1. Hey, broster, this is Bradster.
Copy !req
2. What's up?
Did you think I was a bush?
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3. Aah! Bradster scared!
Copy !req
4. Sorry, I didn't mean
to scare you!
Copy !req
5. And another satisfied customer.
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6. Check!
Oh, man, hiding is so much fun!
Copy !req
7. I'm probably
really good at it too.
Copy !req
8. Aah!
Copy !req
9. Totally worth the wet shoes.
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10. Whoa, I better eat something
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11. Would you like that, tum-tum?
Copy !req
12. Yeah?
Copy !req
13. Okey-doke. Okay,
let's see what we got here.
Copy !req
14. Uh, don't need that,
don't need that.
Copy !req
15. Oh, hey, Mr. Elephant,
how's your wife?
Copy !req
16. Eh, she said she needed
some "me" time!
Copy !req
17. What else is there?
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18. Oh, hello, Mrs. Elephant.
How are you?
Copy !req
19. Ra-ra-ra!
Copy !req
20. He never listens to me anymore!
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21. He's always late!
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22. I'll find something to eat.
Copy !req
23. A tuna-fish sandwich on wheat
with celery, onions, lettuce,
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24. and pickles, hold the tomato!
Copy !req
25. Oh, wait.
It's just baloney.
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26. Oh, dear sandwich,
your bread so soft,
Copy !req
27. your meat so round,
Copy !req
28. and your mustard shines
like the sun.
Copy !req
29. Enough talking!
Time to chow down, you clown.
Copy !req
30. Who are you calling a clown?
Copy !req
31. You, you clumsy oaf.
Copy !req
32. Who are you calling
a clumsy oaf?
Copy !req
33. You. There's no one else
here I'm talking to.
Copy !req
34. Not for you. This is mine.
Copy !req
35. Go on.
Get out of here, guys! Go!
Copy !req
36. You remind me of me.
Copy !req
37. You mean like
when you were a kid?
Copy !req
38. No, me just a few minutes ago.
Copy !req
39. I was, I was right here
feeding the birds too.
Copy !req
40. Then I... I ran out of the, uh—
What do you call it?
Copy !req
41. The popcorn.
Copy !req
42. Well, off I go now.
Copy !req
43. But I'm not feeding the birds.
Copy !req
44. I'm feeding the me.
Copy !req
45. Nope.
Copy !req
46. Hey, maybe that old man
was right.
Copy !req
47. It is kind of fun.
Copy !req
48. Okay, you guys, here you go.
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49. Whoa, you're like my son.
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50. It's him! It's him!
Copy !req
51. Bravo!
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52. Let the ball begin!
Copy !req
53. Sire, may I have a dance
with the guest of honor?
Copy !req
54. Why, certainly.
Copy !req
55. Sire, may I have a dance
with the guest of honor?
Copy !req
56. Uh, sure.
Copy !req
57. Aah!
Copy !req
58. Get back!
Copy !req
59. No, no, no!
Copy !req
60. Your grace! I was promised
a dance with the guest of honor.
Copy !req
61. The who?
Copy !req
62. That bread-y fellow.
He still owes me a dance.
Copy !req
63. Me too, sire!
Me too! Me too!
Copy !req
64. Us too!
Where is he?
Copy !req
65. Sandwich, oh, sandwich,
could you be a doll and—
Copy !req
66. Sandwich?
I'm down here.
Copy !req
67. I'm all that's left.
Copy !req
68. Swoop on him!
Swoop on the king!
Copy !req
69. You remind me of me...
Copy !req
70. Wait.
Where you guys going?
Copy !req
71. I'm your...
Copy !req
72. king!
Copy !req
73. Well, that was fun, I guess.
Copy !req
74. Oh, yeah, I still got to get
some food for my tum-tum.
Copy !req
75. Sorry, goose, I'm all out.
No more sandwich, see?
Copy !req
76. I said I'm all out of food,
Mr. Goose.
Copy !req
77. That's all I got!
Copy !req
78. Now see you later!
Copy !req
79. Ha, ha, okay.
Copy !req
80. Fun's over.
Copy !req
81. Whoo! I love sports!
That's great.
Copy !req
82. Oh, my gosh, it's gonna get me!
Copy !req
83. Pull yourself together, kiddo.
Copy !req
84. It's just a goose.
Copy !req
85. There's nothing spooky
about a goose.
Copy !req
86. Just... a regular old—
Copy !req
87. Aah!
Copy !req
88. Whew! Just an old lady's nose.
Copy !req
89. Higher! Whee!
Copy !req
90. Whew!
Just squeaky swings.
Copy !req
91. Whew, that's a goose,
Copy !req
92. but it's a different goose.
Copy !req
93. Huh! Well, looks like I was
worried for no reason.
Copy !req
94. Aah!
Copy !req
95. Ow!
Copy !req
96. Help!
Copy !req
97. Goose, goose, goose, goose,
goose, goose, goose, goose!
Copy !req
98. Look out for the goose!
Copy !req
99. Goose! Goose, goose, goose.
Copy !req
100. Goose, goose, goose!
Copy !req
101. Hey, there goes the—
Copy !req
102. With the—
And he's...
Copy !req
103. Whoa!
Copy !req
104. You blew our cover, tum-tum.
Copy !req
105. Don't you take another step!
Copy !req
106. Fine! You win, goose.
Copy !req
107. I'm tired of running
away from you.
Copy !req
108. What do you want from me?
What do you want from me?
Copy !req
109. Oh, I get it. You were just
looking for your friends!
Copy !req
110. Well, goodbye, goose!
Copy !req
111. And you,
you little troublemaker,
Copy !req
112. we're gonna get you
some food pronto!
Copy !req
113. Actually,
you know what's funny?
Copy !req
114. It was probably just that thing,
when you're walking around,
Copy !req
115. and you keep bumping into
the same person.
Copy !req
116. And it's just by accident,
and you're like:
Copy !req
117. "Oh, why do I keep
bumping into you?"
Copy !req
118. And they're like,
"I don't know."
Copy !req
119. And you really just
have to laugh about it.
Copy !req
120. Oh, my gosh!
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