Different disc.
Copy !req
27. I-I don't have time to talk about that
'cause my dojo needs me. So...
Copy !req
28. - Got to go. Sorry.
- That's right. I forgot, Raymond.
Copy !req
29. You like to hang with a bunch of kids
and play kung fu all day.
Copy !req
30. It is pathetic.
Copy !req
31. It's not kung fu.
Copy !req
32. It's Cobra Kai.
Copy !req
33. And it's not Raymond anymore.
Copy !req
34. My name is S...
Copy !req
35. Stingray. Yeah, I know.
Copy !req
36. And as much as you try
to clean your life up,
Copy !req
37. you still stink, Ray.
Copy !req
38. Stink-Ray!
Copy !req
39. That is so much more appropriate!
Copy !req
40. Tread carefully, Greg.
Copy !req
41. You mess with a Cobra,
Copy !req
42. you get the fangs.
Copy !req
43. Time for class.
Copy !req
44. Listen, John.
Copy !req
45. I just want you to know
Copy !req
46. I haven't forgotten what you did for me.
Copy !req
47. I wouldn't be here if not for you.
Copy !req
48. And I'll do anything to prove my loyalty.
Copy !req
49. Anything.
Copy !req
50. Let's go to work, Sensei.
Copy !req
51. Guys, the limo is coming at six.
Copy !req
52. So don't be late or else we're leaving.
Copy !req
53. 'Cause my date and I, we on a mission.
Copy !req
54. Oh my God.
I bet she doesn't even exist.
Copy !req
55. - Hey.
- Hey.
Copy !req
56. You're, uh... You're gonna go?
Copy !req
57. To prom?
Copy !req
58. Yeah, right.
Let the rich kids have their stupid party.
Copy !req
59. - Can you picture me in a ballroom dress?
- All right, class. Fall in.
Copy !req
60. Today's lesson is about balance.
Copy !req
61. Not the way Miyagi-Do teaches it.
Copy !req
62. You're going to learn how
to get inside the heads of your opponents
Copy !req
63. and throw them off balance.
Copy !req
64. Pair up.
Copy !req
65. Ais!
Copy !req
66. You know, you should go.
Copy !req
67. Crashing you-know-who's big night would be
a way to get your opponents off balance.
Copy !req
68. - Not as much as if you showed up.
- I'm not a student. They won't let me in.
Copy !req
69. Maybe they would.
Copy !req
70. If you went with me.
Copy !req
71. Did you just ask me to prom?
Copy !req
72. Strictly a tactical move.
Copy !req
73. Well, it's such short notice.
We'd have to get a ride.
Copy !req
74. Still need a tux.
Copy !req
75. I think it's a great idea.
Copy !req
76. And if you're going,
Copy !req
77. you're going in style.
Copy !req
78. Wassup!
Copy !req
79. Remember that
from the old Bud commercials?
Copy !req
80. I guess you guys were too young for...
Probably weren't even born.
Copy !req
81. Eddie, what's going on, man? Hey, good
to see you. Dieter, how's your mom doing?
Copy !req
82. Wish she'd call.
You could've had a really cool stepdad.
Copy !req
83. Sensei!
Copy !req
84. Sir, I am reporting for duty
and I require no thanks.
Copy !req
85. Thanks for what?
Copy !req
86. Oh, uh, you know, just defending the dojo
Copy !req
87. and I-I served my time, Sensei sir.
Copy !req
88. Look, we're trying to train
for a tournament.
Copy !req
89. Let's carry on, everyone.
Copy !req
90. The All Valley tourney. I'm well aware.
Copy !req
91. Say, listen, I got a couple of good ideas.
Just basic strategy.
Copy !req
92. Don't be ridiculous.
Copy !req
93. You were never part of this team.
You're a buffoon.
Copy !req
94. A joker, an embarrassment.
Copy !req
95. You have no value here.
Copy !req
96. Wow, what?
Copy !req
97. But, Sensei, I'm, um,
Copy !req
98. one of the guys, you know.
Copy !req
99. You will never be Cobra Kai.
Copy !req
100. You get that?
Copy !req
101. Oh, wait, wait, w-wait, I got you.
Copy !req
102. Th-This is, um...
Copy !req
103. This is a test, right?
Copy !req
104. Yeah, this is a test.
Copy !req
105. Get the hell out of here.
Copy !req
106. Challenge accepted.
Copy !req
107. Why are you cutting
the mozzarella? You're gonna dry it out.
Copy !req
108. - You're losing the juice!
- I'm making bruschetta.
Copy !req
109. Let the juice out
so the bread don't get soggy.
Copy !req
110. - Let me get in there.
- I'll bite your fat fingers off!
Copy !req
111. - But you disrespect...
- Louie's sister's more Louie than Louie.
Copy !req
112. I get nervous having family over
Copy !req
113. while we're dealing
with the Anthony crisis.
Copy !req
114. I know. Bullying is the last thing
I ever thought we'd be dealing with.
Copy !req
115. Yeah, well,
Copy !req
116. two more weeks in his room
with no screen time
Copy !req
117. and he'll get the message.
Copy !req
118. If he doesn't,
maybe we take him to a professional.
Copy !req
119. Whatever happens,
can we keep your mom out of this?
Copy !req
120. - I'm finally on stable ground with her.
- Okay.
Copy !req
121. These are dinner napkins.
Copy !req
122. I'm gonna swap 'em out
for something a little more appropriate.
Copy !req
123. Whatever you like, Lucille.
My house is your house.
Copy !req
124. Hey, come on in.
Copy !req
125. - Make yourselves at home.
- Amanda. Welcome.
Copy !req
126. - Oh, hi. Rosa.
- Hi.
Copy !req
127. It's good to see you.
Copy !req
128. Oh, you look very dashing.
Copy !req
129. Okay, here she comes.
Copy !req
130. Wow, you, uh, look so amazing.
Copy !req
131. So do you.
Copy !req
132. I guess, um...
Copy !req
133. Can't believe we finally
get a night to ourselves.
Copy !req
134. Yeah. No karate, no rivalries.
Copy !req
135. Just, uh, you and me.
Copy !req
136. Picture time. Let's go.
Copy !req
137. Diazes, get together.
Copy !req
138. You look so handsome.
Copy !req
139. He looks more and more like his father.
Copy !req
140. Mama.
Copy !req
141. So, uh, how you been, man?
Copy !req
142. - H-How's your weekend going?
- I'm fine.
Copy !req
143. You know, I don't hang out
with those biker guys anymore. So...
Copy !req
144. Uh, Johnny.
Copy !req
145. Come on.
Copy !req
146. Okay.
Copy !req
147. Beautiful.
Let's get the LaRussos together. Anthony!
Copy !req
148. - Uh, no, he doesn't need to come down.
- Oh.
Copy !req
149. Thought I was supposed to stay in my room?
Copy !req
150. Who told you to stay in your room?
He's grounded? What happened?
Copy !req
151. Ma, we'll talk about it later, okay?
Copy !req
152. Okay.
Copy !req
153. All right. Everybody now.
One big happy family. Let's go.
Copy !req
154. - Find your spot.
- Even Louie can get in the picture.
Copy !req
155. Okay. Alrighty.
Copy !req
156. One, two, three.
Copy !req
157. Well, looks like it's just us tonight.
What should we do?
Copy !req
158. Uh, is that a trick question?
Copy !req
159. I meant for dinner. Not a trick.
Copy !req
160. Uh, ooh, maybe I'll make
un hornado de chancho.
Copy !req
161. Johnny.
Copy !req
162. Who's that?
Copy !req
163. Shannon, this is...
Copy !req
164. Carmen. His girlfriend.
Copy !req
165. Hi. I'm... Robby's mom.
Copy !req
166. Can we talk?
Copy !req
167. It's nice to meet you.
Copy !req
168. - What's going on?
- Don't you have a phone?
Copy !req
169. Yeah, inside.
Copy !req
170. All right, look, this rich guy,
Copy !req
171. Silver,
Copy !req
172. he came by my apartment today
and he gave Robby a car
Copy !req
173. to take to prom,
Copy !req
174. saying that him and his date
were gonna go first class all the way.
Copy !req
175. - Robby's going to prom?
- That's not the point.
Copy !req
176. He gave me this.
Copy !req
177. Said he wanted
to make sure Robby was taken care of.
Copy !req
178. Said he'd find me a new place to live.
Even offered me a job.
Copy !req
179. Doing what? I didn't ask.
Copy !req
180. But if there's one kind of person I know,
Copy !req
181. it's a rich guy who wants something.
Copy !req
182. Son of a bitch.
Copy !req
183. I tried to talk to Robby,
but this guy, he has his hooks in him.
Copy !req
184. Since this is Cobra Kai or whatever,
you need to handle this.
Copy !req
185. Don't worry.
Copy !req
186. I will.
Copy !req
187. Woo!
Copy !req
188. Dude, this sucks.
Copy !req
189. Prom without a date is like
Halloween with no candy. There's no point.
Copy !req
190. I mean, at least we're not the only ones
in for a boring night.
Copy !req
191. I heard Logan Wang's
after-party got canceled.
Copy !req
192. His brother got
in some middle school fight.
Copy !req
193. That supposed to make us feel better?
That everyone else's night is ruined?
Copy !req
194. Yeah. It's literally the definition
of "misery loves company."
Copy !req
195. Demetri.
Copy !req
196. Oh, my...
Copy !req
197. Jessica Rabbit!
Copy !req
198. W-What are you doing here?
Copy !req
199. I just flew in.
Copy !req
200. - W-What about your dad's wedding?
- Oh, I'll get back in time.
Copy !req
201. You're more important.
Copy !req
202. I even flew economy plus,
which is total shit.
Copy !req
203. The seats don't even lie flat.
Copy !req
204. Wow.
Copy !req
205. You really do like me, huh?
Copy !req
206. Oh, you have no idea.
Copy !req
207. Mm. Come on, let's go dance.
Copy !req
208. Yes, my queen.
Copy !req
209. I-I gotta, you know.
Copy !req
210. Woo!
Copy !req
211. Let's go!
Copy !req
212. - Hi.
- Hi!
Copy !req
213. I can't believe you're here!
Copy !req
214. High heels?
Copy !req
215. No, no. It's the flying tornado kick
Johnny had me practicing.
Copy !req
216. Don't understand how I'm gonna use it.
Copy !req
217. I thought we said no karate talk?
Copy !req
218. Right, right.
Copy !req
219. Tonight is just about us.
Copy !req
220. Cheers.
Copy !req
221. Oh my God.
Copy !req
222. I said no, all right?
Copy !req
223. I'm telling you, cuz, she's really good.
Copy !req
224. She's in her second year
of grad school for child psychology.
Copy !req
225. - Who is?
- Uh, Cousin Vanessa.
Copy !req
226. She wants to help out with Anthony.
Copy !req
227. Oh, no offense,
but if we were gonna get a pro,
Copy !req
228. we could do better
than Marisa Tomei Junior.
Copy !req
229. I am offended.
I'm gonna make you eat those words.
Copy !req
230. - Hey, Ness! Nessa! Come here!
- Louie.
Copy !req
231. Hey, sis, tell them
what you told me about Ant.
Copy !req
232. I mean I can't say for sure
what his deal is.
Copy !req
233. - That's fine.
- That's too bad.
Copy !req
234. My educated guess would be
Copy !req
235. environmentally-induced
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder,
Copy !req
236. possibly related to a screen dependency,
or full-blown IGD.
Copy !req
237. I'd want to look
at the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual.
Copy !req
238. It's an evolving science.
Copy !req
239. Uh, okay. Uh, well...
Copy !req
240. Have at him. He's... upstairs.
Second door on the left.
Copy !req
241. Oh, that's not how this works.
I don't wanna talk to him.
Copy !req
242. I wanna talk to you.
Copy !req
243. You think changing the lock's
gonna stop me?
Copy !req
244. Come out, you sons of bitches!
Copy !req
245. Hello?
Copy !req
246. Mr. Lawrence.
Breaking and entering, are we?
Copy !req
247. I don't know what your deal is,
Copy !req
248. but you keep your cars
and your cash away from my son.
Copy !req
249. Prom is a special night.
Copy !req
250. Did you even know he was going?
Copy !req
251. Look, as long as Robby's with me,
I'm gonna take care of him.
Copy !req
252. Oh, and I gotta say, Shannon?
Copy !req
253. She is a special lady,
Copy !req
254. and deserves so much better.
Copy !req
255. Listen to me, you ancient piece of shit.
Copy !req
256. Whatever you and Kreese are up to,
I'll kick both asses to the nursing home.
Copy !req
257. I would love to see you try.
Copy !req
258. Corner of Magnolia and Lankershim.
You know it well.
Copy !req
259. Hey, what are you up to?
Copy !req
260. They're watching us.
Copy !req
261. Let's put on a show then.
Copy !req
262. Miguel.
Copy !req
263. What? Um, sorry.
Copy !req
264. So it's fair to say
you didn't consider the ramifications
Copy !req
265. of giving him his own electronics.
Copy !req
266. Would you say that
because of your demanding work schedules,
Copy !req
267. and now the dojo,
Copy !req
268. that Anthony may
have learned key life lessons
Copy !req
269. from the Internet rather than from you?
Copy !req
270. Um, I wouldn't go that far.
Copy !req
271. I wouldn't... I mean... Um, no, I'm...
Copy !req
272. Well, listen, I'm sure he's picked up
some things we didn't realize, but... no.
Copy !req
273. Mm-hm. And when he picked up
these "things," as you call them,
Copy !req
274. were you able to correct the behavior?
Copy !req
275. Uh, look, we discipline
when it's appropriate.
Copy !req
276. Yes. Always. I mean, too much even.
Copy !req
277. - Hm.
- But not too, too much. Just...
Copy !req
278. - Like a...
- Hm.
Copy !req
279. Okay, I'm sorry,
Copy !req
280. how many stones do you plan
on throwing from your glass house?
Copy !req
281. I'm curious if you've ever taken care
of anything bigger than a goldfish.
Copy !req
282. What are you writing?
Copy !req
283. See, this reaction
is at the root of the problem.
Copy !req
284. Excuse...
Copy !req
285. You're acting out.
Copy !req
286. No, no, we're just working through this.
We're not acting out.
Copy !req
287. I can prove it with a simple test.
Copy !req
288. Now, why do you think
you love your daughter more than your son?
Copy !req
289. Wha...
Copy !req
290. - Wha...
- Mm-hm.
Copy !req
291. What? Give me that pad!
Copy !req
292. You failed.
Copy !req
293. Sorry. Nope.
Copy !req
294. It's been a long time
since this place has been a dojo.
Copy !req
295. They're putting it up for sale.
Copy !req
296. I think it was a candle shop.
Copy !req
297. This place was always good to us.
Copy !req
298. And it will be again.
Copy !req
299. After we win the All Valley.
Copy !req
300. Going back to our roots.
Copy !req
301. Right here. When it was just you and me.
Copy !req
302. And I've got my agent looking
for other locations for when we expand.
Copy !req
303. - Expand?
- That's right.
Copy !req
304. I'm making our dream a reality.
Copy !req
305. We're just one tournament victory away.
Copy !req
306. Well, Terry, I can tell you,
as far as surprises go,
Copy !req
307. this is a good one.
Copy !req
308. This is not your only surprise.
Copy !req
309. Tournament's coming up in a week.
Copy !req
310. I'm with Eagle Fang Karate.
You may have heard of it.
Copy !req
311. It's pretty badass.
Copy !req
312. Bert. Hey, Bert. Psst. Bert.
Copy !req
313. - I'll be right back.
- Mm-hm.
Copy !req
314. Bert!
Copy !req
315. - What are you doing here?
- Sorry, you scared me.
Copy !req
316. I need your help, man.
I'm trying to rejoin Cobra Kai.
Copy !req
317. I'm not in Cobra Kai anymore.
Copy !req
318. What?
Copy !req
319. I gotta get back.
The slow dance is when I make my move.
Copy !req
320. Wait, I heard that you guys lost
your after-party pad. Is that true?
Copy !req
321. Yeah. So?
Copy !req
322. So Stingray's got a move for ya. My place.
Copy !req
323. Come to 7010 Halbert.
Copy !req
324. Tell everybody, okay?
Copy !req
325. - You're a good dancer.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
326. My, uh... My mom was a dancer.
Copy !req
327. That wasn't an option for me.
I had to teach myself.
Copy !req
328. You're still pretty good.
Copy !req
329. You'd win a karate competition
before a dance one.
Copy !req
330. I hope so.
Copy !req
331. I mean, all these Encino kids
have their whole lives cut out for them.
Copy !req
332. I'll never have that.
Copy !req
333. But if I could just win this one time,
Copy !req
334. I could look at that trophy
and know I was best at something.
Copy !req
335. That's stupid.
Copy !req
336. No, it's not.
Copy !req
337. I mean, I get it.
Copy !req
338. Are they still watching?
Copy !req
339. I don't care.
Copy !req
340. Me neither.
Copy !req
341. - Sam.
- What?
Copy !req
342. You brought me to the old dojo?
Copy !req
343. Come on out.
Copy !req
344. That's what you get
for betraying your sensei.
Copy !req
345. You got him to come here?
Copy !req
346. I had to prove my loyalty.
Copy !req
347. You wanted to get back at him, right?
Well, here's your chance.
Copy !req
348. What about focusing on the tournament?
Copy !req
349. I am focused.
Copy !req
350. The only way that loser has a shot
at winning the tournament
Copy !req
351. is with the Diaz kid, right?
Copy !req
352. How's that kid's confidence gonna be
when he sees his sensei beaten to a pulp?
Copy !req
353. It'll totally throw him off balance.
Just like your lesson.
Copy !req
354. Unlike him,
I actually heed your lessons, Captain.
Copy !req
355. Hi-yah!
Copy !req
356. Woo-hoo!
Copy !req
357. You see this? Looks like
LaRusso taught him some defense.
Copy !req
358. Okay, pretty boy.
Copy !req
359. Let's go.
Copy !req
360. Let's see what you learned.
Copy !req
361. Guess you didn't learn much, huh?
Copy !req
362. You wanna see some more?
Copy !req
363. Let him go.
Copy !req
364. Now.
Copy !req
365. We agreed to settle this
at the tournament.
Copy !req
366. And that's where we're gonna do it.
Copy !req
367. What happened to "no mercy"?
Copy !req
368. You know, I thought
you knew better than to question me.
Copy !req
369. I thought this is what you wanted.
Copy !req
370. Party time!
Copy !req
371. - Ready for a refill?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
372. Come on.
Copy !req
373. I guess Moon's not coming.
Copy !req
374. I'm sorry. Did you say something?
Copy !req
375. Come on,
let's check out the rest of the house.
Copy !req
376. I'll race ya!
Copy !req
377. No more hard stuff for me.
I learned my lesson.
Copy !req
378. - I'm just gonna grab a beer.
- Okay. Grab me one too. I'll find snacks.
Copy !req
379. Whoa! The day the music died.
What's going on? Guys, turn it back on.
Copy !req
380. There are families on this street
trying to get some sleep.
Copy !req
381. If y'all don't go home right now,
Copy !req
382. you are gonna get arrested
for underage drinking.
Copy !req
383. Okay, relax. Hey, guys!
Copy !req
384. Hey, hey! You don't have to leave!
It's fine. He's my neighbor. Hey.
Copy !req
385. What are you doing here?
You weren't invited.
Copy !req
386. You should leave right now.
Copy !req
387. Okay, no one listen
to this speed bump of a human.
Copy !req
388. This is a loser, everyone.
Copy !req
389. That's why he's partying with you,
because he has no friends his own age.
Copy !req
390. Okay.
Copy !req
391. I warned you,
Copy !req
392. but you just had to push it
and make it personal.
Copy !req
393. I did, Stink-Ray.
Copy !req
394. And you know what I'm doing right now?
Copy !req
395. I'm gonna start pushing these buttons
and I am gonna call the cops. Ow!
Copy !req
396. It's not Stink-Ray.
Copy !req
397. Also, this is really gonna sting.
Copy !req
398. So's this.
Copy !req
399. Oh!
Copy !req
400. Did you see that?
Copy !req
401. Party on.
Copy !req
402. Stingray, Stingray,
Stingray, Stingray, Stingray!
Copy !req
403. Stingray, Stingray, Stingray,
Stingray, Stingray, Stingray, Stingray!
Copy !req
404. Hey.
Copy !req
405. Look, I know this suspension
and the no screens thing sucks.
Copy !req
406. But not as much as it sucks to be bullied.
Copy !req
407. So I hope you understand
why these consequences are necessary.
Copy !req
408. We're trying to help you to grow
into the person we know you are, Anthony.
Copy !req
409. I know it's been crazy around here
this last little while and that part,
Copy !req
410. that's on me.
Copy !req
411. This tournament stuff made me lose focus
on the things that are most important.
Copy !req
412. Actually, I'm, uh...
I'm looking forward to the tournament.
Copy !req
413. You know, I hope you guys win.
Okay? Screw Cobra Kai.
Copy !req
414. Well,
Copy !req
415. on that we can agree.
Copy !req
416. What is that?
Copy !req
417. We said no more screens.
Copy !req
418. Are you hearing
anything we're saying to you?
Copy !req
419. Give me that, Anthony.
Copy !req
420. It's not even an iPad.
It barely has games. This doesn't count!
Copy !req
421. - Dad, are you insane? Do you know...
- Quiet!
Copy !req
422. You're gonna learn to listen to us
and do as you're told, and if you don't,
Copy !req
423. you'd better strap yourself in
for a rough ride
Copy !req
424. because I am done playing games with you.
Copy !req
425. Do you understand me?
Copy !req
426. Yes.
Copy !req
427. You better.
Copy !req
428. Seems like
you're always behind me in line.
Copy !req
429. First Miguel, now Robby.
Copy !req
430. I have a half-eaten cupcake
if you want some.
Copy !req
431. You know, I'd kick your ass,
but I promised your mom that I wouldn't.
Copy !req
432. Stay the hell away from my family.
Copy !req
433. Sorry.
Copy !req
434. I don't take orders
from tiny, little bitches.
Copy !req
435. Sam, stop!
Copy !req
436. What are you doing?
Copy !req
437. What Johnny said!
Not taking her shit anymore!
Copy !req
438. - No!
- Get off of me!
Copy !req
439. - No!
- Let me go!
Copy !req
440. - Get off her!
- Stop!
Copy !req
441. You think I broke your heart?
Copy !req
442. You broke mine too!
Copy !req
443. Oh!
Copy !req
444. You think my dad cares about you?
Copy !req
445. He's trying to feel better
for screwing up with me!
Copy !req
446. Oh, we're jumping in the pool?
Copy !req
447. This is the greatest night of my life!
Copy !req
448. Cannonball!
Copy !req
449. Wow, you managed to stay dry.
Can you help me out?
Copy !req
450. What was that?
Copy !req
451. Tonight was supposed to be
for you and me. You ruined it!
Copy !req
452. What? What? Why are you taking her side?
Same reason you've been staring at her?
Copy !req
453. Let's not talk about
the moment you had with Robby, huh?
Copy !req
454. I wanna go home.
Copy !req
455. Me too.
Copy !req
456. Sensei, you got a second to talk?
I've been having a real rough night.
Copy !req
457. You around?
Copy !req
458. Oh shit.
Copy !req
459. Not again.
Copy !req
460. Sensei!
Copy !req
461. Oh, come inside, come inside.
Copy !req
462. Okay.
Copy !req
463. - What happened? Why'd you drink so much?
- Old man can kick.
Copy !req
464. I don't know what that means.
Let's get you up. Come on.
Copy !req
465. Oh.
Copy !req
466. Put your legs up. There you go.
Copy !req
467. Okay.
Copy !req
468. Okay.
Copy !req
469. Hey, hey, hey! No, no, no!
Copy !req
470. - Oh, I'm sorry.
- You're fine. I was already wet.
Copy !req
471. - Me too.
- Okay.
Copy !req
472. From pee.
Copy !req
473. Gross.
Copy !req
474. Okay. Look, um, you're good here.
Copy !req
475. I'm going to bed.
We can talk in the morning.
Copy !req
476. Wait, wait, listen, listen.
Copy !req
477. I want... I wanna be a father to you.
Copy !req
478. I really do.
Copy !req
479. I try to protect you.
Copy !req
480. I try to be there for you.
I just suck at it. I really suck at it.
Copy !req
481. But I want to so bad.
Copy !req
482. You're doing just fine.
Copy !req
483. I love you.
Copy !req
484. I love you too, Robby.
Copy !req
485. That hook kick was awesome.
Did you throw that blind?
Copy !req
486. I could throw that in my sleep.
Copy !req
487. But I think the highlight of my night
was still your dance moves.
Copy !req
488. Thanks. It's a good thing
we practiced that twirl, it came in handy.
Copy !req
489. I can't believe
Sensei Silver let us borrow this car.
Copy !req
490. Yeah, I know.
Copy !req
491. Gotta return it tomorrow, though, so...
Copy !req
492. Same with this.
Copy !req
493. Nice!
Copy !req
494. Hopefully, it's all dry by then.
Copy !req
495. I guess we should get our money's worth.
Copy !req
496. - Hey, see Sam yet?
- No, she's still conked out in her room.
Copy !req
497. Hm.
Copy !req
498. Anthony?
Copy !req
499. What are you doing?
Copy !req
500. I was just, uh, taking out the trash.
Copy !req
501. You're just taking out the trash?
Copy !req
502. Without anybody asking?
Copy !req
503. For the first time in your whole life?
Copy !req
504. Listen, I, uh...
Copy !req
505. I screwed up, okay?
Copy !req
506. I did some dumb things to that kid
and it went way too far.
Copy !req
507. Okay? And...
And I really do feel bad about it.
Copy !req
508. I heard what you said, Dad,
and, you know, maybe I could help out,
Copy !req
509. you know, in the dealership
or hang out in the dojo again,
Copy !req
510. if-if that's cool?
Copy !req
511. Yeah, well, that's, um...
Copy !req
512. That would be cool.
Copy !req
513. Well, I don't know what kind
of Miyagi magic you pulled, but
Copy !req
514. it worked.
Copy !req
515. Questioning you?
Copy !req
516. Questioning you? No mercy.
Copy !req
517. Bullshit. I proved my loyalty.
Copy !req
518. Oh! Hey, hey, hey! Mr. Vice Sensei.
Copy !req
519. How goes it? Ooh, is that a Technogym?
Copy !req
520. I think Dwayne Johnson
has one of those in his bathroom.
Copy !req
521. Hey! What do you think you're doing?
Copy !req
522. Sensei Kreese was clear. Get the hell out.
Copy !req
523. I don't mean to be disrespectful,
but I think he's incorrect.
Copy !req
524. You ask any of the students here,
uh, what they think of Stingray,
Copy !req
525. and th-they want me on the team, sir.
Copy !req
526. So you wanna be Cobra Kai?
Copy !req
527. Yes, Sensei.
Copy !req
528. I've already proven myself to my peers,
Copy !req
529. but now I'm gonna
prove myself to you, sir.
Copy !req
530. How bad do you want it?
Copy !req
531. I want it more than anything else in
the world, sir. It's literally all I want.
Copy !req
532. It's all I think about.
I-I'll do anything, please.
Copy !req
533. You wanna be Cobra Kai?
Copy !req
534. Ooh. So you wanna be Cobra Kai, huh?
Copy !req
535. You wanna be Cobra Kai?
Copy !req
536. You wanna be Cobra Kai?
Copy !req
537. You wanna be Cobra Kai?
Copy !req