1. Emily, we have to get
the girls together again.
Copy !req
2. I loved our 90-minute
Copy !req
3. on homework technique
and containers.
Copy !req
4. Can't wait!
Copy !req
5. Kill me now.
Copy !req
6. Trouble in mom-I-dise?
Copy !req
7. Whenever Candice plays
with a kid,
Copy !req
8. I gotta hang out
with their lame ass mom.
Copy !req
9. Oh, my God! Okay.
You gotta find a new crew.
Copy !req
10. You've got your L.L. Bean
moms — snoozefest.
Copy !req
11. The single moms.
Copy !req
12. Should someone help
that woman?
Copy !req
13. No one can help her.
Copy !req
14. And over there we have —
Copy !req
15. The cool moms.
Copy !req
16. The coolest moms around.
Copy !req
17. And their kids
are top of the class.
Copy !req
18. Really?
Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
19. I give them "A" s
so they'll like me.
Copy !req
20. I'm so stupid,
Copy !req
21. You know what?
We're all adults.
Copy !req
22. I'm just gonna walk up to them
and say something cool
Copy !req
23. like, "Hey."
Copy !req
24. So that's how I gave
Michael Douglas throat cancer.
Copy !req
25. Jojo, you're the best.
Copy !req
26. Heeeeeey.
Copy !req
27. I'm so sorry, she's a rescue.
Copy !req
28. That's the thirstiest "Hey"
I've ever heard.
Copy !req
29. Why is she —
Oh, my God.
Copy !req
30. Okay, she's coming,
she's coming — how do I look?
Copy !req
31. Is the bun fun?
Copy !req
32. Hey, 'sup?
Copy !req
33. Our kids are really
getting along.
Copy !req
34. Play date.
Copy !req
35. Your house.
Copy !req
36. I'll bring a great bottle
of Shiraz, cool?
Copy !req
37. Heh, no plus ones.
Copy !req
38. No, I'm cool.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
39. My iCal is totally full,
love you guys!
Copy !req
40. Ew. Josh, you know I'm trying
to get the house
Copy !req
41. cleaned up
for the play date.
Copy !req
42. Sorry, Em. Mess is part
of my process,
Copy !req
43. duh-doy!
Copy !req
44. Alex,
what are you doing?
Copy !req
45. I'm beautiful minding,
Copy !req
46. Son of bitch!
Copy !req
47. Let me borrow your car.
Copy !req
48. - Hi, Randy.
- Josh, let me borrow your car.
Copy !req
49. Emily is being impossible.
Copy !req
50. We just heard you crash yours
into that tree.
Copy !req
51. The tree is not the issue!
Copy !req
52. My mom just snuck off
to Palm Springs with some rando!
Copy !req
53. Hah, good for her!
Copy !req
54. Emily, I swear to God!
Copy !req
55. Why don't you do Randy a solid
and just drive him yourself?
Copy !req
56. To the desert?
Copy !req
57. Take Alex with you.
Copy !req
58. It'll be a fun road trip!
Copy !req
59. Road trip!
Mix CDs!
Copy !req
60. Dried meats!
Copy !req
61. Stopping at a scary truck
stop late at night!
Copy !req
62. Talking
about our feelings!
Copy !req
63. What is happening?
Copy !req
64. And the best part is,
you'll get out of the house —
Copy !req
65. I mean, you'll save Pearle
and get out of the house.
Copy !req
66. Hmm.
Copy !req
67. Aahh!
Copy !req
68. What up? Let me see those hands
up in the air!
Copy !req
69. Ah!
That should be enough.
Copy !req
70. She's so cool.
Copy !req
71. Hey, Mom, you should wear
this hat I made you at school!
Copy !req
72. Okay.
Copy !req
73. Jojo, Mia!
Copy !req
74. Hi!
Copy !req
75. I mean — 'sup?
Copy !req
76. Oh, you keep
all those things.
Copy !req
77. I just take a picture
and throw it away.
Copy !req
78. She doesn't know
the difference.
Copy !req
79. Oh, yeah!
Copy !req
80. I was
just about to do that.
Copy !req
81. Couldn't set up the camera
in time.
Copy !req
82. Well, come in.
Copy !req
83. I was thinking we can all play
Butterfly Barn.
Copy !req
84. I want to be
the butter pig.
Copy !req
85. Not happening.
Copy !req
86. Hey, why don't you two go off
and make your own choices —
Copy !req
87. good or bad.
Copy !req
88. We're going to down a batch
of my latest.
Copy !req
89. Homemade beer?
Copy !req
90. Is this really happening?
Copy !req
91. Do I really have to be
alone with her?
Copy !req
92. She made Mr. Campbell
give himself a time out.
Copy !req
93. You are not gonna cry,
Timothy Brice Campbell.
Copy !req
94. Not for her!
Copy !req
95. It's not my fault I found
his terrible improve troupe
Copy !req
96. on YouTube.
Copy !req
97. It will be great.
Copy !req
98. Dude,
what's your problem?
Copy !req
99. You two are my problem!
Copy !req
100. You don't know what it's like
to be the kid of a cop,
Copy !req
101. worried your mom's not coming
home at the end of a shift.
Copy !req
102. Dang, man,
I'm sorry.
Copy !req
103. I just need to make sure
she's okay!
Copy !req
104. You know, it's natural to want
to protect your mother
Copy !req
105. with everything
that she did for you.
Copy !req
106. - Ahhhhhh!
- Sweet Pattie La-Belle!
Copy !req
107. You're alive?
Copy !req
108. Should it be so surprising
to see a miracle
Copy !req
109. in the holiest of places?
Copy !req
110. I bet you could get us
to the resort faster
Copy !req
111. than this junk chunk.
Copy !req
112. Oh, good.
Copy !req
113. It'll give us time to go
over the word of the lord.
Copy !req
114. And that's why adultery
is my favorite reason
Copy !req
115. for stoning women.
Copy !req
116. - Dude.
- Come on!
Copy !req
117. Wow. So you don't give Mia
any boundaries at all?
Copy !req
118. It's like this sour beer.
Copy !req
119. I mean,
you can't just sit there
Copy !req
120. and watch the hops
Copy !req
121. You got to give it space.
Copy !req
122. That's why it tastes
so good.
Copy !req
123. Wow.
That — That's so true.
Copy !req
124. Also,
I let Mia drink beer.
Copy !req
125. It's like what they say
in Europe —
Copy !req
126. no rules, just right.
Copy !req
127. Isn't that the slogan
for Outback Steakhouse?
Copy !req
128. Yeah! But we went to the one
in Europe, so...
Copy !req
129. Mom!
Mia broke my piggy bank!
Copy !req
130. Oh, I'm sure
it was an accident.
Copy !req
131. Mia, we're in someone
else's home.
Copy !req
132. Was that piggy bank
stifling your voice?
Copy !req
133. Yes, Jojo!
Copy !req
134. Capitalism is
the great oppressor!
Copy !req
135. Ooh, respect.
Copy !req
136. Ugh, you're just gonna
let her do that, Mom?
Copy !req
137. Well, you can't let things
stifle your voice.
Copy !req
138. And you know what, don't call me
Mom, call me Emily.
Copy !req
139. Aggression is natural.
You just got to get it out.
Copy !req
140. That's why I take Mia
to this wrestling class.
Copy !req
141. Wrestling?
You should come!
Copy !req
142. Everybody's gonna be there.
Copy !req
143. Ehh?
Copy !req
144. We're here!
Copy !req
145. "Mother's End —
Home Of The Secret Nudist Temple
Copy !req
146. Where Sound Doesn't Exist?"
Copy !req
147. Sounds like the perfect place
to kill someone.
Copy !req
148. Flawless Caruso, bro.
Copy !req
149. Shh-shh-shh-shh-shh-shh.
Copy !req
150. Dude?
Copy !req
151. We go where the road takes us,
come on!
Copy !req
152. Emily, meet the crew.
Copy !req
153. This is Billie.
Copy !req
154. Billie gave Usher herpes.
Copy !req
155. Zola, the best SoulCycle
instructor on the East Side.
Copy !req
156. Saffron, she's a staff writer
for Goop Kids.
Copy !req
157. And Trish.
Hi, nice to meet you,
Copy !req
158. Trish is so norm-core,
it's sad.
Copy !req
159. Just like your apartment.
Copy !req
160. What?
Copy !req
161. Jojo, how's Mia taking
to her new diet?
Copy !req
162. Amazing.
I'm only feeding her superfoods.
Copy !req
163. That's why she's
crushing bitches!
Copy !req
164. Let's get Candice out there,
see what she's got.
Copy !req
165. Ugh, I don't want to.
Copy !req
166. You can do it,
don't be scared.
Copy !req
167. Mom!
Copy !req
168. Who are you talking to?
I'm Emily.
Copy !req
169. Ugh!
Copy !req
170. Look, I'll try to take out
as many people as possible,
Copy !req
171. but I can't kill
everyone by myself.
Copy !req
172. You're each responsible
for a body.
Copy !req
173. What the hell
is that noise?
Copy !req
174. Ahh!
Copy !req
175. We'll naked wrestle
these guys!
Copy !req
176. Randy,
go save your mom!
Copy !req
177. No one touches my ma!
Copy !req
178. What the?
Copy !req
179. I'm here to save you!
Copy !req
180. You must be Randy!
Copy !req
181. Randy,
why are you here?
Copy !req
182. I told you I could
take care of myself.
Copy !req
183. I thought
he was murdering you!
Copy !req
184. Ha, if by murdering,
you mean kill off
Copy !req
185. your mother's aching muscles
with soothing sound waves.
Copy !req
186. I find that
hard to believe!
Copy !req
187. We met when I was undercover
with Big Donnie's crew.
Copy !req
188. He took 13 bullets
for me in a shootout.
Copy !req
189. It was nothing.
Copy !req
190. I'm impressed with
your detective work,
Copy !req
191. but I'm not going anywhere.
Copy !req
192. I'm sorry, Ma.
Copy !req
193. It's just — every night
growing up,
Copy !req
194. I'd lie in bed until I heard
the click of the door opening.
Copy !req
195. Because that's when I knew
you were safe.
Copy !req
196. And even though
you're retired,
Copy !req
197. I guess I still need
to hear that click.
Copy !req
198. Oh, baby,
if the streets of LA
Copy !req
199. couldn't take me out,
nothing can.
Copy !req
200. I'm un-murderable.
Copy !req
201. She has very strong legs.
Copy !req
202. You're right, Dad.
Copy !req
203. Road trip!
Road trip!
Copy !req
204. I'm gonna break you the way
I broke that piggy bank!
Copy !req
205. She's gonna go easy
on her, right?
Copy !req
206. No mercy, Mia!
Copy !req
207. You know how we do!
Copy !req
208. You're doing
the right thing.
Copy !req
209. I let Mia
beat my kid's ass,
Copy !req
210. and now we vacation
with them in Cabo.
Copy !req
211. Stop!
Copy !req
212. I should have never set up
this play date.
Copy !req
213. You don't ever have to try
to do anything to be cool.
Copy !req
214. You're the coolest person
I know.
Copy !req
215. Can we go home and play?
Copy !req
216. You bet.
Copy !req
217. Yeah, go on home
to your board games.
Copy !req
218. You want to know
why they're called that?
Copy !req
219. Because they're boring.
Copy !req
220. I knew you couldn't be
a cool mom.
Copy !req
221. Maybe not, but I could beat
a cool mom's ass!
Copy !req
222. It's on!
Copy !req
223. Ready?
Copy !req
224. Go!
Copy !req
225. Yeah get her!
You can do it.
Copy !req
226. Come on!
Slam it down, bitch!
Copy !req
227. You can do it, Mom!
Copy !req
228. Have fun
with the loser moms.
Copy !req
229. Agh!
Copy !req
230. Ahh!
Oh, my God!
I'm so sorry!
Copy !req
231. Is there a doctor here?
Copy !req
232. I deserve this for being
such a dick.
Copy !req
233. Ow! Ah!
Copy !req
234. Peace out!
Mia, you're driving!
Copy !req
235. That was really brave of you
to stand up to Jojo.
Copy !req
236. She terrifies me.
Copy !req
237. Oh, thanks.
Copy !req
238. Maybe we could all get together
some time?
Copy !req
239. As long as we get to play
Butterfly Barn!
Copy !req
240. Oh, my gosh!
I love Butterfly Barn!
Copy !req
241. I'll bring
the homemade beer.
Copy !req
242. Just kidding,
Copy !req
243. I'm not
a douche-bag.
Copy !req