1. Sir, I need you to relax, please.
Copy !req
2. Do you know who you are?
Copy !req
3. - Can you tell me your name?
- I...
Copy !req
4. Lie back down.
Copy !req
5. Call that detective.
Tell him his John Doe is awake.
Copy !req
6. Good news.
Looks like it's just a pulled muscle.
Copy !req
7. - It may ache, but you'll be fine.
- Oh, thank God.
Copy !req
8. So does that mean
that I can keep fighting?
Copy !req
9. They've given you 30 minutes to recover.
So let the pain guide you.
Copy !req
10. If it's telling you to sit this one out,
I'd listen. I'll get you an ice pack.
Copy !req
11. - Thank you.
- Mm-hm.
Copy !req
12. - How's it feel now?
- Not bad. Just a little sore.
Copy !req
13. Miggy, you don't have to continue.
Copy !req
14. Don't worry, Mom.
If something feels off, I won't fight.
Copy !req
15. - Make sure he's okay.
- Of course.
Copy !req
16. You were so good out there.
Copy !req
17. Especially when you kicked
that one kid in the face.
Copy !req
18. Gracias, Yaya.
Copy !req
19. Ciao.
Copy !req
20. All right. We've got a half-hour.
Show your back who's boss.
Copy !req
21. Robby Keene is ahead one-nothing
Copy !req
22. as he and Demetri Alexopoulos
battle it out
Copy !req
23. for a trip to the finals.
Copy !req
24. Point. Keene.
Copy !req
25. Score, two-zero.
Copy !req
26. Go to your senseis.
Copy !req
27. All right.
Copy !req
28. I had it hard beating him
when he was on the good side of the force.
Copy !req
29. Now that he's gone all Sith,
Copy !req
30. I feel like a helpless Jedi youngling
about to get slaughtered.
Copy !req
31. Well, you're taller.
Copy !req
32. You have the high ground.
That's how Obi-Wan beat Anakin.
Copy !req
33. All right,
just remember your fundamentals.
Copy !req
34. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe through.
You got this. Come on, Demetri.
Copy !req
35. - Let's go.
- On your marks.
Copy !req
36. Ready.
Copy !req
37. And fight!
Copy !req
38. That's a block. No point.
Copy !req
39. - Ais!
- Point.
Copy !req
40. Winner.
Copy !req
41. Okay.
Copy !req
42. He's very good.
Copy !req
43. So are you.
Copy !req
44. - Thank you.
- Come on.
Copy !req
45. All participants
in the girls' semifinals,
Copy !req
46. please report to the center mat.
Matches begin in five minutes.
Copy !req
47. Hey, dude.
Copy !req
48. I, uh...
Copy !req
49. I saw your... Saw your match out there.
Copy !req
50. Uh...
Copy !req
51. Uh, and, you know,
I saw Robby compete last year. He's, uh...
Copy !req
52. You know, he's one of the best.
Copy !req
53. What do you want?
Copy !req
54. Um, I guess I just wanted to say that
Copy !req
55. I'm sorry, okay?
Copy !req
56. For all the... For all the shit I did.
Copy !req
57. Y-You know, it wasn't cool.
And I guess I was just trying...
Copy !req
58. To impress your friends by picking
on the new kid who didn't have any.
Copy !req
59. Yeah. Yeah, okay, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
60. I just... I can... I can... I can imagine
what it must have felt like.
Copy !req
61. Oh, you can imagine?
Copy !req
62. Okay, go ahead.
Copy !req
63. - Uh, go ahead and...
- Tell me how it felt.
Copy !req
64. Well, like, not, uh, great?
Copy !req
65. Then you wouldn't know.
Copy !req
66. Because no one's ever been
such a piece of shit to you!
Copy !req
67. Well, maybe it's time you found out.
Copy !req
68. How does that feel, LaPusso?
Not great? Man, get up, get up!
Copy !req
69. What are you doing?
Copy !req
70. Just getting payback on the kid
Copy !req
71. who thought he could bully me
and get away with it.
Copy !req
72. Anthony LaRusso was your bully?
Copy !req
73. Not anymore.
Copy !req
74. Do you hear that?
Copy !req
75. Get ready for high school next year
Copy !req
76. because you're gonna be
in a world of pain.
Copy !req
77. Hey.
Copy !req
78. This is not how I trained you.
Copy !req
79. It's Cobra Kai.
Copy !req
80. No mercy.
Copy !req
81. - Anthony, are you okay?
- I'm fine. Just... Just leave me alone.
Copy !req
82. - Anthony...
- I said leave me alone!
Copy !req
83. This semifinal match
has been all Cobra Kai.
Copy !req
84. Tory Nichols is on her way
to the big dance.
Copy !req
85. Winner!
Copy !req
86. Oh, it's gonna be
a battle for the ages,
Copy !req
87. because here comes
Samantha LaRusso and Miyagi-Do.
Copy !req
88. Point! Winner!
Copy !req
89. The girls' final is set.
Copy !req
90. - How's the boy?
- Like you give a shit.
Copy !req
91. Look,
Copy !req
92. what happened with Terry
back in the old dojo,
Copy !req
93. I didn't know he was gonna do that.
Copy !req
94. - I don't have time for this shit.
- It didn't have to be this way.
Copy !req
95. You could have been with me
and your real son.
Copy !req
96. You don't care about Robby
any more than about me.
Copy !req
97. Bullshit.
Copy !req
98. - I cared more about you than anyone.
- You had a funny way of showing it.
Copy !req
99. You forced me to fight dirty.
Copy !req
100. Sweep the leg.
Copy !req
101. You have a problem with that?
Copy !req
102. No, Sensei.
Copy !req
103. No mercy.
Copy !req
104. You sacrificed my soul
so Cobra Kai could stay number one.
Copy !req
105. That is not true.
Copy !req
106. I wanted you to be number one.
Copy !req
107. But you were down two-zero.
Copy !req
108. And you were about to be beaten.
Copy !req
109. And I knew that would take you
into a downward spiral.
Copy !req
110. And I was right.
Copy !req
111. Because no matter what people say,
Copy !req
112. it does matter whether you win or lose.
Copy !req
113. And if I can help Robby win,
Copy !req
114. he'll remember it
for the rest of his life.
Copy !req
115. And maybe someday,
Copy !req
116. he can be the one to keep Cobra Kai going.
Copy !req
117. No, that's never gonna happen.
Copy !req
118. Because tonight,
Copy !req
119. Cobra Kai's gonna die.
Copy !req
120. The remaining
boys' semifinal match
Copy !req
121. will resume in five minutes.
Copy !req
122. Here, rub some of this on.
Copy !req
123. We have to hurry.
Copy !req
124. Sensei, I-I don't know if I can do this.
Copy !req
125. Yes, you can.
Copy !req
126. You can do whatever you want
if you want it bad enough.
Copy !req
127. Look, I know you're not 100%,
but you got the heart of a champion.
Copy !req
128. Everything you've learned and been through
was just a warm-up for this moment.
Copy !req
129. It's time to show the world
what you're made of.
Copy !req
130. Give it your all. Do what I tell you,
and we'll not only take down Cobra Kai,
Copy !req
131. we'll show LaRusso and everybody else
who's really the best.
Copy !req
132. - That's what this is about.
- Hey.
Copy !req
133. We're not gonna get another shot at this.
It's now or never.
Copy !req
134. You know what's at stake?
Copy !req
135. If we lose, I'm not your sensei anymore.
You want that?
Copy !req
136. All right, then prove it. Fight for it.
Copy !req
137. Show me you're not a kid anymore.
All right?
Copy !req
138. Show me you're ready to be a man.
Copy !req
139. Can you do that?
Copy !req
140. Yes.
Copy !req
141. Sensei.
Copy !req
142. All right, good.
Copy !req
143. Rub that on.
You got this. I'll see you out there.
Copy !req
144. Cobra Kai and Miyagi-Do
are neck-and-neck on the leaderboard.
Copy !req
145. But there's a dark horse...
Copy !req
146. Or should I say a dark bird?
Copy !req
147. that still has a chance.
Copy !req
148. Will Eagle Fang Karate stay alive
in our dojo race?
Copy !req
149. We're about to find out.
Copy !req
150. Miguel Diaz has one minute
to return to the mat!
Copy !req
151. Countdown clock?
Copy !req
152. Kind of dramatic, isn't it?
Copy !req
153. Yeah, it's the All Valley.
Copy !req
154. He's really taking it
down to the wire, huh?
Copy !req
155. Ten, nine, eight, seven,
Copy !req
156. six, five,
Copy !req
157. four,
Copy !req
158. three,
Copy !req
159. two, one!
Copy !req
160. Well,
Copy !req
161. it looks like
Miguel Diaz is not gonna fight.
Copy !req
162. Which means
Copy !req
163. that the winner by default
is Eli Moskowitz,
Copy !req
164. who advances to the final
Copy !req
165. where he will face Robby Keene.
Copy !req
166. The finals are up next.
Copy !req
167. Johnny. What happened?
Copy !req
168. I blew it.
Copy !req
169. Where's Miguel?
Copy !req
170. I don't know.
Copy !req
171. I came back. He's not in there.
Copy !req
172. He's probably afraid to see you.
He thinks he let you down.
Copy !req
173. No, I'm the one that let him down.
Copy !req
174. - No.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
175. Congrats.
Copy !req
176. Heard you made it to the finals.
Copy !req
177. What happened to you? Are you okay?
Copy !req
178. Yeah. I'm fine.
Copy !req
179. It just felt like
Copy !req
180. I wasn't fighting for me anymore.
Copy !req
181. I get that.
Copy !req
182. I feel pressure from my dad all the time.
Copy !req
183. Yeah, except that
Copy !req
184. Johnny isn't my dad.
Copy !req
185. Anyways, uh, I just wanted
to wish you good luck.
Copy !req
186. And let you know...
Copy !req
187. All finalists,
please report to the center mat.
Copy !req
188. I gotta go. But I'll see you
out there rooting for me, right?
Copy !req
189. I'm always rooting for you, Sam.
Copy !req
190. Ladies and gentlemen,
Copy !req
191. the wait is finally over.
Copy !req
192. It's finals time!
Copy !req
193. Since Cobra Kai scored the most points,
Copy !req
194. they only need to win one match
to be crowned Grand Champion.
Copy !req
195. But
Copy !req
196. if Miyagi-Do wins both matches,
Copy !req
197. the title is theirs!
Copy !req
198. Ooh, high drama!
Copy !req
199. Up first, the boys' fight!
Copy !req
200. Good luck to all of our fighters!
Copy !req
201. Let's go!
Copy !req
202. This is it.
Copy !req
203. Time to show LaRusso and your father
that you don't need them.
Copy !req
204. That you're strong enough on your own.
Copy !req
205. My chance to get back at Robby
for what he did to me.
Copy !req
206. This fight is not about him. The biggest
battle is always the one within.
Copy !req
207. Okay, concentrate, defense, focus, power.
Copy !req
208. You find your balance,
and those points will come. All right?
Copy !req
209. Competitors.
Copy !req
210. Go out there. Go get him.
Copy !req
211. Face this way. Bow.
Copy !req
212. Face each other. Bow.
Copy !req
213. Ready and fight!
Copy !req
214. Point! One-zero, Keene.
Copy !req
215. - Let's go, baby!
- On your marks.
Copy !req
216. Time out.
Copy !req
217. He knows all my moves. He trained
at Miyagi-Do way longer than me.
Copy !req
218. And you were in Cobra Kai longer than him.
Copy !req
219. You each know each other's karate
better than anyone. Put him on defense.
Copy !req
220. Ready? And fight!
Copy !req
221. Point, Miyagi-Do!
Copy !req
222. On your marks.
Copy !req
223. Woo! Go, Eli!
Copy !req
224. Score, one-one.
Copy !req
225. Ready?
Copy !req
226. And fight!
Copy !req
227. No point. Blocked.
Copy !req
228. Continue.
Copy !req
229. Continue.
Copy !req
230. No point. Blocked.
Copy !req
231. No point. Continue!
Copy !req
232. Back to your sides.
Copy !req
233. Unbelievable!
Copy !req
234. These two amazing competitors
Copy !req
235. have reached their three-minute time limit
in a one-one tie!
Copy !req
236. Which means their championship match
will be decided,
Copy !req
237. for the first time since 1985,
Copy !req
238. by sudden-death overtime!
Copy !req
239. Let's go!
Copy !req
240. Go to your senseis.
Copy !req
241. You're showing him respect.
This fight should be over by now.
Copy !req
242. Do you wanna fight him?
Copy !req
243. You're angry.
Copy !req
244. Good.
Copy !req
245. Use it.
Copy !req
246. That was incredible!
Copy !req
247. Any advice on the last point?
Copy !req
248. Give him all you got.
Copy !req
249. Competitors, to the mat.
Copy !req
250. Next point wins.
Good luck, gentlemen. Ready?
Copy !req
251. And...
Copy !req
252. fight!
Copy !req
253. No point.
Copy !req
254. Continue.
Copy !req
255. - No point! Continue.
- It's okay.
Copy !req
256. Come on.
Copy !req
257. Come on!
Copy !req
258. Point! Winner!
Copy !req
259. Yeah!
Copy !req
260. Woo!
Copy !req
261. Your boys' champion,
Copy !req
262. Eli Moskowitz!
Copy !req
263. Yeah!
Copy !req
264. And with that,
Miyagi-Do vaults into the overall lead!
Copy !req
265. It all comes down to the girls' final,
Copy !req
266. coming up next.
Copy !req
267. Yeah!
Copy !req
268. Robby.
Copy !req
269. You all right?
Copy !req
270. Yeah.
Copy !req
271. Focus on your fight. I just, um...
Copy !req
272. I just need to clear my head.
Copy !req
273. I, uh, guess it all comes down
to the final match.
Copy !req
274. - Yeah, I have to get back in there.
- I, uh, spoke to Dr. Hillier.
Copy !req
275. She said you've been keeping up
with your appointments.
Copy !req
276. Yeah, she helped me find a volunteer
to help with my mom.
Copy !req
277. Thanks, I owe you for that.
Copy !req
278. Well, then you can pay me back now.
Copy !req
279. By making sure Sam doesn't get hurt.
Copy !req
280. - It's karate. How can I promise...
- I'm not asking you to back down.
Copy !req
281. I just want you to play by the rules.
Copy !req
282. Even if I still don't understand them.
Copy !req
283. Okay, I'm gonna go out there
and root for my daughter.
Copy !req
284. But what I'm really rooting for
Copy !req
285. is that this fight finally puts an end
to all this bullshit between you two.
Copy !req
286. My money's on Sam.
Copy !req
287. I don't know.
Copy !req
288. Nichols is on the warpath.
Copy !req
289. Johnny.
Copy !req
290. What do you want?
Copy !req
291. I want your help.
Copy !req
292. Look, you and I may be set in our ways,
Copy !req
293. but these kids, they're still growing.
Copy !req
294. They can learn from both of us
Copy !req
295. and use what we teach them
to create their own way.
Copy !req
296. I guess I didn't want that to happen
because I cared
Copy !req
297. so much
about honoring Mr. Miyagi's legacy.
Copy !req
298. But I forgot
one of his most important lessons.
Copy !req
299. Just like bonsai choose own way grow
because root strong,
Copy !req
300. you choose own way do karate, same reason.
Copy !req
301. Yeah, but I do it your way.
Copy !req
302. Hai. One day, you do own way.
Copy !req
303. I was scared of the influence
you were having on Sam.
Copy !req
304. But I see now
Copy !req
305. some of what you teach
Copy !req
306. can be good sometimes.
Copy !req
307. I'm sorry I didn't realize that sooner.
Copy !req
308. I'm sorry too.
Copy !req
309. I saw you and Miguel bonding
and I freaked out.
Copy !req
310. I was afraid of losing that connection.
Copy !req
311. Now I'm paying the price for it.
Copy !req
312. I shoulda just let him train with you.
Copy !req
313. He would've been a stronger fighter.
Copy !req
314. Well, since it seems the water
is flowing back under the bridge,
Copy !req
315. what do you say we team up again?
Copy !req
316. You want me to help Miyagi-Do win?
Copy !req
317. Miyagi...
Copy !req
318. Fang.
Copy !req
319. Uh, just for today.
Copy !req
320. Let's do this.
Copy !req
321. What better way to cap off
this exciting exhibition of karate
Copy !req
322. than with a final match for the ages?
Copy !req
323. Representing Cobra Kai,
Copy !req
324. the Queen Cobra herself,
Copy !req
325. Tory Nichols!
Copy !req
326. Coached by her senseis
John Kreese and Terry Silver.
Copy !req
327. And representing Miyagi-Do Karate,
Copy !req
328. the Bonsai Badass,
Copy !req
329. Samantha LaRusso!
Copy !req
330. Coached by her father and sensei,
Copy !req
331. two-time All Valley champion
Daniel LaRusso,
Copy !req
332. who I've just been informed
will be joined by Sensei Johnny Lawrence.
Copy !req
333. So wait...
Copy !req
334. Oh, I stand corrected.
Copy !req
335. Fellow two-time All Valley champion,
Copy !req
336. Sensei Johnny Lawrence!
Copy !req
337. Let's go!
Copy !req
338. Don't worry about them.
Copy !req
339. You've been fighting all your life.
Copy !req
340. Now it's time
for all that struggle to pay off.
Copy !req
341. Use all that fire inside you.
Copy !req
342. Yes, Sensei.
Copy !req
343. Hey.
Copy !req
344. Good luck.
Copy !req
345. Head in the game, Nichols.
Copy !req
346. All right. Ready to kick some ass?
Copy !req
347. Yes, Sensei.
Copy !req
348. If that's okay with my other sensei?
Copy !req
349. I want you to win more than anyone.
Copy !req
350. Whether it's defense
Copy !req
351. or offense,
Copy !req
352. Miyagi-Do or Eagle Fang.
Copy !req
353. I want you to be you.
Copy !req
354. Just make sure
you keep your anger in check...
Copy !req
355. Uh, s-sorry. You were saying?
Copy !req
356. Go kick some Cobra Kai ass.
Copy !req
357. Competitors, take your position.
Copy !req
358. Come on, Sam.
Copy !req
359. LaRusso!
Copy !req
360. Ladies, good luck.
Face this way. Bow.
Copy !req
361. Face each other. Bow.
Copy !req
362. Ready?
Copy !req
363. And fight!
Copy !req
364. - Point!
- Yes!
Copy !req
365. LaRusso. Score, one-zero.
Copy !req
366. Holy shit!
Copy !req
367. What was that?
Copy !req
368. A flying tornado kick.
Copy !req
369. She's not using Miyagi-Do.
She's fighting aggressive.
Copy !req
370. You get more aggressive.
I've seen what's inside you. Let it out!
Copy !req
371. Come on!
Copy !req
372. Ready?
Copy !req
373. And fight!
Copy !req
374. Point, Nichols! Score, one-one.
Copy !req
375. Ready?
Copy !req
376. Fight!
Copy !req
377. Point! Two-one, Nichols.
Copy !req
378. Damn it!
Copy !req
379. I'm attacking but it's not working.
What style should I use?
Copy !req
380. Yours. Trust your instincts.
Copy !req
381. Use everything you've learned from me
and Sensei Lawrence. All of it.
Copy !req
382. Your dad's right.
Copy !req
383. Every now and then.
Copy !req
384. Come on, Sam!
Copy !req
385. Ready?
Copy !req
386. And fight!
Copy !req
387. No point. Blocked.
Copy !req
388. No point. Out of bounds.
Copy !req
389. What?
Copy !req
390. Come on, Ref!
She went out after she got hit!
Copy !req
391. Yes!
Copy !req
392. Ready?
Copy !req
393. And fight!
Copy !req
394. Point, LaRusso.
Copy !req
395. Score's two to two.
Next point wins. Ready?
Copy !req
396. Fight!
Copy !req
397. That's a block. No point!
Copy !req
398. Warning. Elbow to the face.
Copy !req
399. - Go to your senseis.
- Warning? Should be a point deduction!
Copy !req
400. - I didn't mean to. No, it was an accident.
- Go to your senseis.
Copy !req
401. - Are you all right?
- She got me good, but I can still fight.
Copy !req
402. She comes in like that again,
give her a shot to the other eye.
Copy !req
403. - She can't see, she can't fight.
- Won't I get disqualified?
Copy !req
404. Why? She ran into your elbow.
Copy !req
405. Do exactly what you just did,
disguise it in a counter.
Copy !req
406. Worst you'll get is another warning.
Trust me.
Copy !req
407. This ref will never end the match
on a technicality.
Copy !req
408. It was an accident. I don't need to cheat.
Copy !req
409. That's not fair.
I got second place.
Copy !req
410. Second place is no place.
You're off the team.
Copy !req
411. You're nothing. You lost. You're a loser.
Copy !req
412. - You suck.
- Yeah?
Copy !req
413. Hey, come on, man!
Copy !req
414. Don't!
Copy !req
415. Come on, who's the loser now?
Copy !req
416. - You suck!
- Come on!
Copy !req
417. Who's the loser? I don't hear ya!
Copy !req
418. Since when do you disobey an order?
Copy !req
419. Let her do what she wants.
Copy !req
420. You've come this far.
This is your fight now.
Copy !req
421. So whatever happens,
Copy !req
422. it's up to you.
Copy !req
423. Ready?
Copy !req
424. And fight!
Copy !req
425. Point. Winner!
Copy !req
426. Hey. You all right?
Copy !req
427. - What a match!
- You all right?
Copy !req
428. - What a match!
- Good effort.
Copy !req
429. Give it up for your first female champion,
Copy !req
430. Tory Nichols!
Copy !req
431. And the winner
of the Grand Champion trophy
Copy !req
432. and still the baddest dojo in the Valley,
Copy !req
433. Cobra Kai!
Copy !req
434. Thank you. Thank you.
Copy !req
435. We couldn't be prouder
Copy !req
436. of our hard-won victory.
Copy !req
437. And we're just as proud to announce
Copy !req
438. we'll soon be opening Cobra Kai franchises
throughout the entire Valley,
Copy !req
439. so every one
of you young men and women here
Copy !req
440. can be part of our championship dojo
Copy !req
441. and learn Cobra Kai's Way of the Fist!
Copy !req
442. - Thank you!
- Cobra Kai, Cobra Kai!
Copy !req
443. Cobra Kai, Cobra Kai,
Cobra Kai, Cobra Kai, Cobra Kai!
Copy !req
444. We did the right thing
and we still didn't win.
Copy !req
445. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
446. It's not your fault.
Copy !req
447. Sam.
Copy !req
448. Johnny.
Copy !req
449. One of the parents
saw Miguel get in an Uber.
Copy !req
450. What's an Uber?
Copy !req
451. It's like a taxi.
He left before the finals.
Copy !req
452. Shit. I'm so sorry.
It's all my fault.
Copy !req
453. I'm sure he just wants to be alone.
We're gonna head home.
Copy !req
454. Okay. You guys go. I'll meet you there.
Copy !req
455. Some days I just wish
we could have a do-over.
Copy !req
456. I know the feeling.
Copy !req
457. Cobra Kai, Cobra Kai, Cobra Kai!
Copy !req
458. Hey! Hey, victory party at my place.
Copy !req
459. Queen Cobra, you coming or what?
Copy !req
460. Yeah. I just gotta grab my bag.
Copy !req
461. All right. Cool.
Hey, guys, let's go, let's go!
Copy !req
462. Cobra Kai, Cobra Kai,
Cobra Kai, Cobra Kai!
Copy !req
463. I almost thought you were gonna
back out of our deal a few times.
Copy !req
464. You know what?
Copy !req
465. You played it just right.
Copy !req
466. No one suspects a thing.
Copy !req
467. Money will be in your account
tomorrow morning.
Copy !req
468. Thank you, Mr. Silver.
Copy !req
469. What the hell?
Copy !req
470. Robby?
Copy !req
471. What's going on?
Copy !req
472. I followed you.
Copy !req
473. What happened here?
Copy !req
474. Moving to a new location.
Copy !req
475. Multiple locations, I think.
Copy !req
476. You kicked ass today.
Copy !req
477. - Could've gone either way.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
478. Thanks.
Copy !req
479. Hey.
Copy !req
480. It's just a match.
Copy !req
481. Don't let it eat you up. Trust me.
Copy !req
482. It's not that.
Copy !req
483. It's this kid,
Copy !req
484. Kenny.
Copy !req
485. I thought I could take him under my wing.
Copy !req
486. Be the mentor
I wish I had when I was younger.
Copy !req
487. But when I saw him today, it, uh...
Copy !req
488. It's like looking in a mirror.
Copy !req
489. I realized I screwed everything up.
Copy !req
490. I had all this hate inside of me.
Copy !req
491. For you and for Miguel.
Copy !req
492. And I thought
I could use Cobra Kai to control that.
Copy !req
493. But it just made things worse
and now it's never gonna get better.
Copy !req
494. That's not true.
Copy !req
495. You had a good thing going with LaRusso.
Copy !req
496. I got in the way.
Don't blame yourself. Blame me.
Copy !req
497. I'm sick of blaming you, Dad.
Copy !req
498. It's gonna be all right.
Copy !req
499. We'll figure this out.
Copy !req
500. Okay?
Copy !req
501. 1998 Bollinger.
Copy !req
502. Been sitting in my cellar for years,
waiting for the right moment.
Copy !req
503. - Not unlike yourself.
- Touché.
Copy !req
504. I gotta give you credit, John.
Copy !req
505. You reawakened something in me.
Copy !req
506. Something I forgot was there.
Copy !req
507. And I'll always be grateful for it.
Copy !req
508. Told you.
Copy !req
509. To Cobra Kai.
Copy !req
510. The number one dojo in the Valley.
Copy !req
511. I gotta say,
Copy !req
512. I'm surprised you backed off on Nichols
in the finals. That's not like you.
Copy !req
513. Well, what can I say?
Copy !req
514. I had a moment of sympathy.
Copy !req
515. That's a first.
Copy !req
516. You remember
Copy !req
517. when you asked me
what I thought your weakness was?
Copy !req
518. It's Johnny Lawrence.
Copy !req
519. That's what this was all about, right?
Copy !req
520. It was never about us teaming up
or bringing back the glory days.
Copy !req
521. That was all bullshit.
Copy !req
522. - That's not true.
- Yes, it is.
Copy !req
523. And I fell for it.
Copy !req
524. You know why?
Copy !req
525. Because everyone has a weakness, John.
Copy !req
526. And mine
Copy !req
527. is you.
Copy !req
528. You think that I'm your weakness?
Copy !req
529. Well, you've got it backwards,
because I am your strength.
Copy !req
530. I have been your strength
ever since Vietnam.
Copy !req
531. Yes! There it is.
Copy !req
532. I can always count
on you playing the guilt card.
Copy !req
533. How many times do you expect me
to repay that debt before we're square?
Copy !req
534. What did you do?
Copy !req
535. It's okay, Raymond. The man
who did this can't hurt you anymore.
Copy !req
536. Give me his name and I promise you
I'll put him away for a long, long time.
Copy !req
537. - You wanna be Cobra Kai, huh?
- Yes.
Copy !req
538. You wanna be Cobra Kai?
Copy !req
539. I'll make you Cobra Kai.
Copy !req
540. But you gotta do something for me.
Copy !req
541. His name is Sensei
Copy !req
542. Kreese.
Copy !req
543. John Kreese.
Copy !req
544. I'm shedding my weakness,
Copy !req
545. Captain.
Copy !req
546. John Kreese, you're under arrest
Copy !req
547. for aggravated assault
and attempted murder.
Copy !req
548. - You have the right to remain silent.
- John, what did you do?
Copy !req
549. Hands behind your back. Come on.
Copy !req
550. - Hey!
- John, take it easy.
Copy !req
551. Don't worry about a thing.
Copy !req
552. I'm sure I can dig up an old friend or two
to help out with Cobra Kai
Copy !req
553. while you deal with your legal problems.
Copy !req
554. You're gonna regret this.
Copy !req
555. I am Cobra Kai.
Copy !req
556. - Put him in the car!
- Move!
Copy !req
557. And don't worry about Lawrence.
I'll take good care of him too.
Copy !req
558. What's going on?
Copy !req
559. Show him the note.
Copy !req
560. Mom, I'm sorry
for leaving a note like this,
Copy !req
561. but I thought it was the best way,
maybe the only way,
Copy !req
562. to say what I have to say.
Copy !req
563. The last few months
have been a roller coaster.
Copy !req
564. My injury,
Copy !req
565. rehab,
Copy !req
566. me and Sam,
Copy !req
567. Sensei and Mr. LaRusso.
Copy !req
568. I convinced myself
Copy !req
569. that I could get over all of that
by focusing on the tournament.
Copy !req
570. I thought that if I won
that everything would work out.
Copy !req
571. But I was wrong.
Copy !req
572. Tell Sensei that I'm sorry I bailed.
Copy !req
573. His karate helped me grow,
but I'm still not sure who I wanna be.
Copy !req
574. And to figure that out, I think
I need to know where I came from.
Copy !req
575. Sensei was scared
to find out the truth about his past,
Copy !req
576. and honestly, I am too.
Copy !req
577. But overcoming that fear
is the fight I have to face
Copy !req
578. instead of competing for a trophy.
Copy !req
579. I need to meet my father.
Copy !req
580. This is something I have to do.
Copy !req
581. Please try not to worry.
Copy !req
582. I'll be safe and I'll be back soon.
Copy !req
583. I love you, Mom. And Yaya too.
Copy !req
584. I called the police.
I-I don't know what else to do.
Copy !req
585. Everything's gonna be fine.
Copy !req
586. I'm gonna find him.
I'll make sure he's safe.
Copy !req
587. Johnny.
Copy !req
588. There's something
I didn't tell you about my ex-husband.
Copy !req
589. I know. You said he's a bad dude.
Don't worry. I can handle myself.
Copy !req
590. - And I'm sure he'd never hurt his own son.
- That's just it.
Copy !req
591. He doesn't know Miguel exists.
Copy !req
592. I just want my baby back home safe.
Copy !req
593. I'll make sure of it.
Copy !req
594. All right? I promise.
Copy !req
595. I did everything
I thought was right.
Copy !req
596. I followed all of the Miyagi-Do teachings.
Copy !req
597. I even put aside my rivalry
and teamed up with Johnny.
Copy !req
598. None of it worked.
Copy !req
599. Now I'm supposed to give up my dojo
and step down as a sensei.
Copy !req
600. But there's too much at stake
Copy !req
601. to honor an agreement
made with men who have none.
Copy !req
602. If Cobra Kai is gonna keep growing
and getting stronger,
Copy !req
603. I need to do whatever it takes
to stop them.
Copy !req
604. Even if that means going on offense.
Copy !req
605. I know this isn't your fight
Copy !req
606. and this is a lot to ask...
Copy !req
607. but will you help me
Copy !req
608. finally put an end to Cobra Kai?
Copy !req