1. Look, it's the
Supreme Court Squad!
Copy !req
2. Extreme!
Copy !req
3. Robo justice!
Copy !req
4. Order in my courtroom!
Copy !req
5. Supreme court squad, assemble!
Copy !req
6. It's Justice John G. Robots
with robo-gavel action.
Copy !req
7. Wow!
Copy !req
8. Watch out! Here comes Android
Scale-ia with laser-gun eyes.
Copy !req
9. Pew-pew-pew!
Copy !req
10. Taste appellate jurisdiction,
Copy !req
11. And now
for the first time ever,
Copy !req
12. it's Wrath Hover Ginsbot,
soaring 1000 feet high.
Copy !req
13. She really flies!
Copy !req
14. I'm appointed for life
to kick your butt!
Copy !req
15. Go online...
And order yours today.
Copy !req
16. Yeah!
Copy !req
17. Clarence, it's here.
Copy !req
18. Okay, Grandma,
I'll turn the TV down.
Copy !req
19. Sumo, it's here.
Copy !req
20. Ow!
Copy !req
21. Now just a warning, guys—
Copy !req
22. What you're about to see
Copy !req
23. might actually
take your breath away.
Copy !req
24. Okay. Get ready.
Three, two, one.
Copy !req
25. Open your eyes!
Copy !req
26. Ta-da!
Copy !req
27. Aw, neat.
Copy !req
28. No, Clarence, up here.
Copy !req
29. What is it?
I don't know.
Copy !req
30. It's the Wrath Hover Ginsbot
action figure.
Copy !req
31. It's got a removable helmet.
Copy !req
32. It's got three different
rocket launchers...
Copy !req
33. and can fly
with a remote.
Copy !req
34. Whoa!
Yeah, that is pretty cool.
Copy !req
35. Thank you, Sumo.
Congratulations, buddy.
Copy !req
36. She's a beautiful lady,
and you're a lucky man.
Copy !req
37. Let's take this baby
out for a spin.
Copy !req
38. Whoa, whoa.
Copy !req
39. Oh, Clarence.
Copy !req
40. Oh, Clarence. No.
Copy !req
41. No. This doesn't go outside.
Copy !req
42. It goes up here...
Copy !req
43. so it can stay
in mint condition... forever.
Copy !req
44. You mean you woke us up
at 6 a.m. on a Saturday
Copy !req
45. just to show us a toy
we can't play with?
Copy !req
46. Yeah, Jeff, don't you
want to see her fly?
Copy !req
47. Oh, I'm sure
Wrath Hover Ginsbot
Copy !req
48. will do plenty of flying—
Copy !req
49. —on Supreme Court Squad:
Copy !req
50. The Animated Series.
Copy !req
51. They're doing
all-day marathons,
Copy !req
52. so I figured
we could watch it all day.
Copy !req
53. All rise.
Copy !req
54. Be seated.
Copy !req
55. Continuing case B84,
Copy !req
56. Robo-Frog v. Robo-Frog Extreme.
Copy !req
57. The plaintiff may proceed.
Copy !req
58. I am prepared
to present evidence
Copy !req
59. that the illegal factory
on my client's property
Copy !req
60. was built by his former business
partner, robo-frog extreme.
Copy !req
61. As it clearly states
in the...
Copy !req
62. Why all the talking?
Copy !req
63. No one's flying
or fighting or anything!
Copy !req
64. They are fighting, Sumo,
with the power of law.
Copy !req
65. Psst. Psst. Hey, Sumo.
Copy !req
66. Sumo, over here.
Copy !req
67. Sumo, I need your help.
Copy !req
68. I-I-I got to play
with that toy.
Copy !req
69. I can't stop
thinking about her.
Copy !req
70. You mean that hover bot
or whatever?
Copy !req
71. Just forget it.
Jeff's never gonna let you.
Copy !req
72. Sumo, I promise you
with all my heart
Copy !req
73. Jeff will be fine with it,
Copy !req
74. 'cause we're not gonna tell him.
Clarence, no.
Copy !req
75. But it'll work.
I got the perfect plan.
Copy !req
76. I just need you to distract him
for a bit, okay?
Copy !req
77. Come on, I know
you were into her too.
Copy !req
78. Maybe. I mean, well...
I don't know, Clarence.
Copy !req
79. Sumo, come on!
If I don't play with that toy,
Copy !req
80. I think I might probably die.
Copy !req
81. All right, already.
I'm in.
Copy !req
82. As it states
in the Robo-law constitution
Copy !req
83. article 78 section 34, "Robots'
property shall be enjoined
Copy !req
84. in the remainder
for all time forthwith..."
Copy !req
85. Hmm.
Copy !req
86. We will continue
Copy !req
87. with the Defense's
cross-examination of the...
Copy !req
88. Hey, stop.
I'm just looking
Copy !req
89. at all the channels
with better stuff on.
Copy !req
90. See, you got Swamp Wives,
Swamp Wives, Storage Hoarders,
Copy !req
91. Angry Swamp Wives,
Storage Swamp Hoarders.
Copy !req
92. Go back to the big screen.
I can't see.
Copy !req
93. Color it in right here.
Copy !req
94. Hmm. Hmm!
Copy !req
95. Mwah!
Uh, on the night in question...
Copy !req
96. So this guy is the same guy
as before, right?
Copy !req
97. The key witness.
Is he the one that wants
Copy !req
98. to build the factory,
or is he trying to stop it?
Copy !req
99. Just pay attention
to the trial,
Copy !req
100. and it'll make sense!
I'm trying!
Copy !req
101. Did you meet with Mr. Robo-Frog
on October 24th?
Copy !req
102. Well, I... I don't know.
Copy !req
103. Huh?
I would like it struck
Copy !req
104. from the record
where I lost my temper!
Copy !req
105. Hey, Sumo!
Copy !req
106. Um, I got to go
wash my hands.
Copy !req
107. Okay, just wash
your hands after.
Copy !req
108. Hey, Sumo.
I got the hovercraft lady.
Copy !req
109. Ah, cool!
Copy !req
110. How'd you get it out
without messing up the box?
Copy !req
111. Don't worry
your bald little head.
Copy !req
112. I have my tricks.
Copy !req
113. Yep, everything went
Copy !req
114. Now, let's fly this hog
before Jeff notices we're gone.
Copy !req
115. All right.
Here goes.
Copy !req
116. Oh, grapes!
Copy !req
117. Well, I hope you've learned a
valuable lesson from Robo-Frog.
Copy !req
118. Your illegal factory
may have generated
Copy !req
119. as much Inaccessium
as you could want,
Copy !req
120. but at the cost of something
even more important,
Copy !req
121. your friends.
Copy !req
122. And now look at you.
Copy !req
123. Your friends have left you
all alone.
Copy !req
124. Wait a minute.
Where are my friends?
Copy !req
125. Okay, shouldn't be too bad.
Copy !req
126. Just put the head back on.
Copy !req
127. Sumo? Clarence?
Copy !req
128. Oh, there you are.
Copy !req
129. I've been thinking,
and you were right,
Copy !req
130. we should play
with my Ginsbot.
Copy !req
131. No, no! That's okay.
Really, we're good.
Copy !req
132. Nonsense.
I'll go grab it now,
Copy !req
133. and we can—
What did you say, Clarence?
Copy !req
134. —take it out for a spin.
Be right back.
Copy !req
135. Mm.
Aah! Aah! Aah!
Copy !req
136. Jeff, hold on!
Copy !req
137. Jeff! I'm... hungry.
Copy !req
138. Sumo, come on. Not now.
No, Jeff, I'm really hungry.
Copy !req
139. Like, I might pass out
if I don't eat.
Copy !req
140. Oh, okay. I mean,
I guess I could
Copy !req
141. go see
what I have in the kitchen.
Copy !req
142. Yeah. Hurry up.
I'm feeling woozy.
Copy !req
143. Okay. I bought you some time.
Copy !req
144. Now go fix that toy!
No problem.
Copy !req
145. All right.
Nice and careful.
Copy !req
146. Unh! Oh, no!
That didn't work at all!
Copy !req
147. Okay. Okay. Okay.
I can fix it.
Copy !req
148. I can fix it. Mm.
Copy !req
149. Some of this. Mm.
Copy !req
150. Well, let's take a look.
Copy !req
151. There. A perfect
peanut-butter sandwich.
Copy !req
152. Yeah, I can't eat this.
I'm allergic to peanuts.
Copy !req
153. But you just said you wanted
peanut butter.
Copy !req
154. I did not.
I said I wanted... rice butter.
Copy !req
155. Rice butter?
Is that like rice milk?
Copy !req
156. Yes, except butter.
Copy !req
157. I don't think I've ever had
rice butter before,
Copy !req
158. but it sounds delicious.
Copy !req
159. I bet we have some
around here somewhere.
Copy !req
160. Do people make it?
Psst. Sumo.
Copy !req
161. Uh... Hey, Jeff.
Copy !req
162. Maybe you should go look around
for a rice-butter churner thing.
Copy !req
163. Oh, okay.
I'll be right back.
Copy !req
164. Then we should open
the Ginsbot already.
Copy !req
165. What the heck happened, man?
Copy !req
166. I thought you were gonna
glue the head on.
Copy !req
167. Oh, glue.
Copy !req
168. You got to tell Jeff the truth.
I'm sure he'll understand.
Copy !req
169. I can fix it still.
You need to stall him longer.
Copy !req
170. Guys, who was copying
my toy box?
Copy !req
171. Jeff. Jeff, wait.
Copy !req
172. Don't jump to conclusions.
Let me explain.
Copy !req
173. It's a crazy story—
Really funny, actually.
Copy !req
174. You see,
I was going to the bathroom,
Copy !req
175. and I heard a strange noise
come from your room.
Copy !req
176. So I ran in there, and there
was this, um, raccoon,
Copy !req
177. and he just
came through your window,
Copy !req
178. and he was gonna
break your toy.
Copy !req
179. He didn't say that, but I
could see it in his eyes,
Copy !req
180. and then he just broke it.
Copy !req
181. And I said, "No, bad boy.
Copy !req
182. You put that back
before Jeff finds out."
Copy !req
183. But you know raccoons.
They can't fix anything.
Copy !req
184. They're not beavers.
Copy !req
185. So I guess what I'm trying
to say is here you go.
Copy !req
186. You're welcome.
Copy !req
187. That's what happened,
right, Sumo?
Copy !req
188. No. Clarence broke it.
Copy !req
189. Ouch!
Copy !req
190. I couldn't stop myself!
Copy !req
191. Jeff, I need help!
Copy !req
192. Did you even read the manual?
Copy !req
193. Stop hitting—!
Copy !req
194. You never respect my wishes!
I wanted to play!
Copy !req
195. Who buys a toy
Copy !req
196. and leaves it on a shelf?
It's just cruel!
Copy !req
197. Yeah, well,
I never received it.
Copy !req
198. No, I will not hold.
It's my daughter's birthday,
Copy !req
199. if I don't get it tonight,
someone's gonna pay.
Copy !req
200. I will not hesitate
to get my lawyers involved.
Copy !req
201. Good. My daughter's birthday
thanks you.
Copy !req
202. What's going on?
Go sit over there!
Copy !req
203. Robo-court is now in session.
Copy !req
204. I'm ready to hand down
my verdict.
Copy !req
205. Wait, but we haven't been
formally charged with—
Copy !req
206. Quiet in my courtroom!
Copy !req
207. Now, Jeff,
you need to loosen up.
Copy !req
208. Toys are for playing with,
not leaving on the shelf.
Copy !req
209. I was going to take it out
so we could play—
Copy !req
210. Silence! Clarence, you need
to respect Jeff's property.
Copy !req
211. Messing with other people's
stuff is not cool.
Copy !req
212. I find you both guilty
and sentence you to hold hands
Copy !req
213. and say you're friends again.
Copy !req
214. Friends.
I'm still your friend.
Copy !req
215. Who were you talking to
on the phone earlier?
Copy !req
216. I ordered a new Ginsbot.
Copy !req
217. All you got to do
is call the company,
Copy !req
218. tell them you never got it,
and they send you one.
Copy !req
219. Well, what about the new one?
Yeah, who gets it?
Copy !req
220. Me. You'll just break it,
and you'll keep it in a box.
Copy !req
221. But, hey, I'll let you guys
Copy !req
222. watch me play with it
if you want.
Copy !req
223. I'm gonna get you.
Copy !req
224. And then
I'm gonna break you.
Copy !req
225. I want it.
Copy !req
226. Am I still banned
forever from flying?
Copy !req
227. Yep, you are.
All right. Just checking.
Copy !req