1. Welcome to the annual
All Valley Tournament board meeting.
Copy !req
2. We are, of course, missing Daniel LaRusso
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3. as current senseis
cannot serve on the board.
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4. But we have a lot to discuss.
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5. Last year's tournament was epic.
It's time to take it to the next level.
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6. We want to make sure
that karate in the Valley
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7. gets the respect
and the honor it deserves.
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8. Can we please just calm down
and keep this professional?
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9. - We cannot spend money we don't have.
- Enough of this bullshit!
Copy !req
10. Oh, it might be bullshit to you,
Copy !req
11. but some of us
actually care about tradition.
Copy !req
12. Oh, don't go there again, George.
Copy !req
13. Clearly the blue mats
led to a surge in attendance.
Copy !req
14. - Come on!
- Why would we go back to red mats?
Copy !req
15. As you can see, our core demo
are middle aged men and their sons.
Copy !req
16. But we have seen an uptick
in young female interest.
Copy !req
17. We need to speak to that audience.
Copy !req
18. How about instead of karate
we put on a baking class?
Copy !req
19. It's a wonder
you've been divorced three times, George.
Copy !req
20. Ooh!
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21. I've said it in years past,
and I'll say it again.
Copy !req
22. We have a vibrant
and active community of local celebrities.
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23. What about a grand marshal?
Or a musical performance?
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24. One of the dads on my son's fencing team,
he's a talent agent.
Copy !req
25. Oh God. This is the Malcolm-Jamal Warner
debacle all over again.
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26. We all had egg on our faces that day.
Copy !req
27. First of all, this is nothing like that.
Copy !req
28. I'd go through the proper channels...
Copy !req
29. You couldn't get Louie Anderson
to show up for a free buffet, Ron.
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30. - You're out of order, Daryl.
- You're not a judge.
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31. - Why do I have this gavel?
- Not anymore.
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32. - Just put the gavel down.
- Drop this thing right now!
Copy !req
33. You drop it!
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34. Let me get something straight.
Copy !req
35. We're sanctioning an event
where boys are encouraged
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36. to kick and punch girls?
Copy !req
37. Have any of you thought for a moment
this could be perceived as... problematic?
Copy !req
38. Remember, this proposal
will revolutionize the tournament.
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39. This is our legacy.
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40. By a show of hands,
do we all agree on the changes?
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41. The motion passes by unanimous support.
Copy !req
42. It's time to step into the future.
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43. Send out the letters.
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44. God help us all.
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45. Easy. Save some for Cobra Kai.
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46. If we're ever allowed to stand up to them.
Copy !req
47. Hey, everyone, gather round. I have news.
Copy !req
48. The All Valley committee just announced
big changes for the tournament.
Copy !req
49. What kind of changes?
Copy !req
50. Well, see for yourself.
It's a whole new ball game.
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51. - They're introducing skills competitions?
- Yep.
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52. Kata, board breaking, weapons display?
Copy !req
53. And there's gonna be
a separate girls' division. So that means...
Copy !req
54. There'll be two All Valley champs.
Copy !req
55. What does that mean
for the bet with Cobra Kai?
Copy !req
56. There's a Grand Champion trophy
for whichever dojo wins the most points.
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57. All I know is the girls' division is mine.
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58. That just leaves the skills and the boys.
I'm counting on you guys.
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59. Who, us?
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60. Yeah, we're a bunch of Rudys.
Copy !req
61. Sure, we're good
for the occasional inspirational moment,
Copy !req
62. but we're not exactly center mat material.
Copy !req
63. - We were better off with Miguel and Hawk.
- Or he who shall not be named.
Copy !req
64. Rhymes with "Dobby."
Copy !req
65. Look, I know
you're missing some of your friends.
Copy !req
66. And of course I wish Robby was here.
Copy !req
67. But it's time to put the past
behind us, all right? Don't worry.
Copy !req
68. By the time the tournament comes around,
Copy !req
69. you're gonna realize this was
the best thing that could've happened.
Copy !req
70. This is the worst thing
that could've happened.
Copy !req
71. Skills competition, bullshit.
Copy !req
72. Kata isn't karate. It's dancing.
Copy !req
73. What's this girls' division?
Thought they were all about women's lib.
Copy !req
74. They ought to man up
and take a punch like the rest of us.
Copy !req
75. Sensei, it sounds like
we could use some female students.
Copy !req
76. Fine.
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77. Do any of you know any girls?
Copy !req
78. Of course you don't.
Copy !req
79. - There's this girl from the debate team.
- Debate team?
Copy !req
80. We need killers, not more nerds.
Copy !req
81. All right, go run some laps.
Maybe it'll jog your memories.
Copy !req
82. Try not to breathe too much.
There's black mold in the corner.
Copy !req
83. Look, Sensei, I-I know
things got heated at Miyagi-Do,
Copy !req
84. but with these new changes, I think
having Sam on our team would really help.
Copy !req
85. Maybe if you talk to Mr. LaRu...
Copy !req
86. I have nothing to say to him.
We're better off without him.
Copy !req
87. It's time for us
to take care of our own business.
Copy !req
88. We'll find a girl champ, don't worry.
Copy !req
89. - All right, now get running.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
90. Ah, this is just...
Copy !req
91. Perfect.
Copy !req
92. First LaRusso
and Johnny Lawrence split, now this.
Copy !req
93. Manna from heaven, baby.
Copy !req
94. Neither have the fighters
to compete in both divisions.
Copy !req
95. We're gonna win this tournament
before it even starts.
Copy !req
96. - Where would you like this?
- What's all this?
Copy !req
97. Top-of-the-line gear to go
with our new state-of-the-art equipment.
Copy !req
98. These kids need to see
we settle for nothing but the best.
Copy !req
99. Now is the time
to show our strength and reinforce.
Copy !req
100. May I?
Copy !req
101. Cobra Kai is gonna be the only destination
for karate in the Valley.
Copy !req
102. I want our logo on billboards, T-shirts...
Copy !req
103. And on the backs
of both All Valley champions.
Copy !req
104. Now we're talkin'.
Copy !req
105. You're a hard girl to find.
Copy !req
106. Avoiding your Auntie Kandace now,
sweetheart? Ignoring my calls?
Copy !req
107. Yeah, what do you want?
Copy !req
108. Well, to see you, of course.
Copy !req
109. And to ask
if my sister's disability came in yet.
Copy !req
110. What, need funding for another scam?
That money's for us.
Copy !req
111. Come on. My sister always promised
to take care of me. She taught you better.
Copy !req
112. She taught me
to recognize a low-class leech.
Copy !req
113. Mind your manners.
Copy !req
114. When your mom kicks the bucket,
who do you...
Copy !req
115. Ooh. Quick temper.
Copy !req
116. Just like your old man.
Copy !req
117. When your mother passes... gracefully,
then what?
Copy !req
118. You think your daddy's
just gonna show up out of the blue?
Copy !req
119. I'm all you got.
Copy !req
120. You don't give a shit about us.
You want her survivor benefits.
Copy !req
121. I was at little Bobby's
fourth birthday party just last year.
Copy !req
122. Brandon is eight.
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123. And next year I'll be 18.
Copy !req
124. Hey. Who do you think's
gonna win a custody battle, huh?
Copy !req
125. You're a high school dropout
and a criminal.
Copy !req
126. - So are you.
- Yeah, but I know how to play the game.
Copy !req
127. A judge is gonna take one look at you
Copy !req
128. and laugh you straight outta court.
Copy !req
129. See ya at the funeral, sweetheart.
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130. Tick tock.
Copy !req
131. Okay. This is it. This is where
most of the girls' teams practice.
Copy !req
132. - Sure you'll be able to convince 'em?
- Please.
Copy !req
133. When I went to this school, the only thing
I was better at than karate,
Copy !req
134. and I was pretty good at karate,
was talking to chicks.
Copy !req
135. Watch and learn, Diaz. Watch and learn.
Copy !req
136. Teen girls wanted.
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137. You gotta be under 18 or it's a no-go.
Copy !req
138. No, not like that!
Copy !req
139. Let me guess, posting photos on Facebook?
Copy !req
140. You know what photos would look rad?
Copy !req
141. A photo of you
kicking someone in the face.
Copy !req
142. We meet out
at the old Webber Industrial warehouse.
Copy !req
143. We're looking for badass chicks
just like you.
Copy !req
144. An abandoned factory
Copy !req
145. smack dab between the pipe supply
and the burned-down Chuck E. Cheese...
Copy !req
146. - Trust me, the chicks are gonna love this.
- Hey, too much!
Copy !req
147. You gotta get it into every groove.
Copy !req
148. It's about molding highlights
to emphasize curvature.
Copy !req
149. Hey, ladies, wanna work up a real sweat?
Where's your beach ball?
Copy !req
150. Here's the beach ball.
Copy !req
151. Try Eagle Fang Karate,
the most bitchin' dojo in the...
Copy !req
152. Valley.
Copy !req
153. And the best part is we have
a whole stable of hot young dudes,
Copy !req
154. like my man Miguel over here.
Copy !req
155. You like what you see?
He's not even in the top five.
Copy !req
156. We got babes and everything,
whatever floats your boat.
Copy !req
157. I'm asexual.
Copy !req
158. All right, he's a sexual too.
Check him out. Total stud.
Copy !req
159. So what do you say?
You ready to become an Eagle?
Copy !req
160. I don't get it. I thought girls today
were supposed to be tough.
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161. - Why can't we find anyone for our team?
- Maybe not everyone needs karate.
Copy !req
162. Especially girls
who are already on sports teams.
Copy !req
163. Hey, Miguel.
Copy !req
164. Hey, Moon, what's up?
Copy !req
165. Some perv was creeping on the track team
so we're gonna practice inside.
Copy !req
166. - What are you doing here?
- Recruiting for our new dojo.
Copy !req
167. Eagle Fang Karate.
Copy !req
168. Yeah. You know, you should join, actually.
Copy !req
169. Really? Okay. Yeah, that sounds like fun.
Copy !req
170. Wait. Do... Do I have to hit anyone?
Copy !req
171. Hell yeah, you do.
Copy !req
172. Oh, no, then I-I'm out. I... I can't do
the whole physical aggression thing.
Copy !req
173. You should ask my ex.
Copy !req
174. Hawk? Yeah...
Copy !req
175. No, my... My other ex.
Copy !req
176. She's the best athlete in school
and she's not afraid to get into a fight.
Copy !req
177. Sounds like the badass babe
we've been looking for.
Copy !req
178. Yeah, you might want
to take a different approach with her.
Copy !req
179. Want some pointers?
Copy !req
180. Absolutely.
Copy !req
181. Hold on, I'm coming.
Copy !req
182. Oh. So you're knocking this time.
Copy !req
183. Mrs. LaRusso, I... need your help.
Copy !req
184. Okay. Come on in.
Copy !req
185. You remember the way?
Copy !req
186. So the principal said
he'd consider letting me back into school
Copy !req
187. because of my situation at home,
Copy !req
188. but your family would have to sign off.
Copy !req
189. Well, I'm glad
you wanna get your life back on track.
Copy !req
190. Going back to school is a big step.
Copy !req
191. - But I need you to promise me something.
- I'll stay away from Sam. I swear.
Copy !req
192. That's great. But, um...
Copy !req
193. I want you to get support.
Copy !req
194. Talk to someone.
Copy !req
195. You've been dealing with a lot.
Copy !req
196. You have been. For a while.
Copy !req
197. You should... talk to a therapist,
a guidance counselor,
Copy !req
198. the Dalai Lama, it doesn't matter.
Copy !req
199. Just someone who isn't karate related.
Copy !req
200. I... Whatever it takes, I'll do it.
Copy !req
201. I need this.
Copy !req
202. So today was a setback,
but the boys, they're gonna improve.
Copy !req
203. You're gonna be fighting
lots of new opponents.
Copy !req
204. - And...
- What?
Copy !req
205. What the hell is she doing here?
Copy !req
206. - Where the hell have you been?
- How'd you even get in here?
Copy !req
207. Uh, your mom's left the key
under the gnome since kindergarten.
Copy !req
208. You should think about
increasing the security given,
Copy !req
209. you know, the karate war.
Copy !req
210. - But that's not important now.
- What's so important?
Copy !req
211. Didn't you hear? The All Valley
has separate gender divisions.
Copy !req
212. I mean, do I look like Miyagi-Do's
best hope at defeating Robby Keene?
Copy !req
213. I mean, Mr. LaRusso says that anyone
can be the hero, but I'm not Batman.
Copy !req
214. I'm more like Alfred.
Copy !req
215. You're Batman.
Copy !req
216. Oh right, I forgot, you're not a DC guy.
Whatever. Forget Batman, you're the Hawk.
Copy !req
217. Yeah, not anymore. So...
Copy !req
218. Hey, at least it looks better
than the last time I saw it.
Copy !req
219. Everyone at school knows what happened.
It's embarrassing.
Copy !req
220. Who cares what they think?
Besides, it'll grow back.
Copy !req
221. It doesn't matter.
Copy !req
222. I ruined my reputation, talked a big game,
and just proved I was an asshole.
Copy !req
223. To Moon, to Miguel,
Copy !req
224. and especially you.
Copy !req
225. I got what I deserved.
Copy !req
226. Hey, I forgave you, remember?
Copy !req
227. And I don't care
if you have a Mohawk, or a mullet,
Copy !req
228. or pigtails,
Copy !req
229. Miyagi-Do needs you.
Copy !req
230. I'm not going back to Miyagi-Do.
Copy !req
231. That's great. You're choosing Eagle Fang
over your best friend.
Copy !req
232. I'm not going back to Eagle Fang either!
Copy !req
233. I-I'm done with karate, man.
Copy !req
234. I quit.
Copy !req
235. - I mean, she's fast, she's strong...
- Girl's a natural Eagle.
Copy !req
236. Oh, which one is yours?
Copy !req
237. Well, that one looks good to me.
Haven't talked to her yet though.
Copy !req
238. I'm still working on my approach.
Got any advice?
Copy !req
239. - Okay, remember what Moon told you?
- Yes, I will be awake.
Copy !req
240. Uh, no. No, no, no. Be woke.
Copy !req
241. Hey, Piper. I wanted
to introduce you. This is...
Copy !req
242. Sensei John Lawrence of Eagle Fang Karate.
Copy !req
243. Let me tell you why my dojo is perfect
for a modern young woman like yourself.
Copy !req
244. We live in a world
where you gotta be an alpha to survive.
Copy !req
245. You're either a killer
or you're dead meat.
Copy !req
246. You gotta be a man.
Copy !req
247. At Eagle Fang we confront that phrase
and make it empowering for all.
Copy !req
248. We teach anyone who identifies as female
to embrace their queenly strength
Copy !req
249. and tear down the neo-masculine hierarchy
to confront internalized sexism.
Copy !req
250. Sounds inclusive. But what about
non-binary and gender fluid?
Copy !req
251. Yes, fluids are crucial.
Copy !req
252. If you don't hydrate,
it affects performance.
Copy !req
253. And he's funny.
Copy !req
254. Well, actually,
I have been meaning to join a dojo.
Copy !req
255. I don't wanna be the last person
who doesn't know karate.
Copy !req
256. Then today is your lucky day.
Copy !req
257. Hey, Piper. Come check this out.
Copy !req
258. - Okay, cool. I'll be there.
- All right.
Copy !req
259. I can't believe you pulled that off. Did
you know what any of those terms meant?
Copy !req
260. Do I look like I pee sitting down?
Copy !req
261. What were you even thinking?
She didn't smash up the house enough?
Copy !req
262. I know this is difficult, but...
Copy !req
263. You wanted her to go to jail
and now you want her back in school?
Copy !req
264. I don't want this rivalry
dominating your life anymore.
Copy !req
265. Dad can't get along
with his high school rival
Copy !req
266. and I'm supposed to go to school
and be best friends with a psycho?
Copy !req
267. Johnny's and my differences
have nothing to do with...
Copy !req
268. Yes, it does. Because you guys
just do whatever you want.
Copy !req
269. You don't stop to think
that maybe I liked training with Johnny,
Copy !req
270. or I don't wanna get
my face torn off again.
Copy !req
271. As long as she's in school,
she has something to lose.
Copy !req
272. She's not going to hurt you.
Copy !req
273. You're just gonna believe her?
Copy !req
274. You'll listen to what she has to say,
but nobody listens to what I have to say?
Copy !req
275. God!
Copy !req
276. - Thanks for the backup.
- Hey, Amanda.
Copy !req
277. I mean, she has a point.
Why are you helping this girl?
Copy !req
278. Did I tell you
about the time I was arrested?
Copy !req
279. - Sure. What? It was a high school prank.
- Right.
Copy !req
280. And by "prank," I meant I took
a baseball bat to my math tutor's car.
Copy !req
281. With her in it.
Copy !req
282. You... what? Why?
Copy !req
283. She was having an affair with my dad.
Copy !req
284. My parents' marriage was falling apart,
I thought the world was ending,
Copy !req
285. and I blamed her
for taking it all away from me.
Copy !req
286. I know you didn't get along
with your dad, but I did... I had no idea.
Copy !req
287. I was charged
with misdemeanor reckless endangerment.
Copy !req
288. I didn't walk my graduation.
Copy !req
289. And then my parents divorced anyway.
Copy !req
290. Why did you never tell me?
Copy !req
291. Just worked hard to put it behind me.
Copy !req
292. And it's not exactly a first date story.
Copy !req
293. Or an any date story.
Copy !req
294. I was young and upset.
Copy !req
295. And I'm lucky it didn't ruin my life.
Copy !req
296. Tory's young and upset.
Copy !req
297. - And maybe she's a lost cause, but...
- We'll never know if we don't try to help.
Copy !req
298. All I want to do
is try to break the pattern, Daniel.
Copy !req
299. Kids like Tory get the same messages
delivered to them over and over again
Copy !req
300. the same exact way.
Copy !req
301. Sometimes they just need a wake-up call to
Copy !req
302. change course.
Copy !req
303. She's not the only one
who needs a wake-up call.
Copy !req
304. You can't quit.
Copy !req
305. I already told you, I made up my mind.
Copy !req
306. Hey, you're the one
that got me into karate, remember?
Copy !req
307. I was perfectly happy
playing Dungeon Lord after school,
Copy !req
308. but you put me in a situation
where I had to join a dojo.
Copy !req
309. And you know what?
Copy !req
310. It was the best thing
that ever happened to me.
Copy !req
311. I got stronger, gained confidence,
Copy !req
312. got the girl of my dreams...
Copy !req
313. Even if she ends up leaving me
for some hot Aussie dude she meets there.
Copy !req
314. Hell, I'm actually excited
about the All Valley tournament.
Copy !req
315. I never thought I'd say that.
Copy !req
316. But it's not gonna be as exciting
if you're not there.
Copy !req
317. Okay, you're gonna make me do this.
Copy !req
318. Excuse me...
Copy !req
319. You said you deleted these.
Copy !req
320. Oh, I say a lot of things.
Copy !req
321. Which tends to be
a polarizing attribute of mine.
Copy !req
322. - Why are you showing me these?
- Because this is who you are.
Copy !req
323. A loser?
Copy !req
324. My best friend.
Copy !req
325. I know you think that
that Mohawk defined who you are,
Copy !req
326. but it didn't.
Copy !req
327. Not to me.
Copy !req
328. Eli, Hawk...
Copy !req
329. hell, call yourself Cornelius
for all I care.
Copy !req
330. None of that changes the fact
that you're my Binary Brother.
Copy !req
331. Whether you're number one, or a zero.
Copy !req
332. What's up?
Copy !req
333. Robby.
Copy !req
334. Of course.
Copy !req
335. - This'll only take a minute.
- I can save you that minute.
Copy !req
336. You realized you're training
a bunch of wimps
Copy !req
337. and you need a male champion.
Copy !req
338. Let me guess, your sales pitch is,
"I'm here to rescue you."
Copy !req
339. "This isn't who you are, Robby.
I can help." Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Copy !req
340. I've said all that before.
It's time to break the pattern.
Copy !req
341. I heard what you did to Eli.
Copy !req
342. - I just gave him what he deserved.
- I'm not here to judge you.
Copy !req
343. I'm here to tell you
what's gonna happen to you next.
Copy !req
344. Terry Silver popped up
out of the blue, right?
Copy !req
345. He did the same thing to me.
Copy !req
346. He'll seem decent enough,
show you a few moves,
Copy !req
347. and then he'll worm his way in.
Copy !req
348. Chip away at you.
And push you past your limits.
Copy !req
349. You'll become stronger
than you thought possible,
Copy !req
350. but Silver won't stop there. Okay?
Copy !req
351. This man is sick and twisted,
Copy !req
352. and when he's done with you,
you won't be you anymore.
Copy !req
353. One day you'll find yourself
with some kid's blood all over your shirt
Copy !req
354. and you'll hope
it's not too late to change course.
Copy !req
355. He's not interested, Mr. LaRusso.
Copy !req
356. New equipment just got in.
Why don't you go check it out?
Copy !req
357. It's considered unethical
to poach students.
Copy !req
358. You had your opportunity with Robby,
now he's with us. You should respect that.
Copy !req
359. Respect. Res...
Copy !req
360. You are not a sensei.
Copy !req
361. You're a con man.
Copy !req
362. Manipulating people to turn them
into something they're not.
Copy !req
363. I didn't turn you
into anything, Danny Boy.
Copy !req
364. I brought out what was already inside.
Copy !req
365. That's bullshit. You tortured me.
Copy !req
366. Please.
You were a hothead.
Copy !req
367. All I had to do was wind you up
and get out of the way.
Copy !req
368. And...
Copy !req
369. if you're being honest with yourself,
Copy !req
370. you know you liked it.
Copy !req
371. You were powerful, free.
Copy !req
372. You just don't wanna admit there's always
been a little Cobra Kai in you.
Copy !req
373. We'll settle this on the mat.
Copy !req
374. And when we win,
Copy !req
375. Cobra Kai, and you,
will be out of business.
Copy !req
376. One of us will be.
Copy !req
377. If you're gonna use this place
as a conference room, buy something.
Copy !req
378. T-Take your time.
Copy !req
379. All right, so she's a little late,
no big deal. Just a few minutes.
Copy !req
380. Uh, 20 minutes, actually.
Copy !req
381. Okay, uh, look, I-I'll DM her.
See where she is.
Copy !req
382. Okay...
Copy !req
383. - Oh no.
- What?
Copy !req
384. Uh...
Copy !req
385. Cool!
Copy !req
386. Nothing but the best for the best.
Can't wait to kick ass with Cobra Kai.
Copy !req
387. She joined Cobra Kai?
Copy !req
388. Uh, looks like they made designer gear
for all the new students.
Copy !req
389. - They got a bunch of new recruits.
- Yeah, great.
Copy !req
390. That was a big waste of time.
I even learned feminism.
Copy !req
391. We can't give up.
Copy !req
392. If we want first place,
we have to compete in the girls' division.
Copy !req
393. With who? We don't have Cobra Kai's money.
Copy !req
394. We have no chance at finding a champion.
Copy !req
395. I wasn't a champion when you met me. Okay?
Copy !req
396. You made me one,
saw something in me that no one else did.
Copy !req
397. Maybe you just have to see that
in someone else.
Copy !req
398. We just have to think outside of the box.
Copy !req
399. Everybody start thinking outside the box!
Copy !req
400. Whatever that means.
Copy !req
401. Sam?
Copy !req
402. Surprise?
Copy !req
403. I can't believe
you drove all the way to Santa Barbara.
Copy !req
404. I can't believe you live in Santa Barbara.
Copy !req
405. - Your house is beautiful.
- Thanks.
Copy !req
406. My dad got a job offer from UCSB
that he just couldn't pass up.
Copy !req
407. Wait, so the fight at school
had nothing to do with it?
Copy !req
408. Oh, it had plenty to do with it.
My parents were pissed.
Copy !req
409. I broke a kid's nose.
Who knew these things were lethal weapons?
Copy !req
410. You didn't drive two hours
to talk about the butts I've kicked.
Copy !req
411. What's going on?
Copy !req
412. It's just that Tory wants
to come back to West Valley.
Copy !req
413. My parents want me to be cool about it.
Copy !req
414. We're talking about
the same overprotective LaRussos
Copy !req
415. who made me wear a helmet
on your trampoline?
Copy !req
416. She sold them some sob story.
Copy !req
417. I just feel like
I don't have control of my life.
Copy !req
418. When I started my new school,
Copy !req
419. there was this girl
in my homeroom, pink for days.
Copy !req
420. Looked like she walked out
of a Malibu Barbie beach house.
Copy !req
421. She gave me a look that I'd seen before.
Copy !req
422. I just knew
she was gonna be my next bully.
Copy !req
423. But I wasn't gonna let
the cycle repeat itself.
Copy !req
424. So I walked up to her,
and you know what I did?
Copy !req
425. Is this gonna be
another front wedgie story?
Copy !req
426. I introduced myself.
Copy !req
427. I told her I liked her shoes.
Copy !req
428. I didn't, but it seemed
like the polite thing to do.
Copy !req
429. I told her I was new,
asked if she could introduce me around.
Copy !req
430. How did that go?
Copy !req
431. She's my bestie.
Copy !req
432. My new school bestie.
You'll always be the OG.
Copy !req
433. I attacked my problem head on.
Copy !req
434. I struck first.
Copy !req
435. Just like Johnny taught you.
Copy !req
436. My parents moved here
to get me away from the karate drama,
Copy !req
437. but they can't stop me using the lessons
I learned from Sensei Lawrence.
Copy !req
438. I set my own terms.
Copy !req
439. Set yours.
Copy !req
440. Capital punishment is a legal penalty
of the US state of California.
Copy !req
441. As of March 2019,
Copy !req
442. further executions are halted
by an official moratorium
Copy !req
443. ordered by government officials.
Copy !req
444. What are you doing here?
Debate was for nerds.
Copy !req
445. It is. Which is why we're ditching it.
Copy !req
446. You're right. I'm not giving up
on the girls' competition.
Copy !req
447. - I'm thinking outside the box. Look.
- Okay.
Copy !req
448. - Sensei, uh...
- You ever see the movie Ladybugs?
Copy !req
449. I had to sit through it
with a babe, long story.
Copy !req
450. Anyway, this coach,
the guy gets no respect,
Copy !req
451. he's got this all-girls soccer team
that totally sucks.
Copy !req
452. He gets his stepson to dress
like a chick and they start winning.
Copy !req
453. - You want me to dress like a girl?
- What? No.
Copy !req
454. I need you to win the boys' competition.
I'm thinking of Penis Breath.
Copy !req
455. Not the best fighter, but he stands a shot
against the chicks. What do you think?
Copy !req
456. A lot of things.
I don't know where to start.
Copy !req
457. My opponent is full of crap.
Copy !req
458. His evidence is garbage,
his arguments don't make sense,
Copy !req
459. and I was bored to death.
Copy !req
460. Which is ironic, considering
we're debating the death penalty.
Copy !req
461. Uh, you're not gonna deduct points
for lack of decorum?
Copy !req
462. Screw decorum.
Copy !req
463. Wanna know what I really think
of the death penalty?
Copy !req
464. My book!
Copy !req
465. Choke on it.
Copy !req
466. I cede my time.
Copy !req
467. Sensei, that's the girl I told you about.
She loves extracurriculars.
Copy !req
468. Can it, Bert.
Copy !req
469. I just found
the most badass girl in the Valley.
Copy !req
470. Gentlemen, welcome
to the All Valley tournament.
Copy !req
471. I know you've been in fights before,
but a tournament is different.
Copy !req
472. There's no backup coming.
Copy !req
473. It's just you,
on your own, in the spotlight,
Copy !req
474. with the crowd cheering your name.
Copy !req
475. Demetri, be the hero. Come on.
Copy !req
476. The spotlight is yours.
Everyone you know is counting on you.
Copy !req
477. - I'm the hero.
- Meat, Meat, Meat! Meat, Meat, Meat!
Copy !req
478. - Meat, Meat, Meat, Meat, Meat, Meat, Meat!
- Ready?
Copy !req
479. - Meat, Meat, Meat, Meat, Meat!
- Fight!
Copy !req
480. Hi-yah!
Copy !req
481. - Dammit!
- No! No. That was great.
Copy !req
482. That kick was awesome, all right? You just
have to be careful you don't expose your...
Copy !req
483. Well,
Copy !req
484. look who decided to come back.
Copy !req
485. It's good to see you, Eli.
Copy !req
486. Or is it Hawk?
Copy !req
487. Oh, doesn't matter. I'm just here
to do what I can to help out the team.
Copy !req
488. That's good.
Copy !req
489. The more help, the better.
Copy !req
490. But first, you need a gi.
Copy !req
491. Good to have you back, man.
Copy !req
492. Oh, hey. I didn't know you were in here.
Copy !req
493. I didn't want to interrupt your boys club.
Copy !req
494. Hey, Sam.
Copy !req
495. - About yesterday...
- No, Dad, it's fine.
Copy !req
496. You and mom were right.
Copy !req
497. It's time to leave
the past behind us, right?
Copy !req
498. Yeah. I'm proud of you, Sam.
Copy !req
499. It's never easy being the bigger person.
Copy !req
500. Okay, you're good to go.
Copy !req
501. It's her.
Copy !req
502. I heard you let me back in, LaRusso.
So I guess I should...
Copy !req
503. I don't know what game you're playing,
but I'm not scared of you.
Copy !req
504. You're not in control here. I am.
Copy !req
505. My parents might fall for your bullshit,
Copy !req
506. but if you so much as look at me funny,
I will kick your ass for a third time.
Copy !req
507. I'm coming for you, bitch.
Copy !req